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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of X-Irradiation on Water and Ion Flux in Isolated Roots

Wall, Malcolm J. 01 1900 (has links)
Due to the relatively small amount of work concerning radiation, it was thought feasible to use ionizing radiation as a tool to study the relationship between water and salt flux in isolated root systems. Moreover, the more quantitative potometric method lends itself well to such a study, since the two processes can be followed simultaneously. the aims of this study, therefore, were 1) to determine effects of X-irradiation on water, calcium and potassium flux in excised onion roots; 2) to determine the dose levels required for producing permeability changes; 3) to investigate the nature of radiation damage to root systems; and 4) to attempt to shed light on the relation between water transport and ion movement in root systems.

Operating correction factor of PV system : Effects of temperature, angle of incidence and invertor in PV system performance

Lopez Ramirez, Izar January 2017 (has links)
In this project, the correction factor of different solar panels of the laboratory of the University of Gävle, located in Sweden, is going to evaluated. The solar modules’working conditions are different from the ones used to test them in the laboratory. In the laboratory. the output energy of the modules is less than in working conditions,and therefore a correction factor is going to be calculated from the data collected, inorder to describe the factors that affect the performance of the solar modules.Also, the obtained correction factor validity for different PV systems it is going to be examined, determining which system has a better correction factor and the energy losses due to temperature, angle of incidence and micro invertor.

Cluster formation in irradiated metals

Stathopoulos, A. Y. January 1977 (has links)
No description available.

Irradiation effects on Fe-Cr alloys

Hu, Rong January 2012 (has links)
Ferritic chromium steels are important structural materials for future nuclear fission and fusion reactors due to their advantages over traditional austenitic steels, including low swelling rates, better thermal fatigue resistance, and lower thermal expansion coefficients. Radiation-induced segregation or depletion (RIS/RID) of solute atoms at grain boundaries is considered to be a potentially significant phenomenon for structural materials because of its potentially detrimental role in affecting microstructure and furthermore mechanical properties. However, the behaviour of Cr at grain boundaries in ferritic steels is not well understood. Both segregation and depletion of Cr at grain boundary under irradiation have been previously observed and no clear dependency on irradiation condition or alloy type has been presented. Furthermore, ferritic alloys are known to undergo hardening and embrittlement after thermal aging in the temperature range of 300-550DC and this phenomenon is related with a and a' phase separation occurring in the solid solution. However the low temperature a-a' miscibility gap in the currently used phase diagram is extrapolated from high temperature results and conflicts with many experimental observations. To understand the Cr behaviour at gram boundaries in ferritic steels under irradiation, a systematic approach combining SEM/EBSD, FIB specimen preparation and APT analysis has been developed and successfully applied to a Fe- 15.2at%Cr to investigate the effect of pre-irradiation chemistry, grain boundary misorientation, impurities, irradiation damage, irradiation depth, and other possible factors to get a better understanding of RIS/RID phenomena. Both low sigma boundaries and randomly selected high angle boundaries have been investigated in detail. Systematic differences between the behaviour of different classes of boundaries had been observed, and the operating mechanisms are also discussed in this thesis. The maximum separation method has been applied on APT data to study the C- enriched clusters and Cr-enriched clusters, which were not directly visible on the atom maps. The composition of the Cr-enriched clusters was consistent with a' phase and the irradiation was found to accelerate the nucleation rather than the growth of these clusters. Such results provided important information in re- determining the a-a' phase boundary.

Aplicação da radiação gama para incorporação do pó de borracha em formulações de borracha EPDM e nitrílica / Application of gamma irradiation for incorporation of rubber powder in the formulations EPDM and NBR rubber

Kiyan, Ludmila de Ysasa Pozzo 25 July 2014 (has links)
A decomposição natural da borracha é muito lenta, devido às suas estruturas vulcanizadas serem extremamente reticuladas formando uma rede tridimensional, tornando o reprocessamento desse material extremamente difícil. O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo o estudo da aplicação da radiação gama como forma de desvulcanização para a reciclagem/reaproveitamento. Foi avaliada a interação de elastômeros com a radiação ionizante de fonte gama investigando-se as alterações nas propriedades físico-químicas dos materiais. Foram utilizadas formulações de borracha NBR (copolímero de Acrilonitrila-Butadieno) e EPDM (terpolímero etileno-propileno-dieno), provenientes da indústria de borracha, reticuladas por mistura convencional à base de enxofre. Foram preparados master-batch com pó de borracha (refugo industrial) e borracha virgem. O material processado (master-batch) foi irradiado em fonte de 60Co nas doses de 50, 100, 150 kGy e taxa de dose de 5 kGy h-1, à temperatura ambiente. O material irradiado foi incorporado nas formulações clássicas à base de enxofre. As formulações foram caracterizadas por: espectroscopia no infravermelho (FTIR), análise térmica (TG e DTG), tensão na ruptura, alongamento na ruptura, dureza, resistência à abrasão, reometria e inchamento. Os resultados mostraram uma predominância de cisão de cadeia na dose de 50 kGy para a borracha EPDM. Para a borracha nitrílica foi observada a predominância de cisão de cadeia na dose de 100 kGy. Estes resultados mostram a possibilidade do uso da radiação gama para o reaproveitamento/reciclagem das borrachas EPDM e nitrílica. / The natural decomposition of rubber is a very slow process due to its three-dimensional network formed by vulcanized crosslinked structures becoming extremely difficult to reprocess this material. The present work aims to study the application of gamma irradiation as devulcanization process for material reuse/recycling. The interactions of elastomers with ionizing radiation of a gamma source were investigated and the changes in physicochemical properties of the materials were evaluated. Formulations of NBR (acrylonitrile - butadiene) and EPDM (ethylene - propylene - diene terpolymer) from the rubber industry were crosslinked by conventional sulfur-based mixing. Master - batch was processed with rubber powder (industrial waste) and virgin rubber. The raw material (master batch) was irradiated in 60Co source at doses of 50, 100, 150 kGy and dose rate of 5 kGy h-1 at room temperature. The irradiated material was incorporated in classical sulfur-based formulations. The formulations were characterized by: infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermal analysis (TG and DTG), tensile strength, elongation at break, hardness, abrasion resistance, rheometry and swelling. The results showed a predominance of chain scission at a dose of 50 kGy for EPDM rubber. For nitrile predominance of chain scission was observed at a dose of 100 kGy. These results show the possibility of the use of gamma radiation for the reuse/recycling of EPDM and nitrile rubbers.

Efeitos da radiação gama do cobalto-60 em semente de café arábica e conillon: avaliação físico-química / Effects of gamma radiation of Cobalt-60 on arabica and conillon seed coffea: physic-chemistry evaluation

Silva, Marcus Henriques da 05 October 2012 (has links)
O Brasil é o maior produtor e exportador de café do mundo. O café em grãos é um dos principais produtos da balança comercial brasileira. Duas espécies de café são as mais importantes economicamente: o Coffea arabica L. e Coffea canephora Pierre sendo o maior representante do Coffea canephora Pierre o conillon. A irradiação de alimentos é uma área de pesquisa que tem por objetivo aumentar a vida útil de prateleira dos alimentos e controlar as pragas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar se as variáveis físico-químicas do café arábica e conillon foram afetadas quando submetidas à doses de radiação gama do Cobalto-60. As amostras foram cedidas pelo Polo de Tecnologia em Qualidade do Café da Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA. As amostras de café foram submetidas à irradiação com doses de: 0 (testemunha), 5 kGy e 10 kGy, em um irradiador multiproposito do IPEN - Instituto de Pesquisas Energética e Nucleares da Universidade de São Paulo, sob uma taxa de 7,5 kGy/hora. Para a irradiação as amostras foram embaladas a vácuo em embalagens aluminizadas apropriadas. Após o processo de irradiação as amostras foram armazenadas a uma temperatura de 15 ± 1ºC e umidade relativa de 17 ± 1%. Foram realizadas as seguintes análises: teores de açucares totais, glicose, sacarose, cafeína, umidade, pH, acidez total titulável, fibras e condutividade elétrica. As análises foram realizadas 1, 30, 60 e 90 dias após a irradiação e os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5%. Observou-se que os resultados das análises das amostras irradiadas com doses de 5 kGy e 10 kGy apresentaram valores semelhantes ao da testemunha. Foi concluído que a irradiação não induziu efeitos deletérios nas sementes de café arábica e conillon irradiados com 5 kGy e 10 kGy até 90 dias após a irradiação / Brazil is the largest producer and exporter of coffee in the world. The coffee bean is one of the main products of the Brazilian trade balance. Two species of coffee are the most economically important: the Coffea arabica L. and Coffea canephora Pierre is the largest representative of the Coffea canephora Pierre is the coffea conillon. Food irradiation is an area of research that aims to increase the shelf life of foods and controlling pests. This study aimed to verify the physicochemical variables of Arabica coffee and conillon were affected when exposed to doses of gamma radiation from cobalt-60. The samples were provided by Polo in Coffee Quality Technology, Federal University of Lavras - UFLA. The coffee samples were subjected to irradiation doses: 0 (control), 5 kGy and 10 kGy, a multipurpose irradiator of IPEN - Research Institute of Nuclear Energy and the University of São Paulo, at a rate of 7.5 kGy / hour. For irradiation the samples were vacuum-packed in appropriate packaging aluminised. After the process of irradiation the samples were stored at a temperature of 15 ± 1 º C and relative humidity of 17 ± 1%. The following analyzes were performed: levels of total sugars, glucose, sucrose, caffeine, humidity, pH, total acidity, electrical conductivity and fibers. Analyses were performed 1, 30, 60 and 90 days after irradiation, and the results were submitted to analysis of variance and means were compared by Tukey test at 5%. It was observed that the analysis results of the samples irradiated with 5 kGy and 10 kGy showed values similar to the control. It was concluded that irradiation did not induce deleterious effects on arabica coffee seeds and conillon irradiated with 5 kGy and 10 kGy to 90 days after irradiation

Avaliação do comportamento reológico e das propriedades sensoriais de molhos comerciais para salada tratados por irradiação / Evaluation of rheological behavior and sensory properties of ready to eat salad dressings submitted to irradiation

Gallo, Juliana Maria Altavista Sagretti 27 February 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho avaliou-se o comportamento reológico dos 11 molhos comerciais para salada, tratados pelo processo de irradiação por raios gama, nas doses: 3 kGy e 5 kGy. Essa avaliação foi realizada por meio de reogramas traçados por medidas de viscosidade e tensão de cisalhamento por taxa de cisalhamento. Parâmetros matemáticos, obtidos destas medidas, também contribuiram para a conclusão do comportamento apresentado e do melhor modelo matemático aplicável a cada molho. As medidas foram realizadas em um viscosímetro de Brookfield modelo LVDV III. O banho térmico Neslab foi empregado para manter a tempertura ambiente durante toda a análise. Realizou-se o protocolo de estudo em duas fases. Na fase 1, a avaliação ocorreu logo após as amostras terem sido irradiadas, as quais se encontravam próximas a suas datas de fabricação. Na fase 2 as amostras foram reavalidas após um período de armazenamento, próximo a data de expiração de suas validades. Paralelamente realizou-se medida de pH para avaliar sua estabilidade diante dos tratamentos e análises sensoriais, de dois dos onze molhos estudados, a fim de verificar a aceitação desses diante da irradiação. O comportamento pseudoplástico foi confirmado para todos os molhos através do modelo matemático, da lei da potência, que melhor se aplica a este, nas duas fases das análises. A irradiação, nas doses absorvidas estudadas, não influênciou nesse comportamento. Os resultados da análise sensorial indicaram boa aceitação dos molhos irradiados, pelos provadores. / This study evaluated the rheological behavior of 11 salad dressings ready to eat, processed by gamma irradiation, at doses: 3 kGy and 5 kGy. This assessment was made by rheograms traced by measurements of viscosity and shear stress by shear rate. Mathematical parameters obtained from these measures also contributed to the conclusion of the behavior exhibited and for choosing the best mathematical model applicable to them. The measurements were performed on a Brookfield viscometer Model LVDV - III. The Neslab thermal bath was used to maintain ambient temperature during the whole analysis. This study protocol was done in two stages. In step 1, the evaluation was performed soon after the samples have been irradiated when these were close to their dates of manufacture. In phase 2 the samples were reassessed after a period of storage, near the expiration date of their validity. Simultaneously pH measurement was performed to evaluate their stability in the face of treatment and sensory analyzes of two salad dressings were studied, in order to verify the acceptance of these when submitted to irradiation. The shear-thinning behavior was confirmed for all dressings through the mathematical model, the power law, that best model apply to this, in both phases. The irradiation at the absorbed doses studied did not influence this behavior. The results of sensory evaluation indicated good acceptance of irradiated sauces for the tasters.

Uso da Radiação ionizante  em polímeros de embalagens: conhecimento social: uma análise qualitativa / Use of ionizing radiation in polymer packaging: social knowledge: a qualitative analysis

Andrade, Wanderlei 15 March 2011 (has links)
O propósito deste estudo foi investigar o conhecimento de segmentos da população (constituídos por leigos, por estudantes e profissionais de áreas com possíveis aplicações da radioatividade) em relação aos benefícios da radiação ionizante sobre polímeros de embalagens para alimentos. As questões básicas aqui levantadas foram idealizadas para que suas respostas fornecessem parâmetros de análise para se afirmar ou negar que a população, de um modo geral, desconhece radioatividade e sua aplicação no campo dos alimentos e não se mostra preparada para mudar seus paradigmas, arraigados por impressões que persistem fortes de acidentes nucleares noticiados principalmente em mídia televisiva. Este estudo qualitativo é fundamentado por Bachelard (1996), que avulta a necessidade de uma preparação muito bem estruturada quando se quer extrair as verdades de classes que insistem, por vergonha de seu não-saber, em falsear respostas que, se sinceras, poderiam indicar importantes caminhos a se seguir pelo campo educacional para que se mudassem as características tão conhecidas neste país de um conhecimento de senso comum que ficou pouco ou nada científico. Portanto, este trabalho está norteado por um veio acadêmico que mostra, em seus objetos de pesquisa, elementos (questionários e entrevistas) necessários para que se possa conhecer a verdadeira opinião das pessoas frente à radioatividade. Infelizmente, as repostas não são animadoras, mostrando que há um grande desconhecimento mesmo dos profissionais, sobre o tema. Finalmente, o objetivo maior deste trabalho de pesquisa não foi somente uma investigação, mas a elucidação da necessidade de serem iniciadas ações educacionais que mudem a realidade que hoje se desenha neste país e que, somente com essa mudança, poderá haver, satisfatoriamente, pelo apoio e aceitação social, avanços significativos na área de tecnologia nuclear. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the level of knowledge of parts the population (represented by layman and students, and professionals who work in areas with possible applications of radioactivity) related to the benefits of ionizing radiation on polymer packaging foodstuff. The basic questions raised here were intended to prompt answers that could supply parameters of analysis to confirm or to deny that the population in general ignore radioactivity and its applications in the field of foodstuff, besides not appear to be prepared to shift its paradigms, deep-rooted by impressions that remain strong, which are fed by occurrences of nuclear accidents broadcast mainly through the television media. This qualitative study is grounded by Bachelard (1996), who emphasize the need of a well structured preparation when the aim is to extract the truths from classes that insist, for being shame of not knowing, in misrepresent answers, which otherwise sincere, could point important ways to be followed along by the education field to change well-known characteristics in this field of a knowledge, based on a common sense that became slightly or no scientific at all. Therefore, this work is guided by an academic bias that shows, in its objects of research, elements (questionnaire and interviews) necessary to find out the true beliefs of people on the radioactivity. Unfortunately the answers are not encouraging, showing that there is a huge unknowing, even from professionals, about the theme. Finally the major goal of this research has not been only an investigation, but the elucidation of the need to give start to educational actions that could change the reality that is drawn in this country today and, only through this change, it is possible to reach in a satisfactory level a breakthrough in the nuclear technology field though social support and acceptation.

Efeitos da irradiação no aspecto nutricional e químico de carnes / Effects of the irradiation in the nutritional and chemical aspect of meats

Souza, Adriana Régia Marques de 17 December 2007 (has links)
As diferentes técnicas de conservação de alimentos são muito importantes para a extensão da vida de prateleira e oferecimento de produtos alimentícios para a população mundial. Uma dessas técnicas é a irradiação, que além de estender a shelf life dos produtos ainda os torna seguros do ponto de vista microbiológico. Com o objetivo de avaliar sua influência na qualidade nutricional e química de carnes, esse trabalho analisou diferentes doses de radiação gama e diferentes cortes cárneos (cordeiro e frango). Estudos sobre o efeito da irradiação e do armazenamento em carnes de frango foram realizados para se conhecer melhor sua influência nos teores de ferro heme, não-heme, cor e pigmentos totais. Foram estudados coxa e filé de peito de frango. Estes foram irradiados a 0, 1 e 2 kGy e armazenados por 14 dias a 4 °C em câmara refrigerada. Os valores de ferro heme e não heme foram influenciados tanto pela irradiação quanto pelo armazenamento, diminuindo e aumentando, respectivamente, seus teores com o passar do tempo. A cor não se mostrou influenciada pelas doses estudadas, somente pela estocagem, e os pigmentos totais foram afetados tanto pela irradiação quanto pelo tempo, diminuindo seus valores com o aumento do tempo de armazenamento. Amostras de carne de cordeiro tratados com diferentes dietas foram irradiadas nas doses 0 (controle), 2 e 4 kGy, e armazenados a 4ºC por 15 dias. Os valores de ferro total e ferro heme, colesterol e substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS) foram medidos até 15 dias de armazenamento. O armazenamento diminuiu os teores de ferro total e ferro heme. As dietas afetaram os níveis de ferro total e heme da carne, sendo que a dieta com sorgo foi a que apresentou maiores teores. A dose de 2 kGy foi a dose que mais afetou os valores de ferro independente dos tempos de armazenamento. Foi constatado que os teores de ferro total e heme, variaram em função do tempo de armazenamento, doses de irradiação e das dietas fornecidas aos cordeiros. Os valores de TBARS aumentaram com o armazenamento e com a irradiação, indicando que ambos afetam a oxidação lipídica. As taxas de colesterol diminuíram com o armazenamento, porém aumentaram com a dose de 2 kGy para o segundo tempo de estocagem. A dieta também influenciou nos teores de TBARS e de colesterol da carne de cordeiros. A dieta controle foi a que apresentou valores de TBARS menores, independentemente das doses de radiação e do tempo de armazenamento. O colesterol se mostrou mais influenciável pelo tempo de armazenamento do que pelas doses de radiação e dietas estudadas. De maneira geral a irradiação se mostrou um bom método para manutenção dos valores nutricionais da carne e do colesterol, porém para os valores de TBARS o comportamento encontrado foi semelhante à outras técnicas de conservação / The different techniques of conservation of foods are very important for the extension of the shelf life and offer of nutritional products for the world population. One of those techniques is the irradiation, that still turns them besides extending the shelf life of the products safe of the point of view microbiologic. With the objective of evaluating influence in the nutritional and chemical quality of meats, that research analyzed different radiation doses and cuts meat (lamb and chicken). Studies on the effect of the irradiation and storage in chicken meats were accomplished to know influence better in the amount of iron heme, no-heme, color and total pigments. They were studied thigh and filet of chicken chest. These were irradiated to 0, 1 and 2 kGy and stored by 14 days to 4 °C in refrigerated. The values of iron heme and no heme were influenced so much by the irradiation as for the storage, decreasing and increasing, respectively, their amount in the several times. The color was not shown influenced by the studied doses, only for the stockpiling, and the total pigments were affected so much for the irradiation as for the time, reducing their values with the increase of the time of storage. Lamb samples treated with different diets were irradiated in the doses 0 (controls), 2 and 4 kGy, and stored to 4ºC by 15 days. The values of total iron and iron heme, cholesterol and substances reactivate to the acid tiobarbituric (TBARS) they were measured up to 15 days of storage. The storage reduced the amount of total iron and iron heme. The diets affected the concentration of total and heme iron of the meat, and the diet with sorghum was the one that presented larger concentration. The dose of 2 kGy was the dose that more affected the values of independent iron of the times of storage. It was verified that the amount of total iron and heme, varied in function of the time of storage, irradiation doses and of the diets supplied the lambs. The values of TBARS increased with the storage and with the irradiation, indicating that both affect the oxidation lipidic. The cholesterol amount decreased with the storage, however they increased with the dose of 2 kGy for the second time of storage. The diet also influenced in the amount of TBARS and of cholesterol of the meat of lambs. The diet control was the one that presented values of smaller TBARS, independently of the radiation doses and of the time of storage. The cholesterol was shown more effect for the time of storage than for the radiation doses and studied diets. In a general way the irradiation a good method was shown for maintenance of the nutritional values of the meat and of the cholesterol, however for the values of TBARS the found behavior was similar to other conservation techniques.

Influência de diferentes doses de radiação gama (Cobalto60) em sementes de soja Glycine max (L.) visando aumento de produtividade / Influence of different doses of gamma radiation (Cobalt60) in soybean Glycine max (L.) aiming the increase in the productivity

Franco, José Gilmar 18 May 2018 (has links)
A cultura da soja possui enorme importância econômica mundial e particularmente para o Brasil. Existem várias pesquisas voltadas para o aumento de produtividade e qualidade desta cultura, como melhoramento e alterações genéticas de cultivares. Vários trabalhos vêm demonstrando que a irradiação ionizante pode aumentar a produção de plantas, surgindo assim como um método alternativo para aumentar a produção de culturas de importância econômica. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar várias doses de irradiação ionizante, variando desde 10 Gy até 150 Gy, visando observar qual delas poderia desenvolver características benéficas, como aumento de produtividade e da qualidade do óleo. O trabalho foi desenvolvido durante três anos, sendo parte dele no campo e outra parte em casa de vegetação. Também foi avaliado o potencial genotóxico e a qualidade do óleo dos grãos produzido por indivíduos provenientes destas sementes irradiadas. No campo observou-se vários parâmetros com relação a planta, sendo que nenhum destes parâmetros apresentou diferenças significativas conforme o teste estatístico aplicado. Já com relação ao aumento de produtividade podemos concluir que houve diferença significativa entre os valores de produtividade da testemunha e das parcelas irradiadas com dose de 25 Gy, com aumento de 97,97%. Em ambiente protegido foram avaliados os efeitos de estimulação da radiação sobre a germinação e produção, sendo que os resultados indicaram que os tratamentos com doses de 12,5; 25; 50 e 75 Gy apresentaram diferença estatística significativa quando comparado a outros tratamentos, mas entre si os valores foram semelhantes. Na determinação do potencial genotóxico, avaliado pelo método do teste com Allium cepa, as amostras de óleo de soja provenientes de sementes irradiadas não apresentaram atividade genotóxico e citotóxica. Também pode-se concluir que o óleo obtido de sementes de indivíduos provenientes de sementes irradiadas, não apresentam diferença em comparação ao óleo obtido de sementes de indivíduos não irradiadas, onde foi possível comparar os valores dos índices referentes a acidez, saponificação, refração e índice de iodo, além da comprovação também de que estas doses positivas geram produtos limpos e livres de características depreciativas. / Soybean cultivation is of great economic importance worldwide and particularly for Brazil. There are several researches aimed at increasing productivity and quality of this crop, such as breeding and genetic changes of cultivars. Several studies have shown that ionizing irradiation can increase plant production, thus emerging as an alternative method to increase the production of economically important crops. The objective of this study was to test several doses of ionizing radiation, varying from 10 Gy to 150 Gy, in order to observe which of them could develop beneficial characteristics, such as increased in productivity and oil quality. The work was developed during three years, being part of them in the field and another part in greenhouse. The genotoxic potential and the oil quality of the grains produced by individuals from these irradiated seeds were also evaluated. In the field several parameters related to the plant development were observed, and none of these parameters presented significant differences according to the statistical tests applied. Regarding the increase in productivity, we can conclude that there was a significant difference between the values of yield of the control and the irradiated seeds with dose of 25 Gy, with an increase of 97.97%. In the protected environment, the effects of radiation stimulation on germination and production were evaluated, and the results indicated that the treatments with doses of 12.5; 25; 50 and 75 Gy presented a statistically significant difference when compared to other treatments, but among them the values were similar. In the determination of the genotoxic potential, evaluated by the A. cepa test, soybean oil samples from irradiated seeds showed no genotoxic nor cytotoxic activity. It is also possible to conclude that the oil obtained from irradiated seeds individuals did not present a difference compared to oil obtained from seeds of non-irradiated individuals, where it was possible to compare the values of the indexes referring to acidity, saponification, refraction and iodine rate, in addition to the proof that these positive doses generated clean products free of genotoxic characteristics.

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