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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Slavery and the Concept of Man in the Qur'an.

Odoom, Kobina Osam. January 1965 (has links)
In the following pages an attempt is made to demonstrate how the system of slavery fits into the concept of man in the Qur'an. This thesis is an humble attempt to clarify the Qur'anic position on slavery which has often been misinterpreted or misunderstood by modern Muslim writers. Modern men have an aversion towards some of the social practices of ancient times, one of which is slavery. [...]

the Pondok-Pesantren: an Account of its Development in Independent Indonesia (1965-73).

Dasuki, Abdul Hafizh. January 1974 (has links)
The pondok-pesantren is an Islamic educational institution which plays an important role in Indonesia. Being the earliest such institution, it has an effect on the educational field in the Archipelago. It is considered that pondok-pesantren is the leading Islamic educational institution, and it is still in operation. It can be characterized into two types. The first, is the purely traditional, which does not adapt any modern educational theories. The second is the modern, which teaches arithmetic, the reading of Latin script, and foreign languages. Both institutions emphasize religious education. / Le pondok-pesantren est une institution d'enseignement qui jou un rôle important en Indonésie. Comme l'institution la plus ancienne de tel genre, le pondok-pesantren a eu son effet sur le champ de l'enseignement dans l'Archipelago. Le pondok-pesantren est consideré comme l'institution dominante de l'enseignement îslamique et est encore en operation. Il peut être caracterisé en deux types. Le premier est le purement traditionel qui ne s'adopte à aucune théorie moderne de l'enseignement. Le second est le moderne qui enseigne l'arithmétique, la lecture en écriture Latine et les langues étrangères. Les deux institutions mettent l'accent sur l'enseignement religieux.

Re-examining the Role of Islam and South Asian Culture in the Public Discourse of Forced Marriage in the UK.

Hosain, Sheema. January 2006 (has links)
In the late 1990's, various British news agencies reported cases of British-born South Asian Muslim women who forced into marriages. In 2000, the UK govemment produced a study that determined there were 400 British cases of "forced marriages" reported to UK police in a two year period. In response to these findings, the UK government launched an educational prevention campaign, in which they defined forced marriage as "a marriage conducted without the valid consent of both parties". l argue that, while the aim of the UK government's campaign is to promote the right of choice in marriage, they do not critically examine legal, religious, political and economic issues that may limit the ability of some British South Asian Muslim women to exercise that right. This study examines these issues to develop a better understanding of the link between culture, religion and forced marriage in certain British South Asian Muslim families. / Vers la fin des années 90, des diverses agences de nouvelles britanniques ont averti des cas des femmes musulmanes asiatiques du sud britannique qui ont été forcées dans des mariages. En 2000, le gouvernement brittanique a fourni un rapport qui vérifie 400 cas "des mariages obligatoires" rapportés à la police brittanique pendant un période de deux ans. En réponse à ces résultats, le gouvernement brittanique a lancé une campagne éducative d'empêchement, dans laquelle ils ont défini le mariage obligatoire comme "mariage conduit sans consentement valide des deux parties". Je dispute du fait que, alors que le but de la campagne du gouvernement brittanique est de favoriser la droite du choix dans le mariage, ils n'examinent pas les problèmes légales, religieuses, politiques et économiques qui peuvent limiter la capacité de quelques femmes musulmanes asiatiques du sud britanniques d'exercer cela bien. Cette étude examine ces problèmes pour améliorer le lien entre la culture, la religion et le mariage obligatoire dans certaines familles musulmanes asiatiques du sud britanniques.

the Path of Subud: a Study of 20th Century Javanese Mysticism Founded by Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjoja.

Kafrawi. January 1969 (has links)
This thesis examines the origins, nature, and characteristics of the Subud mystical order which is an expression of Javanese Red (abangan) Muslim mysticism. It presents material on the life of the founder, on the religious background of the order, and presents the doctrines, practices, and forms of organization peculiar to the order.

the "Sphere of Walayah": Isma'ili Ta'wil in Practice According to al-Mu'ayyad (d.ca. 1078 C.E.)

Alexandrin, Elizabeth R. January 2006 (has links)
In his collection of lectures, the Majâlis al-Mu'ayyadiyyah, al-Mu'ayyad fi al-Dïn al-Shïrâzï's (d.ca. 1078 C.E.) typologies of the imam set forth a distinctive concept of the Ismâ'ïlï imam, as it subsequently results from al-Mu'ayyad's engagement in the works of his predecessors and contemporaries in the Ismâ'ïlï missionary organization (da'wah). Al-Mu'ayyad's refutations against the "Exaggerators" (Ghulat) and the "Shortcomers" (Muqassirün) call attention to the importance of walayah as a doctrine of religious authority and guidance in the light of debates concerning the divinity or humanity of the figure of the imam in the mediaeval Shï'ï tradition. [...] / Dans son recueil de conférences connu sous le titre de Majalis al-Mu'ayyadiyyah,al-Mu'ayyad fi al-Din al-Shïrâzï (m. ca. 1078 de l'ère commune) établit une typologie de l'imam qui révèle une approche originale à l'imamologie ismaélienne. Cette vision particulière du rôle de l'imam s'explique par la volonté qu'avait al-Mu'ayyad de perfectionner la doctrine de ses prédécesseurs et de ses contemporains actifs au sein de la convocation ismaélienne (da'wah). La critique que fait al-Mu'ayyad des "Maximalistes" (Ghulat) et des "Minimalistes" (Muqassirun) souligne l'importance de la walayah comme doctrine d'autorité et de bonne direction religieuse dans les débats concernant la divinité ou l'humanité de l'imam dans la tradition médiévale chiite. [...]

Tunisia and the Arab League (1956-1966).

Brown, Stuart E. January 1969 (has links)
Since the time of the Arab conquest of North Africa, Tunisia has been involved in the broad context of the Arab world. After its achievement of independence in 1956, however, it played a minimal role in the affairs of the Arab League until 1961, when the League gave Tunisia its full support during the confrontation with France over Banzart (Bizerta). Tunisia reverted to a passive role in 1965 when President Bürqiba's proposed solution to the Palestine problem was emphatically rejected by most other Arab leaders. In the months following the six days' war of June 1967, however, Tunisia resumed activity in the League. The main factors affecting Tunisia's behavior have been a mistrust of Egyptian leadership and intentions, a strong regional loyalty to the idea of a united Maghrib and an aloof pragmatism on the Palestine question, which contrasts with the emotional commitment of Mashriqi Arabs.

Musaylimah: an Anthropological Appraisal.

Eickelman, Dale F. January 1967 (has links)
No description available.

the Islamic Development Bank: Its Origins, Purposes, Functions and Operations, 1975-83.

Enazy, A.H. January 1986 (has links)
The study attempts to determine the extent which the financing activities of the Islamic Development Bank conform with the Is1amic principles of finance and banking, as expressed in the provisions of its charter. The analysis of these activities focuses on the modes of financing adopted by the lDB to promote social and economic progress in member countries in line with Islamic tenets. In order to present a sound analysis of the IDB's operations, the origins of these modes of financing are traced to the Islamic critique of the concept of riba or interest. / L'étude tente de déterminer dans quelle mesure les activités financières de la Banque Islamique de Développement se conforment aux principes islamiques, énoncés par les dispositions de sa charte, qui régissent les systèmes financiers et banquiers. L'analyse de ces activités se concentre sur les méthodes financières adoptées par la BID pour promouvoir le progrès social et économique des états-membres conformément aux principes islamiques. Pour pouvoir présenter une analyse sérieuse des opérations de la BID, il est nécessaire de se référer à la définition islamique critique du concept de riba ou intérêt pour expliquer l'origine de ces méthodes financières.

Shi'ism and Constitutionalism: a Study of the Life and Views of Mirza Muhammad Husayn Na'ini, a Shi'i Mujtahid of Iran.

Hairi, Abdul-Hadi. January 1973 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the position of the Persian 'ulama toward the idea of constitutionalism and the Persian Constitutional Revolution of 1906, as exemplified in the life and political thought of Mirza Muhammad Husayn Na'inî (1860-1936). By studying Nâ'ïni's discussion of tyranny and the principles of democracy, we learn to what extent the 'ulama were aware of democracy and to what extent they were prepared to make concessions to modernity. / Le but de cet ouvrage est d'examiner la position du clergé Chi'i vis-à-vis du concept de la constitution et la Révolution constitutionnelle persane de 1906, comme il est illustré dans la vis et la pensée politique de Mirza Muhammad Husayn Na'ïnî (1860-1936). Les discussions de Na'ini de l'idée de tyrannie et des principes démocratiques, nous permettent de voire comment les 'ulama ont compris la démocratie, et ainsi jusque à quel point ils étaient prêts à faire des concessions à la modernité.

the Place of Reason in 'Abduh's Theology: Its Impact on his Theological System and Views.

Nasution, Harun. January 1968 (has links)
Reason is an important focus-word in 'Abduh's world-view and has a great influence on his theological system and views. Because of his position of ascribing great powers to reason and limited functions to revelation, his system and views are in glaring contradiction with those of the Ash'ariyah who have a distrust in the power of reason and great reliance on revelation. His system and views, on the other hand, greatly resemble those of the Mu'tazilah who have been well-known for their high appreciation of the power of reason and little reliance on revelation. With those of the Maturidiyah in both their Samarqandi and Bukhara branches, who adopt an intermediate position pertaining to the power of reason and the function of revelation, 'Abduh's theological system and views have many disagreements. Contrary to the prevalent opinion 'Abduh is neither an Ash'ari, nor a Maturidi, nor an eclectic. He is rather a Mu'tazili.

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