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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Maritime archaeology and its publics in post-apartheid South Africa

Wares, Heather Lynne January 2013 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Since the end of apartheid and with that the construction of a new South Africa, archaeology has experienced what can be seen as a resurgence in the public domain. With the creation of a new nation imagined as existing since time immemorial, there has been an emergence of archaeological pasts providing evidence of a nation believed to have existed before apartheid and colonialism. Due to this resurgence of interest in the pre-apartheid and pre-colonial pasts, there has been a ballooning of research and exhibitions around paleontological finds, rock art sites and Iron Age sites indicative of early state formation. This has transported the nation back into what Tony Bennett has called 'pasts beyond memory'. Where mainstream archaeology focuses on sites which reflect a history outside of a colonial past, maritime archaeology has had difficulty. Being a discipline with its main object of focus being the shipwreck, it is difficult to unravel it from a colonial legacy. In an attempt to move away from these older notions of 'public' through the allure of the shipwreck, some maritime archaeologists have looked at different mechanisms, or what I call 'modes of representation', to construct new South African publics. Two such mechanisms are discussed in this thesis: the temporary exhibition of the Meermin Project, and the Nautical Archaeology Society courses on Robben Island. This is in contrast to the older Bredasdorp Shipwreck Museum, where I argue by using Greenblatt’s notion of 'resonance and wonder', that the wonder of the object salvaged is the central feature of the way it constructs its publics. This thesis discusses how a group of maritime archaeologists, located at Iziko Museums and the South African Heritage Resources Agency, attempted to construct new publics by locating resonance with its subject in an exhibition, and by making new archaeologists through a hands-on course.

The relationship between personality and employee engagement in a financial institution in South Africa / Ubudlelwano phakathi kobuntu kanye nendlela yokusebenzisana phakathi / Ulwalamano phakathi kobuyena bomqeshwa nokuthatha inxaxheba kwakhe

Thomas, Candace 29 July 2019 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Xhosa and Zulu / The purpose of the current study was to determine the relationship between personality and employee engagement (EE) within a financial institution in South Africa. A quantitative correlational research approach was utilised and random sampling from a population of 516 identified 200 participants for whom personality scores as measured by the Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ32r) already existed as secondary data. A sample of 124 employees responded to the request to participate in the study. The participants were subsequently requested to complete a self-compiled biographical questionnaire and an employee engagement questionnaire (EEQ) as the measurement of EE. Reliability scores obtained in the current study for the OPQ32r was 0.95 and for the EEQ 0.97 (both p ≤ 0.5), indicating acceptable internal consistency. Results indicated a statistically significant relationship between an Overall OPQ32r Score and an Overall EE Score of 0.186 (p ≤ 0.5), but only one of the three core personality domains measured by the OPQ32r, namely feelings and emotions, had a statistically significant relationship with an Overall EE Score and four of the six EE subdimensions of EE. Results also indicated that the three core personality domains as measured by the OPQ32r are a statistically significant predictor of EE, predicting 4% of the variance of EE (r2 = 0.04, F (3; 120) = 2.72, p ≤ 0.05). Although all relationships obtained in the current study were statistically significant, all had a weak effect size and were thus of limited practical significance, indicating limited practical usefulness. The limitations of this study were the small sample size utilised (n = 124) due to the utilisation of secondary data and a survey sent out concurrent to this study, impacting employees’ willingness to fill in an additional survey. The fact that this study was done in only one division of a financial institution in South Africa, made the generalisation of results to other organisations problematic. There were limited studies measuring personality utilising the OPQ32r while the EE studies utilised different assessments to measure the construct, complicating the comparison of results. As personality and EE are important constructs for Industrial and Organisational Psychology, it was also recommended that additional research be undertaken to increase the knowledge base regarding these two constructs. / Inhloso yesifundo socwaningo samanje kwaye kukuthola ubudlelwano obuphakathi kobuntu kanye nendlela yokusebenzisana phakathi kwesisebenzi kanye nenhlangano (EE) ngaphakathi kwenhlangano yezezimali eNingizimu Afrika. Kwasetshenziswa indlela yocwaningo eqhathanisa izinga lokusebenzisana kwezinto (quantitative correlational research approach) kanye nendlela yocwaningo i-random sampling kwinani lonke labantu abayi 516 abakhethwe kwi-200 labadlalindima abahlolwe izinga lobuntu obulinganiswe ngokusebenzisa Umbhalo weMibuzo emayelana noBuntu (Occupational Personality Questionnaire) (OPQ32r) okuwulwazi olukade luvele lugcinwe njengedatha yesigaba sesibili. Isampuli yabasebenzi abayi-124 iphendule ngokuthi ivume ukuzibandakanye kucwaningo. Ngemuva kwalokho abadlalindima baye bacelwa ukuba bagcwalise umbhalo wemibuzo ebuza ngempilo yomuntu kanye nombhalo wemibuzo ebhekiswe kuhlobo lobudlelwano obuphakathi kwesisebenzi kanye nenhlangano (EEQ), lokhu kusetshenziswe njengophawu lokulinganisa izinga lokusebenzisana phakathi kwesisebenzi kanye nenhlangano (EE). Amaphuzu akhombisa ukwethembeka atholwe kucwaningo lwamanje kwi-OPQ32r ayekhombisa inani le 0.95 kanye ne EEQ 0.97 (zombili lezi zinto i-p ≤ 0.5), zikhombisa izinga lokungashintshi kwezinto ngaphakathi. Imiphumela yamanani iye yaveza ubudlelwano obuhle kakhulu phakathi kwamaPhuzu onke e-OPQ32r kanye namaPhuzu onke e- 186 (p ≤ 0.5), kodwa-ke uwodwa kuphela umkhakha obalulekile kwezobuntu emikhakheni emithathu elinganiswe nge-OPQ32r, yona yimizwa kanye nommoya, lezi zimpawu zinobudlelwano bamanani obubaluleke kakhulu obukhombisa Amaphuzu onke kanye nezigatshana ezine kwizigatshana eziyisithupha ze-EE. Imiphumela nayo ikhombise ukuthi imikhakha ebalulekile yobuntu njengoba ilinganiswa nge-OPQ32r ngokwamanani iyisibikezeli esisemqoka kakhulu se-EE, ibikezele 4% yezinga lokwehluka kwi-EE (r2 = 0.04, F (3; 120) = 2.72, p ≤ 0.05). Yize zonke izinhlobo zobudlelwano ezitholakele kwisifundo socwaningo samanje ngokwamanani sasibalulekile, kodwa zonke lezi zinhlobo zobudlelwano zonke zikhombise ukuba nomthelela ongenamandla kanti ngokunjalo ubumqoka bazo obuphathekayo buncane kakhulu, bukhombisa izinga elincane lokusebenziseka ngendlela ephathekayo. Imingcele yalolu cwaningo kuye kwasetshenziswa amasampuli amancane (n = 124) ngenxa yokusetshenziswa kwedatha yesigaba sesibili kanye nesaveyi ethunyelwe kanye kanye kulolu cwaningo, iye yaba nomthelela kwizinga lesifiso sabasebenzi sokugcwalisa enye isaveyi eyengeziwe. Udaba lokuthi lolu cwaningo lwenziwe kwisigaba esisodwa kuphela kwiziko lezezimali eNingizimu Afrika, lokhu kuye kwenza ukuthi ukucaban ukuthi imiphumela isebenza kuzo zonke izinhlangano kube yinkinga. Kuye kwacaca ukuthi lincani kabi inani lezifundo zocwaningo ezisetshenziswa ukuhlola izimpawu zobuntu ngokusebenzisa i-OPQ32r kanti izifundo zocwaningo lwe- EE studies zisebenzise izinhlelo ezahlukene zokuhlola ukulinganisa izinga lokwakha, kanti lokhu kudidanisa indlela yokuqhathanisa imiphumela. Njengoba izimpawu zobuntu kanye ne-EE ziyizimpawu ezisemqoka kwisifundo seSayikholoji yezeZimboni kanye neNhlangano, kuye kwanconywa ukuthi futhi ukuthi kudingeka ukuthi kwenziwe olunye ucwaningo ukukhulisa umthombo wolwazi mayelana nalezi zinhlelo zokwakha ezimbili. / Injongo yesi sifundo yayikukuqonda ngolwalamano olwenzeka phakathi kwesimo adalwe esiso umqeshwa/ubuyena nendlela athatha ngayo inxaxheba okanye indlela azibandakanya ngayo nokwenzekayo kwiziko lezoqoqosho eMzantsi Afrika. Uphando luqhutywe ngokusebenzisa indlela yokuthelekisa amanani kwaye kwenziwa ukhetho lwabathathi nxaxheba olungalandeli migaqo itheni, kubantu abangama-516 nekwachongwa kubo abangama-200 ababesele benamanqaku abawafumana xa babebuzwa uluhlu lwemibuzo yesimo sendalo, iOccupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ32r). Isampulu yabaqeshwa abali-124 yavuma ukuthatha inxaxheba kwesi sifundo. Aba bathathi nxaxheba bacelwa ukuba babhale imibuzo abazenzele ngokwabo, nemalunga nembali yobomi babo kunye neyendlela abazibandakanya ngayo (EEQ), oko kusenziwa njengomlinganiselo we-EE. Amanqaku okuthembeka e OPQ32r awafunyanwa kwesi sifundo aba li-0.95 aze awe- EEQ ali-0.97 (omabini enza p ≤ 0.5), nto leyo ikhombisa uzinzo. Iziphumo zadiza ulwalamano olubalulekileyo phakathi kwenqaku elongameleyo okanye iOverall OPQ32r Score kunye neOverall EE Score, lwalamano olo lwaba li-0.186 (p ≤ 0.5), kodwa linye qha inqanaba lesimo sendalo yomntu elalinganiselwa ngeOPQ32r, nqanaba elo ileleemvakalelo nesimo somphefumlo. Eli nqanaba laba nolwalamano olumandla nenqaku eliyiOverall EE Score kunye namacandelwana amathandathu e- EE. Iziphumo zaphinda zadiza ukuba amacandelo angundoqo amathathu obuyena nalinganiselwa ngeOPQ32r, aluqikelelo olubalulekileyo lwe-EE, eqikelela i-4% yogungqagungqo lwe-EE (r2 = 0.04, F (3; 120) = 2.72, p ≤ 0.05). Nangona zazibaluleke kakhulu zonke iindidi zolwalamano ezafumaneka kwesi sifundo, zonke zazinefuthe elibuthathaka, ngoko ke uncedo lwazo aluzange lube lukhulu kwaye zingenakusetyenziswa kangakanani. Ubuthathaka besi sifundo yaba bubuncinane besampulu eyasetyenziswayo (n = 124) ngenxa yokusetyenziswa kwedatha yomjikelo wesibini (isecondary data) nohlolo zimvo olwaqhutywa ngaxeshanye nesi sifundo, nto leyo yabatyhafisa abaqeshwa kuba babengathandi ukuphendula imibuzo yezifundo ezininzi. Into yokuba esi sifundo senziwa kwicandelo elinye kuphela kwiziko loqoqosho eMzantsi Afrika yenza ukuba kube yingxaki ukuthatha izigqibo ngamanye amaziko. Zazinganelanga izifundo ezilinganisela ubuyena bomntu, zisebenzisa iOPQ32r lo gama izifundo ze-EE zisebenzise iindidi zohlolo ezahlukeneyo ukulinganisela isimo esifanelekileyo, zibe ke zidala ingxaki ekuthelekiseni iziphumo. Njengokuba ubume bendalo/ubuyena kunye ne-EE buzizimo ezibalulekileyo kwiZifundo zeSimo Sengqondo Emsebenzini Nakulungiselelo (Industrial and Organisational Psychology), kwacetyiswa ukuba kuphinde kwenziwe olunye uphando ukuze kwandiswe isiseko solwazi malunga nezi zimo zibini. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

The relationship between personality traits and employee engagement in a financial institution in South Africa

Thomas, Candace 07 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, isiZulu and isiXhosa / The purpose of the current study was to determine the relationship between personality and employee engagement (EE) within a financial institution in South Africa. A quantitative correlational research approach was utilised and random sampling from a population of 516 identified 200 participants for whom personality scores as measured by the Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ32r) already existed as secondary data. A sample of 124 employees responded to the request to participate in the study. The participants were subsequently requested to complete a self-compiled biographical questionnaire and an employee engagement questionnaire (EEQ) as the measurement of EE. Reliability scores obtained in the current study for the OPQ32r was 0.95 and for the EEQ 0.97 (both p ≤ 0.5), indicating acceptable internal consistency. Results indicated a statistically significant relationship between an Overall OPQ32r Score and an Overall EE Score of 0.186 (p ≤ 0.5), but only one of the three core personality domains measured by the OPQ32r, namely feelings and emotions, had a statistically significant relationship with an Overall EE Score and four of the six EE subdimensions of EE. Results also indicated that the three core personality domains as measured by the OPQ32r are a statistically significant predictor of EE, predicting 4% of the variance of EE (r2 = 0.04, F (3; 120) = 2.72, p ≤ 0.05). Although all relationships obtained in the current study were statistically significant, all had a weak effect size and were thus of limited practical significance, indicating limited practical usefulness. The limitations of this study were the small sample size utilised (n = 124) due to the utilisation of secondary data and a survey sent out concurrent to this study, impacting employees’ willingness to fill in an additional survey. The fact that this study was done in only one division of a financial institution in South Africa, made the generalisation of results to other organisations problematic. There were limited studies measuring personality utilising the OPQ32r while the EE studies utilised different assessments to measure the construct, complicating the comparison of results. As personality and EE are important constructs for Industrial and Organisational Psychology, it was also recommended that additional research be undertaken to increase the knowledge base regarding these two constructs. / Inhloso yesifundo socwaningo samanje kwaye kukuthola ubudlelwano obuphakathi kobuntu kanye nendlela yokusebenzisana phakathi kwesisebenzi kanye nenhlangano (EE) ngaphakathi kwenhlangano yezezimali eNingizimu Afrika. Kwasetshenziswa indlela yocwaningo eqhathanisa izinga lokusebenzisana kwezinto (quantitative correlational research approach) kanye nendlela yocwaningo i-random sampling kwinani lonke labantu abayi 516 abakhethwe kwi-200 labadlalindima abahlolwe izinga lobuntu obulinganiswe ngokusebenzisa Umbhalo weMibuzo emayelana noBuntu (Occupational Personality Questionnaire) (OPQ32r) okuwulwazi olukade luvele lugcinwe njengedatha yesigaba sesibili. Isampuli yabasebenzi abayi-124 iphendule ngokuthi ivume ukuzibandakanye kucwaningo. Ngemuva kwalokho abadlalindima baye bacelwa ukuba bagcwalise umbhalo wemibuzo ebuza ngempilo yomuntu kanye nombhalo wemibuzo ebhekiswe kuhlobo lobudlelwano obuphakathi kwesisebenzi kanye nenhlangano (EEQ), lokhu kusetshenziswe njengophawu lokulinganisa izinga lokusebenzisana phakathi kwesisebenzi kanye nenhlangano (EE). Amaphuzu akhombisa ukwethembeka atholwe kucwaningo lwamanje kwi-OPQ32r ayekhombisa inani le 0.95 kanye ne EEQ 0.97 (zombili lezi zinto i-p ≤ 0.5), zikhombisa izinga lokungashintshi kwezinto ngaphakathi. Imiphumela yamanani iye yaveza ubudlelwano obuhle kakhulu phakathi kwamaPhuzu onke e-OPQ32r kanye namaPhuzu onke e-186 (p ≤ 0.5), kodwa-ke uwodwa kuphela umkhakha obalulekile kwezobuntu emikhakheni emithathu elinganiswe nge-OPQ32r, yona yimizwa kanye nommoya, lezi zimpawu zinobudlelwano bamanani obubaluleke kakhulu obukhombisa Amaphuzu onke kanye nezigatshana ezine kwizigatshana eziyisithupha ze-EE. Imiphumela nayo ikhombise ukuthi imikhakha ebalulekile yobuntu njengoba ilinganiswa nge-OPQ32r ngokwamanani iyisibikezeli esisemqoka kakhulu se-EE, ibikezele 4% yezinga lokwehluka kwi-EE (r2 = 0.04, F (3; 120) = 2.72, p ≤ 0.05). Yize zonke izinhlobo zobudlelwano ezitholakele kwisifundo socwaningo samanje ngokwamanani sasibalulekile, kodwa zonke lezi zinhlobo zobudlelwano zonke zikhombise ukuba nomthelela ongenamandla kanti ngokunjalo ubumqoka bazo obuphathekayo buncane kakhulu, bukhombisa izinga elincane lokusebenziseka ngendlela ephathekayo. Imingcele yalolu cwaningo kuye kwasetshenziswa amasampuli amancane (n = 124) ngenxa yokusetshenziswa kwedatha yesigaba sesibili kanye nesaveyi ethunyelwe kanye kanye kulolu cwaningo, iye yaba nomthelela kwizinga lesifiso sabasebenzi sokugcwalisa enye isaveyi eyengeziwe. Udaba lokuthi lolu cwaningo lwenziwe kwisigaba esisodwa kuphela kwiziko lezezimali eNingizimu Afrika, lokhu kuye kwenza ukuthi ukucaban ukuthi imiphumela isebenza kuzo zonke izinhlangano kube yinkinga. Kuye kwacaca ukuthi lincani kabi inani lezifundo zocwaningo ezisetshenziswa ukuhlola izimpawu zobuntu ngokusebenzisa i-OPQ32r kanti izifundo zocwaningo lwe-EE studies zisebenzise izinhlelo ezahlukene zokuhlola ukulinganisa izinga lokwakha, kanti lokhu kudidanisa indlela yokuqhathanisa imiphumela. Njengoba izimpawu zobuntu kanye ne-EE ziyizimpawu ezisemqoka kwisifundo seSayikholoji yezeZimboni kanye neNhlangano, kuye kwanconywa ukuthi futhi ukuthi kudingeka ukuthi kwenziwe olunye ucwaningo ukukhulisa umthombo wolwazi mayelana nalezi zinhlelo zokwakha ezimbili. / Injongo yesi sifundo yayikukuqonda ngolwalamano olwenzeka phakathi kwesimo adalwe esiso umqeshwa/ubuyena nendlela athatha ngayo inxaxheba okanye indlela azibandakanya ngayo nokwenzekayo kwiziko lezoqoqosho eMzantsi Afrika. Uphando luqhutywe ngokusebenzisa indlela yokuthelekisa amanani kwaye kwenziwa ukhetho lwabathathi nxaxheba olungalandeli migaqo itheni, kubantu abangama-516 nekwachongwa kubo abangama-200 ababesele benamanqaku abawafumana xa babebuzwa uluhlu lwemibuzo yesimo sendalo, iOccupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ32r). Isampulu yabaqeshwa abali-124 yavuma ukuthatha inxaxheba kwesi sifundo. Aba bathathi nxaxheba bacelwa ukuba babhale imibuzo abazenzele ngokwabo, nemalunga nembali yobomi babo kunye neyendlela abazibandakanya ngayo (EEQ), oko kusenziwa njengomlinganiselo we-EE. Amanqaku okuthembeka e OPQ32r awafunyanwa kwesi sifundo aba li-0.95 aze awe-EEQ ali-0.97 (omabini enza p ≤ 0.5), nto leyo ikhombisa uzinzo. Iziphumo zadiza ulwalamano olubalulekileyo phakathi kwenqaku elongameleyo okanye iOverall OPQ32r Score kunye neOverall EE Score, lwalamano olo lwaba li-0.186 (p ≤ 0.5), kodwa linye qha inqanaba lesimo sendalo yomntu elalinganiselwa ngeOPQ32r, nqanaba elo ileleemvakalelo nesimo somphefumlo. Eli nqanaba laba nolwalamano olumandla nenqaku eliyiOverall EE Score kunye namacandelwana amathandathu e-EE. Iziphumo zaphinda zadiza ukuba amacandelo angundoqo amathathu obuyena nalinganiselwa ngeOPQ32r, aluqikelelo olubalulekileyo lwe-EE, eqikelela i-4% yogungqagungqo lwe-EE (r2 = 0.04, F (3; 120) = 2.72, p ≤ 0.05). Nangona zazibaluleke kakhulu zonke iindidi zolwalamano ezafumaneka kwesi sifundo, zonke zazinefuthe elibuthathaka, ngoko ke uncedo lwazo aluzange lube lukhulu kwaye zingenakusetyenziswa kangakanani. Ubuthathaka besi sifundo yaba bubuncinane besampulu eyasetyenziswayo (n = 124) ngenxa yokusetyenziswa kwedatha yomjikelo wesibini (isecondary data) nohlolo zimvo olwaqhutywa ngaxeshanye nesi sifundo, nto leyo yabatyhafisa abaqeshwa kuba babengathandi ukuphendula imibuzo yezifundo ezininzi. Into yokuba esi sifundo senziwa kwicandelo elinye kuphela kwiziko loqoqosho eMzantsi Afrika yenza ukuba kube yingxaki ukuthatha izigqibo ngamanye amaziko. Zazinganelanga izifundo ezilinganisela ubuyena bomntu, zisebenzisa iOPQ32r lo gama izifundo ze-EE zisebenzise iindidi zohlolo ezahlukeneyo ukulinganisela isimo esifanelekileyo, zibe ke zidala ingxaki ekuthelekiseni iziphumo. Njengokuba ubume bendalo/ubuyena kunye ne-EE buzizimo ezibalulekileyo kwiZifundo zeSimo Sengqondo Emsebenzini Nakulungiselelo (Industrial and Organisational Psychology), kwacetyiswa ukuba kuphinde kwenziwe olunye uphando ukuze kwandiswe isiseko solwazi malunga nezi zimo zibini. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

A comparative study of Zimbabwe state universities’ responsiveness to the implementation of sexual harassment policies

Mawere, Daniel 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore how state universities in Zimbabwe respond to the implementation of sexual harassment policies. Utilising a social constructivist and interpretive lens, this exploratory qualitative case study aimed at an in-depth study as well as a comparison of how various stakeholders respond to the implementation of sexual harassment policies in two selected state universities. Data collection methods took the form of key participant semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions and document analysis. Two research sites comprised the case study. The sample at each of the sites consisted of a registrar, two deans, two chairpersons, a counsellor, a nurse, a security officer, a warden, two student representative members, and three students. The data analysis consisted of hermeneutic, content and discourse analysis. The content of in-depth interviews, feedback on interpretations, and notes from the sexual harassment policies analysed were considered as data in the analysis. A number of findings emanated from this study. First, sexual harassment is prevalent in the two universities studied and remains a persistent problem. Sexual harassment occurs at three levels: that perpetrated on female students by male lecturers; that perpetrated by female students on male lecturers; and that perpetrated by male students on female students. Second, efforts to mitigate incidences of sexual harassment in the two universities are hampered by underreporting of the phenomenon, absence of very clear sexual harassment guidelines, fear of reprisals in the event of reporting sexual harassment incidences, as well as silence on zero tolerance to sexual harassment in the policies, ordinances and codes of conduct. Third, the presence of a sexual harassment policy on its own is not a guarantee of mitigating prevalence of the phenomenon. Transparent and anonymous reporting procedures, who to report to, what ought to be done to the harasser, the need for counselling the victim, public lectures on sexual harassment awareness and road shows could augment the need to mitigate incidences of sexual harassment in universities. The study revealed that whilst efforts have been made to mitigate sexual harassment incidences in the universities under study through sexual harassment policies, preventing and effectively addressing sexual harassment in the two universities is still a significant challenge, given the shortcomings regarding the responsiveness of stakeholders highlighted in the study. The need for a commitment on the part of all stakeholders in the universities, to take on board measures to prevent and respond to sexual harassment as well as promote a safe, respectful, inclusive and welcoming environment, cannot be overemphasised. The proposition is that orienting students and lecturers, among other stakeholders, to the universities’ cultures, policies as well as procedures for handling sexual harassment, could lead to a climate of zero tolerance towards the phenomenon. In other words, lecturers and students should be made responsible for mitigating as well as preventing sexual harassment. / Lolu cwaningo beluhlose ukuphenya indlela amanyuvesi aseZimbabwe abhekana nayo mayelana nokusetshenziswa kwemigomo yokuhluknyezwa ngokocansi. Ngokusebenzisa umqondo obizwa phecelezi nge- (social constructivist nangeso lokuchaza (interpretive), lolu cwaningo lotho oluphenyayo olugxile phezu kwengxoxo, phecelezi(exploratory qualitative case study) beluqondiswe kucwaningo olujulile kanye nokuqhathanisa indlela abadlalindima abahlukahlukene ababhekana ngayo ekusetshenzisweni kwemigomo yokuhluknyezwa ngokwecansi kumanyuvesi ombuso amabili akhethiwe. Izindlela zokuqokelela idatha ziye zalandela indlela yenhlolovo ehlelwe ngokwesigamu exuba abadlalindima abasemqoka, ziye zalandela izingxoxo ezigxile kumaqembu aqondiwe futhi ziye zagxila ekuhlaziyeni imibhalo. Ucwaningo lotho lwenziwe ezikhungwini ezintathu. Kanti isampuli kwesinye nesinye isikhungo sinombhalisi, odini ababili, osihlalo ababili, umeluleki wezengqondo, umhlengikazi, ugadi, ujele, amalungu amabili abameli babafundi, kanye nabafundi abathathu. Idatha ehlaziyiwe yequkethe, ithiyori nendlela yokuchaza (hermeneutic), okuqukethwe kanye nomsebenzi wocwaningo ohlaziyiwe. Ulwazi oluqukethwe olumayelana nenhlolovo ejulile, umbiko wakamuva omayelana nezincazelo, kanye namanothi avela kwimigomo emayelana nokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi, konke lokhu kuye kwathathwa njengedatha emsebenzini ohlaziyiwe. Kuye kwatholakala ulwazi oluvela kucwaningo. Okokuqala, ukuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi kuyisichelo njengomchilo wesidwaba kumanyuvesi amabili acwaningiwe kanti lezi zenzo zilokhu ziyinkinga engapheli. Ukuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi kwenzeka ngezigaba ezintathu, okuyizigaba ezibhebhetheka kubafundi besifazane behlukunyezwa ngabafundisi besilisa basemanyuvesi, kanti lezi zigameko zibhebhethekiswa ngabafundi abesifazane kubafundisi besilisa; kanti kuphinde futhi kubhebhethekiswe abafundi abesilisa kubafundi abesifazane. Okwesibili, Imizamo eqonde ukunciphisa izehlakalo zokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi kumanyuvesi amabili ziphazanyiswa kungabikwa ngokugcwele kwalezi zehlakalo, ukusweleka kwemihlahlandlela ecacile yokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi, ukwesaba ukubika lezi zehlakalo zokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi ngenxa yokugxekwa, kanye nemigomo ethulile mayelana nokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi, imitheshwana emalungana nalokhu yezifundazwe kanye nokusweleka kwemithetho yokuziphatha. Okwesithathu, ukuba khona nje komgomo obhekene nokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi akusona isiqinisekiso sokunciphisa lezi zenzo zokuhlukumeza. Izingqubo ezikwishashalazi nezinemfihlo, ezimayelana nokuthi ubika kuphi, kanti kufanele ohlukumezayo athathelwe ziphi izinyathelo, isidingo sokuthi isiZulu sokuhlukunyezwa sithole ukwelulekwa ngokwengqondoukufundiswa komphakathi ngokwexwayiswa ngokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi kanye nemibukiso kungagcwaliselela isidingo sokunciphisa izehlakalo zokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi emanyuvesi. Ucwaningo luyaveza ukuthi njengoba sekwenziwe imizamo yokunciphisa izehlakalo zokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi emanyuvesi acwaningwayo ngaphansi kwemigomo yokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi, ukuvikela kanye nokudingida ngokufanele udaba lokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi kumanyuvesi amabili kusese yinselelo enkulu, uma kubhekwa izihibhe ezikhona mayelana nokuzibandakanya kwabadlalindima kuvezwe kucwaningo. Isidingo sokuzimisela kwingxenye yabo bonke abadlalindima kumanyuvesi, ukuba balethe ngaphambili imizamo yokuvikela kanye nokubhekana nokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi kanye nokwenza indawo ephephile, ehloniphekile, nexuba zonke izinhlaka futhi nendawo eyamukelayo, kuyinto ebaluleke kakhulu engeke yagqizwa qakala. Kuphakanyiswa ukuthi kufundiswe abafundi kanye nabafundisi, hlangana nabanye abadlalindima, ngosikompilo lwasenyuvesi, ngemigomo kanye nangezingqubo zokuphatha uhlelo lokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi, kanti lokhu kungaholela ekwakheni isimo esingeke savumela lolu daba. Ngamanye amagama, abafundisi kanye nabafundi kufanele banikezwe umsebenzi wokunciphisa kanye nokuvikela izehlakalo zokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi. / Morero wa thutelo ye e be e le go utolla ka moo diyunibesithi tsa Zimbabwe tseo di thuswago ke mmuso di fetolago go phethagatso ya melaotshepetso ya tlaiso go tsa thobalano. Ka go dirisa tebelelo go ya ka go gola ga motho le tsebo yeo a e hwetsago ka tirisano le batho ba bangwe leagong le tlhathollo ya seo se ithutwago, tlhahlobo ye e tseneletsego ya go hlohlomisa tshedimoso ka ga tiragalo ye e ikemiseditse go thutelo ye e tseneletsego gammogo le papetso ya ka moo batho bao ba fapanego bao ba nago le kgahlego ba fetolago go phethagatso ya melaotshepetso ya tlaiso go tsa thobalano ka go diyunibesithi tse pedi tseo di kgethilwego tseo di thuswago ke mmuso. Mekgwatshepediso ya kgoboketso ya datha e tsere popego ya ditherisano le babotsiswa ba bohlokwa tseo di sa latelego dipotsiso tseo di beilwego, ditherisano le dihlopha tseo di nepisitswego le tshekatsheko ya ditokomane. Ditsha tse pedi tsa dinyakisiso di bile motheo wa thutelo ye. Sampolo ka go setsha se sengwe le se sengwe e be e na le moretsistara, dihlogo tse pedi tsa mafapha a thuto, badulasetulo ba babedi, mogakolodi, mooki, mohlankedi wa tshireletso, mohlapetsi, maloko a mabedi a kemedi ya baithuti, le baithuti ba bararo. Tshekatsheko ya datha e bopilwe ke tshekatsheko ya mekgwatshepediso ya ditlhathollo, diteng le ka moo polelo e diriswago gare ga batho. Diteng tsa ditherisano tseo di tseneletsego, dipego ka ga ditlhathollo, le dintlha go tswa go melaotshepediso ya tlaiso go tsa thobalano tseo di sekasekilwego di tserwe bjalo ka datha ye e sekasekwago. Go tsweletse dikhwetso tse mmalwa thutelong ye. Sa mathomo, tlaiso go tsa thobalano e atile diyunibesithing tse pedi tseo go ithutilwego ka tsona gomme e sa le bothata bjo bo tswelago pele. Tliso ya thobalano e direga go ya ka magato a mararo: leo bafahlosi ba dirago tiro ye e sego molaong ya go robala le baithuti ba basadi, leo le dirwago ke ge baithuti ba basadi ba robala le bafahlosi ba banna, le leo le dirwago ke ge baithuti ba banna ba robala le baithuti ba basadi. Sa bobedi, maitekelo a go fokotsa ditiragalo tsa tlaiso go tsa thobalano diyunibesithing tse pedi tse a sitiswa ke go se begwe ga ditiragalo tse ka mo go kgotsofatsago, tlhokego ya ditlhahlo tse di kwagalago gabotse tsa tlaiso go tsa thobalano, poifo ya boipuseletso ge motho a ka bega ditiragalo tsa tlaiso go tsa thobalano gammogo le ge melaotshepetso, melawana le melao ya boitshwaro di sa bolele selo ka magato ao a ka tsewago go ditiragalo tsa tlaiso go tsa thobalano. Sa boraro, go ba gona ga molaotshepetso wa tlaiso go tsa thobalano ka bowona ga se tiiso ya phokotso ya go ba gona ga tiragalo ye. Ditshepediso tseo di sa utego selo gape di sa utollego boitsupo bja motho, gore ke mang, yo dipego di swanetsego go lebiswa go yena, ke seo motlaisi a swanetswego go se dirwa, tlhokego ya gore motlaiswa a hwetse thuso go rarolla mathata a kgobatso maikutlong a gagwe, dithuto go setshaba ka moka ka ga temoso ya tlaiso, le dipontsho mafelong ao a fapanego di ka godisa tlhokego ya go fokotsa ditiragalo tsa tlaiso go tsa thobalano diyunibesithing. Thutelo e utollotse gore le ge go dirilwe maitekelo a go fokotsa ditiragalo tsa tlaiso go tsa thobalano diyunibesithing tseo thutelo e dirilwego go tsona ka mokgwa wa melaotshepetso ya tlaiso go tsa thobalano, go thibela le go rarolla bothata bja tlaiso go tsa thobalano ka bokgoni diyunibesithing tse pedi tse e sa le tlhohlo ye e bonalago, ge go lebeletswe bofokodi malebana le batho bao na nago le kgahlego bao ba supilwego thutelong ye. Tlhokego ya boikgafo lehlakoreng la batho ka moka yunibesithing bao ba nago le kgahlego go se, go hlagisa magato a go thibela le go araba go tlaiso go tsa thobalano gammogo le go hlola tikologo ye e bolokegilego, ye e hlomphago, e akaretsago gape e amogelago bohle ka matsogo a borutho, go bohlokwa go fetisa ka mo go hlalositswego. Tshisinyo ke go re go tsebisa baithuti le bafahlosi, gare ga batho ka moka bao ba nago le kgahlego, go ditlwaelo, melaotshepetso gammogo le ditshepediso tsa go rarolla tlaiso go tsa thobalano, go ka hlola tikologo yeo e sa kgotlelelego tiragalo yeo le gatee. Ka mantsu a mangwe, bafahlosi le baithuti ba swanetse go rweswa boikarabelo bja go fokotsa gammogo le go thibela tlaiso go tsa thobalano. / Educational Studies / Ph. D. (Comparative Education)

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