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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Feng, Xiaohu 01 January 2007 (has links)
The latest generation of fighter aircraft utilizes a 270Vdc power system [1]. Such high voltage DC power systems are difficult to protect with conventional circuit breakers because the current does not automatically go to zero twice per cycle during a fault like it does in an AC power system and thus arcing of the contacts is a problem. Solid state power controllers (SSPCs) are the solid state equivalent of a circuit breaker that do not arc and which can respond more rapidly to a fault than a mechanical breaker [2]. Present SSPCs are limited to lower voltages and currents by the available power semiconductors [8,9]. This dissertation presents design and experimental results for a SSPC that utilizes SiC power JFETs for the SSPC power switch to extend SSPC capability to higher voltages and currents in a space that is smaller than what is practically achievable with a Si power switch. The research started with the thermal analysis of the SSPCs power switch, which will guide the development of a SiC JFET multi-chip power module to be fabricated by Solid State Devices Inc. (SSDI) using JFETs from SiCED and/or Semisouth LLC. Multiple multi-chip power modules will be paralleled to make the SSPC switch. Fabricated devices were evaluated thermally both statically and dynamically and electrically both statically and dynamically. In addition to the SiC module research a detailed design of the high voltage SSPC control circuit capable of operating at 200andamp;ordm;C was completed including detailed analysis, modeling and simulations, detailed schematic diagrams and detailed drawings. Finally breadboards of selected control circuits were fabricated and tested to verify simulation results. Methods for testing SiC JFET devices under transient thermal conditions unique to the SSPC application was also developed.

Experimental Comparison of Different Gate-Driver Configurations for Parallel-Connection of Normally-ON SiC JFETs

Peftitsis, Dimosthenis, Lim, Jang-Kwon, Rabkowski, Jacek, Tolstoy, Georg, Nee, Hans-Peter January 2012 (has links)
Due to the low current ratings of the currently available silicon carbide (SiC) switches they cannot be employed in high-power converters. Thus, it is necessary to parallel-connect several switches in order to reach higher current ratings. This paper presents an investigation of parallel-connected normally-on SiC junction field effect transistors. There are four crucial parameters affecting the effectiveness of the parallel-connected switches. However, the pinch-off voltage and the reverse breakdown voltage of the gates seem to be the most important parameters which affect the switching performance of the devices. In particular, the spread in these two parameters might affect the stable off-state operation of the switches. The switching performance and the switching losses of a pair of parallel-connected devices having different reverse breakdown voltages of the gates is investigated by employing three different gate-driver configurations. It is experimentally shown that using a single gate-driver circuit the switching performance of the parallel-connected devices is almost identical, while the total switching losses are lower compared to the other two configurations. / <p>QC 20121116</p>

High-Power Modular Multilevel Converters With SiC JFETs

Peftitsis, Dimosthenis, Tolstoy, Georg, Antonopoulos, Antonios, Rabkowski, Jacek, Lim, Jang-Kwon, Bakowski, Mietek, Ängquist, Lennart, Nee, Hans-Peter January 2012 (has links)
This paper studies the possibility of building a modular multilevel converter (M2C) using silicon carbide (SiC) switches. The main focus is on a theoretical investigation of the conduction losses of such a converter and a comparison to a corresponding converter with silicon-insulated gate bipolar transistors. Both SiC BJTs and JFETs are considered and compared in order to choose the most suitable technology. One of the submodules of a down-scaled 3 kVA prototype M2C is replaced with a submodule with SiC JFETs without antiparallel diodes. It is shown that the diode-less operation is possible with the JFETs conducting in the negative direction, leaving the possibility to use the body diode during the switching transients. Experimental waveforms for the SiC submodule verify the feasibility during normal steady-state operation. The loss estimation shows that a 300 MW M2C for high-voltage direct current transmission would potentially have an efficiency of approximately 99.8% if equipped with future 3.3 kV 1.2 kA SiC JFETs. / © 2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.QC 20111220

On Gate Drivers and Applications of Normally-ON SiC JFETs

Peftitsis, Dimosthenis January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis, various issues regarding normally-ON silicon carbide (SiC)Junction Field-Effect Transistors (JFETs) are treated. Silicon carbide powersemiconductor devices are able to operate at higher switching frequencies,higher efficiencies, and higher temperatures compared to silicon counterparts.From a system perspective, these three advantages of silicon carbide can determinethe three possible design directions: high efficiency, high switchingfrequency, and high temperature.The structure designs of the commercially-available SiC power transistorsalong with a variety of macroscopic characteristics are presented. Apart fromthe common design and performance problems, each of these devices suffersfrom different issues and challenges which must be dealt with in order to pavethe way for mass production. Moreover, the expected characteristics of thefuture silicon carbide devices are briefly discussed. The presented investigationreveals that, from the system point-of-view, the normally-ON JFET isone of the most challenging silicon carbide devices. There are basically twoJFET designs which were proposed during the last years and they are bothconsidered.The state-of-the-art gate driver for normally-ON SiC JFETs, which wasproposed a few years ago is briefly described. Using this gate driver, theswitching performance of both Junction Field-Effect Transistor designs wasexperimentally investigated.Considering the current development state of the available normally-ONSiC JFETs, the only way to reach higher current rating is to parallel-connecteither single-chip discrete devices or to build multichip modules. Four deviceparameters as well as the stray inductances of the circuit layout might affectthe feasibility of parallel connection. The static and dynamic performance ofvarious combinations of parallel-connected normally-ON JFETs were experimentallyinvestigated using two different gate-driver configurations.A self-powered gate driver for normally-ON SiC JFETs, which is basicallya circuit solution to the “normally-ON problem” is also shown. This gatedriver is both able to turn OFF the shoot-through current during the startupprocess, while it also supplies the steady-state power to the gate-drivecircuit. From experiments, it has been shown that in a half-bridge converterconsisting of normally-ON SiC JFETs, the shoot-through current is turnedOFF within approximately 20 μs.Last but not least, the potential benefits of employing normally-ON SiCJFETs in future power electronics applications is also presented. In particular,it has been shown that using normally-ON JFETs efficiencies equal 99.8% and99.6% might be achieved for a 350 MW modular multilevel converter and a40 kVA three-phase two-level voltage source converter, respectively.Conclusions and suggestions for future work are given in the last chapterof this thesis. / I denna avhandling behandlas olika aspekter av normally–ON junction–field–effect–transistorer (JFETar) baserade på kiselkarbid (SiC). Effekthalvledarkomponenteri SiC kan arbeta vid högre switchfrekvens, högre verkningsgradoch högre temperatur än motsvarigheterna i kisel. Ur ett systemperspektivkan de tre nämnda fördelarna användas i omvandlarkonstruktionen för attuppnå antingen hög verkningsgrad, hög switchfrekvens eller hög temperaturtålighet.Såväl halvledarstrukturen som de makroskopiska egenskaperna för kommersiellttillgängliga SiC–transistorer presenteras. Bortsett från de vanligakonstruktions–och prestandaproblemen lider de olika komponenterna av ettantal tillkortakommanden som måste övervinnas för att bana väg för massproduktion.Även framtida SiC–komponenter diskuteras.Ur ett systemperspektiv är normally-ON JFETen en av de mest utmanandeSiC-komponenterna. De två varianter av denna komponent som varittillgängliga de senaste åren har båda avhandlats.State–of–the–art–drivdonet för normally-ON JFETar som presenteradesför några år sedan beskrivs i korthet. Med detta drivdon undersöks switchegenskapernaför båda JFET-typerna experimentellt.Vid beaktande av det aktuella utvecklingsstadiet av de tillgängliga normally–ON JFETarna i SiC, är det möjligt att uppnå höga märkströmmar endastom ett antal single–chip–komponenter parallellkopplas eller om multichipmodulerbyggs. Fyra komponentparametrar samt strö-induktanser för kretsenkan förutses påverka parallellkopplingen. De statiska och dynamiska egenskapernaför olika kombinationer av parallellkopplade normally-ON JFETarundersöks experimentellt med två olika gate–drivdonskonfigurationer.Ett självdrivande gate-drivdon för normally-ON JFETar presenteras också.Drivdonet är en kretslösning till “normally–ON–problemet”. Detta gatedrivdonkan både stänga av kortslutningsströmmen vid uppstart och tillhandahållaströmförsörjning vid normal drift. Med hjälp av en halvbrygga medkiselkarbidbaserade normally–ON JFETar har det visats att kortslutningsströmmenkan stängas av inom cirka 20 μs.Sist, men inte minst, presenteras de potentiella fördelarna med användningenav SiC-baserade normally-ON JFETar i framtida effektelektroniskatillämpningar. Speciellt visas att verkningsgrader av 99.8% respektive 99.5%kan uppnås i fallet av en 350 MW modular multilevel converter och i en40 kVA tvånivåväxelriktare. Sista kaplitet beskriver slutsatser och föreslagetframtida arbete. / <p>QC 20130527</p>

Extreme Implementations of Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors in Power Electronics

Colmenares, Juan January 2016 (has links)
Wide-bandgap (WBG) semiconductor materials such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium-nitride (GaN) allow higher voltage ratings, lower on-state voltage drops, higher switching frequencies, and higher maximum temperatures. All these advantages make them an attractive choice when high-power density and high-efficiency converters are targeted. Two different gate-driver designs for SiC power devices are presented. First, a dual-function gate-driver for a power module populated with SiC junction field-effect transistors that finds a trade-off between fast switching speeds and a low oscillative performance has been presented and experimentally verified. Second, a gate-driver for SiC metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors with a short-circuit protection scheme that is able to protect the converter against short-circuit conditions without compromising the switching performance during normal operation is presented and experimentally validated. The benefits and issues of using parallel-connection as the design strategy for high-efficiency and high-power converters have been presented. In order to evaluate parallel connection, a 312 kVA three-phase SiC inverter with an efficiency of 99.3 % has been designed, built, and experimentally verified. If parallel connection is chosen as design direction, an undesired trade-off between reliability and efficiency is introduced. A reliability analysis has been performed, which has shown that the gate-source voltage stress determines the reliability of the entire system. Decreasing the positive gate-source voltage could increase the reliability without significantly affecting the efficiency. If high-temperature applications are considered, relatively little attention has been paid to passive components for harsh environments. This thesis also addresses high-temperature operation. The high-temperature performance of two different designs of inductors have been tested up to 600_C. Finally, a GaN power field-effect transistor was characterized down to cryogenic temperatures. An 85 % reduction of the on-state resistance was measured at −195_C. Finally, an experimental evaluation of a 1 kW singlephase inverter at low temperatures was performed. A 33 % reduction in losses compared to room temperature was achieved at rated power. / <p>QC 20160922</p>

Simulation and Electrical Evaluation of 4H-SiC Junction Field Effect Transistors and Junction Barrier Schottky Diodes with Buried Grids

Lim, Jang-Kwon January 2015 (has links)
Silicon carbide (SiC) has higher breakdown field strength than silicon (Si), which enables thinner and more highly doped drift layers compared to Si. Consequently, the power losses can be reduced compared to Si-based power conversion systems. Moreover, SiC allows the power conversion systems to operate at high temperatures up to 250 oC. With such expectations, SiC is considered as the material of choice for modern power semiconductor devices for high efficiencies, high temperatures, and high power densities. Besides the material benefits, the typeof the power device also plays an important role in determining the system performance. Compared to the SiC metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) and bipolar junction transistor (BJT), the SiC junction field-effect transistor (JFET) is a very promising power switch, being a voltage-controlled device without oxide reliability issues. Its channel iscontrolled by a p-n junction. However, the present JFETs are not optimized yet with regard to on-state resistance, controllability of threshold voltage, and Miller capacitance. In this thesis, the state-of-the-art SiC JFETs are introduced with buried-grid (BG) technology.The buried grid is formed in the channel through epitaxial growth and etching processes. Through simulation studies, the new concepts of normally-on and -off BG JFETs with 1200 V blocking capability are investigated in terms of static and dynamic characteristics. Additionally, two case studies are performed in order to evaluate total losses on the system level. These investigations can be provided to a power circuit designer for fully exploiting the benefit of power devices. Additionally, they can serve as accurate device models and guidelines considering the switching performance. The BG concept utilized for JFETs has been also used for further development of SiC junctionbarrier Schottky (JBS) diodes. Especially, this design concept gives a great impact on high temperature operation due to efficient shielding of the Schottky interface from high electric fields. By means of simulations, the device structures with implanted and epitaxial p-grid formations, respectively, are compared regarding threshold voltage, blocking voltage, and maximum electric field at the Schottky interface. The results show that the device with an epitaxial grid can be more efficient at high temperatures than that with an implanted grid. To realize this concept, the device with implanted grid was optimized using simulations, fabricated and verified through experiments. The BG JBS diode clearly shows that the leakage current is four orders of magnitude lower than that of a pure Schottky diode at an operation temperature of 175 oC and 2 to 3 orders of magnitude lower than that of commercial JBS diodes. Finally, commercialized vertical trench JFETs are evaluated both in simulations andexperiments, while it is important to determine the limits of the existing JFETs and study their performance in parallel operation. Especially, the influence of uncertain parameters of the devices and the circuit configuration on the switching performance are determined through simulations and experiments. / Kiselkarbid (SiC) har en högre genombrottsfältstyrka än kisel, vilket möjliggör tunnare och mer högdopade driftområden jämfört med kisel. Följaktligen kan förlusterna reduceras jämfört med kiselbaserade omvandlarsystem. Dessutom tillåter SiC drift vid temperatures upp till 250 oC. Dessa utsikter gör att SiC anses vara halvledarmaterialet för moderna effekthalvledarkomponenter för hög verkningsgrad, hög temperature och hög kompakthet. Förutom materialegenskaperna är också komponenttypen avgörande för att bestämma systemets prestanda. Jämfört med SiC MOSFETen och bipolärtransistorn i SiC är SiC JFETen en mycket lovande component, eftersom den är spänningsstyrd och saknar tillförlitlighetsproblem med oxidskikt. Dess kanal styrs an en PNövergång. Emellertid är dagens JFETar inte optimerade med hänseende till on-state resistans, styrbarhet av tröskelspänning och Miller-kapacitans. I denna avhandling introduceras state-of-the-art SiC JFETar med buried-grid (BG) teknologi. Denna åstadkommes genom epitaxi och etsningsprocesser. Medelst simulering undersöks nya concept för normally-on och normally-off BG JFETar med blockspänningen 1200 V. Såvä statiska som dynamiska egenskper undersöks. Dessutom görs två fallstudier vad avser totalförluster på systemnivå. Dessa undersökningar kan vara värdefulla för en konstruktör för att till fullo utnyttja fördelarna av komponenterna. Dessutom kan resultaten från undersökningarna användas som komponentmodeller och anvisningar vad gäller switch-egenskaper. BG konceptet som använts för JFETar har också använts för vidareutveckling av så kallade JBS-dioder. Speciellt ger denna konstruktion stora fördelar vid höga temperature genom en effektiv skärmning av Schottkyövergången mot höga elektriska fält. Genom simuleringar har komponentstrukturer med implanterade och epitaxiella grids jämförst med hänseende till tröskelspänning, genombrottspänning och maximalt elektriskt fält vid Schottky-övergången. Resultaten visar att den epitaxiella varianten kan vara mer effektiv än den implanterade vid höga temperaturer. För att realisera detta concept optimerades en komponent med implanterat grid med hjälp av simuleringar. Denna component tillverkades sedan och verifierades genom experiment. BG JBS-dioden visar tydligt att läckströmmen är fyra storleksordningar lägre än för en ren Schottky-diod vid 175 oC, och två till tre storleksordningar lägre än för kommersiella JBS-dioder. Slutligen utvärderas kommersiella vertical trench-JFETar bade genom simuleringar och experiment, eftersom det är viktigt att bestämma gränserna för existerande JFETar och studera parallelkoppling. Speciellt studeras inverkan av obestämda parametrar och kretsens konfigurering på switchegenskaperna. Arbetet utförs bade genom simuleringar och experiment. / <p>QC 20150915</p>

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