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Reliéfizace a parenteze v současných českých publicistických textech / Reliefisation and Parenthesis in Current Czech Publicistic TextsPaťchová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
The thesis' topics are a reliefisation (literally rising from) and a parenthesis in contemporary written published Czech. Both of these lingusitic phenomena represent the instruments of the text hierarchisation, that means a magnitude of importance, so that an author may present selected informations in the way of emphasization, notification, or, conversely, as less significant completion, addition of the main message. By collected readings analysis, the thesis' purpose is to plot the incidences of reliefisation and parentesis in current published texts; the syntactic aspect comprises the clasification of individual varieties of presented phenomena, and the identification of the motives of their utilization. The theoretical section yields the synthesis of findings about that phenomena, and, in the case of parenthesis, it also brings intrinsic criteria for the definitions of terms - necessary approach due to interpersonal differencies in linguists' conceptions of the topics. The practical section provides detailed classification of syntactic text-included (reliefisied) and text-excluded (parenthetic) phrases. Keywords: reliefisation, parenthesis, journalistic style
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Forma a frekvence vyjádření podmětu ve španělských neliterárních textech (v porovnání s češtinou) / Form and Frequency of the Expression of Subject in Spanish and Czech Non-Literary TextsŽŮRKOVÁ, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this Diploma Thesis is to describe very clearly the form and frequency of the subject in Spanish non-literary texts in comparison with Czech. The Thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical passage is focused on description and characterization of Czech and Spanish subjects, based on particular representative grammars. I have used primarily The Hand Grammar of Czech Language for a description of the subject in Czech texts and to describe the subject in Spanish I have especially used The New Grammar of Spanish. Further theoretical chapters of the Thesis are focused on word order and journalistic style. The practical part contains the results of analysis of the form and frequency of the subject in non-literary texts. The result of these analysis helps us to compare all occurrences of researched languages. Summary in Spanish makes part in the end of this Thesis.
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Užívání výpůjček v současné norštině a nizozemštině / Use of Loanwords in contemporary Norwegian and DutchBartásková, Pavla January 2011 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is to appraise the situation of the extent and the way of use of English loanwords in Norwegian and Dutch. The issue is presented on the background of historical development of borrowing in these languages and also explained in the contemporary tendency of English words usage in non-English speaking countries. To document the official attitude of Norwegian and Dutch media to loanwords we add the results of survey among the particular editors. On the basis of loanwords principles in Norwegian and Dutch, presented in the theoretical part, we assess the English loanwords in particular articles published in Norwegian and Dutch Internet news journals. The attention is aimed to the general analysis of English loanwords in Norwegian and Dutch, to the analysis of the domains noticeably influenced by the loans and to the morphological and orthographical integration of loanwords in the monitored languages. The outcomes of each analysis for Norwegian and Dutch are compared and interpreted. Key words: English, borrowing, Dutch, journalistic style, loanwords, Norwegian
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Jazykovědné termíny v mediálním diskurzu (Studie determinologizace) / Linguistics terms in mass media (Study of determinologization)Pavlová, Hana January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on linguistic terminology in current mass media discourse. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the occurrences of linguistic terms in the corpus SYN2013PUB and to describe their function, meaning and context and the process of their determinologization. The first part concerns the existing approaches to terms and terminology, the specifics of the linguistics terminology, the function of the terms in the professional style and their use in the journalistic style. Furthermore, the thesis deals with the relations between general lexicon and terminology, terminologization and determinologization. The analysis of the examples indicates, how to follow the determinologization in the texts. The examples are classified according to the indicators of determinologization. These indicators are typical means of journalistic style (which contains terms), journalistic innovation of the collocability, specific ways of explaining the terms and the semantics or formal modifications of the terms. The determinologization is considered an unfinished process, accomplished for diverse corpus occurrences of linguistic terms in various extent.
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Сигналы речевой агрессии в текстах научной и публицистической рецензий : магистерская диссертация / Signals of verbal aggression in the texts of scientific and journalistic reviewsПорозова, И. Е., Porozova, I. E. January 2018 (has links)
The dissertation considers verbal aggression as a phenomenon of modern linguistics, offers a classification of means of expressing verbal aggression. Signals of verbal aggression in the texts of scientific and journalistic reviews are singled out on the basis of empirical research. The conclusion was made about increasing the level of aggressiveness of the modern cultural and speech environment, about penetration of verbal aggression into written texts, including texts of scientific functional style. / В магистерской диссертации рассматривается речевая агрессия как явление современной лингвистики, предлагается классификация средств выражения речевой агрессии. На основе эмпирического исследования выделяются сигналы речевой агрессии, наиболее характерные для текстов научной и публицистической рецензий. В результате исследования сделан вывод о повышении уровня агрессивности современной культурно-речевой среды, о проникновении речевой агрессии в письменные тексты, в том числе и в тексты научного функционального стиля.
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Verbální a neverbální komunikace v reprezentativním souboru reklamních textů / Verbal and non-verbal comunication in a representative selection of advertising textsMarks, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT The work deals with the analysis of verbal and nonverbal means of advertising messages in files promoting automobiles and banking products and services through printed brochures and company websites. Advertising texts use elements of journalistic, technical, administrative and artistic styles. Persuasive and attracting functions are dominant for them. These are of the verbal means represented primarily by imperatives, adjectives and adverbs in comparatives and superlatives, by a higher frequency of personal, possessive and totalizing pronouns. Lexically the functions of texts are supported primarily by vocabulary with positive expressivity and terminology of respective field. Enumerations, rhetorical questions, higher splitting of text and placing of persuading means into the rheme of the message are syntactically relevant. These features are also supported by repetition and combination of these means. Of the nonverbal means composition of individual elements within the advertising area, particularly the location of the product and company name, logo, slogan, ratio and layout of text and visual elements, play an important role. Above specified means and combinations thereof can be understood as a strategy of advertising message. Cognitive or affective strategies supported by an appeal to...
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Jazyk bulváru za první republiky / Language of Tabloids in the First Czechoslovak RepublicLacinová, Eliška January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this work is to describe the language of several important tabloids in the First Czechoslovak Republic. Firstly, sensationalist journalism is defined by different criteria and is distinguished from serious journalism. The development of sensationalist journalism in Czech lands is outlined and the press in the First Czechoslovak Republic is characterized. Then, selected tabloids are characterized and evaluated according to the defined criteria of tabloids. Language in journalistic texts is put into broader context of journalistic style and is considered on the basis of the influences that affect the choice of the specific language means. One chapter is devoted to formal and language aspects of headlines of the tabloids. The headlines are described on lexical level, morphological level and syntactic level. The language of the tabloids itself is analyzed on the same levels, on the lexical, morphological and syntactic level. The tabloid press in the First Czechoslovak Republic is compared to contemporary tabloid press and some tendencies of the development of the tabloid press are outlined.
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