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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les métamorphoses romanesques de la mémoire juive : entre imitation et subversion : Dans les forêts de Pologne de Joseph Opatoshu, Satan à Goray d’Isaac Bashevis Singer, Le Dernier des Justes d’André Schwarz-Bart, Voir ci-dessous : Amour de David Grossman / The Metamorphosis of Jewish Memory in the Novel : Between Imitation and Subversion : In Polish Woods by Joseph Opatoshu, Satan in Goray by Isaac Bashevis Singer, The Last of the Just by André Schwarz-Bart, See Under : Love by David Grossman

Kuhn, Roze-Fleur 15 March 2013 (has links)
À partir de la comparaison de quatre romans écrits à différentes périodes du XXesiècle, dans des langues et des lieux différents, mais tous marqués par un commun héritagejuif polonais – Dans les forêts de Pologne de Joseph Opatoshu, Satan à Goray d’IsaacBashevis Singer, Le Dernier des Justes d’André Schwarz-Bart et Voir ci-dessous : Amour deDavid Grossman – l’objet de cette étude est d’observer les transformations et lesdéplacements de la mémoire juive dès lors que celle-ci passe de l’univers sacré de la traditionà la littérature. L’attention portée aux questions d’imitation et de subversion permet de saisirles phénomènes de continuité et de discontinuité qui accompagnent la dissolution descommunautés traditionnelles et le passage à la modernité. Pour comprendre comment cestransformations s’opèrent au niveau textuel, dans le travail de mise en récit par lequel seredéfinit la culture, on mettra en relation les stratégies proprement littéraires d’intertextualité,de pastiche, de citation ou de parodie avec les actes mimétiques d’identification, de projectionet de jeu auxquels se livrent les personnages. La récurrence des questions de fidélité et detrahison, d’imitation et de rivalité, invite à interroger le rôle des modèles culturels et lamanière dont le transfert et le renouvellement de ceux-ci participent à la redéfinition de lamémoire du groupe. Le romanesque, parce qu’il met en acte des processus mimétiques qu’ilobserve de manière distanciée, rejoue et déjoue tout à la fois les mythes identitaires créés parla modernité. / Through the comparison of four novels written at different periods of the 20th century,in different languages and different places, but each marked by a common Polish-Jewishheritage – In Polish Woods by Joseph Opatoshu, Satan in Goray by Isaac Bashevis Singer,The Last of the Just by André Schwarz-Bart and See Under: Love by David Grossman – theobject of this study is to observe the transformation of Jewish memory as it passes from thereligious sphere to that of secular literature. By investigating the themes of imitation andsubversion in literature, it is possible to understand the process of continuity and discontinuitywhich accompany the dissolution of traditional communities and their passage to modernity.To see how this transformation operates on a textual level, in the constitution of newnarratives by which culture is redefined, we will connect the literary strategies ofintertextuality, pastiche, reference or parody on the part of the authors with the mimetic actsof identifying, projection, and play performed by the characters. The recurrence of thequestions of fidelity and betrayal, of imitation and rivalry, invites us to investigate the role ofcultural models and the manner in which their transfer and renewal redefine group memory.The novel, by enacting mimetic processes which are observed from a perspective of distance,manages to both reproduce and at the same time dismantle the myths of identity created bymodernity.

Paměť holokaustu v NDR / Nazi Anti-Semitism Remembered: Jewish Memorials in the SBZ and GDR between the Years 1945-1987

McQuiggan, Sean January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is an exploration into the Jewish memorial sites erected in the Soviet Zone of Occupation (SBZ) and German Democratic Republic (GDR) between the years 1945 and 1987. The primary aim of the thesis is to provide a collection of Jewish memorial sites in East Germany during the aforementioned time frame. It uses the theories of French historian Pierre Nora as well a number of other authors to legitimize the importance of these memorial sites. In addition, a typology was created by the author to ensure the proper collection of the memorial sites in order to reflect the research question: how was Nazi anti-Semitism remembered in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) through memorial sites between the years 1945-1987? The thesis is, however, more than just a collection of data. It also provides observations about trends and patterns in Jewish memorialization as well uses a method introduced by Ahenk Yilmaz to examine the individual characteristics of the sites. The thesis concludes that Jewish memorialization in the GDR was primarily a bottom-up approach, a fact that has been overlooked by many researchers in the field. Key Words Memorials, East Germany, SED, Memory, Jewish

L'héritage nu. Mises en fiction du "témoin historique". Primo Levi - Aharon Appelfeld - Philip Roth / Towards a Literary Reappraisal of the "Historical Witness". Primo Levi - Aharon Appelfeld - Philip Roth

Furci, Guido 04 July 2017 (has links)
Pendant de nombreuses années, Aharon Appelfeld, Philip Roth et Primo Levi entretiennent une sorte de « dialogue à distance », interrompu en 1987 par la mort de ce dernier. Notre travail vise à analyser les modalités à travers lesquelles la production de ces trois écrivains – marqués de manière plus ou moins « directe » par l’histoire de la deuxième guerre mondiale et la mémoire de la Shoah – complexifie, avant tout sur le plan fictionnel, une certaine conception du témoignage, dont les enjeux esthétiques sont loin d’être anodins. Certes, dans un premier temps il a été important de reconstituer la correspondance triangulaire entre Levi, Appelfeld et Roth ; bien que fondamentale, ce n’est pas la composante philologique de notre recherche que nous avons souhaité mettre en avant, mais plutôt la pertinence d’un rapprochement de corpus en apparence distants, et pourtant liés par des questionnements analogues. Il est évident que si la possibilité de consulter, donc de disposer de documents d’archive pour la plupart inédits et d’accéder à des échanges parfois publics – quoique destinés à un auditoire en quelque sorte « communautaire » – a été précieuse afin d’alimenter la réflexion, le fait de lier de manière trop manifeste les considérations au sujet des démarches (poétiques ou politiques) de nos trois auteurs à leur complicité intellectuelle et, le cas échéant, à leur amitié aurait pu minimiser la portée de certaines observations – et suggérer de faux rapports de cause à effet. / My doctoral thesis explores the relationship between literature and historical witnessing. By focusing on the works of Primo Levi, Aharon Appelfeld, and Philip Roth (authors who relate in very different ways the trauma of the Holocaust), my research aims at investigating the enmeshment of aesthetic and epistemological issues. My comparative exploration of these authors is motivated by and allows for a conceptual layering of the problem along three distinct research axes : (1) each author maintains a different degree of autobiographical involvement with the genocidal facts he evokes, ranging from maximum directness (Levi) to an oblique post hoc distance (Roth) ; (2) each author thematizes the problem by framing fictional situations in which characters have to cope with the plastic tension of narrative recollection ; (3) there is a twofold factual link between the three authors consisting in (a) explicit or covert intertextual quotations (e.g. Levi and Appelfeld become characters in Roth’s "Operation Shylock") and, more significantly, (b) an under-investigated circular correspondence in which each of them discusses at length the gains and losses of (literary) historical witnessing. The core of my project, therefore, is grounded in the long-distance conversation on the reworking of memories between Aharon Appelfeld, Philip Roth and Primo Levi – a three-way conversation that perforce ceased with Levi’s death in 1987.

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