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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of earnings announcements on share prices of mining companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange

Maraisane, Phomolo 12 1900 (has links)
The study examined the impact of earnings announcements on the share price of selected mining companies using the most recent data from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. This study covered a period from 1 January 2011; to 31 December 2015. Using the classical event study methodology, the speed of reaction of the market to annual earnings information releases for a sample of 27 companies listed on the exchange is tested. Over the sample period, the Abnormal Returns (AR), Average Abnormal Returns (AAR) and Cumulative Average Abnormal Returns (CAAR) were calculated. The AR, AAR and CAAR show positive results obtained during the earnings announcement period. The returns yielded from these results are significantly different from zero. / Financial Accounting / M. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

Does the sales-to-price ratio possess more explanatory power in determining percentage share returns for JSE data compared to previously assessed variables?

Russell, Palmira Farinha 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A number of financial variables have received extensive attention from those analysts determined to obtain that significant set of variables that improve their forecasts of expected returns. Barbee. Mukherji and Raines (1996: 56-60) suggested that the focus shift to the sales-to-price (S/P) ratio. Their findings indicated that the S/P ratio exhibited greater explanatory power in assessing share returns on Standard and Poars (S&P) American data compared to those variables already in the spot light. This study focuses on a seventeen-year period extending from 1985 to 2002, and includes a sample of industrial sector JSE-listed companies. The set of variables assessed are referred to as the "explanatory variables" and include the following: • Debt-to-equity (D/E) ratio, • Book-to-market value (B/M) ratio, • Market value of equity (MVE) variable; and • Sales-to-price (S/P) ratio. Correlation tests and regression analyses on permutations of these explanatory variables against percentage share return data revealed the MVE variable to possess the dominant relationship with percentage share returns. All models were shown (through inference) to exhibit some validity, with the exception of that model which excluded the MVE variable as an independent variable. The coefficient of the B/M ratio becomes significant when combined with the MVE variable in a regression analysis, accounting for most of the explanatory power of the model. Results from this study were compared with those in Barbee, et al., (1996), Fricker (1996) and Mouton (1998). The comparison revealed that Barbee, et al., (1996) is the only study (of the authors considered) with sufficient evidence to infer significance in the S/P ratio as a more powerful explanatory variable for determining share returns. This study has therefore shown no support for the S/P ratio as an explanatory power in determining percentage share returns, based on JSE data. The MVE variable was instead shown to have the greatest explanatory power, specifically when combined with the BlM ratio. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Aantal finansiele veranderlikes het aansienlike aandag van die analiste gekry ten einde 'n betekenisvolle stel van veranderlikes daar te stel wat help om hul vooruitskattings van opbrengste te verbeter. Barbee, Mukherji and Raines (1996: 56-60) het voorgestel dat die fokus verskuif na die verkope tot prys (S/P) verhouding. Hul het bevind dat die S/P verhouding groter verduidelikingsvermoe het by die beoordeling van aandeel opbrengste op Standard en Poors (S&P) se Amerikaanse data as daardie veranderlikes wat reeds onder die soeklig was. Die studie fokus op 'n sewentienjaar-periode van 1985 tot 2002, en dek 'n monster van genoteerde industriele aandele op die Johannesburg se Effektebeurs. Hierdie stel veranderlikes word na verwys as die "verduidelikende veranderlikes" en sluit in: • Skuld tot aandeelhouersfondse (D/E) verhoudings, • Boek tot markwaarde (B/M) verhouding, • Markwaarde van aandeelhouersbelang (MVE) veranderlike, en • Verkope tot prys (S/P) verhouding. Korrelasietoetse en regressie-analises op permutasies van hierdie verduidelikende veranderlikes teenoor persentasie aandeel opbrengste het aangetoon dat die MVE die dominante veranderlike met die persentasie aandeel opbrengste getoon het. Alle modelle (deur gevolgtrekking) het 'n mate van betekenisvolheid openbaar, behalwe die model wat die MVE veranderlike as onafhanklike veranderlike uitgesluit het. Die koeffisient van die B/M verhouding het betekenisvol geword toe dit met die MVE-veranderlike in 'n regressie-analise gekombineer is, en wat dan die grootste gedeelte van die verduidelikingswaarde van die model verklaar. Die resultate van die studie is vergelyk met die van Barbee, et aI., (1996), Fricker (1996) en Mouton (1998). Die vergelyking het aangedui dat Barbee, et al., (1996) die enigste studie is (van die skrywers ondersoek) wat genoegsame getuienis verkry het om die belangrikheid van die S/P verhouding as 'n sterk veranderlike vir die aandeel opbrengste te verklaar. Hierdie studie kon dus geen ondersteuning vind dat die S/P verhouding as 'n verduidelikende veranderlike by die vasstelling van persentasie-opbrengste op die JSE data gebruik kan word nie. Daarenteen het die MVE-veranderlike die grootste voorspellingswaarde gehad, veral as dit gekombineer is met die B/M verhouding.

A study into the relationship between the price earnings ratio and the price book ratio on the JSE Securities Exchange

Luthuli, Sandile 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Academics, analysts and investors have always been intrigued by, and have always sought to identify with certainty, factors that determine investment returns and share price movements. In 1953 Maurice Kendall, following on the work of Louis Bachelier, made the revelation that share price movements followed a random pattern, i.e. they could not be predicted with certainty. Through continual research, two schools of thought emerged - fundamental and technical analysis. The fundamentalists' perspective is that through thorough due diligence analysis of current and historical data, one will be able to identify good investment prospects.The latter stipulates that future price movements can be predicted from previous price movements, i.e. historical patterns replicate themselves over time. The random walk theory suggested by Kendall was followed by the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) as developed and refined by Sharpe (1964), Lintner (1965) and Black (1972). The CAPMrecognised risk (beta) as the key explanatory variable of returns. The CAPMremains the backbone of modern financial theory and is the basis against which all new developmentsare measured. Subsequent studies have attempted to find other explanatory variables of return other than beta. Banz (1981) found evidence of a relationship between size and returns later referred to as the size effect. Chen (1981 and 1983) found that after adjusting for risk factors, the size effect did not yield high returns adequately, thus challenging Banz's findings. In 1985, Chan, Chen and Hsieh using macro and micro economic variables found that given more accurate estimates of beta, no sized-based differences in returns could be observed. Reinganumin 1981 found evidence of high earnings-price (EjP) shares yielding abnormally high returns. He further found a strong relationship between size and earnings-to-price (EjP) ratio. Bhandari (1988) suggested that in addition to beta and size, leverage also played an important explanatory role of returns. Related studies by Basu (1977), Chan, Hamao and Lakonishok (1991) and Jegadeesh (1992) found a multi-variable explanation of returns - market equity, beta, EjP ratio, size and other non-market factors. The combination of these factors led to the conclusion that the CAPM model had been misspecified. Fama and French (1992 and 1995) expanded the research and sought to establish the multi-dimensionality of beta. They found, inter alia, that equities with a high book value vis-a-vis their price realised higher returns than their counterparts. They further found profitability to be positively related to size. This led to a new ratio in financial analysis, the price book ratio (PB). The PB ratio has never emerged as a prominent analytical tool in the financial sector and has historically been superseded by the price earnings (PE) ratio. The author therefore seeks to establish the raison d' etre for the status quo by undertaking an empirical study of the JSE Securities Exchange for the period commencing 1989 and ending 1998. Using financial data obtainable from annual financial statements, the author proceeded to calculate PE and PB ratios. Tracing the mathematical derivation of the two ratios and using the Pearson correlation coefficient, trend analysis and the Spearman Rank correlation test, the author found that there exists prima facie evidence to suggest that the PE ratio could be used as a proxy for the PB ratio. This offers a partial explanation of the inconspicuous role of the PB ratio as an explanatory tool. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Akademici, analiste en beleggers stel steeds belang in en strewe om faktore wat beleggingsopbrengste en aandeleprysbewegings bepaal, met sekerheid te identifiseer. In 1953 het Maurice Kendal, gebaseer op die werk van Louis Bachelier, getoon dat aandelepryse 'n ewekansige patroon volg en as gevolg hiervan nie met sekerheid voorspel kan word nie. Navorsing het twee denkrigtings tot gevolg gehad naamlik fundamentele ontleding en tegniese analise. Fundamentele ontleding veronderstel dat winsgewende beleggingsgeleenthede vanuit 'n deeglik oorweegde impak analise van huidige en historiese data gemaak kan word. Tegniese analise stel voor dat toekomstige prysbewegings uit vorige prysbewegings afgelei en voorspel kan word, óf anders gestel, dat patrone hulself oor 'n sekere periode herhaal. Die stogastiese lopie teorie van Kendall is gevolg deur die markpryswaarderingsmodel (MPM) wat deur Sharpe (1964), Lintner (1965) en Black (1972) ontwikkel en verfyn is. Die MPM stel risiko (beta) as 'n sentrale veranderlike wat opbrengste voorspel. Die MPM vorm steeds die primêre uitgangspunt van finansiële teorie en die basis waaraan nuwe ontwikkelings gemeet word. Voortspruitend uit die voorafgaande studies, is daar gepoog om verdere veranderlikes anders as beta te ondersoek wat opbrengste voorspel. Banz (1981) toon aan dat daar 'n verhouding bestaan tussen grootte en opbrengste - naamlik die grootte-effek. Chen (1981 en 1983) het die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat die grootte-effek nie genoegsame hoë opbrengste lewer nadat risikofaktore in berekening gebring is nie. Gevolglik is Banz se bevindinge bevraagteken. In 1985 het Chan, Chen en Hsieh deur die gebruik van makro en mikro-ekonomiese veranderlikes bevind dat, gegewe 'n meer akkurate bepaling van beta, geen grootte gebaseerde opbrengste waargeneem kon word nie. Reinganum (1981) bevind dat bewyse bestaan dat aandele met hoë verdienste-prys abnormaal hoë opbrengste getoon het. Sterk verhoudings tussen grootte en die aandeel se prysverdienste verhouding is waargeneem. Bhandari (1988), in verdere navorsing in hierdie verband, stel dat in aanvulling tot die gebruik van die beta-koëffisient en grootte, hefboomwerking ook 'n belangrike bydrae lewer in die bepaling van opbrengste. Verbandhoudende studies deur Basu (1977), Chan, Hamao en Lakonishok (1991) en Jegadeesh (1992) stel dat opbrengste verduidelik kan word aan die hand van verskeie veranderlikes, naamlik markekwiteit, beta, prysverdienste verhouding, grootte en ander nie-markverwante faktore. Die kombinering van hierdie faktore het gelei tot die gevolgtrekking dat die MPM model verkeerd gespesifiseerd was. Fama en French (1992 en 1995) se navorsing poog om die multi-dimensionaliteit van beta te bepaal. Hulle bevind onder andere dat aandele wat 'n hoë boekwaarde teenoor prys, 'n hoër verdienste of opbrengs oplewer as ander aandele. Verder is bevind dat 'n positiewe korrelasie tussen winsgewendheid en grootte bestaan. Dit het gelei tot 'n nuwe verhouding in finansiële analise, naamlik die prys-tot-boek verhouding (PB). Die PB-verhouding het egter nooit in die finansiële sektor gerealiseer as 'n prominente analitiese metode nie en word histories deur die prysverdienste verhouding oorskadu. Die skrywer wil gevolglik die raison d' etre vasstel vir die status quo deur 'n empiriese studie van die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs vir die periode 1989 tot 1998 te onderneem. Deur jaarlikse finansiële state te ontleed, is die prysverdienste en prys-tot-boek verhoudings bereken. Deur 'n wiskundige afleiding van die twee verhoudings te maak, die Pearson korrelasiekoëffisient, tendensanalise en die Spearman rang korrelasiekoëffisienttoets te gebruik, het die skrywer bevind dat daar prima facie getuienis bestaan dat die prysverdienste verhouding ook gebruik kan word as 'n ekwivalent vir die prys-tot-boek verhouding. Dit bied 'n gedeeltelike verklaring van die ontoereikende rol van die prys-tot- boek verhouding as 'n verklarende veranderlike.

A study of dividends per share applied to companies de-listed from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange from 1970 to 2000

Murumba, George 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / The objective of this mini study project is to record dividends of de-listed companies from copies of Annual Reports. It forms part of a larger research project at the Graduate School of Business of the University of Stellenbosch that aims at setting up a database containing published financial information on dividends for listed and de-listed companies. Dividends are a valuable source of information content. Recording, and thereafter employing an analysis of basic descriptive statistics on dividends, is one way to decipher such information. Calculating the average and median of dividends declared by companies sheds an insight to the nature of dividend payout. The purpose of the mini study project is to capture the interim, special, and final dividends per share. The method employed is to calculate dividend values and to compare them against those published. Total Rand values of dividends are calculated by multiplying the number of shares issued, by the dividends declared in cents, per share as noted on the directors' report, and notes to the income statement. This is achieved by means of an Excel spreadsheet model.

Comparison of EPS, HEPS and operating cash flow per share for South African listed industrials

Timol, Yusuf Ismail 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This focus of this study is to analyse trends between three different performance variables for all listed industrials on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. The three variables are earnings per share, headline earnings per share and operating cash flow per share. Sample A represents data from 1974 to 1999, and Sample B from 1990 to 1999. There are many companies that still do not report headline earnings per share in their financial reports as at the end of their financial year for 1999. A list of these companies is attached as Appendix A. A total of 21 different combinations of the variables were tested for correlations. From this investigation three significant relationships were noted. Firstly, there is a high correlation between earnings per share and operating cash flow per share. The pooled result from 1974 to 1999 is 0,636, that confirms a positive relationship between the two variables. Secondly, the result of the same two variables from the Sample B dataset also shows a high correlation of 0,601 (pooled result). Thirdly, there is a very strong negative pooled result of -0,897 when analysing the difference between (EPS-HEPS) and (HEPS-CFPS). An interesting observation was that although individual yearly results were showing high correlations, the pooled results did not reflect the same tendency. Validated findings attained through statistical testing in this study will in future allow analysts to predict the behaviour of one variable based on the performance of another variable. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fokus van hierdie studie is om tendense tussen drie verskillende prestasieveranderlikes vir alle genoteerde nywerheidsaandele op die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs te ontleed. Die drie veranderlikes is verdienste per aandeel (VPA), wesensverdienste per aandeel (WVPA) en kontantvloei uit bedryfsaktiwiteite per aandeel (KBAPA). Steekproef A verteenwoordig data vanaf 1974 tot 1999 en Steekproef B vanaf 1990 tot 1999. Teen die einde van 1999 was daar steeds maatskappye wat nie die wesensverdienste per aandeel in hulle finansiële verslae rapporteer nie. 'n Lys van hierdie maatskappye is aangeheg as "Bylae A". In totaal is 21 verskillende kombinasies van die veranderlikes getoets vir onderlinge afhanklikheid. Die ondersoek het drie betekenisvolle verhoudings gelewer. Eerstens is daar 'n hoë onderlinge afhanklikheid tussen verdienste per aandeel en kontantvloei uit bedryfsaktiwiteite per aandeel. Die saamgevoegde resultate vanaf 1974 tot 1999 is 0,636, wat 'n positiewe verhouding tussen die twee veranderlikes bevestig. Tweedens toon die resultate van dieselfde twee veranderlikes van Steekproef B se datastel ook 'n hoë onderlinge afhanklikheid van 0,601 (saamgevoegde restultate). Derdens is daar 'n baie sterk negatiewe resultaat van -0,897 wanneer die verskil tussen (VPA-WVPA) en (WVPA-KBAPA) ontleed word. 'n Interessante waarneming was dat, alhoewel individuele jaarlikse resultate hoë onderlinge afhanklikheid getoon het, die saamgevoegde resultate nie dieselfde neiging weerspieël het nie. Geldige bevindinge, verkry deur statistiese proefneming in hierdie studie, sal analiste in die toekoms toelaat om die gedrag van een veranderlike te voorspel gebaseer op die prestasie van 'n ander veranderlike.

Determination of the optimum number of shares to be included in a well-diversified portfolio of small capitalisation shares listed on the JSE : problem revisited

Rungqu, Mzolisi A. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is to determine the optimum number of shares to be included in a well-diversified portfolio of small-capitalised companies listed on the Johannesburg Securities Exchange. A previous study by Jordan (1998) on South African companies falling in this category found that at least 20 shares should be included in a well-diversified portfolio. Neu-ner and Firer (1997) conducted a similar study of naïve diversification on all shares listed on the JSE with findings that at least thirty shares should be included in a well-diversified portfolio, which concurred with the findings of the study done by Statman (1997) on the NYSE. Findings of numerous studies conducted in the USA yielded different results with suggestions that between eight and twenty random selected stocks make a welldiversified portfolio. Fama and French (1992) conducted a research on risk and return with findings that size of a company is a better proxy for risk than beta. Small companies tend to produce returns that are greater than the returns from portfolios of larger companies. The research for determining the number of shares to be included in a portfolio of small company shares was conducted using naïve or random diversification and efficient diversification based on Markowitz efficient frontier. The results of the study indicate that random diversification of a portfolio in small company shares requires between twenty and thirty shares for a portfolio to be well diversified. The findings also showed consistency for the different investment periods investigated in terms of risk reduction. The research findings concur with the studies done by Statman, and Neu-ner and Firer, which suggest that a well-diversified portfolio should contain approximately thirty shares. The efficient diversification or Markowitz diversification resulted in fewer shares included in a well-diversified portfolio. However the optimum portfolio depends on the investors' preference as to the trade-off between risk and return. Efficient diversification is primarily based on the degree of covariance between asset returns in a portfolio. The results found using this technique indicate that a well-diversified portfolio should have approximately sixteen shares. The CAPM TUTOR programme used for efficient diversification conducted the research on an ex ante basis. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die optimale getal aandele van 'n goed gediversifiseerde portefeulje wat saamgestel is uit klein gekapitaliseerde maatskappye wat op die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs noteer is, te bepaal. 'n Vorige studie deur (Jordan, 1998) van Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappye wat in hierdie kategorie val, het bevind dat ten minste 20 aandele ingesluit behoort te word in 'n goed gediversifiseerde portefeulje. Neu-ner en Firer (1997) het 'n soortgelyke studie onderneem van naïewe diversifikasie van al die aandele wat op die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs noteer is. Hulle het bevind dat ten minste 30 aandele ingesluit behoort te word in 'n goed gediversifiseerde portefeulje, wat ooreenstem met die bevindings van die studie deur Statman (1997) oor die New Yorkse Effektebeurs. Bevindings van talle studies wat in die VSA gedoen is, het verskillende resultate opgelewer en dui daarop dat tussen agt en 20 lukraak geselekteerde aandele 'n goed gediversifiseerde portefeulje verteenwoordig. Fama en French (1992) het navorsing gedoen oor risiko en opbrengs, en het bevind dat die grootte van 'n maatskappy 'n beter aanduiding vir risiko is as beta. Klein maatskappye neig om opbrengste te lewer wat groter is as die opbrengs van portefeuljes wat bestaan uit groter maatskappye. Navorsing om die getal aandele te bepaal wat ingesluit behoort te word in 'n portefeulje wat bestaan uit aandele van klein maatskappye, is gedoen deur gebruik te maak van naïewe of lukrake diversifikasie en doeltreffende diversifikasie, gebaseer op die Markowitz doeltreffendheidsfront. Die resultate van hierdie studie dui aan dat lukrake diversifikasie, van 'n portefeulje wat uit aandele van klein maatskappye bestaan, tussen 20 en 30 aandele vereis vir die portefeulje om goed gediversifiseerd te wees. Hierdie bevindings het ook gedui op konsekwentheid vir die verskillende beleggingsperiodes wat ondersoek is in terme van risikoverlaging. Hierdie navorsingsbevindings stem ooreen met die studies van Statman, Neu-ner en Firer, wat daarop dui dat 'n goed gediversifiseerde portefeulje uit ongeveer 30 aandele behoort te bestaan. Die doeltreffende diversifikasie, of Markowitz diversifikasie, het tot gevolg gehad dat minder aandele ingesluit is in 'n goed gediversifiseerde portefeulje. Die optimale portefeulje word egter bepaal deur beleggersvoorkeur ten opsigte van die verrekening tussen risiko en opbrengs. Doeltreffende divesifikasie is hoofsaaklik gebaseer op die mate van kovariansie tussen bate-opbrengs in 'n portefeulje. Die resultate dui daarop dat deur hierdie tegniek te gebruik, 'n goed gediversifiseerde portefeulje ongeveer 16 aandele moet insluit. Die CAPM TUTOR-program wat gebruik is vir doeltreffende diversifikasie, het die navorsing op 'n ex ante (vooruitgeskatte ) basis gedoen.

What shareholder information on the shareholder spread is disclosed in the financial statements of JSE listed entities in accordance with listing requirements of the JSE?

Madubela, Albert Dingalethu 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / The study was undertaken to determine whether companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange disclose shareholder spread in line with the available statutes such as the JSE Listing Requirements. Further, the study explored the closing balances for group, company, trusts, subsidiaries, and treasuries of all the 50 companies studied to ascertain whether there were differences with the ex WDH share program. Various sources to answering the question were used including the Internet, McGregor BFA, Annual Reports of the companies, and material from University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB). There were varying findings with regards to the study as it was found that some companies had differences in group, company, trusts, subsidiaries, and treasuries. Most of the differences were due to company mistakes, non-consolidation of trusts, and use of different methods. It was found that certain companies tend to omit certain information in disclosing the shareholder spread and this has resulted in many companies with differences in their closing balances for the company, group, trusts, subsidiaries, and treasuries. In addition, it was also discovered that certain companies disclosed major shareholders of less than the prescribed five percent which proved to be very helpful in this study.

Additions to the present USB database : income statements (1990-2000) : an exploratory study

Gasnolar, Jasmina 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study involves an examination of the current situation of the responsibility of companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange on the disclosure requirements of the accounting standards. In 1995, Statement AC 108 'Inventories' was introduced and it deals with the definition and disclosure of cost of sales. In 1997, Statement AC 306 was introduced and deals with the scope, calculation and disclosure of headline earnings per share (HEPS). The research shows that since the disclosing requirements of Statements 108 and 306 (cost of sales and HEPS) were published, there has been a significant effect on the nature of disclosure of these items by listed South African companies. In addition, income statement items (not yet part of the USB database) were identified and will be loaded onto the USB database of income statements of industrial companies listed on the JSE. These items are: ~ Cost of sales, ~ Gross profit, ~ Gross profit percentage, and ~ HEPS. A large sample of four hundred companies' financial statements over an eleven year period (1990 - 2000) was reviewed, and the data regarding sales, cost of sales, EPS, HEPS, exceptional items, abnormal items and extraordinary items were recorded on a spreadsheet model. Regarding cost of sales, the gross profit and gross profit percentage were calculated, and the arithmetic and weighted means were calculated. The data was analysed against the disclosure requirements and it was found that thirty percent of the companies on the USB's database reports cost of sales as an item on the income statement (without disclosing the item as specified above in "notes to the income statement)". Seventy percent reports cost of sales as a note underoperating profit in the income statement. First in, first out (FIFO) is the method of inventory valuation that is clearly the dominant method used by listed companies in South Africa. An analysis of the HEPS of the listed companies revealed a similar trend and the majority of companies disclosing HEPS do so as per the requirements set out in Statement AC 306. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie behels 'n ondersoek na die huidige situasie van maatskappye wat genoteer is op die Johanneburg Effektebeurs se verantwoordelikheid ten opsigte van bekendmaking van rekeningkundige standaarde. Gedurende 1995 is Standpunt RE 108 gepubliseer en dit handel oor die defineëring en openbaarmaking van koste van verkope. Gedurende 1997, is Standpunt RE 306 bekendgestel en handel oor die omvang, berekening en bekendmaking van wesensverdienste per aandeel. Die navorsing toon dat sedert Standpunte 108 en 306 (koste van verkope en wesensverdienste per aandeel) gepubliseer is, daar 'n aansienlike effek op die aard van bekendmaking van hierdie items deur genoteerde Suid Afrikaanse maatskappye is. Verder is inkomstestaat items (wat nog nie deel van die USB databasis is nie) geidentifiseer en sal op die USB databasis van inkomstestate van industriële maatskappye genoteer op JEB geplaas word. Hierdie items is: ~ Koste van verkope, ~ Bruto wins, ~ Bruto wins persentasie, en ~ Wesensverdienste per aandeel. 'n Groot steekproef van 400 maatskappye se finansiële state oor 'n 11 jaar tydperk (1990 - 2000) is nagegaan, en die inligting aangaande verkope, koste van verkope, verdienste per aandeel, wesensverdienste per aandeel, abnormale en uitsonderlike items is opgeneem in 'n sigblad model. Wat die koste van verkope betref, is die bruto wins en bruto wins persentasie bereken, en die gewone sowel as die geweegde gemiddeldes is bereken. Die data is geanaliseer teen die bekendmaking vereistes en daar is gevind dat ongeveer dertig persent van die maatskappye op die USB se databasis rapporteer koste van verkope as 'n item op die inkomstestaat. Sewentig persent rapporteer koste van verkope as 'n nota onder bedryfswins in die inkomstestaat. Eerste in, eerste uit (EIEU) is duidelik die vooraadwaardasie wat die meeste gebruik word deur genoteerde maatskappye in Suid Afrika. 'n Analise van die wesensverdienste per aandeel van die genoteerde maatskappye dui 'n soortgelyke tendens en die meerderheid van maatskappye wat wesensverdienste per aandeel verklaar, doen so volgens die vereistes soos neergelê in Standpunt RE 306.

Analysis of value-added reporting by listed industrial companies on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange

Motswagae, Pauline 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 1998. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study investigated the divergent practice in the presentation of Value-Added Statements (V AS) by industrial companies on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. A standard statement (for 1997 only), as suggested by the author, was constructed for all 188 companies analysed to eliminate unusual or faulty recording of certain items. Overall, the calculated value added differed from that published by the companies due to the inclusion of certain items which are specific to particular companies. The information compiled during the investigation will also he used to upgrade the database of the University of Stellenbosch Business School. The results of the study suggest that there are indeed some deep-rooted conceptual problems in reporting value added as well as problems associated with the treatment of individual items in the statement. Taxation reporting in the V AS was found to be the major item where inconsistency was prevalent. Of the 188 companies studied, about forty percent included what the author tenned "taxation mistakes" in their VAS. Minority reporting was found to be another significant problem area where companies were very inconsistent in reporting the item. In addition, there were some strange items that the writer came across in the published VAS. [f value added is to be accepted as a useful tool in financial reporting, that is, if it is to gain popularity and usefulness, it must be derived from a consistent model and should be systematically applied. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie het die verskillende wyses ondersoek waarop Toegevoegdewaardestate (TWS) opgestel is deue industriele maatskappye op die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs. 'n Standaard staat (slegs vir 1997) soos voorgestel deur die skrywer is opgestel vir elk van die 188 maatskappye wat ontleed is ten einde ongewone of foutiewe rapportering te elimineer. Oor die aigemeen het die berekende toegevoegde waarde verskil van die syfers soos gepubliseer deur die maatskappy. Die verskille was hoofsaaklik toe te skryf aan die insluiting van sekere items wat uniek was aan bepaaJde maatskappye. Die informasie versamel gedurende hierdie ondersoek sal ook gebruik word om die databasis van die Bestuurskool van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch op te gradeer. Die resultate van die studie het getoon dat daar weI sommige diep-geworteide konseptuele probleme in die rapportering van toegevoegde waardc bestaan het sowel as probleme geassosieer met die hantering van individuele items in die TWS. Veertig persent van die 188 maatskappye ondersoek, het belastingfoute (soos deur die skrywer omskryf) ingesluit in die gepubliseerde TWS. Die rapportering van minderheidsbelang was ook 'n groot probleem area wat gelei het tot 'n groot mate van inkonsekwente rapportering. Verder het die skrywer op 'n hele aantal ongewone items in die gepubliseerde TWS gevind. As toegevoegde waarde as 'n handige hulpmiddel in finansiele rapportering aanvaar wil word, dit is om groter populariteit en groter gebruikswaarde te verkry, sal dit ontwikkel moet word uit 'n bepaalde model, en op 'n sistematiese wyse opgestel word.

Evaluation of a hybrid investment model on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange

Chavda, Manoj 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / The study determined whether an investment model on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) incorporating risk, simple rules and simulating a realistic environment could yield statistically significant returns. Further, the study assessed the success of individual trades and profitability compared to a buy-and-hold strategy where funds were switched between shares and a riskless asset. JSE data from 1997 to 2011 were studied using popular technical rules and fundamental indicators integrated into a hybrid investment model. Investments on individual shares were simulated over time and results were analysed by profitability of individual trades and the interaction of technical rules and fundamental data. Parameters were identified that outperformed the All Share Index (ALSI) by 18.6% and exposed the investor to lower risk than the ALSI. Other parameters were also identified that earned a return 137% higher than an ALSI buy-and-hold strategy. However, the identification of a single set of parameters that yielded statistically significant returns at a lower risk than the ALSI, met a priori expectations of outperforming the ALSI and outperformed a buy-and-hold strategy was not identified. Areas of future research included expanding on the technical analysis implemented such as introducing stop-loss rules, and adopting a finer-grained approach to the sectors of companies. Areas to detect further patterns of market inefficiencies were also identified.

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