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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Orličtí Schwarzenberkové a jejich úřednictvo mezi léty 1848 a 1948 / Orlík´s Schwarzenberg and their officers between years 1848 and 1948

ZEISOVÁ, Alena January 2013 (has links)
Schwarzenbergs, a noble family coming from Lower Franconia, settled down from 1660 in the end in Czech countries. Jan Adolf Schwarzenberg bought manor Třeboň at that time. At the beginning of eighteenth century split the family to two anchestries. Submitted dissertation insists on the researches in the archive files completed with specialized publicatons. The text is composed of three units. Opening part gives us the specification and characteristics of the used archival resorces and literature. The second part is divided to the several chapters. The first chapter discuss the family history and land effects expansion. The third chapter describes the complicated administrative agency. The fourth chapter introduces patrimonial clerkdom including their personal and professional lives. The fifth chapter is dedicated to Josef Bohdanecký, the principal forester of the forest management in Orlík. He came to be known by his forest crop protection project, so called Orlíks or milimetre thinning. The final part contains the general estimation of the clerkdom place in the Schwarzenbergs service.

Možnosti chovu a produkce síhů na území České republiky / Current possibilities of breeding and production of whitefish in the Czech Republic

MRÁZ, Luděk January 2017 (has links)
The main goals of this thesis are description of a quite complicated peled breeding topic in the Czech Republic, evaluation of inconsistent taxonomical data, biology and ecology of the Coregonus maraena and Coregonus peled. The approach to peled breeding is in detail evaluated recently as well as in the past. Methods of breeding, fishing out, fish tank breeding and fish transfer are addressed. The questionary survey among peled producers was used for critical evaluation of their experience. The factors that discourage producers from peled breeding (eutrophication, predation by cormorants or otter as well as technological difficulties) were stated. Due to these factors the peled production is limited despite the stabile market demand. The case study of peled production was realized. In the condition of huge fish stock (carp and grass carp) the main negative impacts were confirmed.

Teolog Josef Pospíšil (1845-1926). Christologické a soteriologické dílo / Josef Pospíšil (1845-1926). Christological and Soteriological Work

SCHWAMMENHÖFER, Václav January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses primarily on analysing the Christological and soteriological system of Josef Pospíšil, an important representative of the first generation of Czech neo-Thomism. The study includes a brief description of Pospíšils life work with reference to the contemporary context. The author presents Pospíšil not only as a theologian, but also as a major representative of Czech Thomistic philosophy.

Interpretace postavy Josefa Švejka v kontextu české i zahraniční literární vědy / Interpretations of Josef Svejk in the Contexts of Czech and International Literary Science

RAŠKOVÁ, Alena January 2011 (has links)
This graduation thesis with title Interpretations of Josef Švejk in The Contexts of Czech and International Literary Science has an aim doucment and analyze interpretation models of Josef Švejk in the novel The Good Solider Švejk by Jaroslav Hašek. In base the materials gain the figure of Josef Švejk will be assess in context of Czech esthetic and ideal discourse. In graduation thesis will be put big emphasis on sence of language. From this reason is a part of this thesis dedicate to liguistic analysis.

Korespondence Jakuba Demla s Vladimírem Evermodem Balcárkem / The Correspondence of Jakub Deml with Vladimír Evermod Balcárek

Žehrová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The thesis presents an edition of lettres by writer Jakub Deml (1878-1961) with his long- standing friend, priest Vladimír Evermod Balcárek (1885-1974). Their mutual correspondence from 1905 to 1959 on the one hand records a lot of events from poet's private life, on the other hand it is a source for deeper understanding of his works. The edition is completed by editorial comment, list of correspondence, name index and explanatory notes which purpose is to clearif further circumstances of the mentioned events. Additonal comments try to introduce the personality of addressee, Vladimír Evermod Balcárek and the two most dramatic events which are mentioned in the lettres. Key words correspondence - Jakub Deml - Vladimír Evermod Balcárek - Eliška Wiesenbergerová - Josef Florian - Otokar Březina - Roman Catholic Church

Náboženské motivy skupiny Die Pilger / Religious Motifs in the Works of the Art Group "Die Pilger"

Ficková, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
Religious motifs in the works of the Art Group "Die Pilger" Abstract: The topic of this Thesis is the German-Czech art group called Die Pilger which was active mainly in Prague between 1920-1923. Its main specific feature was a strong focus on religious motifs among which Bible themes prevailed. However, religious motifs were not portrayed in a historical manner but the group often used unusual modern means of expression. However, the religious focus of the group was not proclaimed anywhere, nor did it correspond to all the work produced by the members of the group. The thesis focuses on the religiously motivated creation of the group and analyses what specific themes the artists have chosen. The aim, however, is not to list the depictions and their frequency, but to interpret individual ways of processing the given motif and through it to define the relationship of the group to these motifs and the reasons for their use. Semiotics seems to be the most appropriate examination method to apply in this case which allows you to move away from the historical burden of works and focus only on their content. The second part of the thesis analyses the narrative that is associated with the group and which significantly influences the way we perceive the work of the group. In addition to the interpretation of...

Nový mýtus, poezie a obraz v kontextu českého umění 30. a 40. let / New myth, poetry and image in Czech art of 30s and 40s

Havelková, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of new myth in art since the end of 1920s to the February coup in 1948. The thesis focuses on the work of Josef Šíma and the artists of Groop 42 and it is based on the premise that there was a new myth emerging in both cases. This premise relies on historical sources and secondary literature and the idea is further developed in the thesis. Its structure responds to chronological order of the topics in question, which correspond to the individual chapters. Connecting link of the thesis is the personage of Josef Šíma, which was also role model for the younger artists of Groop 42. Important are also the approaches to the new myth of Václav Navrátil, Jindřich Chalupecký and Karel Teige. All of them commented on both work of Josef Šíma and the art of newly formed generation, all of them also commented on the political situation. The thesis stresses the difference between the artistic and political myth in that period and more attention to the new myth in political ideology is paid in the last chapter. This version of myth manifested itself in February 1948 by establishment of totalitarian political regime. Key words New myth, crises, revolution, symbol, Josef Šíma, Le Gand Jeu, Group 42, romanticism, Karel Hynek Mácha, Jindřich Chalupecký, Václav Navrátil, Karel...

Josef Václav Frič (1829-1890): V mé bibliothece / Josef Václav Frič (1829-1890): In my library

Hesová, Petra January 2019 (has links)
The presented dissertation draws materially on the preserved literary and library estate of the Czech writer and journalist Josef Václav Frič (1829-1890), locally divided and so far not sorted, with the aim of creating a basis for future work with the entire fund in the widest possible range of areas, from the orientation aids to research and scientific. It contains lists of Frič's manuscripts, preserved monuments and archived documents, deposited in the Literary Archive of the Museum of National Literature in Prague, a catalog of Frič's personal library, stored in the National Museum Library in Prague, with a detailed description of provenance, and a detailed bibliography. The commentary on Frič's collection focuses on the genesis and history of the collection and takes into account the most remarkable specimens in which Frič has written his notes, critical insights, organizational marks, sketches and variations of his own poems, additional proofreading, and even encrypted messages. keywords: Josef Václav Frič (1829-1890) - personal library - author's bibliography - research of book provenance - Czech literature of the 19th century

Aspekte der Authentizität bei der Umsetzung eines künstlerischen Entwurfs mit 3D-Software-Werkzeugen

Steger, Wolfgang, Schöne, Christine, Nitsche, Helmut 03 January 2020 (has links)
Friedrich Press war ein namhafter Bildhauer und Gestalter, der bis zu seinem Tod 1990 in etwa 40 überwiegend ostdeutschen Kirchen Werke geschaffen hat. Ein umfangreiches, von Press maßgeblich bestimmtes Projekt ist die 1970 begonnene Neugestaltung der Kirche Sankt Josef in Dresden. Der Entwurf des Künstlers umfasst auch ein Relief für die Brüstung der Orgelempore, dessen Herstellung durch die Kirchgemeinde seit 2013 diskutiert und etwa 2014-2018 realisiert wurde. Da Friedrich Press 1990 verstorben ist, war eine unmittelbare Mitwirkung bei der Realisierung nicht möglich. Authentizität bedeutet Echtheit im Sinne von „als Original befunden“ (wikipedia 2019). Authentizität ist keine objektive Kategorie, sondern von der Wahrnehmung und Interpretation der Rezipienten geprägt. In der bildenden Kunst ist die Authentizität eines Werkes unbestritten, wenn der Künstler das Werk eigenhändig schafft. Dies trifft für Maler, Bildhauer oder Grafiker zu-mindest weitgehend zu, die nur unwesentlich auf Fähigkeiten und Mitwirkung anderer Menschen zurückgreifen müssen, um ihre Ideen in Werke umzusetzen. Anders ist die Situation in der Baukunst oder in der Produktgestaltung, wo der Architekt oder Designer seinen Entwurf nicht selbst handwerklich umsetzen kann. Die Arbeitsteilung bewirkt zwangsweise Abweichungen von der ursprünglichen Gestaltungsidee. Meist wird man entsprechende Werke dennoch dem entwerfenden Gestalter zuschreiben und insofern das Werk als authentische Umsetzung einer Entwurfsidee beurteilen. Eine Skulptur wird unter verschiedenen Aspekten wahrgenommen. Neben der Gesamtform und der Komposition der Bestandteile, die aus dem Entwurf klar hervorgehen, bestimmen auch Material, Farbe, Textur und Einordnung in den räumlichen Kontext die Wahrnehmung der Skulptur. Diese Merkmale sind durch den Entwurf oft weniger dokumentiert und entstehen erst im Prozess der Umsetzung. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass eine vollständig authentische Umsetzung der künstlerischen Intentionen nicht möglich ist [...] Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich mit der Realisierung des von Friedrich Press entworfenen Reliefs an der Orgelempore und der Frage, inwieweit das Ergebnis als authentisches Werk des Künstlers gesehen werden kann. [... aus der Fragestellung]

Josef Cheth Novotný - osobnost a dílo / Josef Cheth Novotný - personality and work

Drašnarová, Sylva January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis is the first biography about a journalist and writer Josef Novotný, who was born in Chrudim of 1900, considered one of the culturally liveliest Czech towns at the sunset of the 19th century. He engaged in writing as early as at grammar school, gaining first journalist experience in regional press, above all in Středostavovský buditel. This periodical was published by Československá živnostensko-obchodnická strana středostavovská. In the following years he worked as a reporter in Nová Praha, Trn, Tramp, Úl and others. In the 30s he started cooperation with Melantrich, where he wrote for České slovo and Český ilustrovaný zpravodaj. Later on in the late 40s he was employed as a reporter with Masarykův list. In 1948 his membership in Sydnikát českých novinářů had expired and by that literally his journalist career, too. He wrote tens of books, some of which were of autobiographic and regional character. He is the author of literature for children and youth, theatre and puppet plays, detective stories and rodokaps. He elaborated many historical themes and literary criticism essays. The biggest acknowledgement he received for his novel Piava based on his experiences from the frontline during the First World War. Most of his life work has never been published and is archived in the...

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