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An exploration and identification of a consistent model for Presbyterian church planting in KoreaLee, Shin Chul January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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The Anglican Church's missionary work in Korea 1890-1910 as revealed in its missionary magazine The Morning CalmAhn, Jong-Mook January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Youth in Crisis: Understanding the Surge of Adolescent Suicide in South KoreaPorter, Caroline 01 January 2016 (has links)
The following thesis examines South Korean history, traditional values and the effects of the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis in order to understand the political, economic, and social causes of the increase in adolescent suicides since the turn of the millennium.
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A practical theological study of the preacher's ethos in Korean contextJeong, Woo-Sung 10 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: a reasonable foundation for their authority is needed. Lastly, it is argued that within the Korean context, the preacher’s “reasonable authority” should have the Word of God as its foundation.
Chapter 5 demonstrates three key aspects of the preacher’s ethos by highlighting the following: firstly, three kinds of proofs for structural principles, i.e. persuasion by moral character (ethos); persuasion by putting the hearer into a certain emotional frame of mind (pathos); and persuasion by the speech itself, when the truth or apparent truth(logos) is established. Secondly, an important rule for the preacher’s ethos, namely that listeners must trust and feel connected with the speaker. Thirdly, the attitude of the audience as an important element that influences and even constructs the speaker’s character.
Chapter 6 presents four key aspects of preaching in crisis as related to the preacher’s ethos by pointing out the following: firstly, preachers cannot be separated from their preaching. Secondly, a large part of preparation for preaching is the preachers’ own personal preparation–the impact from the pulpit is indeed tied to their own moral character and ethos. Thirdly, the most importance aspect of the preachers’ ethos in preaching is the danger of their possible inconsistent lifestyle .Preachers’ talk should be supported and balanced by their walk. Lastly, the key point of the preachers’ ethos related to their congregations is that, in their minds during reparation of the sermons, there should always be recognition of the reality of a listening audience.
Chapter 7 focuses on ethos related to two areas: firstly, the development of the preachers’ ethos. Secondly, some suggestions for the development of their ethos concern five aspects, such as their vocation, spirituality, reading, prayer and “glory”. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die belangrikheid van predikers se etos in prediking uit te lig. Oor prediking bestaan daar baie hedendaagse kritiek. Die kwynende invloed van prediking word deur sommige aan die deur van die prediker se eie persoonlike etos gelê.
Dus, wat beteken etos met betrekking tot die prediker? Hierdie vraag vorm deel van die kern van hierdie navorsing. Die verhouding tussen etos en prediking is duidelik van groot belang.
Hoofstuk 2 ondersoek die basiese konsep van ‘n prediker met betrekking tot vyf sleutel aspekte: Eerstens, die definisie van “prediker” is dat hy/sy ‘n dienaar van die Woord en van God is. Tweedens, die betekenis van die prediker se roeping is soos dié van Jesus Christus en die uitgangspunt is dat die prediker woorde lei tot die gemeente se verlossing. Derdens, in die praktyk word ‘n prediker dikwels as ‘n ambassadeur, profeet, getuie, herder, rentmeester, boodskapper of woordvoerder beskryf. Vierdens, in prediking is die prediker se taak dié van ‘n bemiddelaar tussen God en mens, ‘n vertolker van die Bybel vir die gemeentelede en om hulle te inspireer om ‘n meersinvolle lewe te lei. Laastens het die navorser klem gelê op die belang van prediking met betrekking tot ses areas: die prediker, die gemeente, die kerk, aanbidding, die Christendom en die wêreld.
Hoofstuk 3 ondersoek sekere voorlopige navorsing op huidige prediking in krisis. In ‘n sekere sin bejeën (post)moderne mense, soos sosiale wetenskaplikes, kommunikasie kundiges, teoloë en hulle in die kerkbanke, prediking met negatiwiteit. Elke groep het sy eie fokus van kritiek, maar wat dit ookal mag wees, hulle stem almal saam dat iets ernstigs verkeerd is met vandag se preke.
Hoofstuk 4 ondersoek die algemene omstandighede van die kerk en prediking, asookdie prediker in die Koreaanse konteks, met die fokus op die volgende vier aspekte. Eerstens, die Koreaanse Kerk is een van die verstommende fenomene in die Christendom se onlangse geskiedenis. Ongelukkig het dié Kerk se groei inderdaad opgehou en het selfs ‘n agteruitgang getoon sedert die middel 90s. Tweedens, ‘n noukeurige studie van Koreaanse prediking het bewys dat hierdie teologiese instelling nie sterk is nie en dat ‘n vorm van bevooroordeelde eksegese van die Bybel tans versprei. Derdens, in die Koreaanse konteks het Koreaanse predikers buitensporige outoriteit; hulle is verantwoordelik vir vele aktiwiteite en ‘n redelike basis vir hul outoriteit is nodig. Laastens word geargumenteer dat, binne die Koreaanse konteks, die prediker se “redelike outoriteit” die Woord van God as basis moet behou.
Hoofstuk 5 demonstreer drie sleutel aspekte van die prediker se etos deur die volgende uit te lig: eerstens, drie soorte strukturele rigsnoere, naamlik oorreding deur morele karakter (etos); oorreding deur die hoorder in ‘n sekere emosionele gemoedstoestand (patos) te plaas; en oorreding deur die toespraak self, wanneer die waarheid of oënskynlike waarheid (logos) bepaal is. Tweedens, ‘n belangrike reël vir die prediker se etos is dat luisteraars die spreker vertrou en aan hom/haar verbind voel. Derdens, houding as ‘n belangrike element wat gehorebeïnvloed om die spreker se karakter te beoordeel.
Hoofstuk 6 bied vier sleutel aspekte van krisisprediking met betrekking tot die prediker se etos, naamlik: eerstens,predikers kan nie van hul prediking geskei word nie. Tweedens, ‘n groot deel van die voorbereiding vir prediking is die predikers se eie persoonlike voorbereiding –impak vanaf die kansel is inderdaad verbind aan hul eie morele karakter en etos. Derdens is die belangrikste aspek van die predikers se etos die gevaar van hul moontlike teenstrydige leefwyse. Predikers se woorde moet ondersteun en gebalanseer word deur hul optrede. Laastens, die sleutelpunt van die predikers se etos, wat betref hul gemeentes,is dat daar tydens die preekvoorbereiding ‘n voortdurende bewussyn van die realiteit van ‘n luisterende gehoor moet wees.
Hoofstuk 7 fokus op twee areas: eerstens, die ontwikkeling van predikers se etos. Tweedens, ‘n paar voorstelle vir die ontwikkeling van hierdie etos met betrekking tot vyf aspekte, naamlik predikers se roeping, spiritualiteit, leeswerk, gebed en “heeklikheid”.
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Preferred contexts for mathematical literacy of Korean grade 8-10 learners.Kim, Sun Hi January 2006 (has links)
The twenty-first century society demands a high level of mathematical literacy. This drove Korean educators to evaluate their students using international mathematics tests such as TIMSS, PISA and IMO. In these tests, Korean students ranked highly among the participating countries. Korean students, however, had done poorly in the application of mathematics in daily life situations as well as in their interest in mathematics in comparison to those of other countries. Based on these observations, the present study was an investigation on the contexts which Korean grade 8 to 10 students would prefer to deal with mathematics, in order to improve these weak points and thus increase their mathematical power. The aim of the study was to investigate mathematical literacy in connection with the relevance of mathematics and mathematical modelling. The study paid more attention to mathematics education in real life situations.
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The EU foreign policy toward the North Korea: its effects and limitationJang, Seong Jung January 2012 (has links)
Jang, Seong Jung EU has been engaged in North Korean affairs since it started humanitarian aid in 1990s. EU has developed institutional grounds for the diplomatic relation and it has implemented foreign policy towards North Korea in the context of Asia strategy. Its approach to North Korea is connected with Neo-liberal thinking. It stressed the international cooperation to resolve the nuclear problem, and utilized political dialogues and international institution to improve the poor human rights in North Korea. It also continued humanitarian aid irrespective of security problem, and offered economic cooperation programs for the economic development of North Korea. However, EU is not in the strong position to affect the security issue in the Korean peninsula due to various causes such as the geopolitical distance. Moreover, EU's economic cooperation programs are often frustrated by the political constraints. Rather, it puts the energy in keeping the position by playing a leading role in the improvement of human rights and continuing humanitarian aid. This policy trend will be continued in the near future. Though there are limited capacity, EU has strengths in part to contribute to the settlement of the North Korean issues with a few reasons. First, EU gains a favorable position to access to North...
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Postavenie KĽDR v medzinárodných vzťahoch a možný budúci vývoj / The position of the DPRK in international relations and possible future developmentOdrášková, Natália January 2010 (has links)
The first chapter outlines the history of the Korean peninsula from the period of the first kingdoms until the end of Korean War. Second chapter describes the present situation of the DPRK - its political system, ideology and economy and how it was influenced by its history. Third chapter is devoted to the foreign relations of North Korea with a focus on countries that play a special role. Last chapter focuses on the key factors that could influence the future development of the DPRK.
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Analysis of the causes of inflation, the case of KoreaKim, Seok Joong January 2010 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries
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Trade and economic growth in the Repubic [sic] of Korea / Trade and economic growth in the Republic of KoreaSong, You-Chul January 2010 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries
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Urban settlement design, Seoul, Korea : a comparative study for low-income housing / Housing for the urban poor in KoreaJe, Hae-Seong January 1982 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1982. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ROTCH. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 70). / The study proposes an alternative design approach for urban dwelling environments of the low-income sectors in Seoul, Korea, based upon a comparative evaluation of the physical and socio-economic performance of the existing dwelling environments. Most existing settlements have significant problems in land utilization and circulation efficiency. Despite narrow streets, almost 30% of land is allotted for public circulation due to gridiron layouts having small blocks. The circulation area is little utilized or it is sometimes misutilized as semi-private and semi-public areas. In case of current walk-up apartment projects, the provision of unutilized open spaces results in a waste of land and services. Moreover, "instant" housing developments increase initial costs and discourage the utilization of individual resources . The focus of the study is on the provision of affordable and appropriate dwelling environments by minimizing initial costs and improving land utilization and circulation efficiency. The study proposes the maximization of private and semi-private land, the grid layout system and progressive housing development. / by Hae-Seong Je. / M.S.
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