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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simultaneous determination of Debt, Dividend, and Inside Ownership policies : Evidence from Sweden

Persson, Rickard January 2014 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to examine the simultaneous determination of debt, dividend, and inside ownership policies in Sweden. We apply a simultaneous equation model estimated with 3SLS. The results reveal a positive two-way causal relationship between debt and dividend polices. We also find a two-way causal relationship between inside ownership and dividend policies, but dividends affect inside ownership in a positive way while inside ownership affects dividends in a negative way. Further, we find a relationship between inside ownership and debt policies, but any causality appears to run from inside ownership to debt in a negative way. This study supports the notion that the convergence of interest and the entrenchment theory are not mutually exclusive. We also show that a SEM estimated with 3SLS is justified empirically over the OLS and that the difference between using 3SLS compared to 2SLS is negligible in our model.

High Yield – A Late Bloomer’s Time To Shine? / High Yield – Tid Att Blomstra?

Yosef, Sonia, Sommer, Julia January 2016 (has links)
Real estate companies are capital intense and bank loans represent the most common source of funding. However, the years following the latest financial crisis resulted in difficult terms and expensive bank loans, which cleared a path for alternative sources of funding. Small and me-dium-sized real estate companies displayed a particular interest in corporate bonds and ever since then the real estate sector have been overrepresented on the Swedish corporate bond mar-ket. Despite the growth during the past years, the Swedish market still appears to be underde-veloped compared to other countries. However, several trends are now indicating that High Yield is on the rise. New regulations that are currently being implemented will increase the costs for banks further and consequently make bank loans even more expensive. Simultane-ously, the current low interest-rate environment and volatile stock markets are increasing de-mand for High Yield alternatives among retail and institutional investors. This study investi-gates the High Yield market for small and medium-sized real estate companies and is built upon eleven interviews with professionals. It concludes that the market is underdeveloped because there has been no previous demand for it. Swedish banks and companies have traditionally had a synergetic relationship while investors relied on saving accounts and equities. The situation today is different; investors are demanding High Yield investments and the segment will most probably increase in the future. Real estate companies are positive to bonds and wish to increase the current ratio of their debt portfolio. There are however several barriers for continued growth, such as lack of knowledge, transparency, liquidity as well as fair pricing in the market. In the current state, corporate bond investments are suitable only for professional investors. The ex-emption is High Net Worth Individuals, who buy and hold, which are particularly suited for smaller corporate bonds. / Fastighetsföretag bedriver kapitalintensiv verksamhet och den vanligaste finansieringsformen för svenska fastighetsföretag är idag banklån. Efter den senaste finanskrisen har dock bankut-låningen blivit mer restriktiv vilket särskilt har drabbat mindre företag. Till följd av detta har alternativa finansieringsformer blivit allt vanligare där företagsobligationer blivit särskilt in-tressanta för små och medelstora fastighetsföretag. Sedan finanskrisen har specifikt fastighets-företagen varit överrepresenterade på den svenska företagsobligationsmarknaden. Faktum är ändock att företagsobligationsmarknaden i Sverige, trots tillväxt de senaste åren, framstår som underutvecklad i jämförelse med andra länder. Flertalet trender pekar emellertid på att den kom-mer att fortsätta blomma ut. För närvarande implementeras nya regelverk som ökar kostnaderna för bankerna och potentiellt kommer att leda till större restriktioner och dyrare banklån. Vidare bidrar dagens låga ränteläge i kombination med volatila aktiemarknader till att efterfrågan på företagsobligationer bland investerare, privata såväl som institutionella, ökar. Studien undersö-ker företagsobligationsmarknaden inom High Yield segmentet för små och medelstora fastig-hetsföretag och bygger på elva intervjuer med yrkesverksamma. Det konkluderas att marknaden är underutvecklad då den ej har efterfrågats tidigare. De svenska bankerna och fastighetsföre-tagen har sedan länge en symbiotisk relation samtidigt som investerare har förlitat sig på spar-konton och aktier. Idag är situationen annorlunda där fler investerare efterfrågar High Yield produkter. Fastighetsföretagen är positiva till obligationer och önskar öka nuvarande andel i sina skuldportföljer. Det finns dock barriärer för den fortsatta tillväxten på marknaden, där-ibland brist på kunskap, transparens och likviditet samt ifrågasatt prissättning. Direktinveste-ringar i företagsobligationer idag lämpar sig därför för professionella investerare. Undantaget är kapitalstarka privatpersoner som ämnar att hålla instrumentet till förfall vilka lämpar sig sär-skilt bra som investerare i mindre företagsobligationer.

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