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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rekurentní neuronové sítě pro klasifikaci textů / Recurrent Neural Network for Text Classification

Myška, Vojtěch January 2018 (has links)
Thesis deals with the proposal of the neural networks for classification of positive and negative texts. Development took place in the Python programming language. Design of deep neural network models was performed using the Keras high-level API and the TensorFlow numerical computation library. The computations were performed using GPU with support of the CUDA architecture. The final outcome of the thesis is linguistically independent neural network model for classifying texts at character level reaching up to 93,64% accuracy. Training and testing data were provided by multilingual and Yelp databases. The simulations were performed on 1200000 English, 12000 Czech, German and Spanish texts.

Segmentace cévního řečiště ve snímcích sítnice metodami hlubokého učení / Blood vessel segmentation in retinal images using deep learning approaches

Serečunová, Stanislava January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the application of deep neural networks with focus on image segmentation. The theoretical part contains a description of deep neural networks and a summary of widely used convolutional architectures for segmentation of objects from the image. Practical part of the work was devoted to testing of an existing network architectures. For this purpose, an open-source software library Tensorflow, implemented in Python programming language, was used. A frequent problem incorporating the use of convolutional neural networks is the requirement on large amount of input data. In order to overcome this obstacle a new data set, consisting of a combination of five freely available databases was created. The selected U-net network architecture was tested by first modification of the newly created data set. Based on the test results, the chosen network architecture has been modified. By these means a new network has been created achieving better performance in comparison to the original network. The modified architecture is then trained on a newly created data set, that contains images of different types taken with various fundus cameras. As a result, the trained network is more robust and allows segmentation of retina blood vessels from images with different parameters. The modified architecture was tested on the STARE, CHASE, and HRF databases. Results were compared with published segmentation methods from literature, which are based on convolutional neural networks, as well as classical segmentation methods. The created network shows a high success rate of retina blood vessels segmentation comparable to state-of-the-art methods.

Hluboké neuronové sítě pro klasifikaci objektů v obraze / Deep Neural Networks for Classifying Objects in an Image

Mlynarič, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
This paper deals with classifying objects using deep neural networks. Whole scene segmentation was used as main algorithm for the classification purpose which works with video sequences and obtains information between two video frames. Optical flow was used for getting information from the video frames, based on which features maps of a~neural network are warped. Two neural network architectures were adjusted to work with videos and experimented with. Results of the experiments show, that using videos for image segmentation improves accuracy (IoU) compared to the same architecture working with images.

Metody hlubokého učení pro segmentaci cév a optického disku v oftalmologických sekvencích / Deep learning methods for vessel and optic disc segmentation in ophthalmologic sequences

Rozhoňová, Andrea January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the following thesis was to study the issue of optical disc and retinal vessels segmentation in ophthalmologic sequences. The theoretical part of the thesis summarizes the principles of different approaches in the field of deep learning, which are used in connection with the given issue. Based on the theoretical part, methods for optical disk segmentation and retinal vessel segmentation based on the convolutional neural networks Linknet, PSPNet, Unet and MaskRCNN are proposed. The practical part of the thesis deals with the description of their implementation and subsequent evaluation.

Mobilní aplikace pro rozpoznání leukokorie ze snímku lidského obličeje / Mobile App for Recognition of Leukocoria in an Image of Human Face

Hřebíček, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to design and implement a multiplatform multilingual mobile application for detecting leukocoria in an image of human face for iOS and Android platforms. Leukocoria is a whitish light of the pupil, which can be seen on the photo when the flash is used. Early detection of this symptom can save human eyesight. The application itself allows to analyze a user's photo and detect the presence of leukocoria. The goal of the application is to analyze eyes of the human, from which the mobile application name - Eye Check is derived. React Native framework was used to create a multiplatform mobile application. The Dlib library was chosen for human face and eye detection, the OpenCV library for working with the photo. The convolutional neural network was used to classify the eyes for the possible presence of leukocoria. Client-Server communication is solved using the REST architecture. The result is a mobile application that detects leukocoria and allerts the user to visit his doctor if leukocoria is detected.

Hra pro mobilní telefon s využitím rozpoznání rysů tváře / Smartphone Game Using Recognition of Face Features

Skoták, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
This master's thesis focuses on smartphone game for iOS, which uses recognition of face features and other information, which can be obtained from a smartphone's camera and sensors. This work describes a few approaches for real-time face detection and then introduces and compares possibilities for such task on iOS. Moreover, the thesis contains a draft of the final game and its levels. The game showcases various technologies in its levels such as object detection, processing an image color and others. Finally, the thesis introduces the final form of the game that is released and available on the App Store.

Detekce vad potisku / Detection of printing defects

Boček, Václav January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design and subsequent implementation of a unit inspecting a printed logos on the pen surface. A line-scan camera is used to capture the object. Whole the unit including acquited data processing is controlled by Raspberry Pi 4 platform extended by perifery board. The control of the hardware parts is implemented in C++, the detection algorithms in Python using OpenCV and TensorFlow libraries. The unit has a graphical user interface for control of the inspection process. In the end of the thesis test of the unit reliability is shown.

Neuronové sítě pro klasifikaci typu a kvality průmyslových výrobků / Neural networks for visual classification and inspection of the industrial products

Míček, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this master's thesis thesis is to enable evaluation of quality, or the type of product in industrial applications using artificial neural networks, especially in applications where the classical approach of machine vision is too complicated. The system thus designed is implemented onto a specific hardware platform and becomes a subject to the final optimalisation for the hardware platform for the best performance of the system.

Detekce a rozpoznání zbraně ve scéně / Detection and Recognition of Gun in a Scene

Stuchlík, David January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to design an algorithm for detection and recognition of the type of gun in the image. Firstly, the existing methods and techniques for detecting the various objects are briefly introduced in the text of the thesis however, the methods are primarily focused on guns. Next, the basics of neural networks are briefly outlined, followed by an overview of the most common detectors for deep neural networks. The second half of the thesis is devoted to the implementation of an application for generating images based on a 3D model of a gun, the creation of a data file and learning of a neural network. Finally, the results obtained, which clearly indicate that in order to cover a huge variation of real weapons, is necessary to generate a large amount of training data based on many different 3D models, are briefly summarized in the conclusion of the thesis.

Redukce šumu audionahrávek pomocí hlubokých neuronových sítí / Audio noise reduction using deep neural networks

Talár, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the use of deep recurrent neural network, architecture Long Short-Term Memory for robust denoising of audio signal. LSTM is currently very attractive due to its characteristics to remember previous weights, or edit them not only according to the used algorithms, but also by examining changes in neighboring cells. The work describes the selection of the initial dataset and used noise along with the creation of optimal test data. For creation of the training network is selected KERAS framework for Python and are explored and discussed possible candidates for viable solutions.

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