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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stebuklinių pasakų kompiuterizuotas komponavimas ir jo panaudojimas kūrybingumui ugdyti žemesnėse klasėse / Computer-aided composition of fairy-tales and its practice for raising the creativeness of pupils in the lower classes

Žilionienė, Daiva 10 July 2008 (has links)
Šiuolaikinės edukologijos tendencijos siejamos su reikšmingų asmenybei kompetencijų ir gebėjimų ugdymu bei vystymu. Nuolat tobulėjančios informacinės technologijos ryškiai pakeitė mokymo ir mokymosi galimybes. Jų panaudojimas turi harmoningai derėti su gimtosios kalbos, literatūros, kultūros puoselėjimu. Pastarųjų metų kompiuterinės lingvistikos pasiekimai kartu su praėjusio šimtmečio kalbininkų ir tautosakos tyrinėtojų įžvalgomis sukuria naujas daug žadančias prielaidas informacinių technologijų panaudojimui kūrybingumui ugdyti. Darbe aptartos mokomosios kompiuterinės programos, skirtos lietuvių (gimtosios) kalbos ugdymui; išanalizuotas įvairių tautosakininkų stebuklinės pasakos morfologinis nagrinėjimas; apžvelgta kalbos kūrybinio ugdymo situacija Lietuvoje. Nustatyta, kad Lietuvos mokyklose yra kalbos kūrybinio ugdymo problema - mokiniai nemoka ir nenori kurti tekstų. Šiai problemai spręsti sukurta mokomoji kompiuterinė priemon��� ,,Pasakos scenarijus“, skirta žemesniųjų klasių mokiniams. Priemonė sukurta panaudojant kompiuterinį modeliavimą ir konstravimą. Pagal stebuklinės pasakos modelį iš tam tikrų struktūrinių dalių yra komponuojamas naujos pasakos scenarijus. Scenarijus išspausdinamas ir pagal jį mokinys sukuria pasaką. Mokomoji kompiuterinė programa sukurta FrontPage tinklapių kūrimo programa, panaudojant JavaScript programavimo kalbos elementus. Darbe pateikta programos naudojimo mokymo procese analizė ir pedagoginio eksperimento rezultatai. Atlikus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Modern education tendencies are closely related to education and development of meaningful competencies and capabilities. Constantly improving information technologies have definitely changed teaching and learning possibilities. Their application must be in harmony with the nurturance of the mother-tongue, literature and culture. The latest achievements of computer linguistics together with insights of linguists and folklore researchers of the last century give new promising prerequisites for application of information technologies to raise creativeness. The work discusses teaching computer programs designed for education of the Lithuanian (mother-tongue) language, presents the analysis on morphologic research of fairy-tales by different folklorists, and gives review of the situation on language creativity education in Lithuania. It has been defined that schools in Lithuania face the problem of language creative education – pupils cannot and do not want to create texts. To tackle the problem a teaching computer aid “Tale scenario“for pupils of the lower grades was designed. The aid was designed using computer modeling and construction. Based on the model of a fairy-tale a scenario of a new tale is composed from particular structural parts. The scenario is published and a pupil creates a tale on it. The teaching computer program is designed with FrontPage website creating program, using the elements of JavaScript programming language. The analysis of the program application in... [to full text]

Elektroninių kursu mokymo objektų komponavimo sistema / The Packing System of Electronical learning objects

Liekis, Ričardas 07 January 2006 (has links)
The subject of this job is „The Packing System of Electronical learning objects“. The main purpose of this job consists of research what is necessary to make the electronical learning course become totally independent from LMS; of the Project and the realization of the tool, which would allow demonstrating the quality of creating this type of course. Universal systems, able to create every necessary elements for the electronical learning allow to produce learning courses and other related services in operative, objective, professional ways. Therefore this is the reason why the flexibility, giving the choice of necessary and useful system components, install the innovations quickly, is being lost. That is why massive LMS are going to be assembled of different components. The analysis shows that the best choice is to use SCORM standard, which is the main standard of electronical learning. The jobs being fulfilled: • The analysis of electronical learning; • The project of the packing system of electronical learning objects; • The realization of the packing system of electronical learning objects; The experiment of: • The action of the produced system; • The investigation of the learning objects package. The main characteristics of The Packing System of Electronical learning objects: • The packing of functional learning objects; • Effective usage of shareable learning objects; • The Standard XML structure of learning objects.

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