Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bumba desources"" "subject:"bumba alresources""
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The KUMBA way : establishing a winning mindset for superior performanceMarupen, Fergus Conan Salvador 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: KUMBA Resources (KUMBA) is a listed mining company on the Johannesburg
Securities Exchange (JSE), with an annual turnover of about seven billion Rand.
Their main operations consist of iron ore, coal, heavy minerals, base metals and
industrial minerals. In this study project the writer will attempt to define the process
followed by KUMBA to establish a winning mindset to ensure superior performance.
The basic objectives defined for this study are to:
• Define the process that KUMBA followed to develop a set of values for the
• Explain the process followed to develop a validated questionnaire to measure
the values.
• Discuss the process that was followed to develop a system to support the
• Lastly, to discuss the results of the actual ratings in June 2003 and the
recommendations made after the completion of the process.
The KUMBA Way was defined as a vehicle to drive this process. Core to this
process is the KUMBA Values. Strategically, KUMBA decided that their values would
be a distinctive lever in the company that will ensure superior performance. KUMBA
then embarked on a process to develop one set of values for all the KUMBA mines.
The end result was the foundation (minimum behaviour required by KUMBA) and
motivational (behaviour that can be developed to achieve overall business success)
Foundation Values:
• Integrity
• Respect
• Accountability
• Fairness
• Caring
Motivational Values:
• We do it together
• People make it happen
• Let's do it
• We do it better every time
KUMBA also used the framework of transformational leadership and the competency
model of Jay Hall as basis to entrench their values in the organisation. These
processes are driven at business unit level and the line managers took the ownership
of this process.
A further decision KUMBA took was to measure their values. A validated
questionnaire was needed to be able to deal with the process. Two pilot studies
were conducted to validate the questionnaire and the questionnaire passed the
criteria of reliability and validity. The questionnaire scored an overall Cronbach Alpha
of 0,88. This result was higher than the minimum requirement of 0,6 for a self
constructed questionnaire.
A process was also followed to develop an in house system to support the overall
measurement process. This system was based on the 360-degree approach. The
actual measurement of the values took place in June 2003 and the results were
outstanding. The results of the actual ratings compared very favourably to the results
of the pilot studies.
The results of the actual assessment must still be forwarded to Deloittes and Touche
Human Capital Corporation to do a final Cronbach Alpha analysis. This will allow
KUMBA to determine if the increase in the number of participants influenced the
overall reliability and validity of the questionnaire. Furthermore, KUMBA also needs
to revisit the process after one year to examine whether the measurement of these
values contributed to the overall improvement of the organisational culture. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: KUMBA Resources (KUMBA) is 'n mynbou maatskappy wat op die Johannesburgse
effektebeurs gelys is en het 'n jaarlikse omset van sewe miljard rand. Die basiese
bedryf bestaan uit ystererts, steenkool, swaar minerale, basiese metale en industriële
minerale. Die skrywer gaan, met hierdie studie, probeer om 'n wen gesindheid te
skep ten einde superieure prestasie te lewer. Die basiese doelwitte vir hierdie studie
word as volg gedefinieer, naamlik:
• Definieer die proses wat KUMBA gevolg het ten einde een stel waardes vir die
organisasie te ontwikkel.
• Verduidelik die proses wat gevolg was om 'n vraelys te valideer wat die waardes
sou meet.
• Bespreek die proses wat gevolg was om 'n stelsel te ontwikkel wat hierdie
proses sou ondersteun.
• Laastens, om die resultate van die werklike meting in Junie 2003 en
aanbevelings na afloop van die proses te bespreek.
Die KUMBA manier was as voertuig gedefinieer om hierdie proses te dryf. Kern tot
hierdie proses is die KUMBA waardes. Strategies het KUMBA besluit dat hulle
waardes 'n hefboom gaan wees wat hulle graag na 'n onderskeidende vlak dryf ten
einde superieure prestasie te verseker. KUMBA het met 'n proses begin om een stel
waardes vir al sy besigheidseenhede te ontwikkel. Die eindresultaat was die KUMBA
"Foundation" waardes (minimum gedrag wat deur KUMBA vereis word) en die
"Motivational" waardes (gedrag wat ontwikkel kan word ten einde besigheid-sukses
te kan bereik).
"Foundation" waardes:
• Integriteit
• Respek
• Toerekenbaarheid
• Regverdigheid
• Sorgvuldigheid
"Motivational" waardes:
• Ons doen dit saam
• Mense laat dit gebeur
• Kom ons doen dit
• Ons doen dit beter elke keer
KUMBA het ook die raamwerk van transformele leierskap en die
bevoegdheidsproses van Jay Hall gebruik om waardes in die maatskappy te vestig.
Hierdie prosesse was gedryf deur die besigheidseenhede en die lynbestuurders het
eienaarskap van die proses geneem.
'n Verdere besluit wat KUMBA gneem het, was om hulle waardes te meet. 'n
Gevalideerde vraelys was benodig vir hierdie proses. Twee loods-studies was
afgeneem om die vraelys te valideer en die vraelys het aan die kriteria van geldigheid
en betroubaarheid voldoen. Die vraelys het 'n algehele Cronbach Alpha van 0,88
behaal. Hierdie resultaat was hoër as die minimum vereiste van 0,6 vir 'n selfgekonstrueerde
'n Proses was ook gevolg om 'n in-huis stelsel te ontwikkel wat die algehele
metingsaksie sou ondersteun. Hierdie stelsel was gebaseer op 'n 360°-benadering.
Die werklike meting het in Junie 2003 plaasgevind en die resultate was uitstekend.
Die resultate van die werklike meting het baie goed vergelyk met die resultate van
die tweede loods-studie.
Die resultate van die werklike meting moet nog steeds aan Deloitles en Touche
gestuur word ten einde 'n finale Cronbach Alpha te doen. Dit sal KUMBA in staat stel
om te bepaal of die toename in die aantal deelnemers enigsins die algehele geldigheid en betroubaarheid van die vraelys beïnvloed het. KUMBA moet ook
hierdie proses na 'n jaar hersien om te bepaal of die meting enigsins 'n bydrae tot die
algemene organisasie-kultuur lewer.
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A study to determine why some projects are finished late and overspent with-in Kumba Resources, not withstanding that advanced time planning techniques are freely available and are generally appliedHartmann, M. J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study describes a process used to determine critical success factors that are felt to be
predictive of timely completion of projects within Kumba Resources. A comprehensive
literature review and the knowledge of full time line and project managers who have had
experience with projects were used to generate critical success factors that was felt to be
crucial to timely completion of projects within Kumba Resources. Eleven items were
discovered within Kumba Resources that relate well to the available literature on the subject.
These were the personal skills of the project manager, project management skills, overly
optimistic estimates to obtain project approval, organisational culture, vague and conflicting
scope definition, no proper project planning, project control and visibility, no proper risk
management communication management not up to standard, changes to orders and contracts
took longer than planned and delays caused by poor project integration.
In addition, these eleven items have been reduced to six factors with the use of factor analysis.
The six factors found were (1) Organisational culture, (2) Technology management, (3)
Contract management, (4) Autocratic behaviour, (5) Project design and development and (6)
Role clarification. Of these six factors, only technology management proofed to be well
managed within Kumba Resources. This study has provided the basis for developing an
intervention through which the performance on project management within Kumba Resources
will be improved. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie beskryf die proses wat gevolg is om die kritieke suksesfaktore vir tydige
voltooiïng van projekte binne Kumba Resources uit te lig. 'n Omvattende literatuurstudie en
die kennis van voltydse projekbestuurders en lynbestuurders, wat ondervinding in
projekbestuur het, is gebruik om die vraelys saam te stel. Hieruit is die kritieke suksesfaktore
vir tydige voltooiïng van projekte binne Kumba Resources geïdentifiseer. Elf items het na
vore gekom uit die studie wat baie goed vergelyk met die literatuur beskikbaar. Die elf items
gevind in Kumba Resources is die persoonlike vaardighede van die projekbestuurder, die
projekbestuur vaardighede van die projekbestuurder, oor optimistiese beramings om
projekgoedkeuring te verkry, organisasie kultuur, 'n vaag of swak definisie van die omvang
wat die projek behels, geen ordentlike risiko analises word gedoen, die bestuur van
kommunikasie is nie op standaard nie, veranderings aan kontrakte en bestellings neem langer
as beplan en vertragings word veroorsaak deur swak bestuur van projekintegrasie.
Hierdie elf items is daarna saamgevoeg in ses faktore deur gebruik te maak van faktoranalise.
Die ses faktore wat gevind is, is (1) Organisasie kultuur, (2) Tegnologie bestuur, (3) Kontrak
bestuur, (4) Outokratiese gedrag, (5) Projek ontwerp en ontwikkeling en (6) Roluitklaring.
Van die ses faktore blyk dit dat slegs tegnologie bestuur baie goed gedoen word binne Kumba
Resources. Hierdie studie verskaf dus die basis en motivering vir die ontwikkeling van 'n
interfensie om die prestasie in terme van projekbestuur binne Kumba Resources te verbeter.
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Critical overview of performing people the Kumba WayPiater, Margaretha 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Kumba Resources is one of the largest South African-domiciled mining groups. After
completing an extensive and hard-hitting re-engineering drive Kumba Resources
engaged in making its operations more efficient and to create growth opportunities to
realise its vision:
UT0 outperform the mining and minerals sector in creating value to all stakeholders
through exceptional people and superior processes".
The vehicle used in Kumba to achieve its vision is the Kumba Way. The Kumba Way
is built on foundational values of Integrity, Respect, Accountability, Fairness and
Caring. The motivational values, People make it happen,We do it together, Let's
do it and We do it better every time create the energy and commitment to
continuously improve performance
The Kumba Way is a process that aims to achieve world-class performance
throughout the organisation. It will create value for all shareholders and a strong
competitive advantage by focusing on three areas:
• The organisation-wide acceptance and internalisation of a common vision and set
of values, creating an open, positive and trusting environment.
• The establishment of governance processes, which provide the framework and
tools to challenge and measure the performance of all employees.
• Operational excellence, which involves identifying best practices across and
beyond the organisation and institutionalising them.
The People Performance Process, a governance process with target setting, is the
driver for performance within Kumba Resources. The process was designed on best
practices identified within the organisation as well as those proven in high-performing
organisations worldwide.
Leading organisations, well aware of the crucial role workers play in their
organisations' productivity and, ultimately, in its profitability, make every effort to
continually elicit optimum performance, from their employees. They do so by identifying and reinforcing successful behaviours while flagging and
correcting unproductive performance.
The People performance Process developed by Kumba consists of the following
• Inputs to the process are cascaded targets, generic and jobs specific outputs as
well as the way the organisation values are lived.
• Individual performance contracting was developed to ensure a clear
understanding of what level of performance is required as well as what behaviour
is expected in achieving the outputs.
• Continuous observation and feedback focuses on creating the mindset within
Kumba to ensure that feedback on performance is a continuous process and not
restricted to only twice a year formal feedback.
• Measuring performance implies measuring the objective achievement as set out
in the performance contract as well as living the motivational values that will be
measured with a 360-degree questionnaire.
• Peer comparison is part of the process to ensure equity and fairness by making
use of ranking of employees and considering the impact of uncontrollable on
• The formal performance feedback affords managers the opportunity to recap on
the continual feedback given but most important it facilitates focusing on increasing
performance in the future.
• Measuring and auditing of the process ensures fair and equitable application and
achievement of process objectives.
• Consequence management implies that positive and negative consequences are
linked to the level of performance as well as the way the motivational values are
A blended learning approach was followed consisting of E-Iearning providing
"intellectually get it" and workshops support "emotionally get it".
Change management was seen as a cornerstone for the implementation of the
process. Line management need to take ownership of the process and therefore
cooperation and buy-in are essential. A pilot implementation of the process was completed involving all top and senior
managers within Kumba and already vast positive movements are evident. Kumba
has not yet completed implementation in terms of the execution of the process
across the organisation, but the continuous focus on changing mindsets and
behaviours together with performance improvements will assist Kumba to become
the high-performing organisation it aspires to become. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kumba Resources is een van die grootste Suid-Afrikaans gevestigde mynbou
groepe. Na voltooing van 'n omvangryke en kragtige "re-engineering" fokus Kumba
Resources op die verhoging van effektiwiteite in hul bestaande bedrywe sowel as op
die identifisering van groei geleenthede ten einde hul visie te verwenslik:
"Om die mynbou en mineraal sektor te uitprestreer ten einde waarde te ontsluit vir
alle belanghebbendes deur uitsonderlike mense en superieur prosesse".
Die voertuig wat Kumba gebruik om sy visie te verwenslik is die "Kumba Way". Die
"Kumba Way" is gefundeer op die waardes van Integriteit, Respek,
Aanspreeklikheid, Billikheid en Omgee. Die motiverende waardes "Mense laat dit
gebeur, Ons doen dit saam, Kom ons doen dit saam en Ons doen dit beter elke
keer" skep die energie en verbintenis tot deurlopende verbetering.
Die "Kumba Way" het ten doelom wêreldklas prestasie reg deur die organisasie te
bereik. Dit skep waarde vir alle deelhebbers en 'n sterk mededingende voordeel
deur op die volgende drie areas te fokus:
• Die organisasie-wye aanvaarding en internalisering van 'n gemene visie en
waardes ten einde 'n oop, positiewe en vertrouens-wekkende omgewing te skep.
• Die daarstelling van leidende prosesse as raamwerk en gereedskap om prestasie
van alle werknemers te daag en te meet.
• Die bereiking van bedryfsuitmuntendheid deur die identifisering van beste praktyke
binne en buite die organisasie asook die institusionalisering daarvan.
Die mens prestasie proses is tesame met doelwitstelling 'n leidende proses wat
prestasie binne Kumba aandryf. Die proses is gefundeer op beste praktyke
geidentifiseer binne die organisasie sowel as in hoë presterende organisasies
wêreldwyd. Leier organisasies is deeglik bewus van die rol wat werkernemers speel
in die produktiwiteit binne hulorganisasie en uiteindelike die winsgewendheid, en
doen dus alles moontlik om optimale prestasie van werknemers te bewerkstellig.
Ten einde dit te verwesenlik is dit nodig om suksesvolle gedrag en prestasie te
versterk en onproduktiewe gedrag en prestasie waar te neem en reg te stel. Die mens prestasie proses wat deur Kumba ontwikkel is bestaan uit die volgende
• Insette tot die proses word verkry van doelwitstelling, generiese en spesifieke
posuitsette en organisasie-waardes.
• Individuele prestasie kontraktering het ten doelom 'n duidelike begrip van die
vlak van prestasie en die besondere gedrag wat vereis word om doelwitbereiking
te verseker.
• Deurlopende observering en terugvoer het ten doelom 'n ingesteldheid te
ontwikkel dat prestasie en gedrag terugvoer deurlopend moet geskied en nie net
formeel twee maal per jaar nie.
• Meting van prestasie impliseer die meting van doelwitbereiking soos
ooreengekom in die prestasiekontrak sowel as die leef van. die motiverende
waardes wat deur middel van 'n 360-grade vraelys gemeet word.
• Portuur vergelyking is deel van die proses om gelykheid en billikheid in die
proses te verseker deur gebruik te maak van rangorde plasing en inagneming van
die inpak van onbeheerbare aspekte op prestasie.
• Formele prestasie terugvoering gee bestuurders die geleentheid om die
deurlopende terugvoer saam te vat, maar die belangrikste is om te fokus op die
verbetering van toekomstige prestasie.
• Meting en ouditering van die proses is nodig om die billike en eenvormige
toepassing van die proses sowel as die bereiking van proses doelwitte te verseker.
• Gevolgbestuur impliseer dat positiewe en negatiewe gevolge met die vlak van
prestasie verbind word, sowel as die wyse waarop die waardes gelewe word.
'n Gemengde benadering tot opleiding is gevolg bestaande uit elektroniese leer om
'n begrip vir die proses te ontwikkel en werkwinkels om die vaardigheid van
toepassing, te ontwikkel.
Veranderingsbestuur is gesien as een van die hoekstene vir implementering van die
proses. Lynbestuur moet eienaarskap van die proses aanvaar en daarvoor is hulle
insette en inkoop essensieel.Die toets-implementering van die proses is gedoen op die top- en seniorbestuursvlak
binne Kumba en 'n beduidende positiewe verandering is reeds bewerkstelling.
Kumba het egter nog nie bereik wat nodig is om die hoë presterende organisasie te
wees wat dit aspireer om te wees nie, en daarom is 'n deurlopende fokus op die
verandering van ingesteldheid en gedrag tesame met 'n verhoging in prestasie nodig.
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The establishment and management of a high performance culture within organisationsGarner, Thomas 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original hard copy / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Performance in the Marketplace is what business is all about. Organisations
are measured by their results and their stock exchange prices reflect their
performance and the perception that the market has of them. The acronym
'Look at the Score board' is heard in passages of every organisation doing
business in the market place. The question is: How can any organisation
perform while looking at the scoreboard? Relate it to tennis players. How
would tennis players perform if instead of keeping both eyes on the ball, they
always had one eye on the scoreboard? In sports they talk of being in the
zone. The harder athletes try to win, the less likely it becomes that they will.
When people are in their zone, all of their attention is on what they are doing,
and not on what they are accomplishing. Results then flow from their focus.
Many organisations only watch the scoreboard - the bottom line. In doing so
they take their eyes off the ball - their relationships with people. This gets
them out of their zone and leads to long-term disaster. When organisations
keep their eye consistently on the ball, operating their businesses by aligning
with their core values, the scoreboard does in fact take care of itself.
The research problem as addressed by this study is that of: 'how does an
organisation change to become value based and how does an organisation
use its values as a base to create a high performance culture within the
organisation?' The study is a case study and the organisation used is
Grootegeluk Coal Mine, a business unit of KUMBA Resources. The main
objective of the study is to investigate the critical success factors for the establishment and management of a high-performance culture within
The role of leadership in the establishment and management of a
collaborative environment to ensure commitment and creativity and as a result
a sustainable performance culture is investigated in depth.
The field of leadership principles was researched and it was found that the
conditions, which serve to minimise interference with potential so that it might
be more fully expressed in performance, are conditions that encourage
collaboration, commitment and creativity. The system is based on the
Competence theory. Collaboration is a way for people to work together which
requires, by definition, the fullest exploration and identification of their various
resources. Such a process increases the number of ideas and amount of
information available for planning and making work related decisions.
Collaboration is the leader's primary strategy for acknowledging love and work
together so that both may be served. It is a means to identifying a" the
The human desire for productive love, labouring to make something grow,
reflects the hunger for commitment. People want to be committed, it is a
natural state, which must be realised for people to prosper and be healthy.
Commitment is always the result of something; it is a by-product of one's
opportunities to experience self-expression and, while often given difficult
birth, it is easily lost unless attention is given to its maintenance and care.
The seeds of commitment may be sewn through opportunities as in
collaborative exchanges, but for its potential to be fully realised, promises
must be kept and expectations must be met. Creative power is the first cause
of all behaviour, and the basic human instinct for self-realisation, completion
and perfection is the driving force of life itself. The principle of creativity
simply reflects the grand theme, the nature of people at work. The urge and
capacity for creativity are part and parcel of the human condition. The
potential of high performance is at hand in organisations and may manifest
when the leaders are guided by the principle of creativity.
The essential characteristics of the work environment necessary for the
release of potential are conditions that encourage: collaboration, commitment
and creativity. Workers have little control over such conditions. Leaders,
therefore, determine organisational performance because they create - or fail
to create - the environmental conditions which minimise interference with
available potential. This means that leaders desiring high performance must
make sure that collaboration, commitment, and creativity - the conditions in
support of competence and its release - are present in their organisation.
It is possible to measure the dimensions of collaboration, commitment, and
creativity within an organisation through the technique of Organisation culture
analysis. Leadership Systems International has studied the relationship of
such conditions to performance. In one study high-performing organisations
were compared with low-performing organisations and, in every case, it was
found that high-performing organisations can be characterised by significantly greater support for collaboration, commitment, and creativity than were lowperforming
parts of the same organisations. The major conclusion from this
research is that performance varies as conditions for competence vary.
Therefore, for those concerned about quality and productivity, the implications
are clear: For people to perform well, to do their best, they must be provided
with an organisational environment that releases their potential by supporting
their natural capacity and need for doing what needs to be done, for working
The Organisation culture analysis that was used on Grootegeluk Mine
indicates that, despite the improvement in culture, a gap still exist between the
Grootegeluk culture and that of the average of benchmarked organisations in
South Africa. The policies and practices of the Grootegeluk organisation fall
into the quasi-collaboration, quasi-commitment and quasi-creativity range.
This means that the value structure, information flow, personal practices of
managers and climate combine to encourage but does not facilitate attempts
to collaborate and that power dynamics, incentive structures, and work
relationships are managed in ways that encourage but fail to facilitate the
development of widespread commitment. This also means that the work
environment, social dynamics, and problem solving processes are managed
in ways that encourage but does not facilitate attempts at creativity.
The Organisation culture analysis indicates that the Grootegeluk management
needs to make a profound leadership impact to ensure success. It must be
remembered that a high-performance culture is part of a broader process of continuous improvement. People are only one part in this model, but people
are the enablers, ensuring that the processes and technology changes
through creativity.
The recommendation is for the Grootegeluk Management to use the current
performance culture base to build on a new high-performance culture
whereby the organisation can change itself from the current quasicollaborative,
quasi-committed and quasi-creative organisation to an
organisation where these competence factors are world best. This will ensure
that Grootegeluk becomes an organisation that will be able to withstand future
storms and an organisation that will outperform the mining and minerals
sector. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofdoel van besigheid is om te presteer. Organisasies word gemeet aan
die resultate wat hulle vir beleggers gee. Die gesegde vergelyk dit met sport
wanneer daar verwys word na die telbord. Die vraag is, hoe kan enige
organisasie presteer deur die telbord dop te hou? Vergelyk dit met 'n
tennisspeler. Hoe kan 'n tennisspeler presteer deur die telbord dop te hou en
nie die oog op die bal te hou nie. Daar word gepraat van 'n sportman wat
gemaklik is, en dan presteer. Indien atlete nie gemaklik is nie, kan hulle nie
fokus op wat hulle doen nie, en as gevolg daarvan nie presteer nie.
Baie organisasies fokus nie op wat hulle doen en hoe hulle dit doen nie, maar
op die telbord - hulle resultate. Dit het tot gevolg dat organisasies hulle oog
van die bal - hulle verhoudings met hulle werknemers - afhaal. Dit het
negatiewe langtermyn gevolge. Wanneer organisasies hulle besigheid belyn
met hulle waardestelsel, sorg die telbord vir homself.
Die studie ondersoek die vraag: Hoe verander 'n organisasie na 'n
waardestelsel gedrewe organisasie en hoe gebruik so 'n organisasie sy
waardestelselom 'n prestasiekultuur te vestig?
Die studie is 'n gevallestudie van KUMBA Resources se Grootegeluk
Steenkoolmyn naby Lephalale. Die hoofdoel met die studie is om die kritiese
suksesfaktore vir die vestiging van 'n prestasiekultuur te bepaal. Die rol van
leierskap in die proses van hierdie kultuurvesting word bestudeer. Die studie ondersoek spesifiek die Jay Hall teorie van samewerking, toewyding en
Hierdie teorie is in diepte bestudeer en daar is bevind dat omstandighede wat
inmenging in potensiaal mimimeer, juis samewerking, toewyding en
kreatiwiteit maksimeer.
Samewerking is in hierdie geval 'n proses wat werknemers dwing om ten
diepste te delf in hulle hulpbronne om alle moontlike idees te ondersoek.
Toewyding word in hierdie geval gedefinieer as die behoefte om produktief te
werk en iets te laat groei uit daardie werk.
Kreatiwiteit is die oorsprong van gedrag. Die beginsel van kreatiwiteit is
gewoon die natuur van die mens wat werk. Die behoefte om te presteer is
dus deel van die mens se natuur en die potensiaal van prestasie is dus deel
van enige organisasie en behoort te manifesteer indien die leiers deur die
beginsel van kreatiwiteit gelei word.
Die beginsels van samewerking, toewyding en kreatiwiteit is nodig om
prestasie aan te wakker. Werknemers het egter min beheer oor hierdie
omgewingsfaktore terwyl leiers oor die sleutels beskik om die faktore te
Dit is moontlik om hierdie omgewingsfaktore te meet. Die metings word deur
Leadership Systems International gedoen en is gebaseer op navorsing wat
hulle deurlopend doen. Die navorsing wys dat organisasies wat presteer in
elke geval beter in die faktore van samewerking, toewyding en kreatiwiteit
presteer. Dit wys dat mense beter presteer in 'n omgewing waar hulle
potensiaal benut word deur inmenging te minimeer.
Die meting op Grootegeluk Myn wys dat ten spyte van 'n verbetering in die
organisasie kultuur, daar steeds 'n gaping bestaan indien die organisasie met
'n gemiddelde van ander organisasies in Suid Afrika vergelyk word.
Die omgewingsfaktore van samewerking, toewyding en kreatiwiteit
ondersteun wel prestasie, maar fasiliteer dit nie.
Die studie wys dat die Grootegeluk Bestuurspan 'n groot leierskapsimpak
moet maak om verdere sukses in prestasieverbetering te behaal.
Die aanbeveling van die studie is dat die huidige prestasie basis en - kultuur
gebruik moet word as basis om verder uit te bou aan die faktore van
samewerking, toewyding en kreatiwiteit. Dit sal verseker dat Grootegeluk
toekomstige storms sal afweer en dat die organisasie beter as die mynbou en
minerale sektor sal presteer.
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