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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relationships between chlorophyll concentration and marine environmental factors in the Kuroshio and its adjacent waters off eastern Taiwan

Liu, Hsin-yu 15 January 2008 (has links)
Data of various marine environmental factors collected and integrated by the National Center of Ocean Research (NCOR) were used to search for possible statistics relationship with chlorophyll concentration of the Kuroshio and its adjacent waters off eastern Taiwan. The seaWiFS chlorophyll concentration in natural logarithm were used as dependent variable in General Linear Model¡]GLM¡^analysis, followed by least square means (lsmeans) and cluster analysis. Study area ranged from 21.5¡CN and 121¡CE to 26.5¡CN and 125¡CE eastern Taiwan. Data were first assembled, screened, transformed to natural logarithm and reorganized into monthly averages for individual geographical grid points of 10¡¦X 10¡¦. The result of GLM analysis shows that all factors have significant relationship with chlorophyll concentration, more than 20 regression formulae were found with different combination of variable. Results of standard regression analysis show their order of importance as: latitude, depth, longitude, light, sst, east and west current on upper 20 meter(c20EW), north and south current on upper 20 meter(c20NS) and eddy kinetic energy(EKE), respectively. Results of lsmeans listing by latitude and by longitude showed that area with higher chlorophyll concentration are on high-latitude and low-longitude area but not between and area near east Taiwan tend to have high concentration and decreased eastward. Results of cluster analysis indicated that chlorophyll concentration of western longitude, and northern as well as southern latitude are different from other area.

Influence de la variabilité du Kuroshio, de l'Oyashio, et de l'Oscillation décennale du Pacifique sur la circulation atmosphérique de l'hémisphère nord pendant la saison froide / Influence of the variability of the Kuroshio, the Oyashio, and the Pacific decadal oscillation on the northern hemisphere atmospheric circulation during the cold season

Révelard, Adèle 22 February 2017 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier l'influence sur l'atmosphère de la variabilité des fronts océaniques associés aux extensions du Kuroshio (KE) et de l'Oyashio (OE), et de la différencier de l'influence des modes de variabilité grande échelle de la SST du Pacifique Nord, en particulier l'oscillation décennale du Pacifique (PDO). Nous utilisons pour cela la réanalyse atmosphérique ERA-Interim à partir de 1979, et des index déjà disponibles décrivant la variabilité des courants. Dans une première partie, nous nous focalisons sur l'influence du KE, en utilisant une méthode statistique de régression partielle avec décalage temporel, avec filtrage en amont du signal lié aux téléconnexions ENSO. Nous montrons que la phase positive du KE induit une réponse atmosphérique significative équivalente barotrope pendant la saison d'octobre à janvier, avec une anomalie positive de pression au centre du Pacifique Nord et sur l'ouest des Etats-Unis, et un renforcement du vortex polaire. Dans une deuxième partie, nous utilisons une méthode statistique multivariable permettant d'analyser en parallèle les réponses atmosphériques aux différents forçages océaniques pouvant être corrélés entre eux. Cette méthode permet d'inclure, outre les indices décrivant la variabilité du KE et de l'OE, les principaux modes de variabilité grande échelle de la SST tels que la PDO qui est très corrélée à l'OE, les modes tropicaux tels qu'ENSO, mais également la variabilité de la glace de mer. La réponse atmosphérique étant très dépendante de l'état moyen de l'atmosphère, nous distinguons trois saisons : le début d'hiver (OND), l'hiver (DJF), et la fin d'hiver (FMA). / The aim of this work is to study the influence on the atmosphere of the variability of the oceanic fronts associated with the Kuroshio and Oyashio Extensions (KE and OE), and to differentiate it from the influence of the main SST mode of the North Pacific, in particular the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). We use the atmospheric reanalysis ERA-Interim starting from 1979, and indices that describe the variability of the KE and OE that are already available. In the first part of this work, we focus on the KE influence, using lag partial regression analysis with the ENSO signal removed. We show that in October to January the positive phase of the KE leads to a downstream barotropic high response in the central North Pacific and over western United States, and an enhanced polar vortex. We try to understand the mechanisms behind this atmospheric response analyzing the KE influence on the synoptic activity. In the second part, we use a multivariate statistical method that allows us to analyze in parallel the atmospheric response to different oceanic forcings that may be correlated to each other. In addition to the KE and OE indices, we include in the analysis the main modes of SST variability of the tropical and northern hemisphere oceans, such as the PDO in the North Pacific and ENSO in the tropical Pacific. We also include sea ice variability in the Arctic. The atmospheric response being very dependent on the mean background flow, we distinguish between three seasons: early winter (OND), winter (DJF) and late winter (FMA).

Statistical analysis of the surface circulation in the northern South China Sea using Lagrangian buoys

Tseng, Kuang-ming 12 August 2007 (has links)
The surface circulation of the northern South China Sea (NSCS) for the period of 1986-2006 is studied using the data of more than 505 satellite-tracked drifters from NOAA/AOML database and the data from ten drifters which were released by our lab in the Penghu channel and in the Luzon Strait in 2006. In this study, the spatial structure and the temporal variability of the surface currents, at mesoscale to seasonal cycle, are described in terms of Eulerian and Lagrangian statistics from the drifter velocities that have been processed. Maps of mean currents, velocity variance ellipses and mean kinetic energies were produced in domain of 0.5¢X¡Ñ0.5¢X. The mean flow map confirms that during the winter monsoon, there is a global cyclonic circulation in the NSCS and the southwestward current which passes Dongsha Island and is called the ¡§Dongsha Current¡¨. Its continuation is the southward coastal jet off Vietnam which is called the ¡§Vietnam Current¡¨. Maximum velocities in the Vietnam Current can exceed 100 cm/s. During the summer monsoon, the Dongsha Current became very weak and the drifters looped near Dongsha Island. The drifter data shows that part of Kuroshio water intrudes into South China Sea through Luzon Strait, Dongsha Current and Vietnam Current were coherent flows. Values of 5.12¡Ñ107 cm2/s, 2.56 days and 64.43 km were obtained for the diffusivity, Lagrangian time scale and spatial scale in the meridional direction in the NSCS, respectively. In the zonal direction, the statistics are half of the above values which show that the characteristic time and space scale are anisotropic. The mean velocity in the Dongsha Current is 0.33 m/s. The domain of Dongsha Current is subdivided into ten boxes of size 2¢X¡Ñ 2¢X in order to analyze the spatial structure of Lagrangian statistics. The result shows that the eddy kinetic energy is considerably higher than the mean kinetic energy in the region 113-121¢XE, indicating that the mesoscale motions are particularly frequent. The eddy kinetic energy gradually decreases toward the west and has a maximum value near the Luzon Strait. The drifters that flow southward along the east coast of Vietnam shows that the width of the Vietnam Current varies between 80 and 100 km and has a mean core speed of 60-150 cm/s. In winter, Maximum southward velocities could reach 130 cm/s at 38 km off the coast. In spring, a weaker maximum speed (around 100 cm/s) exists at about 18 km off the Vietnam coast. There were not enough drifter data in summer and fall.

Anticyclonic eddies in northern South China Sea observed by drifters and satellite altimeter

Liao, Yun-chiang 03 August 2010 (has links)
Satellite-tracked surface drifter data from 1986 to 2008 acquired from NOAA/AOML and the sea-level anomaly (SLA) data of AVISO from 1992-2008 were used in this study to investigate the mesoscale anticyclonic eddies in the northern South China Sea (SCS) and Luzon Strait. A comparison of the concurrent drifter trajectories and SLA for two eddy events (2003/12~2004/02 and 2004/11~2005/01) indicates good agreement between the two datasets. From historical SLA data (1992-2008) it is found that 78 anticyclonic eddies can be identified in the studied region. The number of occurrence is highest in 1994, 1996, 2001 and 2004, and is lowest in 1998. This result is likely due to the ENSO event and the associated wind lessening in the SCS. Most eddies were generated off southwestern Taiwan coast, northern SCS and west of Luzon Strait. During northeastern monsoon the average life time of eddies is 66.88 days, and the average sea level height difference is 10-20 cm, occasionally reached a maximum value of over 30 cm. During southwestern monsoon eddies have an average lifetime of 51.43 days, and the average sea level height difference is mostly less than 15 cm. In particular, eddies off the southwestern Taiwan coast have the characteristics of lower sea level height difference and translational speed. Location of eddy generation has a marked seasonal variation. During northeastern monsoon, most eddies were concentrated in northern Luzon Strait, propagating longer distance toward the west along the continental shelf, even reaching 112¢XE. On the other hand, eddies generated during the southwestern monsoon can only reach 118¢XE. Statistical results indicate a linear relationship exists between the sea level height difference and the life time for eddies, implying that stronger eddies are more long-lived. Finally, from drifter tracks it can be found that as Kuroshio penetrates through the Luzon Strait and forms a loop current off the southwestern Taiwan coast. Subsequently, eddies could often be identified from the SLA data. Therefore, it can be conjectured that in the northern SCS anticyclone are often shed from the Luzon Strait by Kuroshio penetration.

Flows and hydrographical characteristics surrounding Taiwan from Argo profiling float data

Chang, Yung-sheng 27 August 2010 (has links)
In the present study we use Argo float data, in-situ shipboard ADCP data,IFREMER wind stress curl data, QuikSCAT wind data and AVISO sea level anomaly data from 2006 to 2010 to investigate hydrographical characteristics and surface and deep currents in the seas surrounding Taiwan. The studied areas consist of the followings: the cyclonic eddy off the northeastern Taiwan coast, flow structure of the Luzon Strait, anticyclonic eddies off the southwestern Taiwan coast and east of Kuroshio. Our results found that some Argo floats drifting northward with the Kuroshio were occasionally intruded to the continental shelf off the northeastern Taiwan at 25¢XN-26¢XN,122¢XE-123¢XE. Statistics indicate that this phenomenon occurs most frequently in winter, and float profiling data reveal a marked upwelling above 150m depth. Temperature drops within this area can reach 5.1¢J and 8¢J, respectively at 50m and 100m depths. A deep southward current with a maximum speed of 30 cms can be found to exist between northeastern Taiwan and Kuroshio. On the other hand, Surface flows have strong seasonal variations in the Luzon strait, i.e., toward the southeastern side of Taiwan in the summer and intrude into the South China Sea (SCS) in the fall and winter. Deep currents in the Luzon Strait, however, flow mostly into the SCS regardless of seasonality. Maximum speed of deep current can reach 6 cms . Mixed-layer depth in the northern SCS is approximately 50m in the spring and summer, and about 110m depth in winter. The third part of this thesis concerns with the anticyclonic circulation off the southwestern Taiwan coast. Float observations show that this circulation exists almost all year round in 2009. Surface currents have a maximum speed in early May, reaching 104 cms , and the wind stress curl attains a maximum negative value. It is conjectured that this anticyclonic eddy is generated primarily due to the restriction of local coast and topography, and the wind stress curl is the secondary mechanism. Surface current derived from Shipboard ADCP is also consistent with the float results. The diameter of this eddy is about 110 km. T-S characteristics of Kuroshio can be observed at 150-210m depth, indicating a close link between this eddy and the Kuroshio. Finally, anticyclonic warm eddies east of Kuroshio are also investigated from the float data. It is found that the eddy flow structure in this region is more obvious in depths than in surface. Temperature distribution below the depth of 200 m also confirms the warm core structure. At an event during which when one float incidentally travelling through a cold eddy and an adjacent warm eddy, the temperature difference can reach 4.5 ¢J at 160m depth. The warm eddies are found to be more stable and more frequently observed than the cold eddies in this region.

Seasonal dynamics of picophytoplankton population in the upstream Kuroshio

Huang, Chien-Chih 18 February 2011 (has links)
Population dynamics of picophytoplanktons, including Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and picoeukaryotes, were investigated in the upstream Kuroshio. Data were collected during eight cruises between July 2007 and May 2009. Sampling stations were located along 21¢X55¡¦N and between 121¢X00¡¦E and 122¢X10¡¦E in the Kuroshio off the Southeast Taiwan. Monitoring experiments including light shadding experiment, nutrient enrichment, temperature control, and grazing experiments were conducted to better understand the mechanisms that affect the growths of the picophytoplanktons. The abundances of the picophytoplanktons were measured using a flow cytometry.Water column integrated (0~200 m) abundance of Prochlorococcus was higher (26.63 ¡Ó 3.87 ¡Ñ 1012 cells m-2) in spring than either summer (19.07 ¡Ó 4.08 ¡Ñ 1012 cells m-2), autumn (16.05 ¡Ó 2.80 ¡Ñ 1012 cells m-2), or winter (17.89 ¡Ó 5.41 ¡Ñ 1012 cells m-2). During winter, the abundance was significantly (p<0.05) higher at the offshore station (17.89 ¡Ó 5.41 ¡Ñ 1012 cells m-2) than the inshore station (3.19 ¡Ó 2.07 ¡Ñ 1012 cells m-2). The abundance of Prochlorococcus was positively related to water temperature, nitracline depth (Dni), and euphotic depth (Deu), and negatively to surface concentration of N+N or SRP. Prochlorococcus was abundant (>100 ¡Ñ 103 cells ml-1) in the upper 100-m water column. Its maximum (200~300 ¡Ñ 103 cells ml-1) often occurred at the depth shallower than 75 m. The cell density sustained at >25 ¡Ñ 103 cells ml-1 between 100~150 m and was almost nil at the depth deeper than 150 m. There was no significant seasonal differences for either the abundances of Synechococcus (0.32~1.07 ¡Ñ 1012 cells m-2) or picoeukaryotes (0.16~0.24 ¡Ñ 1012 cells m-2). During winter, the abundances of Synechococcus was significantly (p<0.05) higher in the offshore Kuroshio water (2.94 ¡Ó 0.32 ¡Ñ 1012 cells m-2) than that of the inshore Kuroshio water. Similar trend of offshore (0.52 ¡Ó 0.05 ¡Ñ 1012 cells m-2) higher than the inshore was observed for picoeukaryotes in winter. The dynamics of Synechococcus abundance was positively related to surface SRP concentration and negatively to Dni. The picoeukaryotes abundance was positively related to surface N+N concentration, and SRP and negatively to Temp, Dni, and Deu. Vertical distribution of Synechococcus showed that the maximum abundance often occurred above 75 m, but was almost nil below 100 m. By contrast, the maximum abundance for picoeukaryotes often occurred between 50~125 m. The abundance of Synechococcus was positively related to the abundance of picoeukaryotes. And their abundance were negatively related to that of Prochlorococcus. Many environmental factors fluctualed parallelly. Dynamics of surface Temp, Dni and Deu were positively correlated to each other and either of them was negatively correlated to the dynamics of surface concentration of N+N or SRP. Surface N+N was positively correlated with surface SRP. The result of light shadding experiment showed that Prochlorococcus and picoeukaryotes, compared to Synechococcus, were much sensitive to high intensity of light. This suggest that Synechococcus was more tolerant to high light intensity or required more light energy than Prochlorococcus or picoeukaryotes. The results of nutrient enrichment experiments showed that addition of EDTA significantly enhanced the growth of three groups of picophytoplanktons. However, there was no significant difference after addition of either nitrate, Fe, or Cu. Prochlorococcus grew better at 27 ¢XC than 30 ¢XC in the temperature experiment. But there was no difference in the growth rate between 27 ¢XC and 30 ¢XC for Synechococcus or picoeukaryotes The result of grazing experiment showed that there was no difference between the growth rate with and without grazers in the incubation for any of the three groups of picophytoplanktons.

Effects of bottom topography and flows on oceanic turbulent mixing

Kuo, Wen-yu 03 January 2012 (has links)
This study investigates the turbulent mixing characteristics of Peng-hu Channel, South China Sea along 21¢XN and the Kuroshio region by using CTD/LADCP and MicroRider. Dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy or thermal variances is estimated primarily by the Thorpe overturn method, and is compared with the microstructure turbulence from direct measurement as well as those estimated from the parameterization method based on shear and strain spectra. Our results indicate that there are different turbulent characteristics and dynamic mechanisms at these three regions. Because of its funnel-shaped topography and strong semi-diurnal tides in the Peng-hu Channel, the turbulent mixing and eddy diffusivity reach a maximum value at the narrowest part of Peng-hu Channel near its sea bottom and show a clear tidal variation. In the main stream of Kuroshio where the current speed is faster than 0.8 m/s, turbulent mixing is not particularly stronger than non-main stream zone. In the Kuroshio frontal zone between the Kuroshio and the coastal waters off east Taiwan coast, strong turbulent mixing in the surface layer can be detected. Island wake which is formed when Kuroshio runs into the Lan-yu Island is a transient feature. Strong mixing in the upper 100 m accompanied with upwelling and vortices were observed during one event. The topography along the latitude of 21¢XN is rugged and rough in the Luzon Strait which consists of several ridges and seamounts. Due to its complicated topography and generation of strong semi-diurnal internal tides, eddy diffusivity as high as 10^(-2)m^2/s was measured in the bottom layer of the Luzon Strait.

Phylogenetic relationship of Hirundichthys oxycephalus of Northwestern Pacific inferred from mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene

Lin, Tsung-wei 08 December 2011 (has links)
As one of the major preys of many important economic fish species such as swordfish and dolphinfish in waters off estern Taiwan, flyingfish belongs to low-end consumers in the food chain with the function of maintaining the stability of the Kuroshio marine ecosystem. Hirundichthys oxycephalus is the primary component of flyingfish-egg fishery captures in the northeastern waters of Taiwan, and is also one of the dominant species of flyingfish in eastern waters of Taiwan. However, the significant drop of the flyingfish and flyingfish-egg catch from 2006 to 2007 and the effects on ecosystem and fishery caused major concern from the fishery sector and academic field. In order to manage this marine resource effectively, the phylogenetic relationships and population structure needed to be characterized first. In this study, the phylogenetic relationships of Hirundichthys oxycephalus of Northwestern Pacific was characterized based on the mitochondrial COI fragment. Totally 55 samples were collected between July, 2008 and November, 2010 in waters of Keelung, Ilan, Hualian, and Green Island. In addition, 12 more samples were obtained in Sebtember, 2009 from Tanegashima Island, and Yakushima Island of Japan. The DNA sequencing results of samples from Taiwan showed a total number of 29 haplotypes. The length of partial COI sequence was found to be 657 bp while the mean genetic distance was found to be 0.6%. In phylogenetic analyses, two major groups were identified in the phylogenetic trees by neighbor-joining and maximum-likelihood methods. The majority of "Keelung inshore group" came from Keelung and Ilan waters. The main population of "Kuroshio group" came from Green Island. The variation between two groups was found to be 61.75% by amova. The DNA sequencing results of samples from Japan showed a total number of 8 haplotypes. The length of partial COI sequences was found to be 657 bp with a mean genetic distance of 0.53%. In the phylogenetic tree, the samples from Japan were found to belong to "Kuroshio group". The variation between the two major groups was found to be 60% by amova. It was inferred that the differentiation of flyingfish into the two major groups in Taiwan was due to the flow pattern difference of Kuroshio in northeast waters of Taiwan. It was also inferred that phylogenetic similarity of the samples from Japan and the Kuroshio group was due to the distribution of both groups locating on the same path of the main current of Kuroshio. However, applying different distribution assumption may result in different conclusion such as one single stock hypothesis. Further studies will be needed to confirm the stock structure of the species.

Study of Paleo-Hydrological Conditions in Mid- to Downstream Area of the Kuroshio since 26 ka by Referring to Records of Core GH08-2004

Liu, Chin-Hsing 16 February 2012 (has links)
The Kuroshio, one of the most important western boundary currents of world, controls modern hydrology conditions of the East China Sea (ECS) and carries warm and saline water to high latitudes. Previous researches mentioned that the Kuroshio might change its flow path and volume in the ECS by East Asia monsoon (EAM), Equatorial climate conditions, or global sea level change during glacials. However, shifting or not of the Kuroshio out of the Okinawa Trough during Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) is still in debate. In this study, records derived from multi-proxies, include of Mg/Ca-based paleotemperatures and stable isotopes and foraminiferal census data, of core GH08-2004 was conducted for comparing with records derived from core MD012404 to understand the possible changes of the Kuroshio in the ESC since 26 ka. Our comparing results reveal that the surface hydrological environments have no obvious difference between eastern and western sides of the Ryukyu Arc and imply that the Kuroshio might not shifted outside of the OT during LGM. Otherwise, our reconstructed temperatures, oxygen isotopes and foraminiferal assemblages infer that the flowing volume of the Kuroshio was gradually increased since 19 ka associated with rising sea level. Thus we believe that emerged terrain caused by shallow sea level may be an important factor controlling the flowing path of the Kuroshio. In this study, differences of paleotemperatures and oxygen isotopes between G. ruber and N. dutertrei, surface and subsurface dweller, were decreased at the Holocene, whereas the delta values of carbon isotopes were larger meanwhile. This descrapncy implies that the East Asian winter and summer monsoons were enhanced synchronously.

Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Seawaters from the South China Sea and Luzon Strait

Lin, Ching-Fen 19 July 2000 (has links)
Abstract In this study, we have analyzed systematically the oxygen isotopic compositions of South China Sea (SCS) and Luzon Strait (LS) seawater so that a comprehensive interpretation of their temporary and spatial variability can be delineated. The oxygen isotopic compositions of the samples collected in the two areas were determined using the Epstein-Mayeda technique, and the overall precision of the d18OSMOW measurements is +0.1 ?. Our data suggest that LS seawater is a mixture of SCS and Kuroshio waters. The precipitation (1.5 mm) on SCS in April 1998 (during ORI517 cruise) is much less than that (169.5 mm) in April 1999 (during ORI546 cruise). As LS and SCS waters are concerned, the profiles of d18OSMOW generally share the same trend as those of salinity. The d18OSMOW values of the SCS surface water decrease toward the south, while those of the LS surface water decrease toward the west. These suggest that the effect of the Kuroshio water decreases are it moves from northeast toward southwest after its intrusion through LS. The salinity of Kuroshio water reaches the maximum at 34.92 with the corresponding d18OSMOW value of 0.42 ?, whereas the salinity of the representative SCS surface water is 33.34 and the corresponding d18OSMOW is -0.25 ?. As these two data were selected as end members, the estimated proportion of the intruding Kuroshio water in the composition of LS water could be high up to 80 % at 121.5o E. The plot of d18OSMOW versus salinity for cruises OR517 and 546 shows a difference between the slopes of the two regression lines, indicating the effect of variability in precipitation and the depth of the mixed layer. The average d18OSMOW value for surface water decreases toward the west as the water moves from Western Philippine Sea (WPS) to LS and SCS. The average d18OSMOW values for the surface, subsurface, intermediate, and deep waters are listed in the corresponding order in parentheses preceded by the studied area as follows: WPS (0.29 ?, 0.25 ?, -0.06 ?, -0.10 ?); LS (0.15 ?, 0.17 ?, -0.02 ?, -0.08 ?); SCS (-0.03 ?, 0.18 ?, -0.05 ?, -0.08 ?).

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