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Roles of SR protein kinase Dsk1 and LAMMER kinase Kic1 in mRNA processing in fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombeNurimba, Margaret 20 January 2014 (has links)
Protein kinases comprise a fundamental class of cell function regulators that modify proteins by transferring phosphate groups from a nucleoside triphosphate such as ATP to specific amino acid residues on target proteins, altering protein conformation, function, and activity. As such, protein kinases are major regulators of many biological processes, including gene expression, which consists of the transfer of hereditary information in two major processing steps, transcription of DNA into a complementary precursor RNA transcript (pre-mRNA) and its subsequent translated into protein by the ribosome, where it can then go on to perform various processes in the cell. One particular family of protein kinases, otherwise known as serine/arginine protein-specific protein kinases (SRPKs), is conserved throughout eukaryotes and has been shown to be important in regulating gene expression, yet their roles in the gene expression pathway have yet to be elucidated. SRPK are known to phosphorylate serine/arginine (SR) splicing factor proteins, which are involved in mRNA splice site recognition and recruitment of splicing machinery. Members of the LAMMER kinase subfamily of SRPKs have also been shown to be required for efficient pre-mRNA splicing and important for mediating cellular progression through the cell cycle.
To determine what other roles SRPKs play in mRNA processing, it is of use to study the homologous SRPK and LAMMER kinases in fission yeast, S. pombe, Dsk1 and Kic1, respectively. S. pombe provides a genetically valuable model for studying kinase function in RNA processing as both RNA processing machinery and SRPKs are conserved through higher eukaryotes. Using a novel green fluorescent protein tagging system based on properties of the MS2 bacteriophage genome, we are able to label specific mRNA transcripts of interest and visualize their locations in the cell using fluorescence microscopy. By visualizing the mRNA trafficking patterns of intron-containing and intronless mRNA transcripts, we show for the first time that deletions of the Dsk1 and Kic1 genes result in the nuclear retention of mRNA, such that Dsk1 and Kic1 are distinctly involved in mRNA export out of the nucleus.
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The role of the LAMMER kinase Kns1 and the calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase Cmk2 in the adaptation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to alkaline pH stressMarshall, Maria Nieves Martinez 01 February 2013 (has links)
Die LAMMER-Kinasen sind Dual-Spezifität-Proteinkinasen, die durch das namensgebende einzigartige LAMMER-Motiv gekennzeichnet sind. Sie sind evolutionär hoch konserviert und in den meisten Eukaryonten vorhanden. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt die erste funktionelle Charakterisierung eines bisher kaum erforschten Vertreters der LAMMER-Proteinkinase Familie Kns1 aus der Bäckerhefe dar. Phänotypische Analysen belegten eine entscheidende Rolle für Kns1 in der Regulation der Toleranz gegenüber basischem pH-Stress. Das Entfernen des KNS1 Gens führte zu einer gesteigerten Empfindlichkeit der Zellen gegenüber basischen Wachstumsbedingungen. Weitere Analysen zeigten, dass Kns1 neben der katalytischen Aktivität auch nicht-katalytischen Mechanismen zur Förderung des Zellwachstums unter alkalischem pH-Stress nutzt. Die Reinigung des Kns1 Proteins in voller Länge aus E. coli ermöglichte die Identifizierung von neun in vitro-Autophosphorylierungsstellen mittels Massenspektrometrie. Die Mutation von Thr562, eine Autophosphorylierungsstelle innerhalb des LAMMER-Motivs, zu Alanin ergab in vitro eine Kinase mit intrinsischer katalytischer Aktivität, die sich jedoch in vivo hauptsächlich wie die katalytisch inaktive Kns1-Mutante verhielt. Die Calcium/Calmodulin-abhängige Proteinkinase II Cmk2, die konstitutiv autokatalytische Eigenschaften besitzt, wurde früher als mögliches in vitro Substrat von Kns1 vorgeschlagen. In dieser Arbeit beweise ich durch Verwendung einer katalytisch inaktiven Cmk2-Mutante als Substrat, dass Kns1 Cmk2 in vitro phosphoryliert. Darüber hinaus zeige ich, dass Cmk2 die basische pH-Toleranz der Zellen beschränkt. Gestützt durch genetische Hinweise agieren beide Proteine gemeinsam bei der Regulation der alkalischen Stresstoleranz, wobei Kns1 möglicherweise Cmk2 herabreguliert. Zusammenfassend beschreibt diese Arbeit eine neue und entscheidende Rolle von Kns1 und Cmk2 bei der Anpassung der Hefe an alkalisches Milieu. / The LAMMER protein kinases, termed after a unique signature motif found in their catalytic domains, are an evolutionary conserved family of dual-specificity kinases that are present in most eukaryotes. Here I report the first functional characterization of one of the most unexplored members of the LAMMER family, the budding yeast Kns1. Phenotypic analysis uncovered a crucial role for Kns1 in the control of the yeast tolerance to high pH stress. Deletion of the KNS1 gene conferred high sensitivity to alkaline pH, whereas its overexpression increased tolerance to this stress. Further analysis established that Kns1 promotes growth under alkaline pH stress using not only its catalytic activity but also non-catalytic mechanisms. Large-scale purification of full-length Kns1 from E. coli allowed for the identification of nine in vitro autophosphorylation sites on Kns1 by mass spectrometry. Mutation of the threonine residue at position 562, an autophosphorylation site located within the LAMMER motif, to a non-phosphorylatable residue yielded a kinase that preserves intrinsic catalytic activity in vitro but mostly behaves like the catalytically inactive mutant in vivo. This finding showed the physiological importance of autophosphorylation site Thr562 in the regulation of Kns1 function. The protein Cmk2, a calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II with autocatalytic properties, has been previously proposed as a possible in vitro substrate for Kns1. Here I demonstrate that Kns1 phosphorylates Cmk2 in vitro using a catalytically inactive Cmk2 mutant as substrate and show that Cmk2 restricts alkaline tolerance. Genetic evidence suggested that both proteins act in concert on a common pathway, in which Kns1 may downregulate Cmk2 to confer alkaline tolerance. In conclusion, this thesis describes a novel and crucial role for Kns1 and its in vitro substrate Cmk2 in the adaptation of yeast to alkaline stress.
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