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Professional collaborative learning : policy, practice and research perspectivesJones, Michelle Suzette January 2014 (has links)
In this introduction to the publications selected for examination for the degree of PhD in Education, at the University of Warwick, I will begin by outlining some the contextual influences on my published work. During my career, spanning over 30 years, I have had the privilege to be a head-teacher, local authority adviser, government policy adviser and a researcher. The publications that follow therefore focus on professional collaborative learning from these different vantage points, as these have inevitably influenced my writing.
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Understanding shifts in the Language Learning Strategies of newly arrived Arabic learners studying in the UK : an illustrative phenomenographic case studyHajar, Anas January 2015 (has links)
As of 2015, forty golden years have passed since the language learning strategy (LLS) concept was first brought to wide attention by Joan Rubin (1975). Most previous LLS research, however, has been based on the cognitivist theoretical framework and conducted quantitatively, using survey tools. Surveys have essentially failed to capture the ‘situated experiences’ of language learners and their actual and dynamic use of LLSs across time and space. With the above in mind and being motivated by my personal experiences as one of thousands of Arab students moving abroad to pursue education through the medium of English, this thesis reports on a longitudinal phenomenographic inquiry into Arab university students’ creative efforts and engagement in learning English prior to and after their coming to the UK to attend both short and long academic programmes (i.e. the pre-sessional language course and a postgraduate programme). Underpinned by a sociocultural viewpoint, the inquiry consisted of four research stages, and espoused qualitative research methods for data collection, which lasted for 17 months. A series of individual semi-structured interviews provided the main data, with other qualitative methods such as learner diaries and written narrative supplementing the validity and reliability of the study. For data analysis, Braun and Clarke’s (2006, 2013) systematic guidelines for conducting thematic analysis (TA) were adopted to identify and interpret patterns of meaning (themes) across the qualitative data in rich detail. The data revealed that participants’ strategy use was non-static and always directed towards the achievement of a specific learning goal. As LLSs did not operate alone, a conceptual framework was proposed in this study to discern the distinctive features of participants’ situated strategy use in both contexts. This framework was based on Dörnyei’s (2009) distinction between two types of possible selves (i.e. the ideal self and the ought self), Higgins’ (2000) distinction between the promotion and prevention aspects of instrumentality, Malcolm’s (2013) concept of ‘required motivation’ and my own distinction between immature, short-term and long-term learning goals and that of compulsory (i.e. largely regulated by cultural beliefs) and voluntary (i.e. basically internalised within the self) strategies. The participants’ changing language learning goals and associated strategies in their homelands and the UK were largely shaped and regulated by their situated social networks, including family members, teachers, peers and others. The changes in assessment modes and the availability of language learning resources (e.g. technologies) were also found to have mediated their strategy use. This study concludes by providing recommendations for Arab students who are considering pursuing their studies abroad in English-speaking education systems, for study abroad programme designers and teachers in the host country, and for educators in the Arab and Asian countries by suggesting specific practical steps such as ‘adopting a near peer role modelling approach’ and ‘fostering the motivational force of International Posture and National Interest among students’. Further research is needed to examine the key role of contextual realities on learners’ strategy use, and to help teachers provide appropriate support to language learners in particular learning contexts.
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The civic emotions and participatory drama : children's perspectives on compassion, empathy and justiceVladimirou, Irene E. January 2015 (has links)
This research project primarily focuses on the civic emotions and their relation with educational drama. Emotion and Reason are not always at odds and when combined contribute in the upgrade of our awareness of the world and the intelligence of our decision making processes. Emotions that are beneficial towards others and seem to cherish social solidarity are considered virtues, which are ‘other’-oriented. The practice of such virtues in social life can be regarded as a precious characteristic of a vigorous civic identity. Civic emotions are inextricable from the concept of citizenship, when seen as a bond that unites all citizens in their common space and fate. This thesis explores specifically the fundamental ‘other-regarding’ emotion of compassion, as a natural inclination of human kind which needs to be educated to be expressed appositively. Empathy can be strongly connected to the expression of compassion and becomes the way in which participatory drama works towards the direction of the cultivation of the civic emotions. Justice is viewed as the core essence of every healthy society and should become an irreplaceable trait of each citizen. It is closely related to compassion as the power that triggers the relevant thoughts and motivates kindness in public life. This research venture investigates how educational drama may provide opportunities for the cultivation of the civic emotions but also for the way children perceive the notions of civic emotions as they emerge in the space of educational drama or in real life. My ethnographic study involved a series of drama workshops in a class of students. The data gathered in this case study illustrate the way children face the issue of compassion, portraying the elements that encourage the expression of kind behaviour and also the factors that inhibit the practice of acts of care.
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Influence or ignorance : an analysis of the influence of the hypnotherapy national occupational standards on hypnosis and hypnotherapy teaching and learning, and professionalism in the UKBeaven-Marks, Kathryn January 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyses the influence of the Hypnotherapy National Occupational Standards (H.NOS) on teaching and learning, and professionalism, amongst four groups: hypnosis and hypnotherapy practitioners, researchers, educators and professional organisations. H.NOS describe effective performance of a role, in terms of the knowledge, understanding and actions. The hypnotherapy profession has recently encountered voluntary regulation with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council. Practitioners whose training meets H.NOS are eligible for registration. In response to government initiatives, there is a progression towards professionalism of hypnotherapy, yet wide-spread review of the literature considered the lack of agreed definitions for hypnotherapy and hypnosis, despite a long history and diverse applications. There is little current research investigating any potential influence of the H.NOS, despite implications for current and future practice. Online quantitative questionnaires completed over a nine-month period assessed awareness of H.NOS and the consultation process, together with their influence on teaching and learning, professional bodies, competence and professionalism. Developed for this study and a unique contribution, the T.A.P. model (Thought, Action, Professionalism), was employed in the questionnaires, to enable respondents to classify their past training in relation to the model, where the H.NOS fits into the model, and where qualifications for practitioners and researchers would be located. Exploration and inferential analysis with chi-square tests and textual analysis of questionnaire comment boxes, indicated positive outcomes for both research questions regarding the influence of the H.NOS on teaching and learning, and the influence of H.NOS on professionalism. Original contributions to knowledge and practice comprise the T.A.P. model; the review of a diverse range of literature, and the unique survey and resulting data analysis, together with a range of planned and potential disseminations. Future directions for research include greater research following raising of H.NOS awareness, together with deeper exploration of the potential of the T.A.P. model and surveying practitioners about engagement in research. Recommendations are for an increase in awareness of H.NOS, more access for practitioners to research, and for an externally verified Hypnotherapy National Vocational Qualification for all using hypnosis, undertaken prior to specialisation.
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Towards omnicompetence : the need for effective school-based preparation for primary headshipHayes, A. G. D. January 2006 (has links)
Teachers are entering deputy headship and then deciding not to become headteachers. This is a double problem for the profession. Firstly, potential headteachers are being lost to that role, and secondly, career deputies block the route to headship and prevent ambitious deputies from getting that essential management experience that will effectively prepare them for headship. In Bromley, where this study was carried out, some deputies are getting good advice and support from their headteachers, are given real leadership development opportunities and are going on to become effective headteachers. However, some deputies are given low grade tasks and do not receive the support and encouragement from their headteachers that will lead them towards headship. Finally, there are some deputies who, although in a supportive environment, have decided that headship is not for them. Initially, a short survey of all primary schools in Bromley was conducted to gain an overall picture of deputy headship in Bromley. All schools were contacted to find out whether the deputy at the school was interested in becoming a headteacher at some stage in the future. During a period of twelve weeks, eleven primary headteachers were interviewed together with a senior Local Authority adviser. The aim of the work was to gain a picture of the state of deputy headship in one London Borough and establish what experiences and opportunities were given to deputy headteacher to prepare them for headship. This inquiry found that the majority of deputies in Bromley did not want to be headteachers and that their preparation experiences differs greatly from school to school. The study suggests that deputies should be given the opportunities and experiences that will prepare them for headship. Information from the literature review, the survey and interviews are analysed to construct a model for effective preparation for headship and to make recommendations for improved practice.
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HEI school partnership in initial teacher training : the balance of HEI-school responsibilities for, and the nature of, secondary PGCE coursesLevy, Roger Rene January 2001 (has links)
This study examines the balance of HEI-school responsibilities for secondary PGCE courses, and extends previous work in this dimension of partnership by moving beyond the perspective of HEI course managers through content analysis of HEI course documentation and interviews with HEI course leaders. The views of mentor, school ITT co-ordinator, university tutor, and student participants in these courses were also examined, through a questionnaire survey across ten HEI-school partnerships. More specifically, the aim has been to examine the balance of HEI-school responsibility for: course planning and organisation; the assessment of students' teaching; and the assessment of students' work other than teaching. Here, as in other aspects of the study, the experience of participants has been analysed at the level of the overall course, and from the perspective of each of the participant roles. A second, more extensive, aim of the study has been to establish the nature of these courses, particularly within a framework of what may be ailed 'technical', 'interpretive', and 'critical' conceptions of teaching This model has also been extended to the importance placed upon the foci of students' reflection, and other aspects of the nature of teachers', tutors' and students' work on PGCE courses. The implications of these course characteristics in terms of the forms of teacher professionalism associated with them provides a complementary theme which runs through the study. The latter part of this thesis includes a survey of four School Centred Initial Teacher Training Schemes. Differences between data from the HEI documentation, and the perspectives of HEI course leaders, and the teacher, tutor, and student participants have been examined. The association between the balance of HEI-school responsibilities and the nature of courses was also examined, with particular reference to the evident association of shared HEI-school course responsibilities with course experiences, which may support the development of extended forms of professionalism.
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Teaching within a university : an in depth study of the every day use of technologyJump, Lynne January 2011 (has links)
The assumptions underpinning this study are that in order to understand the real use of technology in teaching it is necessary to examine the everyday world of the university (Eisner & Peshkin, 1990, p. 99) and then to ‘tell it as it is’. The enquiry process is approached from a disciplinary context by capturing the views and actual practice of technology use in teaching of thirteen academics from different disciplinary fields within one university. A case study methodology framed the design of the study, requiring the collection of data from a variety of sources in order to describe the university which defined the study. My intention was to answer the following question: How is the use of technology shaped by the everyday teaching practice of academics within a university? The aim of the study therefore was to explore the use of technology by examining the academic’s views about how technology affected the way that they understood teaching. A feature of contemporary research into technology and teaching is an emphasis on small, context specific case studies. These often separate teaching and learning from other aspects of cultural practice, such as disciplinary and other institutional influences. In this study Bernstein’s theory of pedagogic discourse and his categories of recognition and realisation, along with the concepts of classification and framing provided a detailed coding structure as a way of analysing the resulting interview data. Analysis of practical examples of technology use in teaching revealed that academics are influenced by ideological conceptions of epistemic and social relations that are inherent within their own values and beliefs about their own roles and those of students. The coding structure revealed a variety of pedagogic practice linked to vertical (i.e complex) language use or horizontal (i.e everyday) language use. The detailed case studies of technology use by the individual academics gave rise to four different categories of teaching - knowledge and knower modes of teaching, with a vocational or non-vocational focus. This thesis contributes to professional knowledge in this field because of the use of a social theory which highlights the complex relationship between technology and pedagogic discourse and the institutional and disciplinary forces that shape the relationship.
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'Education or training?' : a case study of undergraduate business curriculum in a new university business schoolBrady, Norman January 2013 (has links)
This is a single case study of undergraduate business curriculum design and pedagogic practice in a post-1992 university business school (UBS). The central aim of the research was to investigate the factors that combined to influence the design and enactment of the BA Business Studies and BA Entrepreneurship and Innovation programmes. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews with academics from the department of Systems and Management and a documentary review of programme texts. The data were analysed within an analytical framework which brings together Bhaskar's critical realism, Fairclough's critical discourse analysis and Bernstein's theory of the pedagogic device. This thesis contends that the undergraduate curriculum in UBS has become recontextualised as a business project which frames knowledge as a commodity for the purposes of income generation, pedagogy as a rational, 'quality-assured' system for its 'delivery' and academics as the 'deliverers'. The pedagogic codes which underpin this model legitimise knowledge as narrow projections of business practices and confine didactics to behaviourist, sometimes incoherent, approaches to knowledge generation predicated on 'employability' and 'transferable skills'.
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Examining practice : the perceptions of learners and employers on a work-based Early Years Sector Endorsed Foundation DegreeJoshi, Urmi January 2013 (has links)
This research investigates whether work-based learning facilitates the development of practical skills and theoretical insights by early years practitioners. Foundation degrees symbolise both an opportunity and a challenge. The opportunity relates to creating a new vocational qualification which has work-based learning central to its delivery, in attempting to meet the demands of a skilled workforce necessitated by a shifting economy. The challenge is to form workable and sustainable partnerships with employers, Higher Educational Institutes and Further Education Colleges in developing an integrated approach to work-based learning. This thesis reviews the economic arguments and motivations that have led to the establishment of Foundation degrees and despite qualification inflation and continuing budgetary constraints; they are viewed optimistically through the perceptions of employers, students and policy makers. This research uses a mixed method approach involving three Further Education Colleges, learners and employers drawing on data gathered from questionnaires and interviews to examine the role of the Early Years Sector Endorsed Foundation Degree with particular emphasis on the role of employers in facilitating work-based learning and work based assessments. The impact of factors such as pastoral support and the inclusion of study skills in building self-confidence and improving academic writing skills amongst students especially those who have taken a break from education or those who have had negative experiences at school are highlighted. This research analyses the issues faced by employers, learners and Further Education Colleges, in accommodating work-based learning and considers whether the Government needs to reassess the demands placed on the partnerships and reconsider a more supportive package in order to make it a viable and successful qualification.
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'Fresh start' : a model for success and sustainable change?Matthews, Susan Jane January 2005 (has links)
This thesis examines the rationale and debate of the ‘Fresh Start’ schools policy introduced by the New Labour government in 1997 as a vehicle for improvement in schools that historically had been classified as failing. Underpinning the policy is the assumption that Fresh Start can act as a catalytic agent of positive change to performance, school cultures and the school community. The literature review examines school improvement in schools with challenging circumstances (where many Fresh Start schools are based) and includes the theoretical framework underpinning school improvement. It examines the recent political context that has driven school improvement, the role of inspection in identifying failing schools, the development of Fresh Start policy and alternative routes available to schools failing their OFSTED inspection. The case study traces the transformation process and outlines the profile of the first Fresh Start Primary School in England with a population of 40% Travellers on the school roll. It includes an early evaluation of a number of initiatives associated with catalytic change and school improvement that have been employed in the case study school, in other Fresh Start Primary Schools in England and in socio-economically disadvantaged schools around the world. It looks particularly at the impact of breakfast clubs, a school-wide literacy scheme, ‘Success for All’, and community education based in the school. The impact of these initiatives is considered within the context of the school, the school community and government policy. The research findings conclude that Fresh Start together with the initiatives have been effective strategies for improvement in the case study school, and may provide a good model for other schools in similar circumstances.
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