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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The underlying causes of some problematic responses to curriculum evaluation reports within the ethnographic tradition

O'Connor, Sean Breandan January 1986 (has links)
This thesis follows the natural history of the research which gave rise to it. Working as an evaluator on a Social and Environmental Studies curriculum development project in the Republic of Ireland the author was surprised by some of the reactions to his evaluation reports. After consideration he came to the conclusion that these products of his evaluation had of themselves some sort of socio-political role. Moving to Northern Ireland he came into contact with a number of other evaluators some of international repute, who convinced him that his experiences were not unique but were shared by other evaluators. He was helped to formulate and flesh out an Aggregate Pathology Model of reactions to evaluation products. This model represented a cumulative but not necessarily complete schema of possible negative reactions to evaluation products and included; co-option and collusion between the evaluation and the project, restrictive renegotiation of the evaluator's contract, rhetorical acceptance of the product divorced from political action, rejection of the evaluator or his product, distancing from the evaluation, a counter denunciation in which dossiers of evidence are produced to discredit the evaluation, the use of human sensitivity as an instrument of human control over the evaluation, and a 'rival product' developed as an internal counter-thrust to the independent evaluation. Visiting this model with members of the evaluation community the author received qualified approval of its contents as a valid and useful map of many of their own evaluative experiences. In endeavouring to ascertain what might be the cause of the pathological reactions to evaluative products Concomitant Variation Method was used to compare contrasting between-case evaluation outcomes. This enabled the establishment of constants and independent and dependent variables, in evaluation cases where typicality had been established. As a result of its application to evaluation cases three explanations are advanced as causes of pathological reactions to evaluation products. These are (1) that the products are not 'practical' in the sense identified by Schwab(2) that the pathology represents reactions to evaluation perceived as a degradation exercise (3) that evaluation products appear at nodes or decisive cusps in project activity where sensitivity is heightened. These explanations are offered as decisive in a final case study of a curriculum evaluation this time conducted in the political and social sensitivities of Northern Ireland. The thesis ends with a methodological appendix and a summary of the conclusions. A review of the literature covers the history of the evaluation problem of the thesis from its beginnings as a substantive critique of the testing movement and as a partial expansion from curriculum development, to the use of ethnography and other metaphors from the sciences and arts in the evaluation of curricula. The problem itself, aspects of which are covered in the literature, is next dealt with and some pertinent explanatory concepts from the social sciences are given. Finally, some published material concerning the principal evaluation cases studied in the thesis are given.

School day intervention opportunities for increasing 7-11 year old children's moderate to vigorous physical activity

Rutherford, Zoe Hope January 2011 (has links)
The development and maintenance of healthy physical activity behaviours from an early age is a priority for public health in the UK. Schools provide a number of different opportunities (time inside and outside of the curriculum) and resources in the form of space, equipment and staff for children to learn and develop healthy behaviours, at a time when they are most receptive to behaviour change. The overall aim of the thesis was to identify the different opportunities within the school context whereby children could be physically active and use theoretically driven, whole school interventions to optimise and subsequently increase healthful physical activity. Study 1 demonstrated that primary schools wishing to use pedometers within their curricula can be confident that the EZ-V model is sufficiently accurate to measure physical activity in the form of steps taken (r=0.897). Using the EZ-V pedometer, Study 2 demonstrated that feedback from pedometers along with information on how children can be physically active during the school day, can significantly increase children's mean daily steps-min"' compared to feedback alone or control groups over the course of a school week. Furthermore, boys were significantly more active than girls across each treatment group. Study 3 explored the affect of the primary school travel plan (TP) on the moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) of 7-11 year olds during the winter and summer season. In order to examine the impact of the TP, schools were separated into schools deemed to have an Established TP (implemented for at least 2 years) or `New' schools (i. e., had just drafted their TP and were in the first year of its implementation). Children in the New TP schools accumulated 7.24 (winter) and 24.11 (summer) more minutes of MVPA (5.2% and 15.66% respectively) throughout the day compared with those in the Established TP school children (F(1,35=) 0.955, p=0.207, d=0.33). Overall, children were more active during the summer by 7.81 minutes (F(I, 35) = 0.089, p=0.768, d=0.1). The final study examined the affect of a 12 week, multi-component, whole school intervention which aimed to increase children's school day MVPA. Following baseline physical activity measures via accelerometry, intervention components consisting of a Health Week, Playtime Pals and a Pedometer Challenge were delivered sequentially over the first 6 weeks. Subsequent accelerometer data were collected after each intervention was delivered at 2,4,6 and 12 weeks. Results showed that from baseline to follow-up, children increased their MVPA by 6.57 minutes during the school day, which according to the Q statistic was likely to be beneficial. Results from the Pedometer Challenge found that boy s' mean pedometer steps"day-' were significantly higher than girls' (F(I, 95)= 9.987, p=0.002, d=0.65) and overall, mean pedometer steps-day"' significantly increased from week one to week five (F(,, 93)= 5.845, p=0.018, d=0.24). When the lowest and highest active 50% groups were compared, children in the lowest active 50% group significantly increased their steps from week one to week five (F(l, 47)= 20.847, p=0.000, d=0.93), while the highest active 50% did not (F(1,47)= 0.000, p=0.990, d=0). Furthermore, boys in the highest active 50% group were found to accumulate significantly more steps than the girls, in the highest active 50% group (F(I, 46)= 14.701, p=0.000, d=0.81), while there was no significant difference between the boys' and girls' pedometer steps in the lowest 50% group (F(l, 46)= 0.456, p=0.503, d=0.14). The overall findings of the thesis suggest that schools can successfully optimise the different opportunities during the school day in order to increase children's physical activity, but that larger, controlled and longitudinally designed studies are needed to confirm cause and effect. Most importantly, these changes may have most impact in the least active boys and girls. Interventions such as this should therefore be targeted at the least active children to ensure that they benefit as much as possible from the opportunity to increase their daily physical activity.

'The opportunity to study History' : curriculum politics and school pupils' subject choice in the General Certificate of Secondary Education

McMahon, Patrick J. January 2008 (has links)
This study investigates (a) the existence of changes in pupils' perceptions of Key Stage 3 (KS3) History as they move from Year 8 (Y8) to Year 9 (Y9), when they make choices about which subjects they will study for General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) during Key Stage 4 (KS4), and (b) whether any changes might influence their choices. The study adopts a qualitative approach involving 500 pupils and more than 60 teachers in 10 schools over two years. The place and usage of History in contemporary society are explored. The origins of History as a educational issue are reviewed from the late 18th Century to the late 20th Century when there was considerable debate as to what information should be taught, what skills should be developed and which teaching methodologies should be employed. These aspects were at times polarised when 'traditional' teaching seemed to be at odds with the 'new' Schools Council History Project, against a background of an evolving national examination system. With the compulsory inclusion of Citizenship within schools' curricula, the role and methodology of History are subject to further debate. The origins of the current situation, where school History is a non-compulsory subject in the compulsory state-maintained sector, is outlined with reference to issues and debates which led to comprehensive schools delivering History as an element of the National Curriculum as initially presented in the Education Reform Act (ERA) of 1988, which has since been subject to review and amendment. The study deals with the introduction, implementation and development of the ERA (1987 –2000) and focuses on the proposals for the subject of History, responses from teachers, administrators and Government as well as amendments proposed by the Dearing reviews leading towards Curriculum 2000. The background to the current GCSE examination scheme is reviewed along with the requirements for compulsory and non-compulsory subjects, and the rationales employed by individual schools when constructing ‘GCSE option choice schemes’. Factors that may affect pupils’ perceptions of History in their Y8 and Y9 are discussed. The sets of data collected reveal ways in which pupils may be influenced by (i) personal perceptions of interest, enjoyment, demands of work and usefulness in later life and (ii) externally-controlled issues such as socio-economic circumstances, access to Special Educational Needs (SEN) or language support, and the nature of the KS3 History curriculum they experience

Further education, political economy and social change

Simmons, Robin January 2009 (has links)
This submission contains eight papers and a synoptic commentary to be examined for the award of PhD on the Basis of Published Work. The papers focus upon the further education (FE) system in England. Each examines significant contemporary or historical issues and provides a critical analysis of the changing nature of FE. Collectively, the publications constitute an original and significant contribution to understanding further education and the social and economic context within which it is placed. The commentary highlights the links between the different papers and demonstrates their coherence; it locates the publications within an overarching analytical framework; and it shows how the work submitted makes a significant contribution to knowledge. It also explains my contribution to the three coauthored papers that constitute part of this thesis. It is argued that, taken together, my work provides a sustained and consistent critique of the English further education system from a critical materialist perspective.

Learning, students' skills and learning technologies (old and new) in the development of accounting education

Stoner, Gregory Neil January 2013 (has links)
This submission represents a journey of learning about learning within accounting education, and, in particular, the role of learning technologies and students’ skills in the process of learning. The work presented was published over the past decade and a half and addresses issues concerned with accounting education both past and present, and includes research on the author of the first printed text on double entry bookkeeping, Fra’ Luca Pacioli. The overriding research interest at the core of this submission and which has guided the various and varied phases and themes within in it is a concern to learn from how learning technologies are and have been an integral part of the educational environment, and to gain insight into how learning technologies might best be utilised in the field of accounting education. The work is presented in two themes with an additional two publications related to methodological approach. The first theme is related to students’ skills and technology and the second theme includes historical research into early accounting education. The published work in these themes is predominantly represented by research published in leading refereed journals in the fields of accounting education and accounting history. The additional two publications are included as they relate to and illustrate the methodological approaches that underlie the overall approach to the research that is presented and developed in the two themes: an approach that privileges, as far as practical, subjects’ contextual understandings of their worlds. Given the diversity of the work included in this submission there is no single research question and there are a diverse range of contributions. The work included contributes to our understanding of the introduction and utilisation of learning technologies in the teaching of accounting, both printed books in the 15th century and Information Technology (IT) in the late 20th/early 21st centuries, and the skills required to facilitate learning within the discipline of accounting. The practical value and importance of the research is supported by, inter alia, reference to the author’s applied work (not part of the submission) that illustrates how the published work contributes to good practice in skills development and the introduction and integration of learning technologies in the accounting curriculum. The papers on IT skills adds to our understanding of the IT skills that students bring with them to university, and raises awareness of the need to challenge the taken for granted assumptions about the abilities of new generations of students. The work on generic skills, whilst showing the importance of skills development also highlights the complexities in this area particularly in relation to issues concerned with confidence in making choices, in the subject matter, via modelling choices, and in time management: not knowing what to do, what to study. The paper on matrix accounting in a Russian university illustrates the potential of an approach to accounting education that is facilitated by the use of IT based learning. The work on Pacioli contributes significantly to our knowledge and understanding of Pacioli as a pioneer in the field of accounting education, and the role of his writing within Summa in the education, development and spread of double entry bookkeeping and accounting, in particular by relating the works to literature in fields such as renaissance art, educational systems and social development. In contrast, the sole authored work on Pacioli concentrates on an element of the minutiae of the bookkeeping process, the accounting for goods inventory, traces the longevity of this method of recording transactions, and shows how this had potential to provide important decision information to merchants, who were the prime market for Pacioli’s writing at the time. The two themes addressed in this submission include works that have individually made unique and significant contributions to the fields of accounting education and accounting history, and the two publications included to illustrate the methodological approach have made a contribution methodologically and to the finance literature. Taken together the works presented also provide a significant and original contribution to the knowledge and understanding of the role of learning technologies in accounting education and, by investigating new learning technologies in the different periods of time, provide a platform for further research to help us to appreciate the importance of technologies in accounting, and in accounting education.

Music education in South African Schools after apartheid : teacher perceptions of Western and African music

Drummond, Urvi January 2015 (has links)
The South African classroom music curriculum has changed in the twenty years since the transition from apartheid to democracy in 1994. The broad imperative for the main music education policy shifts is a political agenda of social transformation and reconciliation. Policy aims are to include many more learners in the music classroom by promoting the study of diverse musics that were previously marginalised and by providing a framework for music education that allows learners to progress at their own pace. This research study investigated to what extent music teachers are able and likely to fulfil the requirements of the new, post-apartheid curriculum, with particular reference to the National Curriculum Statement music policies (NCS). Specifically, it considered whether teachers have a particular allegiance to Western and/or African music. Twelve South African music teachers were interviewed for this purpose. The latest music curriculum revision in the form of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS, 2011) has modified knowledge content by streaming music into three distinct but parallel genres. In addition to Western music, the curriculum incorporates Indigenous African music and Jazz as representative of the diverse cultural interests of South Africans. An analysis of post-apartheid music policy documents draws on post-colonial thought to frame the affirmation of African music by giving it a prominent place in the curriculum. In order to appreciate the role different musics are expected to play in the curriculum, the work of prominent ethnomusicologists provides a means to conceptualise the range of emerging musics, including World Music, Global Music and Cosmopolitan Music, and their differences. For teachers to comply with the policy directive to teach different musics to diverse learners, they are required to expand their knowledge and adapt their teaching styles to achieve these aims. This study highlights a lack of resources and of structured teaching support through continuing professional development as well as a need for policy to give clearer direction in the way it instructs teachers to execute the changes demanded of them in the curriculum. An investigation of teachers’ own musical education and their views of the new curriculum reveals that they are willing to teach a variety of musics. Their perceptions of the differences between Western and African music illustrate a reflective understanding of the challenges they face in this undertaking.

Global citizenship education in the biology classroom : an exploratory study in Scotland

Margiotta, Renato January 2018 (has links)
In the United Kingdom and Europe, there are ongoing efforts to reform science education in order to provide students with an understanding that transcends the scientific knowledge itself and that is relevant to citizenship. This exploratory study investigated the opportunities and the constraints for teaching Evolutionary Biology (EB) in the context of Global Citizenship Education (GCE). The study focuses on secondary school education in Scotland, at the time of a major curricular reform. My specific interest in the educational system of Scotland stemmed from the fact that the Scottish National Curriculum, the Curriculum for Excellence (CfE), encourages integrated interdisciplinary approaches to citizenship education, where biology is one component of a holistic citizenship curriculum and biology teachers are required to consider citizenship issues within their subject teaching. Evolution, in biology, is the general framework for understanding life and, at its base, is about the common ancestry of living beings. Therefore, EB is substantially the theory of Phylogenetic Trees. In addition, EB with Population Thinking in taxonomy provides arguments against the typologist assumptions in human classification, underpinning the biologisation of cultural identities. Through a document analysis and an empirical phenomenographic study, I explored the patterns in the interplay between teaching EB and GCE, within the compulsory Scottish secondary school science curriculum. The document analysis, which consisted in the analysis of official science education documents and biology textbooks, revealed that only microevolutionary concepts play a major role in the documents and in the textbooks. Macroevolution, human evolution, phylogeny and population thinking are omitted by the compulsory science specifications of the CfE and textbooks. However, the texts illustrating the EB specifications are open texts, in Eco’s taxonomy. Open texts are incomplete texts that can be freely interpreted and cooperatively generated by the readers. Therefore, teachers, with their knowledge and interests, can complete the “unsaid” and interpret creatively the biology specification. The phenomenographic inquiry involved twenty-one biology teachers from thirteen different Local Authorities of Scotland who participated in semi-structured, in-depth interviews. From the phenomenographic analysis of the transcripts of the interviews, three different ways of thinking and reporting about the role of teaching biology for the purpose to educate for global citizenship emerged. The first conception relates the biology syllabus to issues of social justice, the second to environmental issues and the third focuses on the individual development of students. This body of work provides insights into some of the issues associated with the problematic teaching of evolutionary biology with the aim to promote cosmopolitan values, in secondary school. Moreover, it adds to the research in global citizenship education, by providing evidence from the conceptions of biology teachers involved in the implementation of curricular innovation.

At the crux of development? : local knowledge, participation, empowerment and environmental education in Tanzania

Smith, Thomas Aneurin January 2012 (has links)
Development appears to have gone through a paradigm shift, from top-down, state-led projects to bottom-up, participatory schemes which seek to take account of local knowledges. Tanzania is a country which, like many others in the ‘Global South’, faces a myriad of interlinked environmental and development problems, particularly as much of the population’s livelihood needs are deeply entwined with local environmental resources. Current environmental policies and conservation practise in Tanzania appear to reflect this new shift in development, and increasingly the Tanzanian state and a number of NGOs have aimed to increase the participation of local people in environmentally sustainable practices. Education about the environment, for both adults and young people, has become key to this approach in Tanzania since the 1990s. This thesis aims to explore the many practical and theoretical questions which remain about the suitability of participatory projects that utilise local knowledges, considering questions which are fundamentally at the heart of how development is and how it should be done, questions which are ultimately at the crux of development itself. Specifically, I aim to answer questions about how participants and communities can become ‘empowered’ through participatory initiatives, and to this end I investigate the important yet presently neglected role of young people. I further explore the nature of ‘local knowledge’, questioning its current use in development projects whilst seeking to re-conceptualise and re-orientate how ‘local knowledge’ is understood and employed. I utilise a qualitative and participatory methodology through three communities in Tanzania, each of which offers a contrasting picture of environmental issues throughout the country. I begin by exploring the current understandings of participation and local knowledges in development, and follow with an explanation of the methodological approach. The empirical chapters are then organised around three main themes: local knowledges, environmental education in Tanzania, and the role of participation in Tanzanian communities. The first of these chapters appraises the concept of ‘local knowledge’ critically by first comparing local and official discourses of the ‘environment’, assessing how far an attention to local knowledges has percolated into official environmental discourses in Tanzania. In light of local understandings of the environment encountered in these three communities, I consider how the current conceptual framework of local knowledge may be limiting our understanding of how these knowledges are constructed and communicated. The second empirical chapter examines environmental education projects in Tanzania, and from this I critically reflect on the role of NGOs and the state in local development. Through an analysis of environmental education, I consider how both local knowledge and participation agendas can be spatialised, in particular by understanding how formal and informal spaces of learning are constructed discursively in communities, and the implications this has for the outcomes of education projects. I go on to examine the notions of participation and community, exploring how participation and inclusion operate at different scales, including those beyond the local. I consider how the current conceptualisation of participation and community, derived from ‘Western’ ideals, can conflict with local understandings of responsibility, volunteerism, participation and community development. Through this, I question the ‘community’ as the necessary site of empowerment, and in particular here I draw attention to the role of young people and how their identities are reproduced at the community scale and beyond. Finally, I conclude by discussing the conceptual and practical application of local knowledge and participation in development in light of this critical appraisal. I consider the role of formal education more broadly in empowering young people, and I question the role of NGOs in the future of locally and nationally orientated development. I end with an examination of the ethics of the current development paradigm in light of the understandings of development uncovered by this study, many of which fundamentally challenge the way that participatory forms of development should be done.

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