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Utveckling av elektronisk måltavla : Lägesgivning med akustik och multilateration.Larsson, Arvid January 2019 (has links)
Denna rapport avhandlar en teknologie kandidatuppsats inom maskinteknik. Syftet med studien är att undersöka träffregistrerande måltavlor, ofta kallad elektroniska måltavlor eller LOMAH (Location Of Miss And Hit). Studien har som mål att undersöka om det går att utveckla ett system till mindre kostnad än kommersiella system med hjälp av standardverktyg och standardkomponenter. De system som idag finns på marknaden håller sig i en förhållandevis hög prisklass. De tekniska plattformarna som används i studien är ett Arduino mikrokontrollerkort med programmeringsspråket C++ samt en Raspberry Pi dator med programmeringsspråket Python. Arduinon används för tidtagning och Raspberry Pi för numeriska beräkningar. De är billiga utbildnings- och utvecklings-plattformar som har en stor användarbas. Multilateration är den matematiska metoden som används i studien för att beräkna träffpunkten. Multilateration bygger på att med hjälp av tidsdifferenser lokalisera en signalkälla. Det används bland annat på flygplatser för att lokalisera flygplan och med mobilmaster lokalisera mobiltelefoner. För att få en förståelse hur en elektronisk måltavla ska kunna konstrueras görs omfattande litteraturstudier i den teoretiska bakgrunden för en elektronisk måltavlan. Experiment med de ingående komponenterna har utförts och prototyper har byggts för att undersöka en helhetslösning. I rapportens resultatdel presenteras två prototyper, träffstatistik samt oscilloskopbilder för givarnas olika signaler när tavlan blir beskjuten. / This report presents a bachelor thesis in mechanical engineering. The purpose of the study is to investigate electronic target systems, also called LOMAH (Location Of Miss And Hit). The object of the study is to investigate whether it is possible to develop a system at a lower cost than commercial systems, using standard tools and standard components. The electronic target systems that currently exist in the market are in a relatively high price range. The technical platforms used in the study are an Arduino microcontroller card with the programming language C++ and a Raspberry Pi computer with the programming language Python. The Arduino is used for timing and the Raspberry Pi is used for numerical calculations. They are inexpensive training and development platforms that have a large user base. Multilateration is the mathematical method used in the study to calculate the point of impact. Multilateration is using the ”Time Diffrence Of Arrival” and a known propagation speed to find the location of the signal source. Multilateration is also used at airports for locating aircrafts and with mobile masts for locating mobile phones. In order to gain an understanding of how an electronic target system can be constructed, extensive literature studies are made in the theoretical background of electronic target systems. Experiments with the components have been carried out and prototypes have been built to investigate a complete solution. In the report's results, two prototypes are presented with hit statistics and oscilloscope images for the different signals of the sensors after the moment the target is shoot. / <p>Betyg: 2019-07-24</p>
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LOMAH in a Box : ProduktutvecklingsprocessBehshad, Nicky, Melin, Dennis January 2017 (has links)
This report presents a bachelor thesis in Mechanical Engineering, Product development and design and has been carried out in collaboration with SAAB Training & Simulation in Huskvarna. The thesis project involved a product development process beginning with establishment of specifications and concept generation through 3D modelling which then resulted in a complete prototype. The task presented by SAAB Training & Simulation consisted of developing a portable combined target holder and transportation case for their current livescoring projectile monitoring system, the LOMAH 700. A theoretical background was necessary to gain an understanding of the complex nature of a product development process and the stages involved. Different concept generation and evaluation methods were explored, including the Go/No-go and Vendor Evaluation Matrices, as well as engineering practices such as Design for Manufacturing and Design for Assembly. Various materials and production techniques were also investigated to optimize functionality of the product, as well as cost of production. The methods researched in the theoretical background were then applied throughout the development process. Brainstorming was used to generate numerous different ideas which were then evaluated using three different matrices. This resulted in one leading concept which was further developed through detail work and review. The work continued with 3D-modelling and drawing using SolidWorks to ultimately produce the grounds for manufacturing. The final concept consisted of a transportation case ordered from the case manufacturing company, SKB Cases. Custom-made components included legs with adjustable length and angle and a target holder used for fixing a target and the LOMAH 700 onto the transportation case. The custom-made parts were produced by SAAB, and the prototype was then assembled. The prototype was ultimately tested to ensure the fulfillment of the specifications defined by SAAB Training & Simulation.
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