Spelling suggestions: "subject:"La infant""
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Perinatal Determinants of Mental Disorders Identifying Risk Factors and Testing the Effectiveness of Early Interventions on Infant and Child Emotion RegulationKrzeczkowski, John January 2020 (has links)
Objectives: To investigate the preventive potential of the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) hypothesis as it pertains to emotion dysregulation and psychopathology by: i) elucidating the impact of modifiable perinatal risk factors, and ii) examining whether a postnatal intervention can improve infant emotion regulation.
Methods: Studies 1 and 2 used data from the Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) cohort and the Maternal-Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals (MIREC) cohort to examine if modifiable perinatal risk factors (including prenatal diet quality) confounded the link between prenatal metabolic complications and offspring psychopathology. Study 3 used MIREC data to examine if prenatal diet quality was linked to a biomarker of emotion regulation in infants (autonomic nervous system (ANS) function). Studies 4 and 5 used data from 40 infants of mothers diagnosed with postpartum depression (PPD) and 40 healthy control infants matched on infant age sex and socioeconomic status. These studies examined if infant emotion regulation (Study 4) and mother-infant physiological synchrony (a marker of dyadic emotion regulation-Study 5) improved following maternal cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for PPD.
Results: In Studies 1 and 2, prenatal diet quality accounted for significant variance in the links between prenatal metabolic complications and offspring psychopathology. In Study 3, poor prenatal diet quality was associated with adverse ANS development in offspring. In Studies 4 and 5, infants exhibited more adaptive emotion regulation and mother-infant synchrony improved following maternal receipt of CBT for PPD.
Conclusions: Elucidating the impact of modifiable perinatal risk factors on offspring psychopathology provides meaningful targets for intervention, and postnatal interventions may improve offspring emotion regulation and could reduce the risk of psychopathology. This work highlights the importance of the perinatal period as a time during which modifiable risk factors can be identified and intervened upon to reduce mental disorder risk across the lifespan. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Healthy brain development is important for health and success in life. However, risk factors such as the mother’s poor physical and mental health during pregnancy and in the first postnatal year can increase the risk of emotion and behaviour problems in offspring. Therefore, the objectives of this thesis were to i) identify links between modifiable pre and postnatal risk factors and poorer offspring brain development and ii) determine if intervening on one of these risk factors might improve offspring brain development. Results from this thesis show that an unhealthy maternal diet in pregnancy was linked to more offspring emotion, behaviour, and brain development problems and that treating postpartum depression in mothers may improve offspring brain development. This work suggests that identifying and intervening on modifiable risk factors is important to improve early brain development and may prevent the development of mental disorders later in life.
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The Social Attentional Foundations of Infants’ Learning from Third-Party Social InteractionsThiele, Kyra Maleen 13 July 2022 (has links)
Human infants rely on social interactions to acquire culturally relevant knowledge about their environment. Aside from active participation (“first-party perspective”), infants encounter social interactions through third-party observation (“third-party perspective”). Despite the absence of own involvement, the mere observation of others’ interactions represents an essential source of social learning opportunities. The overarching aim of this dissertation was to deepen our understanding of the foundations of infants’ observational learning from third-party interactions. This was achieved by investigating (a) social attentional developments and motivational influences driving infants’ attention toward third-party interactions (Study 1 & 2), and (b) factors influencing infants’ attention and memory while observing third-party interactions (Study 3).
Study 1 investigated how infants’ attentional orienting to third-party interactions develops in parallel with their active social attention behavior. In Experiment 1, 9.5- to 11-month-old infants looked longer than 7- to 8.5-month-olds at videos showing two adults engaging in a face-to-face interaction, when simultaneously presented with a non-interactive back-to-back scene showing the same people acting individually. Moreover, older infants showed higher social engagement (including joint attention) during parent-infant free play. Experiment 2 replicated this age-related increase in both measures and showed that it follows continuous trajectories from 7 to 13 months of age. These findings suggest that infants’ attentional orienting to others’ social interactions coincides with developments in their social attention behavior during own social interactions.
Study 2 examined the incentive value of social interactions as a proximal driver of infants’ attentional orienting to third-party interactions. In a gaze-contingent associative learning task, two geometrical shape cues were repeatedly paired with two kinds of target videos showing either a dyadic face-to-face interaction or a non interactive back-to-back scene. We found that 13-monthold infants performed faster saccadic latencies and more predictive gaze shifts toward the cued target region during social interaction trials. This suggests that social interaction targets can serve as primary reinforcers in an associative learning task, supporting the view that infants find it intrinsically rewarding to observe others’ social interactions.
Study 3 investigated infants’ object encoding in the context of observed social interactions. In Experiment 1, 9-month-old infants were presented with four types of videos showing one object and two adults. The scenarios varied regarding the eye contact between the adults (eye contact or no eye contact) and the adults’ object directed gaze (looking toward or away from the object). Infants showed increased object encoding, but only when seeing two adults looking at an object together, following mutual eye contact. We found an identical pattern of results in a matched first-party design during which 9-month-old infants were directly addressed by one single adult on screen (Experiment 2). Together, these findings suggest that the capacity to learn about novel objects by observing third-party interactions emerges in the first postnatal year, and that it may depend on similar factors as infants’ learning through direct social interactions at this age.
The findings of all three studies are integrated in a general discussion. In summary, the
results of this thesis suggest that, throughout the first year after birth, infants develop abilities and preferences enabling them to approach and efficiently learn from third-party social interactions.:General Introduction 1
1.1 The Infant As an Active Learner 2
1.2 Social Attentional Requirements of Infants’ Learning From Social Interactions 3
1.3 Motivational Mechanisms Affording Opportunities to Learn From Social Interactions 16
1.4 Infants’ Learning From Social Interactions 21
1.5 Research Gaps 26
1.6 Focus of This Dissertation 27
Study I 33
2.1 Introduction 34
2.2 Experiment I 38
2.3 Experiment II 45
2.4 General Discussion 50
Study II 55
3.1 Introduction 56
3.2 Methods 57
3.3 Results 63
3.4 Discussion 64
Study III 69
4.1 Introduction 70
4.2 Experiment I 74
4.3 Experiment II 81
4.4 General Discussion 86
General Discussion 91
5.1 Summary of Results 91
5.2 Research Contributions 93
5.3 Limitations and Future Directions 101
5.4 Overall Conclusion 114
References 115
Appendix A – Supplementary Materials Study I 137
Appendix B – Supplementary Materials Study II 148
Appendix C – Supplementary Materials Study III 152
Curriculum Vitae 167
Scientific Publications and Conference Contributions 169
Contributions of Authors 171
Declaration of Authorship 175
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The longitudinal investigation of infants’ attentional control and its associations with self-regulatory functions in toddlerhood and maternal mental distressTu, Hsing-Fen 24 July 2023 (has links)
Aufmerksamkeit ist eine wichtige kognitive Operation, die mehrere Prozesse betrifft, zu welchen Konzentration, Orientierung, Filterung und Verarbeitung von Inputs, das Aufrechterhalten des Fokus und endogene Kontrolle gehören (Colombo, 2001; Hendry et al., 2019). Es wird angenommen, dass Aufmerksamkeit die Allokation von kognitiven Ressourcen, die Priorisierung und Aktualisierung eintreffender Informationen und die Regulierung von Verhalten in der frühkindlichen Entwicklung unterstützen kann (Colombo et al., 2011; Esterman & Rothlein, 2019). Die Fähigkeit zur Steuerung von Aufmerksamkeit in frühen Jahren wird häufig als entscheidend für die spätere Entwicklung von Selbstregulation angesehen (Posner et al., 2016; Rueda, Posner, et al., 2005), welche verbunden ist mit der akademischen Leistung und Lernleistung im späteren Leben (Best et al., 2011; Morgan et al., 2019). Beeinträchtigungen von Aufmerksamkeit und Selbstregulation sind oft mit neurologischen Entwicklungsstörungen verbunden, wie beispielsweise einer Aufmerksamkeitsdefizits- oder einer Hyperaktivitätsstörung (Barkley, 1997; Sjöwall et al., 2013; Sonuga-Barke et al., 2010) oder einer Autismus-Spektrum-Störung (Gilotty et al., 2002; Matson et al., 2013; Samson et al., 2014).
Der Blick nach vorn – vom Säugling zum Kleinkind
Die Entwicklungsliteratur verlässt sich zur Messung der Aufmerksamkeitssteuerung stark auf die Messung unterschiedlichen Blickverhaltens (Bornstein, 1985; Colombo et al., 1999; Gredebäck et al., 2009). Verschiedene Parameter des Blickverhaltens wurden verwendet, um unterschiedliche Aspekte der Aufmerksamkeitssteuerung zu erfassen, wie beispielsweise die Latenz der Ausrichtung zu Stimuli (Pyykkö et al., 2020), die Blickdauer auf Stimuli (Johansson et al., 2015) oder die Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit visueller Stimuli (Blankenship et al., 2019). Obwohl berichtet wurde, dass verschiedene Aspekte der Entwicklung der Aufmerksamkeitssteuerung über die ersten 2 Lebensjahre stabil sind (Brandes-Aitken et al., 2019; Colombo et al., 2004; Rose & Feldman, 1987; Rose et al., 2001), basieren die meisten Ergebnisse auf einem einzelnen und kurzen Beobachtungszeitraum (z. B. 5 Minuten). In dieser Arbeit wird eine datengetriebene Methodik eingesetzt, um einen longitudinalen Datensatz zu untersuchen, der Daten zum Blickverhalten im Alter von 6, 10 und 18 Monaten enthält. Auf diese Weise sind wir im Stande, Entwicklungsänderungen der Aufmerksamkeitssteuerung aus verschiedenen Perspektiven zu beobachten. Vor allem konnte auf diese Weise eine stabile und robuste Messgröße identifiziert und etabliert werden, die verwendet werden kann, um zu anderen Variablen in Bezug gesetzt zu werden, beispielsweise in der vorliegenden Arbeit zur Selbstregulation und zur mütterlichen psychischen Gesundheit. Aufmerksamkeit im Säuglingsalter wird oft als Frühindikator oder Prädiktor für Selbstregulationsfunktionen genutzt. Selbstregulationsfunktionen wiederum, häufig unter Betonung von Effortful Control und exekutiven Funktionen (Posner & Rothbart, 2000; Rothbart & Rueda, 2005; Rothbart, Sheese, et al., 2011), korreliert mit individuellen akademischen Leistungen, der Lebenszufriedenheit und dem Arbeitsmarkterfolg (Ahmed et al., 2019; Best et al., 2011; Brock et al., 2009; Morgan et al., 2019). Es wurde vorgeschlagen, dass Aufmerksamkeit grundlegend für die Entwicklung von Selbstregulationsfunktionen ist (Colombo & Cheatham, 2006; Posner & Rothbart, 2009; Rueda, Posner, et al., 2004). Auf dieser Basis haben mehrere jüngere Studien einen positiven Zusammenhang zwischen Aufmerksamkeit und Selbstregulation in den frühen Lebensjahren festgestellt (Blankenship et al., 2019; Cuevas & Bell, 2014; Geeraerts et al., 2019; Papageorgiou et al., 2014). In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Literatur gesichtet, die diesen Zusammenhang aufstellt, und die Gesamtevidenz geprüft. Obwohl zwar empirische Hinweise darauf existieren, die diese Feststellung unterstützen, sind die Ergebnisse nicht konsistent. Des Weiteren werden basierend auf den gleichen Annahmen experimentelle Ergebnisse präsentiert, welche den Zusammenhang zwischen Messgrößen der Aufmerksamkeit im Säuglingsalter (auf Basis der datengetriebenen Methodik) und der Selbstregulationsfunktionen im Alter von 18 und 30 Monaten untersuchen. Die vorliegenden Resultate, ebenso wie der Literaturüberblick unterstützen die Behauptung eines Zusammenhangs zwischen Aufmerksamkeit und Selbstregulation nicht, zumindest nicht im Kleinkindalter.
Der Blick zurück – vom Säugling zu Schwangerschaft und Kindheit der Mutter
Vor dem Hintergrund der Wichtigkeit von Aufmerksamkeit im Säuglingsalter und der zuvor beschriebenen Rolle in der späteren Entwicklung haben Studien zu Säuglingsalter und Kindheit versucht, diejenigen Risikofaktoren zu identifizieren, welche die Aufmerksamkeitsentwicklung beeinträchtigen könnten. Dies legt den nachträglichen Fokus der Betrachtung auf die In-Utero-Periode und sogar Kindheitserfahrungen der Mutter. Es existieren substantielle Hinweise darauf, dass mütterliche Stressfaktoren kortikale und subkortikale Verknüpfungen von Säuglingen beeinflussen (Rifkin-Graboi et al., 2013; Scheinost et al., 2020) und negative Auswirkungen auf die kognitive Entwicklung von Kindern haben kann (Keim et al., 2011; Kingston et al., 2015; Laplante et al., 2004; Tarabulsy et al., 2014). Des Weiteren wurde in jüngeren Studien berichtet, dass negative mütterliche Kindheitserfahrungen einen kumulativen Effekt auf die mütterliche psychische Gesundheit haben kann (Sacchi et al., 2020; Weltz et al., 2016) und wiederum zu strukturellen Konsequenzen für die neuronale Entwicklung in-utero führen kann (Andescavage et al., 2017; Moog et al., 2018). Im Einklang mit diesen Ergebnissen haben mehrere umfangreiche Studien einen negativen Zusammenhang zwischen mütterlichem Stress und Kindheitstraumata, aufmerksamkeitsbezogenen Problemen (Ross et al., 2020; Wang & Dix, 2017), Aufmerksamkeitsdefizits-/Hyperaktivitätssymptomen (Moon et al., 2021; Mulraney et al., 2019; Vizzini et al., 2019) und einem erhöhten Autismusrisiko (Roberts et al., 2013) ihrer Kinder gezeigt. Obgleich eine umfangreiche Literatur zeigt, dass mütterlicher Stress die Aufmerksamkeit von Kindern beeinflusst, sind die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen weiterhin unbekannt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die theoretischen Erklärungsansätze und die empirische Beweislage zum Zusammenhang von mütterlichen Stressfaktoren und Aufmerksamkeit des Nachwuchses untersucht. Im nächsten Schritt wurden, um ein besseres Verständnis für die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen zu entwickeln, verschiedene Aspekte der mütterlichen psychischen Gesundheit (z. B. depressive Symptome, Symptome von Angstgefühlen und negative mütterliche Kindheitserfahrungen) und ihr Zusammenhang mit der Aufmerksamkeit von Säuglingen untersucht, basierend auf der gleichen Stichprobe anhand der Aufmerksamkeitsmessgrößen und unter Hinzufügen mütterlichen Daten von der Schwangerschaft bis 12 Monate nach der Geburt.
Im Gesamten behandelt die vorliegende Arbeit drei Hauptthesen, welche in zwei verbundenen Veröffentlichungen untersucht werden. Erstens wurde die Entwicklung von Aufmerksamkeit im Alter von 6, 10 und 18 Monaten unter Verwendung von etwa 0,5 Millionen Fixierungen von Eye-Tracking-Messungen untersucht und mittels einer datengetriebenen Methode analysiert. Nach der Entwicklung von stabilen und robusten Aufmerksamkeitsmessgrößen, wurde das zweite Ziel umgesetzt, den Zusammenhang mit Selbstregulationsfunktionen zu untersuchen. Drittens wurde unter Verwendung der robusten Aufmerksamkeitsmessgrößen untersucht, ob rückblickend negative mütterliche Kindheitserfahrungen und mütterliche Stressfaktoren während der Schwangerschaft die Aufmerksamkeit von Säuglingen beeinflussen (Tu et al., 2021). Im Ergebnis zeigt sich (1) ein hoher Grad an Stabilität und interne Konsistenz zweier Aspekte der Aufmerksamkeitssteuerung von 6 bis 18 Monaten unter Verwendung einer datengetriebenen Methodik; (2) die Abwesenheit eines signifikanten Zusammenhangs zwischen Aufmerksamkeitssteuerung im Säuglingsalter und Selbstregulation im Kleinkindalter, welche eine weithin angenommene Verbindung zumindest im Kleinkindalter nicht bestätigt; und (3) einen signifikanten Einfluss von mütterlichen psychologischen Stressfaktoren, die in Verbindung zu negativen mütterlichen Kindheitserfahrungen stehen, auf die dauerhafte Aufmerksamkeit von Säuglingen.
Zusammenfassend bietet die vorliegende Arbeit tiefere Einblicke in die Entwicklung von Aufmerksamkeit im Säuglingsalter und trägt zu einer wachsenden Literatur bei, die nahelegt, dass Prävention und Intervention sowohl für Mütter als auch für Säuglinge bereits vor der Schwangerschaft ansetzen sollten. Gleichzeitig zeigt die vorliegende Arbeit auf, dass das Forschungsfeld dringend weitere Untersuchungen zu den Entwicklungspfaden benötigen, die zu Selbstregulation führen. Dies unterstreicht die mehrstufige Natur von Entwicklungsprozessen. Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt besteht nur wenig Evidenz, dass Aufmerksamkeit im frühen Säuglingsalter stark und auf besondere Weise mit Selbstregulation in der Kindheit in Zusammenhang stünde. Eine Theoriebasis und überprüfbare Modelle, die spezifisch für die Bewertung von früh entstehenden Grundlagen der Selbstregulation entwickelt werden, wären essenzielle Modelle, die der Komplexität der Aufgabe gerecht werden können.:1. Introduction p.7
1.1 Attentional Control in Infancy p.10
1.1.1 Development of Attentional Control in Infancy p.10
1.1.2 The Application of a Data-driven Method for Attention Measures Using Eye-tracking Data p.13
1.2 Attention and Self-regulatory Functions p.19
1.2.1 Distinct yet Approximate Aspects of Self-regulatory Functions in Early Years of Life p.19
1.2.2 The Relation between Attentional Control and Self-regulatory Functions p.20
1.3 Maternal Distress and Infants’ Attention p.26
1.3.1 Cross-generational Effects on Offspring’s Attention p.26
1.3.2 A Multi-dimensional Investigation of the Impact of Maternal Distress on Infants’ Attention p.27
2. Experimental Work p.33
2.1 Publication 1 – Experimental Work: Tu et al., (2022) p.35
2.2 Publication 2 – Experimental Work: Tu et al., (2021) p.51
3. General Discussion and Outlook p.67
3.1 Implications and Questions from the Experimental Work p.67
3.2 Optimizing the Design for Future Studies p.70
4. Summary p.73
3.1 English Summary p.73
3.2 Deutsche Zusammenfassung p.76
References p.80
Appendix p.96
A.1 Supplementary Information p.96
A.2 Author Contributions to the Publications p.97
A.3 Declaration of Authenticity p.99
A.4 Curriculum Vitae p.100
A.5 List of Publications p.102
A.6 Conference Contributions p.102
A.7 Acknowledgements p.103
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Relationship Between Joint Attention and Language in Multiparous and Uniparous HouseholdsManis, Hannah C., Dixon, Wallace E., Jr., Driggers-Jones, Lauren P., Willey, Jordan K. 12 April 2019 (has links)
Through verbal and nonverbal dyadic engagement with caregivers, infants acquire two critical capacities for social engagement: joint attention and language. Children initiate joint attention (IJA) when they use eye contact and pointing (IJA bids) to direct the attention of a social partner to objects of common interest, which then helps children acquire object labels from their social partners. The present study was designed to examine differences in the effect of the number of children in the household (also known as “parity”) on the relationship between IJA and language development. We reasoned that infants who are only children (i.e., in uniparous homes), relative to infants who have one or more siblings (i.e., in multiparous homes), would have more opportunity to engage in IJA, and would, therefore, acquire a larger number of object labels. We tested the hypotheses that: 1) there would be a positive correlation between the number of IJA bids and language overall, and 2) parity would moderate the IJA-language relationship such that in uniparous households, the aforementioned correlation would be stronger than in multiparous homes.
For this study, 73 primarily white, middle-class infants ranging from 12 to 20 months of age (30 uniparous, 40 multiparous, 3 missing) visited the lab. Using the Picture Book Task of the Early Social Communication Scales, IJA behaviors were coded when children made eye contact with the experimenter (lower IJA) or pointed to pictures in the book (higher IJA) without elicitation. Productive and receptive vocabulary was measured through parental report using the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory.
Preliminary analyses showed that older children had larger productive [r(30) = .50, p = .000] but not receptive vocabularies relative to younger children. Also, we were surprised to find that the ages of the infants in our investigation were not associated with the number of siblings in their homes since older infants would have been more likely to have younger siblings. In terms of our hypotheses, it was found that IJA was not associated with either language measure. To test for a moderation effect, we conducted a moderated regression analysis in which each language measure was regressed on IJA, the number of siblings in the home, and the interaction term for these two variables. The interaction term was statistically significant, indicating a moderation effect [B = -8.09, SD = 4.00, t = -2.02, p = .047]. However, this association disappeared after controlling for child age.
Overall, our hypotheses were not supported. Although it is possible that parity has no moderating effect of on the IJA-language relationship, our sample size did not provide for large amounts of statistical power to make such a strong claim in this direction. Still, these null findings may provide positive reassurance for families with multiple children that their younger children are not at an IJA/language acquisition disadvantage.
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Electrophysiological indices of language processing in infants at risk for ASDSeery, Anne 12 March 2016 (has links)
Behavioral symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) begin to emerge around 12 months of age and are preceded by subtle differences in how infants process and interact with the world (Elsabbagh & Johnson, 2010). Similar atypical behavioral patterns and markers of brain organization (`endophenotypes') are present in infants at risk for ASD (HRA) due to their family history, regardless of whether they ultimately develop the disorder. Possible endophenotypes of ASD were investigated through four studies that examined event-related potentials (ERPs) to speech and language in HRA and low-risk control (LRC) infants as part of a larger, longitudinal project.
Chapter 2 examined ERPs to language-specific phonemes at 6, 9, and 12 months (n=59 at 6mo, 77 at 9mo, and 70 at 12mo) and found that HRA infants were not delayed in phonemic perceptual narrowing yet exhibited atypical hemispheric lateralization of ERPs at 9 and 12 months. Chapter 3 explored these findings further in a sample with known developmental outcome (n=60 at 6mo, 75 at 9mo, and 72 at 12mo) in order to understand how these ERPs differ between infants who ultimately develop ASD and infants who do not. Chapter 4 examined responses to repeated speech stimuli at 9 months (n=95). HRA infants exhibited atypically large ERPs to repeated speech, and this pattern was associated with better later language ability. Finally, Chapter 5 examined ERPs to words at 18 and 24 months (n=41 at 18mo, 52 at 24mo) and found evidence for atypical topography of responses to known versus unknown words, particularly at 18 months.
These findings provide evidence that in HRA infants, even those who do not develop ASD, neural processing of linguistic stimuli is altered during infancy and toddlerhood. The results from Chapter 4 suggest that at least some of the differences seen in HRA infants who do not develop ASD may reflect beneficial, rather than disordered, processing. Overall, these results contribute to growing evidence that familial risk for ASD is associated with atypical processing of speech and language during infancy. Future work should continue to investigate more closely the implications of atypical neural processing for infants' later development.
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A study of normal and abnormal motor development in infants (An approach to muscle testing of infants)Zausmer, Elizabeth January 1952 (has links)
Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston University
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Bidirectional Influence of Emotion Processing on Language Development in Infancy: Evidence from Eye-tracking Mothers and InfantsHeck, Alison Rae 30 June 2015 (has links)
The primary goal of this study was to examine how infants' language and emotion development intersect around the end of the first year. Specifically, is learning enhanced when a speaker is happy vs. neutral? Eighteen 12-month-old infants were familiarized and tested on four word-object associations that varied in bimodal emotion (happy vs. neutral), which were presented on a Tobii© T60 eye-tracker. Familiarization trials comprised of actresses looking towards and labeling a target object while ignoring a non-target distractor object on the opposite side of the screen. It was expected that infants would demonstrate better learning of word-object associations during the test trials when the speaker was happy. This hypothesis was partially supported, in that infants demonstrated a novelty preference for the novel non-target object compared to the familiar target object in the happy test trials only. However, no difference in attention was seen in happy test trials with the familiar target object and a familiar non-target object or for either of the neutral test trials. A second goal of this study was to examine infant-parent correspondence in emotion processing. Both infants and parents were presented with a series of emotion pairs on the eye-tracker, and the correlations between their gaze patterns were examined. In general, infants and parents had little to no correspondence in first look tendencies or overall fixation duration to either face in the pair. They also fixated on different areas of the face (infants on mouth region, parents on eye region). Finally, parental sensitivity was examined using a free-play interaction task. Parents' sensitivity was analyzed with respect to measures of infants learning during the language task as well as other infant characteristics (e.g. temperament, vocabulary). Overall, these findings add to the relatively limited research examining the intersection of language and socioemotional development in infancy. / Ph. D.
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Infância associada ao tema aborto voluntário em peças jornalísticas publicadas no jornal online da Folha de S. Paulo (1997-2005)Bizzo, Vanessa Monteiro 19 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:31:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2008-05-19 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study is party of collective project on researches: Infancy and Media of the NEGRI (Nucleus of Studies on Gender, Race and Age) of the Program of Studies Postgraduates in Social Psychology of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP).
The specific objective of this study is to analyze the treatment given to infancy in journalistic parts published by the Folha de S. Paulo s online in the period between 1997 and 2005 on the subject voluntary abortion, having as it guides the ideology theory and as method the hermeneutics of depth by John B. Thompson.
We are locate and describe 298 units of information that associate infancy and the adolescence of the voluntary abortion, using techniques of contents analysis. It identifies that the recent Brazilian debate on the legalization of the abortion set in motion associated rhetorical repertoire to infancy and that comes being argued in research on the construction of social problems. It observes, still, that in the journalistic parts analyzed children and adolescents they have its disclosed civil identity, what not only opposes the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), but also can be configured as a way of operation of the ideology / Esta dissertação integra o projeto coletivo sobre Infância e Mídia do NEGRI (Núcleo de Estudos sobre Gênero, Raça e Idade) do Programa de Estudos Pós-graduados em Psicologia Social da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP).
Seu objetivo específico é analisar o tratamento dado à infância em peças jornalísticas publicadas pelo jornal online da Folha de S. Paulo no período de 1997 a 2005 sobre o aborto voluntário à luz da teoria de ideologia de John B. Thompson.
Para tanto, localiza e descreve, mediante o uso de técnicas de análise de conteúdo, 298 unidades de informação que associam a infância e a adolescência ao tema aborto voluntário.
Identifica que o recente debate brasileiro sobre a descriminalização/legalização do aborto acionou repertório retórico associado à infância e que vem sendo discutido em pesquisas sobre a construção de problemas sociais. Observa, ainda, que nas peças jornalísticas analisadas crianças e adolescentes têm sua identidade civil desvelada, o que não só contraria o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), mas também pode se configurar como um modo de operação da ideologia
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Knowledge of first time mothers about the importance of tactile stimulation during infancy and early childhoodPetersen, Melvina L. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCur)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Research indicates that human touch plays an integral role in an infant’s ability to thrive
and grow, with a correlation existing between tactile stimulation and optimal physical,
emotional, cognitive, and social development. The aim of this study was to explore the
level of knowledge of first time mothers attending Mowbray Maternity Hospital (MMH)
regarding the importance of tactile stimulation during infancy and early childhood.
A descriptive, non-experimental, research design was employed, using a pilot tested
structured questionnaire for data collection during face-to-face interviews conducted by
the Principal Investigator. Questions were divided into four domains: knowledge about
the impact of tactile stimulation on the bonding domain, the emotional domain, physical
domain and the social domain of infants and children. The inclusion of one open-ended
question allowed participants to suggest recommendations for improved knowledge
and care. A sample of 41 participants, constituting 40% of the study population (N=101)
was randomly selected from MMH. Prior ethical approval was obtained from the
Human Research Ethics Committee of Stellenbosch University, and operational
approval from the Western Cape Department of Health, and the Research Committee
and Senior Management of MMH. Written informed consent was obtained from the
study participants.
The quantitative data was analysed using Statistica (Version 10) with the assistance of
a statistician. The qualitative data yielded from the one open-ended question was
analysed thematically and then quantified.
The findings show that 90% (n=37) of the participants were knowledgeable about
tactile stimulation strategies, 81% (n=33) knew about the impact of tactile stimulation
on the bonding domain, 75% (n=31) on the emotional domain, 52% (n=21) on the
physical domain and 43% (n=18) on the social domain. Although all participants had
reported for out-patient antenatal care on four and more occasions, 73% (n=30)
indicated that they had improved their knowledge regarding pregnancy, labour, birth,
and parenting by reading magazines, 20% (n=8) reported that a health care worker had
spoken to them about the benefits of tactile stimulation, and 15% (n=6) had received
literature on the benefits of tactile stimulation. The open-ended question generated several findings which included suggestions to enhance healthcare by providing
information and training about tactile stimulation and perinatal matters when attending
antenatal clinic; by offering assistance with infant feeding during the postnatal period;
and by improving the attitude and professional stance of health care workers.
The study findings suggest that first time mothers at MMH are not adequately
knowledgeable about the importance of tactile stimulation during infancy and early
childhood. Grounded in the empirical findings and based on the suggestions offered by
the participants, several recommendations, including improved information and
training, were identified toward strengthening tactile stimulation knowledge and practice
at both the parental and health care provider levels. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Studies toon dat menslike aanraking ‘n belangrike rol in ‘n baba se algemene
vermoëns om te groei speel, terwyl ‘n positiewe korrelasie tussen koestering en
optimale fisiese, emosionele, kognitiewe en sosiale ontwikkeling bestaan. Die doel van
hierdie studie was om vas te stel of moeders, wat vir die eerste keer geboorte geskenk
het, en geskeduleer was om by Mowbray Kraamhospitaal geboorte te skenk, ingelig
was aangaande die belangrikheid van streling tydens babaskap en die vroeë
‘n Beskrywende, nie-eksperimentele navorsingstudie is uitgevoer, deur van ‘n
gestruktureerde, onderhoudsvraelys vir die insameling van data gebruik te maak. Vrae
was opverdeeld in die volgende seksies: kennis rakende die impak van babastreling op
die band tussen moeder en baba, kennis rakende die impak op die emosienele
dimensie, en kennis rakende die impak van babastreling op die fisiese en sosiale
dimensies van babas en kinders. Die ewekansige gekose studie-groep van een-enveertig
deelneemers het 40% van die studie-populasie uitgemaak. Voorafgaande
etiese en operationele toestemming is vanaf die Menslike Etiese Kommittee van die
Universiteit van Stellenbosch, die Wes-Kaapse Departement van Gesondheid en vanaf
die Navorsings kommittee en Bestuur van Mowbray Kraamhospitaal verkry. Geskrewe
toestemming is voor aanvang van die een-tot-een onderhoude vanaf die deelneners
Die kwantitiewe data is met die hulp van ‘n statistikus deur die gebruik van die
sagteware, Statistica (Weergawe10) geanaliseer. Die kwalitiewe data wat na
aanleiding van die oop-eindigende vraag verkry is, is tematies geanaliseer en
Die resultate het getoon dat meeste 90% (n=37) van die deelnemers met die algemene
praktyke van babastrelingstrategië gedurende babaskap bekend was. Die persentasie
vir deelnemers se kennis rakende die impak van babastreling op die band tussen
moeder en baba was 81% (n=33), en vir kennis omtrent die emosienele dimensie 75%
(n=31), die impak van babastreling op die fisiese 52% (n=21) en die sosiale 43%
(n=18) dimensies van babas en kinders. Alhoewel alle deelneemers vir voorgeboorte
kliniek gerapporteer het, het 73% (n=30), terugvoer dat hulle hulle kennis omtrent swangerskap, geboorte en ouerskap verbreed het deur tydskrifte te lees, 20% (n=8)
van die deelnemers gerapporteer het dat ‘n gesondheidswerker met hulle omtrent die
voordele van babastreling gepraat het, terwyl 15% (n=6) leesmaterial rakende die
voordele van babstreling ontvang het. Die oop-eindigende vraag het verskeie
bevindings opgelewer met voorstelle met betrekking tot die verbetering van
gesondheidsorg en opleiding, opleiding aangaande die voorgeboortelike sorg wat hulle
ontvang het en aangaande perinatale aangeleenthede en stimulasie van babas deur
streling. Deelneemers het ook voorgestel dat verpleegsters hulp aan moeders behoort
te verleen met die voeding van hul babas in die periode na geboorte en dat
gesondheidsorgwerkers hulle professionaliteit en gesindhede jeens pasiënte behoort te
Ten slotte het die uitkomste van hierdie studie aangedui dat, moeders wat vir die
eerste keer geboorte geskenk het by Mowbray Kraamhospitaal, onvoldoende kennis
dra oor die belangrikheid van stimulasie van hulle babas en jong kinders deur streling.
Gegrond in die empiriese bevindings en gebaseer op die voorstelle van deelnemers, is
verskeie aanbevelings geïdentifiseer vir die moontlike verbetering van kennis rakende
streling op die ouer- en gesondheidswerkervlakke.
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Prevalence asymetrických stranových postižení na pohybovém aparátu v novorozeneckém a kojeneckém věku. / Prevalence of asymmetric lateral disability on musculoskeletal apparatus in the neonatal age and infancyHanzlová, Andrea January 2013 (has links)
Title: Prevalence of asymmetric lateral disability on musculoskeletal apparatus in the neonatal age and infancy. Objective: The purpose of this research thesis was to compile issues of possible types of asymmetric musculoskeletal impairment observed in neonates and infants, identify potential causes of these asymmetries and lateral predilection for reported types of asymmetries. The main subject of discussion are just found lateral predilection of asymmetries and relationship of their causes with prenatal, perinatal or postnatal period. Methods: This thesis is structured in the form of literary research and has descriptively- analytical character. Results: On the basis of the analysis of available sources about the asymmetric musculoskeletal impairment in neonates and infants a comprehensive picture of possible types of these impairment, their causes and lateral predilections was made. The vast majority of reported asymmetric impairment seems related to prenatal or perinatal period. Key words: asymmetry in infancy, birth injuries, congenital defects, positional preference
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