Spelling suggestions: "subject:"abilility"" "subject:"billability""
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Fluvial systems have been estimated to transform, transport, or store 2.75 petagrams (Pg) of Organic Carbon (OC) per year. Although approximately 1Pg per year of terrestrial carbon is fluxed to the atmosphere through inland waters, little is known about the factors regulating its eventual ecological fate. 28 day lability incubations were conducted concurrent with the measurement of several environmental parameters including discharge, nutrient concentration, DO13C, and DOC:DON at several sites along Bigelow Brook and the East Branch of the Swift River, Massachusetts. Temporal and spatial variation of DOC, DOC:DON and DO13C were explored. Two distinct DOC consumption rates, short and long term, as well as overall consumption rate (k), were evaluated to determine the interactions with source, quality, and nutrients. Dissolved organic nutrient concentrations significantly increased long term consumption rates but had little effect on short term rates suggesting that short term rate may be tightly coupled to local, in stream, processes. The short term rate was significantly correlated to k. Interestingly, few significant relationships were found between various rate metrics and the source or quality of the DOC. A large recalcitrant DOC pool persisted after the 28 day period suggestive of downstream export of a large fraction of initial DOC pool. Read more
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Internet a autorské právo - rozsah odpovědnosti jednotlivých subjektů a způsob ochrany proti pirátství / The Internet and copyright-the scope of liability of individual parties involved and modes of protection against piracySzpyrc, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
The thesis titled "The Internet and copyright - the scope of liability of individual parties involved and modes of protection against piracy" deals with both, the protection of copyright and the scope of liability of various actors in the Internet environment. The content of the thesis is divided into four chapters, which allows the reader to be gradually acquainted with the whole issue. The first part briefly mentions development of the Internet network and its incorporation into the Czech legal order. The second chapter is devoted to the copyright protection in the Internet environment. Its content focuses on the most common methods of use of the author's work via the Internet, which is a reproduction of the work and its publication. This chapter further describes the development and operation of data sharing through peer-to-peer systems. Furthermore, it also deals with the issue of downloading of the work and application of the statutory exemption from liability for personal use only. The scope of liability in the Internet environment is largely harmonized by European provisions. For this reason, the third chapter contains the development phase of liability of the Internet services providers in the European countries. The first part of the third chapter demonstrates different approaches to the... Read more
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Advokát - klient / The lawyer and the clientŠplíchal, Jan January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with advocacy and content of the concept of advocacy, then elaborates the concepts of legal aid and legal service and looking for differences between these concepts. Thesis also offers a brief glimpse into the history of the legal profession and its evolution over the time. Furthermore, this thesis deals with the influence of the Czech Bar Association as an autonomous professional organization for practicing the legal profession and the provision of legal services by lawyers. Firstly, examines the Czech Bar Association and its organization and its jurisdiction and issuing professional rules. It also deals with other situations, which can occur under the influence of the Czech Bar Association. The thesis also outlines the basic elements of creation, content and termination of the relationship between the lawyer and his client. Individual elements of the content of the relationship attorney - client are analyzed in the fourth chapter. In particular, the duty of the lawyer to promote the rights and legitimate interests of the client's obligation not to lower the dignity of the legal profession, confidentiality, duty to inform the client and keep the documentation to be insured or the right of a lawyer to remuneration. Similarly thesis deals with the rights and obligations of the client.... Read more
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Post-stroke depression (PSD) and post-stroke emotional liability (PSEL) : a systematic review of non-pharmacological interventions for PSD, and a qualitative study of specialist professionals' conceptualisation of PSELPicton, Hannah Kathryn January 2014 (has links)
Aims: a review of the literature on non-pharmacological interventions for post-stroke depression (PSD) was completed with the aim of examining issues regarding the design and methodology of trials for non-pharmacological interventions for PSD. The empirical research study used a constructivist Grounded Theory approach to explore specialist stroke professionals' conceptualisations of post-stroke emotional lability (PSEL). The author also aimed to examine how staff experienced, understood and identified PSEL in clinical practice, and particularly how they differentiated it from PSD. Method: A systematic review of RCT and non-RCT studies was conducted to address the first aim. In relation to the second aim, a qualitative investigation of specialist professionals' conceptualisations of PSEL was conducted using Charmaz' (2006) version of constructivist Grounded Theory. Results: The systematic review highlighted the importance of appropriate sampling methods, multiple treatment design, rigorous data collection, the implementation and monitoring of interventions, assessment of participant suitability for the intervention, and issues related to long-term sustainability (follow-up) when designing and evaluating non-pharmacological interventions for PSD. The qualitative investigation yielded a conceptual model of how specialist professionals conceptualise and identify PSEL in their clinical practice. Conclusions and implications: The findings from the systematic review and the qualitative investigation highlighted a range of issues for specialist stroke services. The systematic review emphasised the importance of further evaluation and consideration of carefully planned randomised controlled trials for investigating non-pharmacological interventions for PSD. The qualitative study indicated a need for further guidance on the assessment and identification of PSEL, training for staff, and further examination of the caused of PSEL. Read more
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Disponibilidade de fósforo no solo e eficiência agronômica de fontes fosfatadas solúvel e complexada com substâncias húmicas / Soil phosphorus availability and agronomic efficiency of soluble and humic acid complexed phosphate fertilizersHerrera, Wilfrand Ferney Bejarano 11 September 2014 (has links)
O fósforo (P) é um dos elementos requeridos pela planta para desempenhar as atividades fisiológicas, embora as características de intemperismo nos solos tropicais tornam este nutriente um dos mais limitantes às plantas, reduzindo a produção agrícola. Em consequência, há uma tendência de melhorar a disponibilidade do P aplicado mediante o uso de fertilizantes com complexação húmico - metal - fosfato, reduzindo a fixação do P no solo e aumentando sua disponibilidade para as plantas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo quantificar as frações inorgânicas e orgânicas de P avaliando sua labilidade e eficiência agronômica (EA) em função da aplicação de duas fontes de adubação fosfatada, comparando um fertilizante solúvel e um fertilizante complexado com substâncias húmicas. O experimento foi realizado na Fazenda Araguari, localizada na cidade de Tibagi-PR, em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo eutrófico. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 2 x 5, com quatro repetições, com duas fontes fosfatadas (superfosfato simples e superfosfato simples complexado) e cinco doses acumuladas (0, 110, 220, 330 e 440 kg ha-1 P2O5). As aplicações dos tratamentos foram feitas com base nos requerimentos de cada uma das culturas que fizeram parte da sucessão. A sequência de culturas usada foi milho (2010/2011), trigo (2011), soja (2011/2012), aveia branca (2012) e soja (2012/2013), avaliando a colheita de grãos em cada safra para a determinação do rendimento e a EA. O solo foi amostrado em três camadas: 0,00-0,05; 0,05-0,10; 0,10-0,20 m, após a colheita da soja da última safra (2012/2013). As amostras foram secas, moídas e peneiradas (2 mm) para assim obter TFSA, submetendo-as ao fracionamento de P pelo método de Hedley. As doses acumuladas de P2O5 aumentaram os teores de Pi da fração lábil e não lábil, principalmente na camada 0,00-0,05 m. Enquanto a fração moderadamente lábil foi afetada pela interação fonte e dose, onde o uso de fertilizante fosfatado aumenta o teor de P neste compartimento conforme a dose é aumentada. O P residual também foi afetado pela presença de substâncias húmicas na composição do SSPC, observando uma redução na participação do P residual no P total do solo com o aumento das doses aplicadas. O rendimento acumulado das cinco safras foi afetado pelo aumento de P aplicado ao solo com uma tendência quadrâtica, embora os maiores índices de eficiência agronômica foram com 220 kg ha-1 P2O5, destacando-se o SSPC como o fertilizante que teve os maiores aumentos por unidade de P aplicado ao solo. / Phosphorus (P) is one of the elements required by the plant to perform the physiological activities, although the characteristics of weathering in tropical soils lead as the most limiting nutrient in agricultural production. As a consequence, there is a tendency to improve the availability of P through the use of P-fertilizers complexed with humic - metal - phosphate, reducing P fixation in the soil and increasing its availability to plants. This study aimed to quantify the inorganic and organic phosphorus fractions evaluating its lability and agronomic efficiency (AE) due to the application of two P-sources, comparing a soluble fertilizer and a fertilizer complexed with humic substances. The experiment was conducted in Araguari Field, located in the city of Tibagi-PR, in an Oxisol. The design was a randomized block factorial 2 x 5 with four replications, with two P-sources, single superphosphate and single superphosphate complexed, and five cumulative doses (0, 110, 220, 330 and 440 kg ha-1 P2O5). The treatment applications were based on the crop requirements that were part of the succession. The sequence used was corn (2010/2011), wheat (2011), soybean (2011/2012), white oat (2012) and soybean (2012/2013), evaluating the grain harvest for yield determination and EA. The soil was sampled in three layers: 0.00- 0.05; 0.05-0.10; 0.10-0.20 m, after soybean harvest (2012/2013). The samples were dried, ground and sieved (2 mm) subjecting them to Hedley`s P-fractionation. Cumulative doses of P2O5 increased the Pi concentrations of non-labile and labile fractions, mainly in the 0.00-0.05 and 0.05-0.10 m layers. The moderately labile fraction was affected by the interaction between source and dose, where the use of phosphate fertilizer increases P content as the dose is accumulated. Residual P was also affected by the presence of humic substances in the composition of CSP, showing a reduction in the share of residual P in total soil P. The cumulative yield of the succession was affected by the increase of P applied to the soil, showing a quadratic tendency, although higher agronomic efficiency was greater under 220 kg ha-1 P2O5, showing CSP as the fertilizer with the greatest grain yield increases per unit of P applied to the soil. Read more
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Influência de plantas de cobertura e fertilizantes fosfatados nas frações de fósforo e nos atributos químicos do solo / Influence of cover crops and phosphate fertilizer sources on soil phosphorus fractions and chemical attributesTeles, Ana Paula Bettoni 11 July 2014 (has links)
As plantas de cobertura podem desenvolver diferentes mecanismos para absorver e solubilizar o fósforo proveniente do solo, especialmente em ambientes com baixa disponibilidade, melhorando também o aproveitamento do P aplicado via fertilizante. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi de avaliar as alterações na disponibilidade e nas frações que o P se encontra no solo, e nos atributos químicos do solo, sob cultivos de plantas de cobertura no inverno, associadas ao efeito residual da adubação fosfatada solúvel e de baixa solubilidade aplicada no cultivo de verão. O experimento foi conduzido com seis plantas de cobertura (ervilhaca - Vicia sativa, tremoço branco - Lupinus albus, nabo forrageiro - Raphanus sativus, azevém - Lolium multiflorum, aveia preta - Avena strigosa, trevo branco - Trifolium repens) mais o pousio e duas fontes de fertilizantes fosfatados (Fosfato Natural - FN e Superfosfato Simples - SPS) mais o controle (sem P), com o cultivo de milho no verão, durante três anos. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas, em esquema fatorial 7 x 3, com três repetições. As fontes de fertilizantes fosfatados constituíram as parcelas e as espécies de plantas de cobertura, as subparcelas. Após o cultivo das plantas de cobertura, no primeiro e terceiro ano, foram coletadas amostras de solo nas camadas de 0-5, 5-10 e 10-20 cm, para análise das frações de P no solo, através da técnica de fracionamento, e dos atributos químicos do solo (pH, acidez potencial, cálcio, magnésio e potássio). Os resultados do fracionamento de P mostraram que, tanto as frações lábeis quanto as frações de menor labilidade não foram ou foram pouco influenciadas pelas plantas de cobertura, durante os três anos de cultivo. A aplicação de fertilizantes fosfatados promoveu acúmulo de P no solo, principalmente, nas frações de baixa labilidade. Observou-se também que, ao longo do tempo, independente do tratamento, ocorreu aumento dos teores de P no solo nas formas lábeis e não-lábeis, e diminuição das formas moderadamente lábeis, em todas as camadas. De modo geral, não foi observado efeito significativo das plantas de cobertura sobre os atributos químicos do solo no presente estudo. / The cover crops can develop different mechanisms to uptake and solubilize soil phosphorus, especially in environments with low availability, also improving the use of P from fertilizers. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate changes in P availability and P fractions in soil, and soil chemical attributes, under cultivation of winter cover crop, associated with the residual effect of high and low solubility phosphate fertilization applied in the summer crop. The experiment was composed of six cover crops (vetch - Vicia sativa, white lupin - Lupinus albus, radish - Raphanus sativus, ryegrass - Lolium multiflorum, black oat - Avena strigosa, white clover - Trifolium repens) plus a fallow, and two sources of phosphate fertilizers (Rock Phosphate-FN and Simple Superphosphate-SPS) plus a control without P, with the cultivation of maize in summer for three consecutive years. The experimental design used was a split plot distributed in randomized blocks, in a factorial scheme of 7 x 3 with three replications. Phosphate fertilizer sources constituted the plot and cover crop species was the subplot. After the cultivation of cover crops in the first and third year, soil samples were collected in layers of 0-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm, for analysis of P fractions in the soil, through the technique of fractionation, and chemical attributes of the soil (pH, potential acidity, calcium, magnesium and potassium). The results of the P fractionation showed that both labile and lower lability fractions were not or little influenced by cover crops during the three years of cultivation. The application of phosphate fertilizers promoted accumulation of P in the soil, especially in less labile fractions. Also it was observed that, over time, regardless of treatment, the levels of P in soil in the labile and non-labile fractions increased, and moderately labile fractions decreased, in all the depth layers. Generally, it was not observed significant effect of cover crops on the chemical soil attributes on this study. Read more
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Disponibilidade de fósforo no solo e eficiência agronômica de fontes fosfatadas solúvel e complexada com substâncias húmicas / Soil phosphorus availability and agronomic efficiency of soluble and humic acid complexed phosphate fertilizersWilfrand Ferney Bejarano Herrera 11 September 2014 (has links)
O fósforo (P) é um dos elementos requeridos pela planta para desempenhar as atividades fisiológicas, embora as características de intemperismo nos solos tropicais tornam este nutriente um dos mais limitantes às plantas, reduzindo a produção agrícola. Em consequência, há uma tendência de melhorar a disponibilidade do P aplicado mediante o uso de fertilizantes com complexação húmico - metal - fosfato, reduzindo a fixação do P no solo e aumentando sua disponibilidade para as plantas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo quantificar as frações inorgânicas e orgânicas de P avaliando sua labilidade e eficiência agronômica (EA) em função da aplicação de duas fontes de adubação fosfatada, comparando um fertilizante solúvel e um fertilizante complexado com substâncias húmicas. O experimento foi realizado na Fazenda Araguari, localizada na cidade de Tibagi-PR, em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo eutrófico. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 2 x 5, com quatro repetições, com duas fontes fosfatadas (superfosfato simples e superfosfato simples complexado) e cinco doses acumuladas (0, 110, 220, 330 e 440 kg ha-1 P2O5). As aplicações dos tratamentos foram feitas com base nos requerimentos de cada uma das culturas que fizeram parte da sucessão. A sequência de culturas usada foi milho (2010/2011), trigo (2011), soja (2011/2012), aveia branca (2012) e soja (2012/2013), avaliando a colheita de grãos em cada safra para a determinação do rendimento e a EA. O solo foi amostrado em três camadas: 0,00-0,05; 0,05-0,10; 0,10-0,20 m, após a colheita da soja da última safra (2012/2013). As amostras foram secas, moídas e peneiradas (2 mm) para assim obter TFSA, submetendo-as ao fracionamento de P pelo método de Hedley. As doses acumuladas de P2O5 aumentaram os teores de Pi da fração lábil e não lábil, principalmente na camada 0,00-0,05 m. Enquanto a fração moderadamente lábil foi afetada pela interação fonte e dose, onde o uso de fertilizante fosfatado aumenta o teor de P neste compartimento conforme a dose é aumentada. O P residual também foi afetado pela presença de substâncias húmicas na composição do SSPC, observando uma redução na participação do P residual no P total do solo com o aumento das doses aplicadas. O rendimento acumulado das cinco safras foi afetado pelo aumento de P aplicado ao solo com uma tendência quadrâtica, embora os maiores índices de eficiência agronômica foram com 220 kg ha-1 P2O5, destacando-se o SSPC como o fertilizante que teve os maiores aumentos por unidade de P aplicado ao solo. / Phosphorus (P) is one of the elements required by the plant to perform the physiological activities, although the characteristics of weathering in tropical soils lead as the most limiting nutrient in agricultural production. As a consequence, there is a tendency to improve the availability of P through the use of P-fertilizers complexed with humic - metal - phosphate, reducing P fixation in the soil and increasing its availability to plants. This study aimed to quantify the inorganic and organic phosphorus fractions evaluating its lability and agronomic efficiency (AE) due to the application of two P-sources, comparing a soluble fertilizer and a fertilizer complexed with humic substances. The experiment was conducted in Araguari Field, located in the city of Tibagi-PR, in an Oxisol. The design was a randomized block factorial 2 x 5 with four replications, with two P-sources, single superphosphate and single superphosphate complexed, and five cumulative doses (0, 110, 220, 330 and 440 kg ha-1 P2O5). The treatment applications were based on the crop requirements that were part of the succession. The sequence used was corn (2010/2011), wheat (2011), soybean (2011/2012), white oat (2012) and soybean (2012/2013), evaluating the grain harvest for yield determination and EA. The soil was sampled in three layers: 0.00- 0.05; 0.05-0.10; 0.10-0.20 m, after soybean harvest (2012/2013). The samples were dried, ground and sieved (2 mm) subjecting them to Hedley`s P-fractionation. Cumulative doses of P2O5 increased the Pi concentrations of non-labile and labile fractions, mainly in the 0.00-0.05 and 0.05-0.10 m layers. The moderately labile fraction was affected by the interaction between source and dose, where the use of phosphate fertilizer increases P content as the dose is accumulated. Residual P was also affected by the presence of humic substances in the composition of CSP, showing a reduction in the share of residual P in total soil P. The cumulative yield of the succession was affected by the increase of P applied to the soil, showing a quadratic tendency, although higher agronomic efficiency was greater under 220 kg ha-1 P2O5, showing CSP as the fertilizer with the greatest grain yield increases per unit of P applied to the soil. Read more
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Influência de plantas de cobertura e fertilizantes fosfatados nas frações de fósforo e nos atributos químicos do solo / Influence of cover crops and phosphate fertilizer sources on soil phosphorus fractions and chemical attributesAna Paula Bettoni Teles 11 July 2014 (has links)
As plantas de cobertura podem desenvolver diferentes mecanismos para absorver e solubilizar o fósforo proveniente do solo, especialmente em ambientes com baixa disponibilidade, melhorando também o aproveitamento do P aplicado via fertilizante. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi de avaliar as alterações na disponibilidade e nas frações que o P se encontra no solo, e nos atributos químicos do solo, sob cultivos de plantas de cobertura no inverno, associadas ao efeito residual da adubação fosfatada solúvel e de baixa solubilidade aplicada no cultivo de verão. O experimento foi conduzido com seis plantas de cobertura (ervilhaca - Vicia sativa, tremoço branco - Lupinus albus, nabo forrageiro - Raphanus sativus, azevém - Lolium multiflorum, aveia preta - Avena strigosa, trevo branco - Trifolium repens) mais o pousio e duas fontes de fertilizantes fosfatados (Fosfato Natural - FN e Superfosfato Simples - SPS) mais o controle (sem P), com o cultivo de milho no verão, durante três anos. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas, em esquema fatorial 7 x 3, com três repetições. As fontes de fertilizantes fosfatados constituíram as parcelas e as espécies de plantas de cobertura, as subparcelas. Após o cultivo das plantas de cobertura, no primeiro e terceiro ano, foram coletadas amostras de solo nas camadas de 0-5, 5-10 e 10-20 cm, para análise das frações de P no solo, através da técnica de fracionamento, e dos atributos químicos do solo (pH, acidez potencial, cálcio, magnésio e potássio). Os resultados do fracionamento de P mostraram que, tanto as frações lábeis quanto as frações de menor labilidade não foram ou foram pouco influenciadas pelas plantas de cobertura, durante os três anos de cultivo. A aplicação de fertilizantes fosfatados promoveu acúmulo de P no solo, principalmente, nas frações de baixa labilidade. Observou-se também que, ao longo do tempo, independente do tratamento, ocorreu aumento dos teores de P no solo nas formas lábeis e não-lábeis, e diminuição das formas moderadamente lábeis, em todas as camadas. De modo geral, não foi observado efeito significativo das plantas de cobertura sobre os atributos químicos do solo no presente estudo. / The cover crops can develop different mechanisms to uptake and solubilize soil phosphorus, especially in environments with low availability, also improving the use of P from fertilizers. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate changes in P availability and P fractions in soil, and soil chemical attributes, under cultivation of winter cover crop, associated with the residual effect of high and low solubility phosphate fertilization applied in the summer crop. The experiment was composed of six cover crops (vetch - Vicia sativa, white lupin - Lupinus albus, radish - Raphanus sativus, ryegrass - Lolium multiflorum, black oat - Avena strigosa, white clover - Trifolium repens) plus a fallow, and two sources of phosphate fertilizers (Rock Phosphate-FN and Simple Superphosphate-SPS) plus a control without P, with the cultivation of maize in summer for three consecutive years. The experimental design used was a split plot distributed in randomized blocks, in a factorial scheme of 7 x 3 with three replications. Phosphate fertilizer sources constituted the plot and cover crop species was the subplot. After the cultivation of cover crops in the first and third year, soil samples were collected in layers of 0-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm, for analysis of P fractions in the soil, through the technique of fractionation, and chemical attributes of the soil (pH, potential acidity, calcium, magnesium and potassium). The results of the P fractionation showed that both labile and lower lability fractions were not or little influenced by cover crops during the three years of cultivation. The application of phosphate fertilizers promoted accumulation of P in the soil, especially in less labile fractions. Also it was observed that, over time, regardless of treatment, the levels of P in soil in the labile and non-labile fractions increased, and moderately labile fractions decreased, in all the depth layers. Generally, it was not observed significant effect of cover crops on the chemical soil attributes on this study. Read more
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Substâncias húmicas como aditivos para melhorar a eficiência de fosfatos solúveis e reativos / Humic substances as additives to improve the efficiency of soluble and reactive phosphatesMartins, Mayara Martins e 25 January 2019 (has links)
O fósforo (P) é um dos macronutrientes mais empregados como fertilizante na agricultura, muito em função de sua alta capacidade de fixação nos solos, que culmina em baixa disponibilidade e carência às plantas. Na adubação, é comum o uso de fontes solúveis de P, porém, devido aos impactos que as mesmas demandam para sua obtenção, vem se intensificando o uso de fosfatos naturais reativos (FNR) para seu fornecimento as plantas. Desse modo, é crescente os estudos sobre a associação de substâncias húmicas (SH) como aditivos potencializadores na solubilização de fosfato, tornando-os mais disponíveis. Mediante ao exposto, objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da associação de fosfatos solúveis e reativos com as SH na solubilização de P e no aproveitamento deste nutriente pelas culturas da soja e do milho em área de abertura recente do Cerrado. O experimento foi conduzido em campo, localizado em Querência - MT, em um solo classificado como Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico, em dois anos agrícolas, disposto em um esquema fatorial 2x4+1, com três repetições em blocos ao acaso. Os tratamentos consistiram em 2 fontes fosfatadas (super fosfato triplo-TSP e FNR) e 4 doses de SH (0; 0,5; 1,0 e 2,0%) provenientes de leonardita, além de um tratamento controle absoluto. Os atributos avaliados foram; análise foliar da soja, análise química do solo e fracionamento sequencial de P após a colheita do milho segunda safra, produtividade e eficiência agronômica de ambas as culturas. A produtividade da soja e do milho foi amplamente afetada pelas fontes fosfatadas utilizadas, com destacada vantagem do TSP em comparação ao FNR, que por sua vez não diferiu do controle em alguns tratamentos. O uso de SH nos fertilizantes não promoveu incrementos de produtividade, isso para ambas as fontes fosfatadas e ambas as culturas da soja e do milho. / Phosphorus (P) is one of the macronutrients most used as fertilizer in agriculture, much due to its high soil binding capacity, which culminates in low availability and lack of plants. In fertilization is common the use of soluble sources of P, however, due to the impacts that they demand to obtain, the use of reactive natural phosphates (FNR) has been intensified to supply the plants. Thus, studies on the association of humic substances (SH) as potentiating additives in phosphate solubilization are increasing, making them more available. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the association of soluble and reactive phosphates with SH on solubilization of P and the utilization of this nutrient by soybean and corn crops in a recently opened area of the Cerrado. The experiment was conducted in a field, located in Querência - MT, in a soil classified as Dystrophic Oxisol, in two agricultural years, arranged in a 2x4 + 1 factorial scheme, with three replications in randomized blocks. The treatments consisted of 2 phosphate sources (triple super phosphate and natural phosphate) and 4 SH doses (0, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0%) from leonardite, in addition to an absolute control treatment. The evaluated attributes were; leaf analysis of soybean, soil chemical analysis and sequential fractionation of P after harvest of second crop corn, productivity and agronomic efficiency of both crops. Soybean and corn yields were largely affected by the phosphate sources used, with the advantage of TSP in comparison to FNR, which in turn did not differ from control in some treatments. The use of SH in fertilizers did not promote productivity increases, for both phosphate sources and both soybean and corn crops. Read more
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Especiação de urânio em águas tratada de drenagem ácida de mina usando a técnica de difusão em filmes finos por gradiente de concentração (DGT) / Uranium speciation in treated acid mine drainage by using the diffusion gradients in thin films technique (DGT)Pedrobom, Jorge Henrique [UNESP] 29 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Henrique Pedrobom (jorgepedrobom@hotmail.com) on 2016-07-25T12:47:20Z
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Geociências e Meio Ambiente - Dissertação Jorge Henrique Pedrobom.pdf: 1016315 bytes, checksum: 49d3b6ccf02643872d64774cb7259813 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Felipe Augusto Arakaki (arakaki@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-07-28T12:04:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
pedrobom_jh_me_rcla.pdf: 1016315 bytes, checksum: 49d3b6ccf02643872d64774cb7259813 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-28T12:04:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
pedrobom_jh_me_rcla.pdf: 1016315 bytes, checksum: 49d3b6ccf02643872d64774cb7259813 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-04-29 / Um dos fatores mais preocupantes na área de mineração de urânio é a
drenagem ácida de mina (DAM), tal processo ocorre de maneira espontânea e
descontrolada no complexo minério industrial de Poços de Caldas (CIPC). A DAM
pode gerar espécies de urânio acima dos valores permitidos para lançamento em
corpos hídricos. Durante o processo de DAM, o urânio, possivelmente, esta na forma
de óxidos e hidróxidos de uranilo, ao atingir os corpos hídricos, sua forma pode
mudar para espécies contendo grupos carbonato e sulfato. A concentração e
labilidade dessas espécies são importantes para avaliação da biogeodisponibilidade
do metal para o sistema aquático. A técnica de difusão em filmes finos por gradiente
de concentração (DGT) tem sido utilizada para quantificação de metais na sua forma
lábil e especiação de metais em diferentes tipos de amostra. Nesta pesquisa a
técnica DGT foi utilizada em laboratório com diferentes fases ligantes para avaliar a
aplicação em águas de DAM tratada e afluentes no entorno de mineração de urânio.
A partir de imersões in situ, a técnica DGT foi utilizada juntamente com a técnica de
extração em fase sólida (SPE) para avaliar a labilidade das espécies de urânio
presente no sistema. Os resultados mostraram que grande parte do urânio presente
nas amostras está na forma lábil. Por sua vez estes resultados se mostraram
concordantes com a especiação via software MINTEQ. Por outro lado, os resultados
obtidos pela SPE não foram concordantes com a técnica DGT, isso pode ser oriundo
da saturação da fase ligante ou devido os diferentes tempos de residência dos íons
nas diferentes técnicas. / One of the major concerns in uranium mining areas is the Acid Mine Drainage (AMD). This process occurs spontaneously and uncontrollably in Poços de Caldas Ore Industrial Complex (CIPC). DAM can generate levels of uranium species higher than the maximum allowed values for water bodies discharge. During the DMA process, uranium is possibly in the form of uranyl oxides and hydroxides and after reaching water bodies, it changes to species which contain carbonate and sulfate groups. The determination of concentration and lability of these species is important to evaluate the metal biogeoavailability to the water system. The Diffusion Gradients in Thin Films Technique (DGT) has been used for the quantification of labile metals and their speciation in several types of sample. In this research, DGT technique was used in lab with different binding layers to evaluate its suitability to DAM waters and uranium mining surrounding tributaries. Therefore, the developed method was performed in situ along the solid phase extraction technique (SPE) to assess the lability of uranium species present in the system. The results obtained by DGT technique showed that a large part of the uranium present in the samples is its labile form. Also, these results were consistent with speciation via the MINTEQ software. Moreover the results obtained by SPE were not consistent with those from DGT technique, probably because of the saturation of the binding phase or due to the different residence times of ions in different techniques. Read more
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