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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Emamian, Ardalan January 2018 (has links)
Tool wear is a significant problem for manufacturing companies and represents a major challenge in their operations, but it is also a way they can gain a competitive advantage. To do this it is important to set up a standard procedure to develop high performing tooling. This thesis outlines how the Finite Element (FE) method can be used to understand and develop tool geometry. FE based simulation, as a numerical method, is a reliable method to assess the performance of a cutting tool before conducting machining tests based on the force and temperature profile predicted by the FE model. Defining a mathematical model which can be used as a built-in algorithm for tool wear prediction is very challenging and time consuming. Instead there is a possibility of using other factors such as stress distribution and temperature profile and correlate them to tool wear. In this research, the performance of different tool edge radius in cutting has been studied through experiments and in parallel Updated Lagrangian Models have been developed through ABAQUS/EXPLICIT for various cutting conditions, and experimental data was used to validate the data that has been generated from the finite element models. These models are very convenient to develop and capable of being applied for other types of material and cutting conditions. Thus, they represent an efficient way to reduce the amount of experiments needed to improve a tooling, the machining process, and thereby provide an effective way to increase the machining productivity of manufacturing companies. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)


UNDERHILL, WILLIAM ROY CLARE 09 1900 (has links)
An algorithm is presented for the solution of mechanical contact problems using the displacement based Finite Element Method. The corrections are applied as forces at the global level, together with any corrections for other nonlinearities, without having to nominate either body as target or contactor. The technique requires statically reducing the global stiffness matrices to each degree of freedom involved in contact. Nodal concentrated force are redistributed as continuous tractions. These tractions are re-integrated over the element domains of the opposing body. This creates a set of virtual elements which are assembled to provide a convenient mesh of the properties of the opposing body no matter what its actual discretizaton into elements. Virtual nodal quantities are used to calculate corrective forces that are optimal to first order. The work also presents a derivation of refereritial strain tensors. This sheds new light on the updated Lagrangian formulation, gives a complete and correct incremental form for the Lagrangian strain tensor and illustrates the role of the reference configuration and what occurs when it is changed. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Underhill, William Roy Clare 09 1900 (has links)
An algorithm is presented for the solution of mechanical contact problems using the displacement based Finite Element Method. The corrections are applied as forces at the global level, together with any corrections for other nonlinearities, without having to nominate either body as target or contactor. The technique requires statically reducing the global stiffness matrices to each degree of freedom involved in contact. Nodal concentrated force are redistributed as continuous tractions. These tractions are re-integrated over the element domains of the opposing body. This creates a set of virtual elements which are assembled to provide a convenient mesh of the properties of the opposing body no matter what its actual discretizaton into elements. Virtual nodal quantities are used to calculate corrective forces that are optimal to first order. The work also presents a derivation of refereritial strain tensors. This sheds new light on the updated Lagrangian formulation, gives a complete and correct incremental form for the Lagrangian strain tensor and illustrates the role of the reference configuration and what occurs when it is changed. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Stochastic analysis of fluid flow and tracer pathways in crystalline fracture networks

Frampton, Andrew January 2010 (has links)
Understanding groundwater flow systems and how these control transport is an essential part in assessing the suitability of subsurface environments as hosts for storage of toxic waste. Therefore it is important to be able to integrate knowledge obtained from field characterisation of the subsurface with methods which can be used to evaluate and predict possible impact on surrounding environments.In this thesis I investigate the characteristics of flow and transport in discrete fracture networks by analysing Eulerian and Lagrangian descriptions within a stochastic framework. The analysis is conducted through numerical flow and transport simulations configured according to available field data, combined with independent theoretical analytic and semi-analytic methods which are able to reveal insight to relevant constitutive properties. It is shown that numerical simulations conducted with the discrete fracture network approach can be both conditioned and confirmed against field measurable quantities, and the developed theoretical methods are evaluated against results obtained from simulation. Thereby, a methodology which can provide links between field measurable quantities and tracer discharge is presented, developed and evaluated. It is shown to be robust with respect to underlying assumptions used for flow configurations.In particular, a specific sampling algorithm for obtaining a Lagrangian description of transport based on a Eulerian description of flow is proposed, evaluated and shown to be robust for the cases considered, providing accurate replications. Also a generalisation of both the advection-dispersion solution and the one-sided stable distribution is shown to be able to evaluate advective transport quantities, and combined with a Lagrangian retention model it is shown to be a fairly accurate and robust method for upscaling distributions, enabling predictions of transport in terms of tracer discharge. Evaluation of transport is also conducted against the advective-dispersion assumption, where results indicate advective transport is generally non-Fickian for the fracture networks and domain scales considered, but not necessarily anomalous. Additionally, the impact certain model assumptions have on tracer discharge are analysed. For example, transport is evaluated for assumptions regarding injection mode, fracture network heterogeneity, relationship between aperture and transmissivity, relationship between transmissivity and size, as well as scale and modelling dimension. In relation to hydraulic testing and flow analysis, a method for conditioning fracture transmissivity from field measurements of flow by simulation is developed and evaluated against homogenisation assumptions commonly used in field applications. Results indicate the homogenisation assumption generally fails for current interpretations of field data. / Miljökonsekvensbedömningar av toxiskt avfall i djupt bergförvar kräver engrundläggande förståelse av grundvattenströmning samt hur detta påverkartransportfenomet. Därför är det viktigt att kunna integrerafältundersökningsdata från berggrundsmätningar med metoder som kan användas föratt utvärdera och förutsäga potentiella konsekvenser på omgivningen.I denna avhandling undersöker jag flödes- och transportegenskaper i diskretaspricknätverk genom stokastisk analys av eulerska och lagrangeskafältbeskrivningar. Analysen sker genom en kombination av dels numeriska flödes-och transportsimuleringar som är konfigurerade enligt tillgänglig fältdata, samtdels med oberoende teoretiska analytiska och semi-analytiska metoder som gerdjupare insyn i relevanta konstitutiva egenskaper. Resultat visar att dennumeriska simuleringsmetoden för diskreta spricknätverk kan både konditionerastill fältdata och bestyrkas gentemot mätbara kvantiter. Detta är av betydelse dåde teoretiska metoderna i sin tur är främst evaluerade gentemotsimuleringsresultat. Därmed utvecklas en bestyrkt metodik som kansammanlänka och i viss mån omvandla fältdata till uppskattningar av mängdenspårämnen i ett utflöde. Resultat indikerar att denna metodik är robust avseendeflera antaganden som har används i simuleringskonfigurationen.En särskild urvalsalgoritm introduceras som kan erhålla en lagrangesktransportbeskrivning utifrån ett eulerskt strömningsfält. även denna utvärderasavseende vissa simuleringsantaganden och resultat tyder på att den är robust förde undersökta fallen. Vidare föreslås en viss generalisering av lösningen tillden advektiva-dispersionsekvationen samt av ensidigt stabila (one-sided stable)sannolikhetsfördelningar som metod för att prediktera advektiva kvantitetergenom upskalning av transportfördelningar i rummet. Denna modell kombineras meden tidigare utvecklad metod för transportretention för att uppskatta reaktivagenombrottsfördelningar. Således blir det möjligt att prediktera reaktivtransport d v s rumslig upskalning av genombrottstider för spårämnestransport.Metoden används också för att evaluera ett linärt dispersionsantagande, därresultat indikerar att även advektiv transport kan påvisa icke-linärt beteende.Transport i spricknätverk utvärderas bland annat för modellantaganden avseendeinjektionsmetod, heterogenitet i spricknätverk, konstitutiva relationer mellanapertur och transmissivitet samt mellan transmissivitet och spricklängd, ochmodelleringsskala samt dimension. Beträffande hydrauliska testmetoder ochflödesanalys introduceras en simuleringsmetod för att konditioneraspricktransmissivitet från flödesmätningar. Detta jämförs med etthomogeniseringsantaganden som inte sällan används i fältundersökningar för atttolka flödesmätningar till spricktransmissivitet, och resultat tyder på attdetta antagande kan betydligt undervärdera transmissivitet.

Development of a Thick Continuum-Based Shell Finite Element for Soft Tissue Dynamics

Momenan, Bahareh January 2017 (has links)
The goal of the present doctoral research is to create a theoretical framework and develop a numerical implementation for a shell finite element that can potentially achieve higher performance (i.e. combination of speed and accuracy) than current Continuum-based (CB) shell finite elements (FE), in particular in applications related to soft biological tissue dynamics. Specifically, this means complex and irregular geometries, large distortions and large bending deformations, and anisotropic incompressible hyperelastic material properties. The critical review of the underlying theories, formulations, and capabilities of the existing CB shell FE revealed that a general nonlinear CB shell FE with the abovementioned capabilities needs to be developed. Herein, we propose the theoretical framework of a new such CB shell FE for dynamic analysis using the total and the incremental updated Lagrangian (UL) formulations and explicit time integration. Specifically, we introduce the geometry and the kinematics of the proposed CB shell FE, as well as the matrices and constitutive relations which need to be evaluated for the total and the incremental UL formulations of the dynamic equilibrium equation. To verify the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed CB shell element, its large bending and distortion capabilities, as well as the accuracy of three different techniques presented for large strain analysis, we implemented the element in Matlab and tested its application in various geometries, with different material properties and loading conditions. The new high performance and accuracy element is shown to be insensitive to shear and membrane locking, and to initially irregular elements.

Modelos constitutivos para materiais hiperelásticos: estudo e implementação computacional / Constitutive models for hyperelastic materials: study and computational implementation

Pascon, João Paulo 01 April 2008 (has links)
O objetivo central deste trabalho é implementar modelos constitutivos hiperelásticos não lineares em um código computacional que faz análise não linear geométrica de cascas. São necessários, para este propósito, conceitos sobre álgebras linear e tensorial, cinemática, deformação, tensão, balanços, princípios variacionais, métodos numéricos e hiperelasticidade. Tal programa usa a formulação Lagrangiana posicional, o método dos elementos finitos, o princípio dos trabalhos virtuais e o método iterativo de Newton-Raphson para solução das equações não lineares. O elemento finito de casca possui dez nós, sete parâmetros por nó e variação linear da deformação ao longo da espessura. Para dedução dos novos modelos usou-se a decomposição multiplicativa do gradiente da função mudança de configuração, o tensor deformação de Green-Lagrange e o tensor da tensão de Piola-Kirchhoff de segunda espécie. O código desenvolvido foi usado em simulações de diversos exemplos e apresentou boa precisão na análise mecânica de polímeros naturais altamente deformáveis. A ocorrência do fenômeno travamento não se manifestou nas análises realizadas. A presente pesquisa confirmou outros trabalhos, reforçou a necessidade de se usar modelos hiperelásticos não lineares para simular o comportamento mecânico de polímeros naturais e apresentou resultados condizentes com dados experimentais existentes na literatura científica e às respectivas soluções analíticas. / The main objective of this work is to implement nonlinear hyperelastic constitutive models in a computational code of geometrically nonlinear analysis of shells. For this purpose, concepts of linear and tensor algebras, kinematics, strain, stress, balances, variational principles, numerical methods and hyperelasticity are necessary. Such program uses the positional Lagrangian formulation, the finite element method, the principle of virtual work and the iterative method of Newton-Raphson for the solution of the nonlinear equations. The shell finite element has ten nodes, seven parameters per node and presents linear variation of the strain along the thickness. To achieve the new constitutive models the multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient, the Green-Lagrange strain tensor and the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor are used. The developed code is tested for simulations of various examples and presents good accuracy in the mechanical analysis of highly deformable natural rubber. The locking phenomena didn\'t appear in the proposed analysis. The present research confirms other works, corroborates the need of using nonlinear hyperelastic models to simulate the mechanical behavior of natural rubber and presents suitable results when compared to existent experimental data of the scientific literature and to the respective analytical solutions.

Modelos constitutivos para materiais hiperelásticos: estudo e implementação computacional / Constitutive models for hyperelastic materials: study and computational implementation

João Paulo Pascon 01 April 2008 (has links)
O objetivo central deste trabalho é implementar modelos constitutivos hiperelásticos não lineares em um código computacional que faz análise não linear geométrica de cascas. São necessários, para este propósito, conceitos sobre álgebras linear e tensorial, cinemática, deformação, tensão, balanços, princípios variacionais, métodos numéricos e hiperelasticidade. Tal programa usa a formulação Lagrangiana posicional, o método dos elementos finitos, o princípio dos trabalhos virtuais e o método iterativo de Newton-Raphson para solução das equações não lineares. O elemento finito de casca possui dez nós, sete parâmetros por nó e variação linear da deformação ao longo da espessura. Para dedução dos novos modelos usou-se a decomposição multiplicativa do gradiente da função mudança de configuração, o tensor deformação de Green-Lagrange e o tensor da tensão de Piola-Kirchhoff de segunda espécie. O código desenvolvido foi usado em simulações de diversos exemplos e apresentou boa precisão na análise mecânica de polímeros naturais altamente deformáveis. A ocorrência do fenômeno travamento não se manifestou nas análises realizadas. A presente pesquisa confirmou outros trabalhos, reforçou a necessidade de se usar modelos hiperelásticos não lineares para simular o comportamento mecânico de polímeros naturais e apresentou resultados condizentes com dados experimentais existentes na literatura científica e às respectivas soluções analíticas. / The main objective of this work is to implement nonlinear hyperelastic constitutive models in a computational code of geometrically nonlinear analysis of shells. For this purpose, concepts of linear and tensor algebras, kinematics, strain, stress, balances, variational principles, numerical methods and hyperelasticity are necessary. Such program uses the positional Lagrangian formulation, the finite element method, the principle of virtual work and the iterative method of Newton-Raphson for the solution of the nonlinear equations. The shell finite element has ten nodes, seven parameters per node and presents linear variation of the strain along the thickness. To achieve the new constitutive models the multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient, the Green-Lagrange strain tensor and the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor are used. The developed code is tested for simulations of various examples and presents good accuracy in the mechanical analysis of highly deformable natural rubber. The locking phenomena didn\'t appear in the proposed analysis. The present research confirms other works, corroborates the need of using nonlinear hyperelastic models to simulate the mechanical behavior of natural rubber and presents suitable results when compared to existent experimental data of the scientific literature and to the respective analytical solutions.

Modelos mecânicos e numéricos para estruturas flexíveis unidimensionais / Mecanical and numerical models to unidimensional flexible structures

Santos, Antônio José Boness dos 02 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-04T18:50:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Antonio_Boness.pdf: 1734195 bytes, checksum: 60769d0cc4e992347a83d1cf365a0030 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-08-02 / Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Apresentamos um modelo matemático geral, baseado na teoria de Cosserat para estruturas flexíveis unidimensionais, em regime de deslocamentos finitos e sujeitas a restrições unilaterais. Ao modelo geral agregamos a hipótese de inextensibilidade e, desprezando os efeitos do cisalhamento e das forças inerciais, formulamos o problema variacionalmente tanto na forma cinemática quanto em Lagrangiano Aumentado. Para esta última formulação, construímos aproximações por elementos finitos de Galerkin e utilizamos um algoritmo do tipo Uzawa para a solução do problema aproximado. Apresentamos estudos numéricos com o intuito de avaliar a formulação, validar o algoritmo de solução e exemplificar possíveis aplicações práticas do modelo. Buscando viabilizar uma análise numérica, realizamos uma linearização consistente do modelo geral apresentado anteriormente, produzindo um modelo em regime de pequenos deslocamentos e deformações, descrito no espaço tridimensional. Para este problema, introduzimos uma aproximação por elementos finitos mistos estabilizados, adicionando à formulação de Galerkin formas residuais de mínimos quadrados provenientes das equações de equilíbrio. Provamos que esta formulação atende às condições suficientes para existência e unicidade de solução, independente da esbeltez da estrutura. Apresentamos estimativas de erro indicando taxas de convergência e resultados numéricos comprovando tais taxas. Apresentamos algumas aplicações dos modelos ao estudo de estabilidade de dutos aquecidos e enterrados, na análise da estabilidade de armaduras de risers e umbilicais e, na área biológica, apontamos as possibilidades de suas utilizações na modelagem de moléculas de ADN.

Mecanical and numerical models to unidimensional flexible structures / Modelos mecânicos e numéricos para estruturas flexíveis unidimensionais

Antônio José Boness dos Santos 02 August 2007 (has links)
Apresentamos um modelo matemático geral, baseado na teoria de Cosserat para estruturas flexíveis unidimensionais, em regime de deslocamentos finitos e sujeitas a restrições unilaterais. Ao modelo geral agregamos a hipótese de inextensibilidade e, desprezando os efeitos do cisalhamento e das forças inerciais, formulamos o problema variacionalmente tanto na forma cinemática quanto em Lagrangiano Aumentado. Para esta última formulação, construímos aproximações por elementos finitos de Galerkin e utilizamos um algoritmo do tipo Uzawa para a solução do problema aproximado. Apresentamos estudos numéricos com o intuito de avaliar a formulação, validar o algoritmo de solução e exemplificar possíveis aplicações práticas do modelo. Buscando viabilizar uma análise numérica, realizamos uma linearização consistente do modelo geral apresentado anteriormente, produzindo um modelo em regime de pequenos deslocamentos e deformações, descrito no espaço tridimensional. Para este problema, introduzimos uma aproximação por elementos finitos mistos estabilizados, adicionando à formulação de Galerkin formas residuais de mínimos quadrados provenientes das equações de equilíbrio. Provamos que esta formulação atende às condições suficientes para existência e unicidade de solução, independente da esbeltez da estrutura. Apresentamos estimativas de erro indicando taxas de convergência e resultados numéricos comprovando tais taxas. Apresentamos algumas aplicações dos modelos ao estudo de estabilidade de dutos aquecidos e enterrados, na análise da estabilidade de armaduras de risers e umbilicais e, na área biológica, apontamos as possibilidades de suas utilizações na modelagem de moléculas de ADN.

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