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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento de um sistema óptico para microperfuração de materiais cerâmicos,metálicos e poliméricos utilizando laser nanopulsado de Nd:YAG / Not available

Fossa, João Sergio 15 May 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido e caracterizado um aparato óptico para geração de padrões de perfurações em escala micrométrica em diversas classes de materiais. Este sistema, fundamentado nas técnicas de percussão e trepanação, foi acoplado a um laser industrial nanopulsado de Nd:YAG operando em 532 nm. Sua viabilidade foi analisada em amostras de alumínio metálico, cerâmica de α−alumina, poli(cloreto de vinila) (PVC) e silício cristalino. Verificou-se que as melhores condições para a obtenção de microperfurações de precisão são proporcionadas pelo método de trepanação assistido por um alto fluxo de ar. Micrografias eletrônicas comprovaram que estes parâmetros resultam em microperfurações simétricas, precisas e, geralmente, desprovidas de rebarbas. Suas dimensões, comparadas ao método de percussão, são evidentemente superiores devido à maior quantidade de material processado nesta técnica. Verificou-se que os diâmetros de microperfurações por percussão variaram de 25 a 200 µm enquanto que pelo método de trepanação estes resultados foram de aproximadamente 50 a 240 µm, dependendo das propriedades do material e da fluência aplicada. Um estudo sobre a velocidade de perfuração em função da fluência incidente comprovou a alta dependência da taxa de ablação com relação às propriedades térmicas e ópticas dos materiais. A análise de secções retas transversais em microperfurações obtidas por percussão e trepanação também indicou a formação de deformações internas em materiais com baixas velocidades de perfuração, tais como alumínio metálico e α−alumina. Esse fenômeno está diretamente associado ao plasma formado no interior de algumas microcavidades, sobretudo pelo método de trepanação sob baixos regimes de fluência. Estudos da região termicamente afetada em silício cristalino por espectroscopia micro−Raman também indicaram a ausência de tensões induzidas por ambas as técnicas empregadas e evidências de transições cristalinas entre a fase cúbica do diamante (Si−I) e hexagonal compacta (Si−IV); as quais foram mais pronunciadas em altos regimes de fluências. De maneira geral estes resultados contribuíram para a comprovação da eficiência e viabilidade do sistema desenvolvido e para a caracterização de microperfurações de precisão em materiais metálicos, cerâmicos e poliméricos / In this work, it was developed and characterized an optical apparatus that was used to generate holes in micrometric scale in several classes of materials. This system, based on the techniques of percussion and trepanning drilling, was connected to an industrial nanopulsed Nd:YAG laser operating in 532 nm. Its viability was analyzed for metallic aluminum, α−alumina ceramic, poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) and single crystalline silicon samples. It was verified that the trepanning method assisted by intense air jet had given the best conditions for the attainment of precise microdrillings. Electronic micrographs has proved that this technique results in symmetrical and precise microholes, generally without burrs. Their dimensions are evidently superior to those obtained by the percussion method, probably due to the different amounts of material processed in each technique. It was verified that the microholes diameters had varied approximately from 25 to 200 µm for percussion, while for the trepanning method they has varied from 50 to 240 µm, depending on the material properties and the applied fluence. A study about the drilling velocity in function of the incident fluence had proved the high dependence of the ablation rate with relation to the thermal and optical materials properties. The analysis of transversal cross−sections in microholes obtained by percussion and trepanning methods has also indicated the formation of internal deformations in materials with low drilling velocities, such as metallic aluminum and α−alumina. This phenomenon is directly associated with the plasma formed inside of some microcavities, mainly appling the trepanning method under lower fluence regimes. Studies in the thermally affected region in crystalline silicon, by micron-Raman spectroscopy, has also indicated the absence of induced tensions for both techniques employed, as well as indications of crystalline transitions between the cubic phase of the diamond (Si−I) and compact hexagonal (Si−IV); which were more pronounced in high incident fluences. In general way these results has contributed to the verification of the efficiency and viability of the developed system and to the precise characterization of microholes in metallic, ceramic and polymeric materials

Desenvolvimento de um sistema óptico para microperfuração de materiais cerâmicos,metálicos e poliméricos utilizando laser nanopulsado de Nd:YAG / Not available

João Sergio Fossa 15 May 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido e caracterizado um aparato óptico para geração de padrões de perfurações em escala micrométrica em diversas classes de materiais. Este sistema, fundamentado nas técnicas de percussão e trepanação, foi acoplado a um laser industrial nanopulsado de Nd:YAG operando em 532 nm. Sua viabilidade foi analisada em amostras de alumínio metálico, cerâmica de α−alumina, poli(cloreto de vinila) (PVC) e silício cristalino. Verificou-se que as melhores condições para a obtenção de microperfurações de precisão são proporcionadas pelo método de trepanação assistido por um alto fluxo de ar. Micrografias eletrônicas comprovaram que estes parâmetros resultam em microperfurações simétricas, precisas e, geralmente, desprovidas de rebarbas. Suas dimensões, comparadas ao método de percussão, são evidentemente superiores devido à maior quantidade de material processado nesta técnica. Verificou-se que os diâmetros de microperfurações por percussão variaram de 25 a 200 µm enquanto que pelo método de trepanação estes resultados foram de aproximadamente 50 a 240 µm, dependendo das propriedades do material e da fluência aplicada. Um estudo sobre a velocidade de perfuração em função da fluência incidente comprovou a alta dependência da taxa de ablação com relação às propriedades térmicas e ópticas dos materiais. A análise de secções retas transversais em microperfurações obtidas por percussão e trepanação também indicou a formação de deformações internas em materiais com baixas velocidades de perfuração, tais como alumínio metálico e α−alumina. Esse fenômeno está diretamente associado ao plasma formado no interior de algumas microcavidades, sobretudo pelo método de trepanação sob baixos regimes de fluência. Estudos da região termicamente afetada em silício cristalino por espectroscopia micro−Raman também indicaram a ausência de tensões induzidas por ambas as técnicas empregadas e evidências de transições cristalinas entre a fase cúbica do diamante (Si−I) e hexagonal compacta (Si−IV); as quais foram mais pronunciadas em altos regimes de fluências. De maneira geral estes resultados contribuíram para a comprovação da eficiência e viabilidade do sistema desenvolvido e para a caracterização de microperfurações de precisão em materiais metálicos, cerâmicos e poliméricos / In this work, it was developed and characterized an optical apparatus that was used to generate holes in micrometric scale in several classes of materials. This system, based on the techniques of percussion and trepanning drilling, was connected to an industrial nanopulsed Nd:YAG laser operating in 532 nm. Its viability was analyzed for metallic aluminum, α−alumina ceramic, poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) and single crystalline silicon samples. It was verified that the trepanning method assisted by intense air jet had given the best conditions for the attainment of precise microdrillings. Electronic micrographs has proved that this technique results in symmetrical and precise microholes, generally without burrs. Their dimensions are evidently superior to those obtained by the percussion method, probably due to the different amounts of material processed in each technique. It was verified that the microholes diameters had varied approximately from 25 to 200 µm for percussion, while for the trepanning method they has varied from 50 to 240 µm, depending on the material properties and the applied fluence. A study about the drilling velocity in function of the incident fluence had proved the high dependence of the ablation rate with relation to the thermal and optical materials properties. The analysis of transversal cross−sections in microholes obtained by percussion and trepanning methods has also indicated the formation of internal deformations in materials with low drilling velocities, such as metallic aluminum and α−alumina. This phenomenon is directly associated with the plasma formed inside of some microcavities, mainly appling the trepanning method under lower fluence regimes. Studies in the thermally affected region in crystalline silicon, by micron-Raman spectroscopy, has also indicated the absence of induced tensions for both techniques employed, as well as indications of crystalline transitions between the cubic phase of the diamond (Si−I) and compact hexagonal (Si−IV); which were more pronounced in high incident fluences. In general way these results has contributed to the verification of the efficiency and viability of the developed system and to the precise characterization of microholes in metallic, ceramic and polymeric materials


Arndt, Phillip Todd 10 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation numérique des contraintes résiduelles appliquée à l'acier DP600 soudé par laser de haute puissance Nd : YAG

Seang, Chansopheak 27 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les études sur les procédés de soudage et sur la fiabilité des structures assemblées apparaissent actuellement comme un domaine de recherche actif, ouvert et complexe, car elles nécessitent de combiner de nombreuses connaissances dans différents domaines de la physique, de la mécanique et des procédés. La distribution des contraintes résiduelles joue un rôle important dans la vie des structures en favorisant la rupture par fatigue ou par fissuration. Ainsi, une meilleure compréhension des contraintes résiduelles évite l'utilisation de facteurs de sécurité plus élevés et, par conséquent permet de mieux optimiser le cycle de vie des structures soudées. A travers ce travail de thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés au soudage par laser d'un acier dual phase DP600, soudé en configuration par recouvrement, dont l'application est l'utilisation dans le domaine automobile. Cette thèse présente deux volets : un volet expérimental et un volet numérique.L'étude expérimentale nous a permis d'une part d'appréhender les conséquences métallurgiques et mécaniques du procédé laser sur l'acier DP600 et d'autre part d'utiliser et de valider les résultats numériques des modèles développés. L'étude numérique a eu pour objectif de prédire l'histoire thermique, métallurgique et l'évolution des caractéristiques mécaniques des tôles soudées par faisceau laser. Nous avons développé, sur un code de calcul par élémentsfinis Abaqus, trois modèles numériques. Le modèle thermomécanique, nous a permis de simuler la distribution spatio-temporelle de la température. Dans ce cas, le chargement appliqué est dépendant des paramètres du procédé etdes caractéristiques du faisceau laser et est associé à des conditions aux limites. Pour le modèle mécanique, nous avonsconsidéré un comportement élasto-plastique avec un chargement thermique transitoire, résultat du modèle thermique.Le deuxième modèle thermo-métallurgique nous a permis de simuler les phénomènes d'austénisation pendant la phase de chauffage (modèle de Waeckel) et de prendre en compte les fractions volumiques des phases martensitiques générées par les transformations de phases austénite-martensite lors du refroidissement (modèle de Koistinen-Marburger). Enfin, dans la dernière partie de simulation, nous avons réalisé le couplage thermo-metallo-mécanique. Les résultats obtenus dans la partie précédente, ont été implémentés dans deux modèles mécaniques : le modèle mécanique classique et le modèle mécanique avec prise en compte de la déformation liée aux effets de dilatation métallurgique. Cet effet a été intégré à travers le coefficient de dilatation thermique des phases ferritiques et martensitiques et des fractions volumiques obtenues à partir du modèle thermo-métallurgique. Les résultats ont montré que la répartition des contraintes résiduelles dans la zone de fusion et dans la zone affectée thermiquement sous l'effet de la déformation thermo-métallurgique donne des valeurs supérieures à celles estimées par le modèle élasto-plastique classique.

Evaluation numérique des contraintes résiduelles appliquée à l'acier DP600 soudé par laser de haute puissance Nd : YAG / Numérical evaluation of the residueal stress applied to the laser welded steel DP 600 high power Nd : YAG

Seang, Chansopheak 27 June 2013 (has links)
Les études sur les procédés de soudage et sur la fiabilité des structures assemblées apparaissent actuellement comme un domaine de recherche actif, ouvert et complexe, car elles nécessitent de combiner de nombreuses connaissances dans différents domaines de la physique, de la mécanique et des procédés. La distribution des contraintes résiduelles joue un rôle important dans la vie des structures en favorisant la rupture par fatigue ou par fissuration. Ainsi, une meilleure compréhension des contraintes résiduelles évite l'utilisation de facteurs de sécurité plus élevés et, par conséquent permet de mieux optimiser le cycle de vie des structures soudées. A travers ce travail de thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés au soudage par laser d’un acier dual phase DP600, soudé en configuration par recouvrement, dont l’application est l’utilisation dans le domaine automobile. Cette thèse présente deux volets : un volet expérimental et un volet numérique.L’étude expérimentale nous a permis d’une part d’appréhender les conséquences métallurgiques et mécaniques du procédé laser sur l’acier DP600 et d’autre part d’utiliser et de valider les résultats numériques des modèles développés. L’étude numérique a eu pour objectif de prédire l’histoire thermique, métallurgique et l’évolution des caractéristiques mécaniques des tôles soudées par faisceau laser. Nous avons développé, sur un code de calcul par élémentsfinis Abaqus, trois modèles numériques. Le modèle thermomécanique, nous a permis de simuler la distribution spatio-temporelle de la température. Dans ce cas, le chargement appliqué est dépendant des paramètres du procédé etdes caractéristiques du faisceau laser et est associé à des conditions aux limites. Pour le modèle mécanique, nous avonsconsidéré un comportement élasto-plastique avec un chargement thermique transitoire, résultat du modèle thermique.Le deuxième modèle thermo-métallurgique nous a permis de simuler les phénomènes d’austénisation pendant la phase de chauffage (modèle de Waeckel) et de prendre en compte les fractions volumiques des phases martensitiques générées par les transformations de phases austénite–martensite lors du refroidissement (modèle de Koistinen-Marburger). Enfin, dans la dernière partie de simulation, nous avons réalisé le couplage thermo-metallo-mécanique. Les résultats obtenus dans la partie précédente, ont été implémentés dans deux modèles mécaniques : le modèle mécanique classique et le modèle mécanique avec prise en compte de la déformation liée aux effets de dilatation métallurgique. Cet effet a été intégré à travers le coefficient de dilatation thermique des phases ferritiques et martensitiques et des fractions volumiques obtenues à partir du modèle thermo-métallurgique. Les résultats ont montré que la répartition des contraintes résiduelles dans la zone de fusion et dans la zone affectée thermiquement sous l’effet de la déformation thermo-métallurgique donne des valeurs supérieures à celles estimées par le modèle élasto-plastique classique. / Studies on welding processes and the reliability of assembled structures currently appear as an area of active research, open and complex as they need to combine knowledge in many different fields of physics, mechanics and processes. The distribution of residual stress plays an important role in the life of welded structures by promoting fatigue failure or cracking. Thus, a better understanding of residual stress avoids the use of higher safety factors and therefore helps to optimize the life cycle of welded structures. Through this work, we are interested in laser welding of steel DP600 dual phase welded overlap configuration, the application is the use in the automotive field. This thesis has two components: an experimental and a numerical part. The experimental study allowed us, firstly to understand the metallurgical and mechanical effects of laser welding on steel DP600 and secondly to use and validate the numerical results of the developed models. The numerical study aimed to predict the thermal history, and metallurgical changes in mechanical properties of laser beam welded sheets. We have developed three numerical models by using a finite element code inside Abaqus. The thermomechanical model allowed us to simulate the temporal and spatial distribution of temperature. In this case, the applied load is dependent on the processing parameters and characteristics of the laser beam and is associated with boundary conditions. For the mechanical model, we considered an elastoplastic behavior with a transient thermal loading result of the thermal model. The second thermo-metallurgical m odel allowed us to simulate the phenomena austenitizing during the heating phase (Waeckel model) and take into account the volume fraction of martensitic phase transformations generated by the austenite-martensite transformation during cooling (Koistinen-Marburger model). Finally, in the last part of simulation, we have achieved the metallothermo- mechanical coupling. The results obtained in the previous section have been implemented in two mechanical models: the classical mechanics model and the mechanical model taking intoaccount the deformation due to the effects of metallurgical expansion. This effect has been built through the coefficient ofthermal expansion of ferritic and martensitic phases and volume fractions obtained from the thermo-metallurgical model. The results showed that the distribution of residual stresses in the fusion zone and the heat affected as a result of the eformation thermometallurgical field gives values higher than those estimated by the classical elastic-plastic model.

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