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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeito da fluência na análise de pastilhas de materiais vegetais por espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma induzido por laser / Effect of fluence on laser induced breakdown spectrometry analysis of pellets of plant materials

Carvalho, Gabriel Gustinelli Arantes de 10 February 2011 (has links)
A espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma induzido por laser (LIBS) constitui um método alternativo para a determinação simultânea de macro e micronutrientes em pastilhas de materiais vegetais. No entanto, pouca informação com relação às condições de fluência e de focalização do laser mais apropriadas para a análise de pastilhas de materiais vegetais são disponíveis na literatura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da fluência, do diâmetro de focalização do laser e do tamanho das partículas das amostras nas análises de pastilhas de tecidos vegetais por LIBS. O arranjo experimental foi composto por um laser pulsado de Nd:YAG a 1064 nm (pulsos de 5 n\'delta\', 360 mJ, 10 Hz) e os sinais de emissão foram coletados por um telescópio acoplado por fibra óptica ao espectrômetro Echelle com detector ICCD. Os parâmetros instrumentais foram ajustados em 20 pulsos acumulados, 2,0 \'mü\'s de atraso e 5,0 \'mü\'s de integração. Amostras laboratoriais consistiram de pastilhas preparadas com folhas moídas criogenicamente (90 % das partículas < 50 \'mü\'m). Maiores intensidades das linhas Ca I 442,554, Mg I 277,983, P I 213,618, Al I 309,271, B I 249,773, Cu I 324,755, Fe II 261,187, Mn II 257,610 e Zn II 206,200 nm foram obtidas com fluências entre 35 e 60 J cm-2 e diâmetros de focalização entre 600 e 1050 \'mü\'m. O uso de fluências e diâmetros de focalização maiores concorreu para melhorar os coeficientes de variação (CV) das medidas. Fixando-se o diâmetro de focalização em 750 \'mü\'m, observou-se que, para a maioria dos analíticos, o CV das medidas foi reduzido 2 vezes quando a fluência foi alterada de 20 para 50 J cm-2. Nestas condições, estes resultados foram atribuídos à maior massa removida e, conseqüentemente, à amostragem mais representativa. Os coeficientes angulares das curvas de calibração também aumentaram quando a fluência foi acrescida. No entanto, não foram verificadas diferenças significativas nos coeficientes de correlação das curvas de calibração e nos limites de detecção empregando-se 25 e 50 J cm-2. Embora as intensidades dos sinais de emissão aumentem com a fluência, a emissão de fundo também aumenta. Por outro lado, o tamanho das partículas das amostras afeta as eficiências de atomização e excitação no plasma induzido por laser. Quando partículas maiores são parcialmente vaporizadas, os sinais de emissão resultantes dos processos de atomização e excitação das espécies constituintes são menores do que os provenientes de partículas menores. Nesta dissertação, melhorias significativas da intensidade dos sinais de emissão e dos CVs das medidas foram observados quando pastilhas preparadas com partículas < 75 \'mü\'m foram analisadas. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas nas intensidades dos sinais de emissão e no CV das medidas nas análises de pastilhas preparadas com partículas entre 20 e 75 \'mü\'m. Pastilhas preparadas com partículas > 75 \'mü\'m apresentaram problemas de coesão e, após ablação, apresentaram crateras não uniformes. A análise destas pastilhas resultou em CV das medidas geralmente > 15 %. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho confirmaram que é recomendável utilizar amostras de calibração e amostras-teste com distribuição do tamanho das partículas semelhante para evitar efeitos físicos de matriz, que alteram as interações laser-amostra / Most recently, it was demonstrated that laser induced breakdown spectrometry (LIBS) constitutes an alternative for the simultaneous determination of macro- and micronutrients in pellets of plant materials. However, there is no information regarding the most appropriate fluence and laser focusing for analysis of pellets of plant materials. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of laser focusing and fluence on LIBS analysis of plants. The effect of particle size on LIBS analysis of pellets of plant materials as well as sample preparation approaches were also discussed. The experimental setup was designed by using a Q-switch Nd:YAG laser (5 n\'delta\', 360 mJ, 10 Hz, _ \'lâmbda\' = 1064 nm) and the emission signals were collected by lenses into an optical fiber coupled to an echelle spectrometer equipped with a high-resolution ICCD. Instrumental parameters consisted of 20 accumulated laser pulses, 2.0 \'mü\'s delay time and 5.0 \'mü\'s integration time gate. Pellets prepared from cryogenically ground plant leaves (90 % particles < 50 \'mü\'m; median = 10 \'mü\'m) were used as laboratory samples and 6 laser spot diameters (from 180 to 1050 \'mü\'m) at different laser fluences were evaluated. Results indicate that elements emission intensities increased with both laser fluence and spot diameter. Higher intensities for Ca I 442.554, Mg I 277.983, P I 213.618, Al I 309.271, B I 249.773, Cu I 324.755, Fe II 261.187, Mn II 257.610, and Zn II 206.200 nm emission lines were observed with fluences in the 35 - 60 J cm-2 range and spot diameters between 600 and 1050 \'mü\'m. Higher spot diameters improved mass removal and minimized repeatability drawbacks. It was observed that the coefficients of variation (CV) of site-to-site measurements decreased by using higher laser focusing diameters. By fixing the laser spot diameter at 750 \'mü\'m, the CV of measurements improved at least 2-fold for all analytes when 50 J cm-2 was applied in comparison to 20 J cm-2. These results can be attributed to a larger mass removal obtained at higher laser fluences and better laser sampling representativeness. Sensitivity did also increase with laser fluence but no significant differences were observed in the detection limits using 25 and 50 J cm-2. Although emission intensities increased with laser fluence the background emission and noise increased as well. On the other hand, particle size distribution of powdered samples affects the atomization and excitation efficiencies by laser induced plasmas. When larger particles are incompletely vaporized the resulting emission signals were lower than those obtained from smaller particles. In this work, significant improvements on emission intensities and CV of measurements were observed when pellets made with particles < 75 \'mü\'m were analyzed. No significant differences were observed (emission intensities and CV of measurements) in the analysis of pellets prepared with particles in the 20-75 \'mü\'m range. Pellets prepared with particles > 75 \'mü\'m presented cohesion drawbacks and resulted non uniform craters after laser ablation. The CV of measurements for most analytes in these materials was > 15 %. Therefore, similar particle size distribution between calibration and test samples is recommended to avoid physical matrix effects on laser-sample interaction

Efeito da fluência na análise de pastilhas de materiais vegetais por espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma induzido por laser / Effect of fluence on laser induced breakdown spectrometry analysis of pellets of plant materials

Gabriel Gustinelli Arantes de Carvalho 10 February 2011 (has links)
A espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma induzido por laser (LIBS) constitui um método alternativo para a determinação simultânea de macro e micronutrientes em pastilhas de materiais vegetais. No entanto, pouca informação com relação às condições de fluência e de focalização do laser mais apropriadas para a análise de pastilhas de materiais vegetais são disponíveis na literatura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da fluência, do diâmetro de focalização do laser e do tamanho das partículas das amostras nas análises de pastilhas de tecidos vegetais por LIBS. O arranjo experimental foi composto por um laser pulsado de Nd:YAG a 1064 nm (pulsos de 5 n\'delta\', 360 mJ, 10 Hz) e os sinais de emissão foram coletados por um telescópio acoplado por fibra óptica ao espectrômetro Echelle com detector ICCD. Os parâmetros instrumentais foram ajustados em 20 pulsos acumulados, 2,0 \'mü\'s de atraso e 5,0 \'mü\'s de integração. Amostras laboratoriais consistiram de pastilhas preparadas com folhas moídas criogenicamente (90 % das partículas < 50 \'mü\'m). Maiores intensidades das linhas Ca I 442,554, Mg I 277,983, P I 213,618, Al I 309,271, B I 249,773, Cu I 324,755, Fe II 261,187, Mn II 257,610 e Zn II 206,200 nm foram obtidas com fluências entre 35 e 60 J cm-2 e diâmetros de focalização entre 600 e 1050 \'mü\'m. O uso de fluências e diâmetros de focalização maiores concorreu para melhorar os coeficientes de variação (CV) das medidas. Fixando-se o diâmetro de focalização em 750 \'mü\'m, observou-se que, para a maioria dos analíticos, o CV das medidas foi reduzido 2 vezes quando a fluência foi alterada de 20 para 50 J cm-2. Nestas condições, estes resultados foram atribuídos à maior massa removida e, conseqüentemente, à amostragem mais representativa. Os coeficientes angulares das curvas de calibração também aumentaram quando a fluência foi acrescida. No entanto, não foram verificadas diferenças significativas nos coeficientes de correlação das curvas de calibração e nos limites de detecção empregando-se 25 e 50 J cm-2. Embora as intensidades dos sinais de emissão aumentem com a fluência, a emissão de fundo também aumenta. Por outro lado, o tamanho das partículas das amostras afeta as eficiências de atomização e excitação no plasma induzido por laser. Quando partículas maiores são parcialmente vaporizadas, os sinais de emissão resultantes dos processos de atomização e excitação das espécies constituintes são menores do que os provenientes de partículas menores. Nesta dissertação, melhorias significativas da intensidade dos sinais de emissão e dos CVs das medidas foram observados quando pastilhas preparadas com partículas < 75 \'mü\'m foram analisadas. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas nas intensidades dos sinais de emissão e no CV das medidas nas análises de pastilhas preparadas com partículas entre 20 e 75 \'mü\'m. Pastilhas preparadas com partículas > 75 \'mü\'m apresentaram problemas de coesão e, após ablação, apresentaram crateras não uniformes. A análise destas pastilhas resultou em CV das medidas geralmente > 15 %. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho confirmaram que é recomendável utilizar amostras de calibração e amostras-teste com distribuição do tamanho das partículas semelhante para evitar efeitos físicos de matriz, que alteram as interações laser-amostra / Most recently, it was demonstrated that laser induced breakdown spectrometry (LIBS) constitutes an alternative for the simultaneous determination of macro- and micronutrients in pellets of plant materials. However, there is no information regarding the most appropriate fluence and laser focusing for analysis of pellets of plant materials. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of laser focusing and fluence on LIBS analysis of plants. The effect of particle size on LIBS analysis of pellets of plant materials as well as sample preparation approaches were also discussed. The experimental setup was designed by using a Q-switch Nd:YAG laser (5 n\'delta\', 360 mJ, 10 Hz, _ \'lâmbda\' = 1064 nm) and the emission signals were collected by lenses into an optical fiber coupled to an echelle spectrometer equipped with a high-resolution ICCD. Instrumental parameters consisted of 20 accumulated laser pulses, 2.0 \'mü\'s delay time and 5.0 \'mü\'s integration time gate. Pellets prepared from cryogenically ground plant leaves (90 % particles < 50 \'mü\'m; median = 10 \'mü\'m) were used as laboratory samples and 6 laser spot diameters (from 180 to 1050 \'mü\'m) at different laser fluences were evaluated. Results indicate that elements emission intensities increased with both laser fluence and spot diameter. Higher intensities for Ca I 442.554, Mg I 277.983, P I 213.618, Al I 309.271, B I 249.773, Cu I 324.755, Fe II 261.187, Mn II 257.610, and Zn II 206.200 nm emission lines were observed with fluences in the 35 - 60 J cm-2 range and spot diameters between 600 and 1050 \'mü\'m. Higher spot diameters improved mass removal and minimized repeatability drawbacks. It was observed that the coefficients of variation (CV) of site-to-site measurements decreased by using higher laser focusing diameters. By fixing the laser spot diameter at 750 \'mü\'m, the CV of measurements improved at least 2-fold for all analytes when 50 J cm-2 was applied in comparison to 20 J cm-2. These results can be attributed to a larger mass removal obtained at higher laser fluences and better laser sampling representativeness. Sensitivity did also increase with laser fluence but no significant differences were observed in the detection limits using 25 and 50 J cm-2. Although emission intensities increased with laser fluence the background emission and noise increased as well. On the other hand, particle size distribution of powdered samples affects the atomization and excitation efficiencies by laser induced plasmas. When larger particles are incompletely vaporized the resulting emission signals were lower than those obtained from smaller particles. In this work, significant improvements on emission intensities and CV of measurements were observed when pellets made with particles < 75 \'mü\'m were analyzed. No significant differences were observed (emission intensities and CV of measurements) in the analysis of pellets prepared with particles in the 20-75 \'mü\'m range. Pellets prepared with particles > 75 \'mü\'m presented cohesion drawbacks and resulted non uniform craters after laser ablation. The CV of measurements for most analytes in these materials was > 15 %. Therefore, similar particle size distribution between calibration and test samples is recommended to avoid physical matrix effects on laser-sample interaction

Geological characterization of rock samples by LIBS and ME-XRT analytical techniques

Elvis Nkioh, Nsioh January 2022 (has links)
One of the major challenges in earth sciences and mineral exploration has been to determine with high accuracy and at a fast rate the elemental composition as well as the general chemistry of a rock sample. Many analytical techniques e.g., scanning electron microscopy (SEM) have been employed in the past with a certain degree of success, but their analyses usually require a lengthy sample preparation and time-consuming measurements which produce results at a much slower rate than techniques whichrequire less or do not require any sample preparation at all. SEM images the surface of a sample by scanning it with a high-energy beam of electrons in a raster scan pattern, where the primary electron beam produced under very low air pressure vacuum scans across the sample by striking it, and a variation of signals produce an image of the surface, or its elemental composition together with energy dispersive X-rays. Alternatively, laser induced breakdown spectrometry (LIBS) and multi energy X-ray transmission (ME-XRT) are non-contact measurement scanning techniques, capable of producing faster results than SEM-EDS which makes them suitable for real time measurements and analyses as they do not slow down the pace of a project being carried out. LIBS is a spectroscopic technique used to characterize and detect materials where a highly energetic laser pulse is focused onto the surfaces of solids, liquids or gases resulting in atomic and molecular species to emit light at specific wavelengths which is collected with a spectrometer and analysed using a computer. Comparably, ME-XRT is a sensor-based sorting technique involving the planar projection of X-ray attenuation of a particle stream, distributed on a fast conveyor belt, where they are scanned and evaluated while passing and an image is recorded by a line scan detector.      Eleven rock samples were analysed in this study. They include four rock type samples: granite, basalt, sandstone, and gneiss, all obtained from Luleå University of Technology (LTU) sample storage and seven ore type samples which include a porphyry Cu sulphide ore, a porphyry Cu oxide ore, a porphyry Cu-Au-Ag ore, an apatite iron ore (AIO), an iron-oxide copper gold ore (IOCG), an orogenic gold ore and a volcanogenic massive sulphide ore (VMS).       The SEM results give a semi-quantitative elemental composition of the rocks, which may be usedto discriminate mineralisation. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) maps may be used to identifygeological features and secondary electron (SE) images may be used to understand the topography of the rock samples. The SEM has a low penetration depth rate but produces moderate to high accuracy resultsdepending on the settings and calibrations. It requires a lengthy sample preparation, and its analytical time is often too long for routine industrial application. LIBS results also provide rock elemental compositions similar to the SEM, which may be quantitative if the same spectrometer is used for all elements and calibrated against a standard. It also produces element maps similar to the SEM-EDS maps. LIBS analyses yield high accuracy results but at a low penetration depth. There are no standard calibrations for the LIBS measurements, which limits quantification. LIBS measurements do not require any form of sample preparation. ME-XRT analyses result in rock chemical data portraying a light material fraction (aluminium-like) and a heavy material fraction (iron-like) which may be used to distinguish different rock samples based on the closeness of their effective atomic number Zeff to that of aluminium and iron respectively. It’s analysis also produces low-resolution images of the analysed rock samples. The image resolution is too low to allow interpretation of the data in the context of the structures and textures in the rock samples. It has a higher penetration depth than LIBS and SEM-EDS producing more volumetric data but with a lower accuracy in terms of the amount of information obtained. Only two elements are used for ME-XRT calibration measurements, if many elements of varying atomic numbers could be used, it would have the ability to provide a more reliable data. Samples must have a maximum and minimum thickness; thus, sample preparation is required to regulate the rock thickness.      SEM and LIBS provide element compositions of minerals and element distribution maps required by geologist in their daily activities during exploration and mining. This information can be considered the most useful obtained from all three techniques. However, LIBS analyses are faster, and its maps are of higher quality even at the same resolution as the SEM-EDS. This makes the LIBS preferable for real time measurements and analyses. Geological activities like drill core logging, mine mapping and sampling for grade control all require fast results for project continuity and LIBS is suitable for this purpose as it can keep up with the pace of these activities. SEM analytical technique provides semi-quantitative data which is more accurate than the LIBS data and thus, preferable for usage in research institutions and universities.ME-XRT can reveal information on the internal structures or different rock sample compositions. This makes it a suitable technique in distinguishing ore from waste material especially in iron ore mining and processing where the iron needs to be separated from the siliceous waste and sorting is also required prior to beneficiation to avoid equipment destruction by abrasive quartz. LIBS and ME-XRT analytical techniques complement each other in terms of analytical capabilities as LIBS has a low penetration depthrate but high accuracy results while the ME-XRT has a high penetration depth rate but low accuracy results. They are both fast scanning techniques that can be used for real time measurements and analyses and if their analytical prowess can be improved, the combination of these two fast analytical techniques may enable us to obtain high quality data and may as well be what is needed by geologists in the future.

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