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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Multidisciplinary Approach to Late Quaternary Paleoclimatology with an Emphasis on Sub-Saharan West Africa and the Last Interglacial Period

McKay, Nicholas Paul January 2012 (has links)
A primary goal of paleoclimatology is to extend the instrumental record to capture a wider range of natural variability, documenting the climate system's response to past changes that have no analog in the historical record. Sediment archives of the recent geologic past, both marine and lacustrine, offer the opportunity to study how climate responds to a range of forcings and changing boundary conditions on timescales ranging from years to millennia. In this dissertation I use lacustrine and marine sediment to investigate changes late Quaternary climate, with particular focus on the Last Interglacial period (LIG). First, I use multiple approaches to reconstruct long-term changes in the West African Monsoon by investigating centennial-scale hydrologic variability recorded in Lake Bosumtwi sediments over the past 530,000 years. Over this interval, hydrology in the region is driven by a complex interplay of orbital forcing and glacial-interglacial boundary conditions. Lake level was generally much lower between 50 and 300 ka, likely due to the redistribution of rainfall from the tropics to the subtropics, driven by eccentricity's amplification of precession. Consequently, the Holocene highstand at the lake was both larger and longer lived than the maximum highstand during the LIG.Annual layers were continuously deposited through the LIG in Lake Bosumtwi, and I also present a new, 12,100 year-long, varve record spanning the interval from 128.6 to 116.5 ka. Over the course of the LIG, lake level generally tracks sea surface temperatures (SST) in Gulf of Guinea, including an abrupt drop in lake level that lasted about 500 years ca. 118 ka, coincident with cool SSTs in the North Atlantic and severe aridity in Europe. I find that the despite the generally drier conditions, hydrology varied on similar timescales as the late Holocene, with pronounced multidecadal to centennial-scale variability with non-stationary periodicities. I also investigate the contribution of ocean thermal expansion to sea level rise during the LIG, using a synthesis of paleoceanographic data and a climate model simulation. Globally, LIG SSTs were similar to, or slightly cooler than late Holocene SSTs, with the exception of the North Atlantic, which was several degrees warmer. Consequently, thermal expansion was likely a minor component of sea level rise during the interval, explaining between -0.3 and 0.4 m. of the 6 to 8 m highstand. Lastly, I tested the potential of Raman spectroscopy as a new, non-destructive technique to rapidly measure oxygen isotopic ratios in carbonates at extremely high resolution. Analyses on a suite a synthetic calcites indicate that ¹⁸O/¹⁶O ratios can be measured directly from the Raman spectra and have a 1:1 correspondence with traditional mass-spectrometry measurements. At present, the technique does not have the precision necessary to record natural variability, although there is considerable potential for improving the precision of the technique.

Last interglacial (MIS 5e) sea surface hydrographic conditions in coastal southern California based on dinoflagellate cysts

Over, Jin-Si R.J. 25 April 2019 (has links)
The first high resolution record of dinoflagellate cysts ~110-155 kyr over Termination II and the last interglacial in the Santa Barbara Basin, California from ODP Hole 893A details a complex paleoceanographic history. Changes in cyst abundances, concentrations, diversity, and assemblages reflect climatic and ocean circulation changes, and are successfully used to make quantitative reconstructions of past sea surface temperatures and annual primary productivity with the modern analogue technique based on a dinoflagellate cyst database from the northeast Pacific. The dominance of heterotrophic dinoflagellate cyst taxa Brigantedinium spp. throughout most of the section indicates coastal upwelling is an important influence on the basin. Based on the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages, five cyst zones are identified and approximately correspond to the marine isotope stage boundaries and their associated changes in sea surface temperatures and sea level. Cooler intervals, MIS 6 and MIS 5d, are characterized by cold-water indicator species Selenopemphix undulata whereas thermophyllic taxon Spiniferites mirabilis characterizes MIS 5e. In contrast to other studies in the Pacific, the data shows a one to two-thousand-year cooling event ~129 kyr that correlates to the Termination II sea level still-stand of the two-step deglaciation. A significant increase in cyst concentrations of heterotrophic and autotrophic taxa in the latest MIS 5e implies enhanced primary productivity as a result of increased seasonal upwelling and the warm, nutrient rich waters entering the basin after sea level stabilizes near modern levels. The hydrological evolution and cyst signal of the last interglacial is similar to the development of the Holocene in the Santa Barbara Basin, but the sustained presence of Spiniferites mirabilis across MIS 5e indicates sea surface temperatures were higher than modern conditions. The quantitative reconstructions appear to be less reliable, and show wide sea surface temperature changes across MIS 6 to 5d (~6.2-10.7°C in February; ~12.6-20.3°C in August) similar to modern ranges, while annual primary productivity was confined to a higher narrower range (~456-586 g C m-2 yr-1). / Graduate / 2020-04-18

Reconstitution de la végétation et du climat au cours du dernier interglaciaire à partir de la séquence pollinique du lac le plus ancien d'Europe : le lac Orhid (FYROM) / Vegetation and climate reconstruction during the last interglacial : the pollen record of Lake Ohrid (Republic of Macedonia) the oldest European lake

Sinopoli, Gaia 21 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse est centrée sur les changements paléoenvironnementaux et climatiques survenus dans le période entre 130 et 70 ka (Dernier Complexe Interglaciaire), pour étudier la variabilité du climat à long terme sur l'environnement, sur la base des données de pollen à haute résolution provenant des sédiments du lac Ohrid (Albanie / F.Y.R.O.M), le plus ancien lac d'Europe. La reconstruction du climat obtenue à partir des données polliniques est basée sur un intervalle plus large, 160-70 ka.Le matériel pollinique provient des sédiments prélevés en 2013, dans le cadre du projet SCOPSCO (Scientific Collaboration On Past Speciation Conditions in Lake Ohrid) dont le carottage a été financé par l'ICDP (International Continental Scientific Drilling Program). Pendant la campagne de carottage, 6 carottes parallèles ont été prélevées à partir de l’épicentre du lac, obtenant une séquence composite extraordinaire de 569 m (DEEP).Les 247.8 m supérieurs de la carotte DEEP ont été datés et ils couvrent les derniers 637 ka. Nous avons amélioré le modèle d’âge pour le Dernier Complexe Interglaciaire et en particulier pour la transition entre MIS6 et 5, en comparant les données polliniques avec d'autres proxies de la carotte DEEP et de la Méditerranée. Cela rend le lac Ohrid extrêmement important car pour les autres enregistrements de la région Européenne, de telles contraintes chronologiques ne sont pas disponibles.L'analyse des premiers 200 m de la carotte DEEP, couvrant les derniers 500 ka, a été étudiée avec une résolution de 1,6 ka. La séquence a révélé une alternance entre des ouvertures forestières et périodes boisées reflétant une cyclicité glaciaires-interglaciaires comparable à celle de la stratigraphie des isotopes marins. Parmi les différents cycles glaciaires-interglaciaires, l’analyse pollinique à haute résolution du Dernier Complexe Interglaciaire montre l'alternance classique de périodes caractérisées par la forêt (interstades, périodes chaudes et humides) et la végétation ouverte (stades, et périodes sèches), ressemblant clairement à la succession végétale et climatique bien connue des autres séquences européennes.Concernant le Dernier Interglaciaire (ou Eémien, 128-112 ka), l'analyse pollinique et les reconstructions quantitatives climatiques basées sur ces dernières identifient trois phases clés : une phase initiale caractérisée par un réchauffement soudain (propagation des forêts mésophiles), puis une diminution des températures associées à des conditions humides (expansion de Carpinus betulus) et à la fin un établissement progressif vers des conditions froides et sèches jusqu'à la fin de Eemian à 112 ka, confirmant l’hypothèse déjà avancée par plusieurs études antérieures basées sur des séquences polliniques européennes , à savoir que l’Eemien n'était pas une période climatiquement stable.D’autres changements climatiques sont également visibles dans la région du lac Ohrid entre 112-70 ka et probablement liés à la succession d'événements froids enregistrés dans les carottes de glace du Groenland, associé à un affaiblissement de l’AMOC (Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation).Ce travail a permis de fournir une nouvelle séquence de référence pollinique pour le Dernier Complexe Interglaciaire en Europe. Ce travail a également permis de quantifier les paléoclimats pour la période 160-70 ka, encore peu étudiée en Europe, principalement dans le sud (<45 ° lat. N), où un seul enregistrement a été étudié pour toute la période, avec une résolution temporelle élevée.Sur la base de ces résultats, le lac Ohrid apparait comme un site clé pour l'étude des changements climatiques survenus à une échelle centenaire et millénaire dans une région de moyenne altitude entre les régions européennes et méditerranéennes, fournissant en outre des nouvelles informations sur la connexion entre les oscillations climatiques de la région méditerranéenne et de l'Hémisphère du Nord. / This thesis is focussed on the palaeonvironmental and climatic changes occurred during the period between 130 and 70 ka (Last Interglacial Complex), with the aims to investigate the long-term climate variability on environment, on the basis of high resolution pollen data from Lake Ohrid sediments (Albania/F.Y.R.O.M. border), the oldest lake in Europe. The climate reconstruction obtained from pollen data is based on a wider interval, 160-70 ka.The investigated pollen material comes from the sediments retrieved in spring 2013 in the frame of the project SCOPSCO (Scientific Collaboration On Past Speciation Conditions in Lake Ohrid) whose drilling was financed by the ICDP (International Continental Scientific Drilling Program). During the drilling campaign 6 parallel cores have been collected from the depocenter of Lake Ohrid obtaining an extraordinary composite sequence 569 m long (DEEP).The upper 247.8 m of DEEP core have been dated using tephrostratigraphic information and tuning of biogeochemical proxy data to orbital parameters and covers the last 637 ka. In the framework of this careful temporal establishment, an even more precise chronology for the Last Interglacial Complex, and in particular for the transition between MIS6 and 5, was obtained by comparing pollen data from the same period with other DEEP and Mediterranean proxies. This make Lake Ohrid extremely important because for the other records from Mediterranean and European area such chronological constrains are not available and so the chronologies are less precise.The pollen analysis results come from the uppermost 200 m of the DEEP core (covering the last 500 ka) and revealed a succession of non-forested and forested periods clearly connected with glacial–interglacial cycles of the marine isotope stratigraphy.Among the different glacial-interglacial cycle, the new high-resolution pollen stratigraphy of the Last Interglacial Complex shows the classical alternation of periods characterized by forest (interstadials, warm and wet periods) and open vegetation (stadials, cold and dry periods), clearly resembling the well-known vegetational and climate succession of other European records.Concerning the Last Interglacial (or Eemian, 128-112 ka, roughly equivalent to MIS5e), pollen analysis and climate quantitative reconstructions identify three key phases with a slight different timing, with an initial phase characterized by a sudden warming (propagation of mesophilous forests), then a decrease of temperatures associated with wet conditions (expansion of Carpinus betulus) and at the end a progressive establishment towards cold and dry conditions until the termination of Eemian at 112 ka, confirming what other previous studies on European records said, namely Eemian was not a stable period.Several abrupt events are in also identified, during the successive stadials and interstadials (Early Last Glacial), probably correlated to the succession of cold events recorded in the Greenland ice core records, associated to a weakening of the North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation.This work provides a new pollen reference sequence for the Last Interglacial Complex in Europe and concerning climate reconstruction provides new information for a period (160-70 ka, from the last part of Riss Glaciation to the beginning of Würm Glaciation) still poorly investigated in Europe, mostly in the south (< 45° lat. N), where only one record has been studied for the whole interval, with high resolution time.According to my results, Lake Ohrid can be considered a key role site for the investigation of the climatic changes occurred in centennial and millennial scale in a region of mid-altitude between European and Mediterranean areas, providing furthermore new evidence for the connection between the Europe and Northern Hemisphere climate oscillations.

Applications of Species Distribution Modeling for Palaeontological Fossil Detection: Late Pleistocene Models of Saiga (Artiodactyla: Bovidae, Saiga Tatarica)

Jurestovsky, Derek, Joyner, T. Andrew 01 June 2018 (has links)
Few studies utilise modern species distribution data and modeling to make predictions for examining potential fossil localities. Instead, species distribution modeling is often used for palaeoenvironmental interpretations. Using palaeoclimate data to model potential past distributions for a species provides a prediction showing areas where its fossil remains may be found. In this study, the current, Last Glacial Maximum, and Last Interglacial potential distributions of the arid steppe-obligate saiga antelope (Artiodactyla: Bovidae, Saiga tatarica) were modeled using the species distribution model Maxent. Few fossil records exist, but available fossil locality records were used to validate both palaeo models, resulting in speculative predictions about where the saiga may have lived. Known fossil localities of saiga from the Last Glacial Maximum time period were located within predicted moderately suitable environments, while four of seven Last Interglacial fossil localities were located within predicted moderately suitable environments, suggesting that models can accurately identify areas where fossils for the saiga can be found. Specifically, these models suggest saiga fossils may be located in northwestern and northeastern China, the western and central regions of the Middle East, and southern Alaska. The predicted areas in northeastern China are of particular interest because saiga fossils have not been identified in this region, but some palaeontologists theorize that northeast China may have been suitable for saiga in the past. The models lend credence to this argument.

Vegetation, climate and environmental dynamics of the Black Sea/Northern Anatolian region during the last 134 ka obtained from palynological analysis

Shumilovskikh, Lyudmila 06 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Formation of geomorphic features as a response to sea-level change at Ritidian Point, Guam, Mariana Islands

Miklavic, Blaz 30 April 2011 (has links)
Geomorphic features have been one of the major tools for sea-level change studies. The present work shows an example of sea-level change study on karst terrain in the tropics. Sea-level notches as well as flank margin caves were identified in the research area and their elevation measured. The time of formation of the sea-level indicators was constrained by lithology study and dating methods such as facies comparison and U-Th dating. Denudation and uplift were also studied for the same purpose. From this study it can be concluded that sea-level stands within the glacial cycle can cause the formation of flank margin caves and that the position of these sea-level stands can be determined. The research area was estimated to have cumulatively uplifted ~22 m in the past 125 ka years (~0.18 mm/yr) while the surface has been denuded some 8 m in the same span of time (~0.064 mm/yr).

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