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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mezinárodní právo soukromé ve srovnávacím pohledu vybraného úseku. Dědictví v mezinárodním právu soukromém podle českého a rakouského práva. / Private International Law from a Comparative View. Succession in Private International Law according to Czech and Austrian Law

Kernová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
Private International Law from a Comparative View Succession in Private International Law according to Czech and Austrian Law The aim of the following thesis is to compare the Czech and Austrian rules of international private law in the area of succession and wills. I have chosen this topic, because this area was so far not comprehensively unified, which is to be changed in the early future. Apart from current legislative works on the european field, new internal international private law act is also being prepaired in the Czech Republic. The thesis is composed of 12 chapters and several subchapters. The first chapter describes the historical background of current international private law with special consideration of the succession area. With regard to the common historical development of the two states, it is considered as appropriate initial basis. The two following chapters represent introduction into international private law in general. Specifically the understanding of the term "international private law" in both laws is being analyzed here. And also I attempted to describe the internal structure of Czech and Austrian international private law acts. Starting with chapter 4 I focused on the branch of law of succession. Firstly I tried to introduce the topic with explanation of the given term. As it...

The Law Applicable to International Trade Transactions with Brazilian Parties: A Comparative Study of the Brazilian Law, the CISG, and the American Law About Contract Formation

Aguiar, Anelize 25 August 2011 (has links)
Despite Brazil’s importance in the world economy and its increasing participation in foreign trade, there is considerable legal uncertainty regarding the law applicable to international commercial contracts involving Brazilian parties because Brazilian judicial courts do not respect parties’ freedom to choose the governing law, thus this determination is only made by a judge, according to Private International Law rules of the forum. Applying these rules, this study demonstrates that there are at least three potential legal regimes: the Brazilian law, the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, and a foreign domestic sales law. Making use of the American law as the foreign law, a comparative analysis of these three legal regimes regarding contract formation demonstrates that their approaches are very distinct, and this confirms the legal uncertainty. In order to reduce this problem, three different strategies are proposed to the Brazilian government.

The Law Applicable to International Trade Transactions with Brazilian Parties: A Comparative Study of the Brazilian Law, the CISG, and the American Law About Contract Formation

Aguiar, Anelize 25 August 2011 (has links)
Despite Brazil’s importance in the world economy and its increasing participation in foreign trade, there is considerable legal uncertainty regarding the law applicable to international commercial contracts involving Brazilian parties because Brazilian judicial courts do not respect parties’ freedom to choose the governing law, thus this determination is only made by a judge, according to Private International Law rules of the forum. Applying these rules, this study demonstrates that there are at least three potential legal regimes: the Brazilian law, the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, and a foreign domestic sales law. Making use of the American law as the foreign law, a comparative analysis of these three legal regimes regarding contract formation demonstrates that their approaches are very distinct, and this confirms the legal uncertainty. In order to reduce this problem, three different strategies are proposed to the Brazilian government.

Cross-border Products Liability in the European Union / La responsabilidad transfronteriza por productos defectuosos en la Unión Europea

Palao Moreno, Guillermo 10 April 2018 (has links)
Liability for defective products meets a modern legal framework applicable to cases which have an international nature in the European Union. However, the new regulatory developments have not solved the existing coordination problems and offer an unjustified complexity, so there is a certain risk that the objectives pursued by the European legislator in this strategic sector for the EU internal market are not going to be fulfilled. The objective of this study is to analyze the solutions contained in Regulation (EC) 442001, relating to jurisdiction, the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters and Regulation (EC) 8642007, concerning the law applicable to non-contractual obligations («Rome II»), aswell as their interrelationship with other conventional instruments. / La responsabilidad por productos defectuosos cuenta en la Unión Europea con un moderno marco legal aplicable a los casos que cuenten con una naturaleza internacional. Sin embargo, los nuevos desarrollos normativos no han suprimido los problemas de coordinación existentes y ofrecen una injustificada complejidad, por lo que existe un cierto riesgo de que se malogren los objetivos perseguidos por el legislador europeo en este estratégico sector para el mercado interior de la Unión Europea. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las respuestas contenidas en el Reglamento (CE) 44/2001, relativo a la competencia judicial, el reconocimiento y la ejecución de resoluciones judiciales en materia civil y mercantil y el Reglamento (CE) 864/2007, relativo a la ley aplicable a las obligaciones extracontractuales («Roma II») asícomo su interrelación con otros instrumentos convencionales.

Меродавно право у међународним инвестиционим споровима / Merodavno pravo u međunarodnim investicionim sporovima / Applicable Law in International Investment Disputes

Galetin Milena 30 September 2019 (has links)
<p style="text-align: justify;">Предмет&nbsp;&nbsp; истраживања&nbsp;&nbsp; докторске&nbsp;&nbsp; дисертације&nbsp;&nbsp; представља&nbsp;&nbsp; начин&nbsp;&nbsp; поступања арбитражних&nbsp; судова&nbsp; приликом&nbsp; утврђивања&nbsp; меродавног&nbsp; права&nbsp; за&nbsp; суштину&nbsp; инвестиционог спора. Његово&nbsp; одређење&nbsp; је&nbsp; веома&nbsp; битно&nbsp; јер&nbsp; може&nbsp; пресудно&nbsp; да&nbsp; утиче&nbsp; на&nbsp; сам&nbsp; исход арбитражног поступка. Истраживањем је обухваћена како пракса арбитражних судова који делују под окриљем Међународног центра за решавање инвестиционих спорова (ИКСИД), тако и оних арбитражних судова који поступају ван њега.<br />Након&nbsp; уводних&nbsp; разматрања,&nbsp; у&nbsp; раду&nbsp; су&nbsp; најпре приказани&nbsp; процесни&nbsp; механизми&nbsp; за заштиту имовинских права странаца с обзиром да они представљају претечу инвестиционе арбитраже&nbsp; какву&nbsp; данас&nbsp; познајемо.&nbsp; Потом&nbsp; је&nbsp; указано&nbsp; на&nbsp; комплексност&nbsp; инвестиционих спорова&nbsp; која&nbsp; проистиче&nbsp; из&nbsp; чињенице&nbsp; да&nbsp; се&nbsp; различити&nbsp; извори&nbsp; права&nbsp; на&nbsp; њих&nbsp; примењују-правила&nbsp; међународног&nbsp; права&nbsp; (обичајног&nbsp; и&nbsp; уговорног),&nbsp; национално&nbsp; законодавство&nbsp; државе пријема,&nbsp; као&nbsp; и&nbsp; одредбе&nbsp; уговора&nbsp; о&nbsp; страном&nbsp; улагању&nbsp; између&nbsp; државе&nbsp; пријема&nbsp; и&nbsp; страног улагача. При том се одређивање меродавног права не своди на просто утврђивање извора који би се примењивао на сва спорна питања, већ се за свако појединачно питање одређује који слој правних правила применити.<br />Начело аутономије воље приликом утврђивања меродавног права за суштину спора је било предмет истраживања&nbsp; у трећем делу рада. Оно је најпре разматрано у националном законодавству, арбитражним правилима и конвенцијским текстовима, а потом и у клаузули уговора&nbsp; између&nbsp; државе&nbsp; пријема&nbsp; и&nbsp; страног&nbsp; улагача&nbsp; и&nbsp;&nbsp; у&nbsp; клаузули&nbsp; билатералних&nbsp; и мултилатералних споразума о подстицању и заштити улагања (БИТ). Наведени делови су употпуњени&nbsp; релевантном&nbsp; праксом&nbsp; арбитражних&nbsp; судова,&nbsp; а&nbsp; посебно&nbsp; је&nbsp; разматрано&nbsp; да&nbsp; ли арбитражни судови поштују страначку аутономију воље у сваком случају и како поступају уколико у клаузули БИТ-а о меродавном праву нијеутврђена хијерархија извора који су у њој предвиђени.<br />Затим&nbsp; су&nbsp; анализирана&nbsp; поступања&nbsp; арбитражних&nbsp; судова&nbsp; у&nbsp; случајевима&nbsp; одсуства клаузуле&nbsp; о&nbsp; меродавном&nbsp; праву.&nbsp; Овде&nbsp; се&nbsp; приликом&nbsp; истраживања&nbsp; кренуло&nbsp; од&nbsp; поделе&nbsp; на арбитражне&nbsp; судове&nbsp; који&nbsp; делују&nbsp; под&nbsp; окриљем&nbsp; ИКСИД-а&nbsp; и&nbsp; оне&nbsp; који&nbsp; делују&nbsp; ван&nbsp; ИКСИД система.&nbsp; Посебна&nbsp; пажња&nbsp; је&nbsp; била&nbsp; усмерена&nbsp; на&nbsp; теорије&nbsp; које&nbsp; су&nbsp; се&nbsp; јавиле&nbsp; о&nbsp; поступању арбитражних судова ИКСИД, а које се тичу односа националног и међународног права у случају непостојања споразума страна о меродавном праву за суштину спора.<br />Наредно&nbsp; поглавље&nbsp; се&nbsp; тиче&nbsp; садејства&nbsp; националног&nbsp; и&nbsp; међународног&nbsp; права&nbsp; када&nbsp; се примењују као меродавна на суштину спора. Класификација је направљена тако што су се у оквиру сваког извора инвестиционог права разматрала спорна питања на која се тај извор примењује.<br />Коначно, у последњем делу, су приказана закључна разматрања.</p> / <p style="text-align: justify;">Predmet&nbsp;&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp;&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp;&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp;&nbsp; predstavlja&nbsp;&nbsp; način&nbsp;&nbsp; postupanja arbitražnih&nbsp; sudova&nbsp; prilikom&nbsp; utvrđivanja&nbsp; merodavnog&nbsp; prava&nbsp; za&nbsp; suštinu&nbsp; investicionog spora. NJegovo&nbsp; određenje&nbsp; je&nbsp; veoma&nbsp; bitno&nbsp; jer&nbsp; može&nbsp; presudno&nbsp; da&nbsp; utiče&nbsp; na&nbsp; sam&nbsp; ishod arbitražnog postupka. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćena kako praksa arbitražnih sudova koji deluju pod okriljem Međunarodnog centra za rešavanje investicionih sporova (IKSID), tako i onih arbitražnih sudova koji postupaju van njega.<br />Nakon&nbsp; uvodnih&nbsp; razmatranja,&nbsp; u&nbsp; radu&nbsp; su&nbsp; najpre prikazani&nbsp; procesni&nbsp; mehanizmi&nbsp; za zaštitu imovinskih prava stranaca s obzirom da oni predstavljaju preteču investicione arbitraže&nbsp; kakvu&nbsp; danas&nbsp; poznajemo.&nbsp; Potom&nbsp; je&nbsp; ukazano&nbsp; na&nbsp; kompleksnost&nbsp; investicionih sporova&nbsp; koja&nbsp; proističe&nbsp; iz&nbsp; činjenice&nbsp; da&nbsp; se&nbsp; različiti&nbsp; izvori&nbsp; prava&nbsp; na&nbsp; njih&nbsp; primenjuju-pravila&nbsp; međunarodnog&nbsp; prava&nbsp; (običajnog&nbsp; i&nbsp; ugovornog),&nbsp; nacionalno&nbsp; zakonodavstvo&nbsp; države prijema,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; odredbe&nbsp; ugovora&nbsp; o&nbsp; stranom&nbsp; ulaganju&nbsp; između&nbsp; države&nbsp; prijema&nbsp; i&nbsp; stranog ulagača. Pri tom se određivanje merodavnog prava ne svodi na prosto utvrđivanje izvora koji bi se primenjivao na sva sporna pitanja, već se za svako pojedinačno pitanje određuje koji sloj pravnih pravila primeniti.<br />Načelo autonomije volje prilikom utvrđivanja merodavnog prava za suštinu spora je bilo predmet istraživanja&nbsp; u trećem delu rada. Ono je najpre razmatrano u nacionalnom zakonodavstvu, arbitražnim pravilima i konvencijskim tekstovima, a potom i u klauzuli ugovora&nbsp; između&nbsp; države&nbsp; prijema&nbsp; i&nbsp; stranog&nbsp; ulagača&nbsp; i&nbsp;&nbsp; u&nbsp; klauzuli&nbsp; bilateralnih&nbsp; i multilateralnih sporazuma o podsticanju i zaštiti ulaganja (BIT). Navedeni delovi su upotpunjeni&nbsp; relevantnom&nbsp; praksom&nbsp; arbitražnih&nbsp; sudova,&nbsp; a&nbsp; posebno&nbsp; je&nbsp; razmatrano&nbsp; da&nbsp; li arbitražni sudovi poštuju stranačku autonomiju volje u svakom slučaju i kako postupaju ukoliko u klauzuli BIT-a o merodavnom pravu nijeutvrđena hijerarhija izvora koji su u njoj predviđeni.<br />Zatim&nbsp; su&nbsp; analizirana&nbsp; postupanja&nbsp; arbitražnih&nbsp; sudova&nbsp; u&nbsp; slučajevima&nbsp; odsustva klauzule&nbsp; o&nbsp; merodavnom&nbsp; pravu.&nbsp; Ovde&nbsp; se&nbsp; prilikom&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; krenulo&nbsp; od&nbsp; podele&nbsp; na arbitražne&nbsp; sudove&nbsp; koji&nbsp; deluju&nbsp; pod&nbsp; okriljem&nbsp; IKSID-a&nbsp; i&nbsp; one&nbsp; koji&nbsp; deluju&nbsp; van&nbsp; IKSID sistema.&nbsp; Posebna&nbsp; pažnja&nbsp; je&nbsp; bila&nbsp; usmerena&nbsp; na&nbsp; teorije&nbsp; koje&nbsp; su&nbsp; se&nbsp; javile&nbsp; o&nbsp; postupanju arbitražnih sudova IKSID, a koje se tiču odnosa nacionalnog i međunarodnog prava u slučaju nepostojanja sporazuma strana o merodavnom pravu za suštinu spora.<br />Naredno&nbsp; poglavlje&nbsp; se&nbsp; tiče&nbsp; sadejstva&nbsp; nacionalnog&nbsp; i&nbsp; međunarodnog&nbsp; prava&nbsp; kada&nbsp; se primenjuju kao merodavna na suštinu spora. Klasifikacija je napravljena tako što su se u okviru svakog izvora investicionog prava razmatrala sporna pitanja na koja se taj izvor primenjuje.<br />Konačno, u poslednjem delu, su prikazana zaključna razmatranja.</p> / <p style="text-align: justify;">The&nbsp; research&nbsp; subject&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp; thesis&nbsp; is&nbsp; the&nbsp; manners&nbsp; in&nbsp; which&nbsp; arbitral&nbsp; tribunals&nbsp; deal with&nbsp;&nbsp; determination&nbsp;&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; applicable&nbsp;&nbsp; law&nbsp;&nbsp; for&nbsp;&nbsp; the substance&nbsp;&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; investment&nbsp;&nbsp; disputes.&nbsp;&nbsp; This determination is very important because it can decisively affect the very outcome of the arbitral proceedings. The research includes both the practice of arbitral tribunals within the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) and the practice of arbitral tribunal outside ICSID.<br />After introductory remarks, the procedural mechanisms for the protection of property rights of&nbsp; foreigners&nbsp; are&nbsp; shown&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; thesis&nbsp; since&nbsp; they&nbsp; represent&nbsp; a&nbsp; forerunner&nbsp; of current&nbsp; investment arbitration.&nbsp; Subsequently&nbsp; the&nbsp; complexity&nbsp; of&nbsp; investment&nbsp; disputes&nbsp; is&nbsp; pointed&nbsp; out&nbsp; arising&nbsp; from&nbsp; the fact&nbsp; that&nbsp; different&nbsp; sources&nbsp; of&nbsp; law&nbsp; apply&nbsp; to&nbsp; them-international&nbsp; law&nbsp; (customary&nbsp; and&nbsp; contractual), national&nbsp; legislation&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; host&nbsp; state,&nbsp; as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp; provisions&nbsp; of&nbsp; a&nbsp; foreign&nbsp; investment&nbsp; contract between the host state and foreign investor. In doing so, the determination of the applicable law is not simply the determination of the source that would apply to all the contentious issues, but the determination of a layer of legal rules which applies on each individual question.<br />The principle of party&nbsp; autonomy in determining&nbsp; the applicable law for the substance of the dispute&nbsp; was&nbsp; the&nbsp; subject&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; research&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; third&nbsp; part&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; thesis.&nbsp; It&nbsp; was&nbsp; first&nbsp; considered&nbsp; in arbitration&nbsp; rules&nbsp; and&nbsp; conventions,&nbsp; and&nbsp; thereafter&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; clauses&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; contract&nbsp; between&nbsp; the&nbsp; host State and the foreign investor and then in the clauses of bilateral and multilateral agreements on promotion and protection of investments (BITs). These sections are completed with the relevant practice&nbsp; of&nbsp; arbitral&nbsp; tribunals.&nbsp; It&nbsp; is&nbsp; especially&nbsp; considered&nbsp; whether&nbsp; arbitral&nbsp; tribunals&nbsp; respect&nbsp; the party&#39;s&nbsp; autonomy&nbsp; in&nbsp; any&nbsp; case&nbsp; and&nbsp; how&nbsp; they&nbsp; act&nbsp; if&nbsp; the&nbsp; choice&nbsp; of&nbsp; law&nbsp; clause&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; BIT&nbsp; does&nbsp; not determinethe hierarchy of sources envisaged therein.<br />Afterwards the practice of arbitral tribunals in cases where the choice of law clause is absent was&nbsp; analyzed.&nbsp; In&nbsp; the&nbsp; course&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; research,&nbsp; a&nbsp; division&nbsp; was&nbsp; made&nbsp; between&nbsp; arbitral&nbsp; tribunals operating under the auspices of ICSID and those operating outside the ICSID system. Particular emphasis&nbsp; was&nbsp; paid&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; theories&nbsp; which&nbsp; occurred&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; practice&nbsp; of&nbsp; ICSID&nbsp; arbitral&nbsp; tribunals,<br />concerning&nbsp; the&nbsp; relationship&nbsp; of&nbsp; national&nbsp; and&nbsp; international&nbsp; law&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; absence&nbsp; of&nbsp; agreement between the parties on the applicable law.<br />The&nbsp; next&nbsp; chapter&nbsp; deals&nbsp; with&nbsp; the&nbsp; relationship&nbsp; between&nbsp; national&nbsp; and&nbsp; international&nbsp; law&nbsp; when applied&nbsp; as&nbsp; relevant&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; substance&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; dispute.&nbsp; The&nbsp; classification&nbsp; was&nbsp; made&nbsp; in&nbsp; such&nbsp; a&nbsp; way that&nbsp; within&nbsp; each&nbsp; source&nbsp; of investment&nbsp; law&nbsp; the&nbsp; contentious&nbsp; issues&nbsp; which&nbsp; are&nbsp; applicable&nbsp; within&nbsp; it were considered.<br />Finally, in the last chapter, concluding remarks are presented.</p>

Dispozice s investičním nárokem / Disposal with an Investment Claim

Černý, Filip January 2017 (has links)
Disposal with an Investment Claim JUDr. Filip Černý International investment protection is very special legal discipline which stands at the borderline between public and private, international and national (domestic) law. The intersections between these legal areas produce a vast range of questions on the applicable law and the nature of the legal institutes inherent to investment protection. The legal system of investment protection is founded on a matrix consisting of bilateral and multilateral treaties and simultaneously shares some of the customary origins inherent to diplomatic protection of foreigners. The particularity of the investment protection system is given by the existence of the diagonal relations between the host state and the investor of the other state. The combination of the public international law sources and the diagonal relations developing inside the public international law matrix induce questions on the nature of such rights and obligations arising inside of the investment protection system among its actors. Author analyses these relations with an aim to determine the nature of the investment claim as a prerequisite for a volitional disposal of the investment claim by the investor.

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