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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Learning Search Strategies from Human Demonstration for Robotic Assembly Tasks

Ehlers, Dennis January 2018 (has links)
Learning from Demonstration (LfD) has been used in robotics research for the last decades to solve issues pertaining to conventional programming of robots. This framework enables a robot to learn a task simply from a human demonstration. However, it is unfeasible to teach a robot all possible scenarios, which may lead to e.g. the robot getting stuck. In order to solve this, a search is necessary. However, no current work is able to provide a search approach that is both simple and general. This thesis develops and evaluates a new framework based on LfD that combines both of these aspects. A single demonstration of a human search is made and a model of it is learned. From this model a search trajectory is sampled and optimized. Based on that trajectory, a prediction of the encountered environmental forces is made. An impedance controller with feed-forward of the predicted forces is then used to evaluate the algorithm on a Peg-in-Hole task. The final results show that the framework is able to successfully learn and reproduce a search from just one single human demonstration. Ultimately some suggestions are made for further benchmarks and development.

Reinforcement Learning from Demonstration

Suay, Halit Bener 25 April 2016 (has links)
Off-the-shelf Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms suffer from slow learning performance, partly because they are expected to learn a task from scratch merely through an agent's own experience. In this thesis, we show that learning from scratch is a limiting factor for the learning performance, and that when prior knowledge is available RL agents can learn a task faster. We evaluate relevant previous work and our own algorithms in various experiments. Our first contribution is the first implementation and evaluation of an existing interactive RL algorithm in a real-world domain with a humanoid robot. Interactive RL was evaluated in a simulated domain which motivated us for evaluating its practicality on a robot. Our evaluation shows that guidance reduces learning time, and that its positive effects increase with state space size. A natural follow up question after our first evaluation was, how do some other previous works compare to interactive RL. Our second contribution is an analysis of a user study, where na"ive human teachers demonstrated a real-world object catching with a humanoid robot. We present the first comparison of several previous works in a common real-world domain with a user study. One conclusion of the user study was the high potential of RL despite poor usability due to slow learning rate. As an effort to improve the learning efficiency of RL learners, our third contribution is a novel human-agent knowledge transfer algorithm. Using demonstrations from three teachers with varying expertise in a simulated domain, we show that regardless of the skill level, human demonstrations can improve the asymptotic performance of an RL agent. As an alternative approach for encoding human knowledge in RL, we investigated the use of reward shaping. Our final contributions are Static Inverse Reinforcement Learning Shaping and Dynamic Inverse Reinforcement Learning Shaping algorithms that use human demonstrations for recovering a shaping reward function. Our experiments in simulated domains show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art in cumulative reward, learning rate and asymptotic performance. Overall we show that human demonstrators with varying skills can help RL agents to learn tasks more efficiently.

Enabling Motion Planning and Execution for Tasks Involving Deformation and Uncertainty

Phillips-Grafflin, Calder 07 June 2017 (has links)
"A number of outstanding problems in robotic motion and manipulation involve tasks where degrees of freedom (DoF), be they part of the robot, an object being manipulated, or the surrounding environment, cannot be accurately controlled by the actuators of the robot alone. Rather, they are also controlled by physical properties or interactions - contact, robot dynamics, actuator behavior - that are influenced by the actuators of the robot. In particular, we focus on two important areas of poorly controlled robotic manipulation: motion planning for deformable objects and in deformable environments; and manipulation with uncertainty. Many everyday tasks we wish robots to perform, such as cooking and cleaning, require the robot to manipulate deformable objects. The limitations of real robotic actuators and sensors result in uncertainty that we must address to reliably perform fine manipulation. Notably, both areas share a common principle: contact, which is usually prohibited in motion planners, is not only sometimes unavoidable, but often necessary to accurately complete the task at hand. We make four contributions that enable robot manipulation in these poorly controlled tasks: First, an efficient discretized representation of elastic deformable objects and cost function that assess a ``cost of deformation' for a specific configuration of a deformable object that enables deformable object manipulation tasks to be performed without physical simulation. Second, a method using active learning and inverse-optimal control to build these discretized representations from expert demonstrations. Third, a motion planner and policy-based execution approach to manipulation with uncertainty which incorporates contact with the environment and compliance of the robot to generate motion policies which are then adapted during execution to reflect actual robot behavior. Fourth, work towards the development of an efficient path quality metric for paths executed with actuation uncertainty that can be used inside a motion planner or trajectory optimizer."

Leveraging attention focus for effective reinforcement learning in complex domains

Cobo Rus, Luis Carlos 29 March 2013 (has links)
One of the hardest challenges in the field of machine learning is to build agents, such as robotic assistants in homes and hospitals, that can autonomously learn new tasks that they were not pre-programmed to tackle, without the intervention of an engineer. Reinforcement learning (RL) and learning from demonstration (LfD) are popular approaches for task learning, but they are often ineffective in high-dimensional domains unless provided with either a great deal of problem-specific domain information or a carefully crafted representation of the state and dynamics of the world. Unfortunately, autonomous agents trying to learn new tasks usually do not have access to such domain information nor to an appropriate representation. We demonstrate that algorithms that focus, at each moment, on the relevant features of the state space can achieve significant speed-ups over previous reinforcement learning algorithms with respect to the number of state features in complex domains. To do so, we introduce and evaluate a family of attention focus algorithms. We show that these algorithms can reduce the dimensionality of complex domains, creating a compact representation of the state space with which satisficing policies can be learned efficiently. Our approach obtains exponential speed-ups with respect to the number of features considered when compared with table-based learning algorithms and polynomial speed-ups when compared with state-of-the-art function approximation RL algorithms such as LSPI or fitted Q-learning. Our attention focus algorithms are divided in two classes, depending on the source of the focus information they require. Attention focus from human demonstrations infers the features to focus on from a set of demonstrations from human teachers performing the task the agent must learn. We introduce two algorithms within this class. The first one, abstraction from demonstration (AfD), identifies features that can be safely ignored in the whole state space and builds a state-space abstraction where a satisficing policy can be learned efficiently. The second, automatic decomposition and abstraction from demonstration, goes one step further, using the demonstrations to identify a set of subtasks and to find an appropriate abstraction for each subtask found. The other class of algorithms we present, attention focus with a world model, does not require a set of human demonstrations. Instead, it extracts the attention focus information from an object-based model of the world together with the agent experience in performing the task. Within this class, we introduce object-focused Q-learning (OF-Q), at first with an assumption of object independence that is later removed to support domains where objects interact with each other. Finally, we show that both sources of focus information can be combined for further speed-ups.

Cognitive Interactive Robot Learning

Fonooni, Benjamin January 2014 (has links)
Building general purpose autonomous robots that suit a wide range of user-specified applications, requires a leap from today's task-specific machines to more flexible and general ones. To achieve this goal, one should move from traditional preprogrammed robots to learning robots that easily can acquire new skills. Learning from Demonstration (LfD) and Imitation Learning (IL), in which the robot learns by observing a human or robot tutor, are among the most popular learning techniques. Showing the robot how to perform a task is often more natural and intuitive than figuring out how to modify a complex control program. However, teaching robots new skills such that they can reproduce the acquired skills under any circumstances, on the right time and in an appropriate way, require good understanding of all challenges in the field. Studies of imitation learning in humans and animals show that several cognitive abilities are engaged to learn new skills correctly. The most remarkable ones are the ability to direct attention to important aspects of demonstrations, and adapting observed actions to the agents own body. Moreover, a clear understanding of the demonstrator's intentions and an ability to generalize to new situations are essential. Once learning is accomplished, various stimuli may trigger the cognitive system to execute new skills that have become part of the robot's repertoire. The goal of this thesis is to develop methods for learning from demonstration that mainly focus on understanding the tutor's intentions, and recognizing which elements of a demonstration need the robot's attention. An architecture containing required cognitive functions for learning and reproduction of high-level aspects of demonstrations is proposed. Several learning methods for directing the robot's attention and identifying relevant information are introduced. The architecture integrates motor actions with concepts, objects and environmental states to ensure correct reproduction of skills. Another major contribution of this thesis is methods to resolve ambiguities in demonstrations where the tutor's intentions are not clearly expressed and several demonstrations are required to infer intentions correctly. The provided solution is inspired by human memory models and priming mechanisms that give the robot clues that increase the probability of inferring intentions correctly. In addition to robot learning, the developed techniques are applied to a shared control system based on visual servoing guided behaviors and priming mechanisms. The architecture and learning methods are applied and evaluated in several real world scenarios that require clear understanding of intentions in the demonstrations. Finally, the developed learning methods are compared, and conditions where each of them has better applicability are discussed. / Att bygga autonoma robotar som passar ett stort antal olika användardefinierade applikationer kräver ett språng från dagens specialiserade maskiner till mer flexibla lösningar. För att nå detta mål, bör man övergå från traditionella förprogrammerade robotar till robotar som själva kan lära sig nya färdigheter. Learning from Demonstration (LfD) och Imitation Learning (IL), där roboten lär sig genom att observera en människa eller en annan robot, är bland de mest populära inlärningsteknikerna. Att visa roboten hur den ska utföra en uppgift är ofta mer naturligt och intuitivt än att modifiera ett komplicerat styrprogram. Men att lära robotar nya färdigheter så att de kan reproducera dem under nya yttre förhållanden, på rätt tid och på ett lämpligt sätt, kräver god förståelse för alla utmaningar inom området. Studier av LfD och IL hos människor och djur visar att flera kognitiva förmågor är inblandade för att lära sig nya färdigheter på rätt sätt. De mest anmärkningsvärda är förmågan att rikta uppmärksamheten på de relevanta aspekterna i en demonstration, och förmågan att anpassa observerade rörelser till robotens egen kropp. Dessutom är det viktigt att ha en klar förståelse av lärarens avsikter, och att ha förmågan att kunna generalisera dem till nya situationer. När en inlärningsfas är slutförd kan stimuli trigga det kognitiva systemet att utföra de nya färdigheter som blivit en del av robotens repertoar. Målet med denna avhandling är att utveckla metoder för LfD som huvudsakligen fokuserar på att förstå lärarens intentioner, och vilka delar av en demonstration som ska ha robotens uppmärksamhet. Den föreslagna arkitekturen innehåller de kognitiva funktioner som behövs för lärande och återgivning av högnivåaspekter av demonstrationer. Flera inlärningsmetoder för att rikta robotens uppmärksamhet och identifiera relevant information föreslås. Arkitekturen integrerar motorkommandon med begrepp, föremål och omgivningens tillstånd för att säkerställa korrekt återgivning av beteenden. Ett annat huvudresultat i denna avhandling rör metoder för att lösa tvetydigheter i demonstrationer, där lärarens intentioner inte är klart uttryckta och flera demonstrationer är nödvändiga för att kunna förutsäga intentioner på ett korrekt sätt. De utvecklade lösningarna är inspirerade av modeller av människors minne, och en primingmekanism används för att ge roboten ledtrådar som kan öka sannolikheten för att intentioner förutsägs på ett korrekt sätt. De utvecklade teknikerna har, i tillägg till robotinlärning, använts i ett halvautomatiskt system (shared control) baserat på visuellt guidade beteenden och primingmekanismer. Arkitekturen och inlärningsteknikerna tillämpas och utvärderas i flera verkliga scenarion som kräver en tydlig förståelse av mänskliga intentioner i demonstrationerna. Slutligen jämförs de utvecklade inlärningsmetoderna, och deras applicerbarhet under olika förhållanden diskuteras. / INTRO

HIGMN : an IGMN-based hierarchical architecture and its applications for robotic tasks

Pereira, Renato de Pontes January 2013 (has links)
O recente campo de Deep Learning introduziu a área de Aprendizagem de Máquina novos métodos baseados em representações distribuídas e abstratas dos dados de treinamento ao longo de estruturas hierárquicas. A organização hierárquica de camadas permite que esses métodos guardem informações distribuídas sobre os sinais sensoriais e criem conceitos com diferentes níveis de abstração para representar os dados de entrada. Este trabalho investiga o impacto de uma estrutura hierárquica inspirada pelas ideias apresentadas em Deep Learning, e com base na Incremental Gaussian Mixture Network (IGMN), uma rede neural probabilística com aprendizagem online e incremental, especialmente adequada para as tarefas de robótica. Como resultado, foi desenvolvida uma arquitetura hierárquica, denominada Hierarchical Incremental Gaussian Mixture Network (HIGMN), que combina dois níveis de IGMNs. As camadas de primeiro nível da HIGMN são capazes de aprender conceitos a partir de dados de diferentes domínios que são então relacionados na camada de segundo nível. O modelo proposto foi comparado com a IGMN em tarefas de robótica, em especial, na tarefa de aprender e reproduzir um comportamento de seguir paredes, com base em uma abordagem de Aprendizado por Demonstração. Os experimentos mostraram como a HIGMN pode executar três diferentes tarefas em paralelo (aprendizagem de conceitos, segmentação de comportamento, e aprendizagem e reprodução de comportamentos) e sua capacidade de aprender um comportamento de seguir paredes e reproduzi-lo em ambientes desconhecidos com novas informações sensoriais. A HIGMN conseguiu reproduzir o comportamento de seguir paredes depois de uma única, simples e curta demonstração do comportamento. Além disso, ela adquiriu conhecimento de diferentes tipos: informações sobre o ambiente, a cinemática do robô, e o comportamento alvo. / The recent field of Deep Learning has introduced to Machine Learning new meth- ods based on distributed abstract representations of the training data throughout hierarchical structures. The hierarchical organization of layers allows these meth- ods to store distributed information on sensory signals and to create concepts with different abstraction levels to represent the input data. This work investigates the impact of a hierarchical structure inspired by ideas on Deep Learning and based on the Incremental Gaussian Mixture Network (IGMN), a probabilistic neural network with an on-line and incremental learning, specially suitable for robotic tasks. As a result, a hierarchical architecture, called Hierarchical Incremental Gaussian Mixture Network (HIGMN), was developed, which combines two levels of IGMNs. The HIGMN first-level layers are able to learn concepts from data of different domains that are then related in the second-level layer. The proposed model was compared with the IGMN regarding robotic tasks, in special, the task of learning and repro- ducing a wall-following behavior, based on a Learning from Demonstration (LfD) approach. The experiments showed how the HIGMN can perform parallely three different tasks concept learning, behavior segmentation, and learning and repro- ducing behaviors and its ability to learn a wall-following behavior and to perform it in unknown environments with new sensory information. HIGMN could reproduce the wall-following behavior after a single, simple, and short demonstration of the behavior. Moreover, it acquired different types of knowledge: information on the environment, the robot kinematics, and the target behavior.

HIGMN : an IGMN-based hierarchical architecture and its applications for robotic tasks

Pereira, Renato de Pontes January 2013 (has links)
O recente campo de Deep Learning introduziu a área de Aprendizagem de Máquina novos métodos baseados em representações distribuídas e abstratas dos dados de treinamento ao longo de estruturas hierárquicas. A organização hierárquica de camadas permite que esses métodos guardem informações distribuídas sobre os sinais sensoriais e criem conceitos com diferentes níveis de abstração para representar os dados de entrada. Este trabalho investiga o impacto de uma estrutura hierárquica inspirada pelas ideias apresentadas em Deep Learning, e com base na Incremental Gaussian Mixture Network (IGMN), uma rede neural probabilística com aprendizagem online e incremental, especialmente adequada para as tarefas de robótica. Como resultado, foi desenvolvida uma arquitetura hierárquica, denominada Hierarchical Incremental Gaussian Mixture Network (HIGMN), que combina dois níveis de IGMNs. As camadas de primeiro nível da HIGMN são capazes de aprender conceitos a partir de dados de diferentes domínios que são então relacionados na camada de segundo nível. O modelo proposto foi comparado com a IGMN em tarefas de robótica, em especial, na tarefa de aprender e reproduzir um comportamento de seguir paredes, com base em uma abordagem de Aprendizado por Demonstração. Os experimentos mostraram como a HIGMN pode executar três diferentes tarefas em paralelo (aprendizagem de conceitos, segmentação de comportamento, e aprendizagem e reprodução de comportamentos) e sua capacidade de aprender um comportamento de seguir paredes e reproduzi-lo em ambientes desconhecidos com novas informações sensoriais. A HIGMN conseguiu reproduzir o comportamento de seguir paredes depois de uma única, simples e curta demonstração do comportamento. Além disso, ela adquiriu conhecimento de diferentes tipos: informações sobre o ambiente, a cinemática do robô, e o comportamento alvo. / The recent field of Deep Learning has introduced to Machine Learning new meth- ods based on distributed abstract representations of the training data throughout hierarchical structures. The hierarchical organization of layers allows these meth- ods to store distributed information on sensory signals and to create concepts with different abstraction levels to represent the input data. This work investigates the impact of a hierarchical structure inspired by ideas on Deep Learning and based on the Incremental Gaussian Mixture Network (IGMN), a probabilistic neural network with an on-line and incremental learning, specially suitable for robotic tasks. As a result, a hierarchical architecture, called Hierarchical Incremental Gaussian Mixture Network (HIGMN), was developed, which combines two levels of IGMNs. The HIGMN first-level layers are able to learn concepts from data of different domains that are then related in the second-level layer. The proposed model was compared with the IGMN regarding robotic tasks, in special, the task of learning and repro- ducing a wall-following behavior, based on a Learning from Demonstration (LfD) approach. The experiments showed how the HIGMN can perform parallely three different tasks concept learning, behavior segmentation, and learning and repro- ducing behaviors and its ability to learn a wall-following behavior and to perform it in unknown environments with new sensory information. HIGMN could reproduce the wall-following behavior after a single, simple, and short demonstration of the behavior. Moreover, it acquired different types of knowledge: information on the environment, the robot kinematics, and the target behavior.

HIGMN : an IGMN-based hierarchical architecture and its applications for robotic tasks

Pereira, Renato de Pontes January 2013 (has links)
O recente campo de Deep Learning introduziu a área de Aprendizagem de Máquina novos métodos baseados em representações distribuídas e abstratas dos dados de treinamento ao longo de estruturas hierárquicas. A organização hierárquica de camadas permite que esses métodos guardem informações distribuídas sobre os sinais sensoriais e criem conceitos com diferentes níveis de abstração para representar os dados de entrada. Este trabalho investiga o impacto de uma estrutura hierárquica inspirada pelas ideias apresentadas em Deep Learning, e com base na Incremental Gaussian Mixture Network (IGMN), uma rede neural probabilística com aprendizagem online e incremental, especialmente adequada para as tarefas de robótica. Como resultado, foi desenvolvida uma arquitetura hierárquica, denominada Hierarchical Incremental Gaussian Mixture Network (HIGMN), que combina dois níveis de IGMNs. As camadas de primeiro nível da HIGMN são capazes de aprender conceitos a partir de dados de diferentes domínios que são então relacionados na camada de segundo nível. O modelo proposto foi comparado com a IGMN em tarefas de robótica, em especial, na tarefa de aprender e reproduzir um comportamento de seguir paredes, com base em uma abordagem de Aprendizado por Demonstração. Os experimentos mostraram como a HIGMN pode executar três diferentes tarefas em paralelo (aprendizagem de conceitos, segmentação de comportamento, e aprendizagem e reprodução de comportamentos) e sua capacidade de aprender um comportamento de seguir paredes e reproduzi-lo em ambientes desconhecidos com novas informações sensoriais. A HIGMN conseguiu reproduzir o comportamento de seguir paredes depois de uma única, simples e curta demonstração do comportamento. Além disso, ela adquiriu conhecimento de diferentes tipos: informações sobre o ambiente, a cinemática do robô, e o comportamento alvo. / The recent field of Deep Learning has introduced to Machine Learning new meth- ods based on distributed abstract representations of the training data throughout hierarchical structures. The hierarchical organization of layers allows these meth- ods to store distributed information on sensory signals and to create concepts with different abstraction levels to represent the input data. This work investigates the impact of a hierarchical structure inspired by ideas on Deep Learning and based on the Incremental Gaussian Mixture Network (IGMN), a probabilistic neural network with an on-line and incremental learning, specially suitable for robotic tasks. As a result, a hierarchical architecture, called Hierarchical Incremental Gaussian Mixture Network (HIGMN), was developed, which combines two levels of IGMNs. The HIGMN first-level layers are able to learn concepts from data of different domains that are then related in the second-level layer. The proposed model was compared with the IGMN regarding robotic tasks, in special, the task of learning and repro- ducing a wall-following behavior, based on a Learning from Demonstration (LfD) approach. The experiments showed how the HIGMN can perform parallely three different tasks concept learning, behavior segmentation, and learning and repro- ducing behaviors and its ability to learn a wall-following behavior and to perform it in unknown environments with new sensory information. HIGMN could reproduce the wall-following behavior after a single, simple, and short demonstration of the behavior. Moreover, it acquired different types of knowledge: information on the environment, the robot kinematics, and the target behavior.

Domain Concretization from Examples: Addressing Missing Domain Knowledge via Robust Planning

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: Most planning agents assume complete knowledge of the domain, which may not be the case in scenarios where certain domain knowledge is missing. This problem could be due to design flaws or arise from domain ramifications or qualifications. In such cases, planning algorithms could produce highly undesirable behaviors. Planning with incomplete domain knowledge is more challenging than partial observability in the sense that the planning agent is unaware of the existence of such knowledge, in contrast to it being just unobservable or partially observable. That is the difference between known unknowns and unknown unknowns. In this thesis, I introduce and formulate this as the problem of Domain Concretization, which is inverse to domain abstraction studied extensively before. Furthermore, I present a solution that starts from the incomplete domain model provided to the agent by the designer and uses teacher traces from human users to determine the candidate model set under a minimalistic model assumption. A robust plan is then generated for the maximum probability of success under the set of candidate models. In addition to a standard search formulation in the model-space, I propose a sample-based search method and also an online version of it to improve search time. The solution presented has been evaluated on various International Planning Competition domains where incompleteness was introduced by deleting certain predicates from the complete domain model. The solution is also tested in a robot simulation domain to illustrate its effectiveness in handling incomplete domain knowledge. The results show that the plan generated by the algorithm increases the plan success rate without impacting action cost too much. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Computer Science 2020

Learning Preference Models for Autonomous Mobile Robots in Complex Domains

Silver, David 01 December 2010 (has links)
Achieving robust and reliable autonomous operation even in complex unstructured environments is a central goal of field robotics. As the environments and scenarios to which robots are applied have continued to grow in complexity, so has the challenge of properly defining preferences and tradeoffs between various actions and the terrains they result in traversing. These definitions and parameters encode the desired behavior of the robot; therefore their correctness is of the utmost importance. Current manual approaches to creating and adjusting these preference models and cost functions have proven to be incredibly tedious and time-consuming, while typically not producing optimal results except in the simplest of circumstances. This thesis presents the development and application of machine learning techniques that automate the construction and tuning of preference models within complex mobile robotic systems. Utilizing the framework of inverse optimal control, expert examples of robot behavior can be used to construct models that generalize demonstrated preferences and reproduce similar behavior. Novel learning from demonstration approaches are developed that offer the possibility of significantly reducing the amount of human interaction necessary to tune a system, while also improving its final performance. Techniques to account for the inevitability of noisy and imperfect demonstration are presented, along with additional methods for improving the efficiency of expert demonstration and feedback. The effectiveness of these approaches is confirmed through application to several real world domains, such as the interpretation of static and dynamic perceptual data in unstructured environments and the learning of human driving styles and maneuver preferences. Extensive testing and experimentation both in simulation and in the field with multiple mobile robotic systems provides empirical confirmation of superior autonomous performance, with less expert interaction and no hand tuning. These experiments validate the potential applicability of the developed algorithms to a large variety of future mobile robotic systems.

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