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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Gender Roles in the Public Sphere: A Study on Chinese Women's Leisure Spaces in Beijing

Jin, Xiuming 03 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.


馮佳怡, Feng, Chia-yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解臺北市國民小學校園生活休憩空間的現況,探究臺北市不同學校背景,國民小學校園生活休憩空間設置及使用的差異性,分析臺北市國民小學學童對於校園生活休憩空間在場地選擇、活動選擇、使用頻率、友伴人數、興趣高低等使用情形及其差異性,以及學童對於校園生活休憩空間的意見,最後並提出國民小學校園生活休憩空間的相關建議,俾供相關單位、人員及未來相關研究之參考。 本研究以臺北市141所公立國民小學為普查對象,再依據學校規模、設立年代分為六類,從六類學校中隨機抽取各1所學校,並以6所國民小學的學童為問卷調查(有效樣本951人;男生508人,女生443人;二年級305人,四年級327人,六年級319人)及觀察(共計5922人次)對象。在資料分析上,主要採用描述性分析、次數百分比統計、Cochran Q考驗、肯德爾和諧係數、斯皮爾曼等級相關、t考驗、卡方考驗、單因子變異數(ANOVA)分析等方法。經研究結果發現: 一、臺北市國民小學每所學校都有設置走廊、教室、圖書館、遊戲場,八成以上有設置球場、川堂、庭園、田徑場、步道,六成有設置教材園和體育館(或室內球場),而合作社、戶外劇場、交誼廳、交誼平臺、小橋和屋頂花園的設置比例不到四成。 二、下課時間學童較常使用的校園生活休憩空間,以教室、走廊、遊戲場、球場和田徑場為主。 三、大規模學校在川堂、交誼廳、合作社、體育館(或室內球場)、小橋、步道、庭園、球場、田徑場、交誼平臺、屋頂花園的設置比例均較中規模和小規模學校高,但在校園生活休憩空間内的休憩座椅或休憩設施方面,不同學校規模在設置方面有差異存在。 四、1990年代後的學校在走廊、川堂、教室、交誼廳、小橋、庭園、球場、田徑場、戶外劇場、交誼平臺、屋頂花園設置的比例皆比1990年代前的學校高,而1990年代前的學校在合作社、體育館(或室內球場)、步道、教材園設置的比例較1990年代後的學校高。 五、不同學校規模內的學童在校園生活休憩空間的場地選擇和活動選擇方面排序有關聯。在友伴人數方面,大規模學校顯著高於中、小規模學校。 六、大規模學校內的學童在室內生活休憩空間的使用頻率較高,中規模學校內的學童在室外生活休憩空間的使用頻率較高。中規模學校內的學童較喜歡校園生活休憩空間。 七、不同設立年代學校內的學童在校園生活休憩空間的場地選擇和活動選擇方面排序有關聯。在友伴人數方面都以跟二至四個同學為主,沒有顯著差異。 八、不同設立年代學校內的學童在室內生活休憩空間使用頻率無顯著差異,而1990年代前的學校學童在室外生活休憩空間使用頻率高於1990年代後的學校學童。不同設立年代學校內學童在校園生活休憩空間的興趣高低沒有顯著差異。 九、男生在下課時間較常使用球場。男生選擇「打球」的活動人數顯著多於女生。男女學童下課時間休憩活動友伴人數都以跟二至四個同學為主。 十、女生在室內生活休憩空間的使用頻率高於男生,男生在室外生活休憩空間的使用頻率高於女生。男女學童在校園生活休憩空間的興趣高低沒有顯著差異,但男生較喜歡球場。 十一、低年級學童較常使用遊戲場,高年級學童較常使用球場。低年級學童較喜歡玩遊戲,高年級學童較喜歡打球。低、中、高年級學童下課時間休憩活動友伴人數,都以跟二至四個同學為主。 十二、不同年級學童在室內生活休憩空間的使用頻率沒有顯著差異,而低年級學童在室外生活休憩空間的使用頻率較高。低年級學童較喜歡校園生活休憩空間,而低、中年級學童較喜歡遊戲場,高年級學童較喜歡球場。 研究者依據文獻探討與研究發現,提出下列幾點建議: 一、國民小學的教室及走廊應有生活休憩空間的規畫設計。 二、國民小學應充實遊戲場、球場及田徑場的設施。 三、大規模學校在走廊、川堂、教室、庭園、田徑場、屋頂花園內應增設休憩設施和休憩座椅,中、小規模學校也應增設川堂、交誼廳、合作社、體育館(或室內球場)、小橋、步道、球場、遊戲場、教材園、戶外劇場等生活休憩空間。 四、1990年代前的學校可考量學童的需求與意見後增設校園生活休憩空間。 五、國民小學應延長校園生活休憩空間的開放時間,以提升校園生活休憩空間的使用效能。 六、校園生活休憩空間內,應設置適當的座椅,提供學童短暫休息之用。 七、校園生活休憩空間在不影響教學活動及考量男女學童需求後做適當調整。 八、遊戲場可設置在低、中年級的教室區附近,球場則須距離教室區較遠。 九、國民小學田徑場跑道的使用效益不盡理想,規畫時可作更彈性的考量。 十、對未來相關研究的建議:(一)研究對象方面,可以國中生、學校教職員、家長、社區人士為研究對象;可做國中與國小、其他縣市學校差異比較。(二)研究內容方面,可針對空間技術、功能層面、滿意度方面進行深入探討;可比較學童晴天和雨天的使用情形、場地及活動選擇等的差異。(三)研究方法方面,除了使用文獻查詢、調查問卷、觀察等方法外,也可使用用後評估、訪談的方式來進行研究;可採用個案研究法,以深入了解校園生活休憩空間規畫及使用情形。 關鍵詞:國民小學、生活休憩、校園生活休憩空間 / The purposes of this study are to have a better understanding about current elementary school leisure space in Taipei City, to research into the differences of leisure space arrangement among different schools, to analyze elementary school students’ use of leisure space on campus as well as the opinions of them, and to propose suggestions and advice concerned, which may serve as a reference for authorities, staff concerned, and future researches. In this research, 141 municipal elementary schools are surveyed, which are categorized into six categories based on their school size and building age. In each category, one school was randomly sampled. Students in the six elementary schools are the targets of questionnaire investigation.(951 valid samples; 508 male students and 443 female students; 305 second graders; 327 fourth graders; 319 sixth graders) The study also observe about 5922 students. About the data analysis, the study used Frequency distribution, Percentile points, Cochran Q test, the Kendall coefficient of concordance, Spearman rank correlation, t-test, χ2 test, and One-way ANOVA Method. Besides, the researcher also combined many observational records and pictures. The result of the study is as below: 1.Each elementary school in Taipei has corridors, classrooms, libraries, and playgrounds. Over eighty percent of elementary schools set up courts, passages, gardens, athletic fields, and paths. Sixty percent of them are sited with eco-gardens and gymnasiums. Yet less than forty percent of them are equipped with cooperative societies, amphitheaters, lounges, lounge balconies, bridges, and roof gardens. 2.The leisure space that is mainly used by students during the break time is classrooms, corridors, playgrounds, courts and athletic fields. 3.Large size schools set up more facilities than those of middle or small size, such as passages, lounges, cooperative societies, gymnasiums, bridges, paths, gardens, courts, athletic fields, lounge balconies, and roof gardens. As to the installation of benches and facilities in leisure space on campus, there are differences among schools of different sizes. 4.Higher proportion of schools built after 1990 is sited with corridors, passages, classrooms, lounges, bridges, gardens, courts, athletic fields, amphitheaters, lounge balconies, and roof gardens than the proportion of those built before 1990. Yet the cooperative societies, gymnasiums, paths, and eco-gardens are vice versa. 5.The choice of leisure space made by students in schools of different sizes are interrelated, so as the choice of activities made by students from school of different sizes. As to the company number, students in large size schools have significant difference than students in schools of middle and small size. 6.Students in large size schools utilize indoor leisure space more frequently, while students of middle size schools utilize outdoor leisure space more frequently. Students of middle size school prefer school leisure space. 7.The choice of leisure space made by students in schools of different building age are interrelated, so as the choice of activities made by students from school of different building age. As to the company number, most students have two to four companies. There is no significant difference between those schools. 8.The frequency of indoor leisure space use of schools of different building age differs little. The frequency of outdoor leisure space use of schools built before 1990 is higher than that of schools built after 1990. There is no significant difference between students’ interests in school leisure space no matter when the school is built. 9.Male students utilize ball courts more often during the break time. It is obvious that more male students than female students choose to play balls. Generally, both male and female students have two to four companies when they do leisure activities during the break time. 10.Female students utilize indoor leisure space more frequently than male students, while male students utilize outdoor leisure space more frequently than female students. The rank of interests in school leisure space differs little between male students and female students, but male students prefer ball courts. 11.Second grade students utilize the playground more frequently, and sixth grade students utilize ball courts more frequently. Second grade students prefer to play games, and sixth grade students prefer to play balls more. The company number of students in each grade is from two to four. 12.The use frequency of indoor leisure space has no significant difference between different grades, but second grade students utilize outdoor leisure space more frequently. Second grade students prefer school leisure space. Second and fourth grade students prefer the playground, and sixth grade students prefer ball courts. According to the literature and study result, following suggestions are worth being referred: 1.Elementary schools should have leisure space in classrooms and corridors. 2.Elementary schools should increase the facilities in the playgrounds, ball courts and athletic fields. 3.Large size schools should set up more leisure facilities and benches in the corridors, passages, classrooms, gardens, athletic fields, and roof gardens; middle and small size schools should set up leisure space such as passages, lounges, cooperative societies, gymnasiums, bridges, paths, ball courts, playgrounds, eco-gardens, and amphitheaters as well. 4.Schools built before 1990 can take into consideration students’ need and opinions, and increase leisure space based on the above. 5.Elementary schools should extend the open hours of leisure space to enhance the efficacy of leisure space. 6.Proper benches should be installed in school leisure space, which enable students to take a short break. 7.Leisure space should be adjusted without affecting teaching activities and the needs of both male and female students. 8.Playgrounds can be built near the classroom of second to fourth grade students, and ball courts should be built farther from classrooms. 9.The tracks on athletic fields in elementary schools achieve little benefit. Thus, it can be rendered with more flexibility when the plan is made. Keywords: elementary school, leisure, school leisure space


Eurich, Zíngara Rocio dos Santos 04 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Angela Maria de Oliveira (amolivei@uepg.br) on 2019-02-25T23:03:33Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Zíngara Rocio dos Santos Eurich.pdf: 8759248 bytes, checksum: 68d4f63e6564948c318741b1d8432b4d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2019-02-25T23:03:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Zíngara Rocio dos Santos Eurich.pdf: 8759248 bytes, checksum: 68d4f63e6564948c318741b1d8432b4d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-09-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Após uma longa trajetória, as praças permanecem presentes no desenho urbano e no imaginário de toda a população citadina. Sem perder sua principal função, a social, são trazidas como tema dessa pesquisa, com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade destes espaços na cidade de Ponta Grossa, por meio de uma proposta metodológica. Para tanto foi necessário um levantamento bibliográfico sobre o tema além de metodologias capazes de avaliar qualiquantitativamente a arborização e infraestrutura das praças e analisar os aspectos espaciais, para que então fossem encontradas as variáveis necessárias para a composição de um Índice de Qualidade de Praças. Para se chegar ao índice final, denominado de IQP – Índice de Qualidade de Praças, foram considerados sub-índices ligados às principais funções das praças, denominados: Índice da Função Ambiental – IFA; Índice da Função Econômica – IFE e Índice da Função Social - IFS, uma vez que de acordo com a tese proposta, é o cumprimento destas funções que expressa a qualidade das praças. O intuito da pesquisa além de promover e valorizar os espaços livres públicos da cidade, sobretudo as praças, foi também apresentar o IQP como uma ferramenta de levantamento e análise dos dados. Todos os índices propostos variam de 0 a 1 e correspondem aos seguintes intervalos: 0 - 0,25 péssimo; 0,26 – 0,50 regular; 0,51 – 0,75 bom e 0,76 – 1 ótimo. Quanto aos resultados concernentes à distribuição espacial das praças verificou-se que algumas áreas consideradas pela Prefeitura Municipal de Ponta Grossa como praças se comportam como espaço sem função social direta, estas foram desconsideradas nas análises. Ao iniciar os resultados com uma análise geral das condições das praças verificou-se que há uma concentração das mesmas na área central da cidade, bem como nos bairros Uvaranas e Neves. Nas praças levantadas foram encontrados 1.936 indivíduos arbóreos dos quais 59,8% são de origem exótica. Quanto a infraestrutura, a iluminação, os caminhos e os bancos foram as estruturas mais frequentes. Quanto aos sub-índices o que obteve o maior valor foi o IFE que alcançou 0,85, o IFA alcançou 0,52 e o IFS 0,51. A partir do cálculo dos sub-índices obteve-se o IQP para a área urbana, por bairro e para cada praça. O IQP médio para as praças da cidade de Ponta Grossa resultou em 0,53, classificado como bom. O IQP mais alto foi apresentado pela praça Rotary Internacional com 0,89 e o valor mais baixo foi verificado para a praça Ambiental Jacobus Van Wilpe com 0,12. A partir dos resultados observa-se um cenário heterogêneo no que tange a qualidade desses espaços e observa-se que as variáveis da função social são as que necessitam de uma maior intervenção por parte do poder público, sendo a segurança, estética e distribuição as mais afetadas. Essas intervenções fariam com que Assim as praças conseguissem cumprir integralmente suas funções de grande importância para a população, assim como para todo o espaço urbano. / After a long trajectory, the squares remain present in the urban space and in the imaginary of the city population. Without losing its main function, the social, they are brought as a theme of this research, with the purpose of evaluating the quality of these spaces in the city of Ponta Grossa, through a methodological proposal. For this, it was necessary a bibliographic survey besides methodologies able of evaluating quantitative and quatitative the arborization and infrastructure of the squares and analyzing the spatial aspects, it was necessary found variables for the composition of a Quality Index of Squares. In order to reach the final index, denominated IQP - Quality Index of Squares, were considered sub-indices linked to the main functions of the squares, denominated: Index of the Environmental Function - IFA; IFS and Social Function Index - IFS, since according to the proposed thesis, it is the fulfillment of these functions that expresses the quality of the squares. The aim of the research, besides promoting and valuing the public spaces of the city, especially the squares, was also to present the IQP as a data collection and analysis tool. All proposed indexes vary from 0 to 1 and correspond: 0 - 0,25 bad; 0.26-0.50 regular; 0.51 - 0.75 good and 0.76 - 1 optimum. Regarding the results concerning the spatial distribution of the squares, it was verified that some areas considered by the City of Ponta Grossa as squares behave as space without direct social function, these were disregarded in the analyzes. When starting the results with a general analysis of the conditions of the squares it was verified that there is a concentration of the same in the central area of the city, as well as in the neighborhoods Uvaranas and Neves. In the squares were found 1,936 arboreal individuals of which 59.8% are of exotic origin. Infrastructure, lighting, sidewalk and banks were the most frequent structures. As for the sub-indices, the highest value was the IFE that reached 0.85 and IFA the index that obtained the lowest value, 0.52. Soon followed by the IFS with 0.51. From the calculation of the sub-indices the IQP was obtained for the urban area, by neighborhood and for each square. The average IQP for the squares of the city of Ponta Grossa resulted in 0.53, classified as good. The highest IQP was presented by Rotary Internacional with 0.89 and the lowest value was verified for Ambiental Jacobus Van Wilpe square with 0.12. From the results, a heterogeneous scenario is observed regarding the quality of these spaces and the variables require an intervention by the government, so that the squares can fully fulfill their functions of big importance for the population, as well as for all the urban space.

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