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Aktyvaus chromatino analizė žmogaus promielocitinės leukemijos HL-60 ląstelių granulocitinės analizės diferenciacijos metu / Active chromatine analysis during human promyelocytic leukemia hl-60 cell granulocytic differentiationMeržvinskytė, Rasa 08 September 2009 (has links)
Histonų potransliacinės modifikacijos sąlygoja chromatino struktūros pakitimus, lemiančius genų, atsakingų už ląstelėje vykstančių įvairių procesų, tokių kaip proliferacija, diferenciacija, apoptozė reguliavimą. Šiame darbe įvertinome chromatino baltymų, histonų H3 ir H4, modifikacijų dinamiką HL-60 ląstelėse, indukuotose granuliocitinei diferenciacijai su retinoine rūgštimi (RA) ir histonų deacetilazių slopikliais, fenilo butiratu (PB) ir vitaminu B3 (vitB3) bei jų kombinacijomis. Aktyvaus chromatino baltymų kompleksai proliferuojančiose ir diferenciacijai indukuotose ląstelėse buvo analizuojami chromatino imunoišsodinimo metodu, naudojant antikūnus prieš histonus - hiperacetilintą H4 ir trimetil-Lys4 H3, esančius aktyvaus chromatino vietose mononukleosomų frakcijoje. Atlikta baltymų, esančių komplekse su modifikuotais histonais H3 ir H4 proteominė analizė vienmatėje (SDS/PAGE) ir dvimatėje (2DE) elektroforezės sistemose. Nustatyti baltymai, sąveikaujantys su hiperacetilintu H4 ir trimetil-Lys4 H3. Tai baltymai, dalyvaujantys genų raiškos iniciavime bei chromatino modifikacijose, t.y. transkripcijos faktorius Sp1, metionino acetiltransferazė, DNR metiltransferazė ir kt. Taip pat patodyta, kad HL-60 ląstelėse p21 WAF1/CIP geno raiška priklauso nuo pasirinkto induktoriaus. Apibendrinant manome, kad poveikio variantas - 3mM PB su 5mM vit.B3 6 val., nuplovus tolesnis poveikis su 1μM RA ir 5mM vit.B3 24 val., galėtų būti tinkamas leukeminių ląstelių diferenciacinei terapijai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Recently, a novel strategy for the treatment of leukemia’s through the modulation of chromatin structure is applicable. In this study, we conducted a detailed analysis of anti-leukemia effects of histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors and their combinations with retinoic acid using human promyelocytic leukemia cell line HL-60. We have shown that HDAC inhibitors - phenyl butyrate and vitamin B3, cause rapid histone H3 and H4 modifications. Further we examined how HDACI and retinoic acid (RA) can modulate gene expression via acetylation and other modifications of histones associated with targeted genes. We performed Chip assay to identify proteins associated with hyperacetylated histone H4. Immunoprecipitated proteins were fractionated by SDS/PAGE and 2DE. Proteomic analysis was performed by using mass spectrometry (MALDI TOF and ESI MS/MS). We identified Sp1 transcriptional activation, DNA methyltransferase, methionine acetyltransferase and other proteins that were associated with modified histones H3 and H4. To evaluate the changes ofp21 gene expression affected by hyperacetylation of histone H4 during HL-60 cell granulocytic differentiation we performed PGR of active chromatin immunoprecipitated with hyperacetylated H4 by using different primers of p21 gene. In this study we have shown that p21 gene expression changes during granulocytic differentiation and depends on inducer. Our results suggest that the chromatin remodeling caused by HDAC inhibitors could be a promising... [to full text]
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White blood cell count at diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia as a prognostic factor in children treated in Lithuania and the Nordic countries / Pradinio leukocitų skaičiaus prognostinė reikšmė gydant ūmine limfoblastine leukemija sergančius vaikus Lietuvoje ir Šiaurės šalyseVaitkevičienė, Goda Elizabeta 07 November 2013 (has links)
The thesis is based on three studies in which data on children with acute lymhpblastic leukemia (ALL) treated in Lithuania or the Nordic countries were analyzed. Study I. Epidemiological and survival data of 459 children treated in Lithuania in 1992-2012 were analyzed. Children with ALL were included for the first time into international clinical trial that was conducted by pediatric oncologists in the Nordic countries. This resulted in survival improval of childhood ALL by 20% reaching results reported by large international childhood ALL study groups. Study II. Study of 2636 childhood ALL patients treated in the Nordic countries in 1992-2008 revealed significant differences in white blood cell (WBC) distribution both among different biological ALL subsets defined by immunophenotype or cytogenetical aberrations of leukemic blasts, and among patients of different age or gender. WBC remained as a risk factor to have a significantly poorer prognosis for patients with a WBC ≥100 x 109/L, but only among slow-responding patients. Study III. A population-based multicenter study of 221 children aged <15 y. with ALL and WBC ≥200x109/L at diagnosis treated in Lithuania and the Nordic countries were analyzed for early mortality and the impact of initial treatment strategy to survival. The Nordic/Baltic guidelines for initial treatment of ALL patients with hyperleukocytosis and a high risk for the development of tumor lysis syndrome (WBC ≥100 x 109/L) were conducted. / Disertacijoje nagrinėjami Lietuvoje ir Šiaurės šalyse 1992-2012 m. ūmine limfoblastine leukemija (ŪLL) sirgusių vaikų duomenys.
I tyrimas. Surinkti ir išanalizuoti 1992-2012 m. Lietuvoje gydytų ŪLL sirgusių vaikų (N=459) epidemiologija ir gydymo rezultatai, įsitraukta į tarptautinio (kartu su Šiaurės šalių vaikų onkohematologais) vaikų ŪLL gydymo protokolą. ŪLL sergančių vaikų išgyvenamumas Lietuvoje pagerėjo apie 20% ir pasiekė tarptautinį lygį.
II tyrimas. Išanalizavus Šiaurės šalyse 1992-2008 m. dėl ŪLL gydytų vaikų duomenis (N=2363) nustatytos leukeminių blastų citogenetinės aberacijos ir ligonio biologiniai veiksniai, lemiantys skirtingą LS diagnozuojant ŪLL. Nustatyta, kad LS buvo reikšmingas išgyvenamumo rizikos veiksnys tiek pre-B ŪLL, tiek T-ŪLL ligoniams, kuriems pradinis LS buvo ≥100 x 109/L, tačiau tik tais atvejais, kai atsakas į gydymą buvo lėtas.
III tyrimas. Populiaciniame tyrime išanalizuoti 1992-2011 m. Lietuvoje ar Šiaurės šalyse ŪLL sirgusių vaikų, kurių pradinis LS≥200 x 109/L, duomenys (N=221). Nustatyta, kad didelis leukocitų skaičius, o ne naviko lizės sindromas buvo pagrindinis ankstyvo mirtingumo rizikos veiksnys. Uždelstas specifinis ŪLL gydymas ar sumažintos pradinės chemopreparatų dozės galėjo turėti neigiamos reikšmės ankstyvų mirčių išsivystymui. Sudarytos bendros Baltijos ir Šiaurės šalių centrams skirtos rekomendacijos dėl pradinės ligonių su ŪLL ir hiperleukocitoze bei didele naviko lizės išsivystymo rizika (LS ≥100 x 109/L), gydymo taktikos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Pradinio leukocitų skaičiaus prognostinė reikšmė gydant ūmine limfoblastine leukemija sergančius vaikus Lietuvoje ir Šiaurės šalyse / White blood cell count at diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia as a prognostic factor in children treated in Lithuania and the Nordic countriesVaitkevičienė, Goda Elizabeta 07 November 2013 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjami Lietuvoje ir Šiaurės šalyse 1992-2012 m. ūmine limfoblastine leukemija (ŪLL) sirgusių vaikų duomenys.
I tyrimas. Surinkti ir išanalizuoti 1992-2012 m. Lietuvoje gydytų ŪLL sirgusių vaikų (N=459) epidemiologija ir gydymo rezultatai, įsitraukta į tarptautinio (kartu su Šiaurės šalių vaikų onkohematologais) vaikų ŪLL gydymo protokolą. ŪLL sergančių vaikų išgyvenamumas Lietuvoje pagerėjo apie 20% ir pasiekė tarptautinį lygį.
II tyrimas. Išanalizavus Šiaurės šalyse 1992-2008 m. dėl ŪLL gydytų vaikų duomenis (N=2363) nustatytos leukeminių blastų citogenetinės aberacijos ir ligonio biologiniai veiksniai, lemiantys skirtingą LS diagnozuojant ŪLL. Nustatyta, kad LS buvo reikšmingas išgyvenamumo rizikos veiksnys tiek pre-B ŪLL, tiek T-ŪLL ligoniams, kuriems pradinis LS buvo ≥100 x 109/L, tačiau tik tais atvejais, kai atsakas į gydymą buvo lėtas.
III tyrimas. Populiaciniame tyrime išanalizuoti 1992-2011 m. Lietuvoje ar Šiaurės šalyse ŪLL sirgusių vaikų, kurių pradinis LS≥200 x 109/L, duomenys (N=221). Nustatyta, kad didelis leukocitų skaičius, o ne naviko lizės sindromas buvo pagrindinis ankstyvo mirtingumo rizikos veiksnys. Uždelstas specifinis ŪLL gydymas ar sumažintos pradinės chemopreparatų dozės galėjo turėti neigiamos reikšmės ankstyvų mirčių išsivystymui. Sudarytos bendros Baltijos ir Šiaurės šalių centrams skirtos rekomendacijos dėl pradinės ligonių su ŪLL ir hiperleukocitoze bei didele naviko lizės išsivystymo rizika (LS ≥100 x 109/L), gydymo taktikos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The thesis is based on three studies in which data on children with acute lymhpblastic leukemia (ALL) treated in Lithuania or the Nordic countries were analyzed. Study I. Epidemiological and survival data of 459 children treated in Lithuania in 1992-2012 were analyzed. Children with ALL were included for the first time into international clinical trial that was conducted by pediatric oncologists in the Nordic countries. This resulted in survival improval of childhood ALL by 20% reaching results reported by large international childhood ALL study groups. Study II. Study of 2636 childhood ALL patients treated in the Nordic countries in 1992-2008 revealed significant differences in white blood cell (WBC) distribution both among different biological ALL subsets defined by immunophenotype or cytogenetical aberrations of leukemic blasts, and among patients of different age or gender. WBC remained as a risk factor to have a significantly poorer prognosis for patients with a WBC ≥100 x 109/L, but only among slow-responding patients. Study III. A population-based multicenter study of 221 children aged <15 y. with ALL and WBC ≥200x109/L at diagnosis treated in Lithuania and the Nordic countries were analyzed for early mortality and the impact of initial treatment strategy to survival. The Nordic/Baltic guidelines for initial treatment of ALL patients with hyperleukocytosis and a high risk for the development of tumor lysis syndrome (WBC ≥100 x 109/L) were conducted.
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Serumski adiponektin i insulinska rezistencija u febrilnoj neutropeniji kod bolesnika sa akutnom nelimfoblastnom leukemijom / Serum Adiponectin and Insulin Resistance during Febrile Neutropenia in Patients with Acute Nonlymphoblastic LeukemiaPerčić Ivanka 02 October 2015 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Febrilna neutropenija, kao prvi znak infekcije, je česta komplikacija u fazi postterapijske aplazije kostne srži u obolelih od akutne nelimfoblastne leukemije. Klinička slika febrilne neutropenije može biti suptilna, a progresija u stanje septičnog šoka znatno brža nego kod imunokompetentnih bolesnika. Rana predikcija rizika od komplikacija febrilne neutropenije i uvođenje empirijske antibiotske terapije može da poboljša prognozu bolesnika. Insulinska rezistencija, dislipidemija i inflamacija masnog tkiva se javljaju u sklopu sistemske inflamacije. Njihova uloga i značaj kao potencijalnih faktora predikcije toka i ishoda febrilne neutropenije nisu ispitani. Ciljevi istraživanja: Ustanoviti promene pokazatelja stepena insulinske senzitivnosti, ukupnog holesterola, triglicerida, HDL - holesterola, LDL - holesterola, apolipoproteina A-I, lipoproteina (a) i adiponektina pre i u fazi febrilne neutropenije kod bolesnika sa akutnom nelimfoblastnom leukemijom. Uporediti vrednosti pokazatelja stepena insulinske senzitivnosti, ukupnog holesterola, triglicerida, HDL - holesterola, LDL - holesterola, apolipoproteina A-I, lipoproteina (a) i adiponektina bolesnika sa akutnom nelimfoblastnom leukemijom pre početka febrilne neutropenije i kontrolne grupe gojaznih. Uporediti vrednosti pokazatelja stepena insulinske senzitivnosti, ukupnog holesterola, triglicerida, HDL - holesterola, LDL - holesterola, apolipoproteina A-I, lipoproteina (a) i adiponektina bolesnika sa akutnom nelimfoblastnom leukemijom u fazi febrilne neutropenije i kontrolne grupe gojaznih. Utvrditi da li su pokazatelj stepena insulinske senzitivnosti, ukupni serumski holesterol, trigliceridi, HDL - holesterol, LDL - holesterol, apolipoprotein A-I, lipoprotein (a) i adiponektin bolesnika sa akutnom nelimfoblastnom leukemijom u fazi febrilne neutropenije u korelaciji sa vrednostima parametara inflamacije, njenim tokom i ishodom. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje je sprovedeno u Klinici za hematologiju i Klinici za endokrinologiju, dijabetes i bolesti metabolizma. Obuhvatilo je 60 ispitanika, od kojih je 30 ispitanika obolelo od akutne nelimfoblastne leukemije, a 30 ispitanika je činilo kontrolnu grupu gojaznih. Nakon uključivanja u istraživanje, ispitanicima su urađeni predviđeni pregledi i laboratorijske analize u cilju procene insulinske senzitivnosti, metaboličkog statusa i serumskog adiponektina. Navedena merenja su urađena pre hemioterapije i u febrilnoj neutropeniji. Zdravstveno stanje ispitanika je praćeno do kraja prve hospitalizacije. Statistička obrada je izvršena uz pomoć statističkog paketa Statistica. Podaci su predstavljeni tabelarno i grafički, a statistička značajnost je odreĎivana na nivou p < 0.05. Rezultati: U febrilnoj neutropeniji bolesnika sa akutnom leukemijom je došlo do razvoja insulinske rezistencije (t = - 2.43, p = 0.021), dislipidemije sa značajnim sniţenjem ukupnog holesterola (t = 3.59, p = 0.0012), LDL – holesterola (t = 3.56, p = 0.0013) i apoA – I (t = 2.27, p = 0.03). Oboleli od akutne nelimfoblastne leukemije u febrilnoj neutropeniji su razvili metaboličke promene viđene kod gojaznih osoba sa insulinskom rezistencijom. Nastanak i progresija insulinske rezistencije je bila u pozitivnoj korelaciji sa fibrinogenom kao pokazateljem težine inflamacije (r = 0.59, p < 0.05) dok je apoA - I negativno korelirao sa CRP (r = - 0.37, p < 0.05). Ispitanici sa nižom insulinemijom i vrednostima HDL - holesterola pre hemoterapije su imali značajno bolji tok febrilne neutropenije (t = -2.38, p = 0.024 vs. t = - 2.87, p = 0.007). Ispitanici sa većim indeksom telesne mase (BMI) i obimom struka imali su povoljniji ishod febrilne neutropenije (r = - 0.47, p < 0.05 vs. r = - 0.40, p < 0.05). Drugi pokazatelji insulinske senzitivnosti, metaboličkog statusa i adiponektin nisu značajno uticali na tok i ishod febrilne neutropenije. Normalna telesna masa pre hemioterapije, a u febrilnoj neutropeniji temperatura u trajanju dužem od 7 dana, niže vrednosti MASCC indeksa rizika, više vrednosti CRP, više vrednosti adiponektina, niže vrednosti Lp(a) i komplikovan tok febrilne neutropenije su bili prediktori lošije prognoze febrilne neutropenije. Zaključak: Pored klasičnih hematoloških parametara potrebno je uzeti u obzir antropometrijske karakteristike, redistribuciju masne mase, disfunkcionalnost masne mase, insulinsku rezistenciju i metaboličke parametre u cilju praćenja i predviđanja mogućih komplikacija i komorbiditeta.</p> / <p>Introduction: Febrile neutropenia is a common complication in posttreatment aplasia in patients with acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia. Its clinical manifestation can be subtle. However, it can progress to septic shock more quickly than in immunocompetent patients. Early prediction of complications and recognition of risk factors can improve outcome. Systemic inflammation is characterized by insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and adipocyte dysfunction. However, their importance in predicting complications and outcome of febrile neutropenia is not entirely known.<br />Aims: To determine changes in HOMA-IR, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL - cholesterol, LDL - cholesterol, apolipoprotein A-I, lipoprotein (a) and adiponectin in patients before chemotherapy and during febrile neutropenia. To compare HOMA-IR, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL - cholesterol, LDL - cholesterol, apolipoprotein A-I, lipoprotein (a) and adiponectin in patients before chemotherapy and the obese. To compare HOMA-IR, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL - cholesterol, LDL - cholesterol, apolipoprotein A-I, lipoprotein (a) and adiponectin in patients during febrile neutropenia and the obese. To determine whether HOMA-IR, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL - cholesterol, LDL - cholesterol, apolipoprotein A-I, lipoprotein (a) and adiponectin in febrile neutropenia are in correlation with the severity of the infection, appearance of complications and outcome. Materials and methods: The study was conducted at the Clinic for hematology and Clinic for endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolic disorders. 60 patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were included in the study. 30 patients had acute leukemia, and 30 were obese. Clinical and laboratory examination to assess insulin sensitivity, metabolic disorders and adiponectin was done before chemotherapy and during febrile neutropenia. Patients were followed up until the end of the first hospitalization. Data were analyzed with Statistica software and presented in tables and graphs. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05. Results: During febrile neutropenia, patients with acute leukemia developed insulin resistance (t = - 2.43, p = 0.021), alongside significant decline of total cholesterol (t = 3.59, p = 0.0012), LDL – cholesterol (t = 3.56, p = 0.0013) and apoA – I (t = 2.27, p = 0.03). In acute inflammation, metabolic changes in patients with acute leukemia resembled those in the obese with insulin resistance. HOMA-IR values were in positive correlation with fibrinogen (r = 0.59, p < 0.05) whereas apoA-I was in negative correlation to CRP (r = - 0.37, p < 0.05). Patients with higher body mass index and waist circumference had better course and outcome of febrile neutropenia (r = - 0.47, p < 0.05 vs. r = - 0.40, p < 0.05). Patients with lower insulin levels and HDL - cholesterol prior to chemotherapy had a significantly better course of febrile neutropenia (t = -2.38, p = 0.024 vs. t = - 2.87, p = 0.007). Other parameters of insulin sensitivity, metabolic status, and adiponectin did not influence the course and outcome of inflammation significantly. Normal body weight, duration of febrile neutropenia for longer than 7 days, lower MASCC risk index, higher CRP and adiponectin, low Lp(a) in febrile neutropenia and a complicated course od febrile neutropenia were predictors of a worse outcome. Conclusion: Besides known hematological risk factors for complications in febrile neutropenia, anthropometric characteristics, fat mass distribution and disfunction, insulin resistance and metabolic parameters are useful predictors of the course and outcome of febrile neutropenia.</p>
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Klinički i prognostički značaj ekspresije gena EVI1 u akutnoj mijeloidnoj leukemiji / Clinical and Prognostic Significance of EVI1 Expression in Acute Myeloid LeukaemiaSekulić Borivoj 11 December 2015 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Akutna mijeloidna leukemija (AML) predstavlja heterogenu grupu oboljenja u odnosu na morfologiju, citogenetiku, molekularnu genetiku, zbog čega se deli na različite kliničke i biološke entitete, sa različitim odgovorom na terapiju i ishodom lečenja. Humani EVI1 (ecotropic virus integration-1) gen ima ulogu multifunkcionalnog nuklearnog transkripcionog faktora, kako u normalnoj tako i u malignoj hematopoezi. Sve je više istraživanja koja ističu negativni prognostički značaj visoke ekspresije (overexpression) EVI1 gena u AML. CILJEVI: Ciljevi ovog istraživanja su da se ispita klinički i prognostički značaj ekspresije gena EVI1 u AML, kao i da se utvrdi povezanost visoke ekspresije gena EVI1 sa nalazima citogenetskog ispitivanja i molekularnim markerima: FLT3 mutacijom i nukleofozmin 1 (NPM1) mutacijom. MATERIJAL I METODE: Ovim prospektivnim istraživanjem je obuhvaćena grupa od 38 odraslih novodijagnostikovanih bolesnika sa de novo, non M3 AML, kod kojih je započeto standardno lečenje, a koji su dijagnostikovani i lečeni u Klinici za hematologiju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u periodu od jula 2012. do marta 2014. Određivanje ekspresije gena EVI1 je vršeno pomoću real time kvantitativne PCR (qPCR) metode, tehnikom TaqMan, a relativna ekspresija EVI1 gena je određena primenom ΔΔCt metode. REZULTATI: Medijana starosti bolesnika pri postavljanju dijagnoze AML je bila 52 godine (23-80). Ustanovljena je statistički značajna razlika između ekspresije gena EVI1 kod zdravih osoba (kontrolna grupa) i obolelih od akutne mijeloidne leukemije (p=0.008). Računajući relativnu ekspresiju, 13,2 % bolesnika je imalo visoku ekspresiju (overexpression) gena EVI1. U odnosu na kliničke i laboratorijske karakteristike bolesnika (kao što su pol, starost, parametri krvne slike, nivo laktat dehidrogenaze, procenat blasta u perifernoj krvi i koštanoj srži, potom tip akutne mijeloidne leukemije, performans status, komorbiditetni indeks) nije ustanovljena statistički značajna razlika između bolesnika sa visokom ekspresijom EVI1 gena i ostalih bolesnika. Postoji statistički značajna povezanost visoke ekspresije EVI1 gena i nepostojanja NPM1 mutacije (p=0,031), kao i između visoke ekspresije EVI1 gena i prisustva monozomije 7 (p=0,047). Visoka ekspresija EVI1 gena je povezana sa kraćim preživaljvanjem bez dogaĎaja (p=0,004), kao i sa kraćim ukupnim preživljavanjem (p=0,025). ZAKLJUČCI: Postoji značajno povećana ekspresija gena EVI1 kod obolelih od AML u odnosu na zdrave kontrole. Visoka ekspresija EVI1 gena je faktor loše prognoze kod obolelih od akutne mijeloidne leukemije i u kombinaciji sa drugim prognostičkim markerima, doprinosi boljoj risk stratifikaciji ovih bolesnika.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) represents a heterogenous group of diseases in terms of morphology, cytogenetics, molecular genetics, so it can be divided into distinct clinical and biological entities, with variable responsiveness to therapy and different treatment outcome. Human EVI1 (ecotropic virus integration-1) gene plays a role of multifunctional nuclear transcriptional factor, not only in normal, but also in malignant haematopoiesis. There are more and more investigations indicating high EVI1 expression (EVI1 overexpression) as a negative prognostic marker in AML. PURPOSES: The main goal of this investigation was to examine the clinical and prognostic significance of EVI1 expression in AML, as well as to investigate whether there was any association of EVI1 overexpression with cytogenetic abnormalities and other standard molecular prognostic factors, such as FLT3 mutation and nucleophosmin 1 (NPM1) mutation. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This prospective study included 38 adult newly diagnosed patients with de novo nonM3 AML, in whom a standard treatment was started at Clinic of Haematology, Clinical center of Vojvodina in the period from July 2012 to March 2014. EVI1 expression was analyzed by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction using TaqMan, and relative EVI1 expression was determined by ΔΔCt method. RESULTS: Median age of patients at diagnosis was 52 (aged 23-80). There has been determined statistically higher EVI1 expression in our AML patients than in healthy volunteers (control group) (p=0.008). The relative EVI1 overexpression was observed in 13.2% of the patients. No significant differences in clinical and laboratory patient data (including sex, age, whole blood counts, lactate dehydrogenase level, peripheral and bone marrow blast percentages, type of AML, performance status, comorbidity index) were observed between patients with high EVI1 expression and patients without high EVI1 expression. Our investigation revealed inverse correlation of high EVI1 expression and nucleophosmin 1 mutation (p=0,031). Also high EVI1 expression was significantly associated with monosomy 7 (p=0,047). Survival analysis revealed significantly inferior event free survival (p=0,004) and overall survival (p=0,025) for patients with high EVI1 expression compared to the other patients. CONCLUSION: EVI1 expression is significantly higher in AML patients compared to healthy controls. High EVI1 expression is a poor prognostic marker for patients with AML, and in combination with other well established prognostic markers, contributes to better risk stratification of these patients.</p>
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