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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Francouzská deminutiva v lexikografické tradici (16.-18. století) / French deminutives in lexicographic tradition (16th - 18th centuries)

Šikýřová, Barbora January 2012 (has links)
This thesis treats the tendencies in the development of diminutives in French dictionaries between 1539 and 1787. In this period develop both French lexicography, a new linguistic discipline, and French language. Diminutives belong to the set of words that were declassificated during the 17th century and were estimated as undesirable for the speech of an honest man - "honnte homme", eventhough these were relatively appreciated in the previous century. On the basis of research we present diminutives that occur in seven lexicographic works (in the dictionaries from Robert Estienne, Jean Nicot, Randle Cotgrave, Pierre Richelet, Antoine Furetire, French Academy and Abbé Féraud). Thus we are able to observe the stability of particular diminutives as well as the category as a whole. If we encounter the deminutive form in the dictionories from the end of the 17th and 18th centuries, it is very likely to be the case of a lexicalised diminutive, independent on the previously diminuted word. In parallel to that, we also deal with comments - marque d'usage - that generally detach diminutives out of bon usage. The occurence of synthetical diminutives, their partial extinguishment and substitution by analytical diminutives reflect the degradation of diminutive derivation in the speech of classical France and...

Srovnávací aspekty lotyšského a českého lexikonu (Materiály k sestavení lotyšsko-českého slovníku) / Comparative aspects of Latvian and Czech lexicons: Materials for assembling a Latvian- Czech dictionary

Škrabal, Michal January 2016 (has links)
Title: Comparative aspects of Latvian and Czech lexicons: Materials for assembling a Latvian-Czech dictionary Autor: Mgr. Michal Škrabal Department: Institute of the Czech National Corpus Supervisor: prof. PhDr. František Čermák, DrSc. The primary aim of this work is to classify the Latvian lexicon, or better its relevant segment, into individual groups, definable semantically, grammatically, syntagmatically, pragmatically, and so on, and to attempt to find for these classifications an ideal method of lexicographical adaptation and apply it to an emerging Latvian-Czech dictionary (the very first manual of its type). To this end, modern instruments were utilized which, in the recent past, have radically altered the methodology of lexicographical work: on the one hand, the linguistic corpora, which nowadays represent authentic, linguistic usage and, on the other hand, the specialized lexicographic software TshwaneLex, in which a lexical database of Latvian is constructed and from which the dictionary itself will be subsequently constructed. Because of the limited size of the Latvian corpus it was not possible to completely eliminate traditional sources, and the author of the work was forced to consolidate traditional and modern lexicographical methods. His primary source however remained the corpus...

Teoretické problémy španělské lexikografie / Theoretical problems of Spanish lexicography

Johnová, Barbara January 2012 (has links)
The master's thesis Theoretical Problems of Spanish Lexicography introduces issues associated with creating general monolingual dictionaries. The thesis has two main objectives. Firstly, it aims to summarise the most frequent lexicographic issues and attempt to find their suitable solutions in practice through an analysis of significant research studies dealing with this subject. The issues have been divided into two groups depending on whether they regard the macrostructure (collection of dictionary entries) or microstructure (collection of headword information). As for the macrostructure, one of the main issues is posed by determining the criteria for the selection of dictionary entries. Modern descriptive lexicography considers lexical unit usage frequency to be the main criterion. The macrostructure of general monolingual dictionaries should generally not include proper nouns while productive affixes and affixoids, phraseological units with a high degree of idiomaticity, abbreviations and frequently used neologisms should be included. The thesis also explores the issue of distinguishing between cases of homonymy and polysemy and its impact on lexicographic practice. The chapter on microstructure focuses primarily on the issues of constructing lexicographic definitions with user...

Kapesní česko-francouzské slovníky: výběr hesel vs. frekvence lemmat v korpusu / Czech-French pocket dictionnaries: choice of entries vs. lemma frequency in corpora

ANTOŠOVÁ, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to critically evaluate the set of chosen dictionaries, concretely the set of five Czech-French contemporary pocket dictionaries. The evaluation concerns not only the overall composition but mainly the choice of respective entries in order to determine to which extent they satisfy supposed users and meet their requirements. The data are analyzed from the point of view of frequency based on the chosen corpus as well as from the point of view of potential user's needs. Besides the study, the present dissertation also includes the theoretical part which presents typology of dictionaries and the key terms from the field of lexicography are explained. This part also focuses on questions concerning dictionary composition. Furthermore the chapters about corpuses and frequency dictionaries are included. The theoretical observations from the first part are taken into consideration in the second part as well as in the overall evaluation of results.

Helvetismy v současném úzu a jejich lexikografické zpracování / Current use of helvetisms and their lexicographic treatment

Štrachová, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide an overview of currently used helvetisms in the field of cuisine and eating. In the initial part, a concept of German as a pluricentric language is introduced, followed by a description of the language situation in the German speaking Switzerland and basic characteristics of the Swiss variety. Five sources were analyzed, besides other things also a journal of a Switzerland-based Germanist and business company Migros' product database. Internet was used as a linguistic corpus in order to provide an analysis tool next to the selected dictionaries. Ascertained helvetisms were assessed on the basis of their existing lexicographic form and the degree of their intelligibility for other German speaking countries speakers. Selected helvetisms were processed as dictionary entries for the emerging Large German-Czech Academic Dictionary. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Heimat : Diachrone Analyse eines Lexems in einsprachigen deutschen Wörterbüchern (1877-2017)

Feldwisch, Ortrun January 2017 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden Artikel des Lexems Heimat aus bekannten einsprachigen deutschen Wörterbüchern unterschiedlichen Ausgabedatums (1877 bis 2017) auf Bedeutungsveränderungen untersucht. Als Referenzrahmen wurden die von Andrea Bastian 1995 in ihrem Buch „Der Heimat-Begriff“ entwickelten Bereiche Alltagsbereich (geografisches, soziales und emotionales Element) und die Verwendungsbereiche des Rechts, der Politik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Religion verwendet. Diese Verwendungsbereiche sind bereits 1877 nachweisbar. Ab 1969 wird Heimat in der ersten Teilbedeutung nicht nur mit dem geografischen sondern auch mit dem emotionalen Element des Alltagsbereichs beschrieben. Die zweite Teilbedeutung enthält den naturwissenschaftlichen Bereich. Die Bereiche des Rechts und der Politik werden in Verwendungsbeispielen dargestellt, wobei der Inhalt gesellschaftliche Änderungen spiegelt. Der religiöse Bereich ist bis 1969 vertreten, verschwindet 1977 bis 2006 und wird 2011 wieder aufgegriffen.

Problematika úzce specializovaného technického překladu: elektronický slovník odborných termínů z oblasti moderních střelných zbraní, munice a jejich příslušenství. / Problems of narrowly specialized technical translation: electronic dictionary of technical terms related to modern firearms, ammunition and their accessories

SEDLÁČEK, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This master´s thesis collects vocabulary from the field of modern firearms and their accessories in English and Czech languages and forms it into a dictionary which compares the specialized translation with the translation that is provided by a technical dictionary. The theoretical part focuses on explaining the basic terminology from the field of lexicography, it introduces a brief look at the development and typology of dictionaries and the process of forming a dictionary. Detailed examination of technical and electronic dictionaries is provided and description of the specific aspects of firearm terminology. The practical part presents the specialized resources used in this work, the process of creating and layout of the dictionary which is the final product of this thesis. The conclusion summarizes the difference between the basic translation and the specialized translation and gives evidence of these differences by providing examples from the created dictionary.

Frazémy ve dvojjazyčném slovníku / Phrasemes in a Bilingual Dictionary

Ježková, Jaroslava January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with area of set phrasemes processing in dictionary, specifically processing of somatisms. The thesis consists of theoretical and practical part. The aim of theoretical part is phraseology in general, phrasemes (occasionally phraseologisms) and their application in Czech and German linguistics. Field of phrasemes like somatisms in order to language unit character is taken into account in the first section as well as dependence of phrasemes like their meaning explanation on the context in which they appear. Furthermore, there are listed and described main phrasemes characteristics which distinguish them from other language phenomenons. Conclusion of theoretical part analyzes area of corpus linguistics and its application based on corpus and co-occurrence analysis. Built on first part of thesis, practical part deals with processing of somatisms in bilingual dictionary particularly in lexicography point of view whereas proposal of specific solutions are given. As the attachment there are processed results of search into database input which may be considered as a part of bilingual dictionary. Keywords: phrasem, bilingual dictionary, corpus lexicography, corpus analysis, somatism

Lexikografické zpracování zájmen / Lexicographical treatment of pronouns

Kroutilová, Kamila January 2019 (has links)
The present thesis is based on lexicographic processing of pronouns for the Large German- Czech Academic Dictionary (VNČAS). Its aim is to identify processing problems in selected dictionaries in the area of pronouns. Based on the dictionary entries proposed for VNČAS will be demonstrated a possible solution to these problems. The identified problems relate to the following areas: grammar in the dictionary, selection of example sentences, dictionary criminality, and user-friendliness of the dictionary. Key Words: lexicography, pronouns, contemporary German, corpus linguistics, grammar

K integraci frazémů do všeobecného a frazeologického německo-českého slovníku z kontrastivního a korpusově lingvistického hlediska. / On the Integration of Fixed Expressions and Idioms into German-Czech Dictionary and the Dictionary of Phraseology from the Contrastive and Language Corpora Perspectives.

Hejhalová, Věra January 2012 (has links)
The present thesis is concerned with the issues of phraseology against the background of lexicographical processing with the use of corpus based research. Using a comprehensive set of idiomatic expressions containing the names of animals, discrepancies and particularities of contemporary phraseographical descriptions are studied. The idiomatic expressions are subjected to the analyses within the German Corpus DeReKo and their Czech equivalents in the Czech Corpus ČNK. This is followed by critical evaluation of the existing lexicographical work in the selected dictionaries. The thesis aims to give a new insight into the issues of idiomatic expressions processing in the bilingual dictionary under the influence of new data gained from corpora based studies.

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