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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Civilinės atsakomybės draudimo sutarčių ypatumai ir jų įgyvendinimo problemos / Civil Liability Insurance Contract Features and Implementation Issues

Vegys, Šarūnas 07 February 2011 (has links)
Civilinės atsakomybės draudimo sutarčių institutas yra sąlyginai nauja sritis civiliniuose teisiniuose santykiuose. Kai kurie tokių sutarčių probleminiai aspektai išryškėja tik taikant konkrečias sutartis praktikoje, todėl šalyse kaip Lietuva, kur draudimo teisės tradicijos nėra labai gilios, šio instituto ypatumai ir įgyvendinimo problemos yra ganėtinai aktualūs. Nors CAD sutarties samprata atskleista pakankamai išsamiai, teisės mokslininkai iki šiol vieningai nesutaria dėl šios rūšies draudimo sutarčių prigimties, draudiminiams įvykiams taikomų kriterijų bei pačių santykio dalyvių teisių ir pareigų apimties pagal CAD sutartį. Nesant išsamaus teisinio reglamentavimo teismams tenka vadovautis bendraisiais civilinės teisės principais, o tokia praktika, nors ir pasiekusi aukščiausios instancijos teismus, neišvengia subjektyvaus atskirų situacijų vertinimo. CAD sutarties aiškinimas teismuose, kai silpnesnioji sandorio šalis, sudariusi sutartį prisijungimo būdu, yra neadekvačiai griežtai saugoma nuo ekonomiškai stipresnės šalies įtakos, neatsižvelgiant į CAD sutarties sąlygas, galų gale atsisuka prieš pačią silpnesniąją šalį. Siekiant išvengti tokios praktikos bei įtvirtinti kokybiškai vertingą CAD sutarčių taikymą, būtina atsižvelgti į šio instituto specifinį draudimo objektą – draudėjo interesą apsidrausti nuo galimos rizikos, susijusios su prievolės trečiajam asmeniui įvykdymu ir iš to kilusių pasekmių. Tik įvertinus CAD sutarčių ypatumus galima pasiekti sąžiningą ir teisinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Civil liability insurance contracts institute is a relatively new field of civil legal relations. Some of the problematic aspects of such contracts are revealed only under practice, and so in countries such as Lithuania, where tradition of insurance law is not very intense, the institute features and implementation issues are quite relevant. Although the concept of CAD contract disclosed in sufficient detail, law scientists still do not agree unanimously on the nature of insurance contracts, criteria applicable to the occurrences and the amount of rights of the participants under the CAD contract. In the absence of a comprehensive legal framework, courts have to follow general principles of civil law and even the supreme instance courts cannot avoid the subjective evaluation of individual situations. CAD contract interpretation in courts, where a weaker party of the contract is inadequately strictly protected from economically stronger party influence regardless to the terms of the contract, will eventually turn against the weaker party itself. In order to avoid such practice and establish valuably qualified application of CAD contracts, must take into account the specifics of the object of institute - policyholders interest to insure the risks associated with obligations to a third party and the performance of the resulting consequences. Only when the features of the CAD contracts are evaluated we are able to achieve a fair and on the base of the legal state established... [to full text]

Selected legal aspects of liability insurance

Jacobs, Wenette 01 1900 (has links)
Liability insurance concerns an insured’s insurance of its legal liability towards a third party for the latter’s loss. This specialised type of insurance is rather neglected in South African insurance law. There is a lack of understanding of the intricacies of liability insurance and its unique challenges. This flows primarily from its complex nature as third-party insurance, which involves legal obligations between multiple parties, and a lack of statutory regulation of the distinctive contractual aspects of liability insurance. Furthermore, limited authority exists on contentious legal aspects as a result of the relatively small number of judicial decisions in this field of law. It is also evident that liability insurance constantly evolves as new grounds of liability emerge and new insurance products develop in response to the changing demands of society. The rise of consumerism and the increase in third-party claims amplify the economic significance of the law of liability insurance in South Africa. A substantial knowledge gap remains in our jurisprudence, irrespective of the recent introduction of new statutory instruments aimed at regulating insurance practice in general. These reforms have not as yet been applied critically to liability insurance, and no specialised legislation in South Africa regulates aspects of this branch of insurance as is the case with microinsurance. The focus in this thesis is on two main issues: the insurer’s duty effectively to indemnify the insured, and the insurer’s defence and settlement of third-party claims brought against the insured. As a subsidiary theme, this thesis analyses legal uncertainties that may persist during pre-contractual negotiations, the liability insurance contract lifecycle, and even after the expiry of the contract. Legal challenges can be addressed by novel and creative application of the national law. Potential solutions can be gleaned from the other progressive jurisdictions reviewed – English and Belgian law. It is evident that this research may prompt Parliament to develop specific rules and regulations for liability insurance contract law. This thesis includes a check list of some of the most important disclosure duties for procuring liability insurance cover, its operation, and claims processes. / Mercantile Law / LL.D.

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