Spelling suggestions: "subject:"licenses"" "subject:"vicenses""
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Comparison of Open Source License Scanning ToolsZhang, Hailing January 2020 (has links)
We aim to determine the features of four popular FOSS scanning tools, FOSSology,FOSSA, FOSSID(SCAS), and Black Duck, thereby providing references for users tochoose a proper tool for performing open-source license compliance in their projects.The sanity tests firstly verify the license detection function by using the above tools toscan the same project. We consider the number of found licenses and scanned sizes asmetrics of their accuracy. Then we generate testing samples in different programminglanguages and sizes for further comparing the scanning efficiency. The experiment datademonstrate that each tool would fit different user requirements. Thus this project couldbe considered as a definitive user guide.
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Open Source Software Licenses Impact on BusinessesCarlsson, Oscar, Sjölinder, Hampus January 2023 (has links)
Open source licensing has a significant impact on the choice of business model for companies in the software industry. Permissive open source licenses provide greater flexibility in commercial use and distribution, while restrictive licenses limit revenue generation potential. Understanding the nuances of different open source licenses and complying with licensing requirements is crucial for companies seeking to navigate the complex world of open source licensing and maximize the benefits of open source software.Companies that can successfully navigate the complex world of open source licensing and business model choice can achieve competitive advantage and long-term success in the software industry. The objective of this thesis is to examine the impact of open source licenses on businesses and delve into how they can shape the choice of utilizing open source software, as well as their implications for business operations. We conduct a literature study and complement it with an empirical study to provide a more complete understanding of the subject. The empirical study enables us to fill in the gaps in our research and compare and validate our findings. Our findings demonstrates the significant impact that licenses can have on a business, highlighting the importance of understanding them for those utilizing open source software. While our results show that the use of open source software does not necessarily limit monetization, there can be restrictions on how products can be monetized. We discovered that the multi-licensing model, which combines an open source license with a proprietary license, can be a viable option for navigating these restrictions.
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A Survey of the Membership of the Florida Public Relations Association on the Question of Licensing Public Relations PractitionersFloyd, Jean G. 01 January 1982 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Licensure and the dental marketChoby, Willeam A. 28 July 2010 (has links)
The dental profession in the United States has a history of organized activity designed to secure a market protected from outsiders. The development of this phenomenon follows a course that has paralleled that of the other licensed professions. The ultimate capture of the official blessings of the state by the argument of professional competency in the name of the public interest placed the profession in firm control of the dental market. The gatekeepers are dentists who control the market with the authority of the state police powers via the licensure process. These boards have executive, legislative and judicial authority granted by state legislatures in order to protect the interests of the public's dental health. However, the inflation rate of dental fees above the general inflation rate over the past several years suggests that the market has not been behaving in a competitive fashion. The decline in the incidence of dental caries coupled with an oversupply of dentists caused by the Congressional intervention of the 1960s and early 70s, has caused a financial crunch for the private practitioner. Meanwhile, emergent technology has created a market outside of the traditional political hierarchy, that threatens the authoritative structure of the profession. The processes of a simultaneous scientific and economic revolution poses an enormous threat to the status quo. The conflict has been drawn to the public forum of the state dental boards. Unfortunately, the government's goal of affordable, quality dental care for its citizens had been supplanted by "turf" battles, restricted market access and manpower mobility. The state dental boards have lost sight of their mission; to protect the public interest in the marketplace. / Master of Arts
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An Analysis of the Relationship of the Organizational Setting to Success Rate on the Licensure Examination in Forty Nursing SchoolsMcElroy, Margaret McClusky 05 1900 (has links)
An exploratory study was undertaken to develop an organizational profile of forty nursing schools in the midwest and southern regions and to provide useful data for planning decisions. Data were obtained through mailed questionnaires and telephone interviews. The dependent variable is success rate on the licensure examination; the independent variables are ten organizational characteristics of nursing schools. The data were examined by descriptive statistics, Pearson correlations, and multiple regression analysis, using a .05 level of significance.
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Autorské právo ve školách / Copyright law in schoolsKoberová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
This thesis covers the topic of copyright law in schools. It is an overview of the usage of the copyright law, especially in the practice of pupils, students, teachers and other pedagogical workers. It tries to present an integrated overview of basic rules which can be used in the educational process in the areas of creation of an original work, licenses, non-contractual usage of the original works and the liabilities for breaching the copyright law. It covers the situations when the pupils, students, teachers and other pedagogical workers are the creators of an original work as well as cases when these people want to use original works created by others. A part of this thesis are comments from practice and findings based on surveys and discussions with the pupils and pedagogical staff.
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Internet ve vztahu informační vědy a práva / The Internet in relation to Information Science and LawFáberová Slušná, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the analysis of the effect of selected elements of public licenses on increasing the quality of information published in the informational environment of the internet. The objective of the thesis is to ascertain whether there is a real effect on the quality of information in the internet environment through improvements in the quality of the sources of such information, as well as the reflection of the results of the conducted analysis within the obligatory informational education in the Czech Republic. In the first section, the work deals with the copyright aspects relating to the analyzed issue and defines, from a legal standpoint, the individual components of the information environment being analyzed - the internet, the participants of the informational process, the information and the options of dealing with them. In the subsequent section, the matter of licenses is presented, with a focus on the issue of public licenses in general, as well as specific selected license types constituting a potential platform for qualified informational behavior. The last section of the thesis summarizes the results of qualitative research of the effect of licensing policy on the informational environment of the internet through the application of public licenses. The results of such...
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Zákonné licence s přihlédnutím ke sportovním přenosům / Statutory licenses with reference to the broadcasting of sports eventsŠrámková, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
Statutory licenses with reference to the broadcasting of sports events This thesis is focused on the topic of statutory licenses with reference to the broadcasting of sports events. As mentioned right at the beginning of the thesis, the statutory licenses belong together with the free use and compulsory licenses to the extra-contractual institutes. They enable any third person, while meeting statutory requirements, the use of a copyright work or a subject-matter of related rights without a consent of the rightholder. The main reason why they were introduced into the international, European and national legal systems, was especially the endeavour to achieve a fair balance of rights and interests between different categories of rightholders and users of protected subject-matters. The crucial document on the European level in the field of treatment of exceptions and limitations to the rights is the Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society which provides a comprehensive list of one mandatory and twenty facultative exceptions and limitations, as well as the so-called three-step test. This Directive is closely discussed throughout the whole thesis. Nevertheless, the...
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Licenças compulsórias e direitos autorais / Compulsory licenses and copyrightLeonardi, Fernanda Stinchi Pascale 04 April 2014 (has links)
Defende a compatibilidade de licenças compulsórias com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e indica hipóteses em que esse instituto poderia ser implementado no Brasil. Para tanto, analisa as licenças compulsórias para obras intelectuais previstas no Direito Internacional e no Direito Estrangeiro, bem como os institutos assemelhados que também permitem o uso de obras intelectuais sem a prévia e expressa autorização dos titulares de direitos autorais, mediante garantia da justa remuneração a esses titulares, apresentando justificativas fundadas no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro para a adoção de alguns desses regimes no Brasil. Identifica dois grupos de licenças compulsórias: um justificado diretamente pelas necessidades culturais e educacionais de países em desenvolvimento, e outro fruto de razões econômicas e práticas, especialmente da impossibilidade de obtenção de autorização individualizada de todos os titulares de direitos autorais das inúmeras obras a serem usadas, por exemplo, no rádio, no televisão, e, atualmente, pela Internet. A primeira parte da obra esclarece que a licença compulsória é um instituto mais conhecido no âmbito do Direito de Patentes do que no Direito Autoral, enquanto a segunda parte apresenta um breve panorama histórico da origem das licenças compulsórias para obras intelectuais. A terceira parte da obra apresenta as licenças compulsórias para tradução, para reprodução, para gravação de obras sonoras e para radiodifusão previstas na Convenção de Berna e na legislação de diversos países estrangeiros. Apresenta, ainda, as soluções estrangeiras para questões de obras órfãs e de uso privado, as quais incluem a adoção de licenças compulsórias ou de institutos assemelhados (direitos de remuneração e licenças coletivas estendidas). Na quarta parte, verifica-se que o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro reconhece a necessidade de balanceamento de direitos constitucionais e a necessidade de impedir o abuso de direito, apresentando o instituto das licenças compulsórias para obras intelectuais como um instrumento para atingir esses objetivos. Em seguida, são avaliados os artigos das duas versões do Anteprojeto de Reforma da Lei de Direitos Autorais que mencionam as licenças compulsórias, indicando-se as possibilidades de melhoria em tais dispositivos. A quinta parte da obra distingue as licenças compulsórias de outros institutos conhecidos no Direito Brasileiro e indica, ao final, sua natureza jurídica. A sexta parte analisa a veiculação de obras por meio da Internet e traz propostas de implementação de regimes de licenças compulsórias no Brasil como aprimoramento à atual estruturação do Direito Autoral brasileiro. Conclui que as licenças compulsórias são sistemas de gestão dos direitos autorais, inexistindo impedimento para a sua instituição no Brasil, especialmente como uma forma de solução aos desafios enfrentados pelo Direito Autoral no tocante à veiculação de obras pela Internet, defendendo a instituição de um ônus geral transitório até que se possa estabelecer uma licença legal definitiva para usos não comerciais e de um sistema duplo para usos comerciais: instituição de licenças obrigatórias para as hipóteses autorizadas pela Convenção de Berna e de licenças coletivas estendidas para as demais hipóteses de usos comerciais. / The work defends the compatibility of compulsory licenses with the Brazilian legal system and indicates cases in which the institute could be implemented in Brazil. It analyzes the compulsory licenses of intellectual works under international law and foreign law, as well as the similar institutes that also allow the use of intellectual works without the prior written consent of the copyright holders, by ensuring fair compensation to such holders, presenting justifications founded in Brazilian law for the adoption of some of these schemes in Brazil. It identifies two groups of compulsory licenses: one directly justified by the cultural and educational needs in developing countries, and another by economic and practical reasons, especially the impossibility of obtaining individual consent from all copyright holders of the numerous works to be used, for example, on radio, on television, and nowadays, on the Internet. The first part explains that compulsory licensing is a widely known institute for the Patent Law and less known for the Copyright Law, while the second part provides a brief historical overview of the origin of compulsory licenses of intellectual works. The third part introduces compulsory licenses provided in the Berne Convention and in some foreign countries for translation, for reproduction, for recording and for broadcasting. It also presents foreign solutions to orphan works and private use issues, which include the adoption of compulsory licenses or similar schemes (right to compensation and extended collective licensing). In the fourth part, it is shown that Brazilian law recognizes the need for balancing constitutional rights and the need to prevent abuse of law, presenting the institute of compulsory licenses to intellectual works as a tool to achieve these goals. Then, the two versions of the Draft Bill to reform the Brazilian Copyright Act that mention compulsory licenses are reviewed to point out possible improvements in such provisions. The fifth part of the work distinguishes compulsory licensing of other known institutes in Brazilian law and indicates its legal nature. The sixth section analyzes the transmission of works through the Internet and it brings proposals for implementation of compulsory licensing regimes in Brazil as an improvement to the current structure of the Brazilian Copyright Law. The work concludes that compulsory licenses are copyright management systems, whose implementation is compatible with the Brazilian legal system, especially as a form of solution to the challenges faced by Copyright Law regarding the transmission of works over the Internet, advocating the creation of a general, transient, levy until a definitive legal license can be established a for non-commercial uses and a dual system for commercial uses: imposition of compulsory licenses for the cases permitted by the Berne Convention and of extended collective licenses for other commercial uses.
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The predictive value of SAT and NLN-PNG scores for success on State Board Test Pool ExaminationNation, Sue 03 June 2011 (has links)
The problem examined in this study was the relationship between the SAT and NLN-PNG scores and success rate on SBTPE. This predictive study utilized an ex post facto approach. This investigator obtained administrative permission to utilize the data from the files at this diploma school of nursing. The convenience method of nonprobability sampling included the scores of graduates in the years 1977 through 1981. Pearson correlation coefficients were computed for the predictor variables with each of the five SBTPE and the mean, indicating a moderate positive linear relationship. Correlation coefficients and simple regression analysis indicated that the SAT combined score and NLN-PNG combined score was somewhat of a predictive measure of SBTPE success at the time of admission to the program, while the multiple regression analysis indicated that a better combination of predictor variables for SBTPE success was the SAT combined score and the NLN-PNG composite score.Ball State UniversityMuncie, IN 47306
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