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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A generative-transformational analysis of the plots of Limba (West Africa) dilemma tales /

Gugelchuk, Gary Michael January 1985 (has links)
No description available.

A social life of seeds : local management of crop variability in north-western Sierra Leone

Longley, Catherine Ann January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

The Limba of Sierra Leone with special reference to their folktales or 'oral literature'

Finnegan, Ruth H. January 1963 (has links)
The thesis is an annotated edition of Limba folktales or "oral literature". This is unusual in recent British anthropology in spite of the earlier interest in the subject, mainly because of the reaction against evolutionism, and the more recent structuralist and functionalist approach. Various approaches to folktales and myth are laid aside as irrelevant or unhelpful. The senses in which linguistic, structural and, in particular, sociological approaches are relevant to the present study are discussed, and various criticisms made of the narrowness or misleading implications of the more recent "sociological" attitudes to oral literature in non-literate societies. The present approach is to treat such material as having the status of literature ("oral literature"), rather than as being in some way utilitarian, and to relate the stories to their social background, discuss their contents, categories, delivery, and narrators systematically, and discover something of what they mean to those telling and hearing them.

Fundamental concepts of Limba traditional religion and its effects on Limba Christianity and vice versa in Sierra Leone in the past three decades

Conteh, Prince Sorie 30 June 2004 (has links)
This study is the product, chiefly, of fieldwork, undertaken in Sierra Leone, which sought to interview and experience contemporary Limba religio-cultural practices. Using a systematic approach, the goal was to provide a broader understanding of Limba religion, as well as to discover the effect of Limba religiosity, and the tenacity with which the Limba hold to their culture and religion, on the National Pentecostal Limba Church (NPLC) over the past three decades. The study begins with an introduction, which outlines its objectives and structure, the research methods, and its general outline. This is followed by a basic introduction to the socio-history of the Limba people, their origin, environment, language, politics, economy and other socio-cultural characteristics, in order to provide an understanding of the background on which their religion is formed. The heart of the study is a detailed examination of Limba religious beliefs and their intersection with Christianity. It includes a definition of Limba religion and its components. This seeks to identify the current state of Limba religion amidst the changes it has experienced and continues to experience as a result of internal and external influences, and to provide a template for this study, an analysis of the Limba belief in a supreme creator God whom they call Kanu Masala, his epithets, attributes and activities, Limba worship and worship methods, the Limba understanding of the spirit world, humankind, sin and salvation, and the roles of sacred specialists. The study concludes with an examination of the causes of the tenacious loyalty with which some Limba Christians hold to their traditional religious beliefs and practices, their reluctance to part with them, and the effects of their dual religiosity on the NPLC, as well as the church's response, and the resulting reciprocal effects over the past three decades in Sierra Leone. This study fills a gap in the extant literature about the ethno-theological landscape of Sierra Leone, and provides a detailed study on the intersection of African Traditional Religion and Christianity. / Systematic Theology & Theological Ethics / D.Th. (Systematic Theology)

Fundamental concepts of Limba traditional religion and its effects on Limba Christianity and vice versa in Sierra Leone in the past three decades

Conteh, Prince Sorie 30 June 2004 (has links)
This study is the product, chiefly, of fieldwork, undertaken in Sierra Leone, which sought to interview and experience contemporary Limba religio-cultural practices. Using a systematic approach, the goal was to provide a broader understanding of Limba religion, as well as to discover the effect of Limba religiosity, and the tenacity with which the Limba hold to their culture and religion, on the National Pentecostal Limba Church (NPLC) over the past three decades. The study begins with an introduction, which outlines its objectives and structure, the research methods, and its general outline. This is followed by a basic introduction to the socio-history of the Limba people, their origin, environment, language, politics, economy and other socio-cultural characteristics, in order to provide an understanding of the background on which their religion is formed. The heart of the study is a detailed examination of Limba religious beliefs and their intersection with Christianity. It includes a definition of Limba religion and its components. This seeks to identify the current state of Limba religion amidst the changes it has experienced and continues to experience as a result of internal and external influences, and to provide a template for this study, an analysis of the Limba belief in a supreme creator God whom they call Kanu Masala, his epithets, attributes and activities, Limba worship and worship methods, the Limba understanding of the spirit world, humankind, sin and salvation, and the roles of sacred specialists. The study concludes with an examination of the causes of the tenacious loyalty with which some Limba Christians hold to their traditional religious beliefs and practices, their reluctance to part with them, and the effects of their dual religiosity on the NPLC, as well as the church's response, and the resulting reciprocal effects over the past three decades in Sierra Leone. This study fills a gap in the extant literature about the ethno-theological landscape of Sierra Leone, and provides a detailed study on the intersection of African Traditional Religion and Christianity. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Systematic Theology)

« Un sac de riz vide ne tient pas debout » : dynamiques agraires régionales et marginalisation de la paysannerie sierra-léonaise / « An empty bag cannot stand upright » : local agrarian dynamics and marginalisation of the peasantry in Sierra Leone

Palliere, Augustin 02 July 2014 (has links)
En Sierra Leone, la marginalisation de l'agriculture est une composante essentielle de la crise économique, sociale et politique dont la manifestation la plus tragique a été la guerre civile entre 1991 et 2001. À l'échelle nationale, le secteur agricole représente toujours la majorité des actifs, mais la production alimentaire a chuté depuis les années 1970. Parallèlement au développement du secteur diamantifère, les importations massives de riz à bas coût, ont dévalorisé le travail des producteurs nationaux. Cette marginalisation se poursuit avec l'émergence, récente, d'un secteur agro-industriel financé par des capitaux internationaux.A l'échelle d'une petite région, cette crise des agricultures paysannes se décline selon une trajectoire spécifique. La diversité de la mosaïque paysagère témoigne de la transformation profonde des modes d'exploitation du milieu. Les paysans combinent la culture sur brûlis historique avec la riziculture inondée, le billonnage des savanes, les plantations pérennes, … La pression démographique a pesé sur ces dynamiques mais c'est la marchandisation des rapports sociaux qui a constitué la tendance déterminante. Les grands groupes domestiques, structurés par les rapports lignagers, ont éclaté. Aujourd'hui, les échanges de force de travail entre producteurs sont à l'origine de disparités économiques non négligeables. Cependant, dans des conditions d'intégration économique défavorables, la productivité du travail a stagné voire à reculé. De ce fait, la persistance de rapports sociaux d’antériorité, notamment l'adoption enfantine comme modalité d'accumulation, limite les processus de différenciation au sein de la paysannerie. / In Sierra Leone, the marginalization of the agriculture is inherent to the economic, social and political crisis that embroiled the country into a tragic civil war between 1991 and 2001. While, at the national scale, the agricultural sector still represents the larger part of the workforce, the food production has declined since the 1970s. Massive low cost rice imports, fuelled by the development of the diamond industry, have devalued the work of the national producers. Such marginalization continues with the recent emergence of agro-industrial units financed by international capitals.At the regional scale, the crisis of the peasant agriculture has followed a specific trajectory. The diversity of the landscape mosaic reflects the profound changes that affected the farming systems. Local farmers combine the historical slash and burn farming with swamp rice cropping, mounds cropping in savannah and tree plantations. Even if population pressure has impacted these dynamics, it is the commodification of social relations that was the decisive trend. The large domestic groups, structured by lineages, have broken up. Nowadays the labor exchanges between producers explain significant economic disparities. However, under unfavorable economic integration conditions, labor productivity has stagnated or even declined. Then, the persistence of social relations of precedence, including child fosterage as a form of accumulation, restricts the scope of the differentiation processes within the peasantry.

" Un sac de riz vide ne tient pas debout ". Dynamiques agraires régionales et marginalisation de la paysannerie sierra-léonaise.

Palliere, Augustin 02 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
En Sierra Leone, la marginalisation de l'agriculture est une composante essentielle de la crise économique, sociale et politique dont la manifestation la plus tragique a été la guerre civile entre 1991 et 2001. À l'échelle nationale, le secteur agricole représente toujours la majorité des actifs, mais la production alimentaire a chuté depuis les années 1970. Parallèlement au développement du secteur diamantifère, les importations massives de riz à bas coût ont dévalorisé le travail des producteurs nationaux. Cette marginalisation se poursuit avec l'émergence, récente, d'un secteur agro-industriel financé par des capitaux internationaux. A l'échelle d'une petite région, cette crise des agricultures paysannes se décline selon une trajectoire spécifique. La diversité de la mosaïque paysagère témoigne de la transformation profonde des modes d'exploitation du milieu. Les paysans combinent la culture sur brûlis historique avec la riziculture inondée, le billonnage des savanes, les plantations pérennes, ... La pression démographique a pesé sur ces dynamiques mais c'est la marchandisation des rapports sociaux qui a constitué la tendance déterminante. Les grands groupes domestiques, structurés par les rapports lignagers, ont éclaté. Aujourd'hui, les échanges de force de travail entre producteurs sont à l'origine de disparités économiques non négligeables. Cependant, dans des conditions d'intégration économique défavorables, la productivité du travail a stagné voire à reculé. De ce fait, la persistance de rapports sociaux d'antériorité, notamment l'adoption enfantine comme modalité d'accumulation, limite les processus de différenciation au sein de la paysannerie.

The place of African traditional religion in interreligious encounters in Sierra Leone since the advent of Islam and Christianity

Conteh, Prince Sorie 30 April 2008 (has links)
This study which is the product of library research and fieldwork seeks, on account of the persistent marginalisation of African Traditional Religion (ATR) in Sierra Leone by Islam and Christianity, to investigate the place of ATR in inter-religious encounters in the country since the advent of Islam and Christianity. As in most of sub-Saharan Africa, ATR is the indigenous religion of Sierra Leone. When the early forebears and later progenitors of Islam and Christianity arrived, they met Sierra Leone indigenes with a remarkable knowledge of God and a structured religious system. Successive Muslim clerics, traders, and missionaries were respectful of and sensitive to the culture and religion of the indigenes who accommodated them and offered them hospitality. This approach resulted in a syncretistic brand of Islam. In contrast, most Christian missionaries adopted an exclusive and insensitive approach to African culture and religiosity. Christianity, especially Protestantism, demanded a complete abandonment of African culture and religion, and a total dedication to Christianity. This attitude has continued by some indigenous clerics and religious leaders to the extent that Sierra Leone Indigenous Religion (SLIR) and it practitioners continue to be marginalised in Sierra Leone's inter-religious dialogue and cooperation. Although the indigenes of Sierra Leone were and continue to be hospitable to Islam and Christianity, and in spite of the fact that SLIR shares affinity with Islam and Christianity in many theological and practical issues, and even though there are many Muslims and Christians who still hold on to traditional spirituality and culture, Muslim and Christian leaders of these immigrant religions are reluctant to include Traditionalists in interfaith issues in the country. The formation and constitution of the Inter-Religious Council of Sierra Leone (IRCSL) which has local and international recognition did not include ATR. These considerations, then beg the questions: * Why have Muslim and Christian leaders long marginalised ATR, its practices and practitioners from interfaith dialogue and cooperation in Sierra Leone? * What is lacking in ATR that continues to prevent practitioners of Christianity and Islam from officially involving Traditionalists in the socio-religious development of the country? Muslim and Christians have given several factors that are responsible for this exclusion: * The prejudices that they inherited from their forebears * ATR lacks the hallmarks of a true religion * ATR is primitive and economically weak * The fear that the accommodation of ATR will result in syncretism and nominalism * Muslims see no need to dialogue with ATR practitioners, most of whom they considered to be already Muslims Considering the commonalities ATR shares with Islam and Christianity, and the number of Muslims and Christians who still hold on to traditional spirituality, these factors are not justifiable. Although Islam and Christianity are finding it hard to recognise and include ATR in interfaith dialogue and cooperation in Sierra Leone, ATR continues to play a vital role in Sierra Leone's national politics, in the search and maintenance of employment, and in the judicial sector. ATR played a crucial part during and after the civil war. The national government in its Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) report acknowledged the importance and contribution of traditional culture and spirituality during and after the war. Outside of Sierra Leone, the progress in the place and level of the recognition of ATR continues. At varying degrees, the Sociétié Africaine de Culture (SAC) in France, the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC), the Vatican, and the World Council of Churches, have taken positive steps to recognise and find a place for ATR in their structures. Much about the necessity for dialogue and cooperation with ATR can be learnt in the works and efforts of these secular and religious bodies. If nothing else, there are two main reasons why Islam and Christianity in Sierra Leone must be in dialogue with ATR: * Dialogue of life or in community. People living side-by-side meet and interact personally and communally on a regular basis. They share common resources and communal benefits. These factors compel people to be in dialogue * Dual religiosity. As many Muslims and Christians in Sierra Leone are still holding on to ATR practices, it is crucial for Muslims and Christians to dialogue with ATR practitioners. If Muslims and Christians are serious about meeting and starting a process of dialogue with Traditionalists, certain practical issues have to be considered: * Islam and Christianity have to validate and accept ATR as a true religion and a viable partner in the socio-religious landscape of Sierra Leone * Muslims and Christians must educate themselves about ATR, and the scriptures and teachings of their respective religious traditions in order to relate well with Traditionalists These are starting points that can produce successful results. Although at present Muslims and Christians in Sierra Leone are finding it difficult to initiate dialogue and cooperation with Traditionalists, all hope is not lost. It is now the task of the established IRCSL to ensure the inclusion of ATR. Islam and Christianity must remember that when they came as strangers, ATR, played host to them and has played and continues to play a vital role in providing hospitality, and allowing them to blossom on African soil. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D.Litt. et Phil. (Religious Studies)

The place of African traditional religion in interreligious encounters in Sierra Leone since the advent of Islam and Christianity

Conteh, Prince Sorie 30 April 2008 (has links)
This study which is the product of library research and fieldwork seeks, on account of the persistent marginalisation of African Traditional Religion (ATR) in Sierra Leone by Islam and Christianity, to investigate the place of ATR in inter-religious encounters in the country since the advent of Islam and Christianity. As in most of sub-Saharan Africa, ATR is the indigenous religion of Sierra Leone. When the early forebears and later progenitors of Islam and Christianity arrived, they met Sierra Leone indigenes with a remarkable knowledge of God and a structured religious system. Successive Muslim clerics, traders, and missionaries were respectful of and sensitive to the culture and religion of the indigenes who accommodated them and offered them hospitality. This approach resulted in a syncretistic brand of Islam. In contrast, most Christian missionaries adopted an exclusive and insensitive approach to African culture and religiosity. Christianity, especially Protestantism, demanded a complete abandonment of African culture and religion, and a total dedication to Christianity. This attitude has continued by some indigenous clerics and religious leaders to the extent that Sierra Leone Indigenous Religion (SLIR) and it practitioners continue to be marginalised in Sierra Leone's inter-religious dialogue and cooperation. Although the indigenes of Sierra Leone were and continue to be hospitable to Islam and Christianity, and in spite of the fact that SLIR shares affinity with Islam and Christianity in many theological and practical issues, and even though there are many Muslims and Christians who still hold on to traditional spirituality and culture, Muslim and Christian leaders of these immigrant religions are reluctant to include Traditionalists in interfaith issues in the country. The formation and constitution of the Inter-Religious Council of Sierra Leone (IRCSL) which has local and international recognition did not include ATR. These considerations, then beg the questions: * Why have Muslim and Christian leaders long marginalised ATR, its practices and practitioners from interfaith dialogue and cooperation in Sierra Leone? * What is lacking in ATR that continues to prevent practitioners of Christianity and Islam from officially involving Traditionalists in the socio-religious development of the country? Muslim and Christians have given several factors that are responsible for this exclusion: * The prejudices that they inherited from their forebears * ATR lacks the hallmarks of a true religion * ATR is primitive and economically weak * The fear that the accommodation of ATR will result in syncretism and nominalism * Muslims see no need to dialogue with ATR practitioners, most of whom they considered to be already Muslims Considering the commonalities ATR shares with Islam and Christianity, and the number of Muslims and Christians who still hold on to traditional spirituality, these factors are not justifiable. Although Islam and Christianity are finding it hard to recognise and include ATR in interfaith dialogue and cooperation in Sierra Leone, ATR continues to play a vital role in Sierra Leone's national politics, in the search and maintenance of employment, and in the judicial sector. ATR played a crucial part during and after the civil war. The national government in its Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) report acknowledged the importance and contribution of traditional culture and spirituality during and after the war. Outside of Sierra Leone, the progress in the place and level of the recognition of ATR continues. At varying degrees, the Sociétié Africaine de Culture (SAC) in France, the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC), the Vatican, and the World Council of Churches, have taken positive steps to recognise and find a place for ATR in their structures. Much about the necessity for dialogue and cooperation with ATR can be learnt in the works and efforts of these secular and religious bodies. If nothing else, there are two main reasons why Islam and Christianity in Sierra Leone must be in dialogue with ATR: * Dialogue of life or in community. People living side-by-side meet and interact personally and communally on a regular basis. They share common resources and communal benefits. These factors compel people to be in dialogue * Dual religiosity. As many Muslims and Christians in Sierra Leone are still holding on to ATR practices, it is crucial for Muslims and Christians to dialogue with ATR practitioners. If Muslims and Christians are serious about meeting and starting a process of dialogue with Traditionalists, certain practical issues have to be considered: * Islam and Christianity have to validate and accept ATR as a true religion and a viable partner in the socio-religious landscape of Sierra Leone * Muslims and Christians must educate themselves about ATR, and the scriptures and teachings of their respective religious traditions in order to relate well with Traditionalists These are starting points that can produce successful results. Although at present Muslims and Christians in Sierra Leone are finding it difficult to initiate dialogue and cooperation with Traditionalists, all hope is not lost. It is now the task of the established IRCSL to ensure the inclusion of ATR. Islam and Christianity must remember that when they came as strangers, ATR, played host to them and has played and continues to play a vital role in providing hospitality, and allowing them to blossom on African soil. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D.Litt. et Phil. (Religious Studies)

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