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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessment of human resources records management practices in the Limpopo Department of Agriculture

Legodi, Koena Olivia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research study assessed records management practices in the Limpopo Department of Agriculture (LDA), with the focus being on human resources records. Human resources records management practices were assessed in four key performance areas, namely: policy and regulatory framework, storage requirements, integrity of paper-based and electronic records, and efficiency and effectiveness of the registry system. The assessment tool, as prescribed in the Best Practice Model for Keeping and Managing Paper-Based Employee Records, was used. Research findings showed that LDA's performance in terms of records management practices do not comply with the set policies and regulatory framework and that the storage conditions are insecure. Research findings were evaluated and possible strategies for improving the management of human resources records are recommended. The adoption of awareness campaigns for staff, a coordinated training programme as well as the provision of support of top management, are some of the strategies recommended. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie navorsingstudie is rekords van bestuurpraktyke in die Limpopo Departement van Landbou (LDL) geassesseer, met die fokus op menslikehulpbronrekords. Die menslikehulpbronrekords is geassesseer op grond van vier kernprestasie-areas, naamlik die beleids- en regulatoriese raamwerk, bergingsvereistes, integriteit van papiergebaseerde en elektroniese rekords, en doeltreffendheid en effektiwiteit van die registerstelsel. Die assesseringstelsel soos voorgeskryf deur die Best Practice Model for Keeping and Managing Paper-Based Employee Records is gebruik. Navorsingsbevindings het getoon dat die LDL se prestasie ten opsigte van rekordbestuurpraktyke nie voldoen aan beleide nie en dat ‟n regulatoriese raamwerk en veilige bergingstoestande nie bestaan nie. Navorsingsbevindings is geëvalueer en moontlike strategieë om die bestuur van menslikehulpbronrekords te verbeter, is aanbeveel. Die ingebruikneming van bewusmakingsveldtogte vir personeel, 'n gekoördineerde opleidingsprogrm en ook die verskaffing van steun deur topbestuur is van die strategieë wat aanbeveel word.

An evaluation of the impact of community participation and multi-organisational partnerships on the implementation of sector policing in the rural areas of the Limpopo Province

Baloyi, Nyiketani Jackson 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sector Policing is understood to be a relatively new community-based policing approach that finds its initial mandate in the National Instruction 3 of 2009, of the South African Police Service (SAPS). This said National Instruction states that community participation and partnership policing can be promoted through Sector Policing. The mandate for the implementation of the principle of Sector Policing also flows from section 205 (3) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. The significant part of this study is that it provoked an interest in Sector Policing, both within the SAPS and the community; and it attracted a large number of participants. The IAP2 Public Participation Model regarding community participation as discussed by Theron, Ceaser and Davids (2007:8), adapted from the International Association for Public Participation (2007) can play an important role in the implementation of Sector Policing. Sector Policing has been found to fail where there is no community participation or multi-organisational partnerships. The study focused on the Limpopo Province in order to encourage the effective implementation of Sector Policing in rural areas. The study targeted twelve (12) stations out of ninety five (95) police stations found in all the five (5) districts of the Limpopo Province in order to cover a wider policing spectrum, and ensure a representative sample. The study has found that Sector Policing could be better implemented if the project management approach can be adopted in order to carry out work in terms of timeframes, and ensure monitoring as demonstrated in Chapter 5 (Figure 5.2). The study recommended the introduction of implementation teams to oversee the implementation of Sector Policing at provincial, cluster and station levels. A quarterly multi-organisational forum has been proposed to ensure sustainable community participation. Community participation in policing is entrenched in sections 18 to 23 of the South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act 68 of 1995), the White Paper on Safety and Security (1998) and the National Crime Prevention Strategy (1996). The most recent community participation model, especially category C (levels 7-9), which is positioned to empower the community as “the influencer, director, controller and owner” of both decision-making processes is also recommended as a vehicle for effective community participation in Sector Policing (Gwala Participation Model). Monitoring, evaluation and feedback have been identified as effective tools to ensure the effective implementation of Sector Policing, which is currently lacking. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sektorpolisiëring blyk ‘n relatief nuwe gemeenskapsgebaseerde polisiebenadering te wees wat sy aanvanklike mandaat in Nasionale Instruksie 3 van 2009 van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) vind. Die vermelde nasionale instruksie stel dit duidelik dat gemeenskapsdeelname en vennootskapspolisiëring deur Sektorpolisiëring bevorder kan word. Die mandaat vir die implementering van die beginsel van Sektorpolisiëring spruit ook uit onderafdeling 205 (3) van die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika (1996). Die beduidende deel van hierdie studie is dat dit belangstelling in Sektorpolisiëring ontlok het, beide binne die SAPD en die gemeenskap, en dit het ook ‘n groot aantal deelnemers gelok. Die IAP2 openbare deelnamemodel met betrekking tot gemeenskapsdeelname, soos bespreek deur Theron, Ceaser en Davids (2007:8), wat van die Internasionale Vereniging rakende Openbare Deelname (2006) aangepas is, kan ‘n belangrike rol vertolk in die implementering van Sektorpolisiëring. Daar is bevind dat Sektorpolisiëring ‘n mislukking blyk te wees wanneer gemeenskapsdeelname of multi-organisatoriese vennootskappe afwesig is. Die studie is gerig op die Limpopo Provinsie ten einde die doeltreffende implementering van Sektorpolisiëring in plattelandse gebiede aan te moedig. Die studie het gesentreer op twaalf (12) polisiestasies uit die vyf en negentig (95) wat in die vyf (5) distrikte van die Limpopo Provinsie bestaan ten einde ‘n breër polisiëringspektrum te dek en om ‘n verteenwoordigende monster te verseker. Die studie het bevind dat Sektorpolisiëring beter geïmplementeer sou kon word indien die projekbestuurbenadering toegepas word, so dat werk in terme van tydsraamwerke uitgevoer kan word, en monitering te kan verseker soos in Hoofstuk 5 (Figuur 5.2) gedemonstreer is. Die studie het die aanbeveling gedoen dat implementeringspanne ingestel word om toesig te hou oor die implementering van Sektorpolisiëring op provinsiale, groep- en stasievlak. ‘n Kwartaallikse multi-organisatoriese forum is voorgestel om volhoubare gemeenskapsdeelname te verseker. Gemeenskapsdeelname in polisiëring is verskans in onderafdelings 18 tot 23 van die Suid Afrikaanse Polisiedienswet, 1995 (Wet 68 van 1995), die Witskrif oor Veiligheid en Sekuriteit (1998) en die Nasionale Misdaadvoorkomingstrategie (1996). Die mees onlangse gemeenskapsdeelnamemodel, veral kategorie C (vlakke 7-9 ) wat geposisioneer is om die gemeenskap te bemagtig as “die beinvloeder, direkteur, beheerder en eienaar” van besluitnemingsprosesse, word ook as ‘n middel vir doeltreffende deelname aan Sektorpolisiering aanbeveel (Gwala deelnamemodel). Monitering, evaluering en terugvoer is geidentifiseer as doeltreffende wyses om die effektiewe implementering van Sektorpolisiering te verseker, en dat dit juis die` is wat op die’ oomblik ontbreek.

A review of the alignment between the Integrated Development Plan and the performance management system of Capricorn District Municipality

Khumalo, Ngwadeni Nompumelelo Yvonne 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Local government in South Africa is mandated by legislation to develop an Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and a performance management system to direct and ensure the delivery of services to the communities that the municipalities serve. The implementation of performance management systems to plan, monitor and evaluate service delivery is not a new concept for the public sector. The development of the IDP and performance management system is an integrated process that requires municipalities to be able to align the planning, monitoring and evaluation processes. These processes should be undertaken to ensure that there is improved provision of service delivery. If planning processes fail to integrate performance management in the IDP and Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plan (SDIBP), monitoring and evaluation processes will not inform the affected municipalities on areas that must be improved to achieve better service delivery. In South Africa the importance of implementing a performance management system that is aligned with the IDP is enshrined in local government legislation. The implementation of the legislation to realise alignment is achieved through a systematic approach that starts with the way in which a municipality is institutionally arranged to promote performance, as well as the processes of developing the IDP as set objectives, key performance indicators and targets, and undertaking monitoring and evaluation processes to measure whether the IDP objectives and key performance indicators are achieved. The research is a case study reviewing the alignment of the IDP and performance management system of the Capricorn District Municipality (CDM). The study used purposive sampling and literature review to investigate the extent to which the IDP and performance management systems of CDM are aligned. The study recommends improvements that the CDM can implement to align the IDP and performance management system better based on the policy and legislative framework requirements for integrated development planning and performance management. It also suggests processes to develop the IDP and performance management system of the CDM and assesses the extent to which the CDM performance management system aligns with, and monitors and evaluates the IDP. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Plaaslike regering in Suid-Afrika word deur wetgewing bemagtig om ‘n Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan [GOP] en prestasiebestuurstelsel te ontwikkel om rigting te gee en sodoende dienslewering aan die munisipaliteite wat hulle bedien, te verseker. Die implementering van prestasiebestuurstelsels om dienslewering te beplan, monitor en evalueer is nie ‘n nuwe konsep in die publieke sektor nie. Die ontwikkeling van die GOP en prestasiebestuurstelsel is ‘n geïntegreerde proses wat munisipaliteite in staat stel om die beplanning, monitering en evaluering in lyn met mekaar te stel. Hierdie prosesse moet onderneem word om verbeterde diensliewering te verseker. Indien beplanningsprosesse faal om prestasiebestuur te integreer met die GOP en die Dienslewering- en Begrotingsimplementeringsplan [DLBIP], sal monitorings- en evalueringsprosesse nie die betrokke munisipaliteit kan inlig rakende areas wat moet verbeter om beter dienslewering te bereik. In Suid-Afrika is die belangrikheid om ‘n prestasiebestuurstelsel te implementer wat in lyn is met die GOP, vasgelê in plaaslike bestuur wetgewing. Die implementering van die wetgewing om inskakeling te realiseer word bereik deur ‘n sistimatiese benadering wat begin by die manier waarop ‘n munisipaliteit institusioneel gerat is om prestasie te bevorder sowel as die prosesse vir ontwikkeling van die GOP as ‘n stel vasgestelde doelwitte, sleutel prestasie indikators en teikens en dan die moniterings- en evaluasieprosesse om te meet of die GOP doelwitte en sleutel prestasie indikators wel behaal is. Die navorsing is ‘n gevalle studie wat die integrasie tussen die GOP en prestasiebestuurstelsel van die Capricorn Distrik Munisipaliteit (CDM) ontleed. Die studie gebruik doelgerigte steekproewe en literêre oorsig om die omvang van integrasie tussen CDM se GOP en prestasiebestuurstels te ondersoek. Die studie beveel verbeterings aan wat die CDM kan implementeer om integrasie tussen die GOP en prestasiebestuurstelsel te verbeter, gebaseer op die beleid en wetgewende raamwerk vereistes vir geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsbeplanning en prestasiebestuur. Verder stel dit ook prosesse voor vir die ontwikkeling van die GOP en prestasiebestuurstelsel by CDM en bereken die omvang waartoe die CDM se prestasiebestuurstelsel inskakel met die GOP en dit ook moniteer en evalueer.

The role of the community in supporting schools in dealing with selected community based problems

Mabade, Avhurengwi Samson 12 1900 (has links)
On t.p.: MPhil in Education (Education and Training for Lifelong Learning) / Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the South African Schools Act, the principles of partnership and co-operation are strongly emphasised. The community is given authority by the Department of Education to support the school. This research is focused on the role of the community in supporting schools in dealing with community-based problems such as drug abuse and poverty. The aims of this research were to determine ways and means in which the relationship between the community and the school could be promoted, to investigate how the community supports the school in dealing with community-based problems and to find ways and means by which the school can involve the community. In this research quantitative and qualitative methodologies were used to collect the data. Questionnaires were used as quantitative technique while interviews were used as qualitative technique. Questionnaires were completed by the learners from the four selected schools within the Khakhu community, educators from the same four schools, and community members. The respondents for each of the three groups were selected randomly. The quantitative data was processed using the statistical package for the social sciences. The quantitative data was broken down into its constituent parts to enable the researcher to find answers to the research questions. The qualitative data was reduced by breaking it down into categories and by finding trends and clusters of responses. The findings of the research revealed that drug abuse is a problem for both the community and the school. Schools alone cannot deal with drug abuse without the involvement of parents. It has been found that there are parents who do not want to visit the schools even when invited. Most of the community members do not know that the smooth running of a school and good learners' performance result from community involvement in school affairs. If the community could be involved in school activities, some of the community-based problems could be minimised or prevented. The community and the school are two inter-dependent structures, which should support each other. The community and the school should work together. The research indicated that both the community and the school are ready to support each other. A strong relationship between the community and the school is a possible solution to the problems of drug abuse and poverty. The principle of partnership and co-operation are part of the solution to the problem. Educators should encourage the community to participate in the smooth running of the school. They should also recognise the importance of the community in dealing with community-based problems. Sound relationships between the community and the school should be promoted. Some of the recommendations in this research could help the community and the school in dealing with these community-based problems. Therefore, the community should support schools in dealing with community-based problems. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse Skolewet beklemtoon die beginsels van vennootskap en samewerking baie sterk. Daar word deur die Departement van Onderwys aan die gemeenskap 'n mandaat gegee om die skool te ondersteun deurdat die skool in der waarheid deur die gemeenskap besit word. Die fokus van hierdie navorsing is op die rol wat die gemeenskap kan speel om aan skole ondersteuning te gee om gemeenskapsgebaseerde probleme soos dwelmmisbruik en armoede te hanteer. Die doel van die navorsing is om metodes en middele te vind waardeur die verhouding tussen die skool en die gemeenskap verbeter kan word, om vas te stel hoe die gemeenskap die skool ondersteun in die hantering van gemeenskapsgebaseerde probleme en om metodes en middele te vind waardeur die skool groter gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid kan verkry. In hierdie navorsing is kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe metodes gebruik om data te genereer en in te samel. Om kwantitatiewe data te genereer en te versamel is van vraelyste gebruik gemaak terwyl onderhoude gebruik is om kwalitatiewe data te genereer en in te samel. Die teikengroep wat gebruik is om die vraelyste te voltooi het bestaan uit leerders en opvoeders van vier geselekteerde skole in die Khaku-gemeenskap asook lede van daardie gemeenskap. Die respondente vir elk van hierdie drie groepe is ewekansig gekies. Die Statistiese Pakket vir die Sosiale Wetenskappe (SPSS) is gebruik om die data te verwerk. Die kwantitatiewe data is verdeel in verbandhoudende dele ten einde die navorser in staat te stelom antwoorde op die navorsingsvrae te vind. Die kwalitatiewe data wat verkry is uit die onderhoude is gekodifiseer en in verbandhoudende kategorieë verdeel sodat tendense uit die data verkry kon word. Die bevindinge van die navorsing het bevestig dat dwelmmisbruik 'n probleem vir beide die skool en die gemeenskap is. Die skool kan nie alleen teen hierdie euweloptree as die ouers en dus die gemeenskap nie ook betrokke is nie. Ouerbetrokkenheid by die sake van die skool is 'n probleem, want ouers het aangedui dat hulle nie betrokke wil raak by die skool nie, selfs al word hulle genooi. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat die meeste lede van die gemeenskap nie besef dat die gladde funksionering van die skool en goeie prestasie deur die leerders afhanklik is van die gemeenskap se betrokkenheid by skoolaangeleenthede nie. Indien die gemeenskap betrokke kan raak by skoolaktiwiteite, kan sommige gemeenskapsgebaseerde probleme ten minste voorkom of tot 'n minimum beperk word. Die gemeenskap en die skool is interafhanklik en behoort mekaar te ondersteun en saam te werk. Die bevindinge van die navorsing dui daarop dat die skool en die gemeenskap gereed is om mekaar te ondersteun. 'n Gesonde verhouding tussen die skool en die gemeenskap is 'n moontlike oplossing vir die probleme van dwelmmisbruik en armoede. Die beginsel van vennootskap en samewerking maak deel uit van hierdie oplossing. Opvoeders behoort gemeenskapsbetrokkeneheid by die gladde funksionering van die skool aan te moedig en erkenning te gee aan die belangrike bydrae wat die gemeenskap kan lewer in die hantering van gemeenskapsgebaseerde probleme. Gesonder verhoudings van samewerking en ondersteuning tussen die skool en die gemeenskap moet voortdurend aangemoedig word. Sommige van die aanbevelings wat in hierdie navorsing gemaak word, kan die skool en die gemeenskap help om gemeenskapsgebaseerde probleme te hanteer, en die gemeenskap moet die skool bystaan en ondersteun in die hantering van hierdie probleme.

The role of school management teams in cultivating moral purpose in Limpopo secondary schools

Ramalepe, Matome Liphy 08 1900 (has links)
In the twenty-first century, many educational systems are embracing a new paradigm of educational management that utilises team management in schools. The democratic nature of this notion in South Africa involves the use of School Management Teams (SMTs). Reflecting on this movement, this research explored the capacity of these SMTs to cultivate moral purpose in six purposively sampled schools in Limpopo Province. The data collection methods included a series of semi-structured interviews with SMT members, examination of relevant documents, and scheduled observations. The data from the interviews was transcribed manually and this, together with document analysis and scheduled observations, was analysed in three interrelated stages using the four research questions as guides (Miles & Huberman, 1994). The research highlighted that the moral purpose is a relatively new concept to the majority of SMTs. Only a few school managers presented explicit references to the notion, perceiving it as a “compelling moral imperative” or “moral goal of achievement” or “whole-school vision for academic success” or simply “respect”. Notwithstanding the different perceptions, this moral purpose is directed towards raising the level of learner achievement and it is realised when the SMTs articulate the values of commitment, discipline and responsibility. The SMTs members affirmed their commitment to various aspects of instructional leadership. Furthermore, teamwork exemplified in participative decision-making was highlighted as a notion that enhances learner achievement. The findings also affirmed the opportunities that shared leadership offered schools to share moral purpose. However, the findings also enumerate lack of parent involvement, learners discipline, and teachers’ lack of commitment to moral purpose as crucial factors that inhibit the sharing of moral purpose in schools. The two critical responsibilities accepted by the SMTs to address the constraints of sharing moral purpose are highlighted as consulting with legitimate stakeholders and reinforcing policy in the schools. As a result of this research, a number of recommendations and opportunities for further research are offered to Limpopo schools and their SMTs, the systemic authorities responsible for Limpopo education and for those responsible specifically for policy making and curriculum development in the South African education system. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Educational Leadership and Management)

Exploring the perceived flooding impacts on tourist accommodation establishments in the Limpopo province, South Africa

Southon, Mercia Patricia January 2017 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies (GAES). Johannesburg, October 2017. / Climate and weather-related impacts have become widespread particularly affecting the tourism industry. Changes in the climate and weather lead to changes in tourist seasons, products and travel opportunities. Flooding has gained research attention over the past decade, since the destruction creates many challenges for tourism businesses. Floods are a growing global problem, increasing in terms of frequency of occurrence, property damages, business economic losses, and fatalities. South Africa has begun to experience many annual flood events both coastal and in-land, but the Limpopo Province has been declared as flood disaster area, since the increase in temperatures and precipitation. Interest now lies on how particular tourist destinations in the Limpopo Province can adapt to reduce flooding risks whilst increasing opportunities mainly for the economy. Debates around flooding costs, recovery processes, and adaptive capacities affirm to be more challenging for the tourism accommodation sector. The study aimed to explore the perceived flooding impacts on different types of tourist accommodation. Thus, to determine if floods hindered any tourist bookings, offerings, and tourist length of stay. The exploration verified the possible flood risks to vulnerable accommodation and no adequate adaptation plans. A purposeful sample of 145 tourist accommodation businesses located across three flood-prone regions of the Limpopo Province were selected to answer a semi-structured questionnaire to put across their flooding experiences from a management perspective. The semi-structured questionnaire was combined with telephone interviews and email responses. Coherent theme development within the theoretical framework was achieved through content analysis. Content analysis allowed for the critical discussion of deductive and inductive themes found in the results. Floods during peak-seasons threaten and affect tourist accommodation, leaving them behind in business. Those not affected benefit with increased tourist demand and new opportunities in the hospitality industry. Tourist accommodation businesses are exposed to flood risks and experience challenges to assess, recover and adapt from the direct and indirect impacts. Alongside the destruction of tourism in these regions, were concerns of the provision of flood mapping and flood management plans for tourism businesses. Wider flooding impacts on the environment and the surrounding local communities demonstrates a growing problem for the future. Key words: floods; tourist accommodation; flooding impacts; risks; opportunities; tourist demand; adaptation; flood recovery, flood mapping, flood management plans. / LG2018

Using an inferential model to estimate dry deposition of SO2 and NOX (as NO2) in Lephalale in the Waterberg-Bojanala priority area

Phala, Raesibe Nelvia 19 January 2016 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science June 2015 / Lephalale is the home of Matimba, one of Eskom’s coal-fired power stations. Matimba is the biggest power station with a dry cooling system in the world. There are other industries (including coal mines) currently in operation in close proximity to the station. This industrial area is expected to grow as more industrial activities are planned for the following years. These activities will aggravate the levels of air pollution and possibly result in it being a “hot spot” for air pollution. The impact of air quality on health is covered by the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), but the impact of air quality on the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem is not known. Therefore, this study focuses on the deposition of nitrogen oxides (NOx) (as nitrogen dioxide (NO2)) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) within Lephalale in the Waterberg-Bojanala Priority Area. Additionally, inter-annual variability of NOx and SO2 ambient concentrations and back trajectories of air masses were analysed. The study obtained ambient air quality data and meteorological data from Eskom for the period 2008–2012, while additional meteorological data were obtained from the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) and the South African Weather Service (SAWS). An inferential model was used to estimate the dry deposition flux of SO2 and NOx (as NO2), and the Hybrid Single Particle Langrangian Integrated Trajectory (Hysplit) Model was used to cluster back trajectories of air masses. The results of the seasonal dry deposition velocities of SO2 (0.17 to 0.23 cm/s) and NOx (0.10 to 0.15 cm/s) (as NO2) were higher in summer and lower in winter. They were also within the magnitude of the deposition velocities found in previous studies in the Highveld. The high deposition velocities in summer were attributed to photosynthetically active vegetation, turbulence and solar radiation. However, seasonal dry deposition fluxes of SO2 and NOx were higher in winter across the years. The higher flux values in winter were attributed to higher ambient concentrations of the trace gases. Additionally, the annual dry deposition flux of SO2 ranged between 0.43 and 0.67 kg S ha-1 yr-1, while NOx (as NO2) ranged between 0.84 and 1.05 kg N ha-1 yr-1 over the period studied. The annual deposition flux values found in the current study are lower than those found in previous studies in the Highveld. This difference could be because of the lower ambient concentrations of SO2 and NOx observed in this study. There is an inter-annual variability of the ambient concentrations of SO2 and NOx during the period 2008–2012. However, the difference is not large or statistically significant. The dominant direction of the back trajectories of air masses is east and southeast across all seasons for the entire period of 2008–2012. This lack of seasonal pattern in back trajectories and source regions cannot explain the seasonal changes in ambient concentrations (SO2 and NOx). Hence, climatic factors (e.g. change in weather) or seasonal changes in combustion source intensity must be responsible.

Exploring the delays in land registration within township establishment process for low income housing developments in South Africa, a case study in Seshego/Polokwane: Limpopo

Mashego, Teresa Molatelo January 2017 (has links)
Thesis is submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of Master of the Built Environment in Housing to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, School of Architecture and Planning at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2017 / The research report is based on the complex nature of land registration within a township establishment process in South Africa. Post 1994 democratic government have placed a great emphasis on land tenure security. Therefore it becomes crucial for government departments to identify, acquire and expropriate land for the provision of affordable integrated human settlements. The political drive for low income housing developments results in community pressured projects, disregarding the opening of a township register which enables individual title transfers. Several townships established on municipal owned land are incomplete wherein the General Plan is approved but not registered at the deeds office, hampering deed of transfers to allocated beneficiaries. Land exchanges, employer housing allowance, family inheritance and insurance contracts necessitate land ownership declaration. The various land tenure security approaches are explored and argued for formal recognition since they have been proven to be working successfully in other parts of the world. / XL2018

The impact of institutions of governance on communities’ livelihoods and sustainable conservation in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park (GLTP): the study of Makuleke and Sengwe communities

Muzeza, Darlington January 2013 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Technology in Environmental Health In the Faculty of Applied Sciences Department of Environmental and Occupational Studies At Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2013 / Southern Africa region is experiencing a multiplicity of transfrontier conservation projects, which simply put in its metaphorical name ‘Peace Parks’. The rapid growth of transfrontier conservation areas present the fulfilment of a vision of a ‘boundless’ and ‘borderless’ Southern Africa, straddling geo-political boundaries of once colonially imposed cartography of sovereign statism. The ecological amalgamation of these vast conservation areas are underpinned by various social, political, ecological and economic fundamentals envisioned by governments in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region together with conservation partners to transform the life of people and enhance sustainable management of natural resources. The Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park (GLTP) that involves Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe, was born out of this vision. Equally so, from its conceptualisation, the GLTP sought to achieve sustainable biodiversity and ecosystem conservation, promote economic growth, support rural development, be a building block for peace and regional economic integration. The planners also criticized inappropriate geo-political boundaries imposed by colonialism, which historically separated biospheres and the people of identical culture. The artificiality of boundaries, therefore, obstructed cultural links of communities and restricted wildlife migration as well. This affected natural dispersion of fugitive wildlife. Thus, the GLTP’s ambitious conservation plan address these issues. In so doing, the GLTP governance architecture as it stands today produced multi-level governance institutions whose approaches were found in this study to be at variance with local people’s livelihood expectations and conservation processes. It is in this view that this research sought to examine the impact of governance institutions on communities’ livelihoods and sustainable conservation of natural resources in the GLTP. Using various methods of empirical research such as interviews, household questionnaires, focus group discussions (including using the Schutte Scale), field observations and secondary data analysis, the researcher found that the current GLTP institutional configurations and its resource governance philosophy are at variance with local natural resource governance processes, and contradict local resource needs. Thus, there is inherent mistrust and conflict over skewed natural resource benefits. Most of them benefits accrue to government entities and the private companies that invested in tourism. Furthermore, it was found that the GLTP administrative governance architecture from the onset, presented complex competing environmental interests among conservation stakeholders against those of communities. The GLTP resource governance as it stands, is conspicuously not inclusive with the local communities playing a minimal role to leverage on the abundant natural resource for to support local livelihoods. One thing that came out clearly from the research is that they are not included to participate in conservation of the GLTP natural resources. This study therefore argues that there is potential to jeopardize prospects for the GLTP to achieve its objectives of sustainable conservation, promoting rural development and reduction of rural poverty. Empirically, it was also confirmed that the GLTP is at cross-purpose with the expectations of the communities. Local participation in sustainable conservation is consequentially subdued and weak. Perhaps, if the lofty aims of the GLTP are to be achieved, this study noted that the local people prefer the natural resources governance, conservation decision-making processes and conservation stakeholder relationships to be fair and acceptable to a cross-section of stakeholders. This includes ascertaining broad participation of the local people in conservation and environmental decision-making as crucial ingredients in guaranteeing local livelihoods and motivating communities to support conservation initiatives through use of wildlife proceeds for the development of communities. In addition, a concern was raised that powerful state agencies and conservation organisations are at the fore in defining institutional processes and resource governance systems with no regard to the local institutions. Thus, the envisaged win-win situation in conservation to transform rural communities is far from being realised. The GLTP governance structure forecloses the local people from participation. Consequently, local conservation morale and collaboration has adversely diminished, with overt preponderance of multi-level institutional processes over local processes in terms of natural resource management. This has tended to marginalise local institutions and prevent the local people from complementing conservation efforts. Manifestly, there is deep-seated livelihood insecurity, local environmental conservation marginalisation. This led the study to question the sustainability of the GLTP considering its exclusionary governance approach when dealing with communities. Another major concern is that planning of eco-tourism projects are paternalistically government led processes and exclusively private sector driven than being community oriented. Concerns arise that the much-lauded and publicized promise of eco-tourism benefits to the communities, have not materialised in the last ten years since the GLTP establishment in 2002. This has led local communities to question the GLTP’s economic benefits and impact on their lives. Instead of working with communities as equal stakeholders, the GLTP governance architecture has isolated them from playing an effective collaborative role in conservation and reaping of benefits. It was observed that the attendant GLTP governance trajectories reflect a narrow web of contesting conservation interests at variance with communities’ expectations. The heavy-handed administrative role of multi-level institutions and that of conservation agencies, have therefore, not fostered synergies for local residents’ participation in the management of natural resources. The elusiveness of the GLTP governance therefore puts it far from ensuring that the local people are part of conservation processes, hence falling short of capturing local contributions and local buy-in. Such governance injunctions complicate guaranteeing equal opportunity of resource access and equity, and it is less enabling for communities to hold together, cooperate and collaborate in conservation. Perhaps, an ideal situation would be to have a resource governance system that prevents the ‘tragedy of the commons’ and at the same time preventing the ‘tragedy of the local common man’. In this regard, this research made proposal in chapter 8, suggesting a synergised governance, decision-making and an a cocktail of an amalgam economic framework that can be adopted to solve the problems identified. These frameworks enable local people’s resource rights to be realised and the fusion of local expectations for conservation sustainability. This study aimed at examining the GLTP governance process impact on Makuleke and Sengwe communities in terms of their livelihoods, local participation in natural resource conservation and participation in natural resource decision-making process in the governance of the GLTP.

The experiences of social workers in the implementation of the community development strategy in Vhembe District, Limpopo Province, RSA

Nemutandani, Veronica January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (M. A. (Social Work)) --University of Limpopo, 2017 / Refer to the document

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