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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regulation of cell fate and cell behaviour during primitive endoderm formation in the early mouse embryo

Saiz, Nestor January 2012 (has links)
The preimplantation stages of mammalian development are dedicated to the differentiation of two extraembryonic epithelia, the trophectoderm (TE) and the primitive endoderm (PrE), and their segregation from the pluripotent embryonic lineage, the epiblast. The TE and PrE are responsible for implantation into the uterus and for producing the tissues that will support and pattern the epiblast as it develops into the foetus. PrE and epiblast are formed in a two step process that involves random cell fate specification, mediated by fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling, and cell sorting through several mechanisms. In the present work I have addressed aspects of both steps of this process. Chimaera assays showed that epiblast precursors transplanted onto a recipient embryo rarely differentiate into PrE, while PrE precursors are able to switch their identity and become epiblast. Transient stimulation or inhibition of the FGF4-ERK pathway in the chimaeras can modify the behaviour of these cells and restore the plasticity of epiblast precursors. This work shows that epiblast precursors are refractory to differentiation signals, thus ensuring the preservation of the embryonic lineage. I have also found that atypical Protein Kinase C (aPKC) is a marker of PrE cells and that pharmacological inhibition of aPKC impairs the segregation of PrE and epiblast precursors. Furthermore, it affects the survival of PrE cells and can alter the subcellular localisation of the PrE transcription factor GATA4. These data indicate aPKC plays a central role for the sorting of the PrE and epiblast populations and links cell position within the embryo to PrE maturation and survival. Lastly, I have found that aPKC can directly phosphorylate GATA4 in vitro. Knockdown of GATA4 affects cell position within the embryo, whereas aPKC knockdown reduces the number of GATA4-positive cells. These results indicate GATA4 plays an important role in cell sorting during preimplantation development and suggest phosphorylation by aPKC could determine its presence in the nuclei of PrE cells. My work, in the light of the current knowledge, supports a model where the earliest cell fate decisions during mammalian development depend on cellular interactions and not on inherited cell fate determinants. This robust mode of development underlies the plasticity of the preimplantation embryo and ensures the formation of the first mammalian cell lineages, critical for any further progression in mammalian development.

Theoretical studies on the lineage specification of hematopoietic stem cells

Glauche, Ingmar 05 November 2010 (has links)
Hämatopoetische Stammzellen besitzen die Fähigkeit, die dauerhafte Erhaltung ihrer eigenen Population im Knochenmark zu gewährleisten und gleichzeitig zur Neubildung der verschiedenen Zelltypen des peripheren Blutes beizutragen. Die Sequenz von Entscheidungsprozessen, die den Übergang einer undifferenzierten Stammzelle in eine funktionale ausgereifte Zelle beschreibt, wird als Linienspezifikation bezeichnet. Obwohl viele Details zu den molekularen Mechanismen dieser Entscheidungsprozesse mittlerweile erforscht sind, bestehen noch immer große Unklarheiten, wie die komplexen phänotypischen Veränderungen hervorgerufen und reguliert werden. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wird ein geeignetes mathematisches Modell der Linienspezifikation hämatopoetischer Stammzellen entwickelt, welches dann in ein bestehendes Modell der hämatopoetischen Stammzellorganisation auf Gewebsebene integriert wird. Zur Verifizierung des theoretischen Modells werden Simulationsergebnisse mit verschiedenen experimentellen Daten verglichen. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Beschreibung und Analyse der Entwick- lungsprozesse von Einzelzellen, die aus diesem integrierten Modell hervorgehen. Aufbauend auf den entsprechenden Modellsimulationen wird dazu eine topologische Charakterisierung der resultierenden zellulären Genealogien etabliert, welche durch verschiedener Maße für deren Quantifizierung ergänzt wird. Das vorgestellte mathematische Modell stellt eine neuartige Verknüpfung der intrazellulären Linienspezifikation mit der Beschreibung der hämatopoetischen Stammzellorganisation auf Populationsebene her. Dadurch wird das Stammzellm- odell von Röder und Löffler um die wichtige Dimension der Linienspezifikation ergänzt und damit in seinem Anwendungsbereich deutlich ausgedehnt. Durch die Analyse von Einzelzellverläufen trägt das Modell zu einem grundlegenden Verständnis der inhärenten Heterogenität hämatopoetischer Stammzellen bei.

Globin Gene Expression: Role of Transcription Factors

Fotouhi Ghiam, Alireza 08 1900 (has links)
La dérégulation de l'expression génétique est une base pathophysiologique de plusieurs maladies. On a utilisé le locus du gène β-globine humain comme modèle pour élucider le mécanisme de régulation de la transcription génétique et évaluer son expression génétique durant l'érythropoïèse. La famille des protéines 'E' est composée de facteurs de transcription qui possèdent plusieurs sites de liaison au sein de locus du gène β-globine, suggérant leur rôle potentiel dans la régulation de l’expression de ces gènes. Nous avons montré que les facteurs HEB, E2A et ETO2 interagissent d’une manière significative avec la région contrôle du Locus (LCR) et avec les promoteurs des gènes de la famille β-globine. Le recrutement de ces facteurs au locus est modifié lors de l'érythropoïèse dans les cellules souches hematopoitiques et les cellules erythroides de souris transgéniques pour le locus de la β-globine humain, ainsi que dans les cellules progénitrices hématopoïétiques humaines. De plus par cette étude, nous démontrons pour la première fois que le gène β-globine humain est dans une chromatine active et qu’il interagit avec des facteurs de transcriptions de type suppresseurs dans les cellules progénitrices lymphoïdes (voie de différentiation alternative). Cette étude a aussi été faite dans des souris ayant une génétique mutante caractérisée par l'absence des facteurs de transcription E2A ou HEB. / Aberrant gene expression is an underlying pathophysiology in many disease conditions. Lineage-specification and -commitment is tightly dependent on lineage-specific transcription factors to regulate the expression of target genes. Using human β-globin locus as a model, we investigated how the transcriptional machinery is set and regulated during erythropoiesis and how it impacts globally on gene expression. Class I bHLH proteins are important transcription factors whose binding sites are frequently clustered throughout the β-globin gene locus, suggesting their role in globin gene regulation. We showed that, in hematopoietic progenitor (HPC) and erythroid cells (EryC) of the transgenic mouse for human β-globin locus and human HPC cells (CD34+); HEB, E2A and ETO-2 significantly interact with locus control region (LCR) and promoters of globin genes, and their relative ratio is altered during erythropoiesis. For the first time, we found that in other hematopoietic lineages, human β-globin locus is in active chromatin and interacts with transcription factors involved in repression. Strikingly and consistent with the expression of globin genes, we characterized transcription factors involved in open chromatin configuration and basal level of globin gene expression in lymphoid progenitor cells. Further, with the genetic power of E2A and HEB knockout mice, our findings were clarified in mutant backgrounds.

Molecular characterization of pluripotency in embryos and embryonic stem cells

Pareja Gómez, Josep 22 November 2010 (has links)
Pluripotent cells are unique due to their developmental potential and the possibility to study them is the key step to understand human development. These cells are characterized by their ability to originate all the cellular lineages within an adult organism. Within embryonic milieu, pluripotent cells represent a dynamic fraction of the total cell number. Moreover, their physiological existence is constrained to early stages of embryonic development. In vitro culture of the different types of mammalian pluripotent cells, and singularly embryonic stem cells (ESC), enables the characterization of the pluripotent state. In the four articles included in this thesis we have addressed two different aspects of the molecular characterization of mammalian pluripotent cells. First, we investigated the establishment of the trophectoderm and the inner cell mass in the embryo measuring transcript abundance and protein presence of the transcription factors known to play a role in the earliest cellular differentiation process. In addition we have evaluated of genomic stability of human ESC lines during long-term culture, observing the accumulation of sukaryotypic aberrations such as loss of heterozygosity that affect loci comprising genes involved in genomic stability maintenance. We also checked the genomic status of two human ESC lines derived from embryos that had been diagnosed as abnormal after genetic preimplantation diagnosis (PGD). The molecular analysis of these cells ruled out the hypothesized self-correction of the aneuploidies between the PGD and the establishment of the cell lines. / Les cèl·lules pluripotents són úniques atesa la seva plasticitat durant el desenvolupament i la possibilitat d'estudiar-les és un pas essencial per poder comprendre el desenvolupament embrionari. Aquestes cèl·lules es caracteritzen per la seva habilitat per donar lloc a tots els llinatges cel·lulars de l'organisme. Dins de l'embrió, les cèl·lules pluripotents representen una fracció dinàmica del nombre total de cèl·lules i la seva existència fisiològica està constreta a els estadis més primerencs del desenvolupament embrionari. El cultiu in vitro dels diferents tipus de cèl·lules pluripotents en mamífers, i en especial les cèl·lules mare embrionàries, permet la caracterització d'aquest estat cel·lular. En els quatre capítols inclosos en aquesta tesi, hem tractat dos aspectes diferents de la caracterització molecular de les cèl·lules pluripotents. Primer, hem investigat l'establiment del trofectoderm i de la massa cel·lular interna en l'embrió mesurant l'abundància dels trànscrits i la presència de proteina dels factors de transcripció implicats en el primer process de diferenciació cel·lular conegut. A més, hem avaluat l'estabilitat genòmica de dues línies de cèl·lules mare en cultiu durant més de 40 passis. Com a resultat, hem observat l'acumulació de aberracions genòmiques a nivell subcariotípic, en especial pèrdua d'heterozigositat que afecta a locus que contenen gens implicats en el manteniment de l'estabilitat genòmica. També hem comprovat l'estatus genòmic de dos linies de cèl·lules mare embrionàries humanes derivades a partir d'embrions trobats aneuploids per un diagnòstic genètic preimplantacional. L'anàlisi molecular d'aquestes cèl·lules va descartar la hipòtesi d'una autocorrecció de les aneuploidies detectades entre el diagnòstic preimplantacional i la derivació de les línies a partir d'aquests embrions.

Globin Gene Expression: Role of Transcription Factors

Fotouhi Ghiam, Alireza 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

The Regulatory Capacity of Bivalent Genes: A Theoretical Approach

Thalheim, Torsten, Herberg, Maria, Löffler, Markus, Galle, Jörg 07 February 2024 (has links)
Bivalent genes are frequently associated with developmental and lineage specification processes. Resolving their bivalency enables fast changes in their expression, which potentially can trigger cell fate decisions. Here, we provide a theoretical model of bivalency that allows for predictions on the occurrence, stability and regulatory capacity of this prominent modification state. We suggest that bivalency enables balanced gene expression heterogeneity that constitutes a prerequisite of robust lineage priming in somatic stem cells. Moreover, we demonstrate that interactions between the histone and DNA methylation machineries together with the proliferation activity control the stability of the bivalent state and can turn it into an unmodified state. We suggest that deregulation of these interactions underlies cell transformation processes as associated with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and provide a model of AML blast formation following deregulation of the Ten-eleven Translocation (TET) pathway

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