Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1iterature distory anda criticism"" "subject:"1iterature distory ando criticism""
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六朝士族與文學: 陳邵陽夏謝氏硏究. / Liu chao shi zu yu wen xue: Chen jun Yangxia shi yan jiu.January 1995 (has links)
梁樹楓. / 論文(碩士) -- 香港中文大學硏究院中國語言及文學學部, 1995. / 參考文獻: leaves 115-121. / Liang Shufeng. / 前言 --- p.一 / Chapter 第一章 --- 陳郡謝氏家族的興起與發展 --- p.五 / Chapter 第一節 --- 謝氏一族發展簡述 / Chapter 第二節 --- 謝氏發展成爲文學氏族的歷史因素 --- p.十一 / Chapter 第三節 --- 謝氏發展成爲文學士族的內在因素 --- p.十四 / Chapter 第二章 --- 陳郡謝氏的家學和思想 / Chapter 第一節 --- 南朝士人家學內涵槪說 --- p.二十 / Chapter 第二節 --- 謝氏與佛道思想 --- p.二十三 / Chapter 第三節 --- 謝氏與儒家思想 --- p.二十九 / Chapter 第三章 --- 從文學作品探討謝氏子弟的内心世界 / Chapter 第一節 --- 探討的重點和原則 --- p.三十八 / Chapter 第二節 --- 東晉諸謝一一謝安、謝萬、謝玄 --- p.四十 / Chapter 第三節 --- 晉宋之間諸謝一一謝混、謝靈運、謝瞻、謝惠連、謝莊 --- p.四十九 / Chapter 第四節 --- 齊梁諸謝一一謝朓、謝舉、謝幾卿 --- p.八十二 / Chapter 第四章 --- 陳郡謝氏文學表現與時代的關係 --- p.九十八 / Chapter 第五章 --- 總結´ؤ一陳郡謝氏在六朝文學的定位 / Chapter 第一節 --- 從謝氏的地位看六朝士族的文學優勢 --- p.一百零三 / Chapter 第二節 --- 從謝氏子弟的文學觀探討魏晉以來文學自覺的問題 --- p.一百零八 / Chapter 第三節 --- 個體自覺與家族責任的矛盾與融和 --- p.一百十一 / Chapter 第四節 --- 六朝政治與山水文學的關係 --- p.一百十三 / 參考書目 --- p.一百十五 / 參考論文 --- p.一百十八 / 附錄 --- p.一百十九
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Poética da memória, da história e da cultura brasileira, em Carlos Drummond de Andrade e Armando Freitas Filho /Balestero, Jorge Augusto. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Orlando Nunes Amorim / Banca: Cláudia Maria Ceneviva Nigro / Banca: Susanna Busato / Banca: Daniel Abrão / Banca: Kelcilene Grácia Rodrigues / Resumo: Este estudo apresenta proposta de investigação teórica das autobiografias poéticas de Carlos Drummond de Andrade (Boitempo I, II e III) e Armando Freitas Filho (Lar,, Dever e Rol) em perspectiva fenomenológico-ontológica da Nova História, com base conceitual principalmente nas obras de Roger Chartier, Michel Foucault e Martin Heidegger. A hipótese seguida é que, sob esta abordagem epistemológica, constitui-se uma face existencial do ser da linguagem poética autobiográfica, que prima pela reescrita existencialista da história a partir das subjetividades. Assim, objetiva-se comprovar a presente proposta de tese por meio de análise linguística baseada em três aspectos gerais da literatura: ambiguidade, imagem e tempo. Em paralelo, relaciona-se o diferencial poético de tais aspectos da linguagem a partir de duas macroestruturas teóricas: ontologia da linguagem e História cultural. Logo, relaciona-se o objeto analisado com as epistemologias da História cultural para se conceber um sujeito literário da verdade nestas autobiografias poéticas. A conclusão direciona para a compreensão da autobiografia na poesia como componente ativo de uma poética da memória, que apresenta equivalência estética e ética ao se realizar poeticamente na história e na cultura / Abstract: This paper presents a theoretical investigation of the poetic autobiographies of Carlos Drummond de Andrade (Boitempo I, II and III) and Armando Freitas Filho (Lar,, Dever and Rol) in a phenomenological-ontological perspective of the New History, with conceptual basis mainly in the works of Roger Chartier, Michel Foucault and Martin Heidegger. The hypothesis followed is that, based in this epistemological approach, it is constituted an existential face of the being of the autobiographical poetic language, which excels by the existentialist rewriting of history from the subjectivities. Thus, the aim of this investigation is to prove the present thesis proposal by means of linguistic analysis based on three general aspects of the literature: ambiguity, image and time. In parallel, is related the poetic differential of such aspects of language by two theoretical macrostructures: language ontology and cultural History. Therefore, the object analyzed with the epistemologies of cultural History is related to conceive a literary subject of truth in these poetic autobiographies. The conclusion points to the understanding of autobiography in poetry as an active component of a poetics of memory, which presents aesthetic and ethical equivalence when performing poetically in history and culture / Doutor
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Das ruínas à memória : a travessia familiar em Relato de um certo Oriente e Dois Irmãos /Lemos, Vivian de Assis. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Diana Junkes Bueno Martha / Banca: Adriana da Costa Teles / Banca: GiséleManganelli Fernandes / Banca: Cláudia Maria Ceneviva Nigro / Banca: Flávio Adriano Nantes / Resumo: Este trabalho tem por objetivo a análise das obras Relato de um certo Oriente (1989) e Dois irmãos (2000), do escritor amazonense Milton Hatoum, com o intuito de averiguar em que medida a memória é utilizada pelos narradores na reconstrução de sua história e, em consequência, de uma reproposição de sua subjetividade. Em Relato de um certo Oriente, temos uma narradora que volta à casa onde passou a infância, logo após a morte da mãe adotiva. Ao escrever uma carta ao irmão adotivo, a narradora recompõe as memórias da infância, marcadas por um mosaico de vozes. Em Dois Irmãos, o narrador tenta, trinta anos depois, conhecer a identidade de seu pai, por meio de um novo olhar para o passado possibilitado pela memória. Para a realização do trabalho, são mobilizados referenciais da fortuna crítica do escritor; sobre o discurso polifônico; estudo da memória; e do trauma a partir de algumas interfaces entre a teoria da literatura e a psicanálise, Ressaltamos nesse momento os estudos de Suzi Sperber como norteadores de nossa pesquisa na medida em que a estudiosa, por meio do conceito de "pulsão de ficção", concebe o ato humano de criar ficções como uma necessidade humana / Abstract: This work aims to analyze the literary works Relato de um certo Oriente (1989) and Dois Irmãos (2000), by the Amazonian writer Milton Hatoum, with the purpose of investigating the extent to which memory is used by the narrators in the reconstruction of their history and, in consequence, of a reproposition of their subjectivity. In Relato de um certo Oriente, the narrator returns to the house where she spent her childhood, soon after the death of her adoptive mother. While writing a letter to her adopted brother, she recomposes the memories of her childhood, marked by a mosaic of voices. In Dois Irmãos, the narrator tries, thirty years later, to find out his father's identity, through a new look at the past, which was made possible by memory. To carry out the work, we have mobilized references of the author's literary criticism on polyphonic discourse, memory, and trauma, from some interfaces between literary theory and psychoanalysis. At this point, we emphasize the studies of Susi Sperber as the guiding principles of our research, as she conceives the human act of creating fictions as a human need, through the concept of "fiction drive" / Doutor
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Linguagem e melancolia em \'Laços de Família\': histórias feitas de muitas histórias / Language and melancholic element in the book \'Family ties\'\': history made of many historiesMoreira, Moacyr Vergara de Godoy 16 August 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar os contos do livro Laços de Família, de Clarice Lispector, partindo de um estudo da linguagem, nos textos, e de um olhar sobre o elemento melancólico, fator constitutivo das personagens. A partir deste levantamento, propomos uma análise através da sociologia da literatura, tendo como fundamentação teórica inicial textos de Theodor Adorno e Walter Benjamin, utilizando a riqueza do objeto para estudar a sociedade brasileira dos anos 1950-60. Através da obra de Lispector, surgem elementos fundamentais da sociedade, negligenciados pelo discurso hegemônico e pelos registros de historicidade mais convencionais, como o preconceito de raça e gênero, a submissão do país a ditames estrangeiros e as profundas desigualdades sociais que caracterizam o Brasil. / The present study intends to analyze the short stories from the book Family Ties (Laços de Família), by Clarice Lispector, starting with a language analysis, in the texts, and a general view over the melancholic element, that is an important aspect of the characters construction. After that, an analysis based on literature sociology, including texts by Theodor Adorno and Walter Benjamin, to develop the argumentation, is performed, considering the richness of the studied object, to read Brazilian society in 1950-60. Throught Lispector\'s work, some fundamental social aspects, that had been neglected by hegemonic speech come forth, elements not considered by conventional historical reports, as gender and race prejudice, submission to foreign political influences and the deep social disparities that characterizes the country.
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中國現代文學及文化中的比亞茲萊: Aubrey Beardsley in modern Chinese literature and culture. / Aubrey Beardsley in modern Chinese literature and culture / Zhongguo xian dai wen xue ji wen hua zhong de Biyazilai: Aubrey Beardsley in modern Chinese literature and culture.January 2014 (has links)
現代文學與現代藝術之間,有著千絲萬縷的關係,可是在具體操作中,往往被分開來,各自獨立開展研究。自「文化研究」興起,學界方才將兩者結合起來,二十世紀上半葉中國文學界關注英國畫家比亞茲萊(Aubrey Beardsley )(1872--1898)是很好的切入口,因諸多新文學作家(如魯迅、聞一多、梁實秋、邵洵美、郁達夫、葉靈鳳……)都對比亞茲萊有間接或直接的論述。 / 本文將比亞茲萊和中國現代文學結合研究,不囿於文化研究、比較文學研究或視覺文化研究的幾個範疇,嘗試在中國現代文學的領域作跨學科研究,除了發掘學界所忽略的原始材料外,也會從翻譯、出版、藝術、文化、思想幾個領域探討「比亞茲萊在中國」這一現象帶出的「中國現代性」思考。 / 本文導言部份會簡介比亞茲萊在中國現代文學與出版界的再現情況,接著會評述中國在比亞茲萊研究這一學術領域的成果及不足之處,然後從本論文的研究概念、方法與主題進入正式論述。本文第一章會探討被稱為「中國比亞茲萊」的作家葉靈鳳的文字與圖像創作,從一系列原始材料的鋪展與圖文對讀中,筆者將質疑「中國比亞茲萊」這稱謂的實質內容,從而呈現出歷來學者對葉靈鳳及創造社研究的誤讀之處。本文第二章會詳細討論魯迅編《比亞茲萊畫選》的小引及選畫問題,筆者將以西文原典證明歷來學界對小引是「魯迅寫」的錯誤認知,本文將從小引的「魯迅硬譯」開始,探討魯迅的藝術觀與其文字作品呈現精神世界的契合點。本文第三章將以比亞茲萊與中國現代文學中的世紀末思潮為題,探討幾個中國作家筆下呈現的比亞茲萊,筆者將以專題形式討論郁達夫的頹廢與比亞茲萊的異同;梁實秋、聞一多留美歲月中的比亞茲萊論述;張愛玲小說中把比亞茲萊放在第二次世界大戰中的意義。本文第四章將從出版史的角度,考察一個世紀以來比亞茲萊畫冊/圖像在中國的出版情況,探討其中的文化、政治、社會意義。 / 研究比亞茲萊在中國的現象,從百年來中國現代社會的建立,到中國作家不同語境中比亞茲萊的呈現,最終會落入對比亞茲萊藝術「現代性」的思考,本文總論部份將探討比亞茲萊的「中國式面孔」帶來的「中國現代性」迷思,呈現中國現代文學與西方現代藝術糾纏而複雜的面相。 / Modern literature and contemporary arts are inter-related, yet they have been usually regarded as completely different and independent perspectives in academic researches. Cultural Studies is the first academic field to combine these two perspectives for cultural phenomena explorations. The attention and discussion on English illustrator Aubrey Beardsley (1872 - 1898) by the Chinese literature circle (including writers such as Lu Xun、Wen Yiduo、Liang Shiqiu、Shao Xunmei、Yu Dafu、Ye Lingfeng etc.) in early 20th century could serve as a proper entry point for the study of interaction between literature and picture. / This paper will implore Beardsley and modern Chinese literature, not only by applying the theories of cultural studies, comparative literatures and visual arts, but also making an attempt at an interdisciplinary study based on modern Chinese literature. It will be studied how the phenomenon of "Beardsley in China" has led to the thinking of "Modernity of China" through different perspectives including translation, publication, arts, culture and philosophy. / To start, the prelude shall give a brief introduction on the representations of Beardsley in Chinese modern literature and publishing industry. The studies on the topic of "Beardsley in China" and its inadequacies will be commented, followed by an outline of the research concept and methodology adopted in the paper leading to the discourse. The first chapter will focus on text and visual works by the writer Ye Lingfeng, aka Chinese Beardsley. Through the comparative reading of original texts and visual materials, the author challenges the validity of "Ye Lingfeng as Chinese Beardsley" and argues there has been miss-reading of Ye Lingfeng and "Creation Society" (創造社) by scholars in previous studies. In chapter 2, the Introduction and selection of paintings in "The Selected Paintings of Aubrey Beardsley" (《比亞茲萊畫選》) edited by Lu Xun is thoroughly deliberated. Reference will be taken from the original English text to substantiate the argument that the Introduction was actually translated by Lu Xun instead of written by him as miss-interpreted by many scholars. Along this argument, the thesis will further explore how Lu Xun perceived arts and its relationship with his written works. How Beardsley and "Decadence" were represented in works of various important Chinese writers including Yu Dafu, Liang Shiqiu、Wen Yiduo and Eileen Chang is discussed in detail in Chapter 3, followed by an account of the publication history of Beardsley’s works in China and its cultural, political and social significance in Chapter 4. / The study of Beardsley in China under the context of development of Chinese society in the past century and its representations in various Chinese writers’ works will lead to review ofthe modernity of Beardsley’s arts. In the conclusion, the thesis will sum up the myth of "Modernity of China" brought about by Chinese face of Beardsley and reveal the intricate and complicated forms of modern Chinese literature and contemporary western arts. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 徐霞. / Parallel title from added title page. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 219-232). / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Xu Xia.
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Keats and negative capability. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2007 (has links)
This thesis focuses on John Keats's most important aesthetic idea, negative capability, and by studying the history of this idea, argues that a non-egotistic poetic tradition can be found in English poetry, which can be traced back to Shakespeare and was taken over by Keats, and through Keats, carried on to the modernist poets. The introduction gives an anatomy of negative capability by looking at Keats's various references to it and summing up its key elements and their interconnections. It also provides a critical heritage of the concept and gives a review of the state of knowledge. Chapter one studies the genealogy of negative capability, focusing on Hazlitt and Shakespeare as the most important contemporary and historical influences on the formation of the idea. It first looks at those of Hazlitt's aesthetic, philosophical and poetic views that made the most significant impact on Keats, and then gives an account of Keats's reading of and reflections on Shakespeare, defining King Lear as the most important play in giving rise to his idea of negative capability. Chapter two gives a close reading of King Lear, exploring what in the play exemplifies negative capability, and how in turn the play illuminates the idea. Keats's reading is also discussed in the context of the Neoclassic and Romantic receptions of the play. Chapter three studies Keats's own poetry in the light of negative capability, giving a narrative of the evolution of the idea in Keats's poetic practice by following the chronology of Keats's poetry, concentrating on "Sleep and Poetry", Endymion, Hyperion and his key achievements in the Great Year of 1819. Chapter four explores the legacy of negative capability by focusing on Yeats's and Eliot's respective inheritance of the idea, suggesting that negative capability is deeply embedded in a much wider cultural and intellectual tradition. The thesis concludes that negative capability is an important part of both the creative and critical heritage, and ultimately, it is a way of being, conveying an attitude towards human experience. / Li Ou. / "July 2007." / Adviser: David Parker. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 69-01, Section: A, page: 0224. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 283-285). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / School code: 1307.
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Littérature, idéologie et signification avec un essai d'application à cinq romans français contemporainsHeyndels, Rudolf January 1978 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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神話與絶望: 當代香港小說的文學社會學分析. / 當代香港小說的文學社會學分析 / Shen hua yu jue wang: dang dai Xianggang xiao shuo de wen xue she hui xue fen xi. / Dang dai Xianggang xiao shuo de wen xue she hui xue fen xiJanuary 2001 (has links)
劉小麗. / "2001年6月" / 論文 (哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2001. / 參考文獻 (leaves 180-185) / 附中英文摘要. / "2001 nian 6 yue" / Liu Xiaoli. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2001. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 180-185) / Fu Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / 前言 --- p.i / 中文摘要 --- p.ii / 英文摘要 --- p.iii / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論: --- p.1 / Chapter 1. --- 文獻回顧:本土文化硏究 --- p.1 / Chapter a. --- 引言 --- p.1 / Chapter b. --- 本土文化硏究的兩種進路 --- p.5 / Chapter c. --- 布爾迪厄的生成結構主義 --- p.12 / Chapter d. --- 是次硏究的出發點 --- p.19 / Chapter e. --- 對布爾迪厄理論的補充 --- p.22 / Chapter f. --- 結語:群體/歷史/世代的意識勾畫 --- p.25 / Chapter 2. --- 硏究方法:從文化社會學到文學社會學 --- p.26 / Chapter a. --- 戈德曼的文學社會學 --- p.26 / Chapter b. --- 文學社會學:小說形式、文化生產者、精神結構… --- p.28 / Chapter c. --- 小說類型學的開展 --- p.30 / Chapter d. --- 硏究議程:對香港本土小說的選取 --- p.33 / Chapter e. --- 尋找「烏托邦.」 --- p.34 / Chapter 第二章 --- 金色的神話世界:精神結構與香港文學世界之一 --- p.38 / Chapter 1. --- 理想主義的人間風 景 --- p.41 / Chapter 2. --- 吳煦斌´ؤ´ؤ叢林中的尋索 者 --- p.44 / Chapter a. --- 《佛魚》´ؤ´ؤ堅決的追 尋 --- p.45 / Chapter b. --- 《獵人》´ؤ´ؤ失火的森 林 --- p.53 / Chapter 3. --- 西西´ؤ´ؤ童話國的漫遊 人 --- p.60 / Chapter 4. --- 結語 --- p.71 / Chapter 第三章 --- 焦灼的黑暗時代:精神結構與香港文學世界之二 --- p.73 / Chapter 1. --- 幻滅的犬儒主義 --- p.74 / Chapter 2. --- 黃碧雲´ؤ´ؤ煉獄裏的媚行者 --- p.78 / Chapter a. --- 暴烈和嘲弄 --- p.80 / Chapter b. --- 普遍的人物、共同的宿命 --- p.82 / Chapter c. --- 從浪漫到犬儒的幻滅 --- p.85 / Chapter i) --- 《盛世戀》 --- p.86 / Chapter ii) --- 《創世記 》 --- p.93 / Chapter iii) --- 邊界中的流徙、地獄裏的媚行 --- p.98 / Chapter 3. --- 鍾玲玲´ؤ´ؤ社群內的流浪兒 --- p.101 / Chapter a. --- 社群生活的總體 --- p.102 / Chapter b. --- 對理想的浪漫懷緬 --- p.103 / Chapter i) --- 退入記憶的理想 --- p.104 / Chapter ii) --- 被記憶唾棄的現實生活 --- p.107 / Chapter c. --- 墮進虛無的犬儒心態 --- p.111 / Chapter 4. --- 結語 --- p.115 / Chapter 第四章 --- 航向陰性烏托邦:精神結構與香港文學世界之三 --- p.117 / Chapter 1. --- 自戀的虛擬主義 --- p.118 / Chapter 2. --- 董啓章一~ffl影中的水仙花少年 --- p.122 / Chapter a. --- 曖昧的體裁、虛擬的出路 --- p.124 / Chapter b. --- 虛擬的一元自戀國 --- p.129 / Chapter i) --- 《《安卓珍尼》:投進虛擬的自毀國 --- p.130 / Chapter ii) --- 《雙身》:自戀耽美的旅途 --- p.142 / Chapter 3. --- 結語 --- p.148 / Chapter 第五章 --- 結論:文學與歷史 --- p.150 / Chapter 1. --- 青年文藝與火紅歲月 --- p.150 / Chapter a. --- 幾段青年運動的舞曲 --- p.151 / Chapter i) --- 序曲:理想主義的文藝反叛 --- p.151 / Chapter ii) --- 高峰:擺盪不定的社會運動 --- p.159 / Chapter iii) --- 結章:幻滅消沉的休止 --- p.162 / Chapter b. --- 歷史的外延舞台 --- p.166 / Chapter i) --- 難民文化圈子的興衰 --- p.167 / Chapter ii) --- 宏觀社會環境的調控 --- p.168 / Chapter iii) --- 國際社會思潮的牽引 --- p.171 / Chapter 2. --- 結語 --- p.173 / 參考資料 --- p.180
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《素葉文學》研究: A study of Su Yeh literature. / Study of Su Yeh literature / 素葉文學研究 / "Su ye wen xue" yan jiu: A study of Su Yeh literature. / Su ye wen xue yan jiuJanuary 2014 (has links)
本文研究香港八、九十年代最重要的同人雜誌《素葉文學》(1980-2000)。第一及第二章分別從文學生產及語言風格兩方面劃定《素葉》在文壇的座標。第一章闡釋《素葉》的文學生產模式如何造成其「高格調」的印象,決定它從生產到接受面向都傾向同質化,並發展出平實的雜誌性格和文學風格。第二章討論《素葉》的「生活化」散文及小說,重新釐定被認為代表香港文學特色的「生活化」風格的涵義,並提出「周報─大拇指─羅盤─素葉」體系是文壇上反對美文、主張「生活化」風格的文學群落。第三及第四章則分別透過翻譯及旅行審視「本土」如何在與「他者」的關係中誕生。第三章整理《素葉》的所有譯介活動,探討翻譯與本土、香港文學本土性與世界性的關係,檢視八、九十年代香港作家如何透過翻譯,思考面對文學表述與身份認同等議題。第四章研究《素葉》上的中國遊記和相關小說,反思被長期忽略的香港文學的「中國性」問題,並說明旅行如何促成本土主體的誕生,最後提出香港文學的跨地域性。藉由這四方面的研究,嘗試概括《素葉》的重要特點,同時與身份認同、雅俗之辯、文學史書寫等多個香港文學的核心論題對話,由此希望反思「本土」的涵義,在「本土以外」開拓更多研究空間。 / The study aims at rethinking the meaning of ‘local’ by studying the literary magazine in 80’s to 90’s, Su Yeh Literature (1980-2000), on various issues of Hong Kong literature such as identity, hierarchy of tastes and literary history. Chapter 1 examines Su Yeh Literature from the perspectives of literary sociology, artistic production and the history of Chinese modern literary journals, in order to explain the cause of its highbrow taste and the homogenization in both production and consumption aspects. Chapter 2 analyzes the style of writings on Su Yeh Literature and its status in Hong Kong Literature; arises two misrecognitions in the present discussion of Hong Kong Literature, which points to the re-evaluation of 80s to 90s literary works and realism, by re-investigating the ‘everyday-life-style’ which is usually considered as a ‘local’ style. Chapter 3 explores the production of ‘Hongkongness’ and how the ‘local’ associate with ‘global’ by studying the introduction and translation of foreign literature on the journal. Chapter 4 focuses instead on travel writings especially on the relationship with ‘local’ and proposes the neglected ‘Chineseness’ in Hong Kong literature. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 王家琪. / Parallel title from English abstract. / Thesis (M.Phil.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 136-147). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Wang Jiaqi.
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E.M. Ramaila, the writer : (a literary appraisal)Makwela, Adam Obed January 1977 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Northern Sotho)) -- University of the North, 1977 / Refer to the document
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