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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Agenda 21 local: desafios da sua implementação, experiências de São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Santos e Florianópolis"

Kohler, Maria Claudia Mibielli 13 February 2003 (has links)
A Agenda 21, apresentada neste trabalho, foi um dos principais resultados da Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento – CNUMAD, Rio-92. Com o objetivo de analisar a experiência de quatro cidades brasileiras, duas metrópoles – São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro – e duas cidades litorâneas de médio porte – Santos e Florianópolis – no desenvolvimento de suas Agendas 21 Locais, procurou-se caracterizar os processos empregados em sua construção. Para isso, utilizaram-se como instrumentos metodológicos a pesquisa bibliográfica, a pesquisa documental, e a entrevista com a aplicação de formulário semi-estruturado. A Cidade de São Paulo foi a primeira capital brasileira a iniciar o processo de construção da Agenda 21 Local, incorporando setores governamentais, não-governamentais e sociedade civil, em momentos distintos. Na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro foi o Fórum 21 o responsável pelo desenvolvimento da Agenda 21. Já a Agenda 21 Local de Santos teve início com o apoio do International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives - ICLEI. O Município de Florianópolis iniciou seu processo de discussão da Agenda 21 Local com a realização de um Seminário, criando-se, então, o Fórum Agenda 21 Local do Município de Florianópolis. As cidades de São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Santos e Florianópolis deram início, respectivamente em 1992, 1996, 1994 e 1997 ao processo de construção da Agenda 21, adotando, porém, metodologias diferentes. A descontinuidade administrativa impactou profunda e diferentemente os processos de São Paulo e Santos. As Agendas apresentam como características em comum a formalização dos grupos de trabalho através de decretos, a coordenação das Agendas nas Secretarias, ou órgão responsável pela gestão ambiental do município, a realização de reuniões e seminários para envolver a população e grupos mais diretamente ligados à construção das Agendas 21, a publicação de material correspondente, sendo alguns mais completos e consistentes e outros mais simplificados. Portanto, é de fundamental importância o estabelecimento de parcerias, o envolvimento da alta administração e o intercâmbio de experiências entre os municípios que construíram, ou estão em processo de construção, de sua Agenda 21 Local. Verifica-se, pelo estudo, a importância do município em contar com esse poderoso instrumento de planejamento, gestão ambiental e participação da sociedade. / Agenda 21 is one of the most important official documents ensuing from the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This research aims to analyze the Agenda 21 processes of development and implementation in four southeast Brazilian cities: the state capitals of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, and the medium size coastal cities of Santos and Florianopolis. The methodology comprised wide bibliographic and documentary topic research, followed by interviews with each of these cities´ mayors. A semi-structured question form to fill was specially designed. São Paulo went first in launching a democratic process to develop its local Agenda 21, recruiting governmental sectors and agencies, various environmental non-governmental organizations and civil rights groups, which joined in the project in different moments of the public debate. In Rio de Janeiro, a specific coordination group called “Forum 21" was created to be in charge of its local Agenda 21 development. As far as Santos is concerned, the development of its Agenda 21 was sponsored by the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives - ICLEI. In Florianopolis, a city coordination board for the Local Agenda 21 process of development - “Fórum Agenda 21 Local do Município de Florianópolis" - issued from a previous seminar. The organizational debates phase in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Santos and Florianópolis, in which each city adopted specific strategies both for the development and implementation of its own Agenda, began in 1992, 1996, 1994 e 1997, respectively. The unforeseen administrative discontinuity in São Paulo and Santos had a profound impact on the Agenda´s process of discussion in both cities. Among the common traits to the four local Agendas 21 were the official establishment of workgroups through decrees, the Agendas´ coordination either by the municipal Secretaries or other environment agencies, the organization of meetings and seminars to promote general public participation and especially the participation of groups related to the issue, and the final publication of documents whose contents varied from generic and simplified information to very complete and consistent material. This demonstrates the paramount importance of establishing partnerships; of the participation of both high level public officers and the general public and issue related NGOs; the exchanging of experiences among cities that already have their Agendas 21 or are in the process of developing them. This study also shows how these elements are strong tools to help local governments accomplish an efficient planning for their environmental management and citizenship promotion.

"Agenda 21 local: desafios da sua implementação, experiências de São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Santos e Florianópolis"

Maria Claudia Mibielli Kohler 13 February 2003 (has links)
A Agenda 21, apresentada neste trabalho, foi um dos principais resultados da Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento – CNUMAD, Rio-92. Com o objetivo de analisar a experiência de quatro cidades brasileiras, duas metrópoles – São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro – e duas cidades litorâneas de médio porte – Santos e Florianópolis – no desenvolvimento de suas Agendas 21 Locais, procurou-se caracterizar os processos empregados em sua construção. Para isso, utilizaram-se como instrumentos metodológicos a pesquisa bibliográfica, a pesquisa documental, e a entrevista com a aplicação de formulário semi-estruturado. A Cidade de São Paulo foi a primeira capital brasileira a iniciar o processo de construção da Agenda 21 Local, incorporando setores governamentais, não-governamentais e sociedade civil, em momentos distintos. Na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro foi o Fórum 21 o responsável pelo desenvolvimento da Agenda 21. Já a Agenda 21 Local de Santos teve início com o apoio do International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives - ICLEI. O Município de Florianópolis iniciou seu processo de discussão da Agenda 21 Local com a realização de um Seminário, criando-se, então, o Fórum Agenda 21 Local do Município de Florianópolis. As cidades de São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Santos e Florianópolis deram início, respectivamente em 1992, 1996, 1994 e 1997 ao processo de construção da Agenda 21, adotando, porém, metodologias diferentes. A descontinuidade administrativa impactou profunda e diferentemente os processos de São Paulo e Santos. As Agendas apresentam como características em comum a formalização dos grupos de trabalho através de decretos, a coordenação das Agendas nas Secretarias, ou órgão responsável pela gestão ambiental do município, a realização de reuniões e seminários para envolver a população e grupos mais diretamente ligados à construção das Agendas 21, a publicação de material correspondente, sendo alguns mais completos e consistentes e outros mais simplificados. Portanto, é de fundamental importância o estabelecimento de parcerias, o envolvimento da alta administração e o intercâmbio de experiências entre os municípios que construíram, ou estão em processo de construção, de sua Agenda 21 Local. Verifica-se, pelo estudo, a importância do município em contar com esse poderoso instrumento de planejamento, gestão ambiental e participação da sociedade. / Agenda 21 is one of the most important official documents ensuing from the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This research aims to analyze the Agenda 21 processes of development and implementation in four southeast Brazilian cities: the state capitals of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, and the medium size coastal cities of Santos and Florianopolis. The methodology comprised wide bibliographic and documentary topic research, followed by interviews with each of these cities´ mayors. A semi-structured question form to fill was specially designed. São Paulo went first in launching a democratic process to develop its local Agenda 21, recruiting governmental sectors and agencies, various environmental non-governmental organizations and civil rights groups, which joined in the project in different moments of the public debate. In Rio de Janeiro, a specific coordination group called “Forum 21” was created to be in charge of its local Agenda 21 development. As far as Santos is concerned, the development of its Agenda 21 was sponsored by the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives - ICLEI. In Florianopolis, a city coordination board for the Local Agenda 21 process of development - “Fórum Agenda 21 Local do Município de Florianópolis” - issued from a previous seminar. The organizational debates phase in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Santos and Florianópolis, in which each city adopted specific strategies both for the development and implementation of its own Agenda, began in 1992, 1996, 1994 e 1997, respectively. The unforeseen administrative discontinuity in São Paulo and Santos had a profound impact on the Agenda´s process of discussion in both cities. Among the common traits to the four local Agendas 21 were the official establishment of workgroups through decrees, the Agendas´ coordination either by the municipal Secretaries or other environment agencies, the organization of meetings and seminars to promote general public participation and especially the participation of groups related to the issue, and the final publication of documents whose contents varied from generic and simplified information to very complete and consistent material. This demonstrates the paramount importance of establishing partnerships; of the participation of both high level public officers and the general public and issue related NGOs; the exchanging of experiences among cities that already have their Agendas 21 or are in the process of developing them. This study also shows how these elements are strong tools to help local governments accomplish an efficient planning for their environmental management and citizenship promotion.

Integralidade da atenção à saúde: suas expressões na organização tecnológica do trabalho em serviços locais de saúde / Integrality (comprehensiveness) of health attention: its expressions in the technological organization of the work in health service sites

Ruth Terezinha Kehrig 10 December 2001 (has links)
Objetivo. A integralidade das ações, diretriz finalística do Sistema Único de Saúde brasileiro, é mnuito referenciada no plano discursivo, mas pouco estudada. Este trabalho buscou apreender teórica e empiricamente princípios, mecanismos e desenhos organizacionais que possam contribuir para operacionalização dessa diretriz, à luz de proposições de modelos de atenção inseridos em práticas municipais. Essa apreensão se faz nas dimensões política ético-normativa, tecnológica, e sobretudo no plano organizacional-gerencial implicado. A tese defende o espaço organizacional enquanto dimensão privilegiada da condução do processo de transformar as diretrizes políticas do modelo de atenção em conjuntos de processos de trabalho com ações de saúde informadas pela integralidade da atenção. Recuperação Bibliogrática. Foi realizada uma revisão em publicações especializadas sobre o uso da expressão integralidade em saúde ou equivalente (integração assistencial, medicina integral, ações integradas em saúde, atenção integral à saúde, integração sanitária, e similares). Discriminou-se como suas principais modalidades conceituais: dimensão coletiva do objeto de trabalho em saúde; integralidade dos cuidados ao indivíduo; integração sanitária, integralidade da promoção à saúde; e, integralidade da atenção, enquanto prestação integrada das ações de um sistema local de serviços de saúde para resolver problemas de saúde de sua área de abrangência. O movimento historicamente recente da saúde pública brasileira permite afirmar que a integralidade em saúde é um princípio ético que se define no campo filosófico do direito à saúde, o que informa sua tradução em uma diretriz política, e que tem uma proposição organizacional e tecnológica. Metodologia. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa desenvolvida em uma secretaria municipal de saúde selecionada entre os maiores municípios do estado de Santa Catarina, que mostraram no estudo exploratório possuir um plano de saúde tendo como prioridade a mudança do modelo de atenção de acordo com o princípio e diretriz da integralidade em saúde. Para a apreensão empírica fez-se um estudo de caso organizacional, desenvolvido através de 17 entrevistas abertas realizadas em profundidade. Os entrevistados foram selecionados em razão de sua inserção no movimento de mudança do modelo de atenção no SUS do respectivo município. Para análise do material empírico procedeu-se ao ordenamento dos dados, no seu processamento foram sendo delineadas categorias evidenciadas nos relatos e os resultados se apresentam através da construção de um discurso do sujeito coletivo, com adapações metodológicas próprias. Resultados. A análise do material empírico, iluminada pelo quadro teórico construído, permite organizar a partir das dimensões política, tecnológica e organizacional teoricamente constatadas, a formulação de um desenho para contribuir em processos de transformação organizacional, referidos à mudança do modelo de atenção em saúde. Trata-se de sete vias organizacionais que, em seu conjunto articulado apresentam potencialidade de operar a integralidade em saúde, quais sejam: um trabalho a partir da rede básica, o processo de planejamento no sistema municipal de saúde, funcionamento da estrutura organizacional, comunicação da estratégia, gerenciamento loco-regional, participação democrático-popular na gestão e a via pedagógica. Considerações Finais. Por referência às evidências relatadas são enunciados princípios e mecanismos potencialmente construtores de concepções e condições organizacionais na perspectiva da integralidade em saúde. Discute-se, finalmente, a necessidadde de considerar tais concepções enquanto arranjos históricos específicos apontando para a determinação social e histórica da integralidade como conceito e como prática. As implicações para futuras pesquisas são aventadas, recomendando-se estudos adicionais / Objective. The idea of integrality has been the most important ethical and normative principle of the Brazilian Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde). Nevertheless it has not been well studied. This work tried to identify the organizational conditions required carrying out activities in such a way as to aim municipal health systems to reach the principle. This thesis advocates the management features as a special dimension in reaching effective integrality. Bibliographic review. It was done a review of specialized publications on the use of the expression integrality of health or any expression with a similar meaning. The main concepts identified were briefly described. The review also described the ideas and practices on comprehensiveness in the recent history of Brazilian health system. Methodology. This is a qualitative research developed in one of the major municipal health secretariats located in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Data was collected through open interviews with health professionals. The professionals were selected in terms of their participation in the movement for changing the working model of health services. They were interviewed using open questions. The analysis of the empirical data was carried out through the construction of a collective discourse, using the appropriate methodological adjustments. Results. The analysis and discussion of the empirical data enabled the organization of seven different ways, which together present the potential for operating integrality: health attention centered on a primary care net; political-organization, local-regional management, democracy, learning organizations and pedagogy. Final considerations. Using the discussion above, it was possible to define the principles and tools that can help to carry out the integrality in a right way. Implications of that in future research are discussed, and additional studies are recommended

Réformes et politiques éducatives au Royaume-Uni entre 1997 et 2010 ˸ quel système d'enseignement secondaire pour le Royaume-Uni depuis la promulgation de " l'Education Reform Act " en 1988 ? / Education Reforms and Education Policies in the United Kingdom between 1997 and 2010

Di Natale, Isabelle 28 June 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse traite des réformes et des politiques éducatives mises en place au Royaume-Uni après l’arrivée au pouvoir des nouveaux travaillistes en 1997. À la suite de la dévolution, deux Assemblées furent créés en 1999, l’une au Pays de Galles, et l’autre en Irlande du Nord, et l’Écosse se dota d’un Parlement. Cela entraîna la pérennisation des différences qui existaient entre les systèmes éducatifs du Royaume-Uni, la gestion de chaque système éducatif étant confiée à ces nouvelles institutions. La thèse analyse en profondeur les évolutions et les transformations générées au sein des différents systèmes éducatifs entre 1997 et 2010 (période de gouvernance des nouveaux travaillistes), et dégage les divergences et/ou rapprochements qui en ont découlé. Elle montre comment chacune des quatre nations a fait évoluer sa politique éducative, tout en tenant compte des réformes qui furent mises en place par les précédents gouvernements, ces changements ayant déjà profondément bouleversé l’organisation des systèmes éducatifs (New Public Management/autonomie des écoles). Certaines réformes antérieures à la période d’étude, qui modifièrent profondément le modèle de fonctionnement et l’organisation de ces systèmes éducatifs, sont également abordées car les gouvernements du début des années 2000 durent en tenir compte lors de l’élaboration de leurs projets éducatifs. Cette étude comparative tente aussi de définir l’efficacité des réformes en matière de performance scolaire et d’égalité des chances. / This thesis deals with the reforms and education policies that were implemented in the United Kingdom after the arrival of New Labour in 1997. Following devolution, two Assemblies were created in 1999, one in Wales, and one in Northern Ireland, and Scotland had a Parliament. This led to the persistence of the differences that existed between the education systems of the United Kingdom, the management of each education system being entrusted to these new institutions. The thesis analyses in depth the evolutions and the transformations generated within the different education systems between 1997 and 2010 (period of governance of New Labour), and reveals the divergences and/or convergences that ensued. It shows how each of the four nations has changed its education policy, while taking into account the reforms that were put in place by previous governments, these changes having already profoundly changed the organisation of these education systems (New Public Management/Local management of schools). Some reforms, prior to the period under study, which profoundly changed the organisation of these education systems, are also discussed because the governments in the early 2000s had to take them into account when developing their education projects. This comparative study also attempts to define the effectiveness of reforms in school performance and equal opportunities.

Veranderende rol van die skoolhoof in die staatsondersteunde (Model C-) skool in die RSA

Rossouw, J. P. (Johannes Petrus), 1953- 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die verskynsel van gedesentraliseerde onderwyshestuur, of selfbestuur van skole (SBS), 1s 'n helangrike internasionale ontwikkeling in onderwyshestuur. 'n Afwenteling van gesag vind vanaf 'n hoer onderwysheheerliggaam na die plaaslike hestuurs- of skoolvlak plaas. Die nuwe wyse van selfhestuur van skole in Engeland en Wallis word saamgevat met die term Local Management of Schools (LMS), terwyl die soortgelyke inisiatief in die VSA en Kanada School-Based Management (SBM) genoem word. Talle aspekte van SBM en LMS sluit in 'n groot mate aan by die Suid-Afrikaanse variant van SBS, die bestuur van staatsondersteunde (Model C-) skole. In aansluiting by die literatuuroorsig wat in hierdie navorsing gedoen is, is kwalitatiewe data deur middel van onderhoude met opvoedkundiges wat direk by die bestuur van staatsondersteunde skole betrokke is, ingesamel. Klem is deurentyd in hierdie studie gele op die skoolhoof se veranderde bestuurstaak ten opsigte van die bestuur van die personeel en die gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid. bestuur van finansies, die bestuur van ouer- en Ten slotte is die volgende onder meer bevind: 'n Oorwegend deelnemende, deursigtige bestuurstyl van die skoolhoof is 'n wesenlike vereiste vir die eff ektiewe selfhestuur van skole. Die hestuur van die finansies bet die grootste enkele verandering in die rol van die skoolhoof in staatsondersteunde skole teweeggebring. Elke hoof behoort die kundigheid van 'n verskeidenheid persone te benut, en hy behoort soveel personeellede as wat prakties moontlik is, by die bestuur van die skool te betrek. Die skoolhoof, bestuursliggaam en ouers behoort saam te werk aan 'n vennootskap waarin daar openheid, wedersydse vertroue en hartlike samewerking voorkom. Die skoolhoof behoort ook, as uitvoerende beampte, te help verseker dat die bestuursliggaam eff ektief funksioneer.Die skoolhoof, bestuursliggaam en ouers behoort saam te werk aan 'n vennootskap waarin daar openheid, wedersydse vertroue en hartlike samewerking voorkom. Die skoolhoof behoort ook, as uitvoerende beampte, te help verseker dat die bestuursliggaam eff ektief funksioneer. Die skoolhoof, bestuursliggaam en ouers behoort saam te werk aan 'n vennootskap waarin daar openheid, wedersydse vertroue en hartlike samewerking voorkom. Die skoolhoof behoort ook, as uitvoerende beampte, te help verseker dat die bestuursliggaam eff ektief funksioneer. Die skoolhoof, bestuursliggaam en ouers behoort saam te werk aan 'n vennootskap waarin daar openheid, wedersydse vertroue en hartlike samewerking voorkom. Die skoolhoof behoort ook, as uitvoerende beampte, te help verseker dat die bestuursliggaam eff ektief funksioneer. / Decentralised educational management, or self-management of schools, is an important international development in the field of educational management In this process the decision-making authority is delegated from a central office to the local school level. In England and Wales this new approach is labelled Local Management of Schools (LMS), while School-Based Management (SBM) refers to basically the same initiative in the USA and Canada. Many aspects of the South African variation of selfmanagement of schools, namely the management of state-aided (Model C) schools, are quite similar to SBM and LMS. In addition to the literature review undertaken for this study, qualitative data have been gathered through interviews with a number of educationists who are directly involved in the management of state-aided schools. The main focus was on the changed management role of the principal with regard to financial management, staff management, and the management of parent and community involvement The research concluded with the following findings: A participatory, transparent management style is the key to effective and successful self-management of schools. Financial management has caused the biggest single change in the task of the principal of a state-aided school. Every principal ought to consult as widely as possible, and involve as many staff members as is practicable in the financial management of the school. The principal, management body and parents ought to ensure that a partnership is developed in which there is openness, mutual trust and collaboration. The principal, as managing executive, should also try to ensure that the management body functions effectively. The parents, school community and pupils should be offered the opportunity to participate in a formal, controlled way in the strategic planning and management of the state-aided school / Educational Leadership and Management / D.Ed.

Veranderende rol van die skoolhoof in die staatsondersteunde (Model C-) skool in die RSA

Rossouw, J. P. (Johannes Petrus), 1953- 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die verskynsel van gedesentraliseerde onderwyshestuur, of selfbestuur van skole (SBS), 1s 'n helangrike internasionale ontwikkeling in onderwyshestuur. 'n Afwenteling van gesag vind vanaf 'n hoer onderwysheheerliggaam na die plaaslike hestuurs- of skoolvlak plaas. Die nuwe wyse van selfhestuur van skole in Engeland en Wallis word saamgevat met die term Local Management of Schools (LMS), terwyl die soortgelyke inisiatief in die VSA en Kanada School-Based Management (SBM) genoem word. Talle aspekte van SBM en LMS sluit in 'n groot mate aan by die Suid-Afrikaanse variant van SBS, die bestuur van staatsondersteunde (Model C-) skole. In aansluiting by die literatuuroorsig wat in hierdie navorsing gedoen is, is kwalitatiewe data deur middel van onderhoude met opvoedkundiges wat direk by die bestuur van staatsondersteunde skole betrokke is, ingesamel. Klem is deurentyd in hierdie studie gele op die skoolhoof se veranderde bestuurstaak ten opsigte van die bestuur van die personeel en die gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid. bestuur van finansies, die bestuur van ouer- en Ten slotte is die volgende onder meer bevind: 'n Oorwegend deelnemende, deursigtige bestuurstyl van die skoolhoof is 'n wesenlike vereiste vir die eff ektiewe selfhestuur van skole. Die hestuur van die finansies bet die grootste enkele verandering in die rol van die skoolhoof in staatsondersteunde skole teweeggebring. Elke hoof behoort die kundigheid van 'n verskeidenheid persone te benut, en hy behoort soveel personeellede as wat prakties moontlik is, by die bestuur van die skool te betrek. Die skoolhoof, bestuursliggaam en ouers behoort saam te werk aan 'n vennootskap waarin daar openheid, wedersydse vertroue en hartlike samewerking voorkom. Die skoolhoof behoort ook, as uitvoerende beampte, te help verseker dat die bestuursliggaam eff ektief funksioneer.Die skoolhoof, bestuursliggaam en ouers behoort saam te werk aan 'n vennootskap waarin daar openheid, wedersydse vertroue en hartlike samewerking voorkom. Die skoolhoof behoort ook, as uitvoerende beampte, te help verseker dat die bestuursliggaam eff ektief funksioneer. Die skoolhoof, bestuursliggaam en ouers behoort saam te werk aan 'n vennootskap waarin daar openheid, wedersydse vertroue en hartlike samewerking voorkom. Die skoolhoof behoort ook, as uitvoerende beampte, te help verseker dat die bestuursliggaam eff ektief funksioneer. Die skoolhoof, bestuursliggaam en ouers behoort saam te werk aan 'n vennootskap waarin daar openheid, wedersydse vertroue en hartlike samewerking voorkom. Die skoolhoof behoort ook, as uitvoerende beampte, te help verseker dat die bestuursliggaam eff ektief funksioneer. / Decentralised educational management, or self-management of schools, is an important international development in the field of educational management In this process the decision-making authority is delegated from a central office to the local school level. In England and Wales this new approach is labelled Local Management of Schools (LMS), while School-Based Management (SBM) refers to basically the same initiative in the USA and Canada. Many aspects of the South African variation of selfmanagement of schools, namely the management of state-aided (Model C) schools, are quite similar to SBM and LMS. In addition to the literature review undertaken for this study, qualitative data have been gathered through interviews with a number of educationists who are directly involved in the management of state-aided schools. The main focus was on the changed management role of the principal with regard to financial management, staff management, and the management of parent and community involvement The research concluded with the following findings: A participatory, transparent management style is the key to effective and successful self-management of schools. Financial management has caused the biggest single change in the task of the principal of a state-aided school. Every principal ought to consult as widely as possible, and involve as many staff members as is practicable in the financial management of the school. The principal, management body and parents ought to ensure that a partnership is developed in which there is openness, mutual trust and collaboration. The principal, as managing executive, should also try to ensure that the management body functions effectively. The parents, school community and pupils should be offered the opportunity to participate in a formal, controlled way in the strategic planning and management of the state-aided school / Educational Leadership and Management / D.Ed.

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