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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluating the provision of low cost housing in the context of developmental local government : the case of Wesbank

Wyngaard, Deon A. C. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAdmin)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African Constitution (1996), guarantees everyone access to adequate housing, and obligates the State to take all reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to achieve such right. This commitment to housing stands in sharp contrast to the previous housing regime, which was characterised by fragmented housing policy and administrative systems, unclear role definitions and a lack of accountability. In addition, Section 152 of the Constitution also sets out objectives for Local Government in the creation of sustainable communities. The new approach to housing saw the formation of the National Housing Forum (NHF) in the early 1990's. The NHF, consisting of a broad range of stakeholders in the State housing sector, sought to reach consensus on a new housing policy and strategy for South Africa. That consensus eventually led to the adoption of the White Paper on Housing (1994) and finally the promulgation of the Housing c Act (1997). Subject only to the Constitution, the latter would eventually become the supreme law on housing in South Africa. Fundamental to the new approach to housing, is the notion that the environment in which a house is situated, is equally important as the house itself. As such, emphasis is placed on the potential contribution of housing delivery in the creation of sustainable communities. The concept of Development Local Government is advanced as the key tool to achieving that ideal. This study traces the evolution of the historical, policy and legislative contexts of housing in South Africa during the transition period (1990 -1994) and beyond, and evaluates the provision of low-cost housing in the context of Developmental Local Government. This is done by way of a case study of the Wesbank housing development in the Oostenberg region of the City of Cape Town. The question is raised whether the Wesbank housing development adheres to the principles of a sustainable housing development as prescribed by the Housing Act (1997) and Developmental Local Government. The study concludes that, based on a "narrow" and "broad" interpretation of "sustainable housing development" as defined in the Housing Act (1997), the problem statements contain both elements of validity and invalidity. In terms of the narrow interpretation, it is concluded that the Wesbank housing development has delivered on some elements in the definition, while the broader definition concluded that the development was less successful in achieving the desired outcomes. Regarding the planning process followed in Wesbank, it is concluded that the notion of Integrated Development Planning has not been followed, there appeared to be some level of political interference in the planning processes, the process of community participation, which represents a crucial component of lOP, was non-existent, and while funding was secured for the construction of 5147 dwellings, no timely provision was made for associated community facilities such as schools, clinics, etc. More telling though, is the absence of any meaningful community bonding in Wesbank Finally, having considered the conclusions made, a number of recommendations are offered in respect of improving the environment for the Wesbank community. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Grondwet van Suid-Afrika (1996), waarborg aan almal toegang tot voldoende behuising, en verplig die Staat om alle redelike wetgewende en ander maatreëls, binne hul beskikbare bronne te gebruik ten einde hierdie basiese reg te verwesenlik. Hierdie verbintenis tot behuising staan in skrille kontras teenoor die vorige behuisingsbedeling, wat gekenmerk was deur gefragmenteerde behuisingsbeleid en administratiewe sisteme, onduidelike definisies en rol uitklarings, en 'n gebrek aan aanspreeklikheid. Bykomend, stel Artikel 152 van die Grondwet ook doelwitte vir plaaslike regering vir die daarstel van volhoubare gemeenskappe. Hierdie nuwe benadering tot behuising, het gelei tot die stigting van die Nasionale Behuisingsforum (NBF) in die vroeë 1990's. Die NBF, bestaande uit 'n breë groep belanghebbendes in die openbare behuisingsektor, was vasbeslote om konsensus te bereik oor 'n nuwe behuisingsbeleid en strategie vir Suid-Afrika. Sodanige konsensus het eventueel gelei tot die aanvaarding van die Witskrif op Behuising (1994) en uiteindelik tot die afkondiging van die Behuisingswet (1997). Onderworpe slegs aan die Grondwet, sou die Behuisingswet (1997) uiteindelik die oorkoepelende wet op behuising in Suid Afrika word. Fundamenteel tot hierdie nuwe benadering tot die voorsiening van behuising, is die gedagte dat die omgewing waarin 'n huis geleë is, net so belangrik soos die huis self is. As sodanig, word die potensiële bydrae van behuising tot die lewering van volhoubare gemeenskappe, beklemtoon. Die konsep van Ontwikkelingsgerigte Plaaslike Regering word voorgehou as sleutel gereedskap tot die bereiking van sodanige ideaal. Hierdie studie volg die ontwikkeling van die historiese, beleids, en wetlike konteks van behuising in Suid-Afrika gedurende die oorgangsfase (1990 - 1994) en daarna, en evalueer die voorsiening van laekoste behuising in die konteks van Ontwikkelingsgerigte Plaaslike Regering. Dit word gedoen by wyse van 'n gevallestudie van die Wesbank behuisingsontwikkeling in die Oostenberg streek van die Stad Kaapstad. In die finale instansie, word die vraag gestel of die Wesbank ontwikkeling voldoen aan die beginsels van volhoubare ontwikkeling soos voorgeskryf in die Behuisingswet (1997) en Ontwikkelingsgerigte Plaaslike Regering. Die studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat, gebaseer op beide 'n "eng" en "breë" interpretasie van "volhoubare behuisingsontwikkeling", soos in die Behuisingswet (1997) gedefinieer, die navorsingsvrae beide elemente van geldigheid sowel as ongeldigheid bevat. Ingevolge die eng definisie, is die gevolgtrekking dat die Wesbank behuisingsontwikkeling wel aan sommige elemente in die definisie voldoen, terwyl die breër definisie bepaal dat die ontwikkeling minder suksesvol was in die bereiking van die beoogde uitkomste. Met verwysing na die beplanningsproses wat in Wesbank gevolg is, is die gevolgtrekking dat 'n Geïntegreerde Onwikkelingsproses (GOP) nie gevolg is nie, daar sprake van 'n mate van politieke inmenging in die beplanningsproses was, die proses van gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid, wat 'n kritieke komponent van GOP verteenwoordig, afwesig was, en terwyl befondsing vir die konstruksie van 5147 wonings verkry is, geen tydige voorsiening gemaak is vir gepaardgaande gemeenskapsfasilitieite soos skole, klinieke, ens. nie. Meer beduidend egter, is die afwesigheid van enige mate van gemeenskapssamehorigheid in Wesbank. Laastens, gegewe die gevolgtrekkings waartoe gekom is, word 'n aantal aanbevelings gemaak ten einde die omgewing van die Wesbank gemeenskap te verbeter.

Stakeholder involvement in strategic planning and management at the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Council

Mannya, Clement 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Local government in South Africa has gone through the transitional phase to become developmental with a number of challenges, one of the most prominent of which has been the lack of adequate financial resources to carry out various service delivery obligations. The lack of financial resources was one of the important reasons that led to local authorities being reduced from 843 to 284 municipalities through the process of re-demarcation that resulted in the consolidation of most of the local authorities. Because of these long standing challenges of financial viability, the objective of the study was to investigate stakeholder involvement in strategic planning and management within the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Council. It had become evident that existing financial constraints in municipalities in general and at Ekurhuleni in particular would remain for the foreseeable future, unless ways and means are found to improve the management of existing resources. The contention in this study is that the inclusion of stakeholders in strategic planning and management should be viewed as important to the Metro as it significantly lessens the doubt as to whether there is a common understanding of what is possible given the limited resource capacity to address many competing service delivery needs. The literature study undertaken showed that local government has learnt lessons from the private sector, and has adopted some of its strategic planning and management practices and adapted them to suit public service delivery needs. In South Africa the local government planning framework is called integrated development planning (IDP). The IDP approach entails the formulation of focused plans, based on developmental priorities. This approach assists in avoiding wasteful expenditure and perpetuating past spending patterns. Furthermore, the idea of adopting a more business-based approach does therefore not mean that the council is run like a company but rather that scarce resources are spent effectively and that all citizens have access to at least a minimum level of basic services. The IDP should be undertaken through participatory processes for effective urban management given the fact that private and public investments and municipal services delivery affect the well-being of all urban residents. Observation at the Ekurhuleni Metro revealed that while strategic planning and management does take place, it does not involve various stakeholders in the processes in a manner that is contemplated by the integrated development planning framework. The absence of a public participation strategy at the Metro meant that methods of engagement, consultation and communication with stakeholders are not clearly spelled out. So is the identification of various stakeholders in terms of the needs, the roles that they can play in the planning processes, allocation of resources to facilitate their participation and empowerment in various planning processes. It was the conclusion of the study that there is limited stakeholder involvement in strategic planning and management at the Ekurhuleni Metro. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Plaaslike regering in Suid-Afrika het deur ‘n oorgangsfase na ‘n ontwikkelings orientasie gevorder maar het ook ‘n aantal uitdagings bygekry. Die prominentste een hiervan is die gebrek aan fondse om die verskillende dienslewering verpligtinge na te kom. Die gebrek aan finansiële bronne was een van die belangrike redes vir die reduksie van plaaslike owerhede van 843 na 284 munisipaliteit deur die proses van her-afbakening wat gelei het tot die konsolidasie van die meeste plaaslike owerhede. In die lig van die lang-durige aard van die uitdagings van finansiële lewensvatbaarheid, ondersoek hierdie studie belanghebber betrokkenheid in strategiese beplanning en bestuur binne die Ekurhuleni Metropolitaanse Raad. Dit het duidelik geword dat die bestaande finansiële beperkings in munisipaliteite in die algemeen, en in Ekurhuleni in die besonder, so sal bly in die voorsienbare toekoms, tensy meganismes gevind kan word waarmee die bestuur van die bestaande bronne verbeter kan word. Die studie voer aan dat die betrokkenheid van belanghebbers in strategiese beplanning en bestuur as belangrik geag behoort te word in die Metro aangesien dit die onsekerheid oor ‘n gedeelde verstaan van wat moontlik is met die beperkte bronne kapasiteit in die hantering van die baie kompeterende diens behoeftes, verminder. Die literatuurstudie poog om aan te toon dat plaaslike regerings lesse geleer het by die privaatsektor en sommige van die stategiese beplanning en bestuurspraktyke opgeneem en aangepas het by die publieke diensleweringsbehoeftes. In Suid-Afrika word die plaaslike regering beplanningsraamwerke, geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsplanne genoem (IDP). Die IDP benadering vereis die formulering van gefokusde planne, gebaseer op ontwikkelingsprioriteite. Hierdie benadering vermy verkwistende uitgawes en die voortsetting van uitgawepatrone van die verlede. Verder beteken die aanvaarding van ‘n besigheidsgeoriënteerde benadering nie dat die raad soos ‘n besigheid bestuur word nie maar eerder dat skaars bronne effektief bestuur word en dat alle burgers ten minste toegang tot minimum dienste het. Die IDP behoort deur deelnemende prosesse uitgevoer te word ten einde effektiewe stedelike bestuur te verseker, gegee die feit dat private en publieke beleggings en minisipale dienste die welsyn van alle stedelike inwoners affekteer. Waarnemings by die Ekurhuleni Metro bring aan die lig dat, terwyl strategiese beplanning en bestuur wel plaasvind, dit nie verskillende belanghebbers op die wyse betrek wat in die geïntegreede beplanningsraamwerk voorsien word nie. Die afwesigheid van publieke deelname in die Metro het beteken dat meganismes van deelname, konsultasie en kommunikasie met belanghebbers nie duidelik gemaak word nie. Dieselfde geld vir die identifikasie van verskillende belanghebbers in terme van belanghebberbehoeftes, die rol wat hulle kan speel in die beplanningsprosesse, die toewysing van bronne en die bemagtiging van belanghebbers om hul deelname te verseker. Dit is die slotsom van die studie dat daar beperkte belanghebber betrokkenheid in strategiese beplanning en bestuur in die Ekurhuleni Metro is.

The determinants of service delivery success in local government: the case of Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

Terblanche, Venessa Hayley January 2017 (has links)
Section 153 of the Constitution of South Africa (RSA, 1996) states that “a municipality must structure and manage its administration, budgeting and planning process to give priority to the needs of the community and to promote the social and economic development of the community”. Despite this mandate placed on local government, De Wet and Moseki (2015, p. 61) write that insurgent South Africans engage in violent protests against continued “municipal ineffectiveness in service delivery, poor responsiveness to citizens’ grievances, and a conspicuous consumption entailed by a culture of self-enrichment on the part of councillors and staff”. The Department of Corporate Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA ) (2014) identify huge service delivery backlogs, poor communication and accountability relationships with communities, corruption and fraud, poor financial management and insufficient municipal capacity as a result of lack of scarce skills as some of the priority areas impacting hardest on the municipality’s ability to function as a well-performing municipality. Mpofu and Hlatywayo (2015) report that poor performance by workers in local government has been established as one of the major issues affecting the efficient provision of municipal services by municipalities. It thus follows that the performance and conduct of municipal employees need to be improved in order to improve the delivery of basic services to the communities they are to serve. Hanyane and Naidoo (2015) hold the view that without proper service delivery, the achievement of good governance and the effective use of public resources will remain elusive. The primary objective of this study was to contribute to improving the levels of service delivery at a selected municipality by identifying which factors the employees of the municipality consider most effective in improving their levels of service delivery within the organisation. A questionnaire was structured and used to conduct a survey with 65 middle-level managers, senior-level supervisors, middle-level supervisors and operational staff.The study concluded that talent management and retention strategies were the only independent variable that proved to have a significant positive relationship with service delivery within the selected municipality.

An investigation of integrated development planning (IDP) as a mechanism for poverty alleviation in Grahamstown in the Makana Municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Alebiosu, Olumide Ademola January 2006 (has links)
Poverty among individuals, households or communities is not a static condition. There are many factors which contribute to its causes and depth. In South Africa the economic gaps imposed by the previous apartheid government aggravated economic inequalities and caused considerable disparities, which has resulted in high unemployment rates. Inequalities were also manifest in the neglect of infrastructural and service provision as well in the effective absence of independent governance among some race group. This led to a call for pro-active initiatives by the post-1994 democratic government to remedy the living condition of the previously disadvantaged people. As part of its poverty relief drive the South African government has embarked on a series of developmental initiatives in bringing infrastructure related services to the poor and to reduce the enormous prevailing backlog, with the aim of increasing community participation, improving service delivery and promoting the upliftment of the lives of poor people through the medium of local governance. This study investigated the Integrated Development Planning, which has been undertaken in Grahamstown in the Makana Municipality in the Eastern Cape to respond to the prevailing poverty and underdevelopment among the poor communities. Relying on their developmental mandate to initiate and co-ordinate all development activities within their area of jurisdiction through the IDP, the Makana Municipality has drawn up a development strategic plan in conjunction with the local communities and with other stakeholders and organisations to identify and assess development backlogs within the communities with the aim of addressing such backlogs. This study revealed from the interviews conducted with some municipal personnel and questionnaires administered to sampled residents of Grahamstown that some faces of poverty, such as unemployment and lack of access to some of the most basic of infrastructure such as, sanitation facilities, water, electricity, formal house, education, security and recreation facilities are apparent in Grahamstown. However, the Makana Municipality through, the IDP has achieved some notable feats in the provision of providing some of the basic amenities such as water, housing, electricity and sanitation albeit at a slow rate. The mechanism of delivery is hampered by bureaucratic settings within government and the ambiguity attached to some of the projects. The service and infrastructural developments targeted towards the poor and the involvement of communities in the affairs of the local government might be seen as a partially panacea for poverty alleviation in South Africa. However the capacity of the local governments to effectively carry out this developmental challenge assignment might be a new twist in the developmental challenge facing local governments in South Africa. The thesis provides an overview of the Makana Municipality IDP and the degree to which is serving as one mechanism to address poverty in the Grahamstown urban area

Land redistribution and state decentralisation in South Africa

Jaricha, Desmond Tichaona January 2014 (has links)
South Africa is a new democracy that has had to deal with many historical remnants of apartheid. One of the main remnants has been land dispossession and massive inequalities along racial lines of access to land for agricultural purposes. In countering this, the post-apartheid state has pursued land redistribution programmes since the end of apartheid in 1994, as part of a broader land reform project. Simultaneously, post-apartheid South Africa has been marked by significant state restructuring notably a process of state de-centralisation including the positioning of municipalities as development agents. Amongst other goals, this is designed to democratise the state given the authoritarian and exclusive character of the apartheid state, and thereby to democratise development initiatives and programmes. Land redistribution and state decentralisation in South Africa are different political processes with their own specific dynamics. They have though become interlinked and intertwined but not necessarily in a coherent and integrated manner. Within broader global developments pertaining to state decentralisation and land redistribution, the thesis examines the complex relations between these two processes in South Africa. In particular, I analyse critically the decentralised character of the land redistribution programme in South Africa. In order to concretise and illustrate key themes and points, I discuss a particular land redistribution project called Masizakhe located in Makana Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province.

Local economic development: a study of Nelson Mandela Bay and Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipalities

Ngatiane, Mativenga January 2017 (has links)
Albeit in its infancy, South Africa’s LED practice is a benchmark of a large number of African countries in general and Sub-Saharan African countries in particular. The LED practice stands out, for widespread decentralisation of powers, massive and growing LED budgets, robust legal frameworks that govern its implementation and development of LED structures, amongst others. This study seeks to answer three critical questions: What theoretical LED facets (particular aspects) are available in literature? Are these facets being implemented in Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (NMBM) and Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality (BCMM)? Besides the effort and monies invested in ingraining LED in South Africa, are the levels of LED practices of the two municipalities deeply embedded in literature? The study utilises a purpose-built tool to measure the level at which LED practice of respective municipalities is ingrained in LED literature. The thesis employed both qualitative and quantitative research methods in order to provide scientifically adequate answers to this research. The former method was employed in identifying available LED facets while, the latter was useful in measuring the level at which LED practice in the two metros is embedded in LED theory. The research findings reveal presence of 6 LED facets, namely, enterprise development, locality development, livelihoods development, workforce development, community development and LED Governance. However, this study discovered that the aforementioned facets fail to cover other general items like the availability or unavailability of LED strategy, functional location of LED within municipal directorates and availability of a budget to drive the LED functions. In light of this, the researcher decided to group all the other key LED functions that he felt were not finding expression under the 6 facets identified in LED literature. This, then, led to the introduction of “General LED” facets. This facet, besides presenting a pre-cursor to the 6 other facets, manages to capture some key factors that are equally behind the success or failure of LED e.g. the LED strategy factor, a factor which a number of sources name “The heart” or “guiding compass” of successful LED implementation. The “General LED” facet contained other factors like: other plans that aided LED, experience of LED practitioners, budget allocation of the LED function, amongst others. The research found that all the 7 facets are being implemented in both municipalities, albeit to varying degrees. The two metropolitan municipalities’ LED practice, with respect to all the identified LED facets, provided some measure of their respective levels of embeddedness in LED theory using a purpose built tool. The embedded (ness) outcome proved that Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality’s LED practice was embedded in the LED theory across all the 7 facets, namely: general LED, enterprise development, locality development, community development, livelihood development, workforce development, and LED governance. The same analysis proved that Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality’s LED practice was embedded in LED theory in all the other facets bar community development. The survey results revealed that there are inadequate or limited initiatives in Buffalo.

An investigation into the impact of performance management and development system on service delivery in the Eastern Cape: a case of the three Buffalo City hospitals

Davashe, Cikizwa January 2008 (has links)
In the Eastern Cape Department of Health the performance management and development system progress reviews are performed in a summative manner. This happens when a supervisor leaves out all the other progress reviews and conducts a final progress assessment and monitoring at the end of the year. It is worse when the performance agreements are not even signed during the start of a financial year, neither does a newly qualified employee sign. As a result employees are not appraised because there are no progress reviews that are entered on the Persal system. Employees miss an opportunity to be sent for training at the same time they are rewarded late or not at all. It is obvious that the managers do not understand the aims and objectives of the PMDS policy. The research was an assessment of the effectiveness of the performance management and development system in inculcating professional behaviour in the nursing staff in the three Buffalo City hospitals, namely, East London Hospital Complex, Grey and Bisho hospital. The aspects of the policy investigated were the performance reviews, the competency framework and the performance incentive scheme. This research is qualitative in nature. Data was collected using unstructured interviews and open ended questions. The population of this study involved selected Performance Management Managers, Quality Assurance Manager, Area Managers, junior nurses and clerks working in the Buffalo City Hospitals. The respondents of the study were selected using the stratified random sampling technique. Descriptive methods were used to analyse data. Confidentiality was highly maintained and consent form even distributed from the start of the research. The three Buffalo City hospitals are practising a balanced scorecard as a performance measurement tool. It is in the form of workplans that are different for different levels of employees such as the performance workplans, standard framework workplan and individual workplans. ix The study discovered that there is poor compliance in performing the performance reviews. The attention is on the appraisal aspect more than the development aspect. Also, there is a delay in taking the employees for training as a result they end up not being trained. The employees are not rewarded according to their performance. The PMDS policy states that employees that get a score of three are entitled to get a one percent and those that are rated a four or a five qualify for a performance bonus. The study found that the PMDS policy is not implemented well. It is recommended that the performance management manager and the quality assurance manager need to apply a radical strategic transformation and change management to address the challenges.

Factors inhibiting rural development in the Amahlathi Local Municipality

Ngamile, Nolundi Cordelia January 2017 (has links)
In South Africa, since 1994 when democratic government came into power, the issue of development was raised as one of the priorities of government. Government promised citizens livelihoods to be improved through quality, effective and efficient services. Rural development was identified as one priorities of government to ensure better life for all the citizens. The issue of rural development was still a challenge in South Africa especially in the Eastern Cape Province. Amahlathi local municipality is not an exception from these challenges. Transformation of rural communities in this area through rural development is very slow. It is quite evident that although rural development was a priority initiative this municipality is still facing challenges. There are factors and constraints inhibiting rural development. The primary objective of this research was to obtain a better understanding of poverty and development in rural areas and also to identify the underlying factors and challenges inhibiting rural development. The study had three objectives. The first objective was to identify factors inhibiting rural development in the Amahlathi Local Municipality; the second objective was to identify the constraints on economic activities in Amahlathi Municipality. The third objective was to ascertain what has been done to address the needs of rural people in Amahlathi Local Municipality by agents of development, such as government and non-governmental organisations. The study employed a qualitative approach for an in-depth understanding and verification. Source of documents included academic and non -academic books, journal articles published and unpublished dissertations, official documents of the government and the magazines and the internet were used as sources of secondary data. The main finding in terms of the research objective is that there a number of factors inhibiting rural development include lack of basic infrastructure, lack of access to markets, low employment, and training and capacity building. Infrastructure such as roads, transport and irrigation is crucial for improving and stabilising the livelihoods of rural households and providing access to markets and key social services in the Amahlathi Municipality. The recommends that a serious interventions by the states should be employed and also has to encourage investment in infrastructure using labour-intensive methods to reduce service backlogs in underserviced areas in Amahlathi. Government has to develop service-improvement programmes that generate income and employment in order to reduce poverty in Amahlathi Municipality. This includes empowerment of people.

An exploration of supply chain management practices in the West Rand District Municipalities

Maleka, Thabisho Nehemia 03 1900 (has links)
Despite reform processes in the employment of Supply Chain Management (SCM) as a strategic tool in the South African public sector, there are predicaments in SCM practices, especially in municipalities. This notwithstanding, research that demystifies the SCM implementation practices in local municipalities within the West Rand District, SA is lacking. This study explores supply chain management practices implemented at the West Rand District municipalities. An exploratory and descriptive study was conducted based on a semi-structured questionnaire. The collected data was analysed descriptively using SPSS, inferentially using Fisher Exact test, as well as by content analysis using Atlas.ti. The findings of the study revealed that overall the West Rand District municipalities have adopted and implemented the SCM practices. However, SCM practices are sometimes not always aligned with government policies. The most implemented SCM practice was demand management, followed by acquisition management. The least implemented practices were logistics, disposal, risk and performance management. No significant differences were observed among the municipalities, except for municipality C (within its own supply chain practitioners). The municipalities face serious SCM challenges in implementing their SCM practices. These challenges stem from: a lack of training for SCM staff, lack of proper capacity, poor planning, and ineffective black economic empowerment in the West Rand District. Based on the results, there is a need of training for SCM staff, capacity building, better planning interventions, and more effective black economic empowerment. It should be reiterated that the lack of proper SCM processes and procedures are the root cause of problems in service delivery in South Africa. The study concludes by recommending that SCM practitioners should regularly update their SCM policies, ensure proper compliance with the elements of SCM, as well as to source competencies, skills, and knowledge from higher education institutions and private accredited service providers. / Business Management / M. Tech. (Business Administration)

Accountability of councillors through the batho pele principles in Lukhanji Local Municipality

Tshambu, Avela January 2017 (has links)
The main objective of the study is to explore the accountability of the ward councillors through the application of the Batho Pele principles in Lukhanji Municipality. Accountability is regarded as the key aspect for any government in which it should be monitored and maintained. The main problem to be addressed by this study is the ways in which the ward councillors can improve accountability applying the Batho Pele principles. To address the research problem and to achieve the aims of this study, an empirical research was done by distributing self-administered questionnaires to the participants in Lukhanji Municipality. The research findings revealed that in Lukhanji Municipality poor accountability of the ward councillors in which it needs improvement. Another finding is that poor accountability is caused by the lack of understanding of the Batho Pele principles, lack of understanding of the accountability mechanisms and poor relations between the community and ward councillors. The research findings of the study pointed to the necessity to make a set of recommendations on improving accountability through the application of Batho Pele principles in Lukhanji Municipality.

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