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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Red supergiant stars in the Local Group and beyond

Patrick, Lee Robert January 2016 (has links)
Red Supergiant (RSG) stars are the most luminous stars in the infrared sky. Their intrinsic luminosities combined with the low dust extinction observed in this regime makes these objects very attractive to study in the near-infrared (IR). In addition, RSGs are necessarily young objects, as they are tracers of recent star formation in extra-galactic systems. As the next generation of telescopes will be optimised for study in the near-IR, it is clear that, in the coming years, RSGs will play a prominent role in the way that astronomers probe the local Universe and out to larger distances with space-based observations. Therefore, it is vital to better our understanding of these objects now and develop the tools that will allow us to take full advantage of the suite of instrumentation that will become available in the near future. This thesis aims to further the understanding of RSGs by focusing on quantitative studies of near-IR spectroscopic observations. To this end, I develop an analysis technique that uses spectroscopic and photometric observations to estimate stellar parameters of RSGs. The observations are compared with synthetic spectra extracted from stellar model atmospheres, where departures from local thermodynamic equilibrium have been calculated for the diagnostic spectral lines. This technique is tested thoroughly on synthetic and real observations and is shown to reliably estimate stellar parameters in both regimes when compared with input parameters and previous studies respectively. Using the analysis routines developed in Chapter 3, in Chapter 4 I measure the chemistry and kinematics of NGC2100, a young massive cluster (YMC) of stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud, using near-IR spectroscopic observations of 14 RSGs taken with the new K-band multi-object spectrograph (KMOS). I estimate the average metallicity to be -0.43±0.10 dex, which is in good agreement with previous studies. I compare the observed location of the target RSGs on the Hertzsprung{Russell diagram with that of a Solar-like metallicity YMC and show that there appears to be no significant difference in the appearance of the RSGs in these two clusters. By combining the individual RSG spectra, I create an integrated-light cluster spectrum and show that the stellar parameters estimated, using the same technique as for individual RSGs, are in good agreement with the average properties of the cluster. In addition, I measure - for the first time - an upper limit of the dynamical mass of NGC2100 to be 15.2 X 10⁴Mʘ, which is consistent with the literature measurement of the photometric mass of the cluster. In Chapter 5, I present observations of RSGs in NGC6822, a dwarf irregular with a turbulent history, observed with KMOS. The data reduction process with KMOS is described in detail, in particular where the reduction has been optimised for the data. Stellar parameters are estimated using the technique presented in Chapter 3 and an average metallicity in NGC6822 of -0.55±0.13 dex is found, consistent with previous measurements of young stars in this galaxy. The spatial distribution of metallicity is estimated and weak evidence is found for a radial metallicity gradient, which will require follow-up observations. In addition, I show that the metallicities of the young and old populations of NGC6822 are well explained using a simple closed-box chemical evolution model, an interesting result, as NGC6822 is expected to have undergone significant recent interactions. In Chapter 6, I present multi-epoch KMOS observations of 22 RSGs in the Sculptor Group galaxy NGC55. Radial velocities are measured for the sample and are shown to be in good agreement with previous studies. Using the multi-epoch data, I find no evidence for radial velocity variables within the sample. Stellar parameters are estimated for 10 targets and are shown to be in good agreement with previous estimates. I conclude this thesis by summarising the main results and present a first-look calibration of the relationship between galaxy mass and metallicity using RSGs. By comparing the RSG metallicity estimates to metallicities estimated from ~ 50 000 Sloan digital sky survey galaxies, I show that the absolute metallicities of the two samples disagree. A more quantitative analysis requires additional RSG observations. In addition, using ~ 80 RSGs, with stellar parameters estimated in a consistent way, I show that there appears to be no dependence of the temperature of RSGs upon metallicity. This is in disagreement with current evolutionary models, which display a temperature change of ~ 450K over the studied range in metallicity. Finally, I outline potential areas for future work, focusing on follow-up studies that have been identified as a result of the work done in this thesis.

A survey for resolved Milky Way dwarf galaxy satellites /

Willman, Beth. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2003. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (p. 161-167).

Busca e análise de sistemas estelares do halo externo da galáxia

Canaza, Elmer Fidel Luque January 2014 (has links)
Uma previsão fundamental do cenário L cold dark matter (LCDM) na formação de estruturas é que os halos galácticos de DM do tamanho da Via Láctea (MW) crescem pela acreção de subsistemas menores. Neste contexto, simulações deNcorpos prevêem um número de sub-halos de matéria escura, cujo tamanho e massa são comparáveis às galáxias anãs, que é muito maior do que as galáxias satélites conhecidas. Este é o que se convencionu chamar de problema das satélites faltantes (MSP). A interpretação mais popular do MSP é que os sub-halos de matéria escura menores são extremamente ineficientes na formação de estrelas, o que torna mais difícil detectá-los. Com a chegada dos grandes levantamentos fotométricos, nos últimos anos, a descoberta de uma nova população de galáxias satélites que orbitam a MW fornece evidências empíricas para acreditar que realmente existem várias galáxias pouco luminosas não detectadas ou que simplesmente habitam regiões no céu que ainda não foram observadas. Neste trabalho implementamos um algoritmo estatístico eficiente para detectar subestruturas ultra fracas da MW. O código, chamado SPARSEX, foi testado e otimizado usando um conjunto de objetos estelares previamente identificados nos dados do Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), conseguindo recuperar todos os objetos com sucesso. Além disso, a aplicação do algoritmo aos dados dos dois primeiro anos do Dark Energy Survey (DES) deu como resultado centenas de candidatos a sistemas estelares. Dezessete sistemas estelares detectados em comum com outras técnicas de busca por subestruturas, implementadas dentro do grupo de colaboração do DES, foram publicados em três artigos em 2015. Um dos candidatos publicados é o aglomerado estelar DES 1. DES1 foi detectado pelo código SPARSEX com uma alta significância estatística e aparece nas imagens do DES como uma concentração compacta de fontes pontuais azuis. O sistema estelar é consistente com uma população velha e pobre em metal. Assumindo dois diferentes perfis de densidade, os quais permitem estimar a probabilidade de que cada estrela realmente pertença ao sistema, determinamos uma distância heliocêntrica e uma magnitude absoluta total num intervalo de 77.6—87.1 kpc e 3.00 . MV . 2.21, respectivamente. O raio à meia-luz desse objeto, rh 9.88 pc, e a luminosidade são consistentes com um aglomerado estelar de baixa luminosidade do halo externo. DES1 também é x alongado (e 0.6), o que faz supor que este objeto está em estágio avançado de dissolução. Mais tarde, através de uma cuidadosa reanálise de nossos resultados, dois novos candidatos foram detectados, DES J01111341 e DES J0225+0304. Os candidatos estão localizados a uma distância heliocêntrica de 25 kpc e parecem também estar dominados por populações estelares velhas e pobres em metais. Suas distâncias ao plano orbital da galáxia anã de Sagitário, 1.73 kpc (DES J01111341) e 0.50 kpc (DES J0225+0304), indicam que eles estão possivelmente associados com a corrente da anã de Sagitário. O raio à meia-luz (rh ' 4.55 pc) e a luminosidade (MV ' +0.3) de DES J01111341 são consistentes com um aglomerado estelar ultra fraco, enquanto o raio à meia-luz (rh ' 18.55 pc) e a luminosidade (MV ' 1.1) de DES J0225+0304 colocam este objeto em uma região ambígua do plano tamanho-luminosidade entre aglomerados estelares e galáxias anãs. Determinações dos parâmetros característicos da corrente de Sagitário, tais como o espalhamento de metalicidade (2.18 . [Fe/H] . 0.95) e o gradiente de distância (23 kpc . D . 29 kpc), dentro da área amostrada do DES no hemisfério sul, também indicam uma possível associação com estes sistemas. Se esses objetos forem confirmados através de follow-up espectroscópico como sistemas ligados gravitacionalmente e compartilharem uma trajetoria Galáctica com a corrente de Sagitário, DES J01111341 e DES J0225+0304 seriam os primeiros sistemas estelares ultra fracos associados com tal corrente. Recentemente, nós reportamos a descoberta de um novo aglomerado estelar, DES 3. O novo sistema foi detectado como uma sobredensidade estelar nos dados do primeiro ano do DES e confirmado com follow-up fotométrico obtido com o Southerm Astrophysical Research (SOAR) Telecope. Nós determinamos que DES 3 está localizado a uma distância heliocêntrica de 76 kpc e é dominado por uma população velha (' 9.8Ganos) e pobre em metal ([Fe/H] ' 1.88). Embora os valores de idade e metalicidade de DES 3 são semelhantes aos aglomerados globulares, o seu raio à meia-luz (rh 6.5 pc) e a luminosidade (MV 1.9) são mais indicativos de um aglomerados estelar fraco. Com base no tamanho angular aparente, o DES 3, com um valor de rh 0.03, está entre os menores aglomerados estelares fracos conhecidos até à data. Estas novas detecções indicam que o censo de satélites da MW é ainda incompleto. A identificação e estudo de novos satélites em futuros surveys, como por exemplo o Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) será crucial para a nossa compreensão das subestruturas existentes no halo Galáctico e a evolução da Galáxia como um todo. / A fundamental prediction of the L cold dark matter (LCDM) scenario of structure formation is that galactic DM haloes of the size of the Milky Way (MW) grow by the accretion of smaller sub-systems. In this context, Nbody simulations predict a number of dark matter subhalos, with size and mass comparable to dwarf galaxies, but which is much larger than currently known satellite galaxies. This is what is conventionally called the missing satellites problem (MSP). The most popular interpretation of the MSP is that the smaller dark matter subhalos are extremely inefficient in star formation, making it more difficult to detect them. With the arrival of large photometric surveys, in recent years, the discovery of a new population of satellite galaxies orbiting the MW provides empirical evidence to believe that there are actually several low luminosity galaxies that were not yet detected or that simply inhabit regions in the sky that have not yet been observed. In this work we present an efficient statistical algorithm to detect ultra-faint MW substructures. The code, called SPARSEX, was tested and optimized using a set of stellar objects previously identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data. It has detected successfully all known objects. In addition, the algorithm was applied on the first two years of Dark Energy Survey (DES) data, resulting in hundreds of stellar system candidates. Seventeen stellar systems detected in common with other substructure search techniques implemented within the DES collaboration were published in three papers in 2015. In particular, one published candidate is a star cluster, DES 1. DES 1 was detected by the SPARSEX code with high statistical significance and appears in DES images as a compact concentration of blue point sources. The stellar system is consistent with being dominated by an old and metal-poor population. Assuming two different density profiles, based on which we may evaluate a membership probability for each star, we determined a heliocentric distance and total absolute magnitude in the ranges of 77.6—87.1 kpc and 3.00 . MV . 2.21, respectively. The half-light radius of this object, rh 9.88 pc, and luminosity are consistent with a low-mass halo star cluster. DES1 is also elongated (e 0.6), which suggests that this object is in advanced stage of dissolution. Later, through a careful reanalysis of our results, two new candidates were detected, DES J01111341 e DES J0225+0304. The candidates are located at a heliocentric xii distance of 25 kpc and appear to have old and metal-poor populations as well. Their distances to the Sagittarius dwarf orbital plane, 1.73 kpc (DES J01111341) and 0.50 kpc (DES J0225+0304), indicate that they are possibly associated with the Sagittarius dwarf stream. The half-light radius (rh ' 4.55 pc) and luminosity (MV ' +0.3) of DES J01111341 are consistent with it being an ultra-faint star cluster, while the half-light radius (rh ' 18.55 pc) and luminosity (MV ' 1.1) of DES J0225+0304 place it in an ambiguous region of size-luminosity space between star clusters and dwarf galaxies. Determinations of the characteristic parameters of the Sagittarius stream, such as its metallicity spread (2.18 . [Fe/H] . 0.95) and distance gradient (23 kpc . D . 29 kpc), within the DES footprint in the Southern hemisphere, also indicate a possible association with these systems. If theses objects are confirmed through spectroscopic follow-up to be gravitationally bound systems and to share a Galactic trajectory with the Sagittarius stream, DES J01111341 and DES J0225+0304 would be the first ultra-faint stellar systems associated with the Sagittarius stream. Recently, we reported the discovery of a new star cluster, DES 3. The new system was detected as a stellar overdensity in first-year DES data, and confirmed with deeper photometry from the Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) telescope. We determine that DES 3 is located at a heliocentric distance of 76 kpc and it is dominated by an old (' 9.8 Gyr) and metal-poor ([Fe/H] ' 1.88) population. While the age and metallicity values of DES 3 are similar to globular clusters, its half-light radius (rh 6.5 pc) and luminosity (MV 1.9) are more indicative of faint star clusters. Based on the apparent angular size, DES 3, with a value of rh 0.03, is among the smallest faint star clusters known to date. These new detections indicate that the MW satellites census is still incomplete. The identification and study of new satellites in future surveys, such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), will be crucial to our understanding of substructures in the Galactic halo and the evolution of the Galaxy as a whole.

Os satélites da Via Láctea no contexto cosmológico

Balbinot, Eduardo January 2014 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é analisar aspectos do sistema de satélites da Via Láctea de relevância cosmológica. Dentre estes aspectos destacam-se dois: o censo de satélites da Galáxia – onde constata-se que a quantidade destes objetos é muito inferior ao predito por modelos cosmológicos do tipo Matéria Escura Fria – e a frequência anômala de satélites luminosos, como a Pequena e Grande Nuvem de Magalhães (SMC e LMC respectivamente). Além disso, a determinação dos parâmetros estruturais da LMC pode impor vínculos a sua formação, histórico orbital e sobre a massa de nossa Galáxia. Neste trabalho é desenvolvida uma técnica de busca por satélites da Via Láctea. Esta técnica foi otimizada para utilizar dados da nova geração de grandes surveys de maneira eficiente. Este código, o FindSat, foi validado em uma amostra de galáxias anãs conhecidas e se mostrou eficiente em detectar as galáxias anãs mais tênues de que se tem registro. A aplicação desse código a uma região do Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) ainda não explorada nesse sentido revelou uma série de candidatos a novos satélites. Foram selecionados os candidatos mais promissores para observação de follow-up. Estas observações revelaram que um destes candidatos é de fato um novo satélite da Via Láctea. Este novo objeto é muito provavelmente um aglomerado globular do halo em estágio avançado de dissolução, porém, seu tamanho e magnitude integrada colocamno em um domínio limítrofe entre aglomerado e galáxia anã. Através da cuidadosa análise dos demais candidatos, constatou-se que nenhum outro é de fato um novo satélite da Galáxia. Além disso, foi realizado o estudo do perfil de densidade e geometria da LMC. Este estudo utilizou dados de verificação científica do Dark Energy Survey (DES). Constatase que o perfil de densidades para estrelas jovens (< 3 Gyr) possui um raio de escala cerca de 50% menor que o da população velha (> 3 Gyr), favorecendo o cenário de formação tipo outside-in. O estudo da extensão da componente estelar da LMC revela um raio de maré de cerca de 18 kpc, permitindo o cálculo da massa dinâmica total da LMC. O valor de massa obtido favorece a hipótese onde as Nuvens de Magalhães estariam por sua primeira passagem pelo perigaláctico. Além disso, a distância heliocêntrica e espessura do disco da LMC foram determinadas utilizando estrelas do Red Clump (RC). Notou-se que regiões no extremo norte da LMC estão sistematicamente mais próximas de nós do que o esperado, este efeito evidencia o warp no disco dessa galáxia. Observou-se que a espessura do disco aumenta na periferia da LMC, caracterizando o fenômeno de flare. O aumento na espessura juntamente com a maior extensão da população velha da LMC é interpretado como a presença de dois componentes discoidais. Esta é a primeira evidência desse tipo baseada apenas em métodos de contagem de estrelas. / The goal of this thesis is to analyse comologically relevant aspects of the Milky Way (MW) satellite system. Among these we may highlight two: the census of MW satellites – where the observed number of these objects is much less than what is expected by Cold Dark Matter (CDM) models – and the anomalous frequency of luminous satellites, such as the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds (SMC and LMC respectively). Besides the cosmological importance of the Clouds, the determination of its structural parameters may help to constraint models for their formation, orbital history, and ultimately the mass assembly in our Galaxy. In this work a technique to search newMWsatellites is developed. This technique was optimized to run efficiently on large datasets, such as the ones being generated by the new generation of surveys. The code, FindSat was validated in a sample of well known MW satellites and has proven to be well succeeded even for the most faint of these objects. The application of this code to an unexplored region of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) revealed a large amount of new dwarf galaxy candidates, some of which where selected for follow-up observation. These observations led to the discovery of a new MW satellite. This new object is most likely a globular cluster in an extreme stage of dissolution. However, its integrated magnitude and size makes it difficult to discern it from a dwarf galaxy. By a careful analysis of the remaining candidates, it was shown that no other new satellite was in the sample. The density profile and geometry of the LMC was also analysed. This study used the recent science verification data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES). It was found that the density profile for young stars (< 3 Gyr) has a scale radius 50% smaller when compared to the one obtained for older stars (> 3 Gyr). This result favours the outsidein galaxy formation scenario. The total extension of the LMC stellar component was measured, allowing the estimate of a truncation radius of about 18 kpc. Assuming that this truncation has tidal origins the dynamical mass of the LMC is inferred. The mass value found favours the case for the first perigalactic passage of the Clouds. Besides that, the heliocentric distance and thickness of the LMC disk was determined using Red Clump (RC) stars. Evidence for warp was found in the North edge of the LMC, in the sense that the disk is systematically more distance than expected. While the thickness of the disk increases towards the outer parts of the LMC, which is a phenomena known as flare. This effect joined with the fact that the older LMC stellar population is more extended, favours the presence of two disk components in this galaxy. This is the first evidence of this kind based only on star counts.

Busca e análise de sistemas estelares do halo externo da galáxia

Canaza, Elmer Fidel Luque January 2014 (has links)
Uma previsão fundamental do cenário L cold dark matter (LCDM) na formação de estruturas é que os halos galácticos de DM do tamanho da Via Láctea (MW) crescem pela acreção de subsistemas menores. Neste contexto, simulações deNcorpos prevêem um número de sub-halos de matéria escura, cujo tamanho e massa são comparáveis às galáxias anãs, que é muito maior do que as galáxias satélites conhecidas. Este é o que se convencionu chamar de problema das satélites faltantes (MSP). A interpretação mais popular do MSP é que os sub-halos de matéria escura menores são extremamente ineficientes na formação de estrelas, o que torna mais difícil detectá-los. Com a chegada dos grandes levantamentos fotométricos, nos últimos anos, a descoberta de uma nova população de galáxias satélites que orbitam a MW fornece evidências empíricas para acreditar que realmente existem várias galáxias pouco luminosas não detectadas ou que simplesmente habitam regiões no céu que ainda não foram observadas. Neste trabalho implementamos um algoritmo estatístico eficiente para detectar subestruturas ultra fracas da MW. O código, chamado SPARSEX, foi testado e otimizado usando um conjunto de objetos estelares previamente identificados nos dados do Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), conseguindo recuperar todos os objetos com sucesso. Além disso, a aplicação do algoritmo aos dados dos dois primeiro anos do Dark Energy Survey (DES) deu como resultado centenas de candidatos a sistemas estelares. Dezessete sistemas estelares detectados em comum com outras técnicas de busca por subestruturas, implementadas dentro do grupo de colaboração do DES, foram publicados em três artigos em 2015. Um dos candidatos publicados é o aglomerado estelar DES 1. DES1 foi detectado pelo código SPARSEX com uma alta significância estatística e aparece nas imagens do DES como uma concentração compacta de fontes pontuais azuis. O sistema estelar é consistente com uma população velha e pobre em metal. Assumindo dois diferentes perfis de densidade, os quais permitem estimar a probabilidade de que cada estrela realmente pertença ao sistema, determinamos uma distância heliocêntrica e uma magnitude absoluta total num intervalo de 77.6—87.1 kpc e 3.00 . MV . 2.21, respectivamente. O raio à meia-luz desse objeto, rh 9.88 pc, e a luminosidade são consistentes com um aglomerado estelar de baixa luminosidade do halo externo. DES1 também é x alongado (e 0.6), o que faz supor que este objeto está em estágio avançado de dissolução. Mais tarde, através de uma cuidadosa reanálise de nossos resultados, dois novos candidatos foram detectados, DES J01111341 e DES J0225+0304. Os candidatos estão localizados a uma distância heliocêntrica de 25 kpc e parecem também estar dominados por populações estelares velhas e pobres em metais. Suas distâncias ao plano orbital da galáxia anã de Sagitário, 1.73 kpc (DES J01111341) e 0.50 kpc (DES J0225+0304), indicam que eles estão possivelmente associados com a corrente da anã de Sagitário. O raio à meia-luz (rh ' 4.55 pc) e a luminosidade (MV ' +0.3) de DES J01111341 são consistentes com um aglomerado estelar ultra fraco, enquanto o raio à meia-luz (rh ' 18.55 pc) e a luminosidade (MV ' 1.1) de DES J0225+0304 colocam este objeto em uma região ambígua do plano tamanho-luminosidade entre aglomerados estelares e galáxias anãs. Determinações dos parâmetros característicos da corrente de Sagitário, tais como o espalhamento de metalicidade (2.18 . [Fe/H] . 0.95) e o gradiente de distância (23 kpc . D . 29 kpc), dentro da área amostrada do DES no hemisfério sul, também indicam uma possível associação com estes sistemas. Se esses objetos forem confirmados através de follow-up espectroscópico como sistemas ligados gravitacionalmente e compartilharem uma trajetoria Galáctica com a corrente de Sagitário, DES J01111341 e DES J0225+0304 seriam os primeiros sistemas estelares ultra fracos associados com tal corrente. Recentemente, nós reportamos a descoberta de um novo aglomerado estelar, DES 3. O novo sistema foi detectado como uma sobredensidade estelar nos dados do primeiro ano do DES e confirmado com follow-up fotométrico obtido com o Southerm Astrophysical Research (SOAR) Telecope. Nós determinamos que DES 3 está localizado a uma distância heliocêntrica de 76 kpc e é dominado por uma população velha (' 9.8Ganos) e pobre em metal ([Fe/H] ' 1.88). Embora os valores de idade e metalicidade de DES 3 são semelhantes aos aglomerados globulares, o seu raio à meia-luz (rh 6.5 pc) e a luminosidade (MV 1.9) são mais indicativos de um aglomerados estelar fraco. Com base no tamanho angular aparente, o DES 3, com um valor de rh 0.03, está entre os menores aglomerados estelares fracos conhecidos até à data. Estas novas detecções indicam que o censo de satélites da MW é ainda incompleto. A identificação e estudo de novos satélites em futuros surveys, como por exemplo o Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) será crucial para a nossa compreensão das subestruturas existentes no halo Galáctico e a evolução da Galáxia como um todo. / A fundamental prediction of the L cold dark matter (LCDM) scenario of structure formation is that galactic DM haloes of the size of the Milky Way (MW) grow by the accretion of smaller sub-systems. In this context, Nbody simulations predict a number of dark matter subhalos, with size and mass comparable to dwarf galaxies, but which is much larger than currently known satellite galaxies. This is what is conventionally called the missing satellites problem (MSP). The most popular interpretation of the MSP is that the smaller dark matter subhalos are extremely inefficient in star formation, making it more difficult to detect them. With the arrival of large photometric surveys, in recent years, the discovery of a new population of satellite galaxies orbiting the MW provides empirical evidence to believe that there are actually several low luminosity galaxies that were not yet detected or that simply inhabit regions in the sky that have not yet been observed. In this work we present an efficient statistical algorithm to detect ultra-faint MW substructures. The code, called SPARSEX, was tested and optimized using a set of stellar objects previously identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data. It has detected successfully all known objects. In addition, the algorithm was applied on the first two years of Dark Energy Survey (DES) data, resulting in hundreds of stellar system candidates. Seventeen stellar systems detected in common with other substructure search techniques implemented within the DES collaboration were published in three papers in 2015. In particular, one published candidate is a star cluster, DES 1. DES 1 was detected by the SPARSEX code with high statistical significance and appears in DES images as a compact concentration of blue point sources. The stellar system is consistent with being dominated by an old and metal-poor population. Assuming two different density profiles, based on which we may evaluate a membership probability for each star, we determined a heliocentric distance and total absolute magnitude in the ranges of 77.6—87.1 kpc and 3.00 . MV . 2.21, respectively. The half-light radius of this object, rh 9.88 pc, and luminosity are consistent with a low-mass halo star cluster. DES1 is also elongated (e 0.6), which suggests that this object is in advanced stage of dissolution. Later, through a careful reanalysis of our results, two new candidates were detected, DES J01111341 e DES J0225+0304. The candidates are located at a heliocentric xii distance of 25 kpc and appear to have old and metal-poor populations as well. Their distances to the Sagittarius dwarf orbital plane, 1.73 kpc (DES J01111341) and 0.50 kpc (DES J0225+0304), indicate that they are possibly associated with the Sagittarius dwarf stream. The half-light radius (rh ' 4.55 pc) and luminosity (MV ' +0.3) of DES J01111341 are consistent with it being an ultra-faint star cluster, while the half-light radius (rh ' 18.55 pc) and luminosity (MV ' 1.1) of DES J0225+0304 place it in an ambiguous region of size-luminosity space between star clusters and dwarf galaxies. Determinations of the characteristic parameters of the Sagittarius stream, such as its metallicity spread (2.18 . [Fe/H] . 0.95) and distance gradient (23 kpc . D . 29 kpc), within the DES footprint in the Southern hemisphere, also indicate a possible association with these systems. If theses objects are confirmed through spectroscopic follow-up to be gravitationally bound systems and to share a Galactic trajectory with the Sagittarius stream, DES J01111341 and DES J0225+0304 would be the first ultra-faint stellar systems associated with the Sagittarius stream. Recently, we reported the discovery of a new star cluster, DES 3. The new system was detected as a stellar overdensity in first-year DES data, and confirmed with deeper photometry from the Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) telescope. We determine that DES 3 is located at a heliocentric distance of 76 kpc and it is dominated by an old (' 9.8 Gyr) and metal-poor ([Fe/H] ' 1.88) population. While the age and metallicity values of DES 3 are similar to globular clusters, its half-light radius (rh 6.5 pc) and luminosity (MV 1.9) are more indicative of faint star clusters. Based on the apparent angular size, DES 3, with a value of rh 0.03, is among the smallest faint star clusters known to date. These new detections indicate that the MW satellites census is still incomplete. The identification and study of new satellites in future surveys, such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), will be crucial to our understanding of substructures in the Galactic halo and the evolution of the Galaxy as a whole.

Os satélites da Via Láctea no contexto cosmológico

Balbinot, Eduardo January 2014 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é analisar aspectos do sistema de satélites da Via Láctea de relevância cosmológica. Dentre estes aspectos destacam-se dois: o censo de satélites da Galáxia – onde constata-se que a quantidade destes objetos é muito inferior ao predito por modelos cosmológicos do tipo Matéria Escura Fria – e a frequência anômala de satélites luminosos, como a Pequena e Grande Nuvem de Magalhães (SMC e LMC respectivamente). Além disso, a determinação dos parâmetros estruturais da LMC pode impor vínculos a sua formação, histórico orbital e sobre a massa de nossa Galáxia. Neste trabalho é desenvolvida uma técnica de busca por satélites da Via Láctea. Esta técnica foi otimizada para utilizar dados da nova geração de grandes surveys de maneira eficiente. Este código, o FindSat, foi validado em uma amostra de galáxias anãs conhecidas e se mostrou eficiente em detectar as galáxias anãs mais tênues de que se tem registro. A aplicação desse código a uma região do Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) ainda não explorada nesse sentido revelou uma série de candidatos a novos satélites. Foram selecionados os candidatos mais promissores para observação de follow-up. Estas observações revelaram que um destes candidatos é de fato um novo satélite da Via Láctea. Este novo objeto é muito provavelmente um aglomerado globular do halo em estágio avançado de dissolução, porém, seu tamanho e magnitude integrada colocamno em um domínio limítrofe entre aglomerado e galáxia anã. Através da cuidadosa análise dos demais candidatos, constatou-se que nenhum outro é de fato um novo satélite da Galáxia. Além disso, foi realizado o estudo do perfil de densidade e geometria da LMC. Este estudo utilizou dados de verificação científica do Dark Energy Survey (DES). Constatase que o perfil de densidades para estrelas jovens (< 3 Gyr) possui um raio de escala cerca de 50% menor que o da população velha (> 3 Gyr), favorecendo o cenário de formação tipo outside-in. O estudo da extensão da componente estelar da LMC revela um raio de maré de cerca de 18 kpc, permitindo o cálculo da massa dinâmica total da LMC. O valor de massa obtido favorece a hipótese onde as Nuvens de Magalhães estariam por sua primeira passagem pelo perigaláctico. Além disso, a distância heliocêntrica e espessura do disco da LMC foram determinadas utilizando estrelas do Red Clump (RC). Notou-se que regiões no extremo norte da LMC estão sistematicamente mais próximas de nós do que o esperado, este efeito evidencia o warp no disco dessa galáxia. Observou-se que a espessura do disco aumenta na periferia da LMC, caracterizando o fenômeno de flare. O aumento na espessura juntamente com a maior extensão da população velha da LMC é interpretado como a presença de dois componentes discoidais. Esta é a primeira evidência desse tipo baseada apenas em métodos de contagem de estrelas. / The goal of this thesis is to analyse comologically relevant aspects of the Milky Way (MW) satellite system. Among these we may highlight two: the census of MW satellites – where the observed number of these objects is much less than what is expected by Cold Dark Matter (CDM) models – and the anomalous frequency of luminous satellites, such as the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds (SMC and LMC respectively). Besides the cosmological importance of the Clouds, the determination of its structural parameters may help to constraint models for their formation, orbital history, and ultimately the mass assembly in our Galaxy. In this work a technique to search newMWsatellites is developed. This technique was optimized to run efficiently on large datasets, such as the ones being generated by the new generation of surveys. The code, FindSat was validated in a sample of well known MW satellites and has proven to be well succeeded even for the most faint of these objects. The application of this code to an unexplored region of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) revealed a large amount of new dwarf galaxy candidates, some of which where selected for follow-up observation. These observations led to the discovery of a new MW satellite. This new object is most likely a globular cluster in an extreme stage of dissolution. However, its integrated magnitude and size makes it difficult to discern it from a dwarf galaxy. By a careful analysis of the remaining candidates, it was shown that no other new satellite was in the sample. The density profile and geometry of the LMC was also analysed. This study used the recent science verification data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES). It was found that the density profile for young stars (< 3 Gyr) has a scale radius 50% smaller when compared to the one obtained for older stars (> 3 Gyr). This result favours the outsidein galaxy formation scenario. The total extension of the LMC stellar component was measured, allowing the estimate of a truncation radius of about 18 kpc. Assuming that this truncation has tidal origins the dynamical mass of the LMC is inferred. The mass value found favours the case for the first perigalactic passage of the Clouds. Besides that, the heliocentric distance and thickness of the LMC disk was determined using Red Clump (RC) stars. Evidence for warp was found in the North edge of the LMC, in the sense that the disk is systematically more distance than expected. While the thickness of the disk increases towards the outer parts of the LMC, which is a phenomena known as flare. This effect joined with the fact that the older LMC stellar population is more extended, favours the presence of two disk components in this galaxy. This is the first evidence of this kind based only on star counts.

Morphologie intrinsèque et cinématique globale des galaxies satellites d’Andromède / lntrinsic morphology and global kinematics of Andromeda satellite galaxies

Salomon, Jean-Baptiste 29 September 2015 (has links)
A l’échelle galactique, le paradigme lambda-CDM n’est pas prédictif. Afin d’approfondir nos connaissances dans cette gamme de taille, les satellites du Groupe Local (GL) sont les systèmes galactiques les plus simples et les plus proches pour tester nos différentes hypothèses. Ainsi, nous présentons d’abord une méthode permettant d’obtenir analytiquement l’ellipticité intrinsèque des galaxies naines. Les résultats de cette technique appliquée sur un échantillon de 25 satellites de la galaxie Andromède (M31) laissent présumer que le GL est plus perturbé qu’il n’était envisagé jusqu’alors. Après cette approche individuelle, nous exposons un résultat sur la cinématique globale du système M31. Cette estimation montre pour la première fois que la vitesse transverse de ce système par rapport à la Voie Lactée est élevée. Cela peut mener à de fortes implications sur le GL, notamment quant à la détermination de sa masse et de son évolution passée et future. / The Lambda-CDM cosmological model represents nowadays the best understanding of the formation and the evolution of large scale structures in our Universe. Nevertheless, this paradigm is not predictive and successful yet at smaller scales. In this context, satellites in the Local Group (LG), the simpler and closer galactic systems, are one of our best chance to test this model and to improve our comprehension of galaxy formation. Thus, we present here a method to derive analytically the intrinsic (3D) morphology of dwarf galaxies. Results of this technic applied to 25 Andromeda (M31) satellites suggest that the LG is in fact more disturbed than what was previously thought. After this individual approach, we further expose a recent result on the global kinematics of the M31 system. This new estimation suggests for the first time a high transverse velocity for this system with respect to the Milky Way. These values could lead to redefine the entire dynamic of the LG and its surroundings.

The SAGA Survey. I. Satellite Galaxy Populations around Eight Milky Way Analogs

Geha, Marla, Wechsler, Risa H., Mao, Yao-Yuan, Tollerud, Erik J., Weiner, Benjamin, Bernstein, Rebecca, Hoyle, Ben, Marchi, Sebastian, Marshall, Phil J., Muñoz, Ricardo, Lu, Yu 14 September 2017 (has links)
We present the survey strategy and early results of the "Satellites Around Galactic Analogs" (SAGA) Survey. The SAGA. Survey's goal is to measure the distribution of satellite galaxies around 100 systems analogous to the Milky Way down to the luminosity of the Leo I dwarf galaxy (M-r < -12.3). We define a Milky Way analog based on K-band luminosity and local environment. Here, we present satellite luminosity functions for eight Milky-Way-analog galaxies between 20 and 40. Mpc. These systems have nearly complete spectroscopic coverage of candidate satellites within the projected host virial radius down to r(o) < 20.75 using low-redshift gri color criteria. We have discovered a total of 25 new satellite galaxies: 14. new satellite galaxies meet our formal criteria around our complete host systems, plus 11 additional satellites in either incompletely surveyed hosts or below our formal magnitude limit. Combined with 13 previously known satellites, there are a total of 27 satellites around 8 complete Milky-Way-analog hosts. We find a wide distribution in the number of satellites per host, from 1 to 9, in the luminosity range for which there are 5 Milky Way satellites. Standard abundance matching extrapolated from higher luminosities predicts less scatter between hosts and a steeper luminosity function slope than observed. We find that the majority of satellites (26 of 27) are star-forming. These early results indicate that the Milky Way has a different satellite population than typical in our sample, potentially changing the physical interpretation of measurements based only on the Milky Way's satellite galaxies.

Étude du milieu interstellaire de galaxies chimiquement jeunes du Groupe Local / The Interstellar Medium of Local Group Chemically Young Galaxies

Gratier, Pierre 16 November 2010 (has links)
La variété de galaxies dans le Groupe Local rend possible l'étude du milieu interstellaire et de la formation d'étoiles dans des conditions différentes de celles trouvées dans la Voie Lactée, tout en conservant une grande résolution spatiale grâce à leur proximité. Nous avons étudié le milieu interstellaire de deux galaxies du Groupe Local, M33 et NGC6822, dont les métallicités sont inférieures d'un facteur 2 à 3 à celle du soleil et qui sont respectivement dix fois et cent fois moins lumineuses que la Voie Lactée. Nos observations de la transition J=2->1 du monoxyde de carbone, avec une résolution suffisante pour résoudre les nuages moléculaires géants, fournissent la première carte du milieu moléculaire de NGC6822 et la cartographie de M33 avec la meilleure combinaison de résolution et de sensibilité. Nous présentons également une cartographie haute résolution du milieu atomique de M33 à partir d'une mosaïque intérférométrique dans la raie à 21cm de l'ensemble du disque de la galaxie. Combinées avec des données allant de l'ultraviolet à l'infrarouge lointain, ces observations permettent l'étude du milieu interstellaire et de la formation d'étoiles à des échelles allant du nuage individuel à la galaxie dans son ensemble. Ces deux objets, chimiquement jeunes, semblent convertir l'hydrogène moléculaire en étoiles plus rapidement que les grandes galaxies spirales comme la Voie Lactée. Est-ce à rapprocher du taux élevé de formation d'étoiles dans les galaxies de l'univers plus jeune (z~0.5-1), également riches en gaz et bleues comme M33 et NGC6822 ? Un soin particulier a été apporté pour tenter de mesurer la masse de dihydrogène, difficile dans ce type d'objet, à l'échelle de la galaxie ainsi qu'à l'échelle du nuage. Une méthode d'identification automatique et de mesure des propriétés physiques des nuages moléculaires géants a permis d'obtenir, dans le cas de M33, le plus grand catalogue de nuage moléculaires dans une galaxie extérieure. Il en résulte que les nuages de M33 et de NGC 6822 ont, en moyenne, une largeur de raie plus faible, pour une taille donnée, que les nuages de la Voie Lactée. Dans M33, la fraction de petits nuages augmente significativement avec le rayon galactocentrique. Au moins un sixième des nuages moléculaires géants ne sont pas associés à de la formation stellaire (détectée) mais nous n'avons pas identifié de caractéristiques physiques particulières pour ces nuages. / The variety of galaxies in the Local Group enables the study of the interstellar medium and star formation under conditions different from those found in the Milky Way, while retaining a good spatial resolution due to their proximity. We have studied the interstellar medium of two Local Group galaxies, M33 and NGC6822, that have metallicities 2 to 3 times less than solar and are respectively 10 and 100 times less luminous than the Milky Way. Our large scale observations of the CO(2-1) transition, with a resolution sufficient to resolve giant molecular clouds, provide the the first molecular gas map of NGC6822 and the M33 map with the best combination of resolution and sensitivity. We also present a high resolution map of the atomic gas from an interferometric mosaic of M33's disk through the 21cm hydrogen line. Combining these observations with data ranging from ultraviolet to far infrared, we study the interstellar medium and star formation on scales ranging from individual clouds to the whole galaxy. These two chemically young objects appear to be converting molecular hydrogen into stars at a faster rate than in large spirals like the Milky Way. Can this be linked to the high star formation rate in galaxies of the earlier universe (z~0.5-1) which were bluer and gas rich like M33 and NGC6822 ? We have taken particular care to try and measure the molecular hydrogen mass, a difficult task in such objects, at the scale both of the galaxy and of the clouds. An automated molecular cloud identification and physical property measurement has been applied to the molecular gas data, yielding, in the case of M33, the largest catalog of giant molecular clouds in an external galaxy. From this catalog, it is found that the M33 molecular clouds have, on average, a smaller line-width, for a given size, than their Galactic counterparts. In M33, the fraction of small clouds increases significantly with the galactocentric radius. At least a sixth of the giant molecular clouds are not associated with detected star formation but we have not identified any particular physical characteristics for these clouds.

SMASH: Survey of the MAgellanic Stellar History

Nidever, David L., Olsen, Knut, Walker, Alistair R., Vivas, A. Katherina, Blum, Robert D., Kaleida, Catherine, Choi, Yumi, Conn, Blair C., Gruendl, Robert A., Bell, Eric F., Besla, Gurtina, Muñoz, Ricardo R., Gallart, Carme, Martin, Nicolas F., Olszewski, Edward W., Saha, Abhijit, Monachesi, Antonela, Monelli, Matteo, de Boer, Thomas J. L., Johnson, L. Clifton, Zaritsky, Dennis, Stringfellow, Guy S., van der Marel, Roeland P., Cioni, Maria-Rosa L., Jin, Shoko, Majewski, Steven R., Martinez-Delgado, David, Monteagudo, Lara, Noël, Noelia E. D., Bernard, Edouard J., Kunder, Andrea, Chu, You-Hua, Bell, Cameron P. M., Santana, Felipe, Frechem, Joshua, Medina, Gustavo E., Parkash, Vaishali, Navarrete, J. C. Serón, Hayes, Christian 25 October 2017 (has links)
The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are unique local laboratories for studying the formation and evolution of small galaxies in exquisite detail. The Survey of the MAgellanic Stellar History (SMASH) is an NOAO community Dark Energy Camera (DECam) survey of the Clouds mapping 480 deg2 (distributed over similar to 2400 square degrees at similar to 20% filling factor) to similar to 24th. mag in ugriz. The primary goals of SMASH are to identify low surface brightness stellar populations associated with the stellar halos and tidal debris of the Clouds, and to derive spatially resolved star formation histories. Here, we present a summary of the survey, its data reduction, and a description of the first public Data Release (DR1). The SMASH DECam data have been reduced with a combination of the NOAO Community Pipeline, the PHOTRED automated point-spread-function photometry pipeline, and custom calibration software. The astrometric precision is similar to 15 mas and the accuracy is similar to 2 mas with respect to the Gaia reference frame. The photometric precision is similar to 0.5%-0.7% in griz and similar to 1% in u with a calibration accuracy of similar to 1.3% in all bands. The median 5s point source depths in ugriz are 23.9, 24.8, 24.5, 24.2, and 23.5 mag. The SMASH data have already been used to discover the Hydra II Milky Way satellite, the SMASH 1 old globular cluster likely associated with the LMC, and extended stellar populations around the LMC out to R. similar to. 18.4 kpc. SMASH DR1 contains measurements of similar to 100 million objects distributed in 61 fields. A prototype version of the NOAO Data Lab provides data access and exploration tools.

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