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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Software caching techniques and hardware optimizations for on-chip local memories

Vujic, Nikola 05 June 2012 (has links)
Despite the fact that the most viable L1 memories in processors are caches, on-chip local memories have been a great topic of consideration lately. Local memories are an interesting design option due to their many benefits: less area occupancy, reduced energy consumption and fast and constant access time. These benefits are especially interesting for the design of modern multicore processors since power and latency are important assets in computer architecture today. Also, local memories do not generate coherency traffic which is important for the scalability of the multicore systems. Unfortunately, local memories have not been well accepted in modern processors yet, mainly due to their poor programmability. Systems with on-chip local memories do not have hardware support for transparent data transfers between local and global memories, and thus ease of programming is one of the main impediments for the broad acceptance of those systems. This thesis addresses software and hardware optimizations regarding the programmability, and the usage of the on-chip local memories in the context of both single-core and multicore systems. Software optimizations are related to the software caching techniques. Software cache is a robust approach to provide the user with a transparent view of the memory architecture; but this software approach can suffer from poor performance. In this thesis, we start optimizing traditional software cache by proposing a hierarchical, hybrid software-cache architecture. Afterwards, we develop few optimizations in order to speedup our hybrid software cache as much as possible. As the result of the software optimizations we obtain that our hybrid software cache performs from 4 to 10 times faster than traditional software cache on a set of NAS parallel benchmarks. We do not stop with software caching. We cover some other aspects of the architectures with on-chip local memories, such as the quality of the generated code and its correspondence with the quality of the buffer management in local memories, in order to improve performance of these architectures. Therefore, we run our research till we reach the limit in software and start proposing optimizations on the hardware level. Two hardware proposals are presented in this thesis. One is about relaxing alignment constraints imposed in the architectures with on-chip local memories and the other proposal is about accelerating the management of local memories by providing hardware support for the majority of actions performed in our software cache. / Malgrat les memòries cau encara son el component basic pel disseny del subsistema de memòria, les memòries locals han esdevingut una alternativa degut a les seves característiques pel que fa a l’ocupació d’àrea, el seu consum energètic i el seu rendiment amb un temps d’accés ràpid i constant. Aquestes característiques son d’especial interès quan les properes arquitectures multi-nucli estan limitades pel consum de potencia i la latència del subsistema de memòria.Les memòries locals pateixen de limitacions respecte la complexitat en la seva programació, fet que dificulta la seva introducció en arquitectures multi-nucli, tot i els avantatges esmentats anteriorment. Aquesta tesi presenta un seguit de solucions basades en programari i maquinari específicament dissenyat per resoldre aquestes limitacions.Les optimitzacions del programari estan basades amb tècniques d'emmagatzematge de memòria cau suportades per llibreries especifiques. La memòria cau per programari és un sòlid mètode per proporcionar a l'usuari una visió transparent de l'arquitectura, però aquest enfocament pot patir d'un rendiment deficient. En aquesta tesi, es proposa una estructura jeràrquica i híbrida. Posteriorment, desenvolupem optimitzacions per tal d'accelerar l’execució del programari que suporta el disseny de la memòria cau. Com a resultat de les optimitzacions realitzades, obtenim que el nostre disseny híbrid es comporta de 4 a 10 vegades més ràpid que una implementació tradicional de memòria cau sobre un conjunt d’aplicacions de referencia, com son els “NAS parallel benchmarks”.El treball de tesi inclou altres aspectes de les arquitectures amb memòries locals, com ara la qualitat del codi generat i la seva correspondència amb la qualitat de la gestió de memòria intermèdia en les memòries locals, per tal de millorar el rendiment d'aquestes arquitectures. La tesi desenvolupa propostes basades estrictament en el disseny de nou maquinari per tal de millorar el rendiment de les memòries locals quan ja no es possible realitzar mes optimitzacions en el programari. En particular, la tesi presenta dues propostes de maquinari: una relaxa les restriccions imposades per les memòries locals respecte l’alineament de dades, l’altra introdueix maquinari específic per accelerar les operacions mes usuals sobre les memòries locals.

Le Comité flamand de France, une société savante frontalière et régionaliste, 1853-1940 / The « Comité flamand de France », a border and regionalist « learned society », 1853-1940

Van Robais, Solange 19 October 2010 (has links)
S'agit-il d'une banale société savante française créée en 1853, ou sa situation frontalière lui donne-t-elle un autre intérêt ? Les sept fondateurs dunkerquois, parmi lesquels le magistrat amateur de musique Edmond de Coussemaker, proche des frères Grimm, avaient à coeur de préserver les vestiges de leur langue populaire, le « flamand de France », participant au mouvement des « mémoires locales ». Ces notables, avec l'aide des curés de village, souhaitaient servir une société chrétienne, inspirée à la fois par les traditions médiévales des villes des anciens Pays-Bas reprises par la Contre-réforme espagnole et par une opposition au centralisme anticlérical hérité de la Révolution. Ils associaient la langue flamande à la religion catholique, comme éléments d'une identité française visant à se démarquer, à la fois de Paris et de leurs voisins flamands-belges, soumis eux aussi défis de la modernité. Un temps attirés par l'idéologie néogothique flamande, ils rentrent d'une façon originale, parfois douloureuse, dans le projet d'intégration des « petites patries » dans la grande, telle que le conçoit la Troisième République peu favorable à ces élites jugées réactionnaires. Durant la période de l'étude, notables ou prêtres, vont pourtant rester fidèles à leur ligne. La reconstruction de cette région, proche du front, après la Première guerre mondiale, donne au chanoine Looten, durant sa présidence de 40 ans, l'occasion de jouer très subtilement, parfois de façon ambigüe, un rôle moteur dans l'organisation d'un régionalisme typiquement septentrional ; tout en assurant la promotion de la langue populaire auprès des jeunes, notamment aux Facultés catholiques de Lille, il vise, avec son ami l'abbé Lemire, le recadrage de la religion dans le sens d'une plus plus grande transcendance et d'une plus grande ouverture au monde et aux questions sociales. / Is it a classic « learned society » created in 1853, or does its border situation provide it another interest? Edmond de Coussemaker, the music lover magistrate and the others fonders living in Dunkerque, were committed to preserving and maintaining the vestiges of their ancient vernacular, the "Flemish in France",participating in the movement of 'local memories'. These local dignitaries, with the help of village priests, wished to serve the Christian society, therein inspired both by the traditions of medieval towns of the Low Countries later on regained by the Spanish catholic reform and the opposition to anticlerical centralism inherited from the Revolution. They associated the vernacular with the catholic religion, as part of a French identity, to distinguish themselves, both from Paris and from their Belgian-Flemish neighbors, and also to submit the challenges of modernity. Once attracted by the Flemish neogothicism and neomedieval ideology, they joined, painfully for some, the integration project of "small countries" in the great nation-state, as conceived by the Third Republic, even though this regime was not favourable towards these elites which were considered reactionary. The reconstruction of this region, near the front, after the First World War, gave the canon Looten during his long presidency, the opportunity to play very subtly, sometimes ambiguously, a role in the organization of typically northern type of regionalism. While ensuring the promotion of the vernacular at the “Facultés catholiques de Lille”, with his friend Jules Lemire, he aims at driving religion in a direction of transcendence as well as larger opening to the word and its social problems.

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