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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulation atomistique des fluoropolymères : influence des défauts régioisomériques sur des propriétés thermiques du polyfluorure de vinylidène / Atomistic simulation of fluoropolymers : impact of regiodefects on characterization of polyvinylidene fluoride

Anousheh, Nasim January 2017 (has links)
L'alternance de deux groupes de polarités très différentes, CH2 et CF2, permet au poly fluorure de vinylidène (PVDF) d’être un polymère industriellement très intéressant. Cependant, cette spécificité mène aussi à d’importantes inversions du monomère lors de la polymérisation vinylique. Pendant la polymérisation, en complément de la propagation tête-queue, CH2CF2CH2CF2, les monomères inversés conduisent à l’addition en queue-queue, CF2CH2CH2CF2, et tête-tête, CH2CF2CF2CH2. Le taux de transformation de polymère se trouve expérimentalement entre 3 et 7%. Ce pourcentage élevé entraine sans aucun doute la modification de propriétés macroscopiques. En utilisant la dynamique moléculaire, cette thèse a pour but de montrer l'effet de ces défauts sur la température de transition vitreuse (Tg), la dynamique locale et sur la température de fusion (Tm) du PVDF. En phase amorphe, le PVDF avec différents pourcentages de régio-défauts a été étudié : 3.6, 4.1, 9.3 et 23%. Cette étude permet de prédire le comportement de polymères qui ne sont pas synthétisés. Étant donné que les Tg simulées et expérimentales concordent avec précision, les motifs moléculaires qui donnent lieu à l'effet plastifiant de l'inversion de monomères peuvent être envisagés. En plus d'accentuer leur effet de plastifiant, la conclusion significative est que la relaxation de la chaîne peut être révélée en abordant explicitement des mouvements locaux. Car cette procédure ne peut pas être déduite de la connaissance du Tg, nous avons basé notre analyse sur le fait cela : 1) Nous avons démontré que des relations linéaires directes entre Tg et l'énergie d'activation conformationnelle de transition (Ea) extraite à partir d'un graphe d'Arrhenius, existent. Ce diagramme correspond au logarithme naturel des taux de transition entre les états rotameriques contre l'inverse de la température. La pente de cette courbe rapporte directement à cet Ea efficace. Un tel lien a été seulement spéculé dans la littérature. 2) Nous avons calculé des relations d'Arrhenius pour différents genres de torsions le long de la chaîne d'épine dorsale. En conséquence, une barrière d'énergie potentielle, ea, est associée à la rotation d'un lien dans un environnement spécifique. L'addition de ces énergies pesées par le pourcentage de chaque lien le long de l'épine dorsale, donne un ea moyen qui est équivalent à l'ea efficace. À l'aide de cette procédure, nous avons maintenant accès au mouvement local de la chaîne entière. 3) Nous avons vérifié cette procédure pour calculer une valeur pour le Tg du copolymère alternatif du l'éthylène-tétrafluoroéthylène (E-TFE), qui possède les segments qui sont présents le PVDF changé. L'ambiguïté concernant la valeur de la Tg du copolymère E_TFE peut être résolue grâce à cette approche, puisque le PVDF avec 50% de défauts régio-isomériques conduit à l'E_TFE. D'ailleurs, nous avons étudié les temps de relaxation pour la fonction d'autocorrélation de torsion au-dessus d'un large éventail de température. La dynamique locale est alors spécifiquement étudiée. L'équation Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann (VFT) est utilisée pour décrire le processus de relaxation associée aux mouvements coopératifs des segments le long de la chaîne. Nous avons également étudié le possibilité d'utiliser le Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts (KWW), fonction exponentielle étirée, afin de décrire la dépendance temporelle du processus de relaxation, ce travail a été effectué à différentes températures. Les résultats concordent bien avec les données expérimentales. L'objectif principal de cette section est d'étudier conjointement la fréquence des transitions conformationnelles et le temps de relaxation obtenu par la fonction d’autocorrelation de torsion, sur une plage importante de température, afin d’établir un entre les fréquences des transitions conformationnelles et le comportement de type VFT. Nous montrons pour la première fois qu’une relation linéaire peut être établie entre la barrière de transition conformationnelle et l’énergie d’activation effective. Nous montrons pour la première fois qu'une relation linéaire peut être établie entre la barrière de transition conformationnelle, Ea et l'énergie d'activation effective, B, responsables de la dynamique locale. Parmi les cinq phases cristallines que présente le PVDF, les cristaux α et ß présentent des propriétés particulières intéressantes et ont fait l'objet d'une attention significative. Ces deux structures cristallines sont celles que l’on rencontre le plus souvent, la phase α est la plus thermodynamiquement stable le cristal β possède des propriétés ferroélectriques. Toutefois, le comportement lors de la fusion de ces deux phases cristallines n’est pas encore totalement compris. Certains chercheurs pensent que la température de fusion de la phase β est supérieure à la phase alpha . D'autres affirment que le pic endothermique vu sur le thermogramme obtenue par calorimétrie différentielle à balayage (DSC) a été attribué par erreur à la phase β, cela à cause d’une confusion dans les références . À cet égard, le comportement de la Tm des cristaux α et β par rapport à leur épaisseur est obtenu par la dynamique moléculaire. Différents types de nanocristaux composés de chaînes de PVDF, sans ou avec 10% de régio-défauts, ayant des longueurs différentes ont ainsi été simulées dans les phases α et β. On applique l'équation de Gibbs-Thomson (G-T) afin de déterminer l'énergie de surface et l’enthalpie de fusion des nanocristaux. Les valeurs déterminées sont en accord avec les données expérimentales. Nous avons montré que le PVDF en phase β pur a une température de fusion inférieure à celle du PVDF en phase α pur. Cependant, en insérant des défauts à l'intérieur du cristal, la phase α modifiée présente une température de fusion inférieure à celle de la phase β modifiée. / Abstract : Alternating two groups, CH2 and CF2, of very different polarities along the backbone chain of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) leads to very interesting properties, such as ferroelectricity. However, these properties are affected by the presence of regioisomerism defects (monomer inversion) that appear during the synthesis. During the polymerization, in addition to the Head-to-Tail (HT) sequences, CH2CF2CH2CF2, the reversed monomer units lead to formation of Tail-to-Tail (TT), CF2CH2CH2CF2, and Head-to-Head (HH), CH2CF2CF2CH2, links. The rate of this chain alteration experimentally lies between 3 and 7 %. This percentage undoubtedly brings changes in macroscopic properties. The aim of this thesis is to reveal the impact of these defects on the glass transition temperature (Tg), local dynamics and melting temperature (Tm) of PVDF by using Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation. In amorphous phase, PVDF chains with different percentages of regiodefects were investigated: 0, 3.6, 4.1, 9.3, and 23 %. This study makes it possible to predict the experimental behavior of polymers which have not yet been synthesized. Once Tg is acquired, the relaxation of the chain can be investigated through the calculation of the activation energy (Ea) of the conformational transition. The significant conclusion is that the relaxation of the chain can be revealed by addressing the local motions. More specifically: a) We demonstrate a direct linear relationship between Tg and Ea extracted from an Arrhenius plot. This diagram corresponds to the natural logarithm of transition rates between rotameric states versus the inverse of the temperature. The slope of this curve yields directly Ea. Such a link was only speculated in the literature. b) A significant finding of this work is that the mobility of the chain can be associated with different types of bonds in PVDF with regiodefects. c) Based on the analysis of Ea for the different bond contributions, we proposed a value for the Tg of ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene (E-TFE), an isomeric polymer of PVDF with 50% regiodefects. Experimentally, the available data for the Tg of E-TFE are limited and highly variable. For example, it has been reported as varying from -108 °C to 145 °C. The ambiguity of Tg for this copolymer can be resolved with this approach. Furthermore, we studied the relaxation time associated with the torsional autocorrelation function (TACF) over a wide temperature range. The Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann (VFT) equation was used to describe the temperature dependence of the relaxation time. The Kohlrausch Williams Watts (KWW) stretched exponential function is then applied to fit the time dependence of the relaxation process at various temperatures. The results obtained from this work were found to be in good agreement with the experimental data. A particular interest in this study is the question of how the non-Arrhenius VFT of relaxation process is related to the Arrhenius behavior of conformational jump rates near the glass transition. In both cases, the energies (the conformational transition energy (Ea) and the effective activation energy (B) in VFT equation), were very close to the value of a single torsional barrier. However, in contrast to the relaxation time associated with TACF, the rates of conformational jumps show the activation energy higher than the single barrier value. We have shown that a linear relationship can be established between the conformational transition energy and the effective activation energy. In crystalline PVDF, among the five typical phases, the α and β crystals are of particular interest. The α phase is the most thermodynamically stable form and the β crystal possesses ferroelectric properties. The melting behaviour of these two crystal phases is not so clear. Some researchers believe that the melting temperature of the β phase is higher than that of the α phase. Others have claimed that the higher melting temperature of the peak in Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) has been mistakenly attributed to β phase melting, due to confusion in the referencing of literature sources. In this regard, the melting temperatures of α and β crystals (with and without regiodefects) with respect to their thickness are captured by MD simulation. We then applied the Gibbs-Thomson (G-T) equation to determine the melting temperature, as well as the surface energy and enthalpy of fusion, for α and β nanocrystals. We have shown that pure β phase PVDF has a lower melting temperature than pure α phase PVDF. However, by inserting regiodefects randomly inside the crystal, the α phase with regiodefects shows a lower melting temperature than that of the β phase with regiodefects. We attributed this behaviour to the different structures of the two phases.

Recognising the Movements of Other People : What role do the feet play?

Järborg, Ellen January 2015 (has links)
The ability to recognise the movements made by humans and other animals, referred to as biological motion, is a specialised human ability that develops at an early age. This perceptual ability is strong even for the minimal amount of information contained in a point-light display, which has been used to study specific features of biological motion to find out what properties contribute to this ability. The perception of biological motion depends on visual perception, visual attention and motor cognition, and perception depends both on the global form, configural information and local information of a body in motion. Depending on the situation, either global or local motions will be more salient and processed to a greater extent by the perceptual system. Previous research has shown that the local and configural information contained in the feet play an important role for identification, direction discrimination and the inversion effect. The salience of the feet for perception has previously been studied when they are subjected to focused attention, but not reflexive attention. The goal of this study was to investigate if the local and configural information of the feet can trigger reflexive attention and be incidentally processed by the visual system in a direction discrimination task. To test this experimentally, a masking paradigm was used where the feet were placed in a mask consisting of scrambled walkers. The results show that the feet affect recognition of target direction when the target is upright, but not when inverted. An interesting and unexpected finding was that for upright targets, the feet aid recognition when they move in the opposite direction of the target. Due to the experimental setup, it is difficult to say with certainty what the results imply, and suggestions for a follow-up study are presented. / Kognitionsvetenskap handlar om hur människor tänker, uppfattar världen och interagerar med omgivningen och med andra människor. Inom kognitiv psykologi har människors förmåga att uppfatta andra människors och djurs rörelser studerats länge. Vi kan känna igen vänner och familj på det unika sätt som de rör sig och forskningen har visat att vi har förmågan att identifiera många olika typer av rörelser och handlingar även när den tillgängliga informationen är minimal. Studier som använt s.k. punktljusdisplayer, där endast vita punkter som representerar kroppens stora leder visas mot en svart bakgrund, har visat att förmågan att känna igen biologiska rörelser är mycket känslig och robust för störningar. Forskare har undersökt vilken information hos rörelser som vi använder för att lyckas med detta, och hur visuell perception och uppmärksamhet fungerar då vi tittar på punktljusdisplayer. Det har visat sig att fötterna har en stor inverkan på igenkänning av rörelseriktning och att det framförallt är på grund av fötterna som det är svårt att känna igen rörelser som presenteras uppochner. Något som inte har testats tidigare är om fötterna är så starka signaler att de kan påverka vår perception även om vi inte riktar fokuserad uppmärksamhet mot dem, utan endast reflexiv uppmärksamhet. Den här studien har testat om fötter kan trigga just reflexiv uppmärksamhet och påverka hur vi känner igen rörelseriktningen hos en gående punktljus-figur. Resultaten visar att fötternas specifika rörelsemönster kan trigga reflexiv uppmärksamhet i situationer då rörelserna är upprätta och då fötterna rör sig i motsatt riktning från den figur som deltagare fokuserar på. Experimentdesignen har dock inneburit att resultaten är svåra att tolka. För att säkrare kunna säga huruvida resultaten beror på fötterna föreslås en ny studie, och detaljer kring vilka justeringar som borde göras i en sådan studie presenteras.

Analys av metoder för lokal rörelseplanering / Analysis of Methods for Local Motion Planning

Mohamed, Zozk January 2021 (has links)
Under senare år har vi med hjälp av robotar som använder rörelseplanering kunnat automatisera olika processer och uppgifter. Idag finns det väldigt få strategier för lokal rörelseplanering vid jämförelse med global rörelseplanering. Syftet med det här projektet har varit att analysera tre strategier för lokal rörelseplanering, dessa har varit Dynamic Window Approach (DWA), Elastic Band (Eband) och Timed Elastic Band (TEB).I projektet har styrkor, svagheter, beteenden och förbättringsmöjligheter för respektive strategi studerats närmare genom att utföra olika simulerade tester. I testerna mätes tid för att nå mål, antal kollisioner och antalet gånger som målet nåddes. Under projektet användes en virtuell allriktad robot från ABB för att testa strategierna. Testerna genomfördes på ett så rättvist sätt som möjligt, där alla strategier fick samma antal försök och hade samma information om robotens begränsningar.Resultatet visar att TEB är den snabbaste strategin, följt av DWA och sista Eband som var den långsammaste strategin. TEB var också den strategi som presterade bäst vid dynamiska hinder, däremot var den också den strategi som kolliderade mest i testerna, medan Eband kolliderade minst. / In recent years, we have been able to automate various processes and tasks with the help of robots that use motion planning. Today, there are very few strategies for local motion planning when compared to global motion planning. The purpose of this project has been to analyze three strategies for local motion planning, these have been Dynamic Window Approach (DWA), Elastic Band (Eband) and Timed Elastic Band (TEB).In the project, strengths, weaknesses, behaviours and opportunities for improvement for each strategy have been studied in more detail by performing various simulated tests. The tests measure time to reach the goal, the number of collisions and the number of succeeding attempts. During the project, a virtual omni-directional robot from ABB was used to perform the tests. The tests were performed in as fair a way as possible, where all strategies got the same number of attempts and had the same information about the robot's limitations.The results show that TEB is the fastest strategy, followed by DWA and last Eband that was the slowest strategy. TEB was also the strategy that performed best in dynamic obstacles, however, it was also the strategy that collided most of the tests, while Eband collided the least.

Detection of local motion artifacts and image background in laser speckle contrast imaging / Detektering av lokala rörelseartifakter och bakgrund i laser speckle contrast imaging

Nyhlén, Johannes, Sund, Märta January 2023 (has links)
Laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI) and its extension, multi-exposure laser speckle contrast imaging (MELSCI) are non-invasive techniques to monitor peripheral blood perfusion. One of the main drawbacks of LSCI and MELSCI in clinical use is that the techniques are sensitive to tissue movement. Moreover, the image background contributes to unnecessary data. The aim of this project was to develop and evaluate different methods to detect local motion artifacts and image backgrounds in LSCI and MELSCI. In this project, three different methods were developed: one using statistical analysis and two using machine learning. The method based on classical statistics was developed in MATLAB with a dataset made up of 1797 frames of 256 x 320 images taken from a recording of a hand where the thumb and middle finger were taking turns making small movements while the middle finger was the subject of three different states made by an occlusion cuff (baseline, occlusion, and reperfusion). The main filter that was used in the first method was the Hampel filter. Furthermore, networks for the machine learning method were developed in Python using the same dataset but with 20,000 small patches extracted from the dataset of sizes 3 x 3 to 21 x 21 pixels. The first machine learning method was based on two-dimensional data patches, hence no time dimension was included, while the second machine learning method used three-dimensional data patches where the time dimension was included (from 1s to 10s). The generation of ground truth for the dataset was manually created frame by frame in a ground truth generation graphical user interface (GUI) in MATLAB. To assess the three methods, the Dice coefficient was used. The statistical method resulted in a Dice coefficient of 0.7557. The highest Dice coefficient for the machine learning method with a 2D dataset was 0.2902 (patch size 13 x 13) and the lowest was 0.2372 (patch size 7 x 7). For the machine learning method with 3D datasets, the patch size of 21 x 21 x 4 resulted in the highest Dice coefficient (0.5173), and the 21 x 21 x 40 model had the lowest Dice coefficient (0.1782). Since the two methods based on temporal data proved to be performing best in this project, one conclusion for further development of an improved model is the usage of temporal data in the training of a model. However, one important difference between the statistical method and the three-dimensional machine learning method is that the statistical method does not handle fast perfusion changes as well as the machine learning method and can not detect image background and static tissue. Therefore, the overall most useful method to further develop is the three-dimensional machine learning method.

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