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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Graph-based algorithms for transistor count minimization in VLSI circuit EDA tools / Algoritmos baseados em grafos para minimização de transistors em ferramentas EDA para circuitos VLSI

Matos, Jody Maick Araujo de January 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado introduz um conjunto de algoritmos baseados em grafos para a obtenção de circuitos VLSI com um número reduzido de transistores utilziando células simples. Esses algoritmos têm um foco principal na minimização do número de nodos em representações AIG e mapear essa estrutura otimizada utilizando células simples (NAND2 e NOR2) com um número mínimo de inversores. Devido à minimização de nodos, o AIG tem um alto compartilhamento lógico, o que pode derivar circuitos intermediários contendo células com fanouts infactíveis para os nodos tecnológicos atuais. De forma a resolver essas ocorrências, o circuito intermediário é submetido a um algoritmo para limitação de fanout. Os algoritmos propostos foram aplicados num conjunto de circuitos de benchmark e os resultados obtidos mostram a utilidade do método. Os circuitos resultantes tiveram, em média, 32% menos transistores do que as referências anteriores em números de transistores utilizando células simples. Adicionalmente, quando comparando esses resultados com trabalhos que utilizam células complexas, nossos números demonstraram que abordagens anteriores estão algumas vezes longe do número mínimo de transistores que pode ser obtido com o uso eficiente de uma biblioteca reduzida de células, composta por poucas células simples. Os circuitos baseados em células simples obtidos com a aplicação dos algoritmos proposto neste trabalho apresentam um menor número de transistores em muitos casos quando comparados aos resultados previamente publicados utilizando células complexas (CMOS estático e PTL). / This master’s thesis introduces a set of graph-based algorithms for obtaining reduced transistor count VLSI circuits using simple cells. These algorithms are mainly focused on minimizing node count in AIG representations and mapping this optimized AIG using simple cells (NAND2 and NOR2) with a minimal number of inverters. Due to the AIG node count minimization, the logic sharing is probably highly present in the optimized AIG, what may derive intermediate circuits containing cells with unfeasible fanout in current technology nodes. In order to fix these occurrences, this intermediate circuit is subjected to an algorithm for fanout limitation. The proposed algorithms were applied over a set of benchmark circuits and the obtained results have shown the usefulness of the method. The circuits generated by the methods proposed herein have, in average, 32% less transistor than the previous reference on transistor count using simple cells. Additionally, when comparing the presented results in terms of transistor count against works advocating for complex cells, our results have demonstrated that previous approaches are sometimes far from the minimum transistor count that can be obtained with the efficient use of a reduced cell library composed by only a few number of simple cells. The simple-cells-based circuits obtained after applying the algorithms proposed herein have presented a lower transistor count in many cases when compared to previously published results using complex (static CMOS and PTL) cells.

Minimização ótima de classes especiais de funções booleanas / On the optimal minimization of espcial classes of Boolean functions

Callegaro, Vinicius January 2016 (has links)
O problema de fatorar e decompor funções Booleanas é Σ-completo2 para funções gerais. Algoritmos eficientes e exatos podem ser criados para classes de funções existentes como funções read-once, disjoint-support decomposable e read-polarity-once. Uma forma fatorada é chamada de read-once (RO) se cada variável aparece uma única vez. Uma função Booleana é RO se existe uma forma fatorada RO que a representa. Por exemplo, a função representada por =12+134+135 é uma função RO, pois pode ser fatorada em =1(2+3(4+5)). Uma função Booleana f(X) pode ser decomposta usando funções mais simples g e h de forma que ()=ℎ((1),2) sendo X1, X2 ≠ ∅, e X1 ∪ X2 = X. Uma decomposição disjunta de suporte (disjoint-support decomposition – DSD) é um caso especial de decomposição funcional, onde o conjunto de entradas X1 e X2 não compartilham elementos, i.e., X1 ∩ X2 = ∅. Por exemplo, a função =12̅̅̅3+123̅̅̅ 4̅̅̅+12̅̅̅4 é DSD, pois existe uma decomposição tal que =1(2⊕(3+4)). Uma forma read-polarity-once (RPO) é uma forma fatorada onde cada polaridade (positiva ou negativa) de uma variável aparece no máximo uma vez. Uma função Booleana é RPO se existe uma forma fatorada RPO que a representa. Por exemplo, a função =1̅̅̅24+13+23 é RPO, pois pode ser fatorada em =(1̅̅̅4+3)(1+2). Esta tese apresenta quarto novos algoritmos para síntese de funções Booleanas. A primeira contribuição é um método de síntese para funções read-once baseado em uma estratégia de divisão-e-conquista. A segunda contribuição é um algoritmo top-down para síntese de funções DSD baseado em soma-de-produtos, produto-de-somas e soma-exclusiva-de-produtos. A terceira contribuição é um método bottom-up para síntese de funções DSD baseado em diferença Booleana e cofatores. A última contribuição é um novo método para síntese de funções RPO que é baseado na análise de transições positivas e negativas. / The problem of factoring and decomposing Boolean functions is Σ-complete2 for general functions. Efficient and exact algorithms can be created for an existing class of functions known as read-once, disjoint-support decomposable and read-polarity-once functions. A factored form is called read-once (RO) if each variable appears only once. A Boolean function is RO if it can be represented by an RO form. For example, the function represented by =12+134+135 is a RO function, since it can be factored into =1(2+3(4+5)). A Boolean function f(X) can be decomposed using simpler subfunctions g and h, such that ()=ℎ((1),2) being X1, X2 ≠ ∅, and X1 ∪ X2 = X. A disjoint-support decomposition (DSD) is a special case of functional decomposition, where the input sets X1 and X2 do not share any element, i.e., X1 ∩ X2 = ∅. Roughly speaking, DSD functions can be represented by a read-once expression where the exclusive-or operator (⊕) can also be used as base operation. For example, =1(2⊕(4+5)). A read-polarity-once (RPO) form is a factored form where each polarity (positive or negative) of a variable appears at most once. A Boolean function is RPO if it can be represented by an RPO factored form. For example the function =1̅̅̅24+13+23 is RPO, since it can factored into =(1̅̅̅4+3)(1+2). This dissertation presents four new algorithms for synthesis of Boolean functions. The first contribution is a synthesis method for read-once functions based on a divide-and-conquer strategy. The second and third contributions are two algorithms for synthesis of DSD functions: a top-down approach that checks if there is an OR, AND or XOR decomposition based on sum-of-products, product-of-sums and exclusive-sum-of-products inputs, respectively; and a method that runs in a bottom-up fashion and is based on Boolean difference and cofactor analysis. The last contribution is a new method to synthesize RPO functions which is based on the analysis of positive and negative transition sets. Results show the efficacy and efficiency of the four proposed methods.

Graph based algorithms to efficiently map VLSI circuits with simple cells / Algoritmos baseados em grafos para mapear eficientemente circuitos VLSI com porta simples

Matos, Jody Maick Araujo de January 2018 (has links)
Essa tese introduz um conjunto de algoritmos baseados em grafos para o mapeamento eficiente de circuitos VLSI com células simples. Os algoritmos propostos se baseiam em minimizar de maneira eficiente o número de elementos lógicos usados na implementação do circuito. Posteriormente, uma quantidade significativa de esforço é aplicada na minimização do número de inversores entre esses elementos lógicos. Por fim, essa representação lógica é mapeada para circuitos compostos somente por células NAND e NOR de duas entradas, juntamente com inversores. Células XOR e XNOR de duas entradas também podem ser consideradas. Como nós também consideramos circuitos sequenciais, flips-flops também são levados em consideração. Com o grande esforço de minimização de elementos lógicos, o circuito gerado pode conter algumas células com um fanout impraticável para os nodos tecnológicos atuais. Para corrigir essas ocorrências, nós propomos um algoritmo de limitação de fanout que considera tanto a área sendo utilizada pelas células quanto a sua profundidade lógica. Os algoritmos propostos foram aplicados sobre um conjunto de circuitos de benchmark e os resultados obtidos demonstram a utilidade dos métodos. Essa tese introduz um conjunto de algoritmos baseados em grafos para o mapeamento eficiente de circuitos VLSI com células simples. Os algoritmos propostos se baseiam em minimizar de maneira eficiente o número de elementos lógicos usados na implementação do circuito. Posteriormente, uma quantidade significativa de esforço é aplicada na minimização do número de inversores entre esses elementos lógicos. Por fim, essa representação lógica é mapeada para circuitos compostos somente por células NAND e NOR de duas entradas, juntamente com inversores. Células XOR e XNOR de duas entradas também podem ser consideradas. Como nós também consideramos circuitos sequenciais, flips-flops também são levados em consideração. Com o grande esforço de minimização de elementos lógicos, o circuito gerado pode conter algumas células com um fanout impraticável para os nodos tecnológicos atuais. Para corrigir essas ocorrências, nós propomos um algoritmo de limitação de fanout que considera tanto a área sendo utilizada pelas células quanto a sua profundidade lógica. Os algoritmos propostos foram aplicados sobre um conjunto de circuitos de benchmark e os resultados obtidos demonstram a utilidade dos métodos. Adicionalmente, algumas aplicações Morethan-Moore, tais como circuitos baseados em eletrônica impressa, também podem ser beneficiadas pela abordagem proposta. / This thesis introduces a set of graph-based algorithms for efficiently mapping VLSI circuits using simple cells. The proposed algorithms are concerned to, first, effectively minimize the number of logic elements implementing the synthesized circuit. Then, we focus a significant effort on minimizing the number of inverters in between these logic elements. Finally, this logic representation is mapped into a circuit comprised of only two-input NANDs and NORS, along with the inverters. Two-input XORs and XNORs can also be optionally considered. As we also consider sequential circuits in this work, flip-flops are taken into account as well. Additionally, with high-effort optimization on the number of logic elements, the generated circuits may contain some cells with unfeasible fanout for current technology nodes. In order to fix these occurrences, we propose an area-oriented, level-aware algorithm for fanout limitation. The proposed algorithms were applied over a set of benchmark circuits and the obtained results have shown the usefulness of the method. We show that efficient implementations in terms of inverter count, transistor count, area, power and delay can be generated from circuits with a reduced number of both simple cells and inverters, combined with XOR/XNOR-based optimizations. The proposed buffering algorithm can handle all unfeasible fanout occurrences, while (i) optimizing the number of added inverters; and (ii) assigning cells to the inverter tree based on their level criticality. When comparing with academic and commercial approaches, we are able to simultaneously reduce the average number of inverters, transistors, area, power dissipation and delay up to 48%, 5%, 5%, 5%, and 53%, respectively. As the adoption of a limited set of simple standard cells have been showing benefits for a variety of modern VLSI circuits constraints, such as layout regularity, routability constraints, and/or ultra low power constraints, the proposed methods can be of special interest for these applications. Additionally, some More-than-Moore applications, such as printed electronics designs, can also take benefit from the proposed approach.

Dominator-based Algorithms in Logic Synthesis and Verification

Krenz-Bååth, René January 2007 (has links)
Today's EDA (Electronic Design Automation) industry faces enormous challenges. Their primary cause is the tremendous increase of the complexity of modern digital designs. Graph algorithms are widely applied to solve various EDA problems. In particular, graph dominators, which provide information about the origin and the end of reconverging paths in a circuit graph, proved to be useful in various CAD (Computer Aided Design) applications such as equivalence checking, ATPG, technology mapping, and power optimization. This thesis provides a study on graph dominators in logic synthesis and verification. The thesis contributes a set of algorithms for computing dominators in circuit graphs. An algorithm is proposed for finding absolute dominators in circuit graphs. The achieved speedup of three orders of magnitude on several designs enables the computation of absolute dominators in large industrial designs in a few seconds. Moreover, the computation of single-vertex dominators in large multiple-output circuit graphs is considerably improved. The proposed algorithm reduces the overall runtime by efficiently recognizing and re-using isomorphic structures in dominator trees rooted at different outputs of the circuit graph. Finally, common multiple-vertex dominators are introduced. The algorithm to compute them is faster and finds more multiple-vertex dominators than previous approaches. The thesis also proposes new dominator-based algorithms in the area of decomposition and combinational equivalence checking. A structural decomposition technique is introduced, which finds all simple-disjoint decompositions of a Boolean function which are reflected in the circuit graph. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed technique outperforms state-of-the-art functional decomposition techniques. Finally, an approach to check the equivalence of two Boolean functions probabilistically is investigated. The proposed algorithm partitions the equivalence check employing dominators in the circuit graph. The experimental results confirm that, in comparison to traditional BDD-based equivalence checking methods, the memory consumption is considerably reduced by using the proposed technique. / QC 20100804

Improvements to Field-Programmable Gate Array Design Efficiency using Logic Synthesis

Ling, Andrew Chaang 18 February 2010 (has links)
As Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) capacity can now support several processors on a single device, the scalability of FPGA design tools and methods has emerged as a major obstacle for the wider use of FPGAs. For example, logic synthesis, which has traditionally been the fastest step in the FPGA Computer-Aided Design (CAD) flow, now takes several hours to complete in a typical FPGA compile. In this work, we address this problem by focusing on two areas. First, we revisit FPGA logic synthesis and attempt to improve its scalability. Specifically, we look at a binary decision diagram (BDD) based logic synthesis flow, referred to as FBDD, where we improve its runtime by several fold with a marginal impact to the resulting circuit area. We do so by speeding up the classical cut generation problem by an order-of-magnitude which enables its application directly at the logic synthesis level. Following this, we introduce a guided partitioning technique using a fast global budgeting formulation, which enables us to optimize individual “pockets” within the circuit without degrading the overall circuit performance. By using partitioning we can significantly reduce the solution space of the logic synthesis problem and, furthermore, open up the possibility of parallelizing the logic synthesis step. The second area we look at is the area of Engineering Change Orders (ECOs). ECOs are incremental modifications to a design late in the design flow. This is beneficial since it is minimally disruptive to the existing circuit which preserves much of the engineering effort invested previously in the design. In a design flow where most of the steps are fully automated, ECOs still remain largely a manual process. This can often tie up a designer for weeks leading to missed project deadlines which is very detrimental to products whose life-cycle can span only a few months. As a solution to this, we show how we can leverage existing logic synthesis techniques to automatically modify a circuit in a minimally disruptive manner. This can significantly reduce the turn-around time when applying ECOs.

Improvements to Field-Programmable Gate Array Design Efficiency using Logic Synthesis

Ling, Andrew Chaang 18 February 2010 (has links)
As Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) capacity can now support several processors on a single device, the scalability of FPGA design tools and methods has emerged as a major obstacle for the wider use of FPGAs. For example, logic synthesis, which has traditionally been the fastest step in the FPGA Computer-Aided Design (CAD) flow, now takes several hours to complete in a typical FPGA compile. In this work, we address this problem by focusing on two areas. First, we revisit FPGA logic synthesis and attempt to improve its scalability. Specifically, we look at a binary decision diagram (BDD) based logic synthesis flow, referred to as FBDD, where we improve its runtime by several fold with a marginal impact to the resulting circuit area. We do so by speeding up the classical cut generation problem by an order-of-magnitude which enables its application directly at the logic synthesis level. Following this, we introduce a guided partitioning technique using a fast global budgeting formulation, which enables us to optimize individual “pockets” within the circuit without degrading the overall circuit performance. By using partitioning we can significantly reduce the solution space of the logic synthesis problem and, furthermore, open up the possibility of parallelizing the logic synthesis step. The second area we look at is the area of Engineering Change Orders (ECOs). ECOs are incremental modifications to a design late in the design flow. This is beneficial since it is minimally disruptive to the existing circuit which preserves much of the engineering effort invested previously in the design. In a design flow where most of the steps are fully automated, ECOs still remain largely a manual process. This can often tie up a designer for weeks leading to missed project deadlines which is very detrimental to products whose life-cycle can span only a few months. As a solution to this, we show how we can leverage existing logic synthesis techniques to automatically modify a circuit in a minimally disruptive manner. This can significantly reduce the turn-around time when applying ECOs.

Guarded Evaluation: An Algorithm for Dynamic Power Reduction in FPGAs

Ravishankar, Chirag January 2012 (has links)
Guarded evaluation is a power reduction technique that involves identifying sub-circuits (within a larger circuit) whose inputs can be held constant (guarded) at specific times during circuit operation, thereby reducing switching activity and lowering dynamic power. The concept is rooted in the property that under certain conditions, some signals within digital designs are not "observable" at design outputs, making the circuitry that generates such signals a candidate for guarding. Guarded evaluation has been demonstrated successfully for custom ASICs; in this work, we apply the technique to FPGAs. In ASICs, guarded evaluation entails adding additional hardware to the design, increasing silicon area and cost. Here, we apply the technique in a way that imposes minimal area overhead by leveraging existing unused circuitry within the FPGA. The LUT functionality is modified to incorporate the guards and reduce toggle rates. The primary challenge in guarded evaluation is in determining the specific conditions under which a sub-circuit's inputs can be held constant without impacting the larger circuit's functional correctness. We propose a simple solution to this problem based on discovering gating inputs using "non-inverting paths" and trimming inputs using "partial non-inverting paths" in the circuit's AND-Inverter graph representation. Experimental results show that guarded evaluation can reduce switching activity by as much as 32% for FPGAs with 6-LUT architectures and 25% for 4-LUT architectures, on average, and can reduce power consumption in the FPGA interconnect by 29% for 6-LUTs and 27% for 4-LUTs. A clustered architecture with four LUTs to a cluster and ten LUTs to a cluster produced the best power reduction results. We implement guarded evaluation at various stages of the FPGA CAD flow and analyze the reductions. We implement the algorithm as post technology mapping, post packing and post placement optimizations. Guarded Evaluation as a post technology mapping algorithm inserted the most number of guards and hence achieved the highest activity and interconnect reduction. However, guarding signals come with a cost of increased fanout and stress on routing resources. Packing and placement provides the algorithm with additional information of the circuit which is leveraged to insert high quality guards with minimal impact on routing. Experimental results show that post-packing and post-placement methods have comparable reductions to post-mapping with considerably lesser impact on the critical path delay and routability of the circuit.

Graph dominators in logic synthesis and verification

Krenz, René January 2004 (has links)
<p>This work focuses on the usage of dominators in circuit graphs in order to reduce the complexity of synthesis and verification tasks. One of the contributions of this thesis is a new algorithm for computing multiple-vertex dominators in circuit graphs. Previous algorithms, based on single-vertex dominators suffer from their rare appearance in many circuits. The presented approach searches efficiently for multiple-vertex dominators in circuit graphs. It finds dominator relations, where algorithms for computing single-vertex dominators fail. Another contribution of this thesis is the application of dominators for combinational equivalence checking based on the arithmetic transform. Previous algorithms rely on representations providing an explicit or implicit disjoint function cover, which is usually excessive in memory requirements. The new algorithm allows a partitioned evaluation of the arithmetic transform directly on the circuit graph using dominator relations. The results show that the algorithm brings significant improvements in memory consumption for many benchmarks. Proper cuts are used in many areas of VLSI. They provide cut points, where a given problem can be split into two disjoint sub-problems. The algorithm proposed in this thesis efficiently detects proper cuts in a circuit graph and is based on a novel concept of a reduced dominator tree. The runtime of the algorithm is less than 0.4 seconds for the largest benchmark circuit. The final contribution of this thesis is the application of the proper cut algorithm as a structural method to decompose a Boolean function, represented by a circuit graph. In combination with a functional approach, it outperforms previous methods, which rely on functional decomposition only.</p>

Guarded Evaluation: An Algorithm for Dynamic Power Reduction in FPGAs

Ravishankar, Chirag January 2012 (has links)
Guarded evaluation is a power reduction technique that involves identifying sub-circuits (within a larger circuit) whose inputs can be held constant (guarded) at specific times during circuit operation, thereby reducing switching activity and lowering dynamic power. The concept is rooted in the property that under certain conditions, some signals within digital designs are not "observable" at design outputs, making the circuitry that generates such signals a candidate for guarding. Guarded evaluation has been demonstrated successfully for custom ASICs; in this work, we apply the technique to FPGAs. In ASICs, guarded evaluation entails adding additional hardware to the design, increasing silicon area and cost. Here, we apply the technique in a way that imposes minimal area overhead by leveraging existing unused circuitry within the FPGA. The LUT functionality is modified to incorporate the guards and reduce toggle rates. The primary challenge in guarded evaluation is in determining the specific conditions under which a sub-circuit's inputs can be held constant without impacting the larger circuit's functional correctness. We propose a simple solution to this problem based on discovering gating inputs using "non-inverting paths" and trimming inputs using "partial non-inverting paths" in the circuit's AND-Inverter graph representation. Experimental results show that guarded evaluation can reduce switching activity by as much as 32% for FPGAs with 6-LUT architectures and 25% for 4-LUT architectures, on average, and can reduce power consumption in the FPGA interconnect by 29% for 6-LUTs and 27% for 4-LUTs. A clustered architecture with four LUTs to a cluster and ten LUTs to a cluster produced the best power reduction results. We implement guarded evaluation at various stages of the FPGA CAD flow and analyze the reductions. We implement the algorithm as post technology mapping, post packing and post placement optimizations. Guarded Evaluation as a post technology mapping algorithm inserted the most number of guards and hence achieved the highest activity and interconnect reduction. However, guarding signals come with a cost of increased fanout and stress on routing resources. Packing and placement provides the algorithm with additional information of the circuit which is leveraged to insert high quality guards with minimal impact on routing. Experimental results show that post-packing and post-placement methods have comparable reductions to post-mapping with considerably lesser impact on the critical path delay and routability of the circuit.

Graph-based algorithms for transistor count minimization in VLSI circuit EDA tools / Algoritmos baseados em grafos para minimização de transistors em ferramentas EDA para circuitos VLSI

Matos, Jody Maick Araujo de January 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado introduz um conjunto de algoritmos baseados em grafos para a obtenção de circuitos VLSI com um número reduzido de transistores utilziando células simples. Esses algoritmos têm um foco principal na minimização do número de nodos em representações AIG e mapear essa estrutura otimizada utilizando células simples (NAND2 e NOR2) com um número mínimo de inversores. Devido à minimização de nodos, o AIG tem um alto compartilhamento lógico, o que pode derivar circuitos intermediários contendo células com fanouts infactíveis para os nodos tecnológicos atuais. De forma a resolver essas ocorrências, o circuito intermediário é submetido a um algoritmo para limitação de fanout. Os algoritmos propostos foram aplicados num conjunto de circuitos de benchmark e os resultados obtidos mostram a utilidade do método. Os circuitos resultantes tiveram, em média, 32% menos transistores do que as referências anteriores em números de transistores utilizando células simples. Adicionalmente, quando comparando esses resultados com trabalhos que utilizam células complexas, nossos números demonstraram que abordagens anteriores estão algumas vezes longe do número mínimo de transistores que pode ser obtido com o uso eficiente de uma biblioteca reduzida de células, composta por poucas células simples. Os circuitos baseados em células simples obtidos com a aplicação dos algoritmos proposto neste trabalho apresentam um menor número de transistores em muitos casos quando comparados aos resultados previamente publicados utilizando células complexas (CMOS estático e PTL). / This master’s thesis introduces a set of graph-based algorithms for obtaining reduced transistor count VLSI circuits using simple cells. These algorithms are mainly focused on minimizing node count in AIG representations and mapping this optimized AIG using simple cells (NAND2 and NOR2) with a minimal number of inverters. Due to the AIG node count minimization, the logic sharing is probably highly present in the optimized AIG, what may derive intermediate circuits containing cells with unfeasible fanout in current technology nodes. In order to fix these occurrences, this intermediate circuit is subjected to an algorithm for fanout limitation. The proposed algorithms were applied over a set of benchmark circuits and the obtained results have shown the usefulness of the method. The circuits generated by the methods proposed herein have, in average, 32% less transistor than the previous reference on transistor count using simple cells. Additionally, when comparing the presented results in terms of transistor count against works advocating for complex cells, our results have demonstrated that previous approaches are sometimes far from the minimum transistor count that can be obtained with the efficient use of a reduced cell library composed by only a few number of simple cells. The simple-cells-based circuits obtained after applying the algorithms proposed herein have presented a lower transistor count in many cases when compared to previously published results using complex (static CMOS and PTL) cells.

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