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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Numerical Methods for Studying Self-similar Propagation of Viscous Gravity Currents

Aditya Avinash Ghodgaonkar (6635993) 14 May 2019 (has links)
<div>A strongly implicit, nonlinear Crank-Nicolson-based finite-difference scheme was constructed for the numerical study of the self-similar behavior of viscous gravity currents. Viscous gravity currents are low Reynolds number flow phenomena in which a dense, viscous fluid displaces a lighter (usually immiscible) fluid. Under the lubrication approximation, the mathematical description of the spreading of these fluids is reduced to solving a nonlinear parabolic partial differential equation for the shape of the fluid interface. This thesis focuses on the finite-speed propagation of a power-law non-Newtonian current in a variable width channel-like geometry (a "Hele-Shaw cell'') subject to a given mass conservation/balance constraint. The proposed numerical scheme was implemented on a uniform but staggered grid. It is shown to be strongly stable, while possessing formal truncation error that is of second-order in space and it time. The accuracy of the scheme was verified by benchmarking it against established analytical solutions, which were obtained via a first-kind self-similarity transformation. A series of numerical simulations confirmed that the proposed scheme accurately respects the mass conservation/balance constraint. Next, the numerical scheme was used to study the second-kind self-similar behaviour of Newtonian viscous gravity currents flowing towards the end of a converging channel. Second-kind self-similar transformations are not fully specified without further information from simulation or experiment. Thus, using the proposed numerical scheme, the self-similar spreading and leveling leveling of the current was definitively addressed. The numerical results showed favorable comparison with experimental data.</div>

Modeling and Stability of Flows in Compliant Microchannels

Xiaojia Wang (13113021) 19 July 2022 (has links)
<p>Fluids conveyed in deformable conduits are often encountered in  microfluidic applications, which makes fluid--structure interactions (FSIs) an unavoidable phenomenon. In particular, experiments reported the existence of FSI instabilities in compliant microchannels at low Reynolds numbers, Re, well below the established values for rigid conduits. This observation has significant implications for new strategies for mixing at the microscale, which might harness FSI instabilities in the absence of  turbulence. In this thesis, we conduct research on the modeling and stability of microscale FSIs. Understanding the steady response, the dynamics and the stability of these FSIs are the three major objectives. This thesis begins with the analysis of the steady-state scalings and the linear stability of a previously derived mathematical model, through which we emphasize the power of reduced modeling in making the FSI problems tractable. Next, we turn to a more realistic problem regarding FSIs in a common configuration of low-Re flows through long, shallow rectangular three-dimensional microchannels. Through a scaling analysis, which takes advantage of the geometric separation of scales, we find that the flow can be simplified under the lubrication approximation, while the wall deforms like a variable-stiffness Winkler foundation at the leading order. Coupling these dominant effects, we obtain a new fitting-parameter-free flow rate--pressure drop relation for a thick-walled microchannel, which rationalizes previous experiments. Then, we derive a one-dimensional (1D) steady model, at both vanishing and finite Re, by coupling the reduced flow and deformation models. To satisfy the displacement constraints along the channel edges, weak tension is introduced to regularize the underlying Winkler-foundation-like mechanism. This model is then made dynamic by introducing flow unsteadiness and the elastic wall's inertia. We conduct a global stability analysis of this system by perturbing the non-flat steady state with infinitesimal perturbations. We identify the existence of globally unstable modes, typically in the weakly inertial flow regime, whose features are consistent with experimental observations. The unstable eigenmodes oscillate at frequencies close to the natural frequency of the wall, suggesting that the instabilities are resonance phenomena. We also capture the transient energy amplification of perturbations through a linear non-normality analysis of the proposed reduced 1D FSI model.</p>

On The Characterization and Modeling Of Unsteady Aerodynamic Systems In Extraterrestrial Environments

Farrell, Wayne Williamtine 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
The history and trajectory of the human race is inseparable from our innate need to explore the unknown. As human exploration drives boundless new insights into the universe, characterization and accurate modeling methods are required to develop the next generation of exploratory vehicles to map and analyze foreign lands. As such the presented work looks to provide characterization and modeling approaches for unsteady aerodynamic phenomena in the extraterrestrial environments of Mars and Titan. Specifically, unsteady aerodynamic loads including dynamic stall are characterized using high-fidelity numerical experiments to better understand the effects of low Reynolds number and high Mach number flows on the process. Additionally, modeling of unsteady aerodynamic behavior at low Reynolds numbers similar to those observed when designing the Mars ingenuity rotorcraft are developed and extensively evaluated. Lastly, the characterization and multi-fidelity modeling of unsteady aerodynamic effects under Titan atmospheric conditions is conducted for a coaxial rotor system.

Modeling and simulation of individual and collective swimming mechanisms in active suspensions / Modélisation et simulation des mécanismes individuels et collectifs de nage dans les suspensions actives

Delmotte, Blaise 21 September 2015 (has links)
Nous avons tou(te)s été témoins des nuages d'étourneaux dans le ciel ou de la formation de bancs de poissons dans l'océan. Ce type d'organisation chez les êtres vivant se produit aussi à des échelles parfois invisibles pour l'oeil humain: celles des micro-organismes. Les suspensions de micro-nageurs présentent une dynamique riche. Elles peuvent former des structures cohérentes résultant d'un mouvement collectif, mélanger le fluides environnant et/ou modifier ses propriétés rhéologiques. Leurs comportements peuvent jouer un rôle important dans la survie, l'équilibre des espèces, leur stratégie trophique et même pour la fertilité animale. La diversité des phénomènes observés résulte de l'interaction complexe entre mécanismes de nage, processus physiologiques, processus chimiques et interactions hydrodynamiques. Comprendre et maîtriser les mécanismes impliqués fait nécessairement appel la Mécanique des Fluides. Les études expérimentales permettent de mettre en exergue certains phénomènes et parfois de les expliquer. Cependant la modélisation s'avère indispensable. Or, inclure une description fine des mécanismes de nages dans une suspension contenant des milliers (voire des millions) d'individus, implique de considérer une vaste gamme d'échelles couplées (typiquement du micron 10^-6m au millimètre 10^-3m). Décrire une physique multi-échelles pour ce type problème reste un défi majeur pour la modélisation numérique actuelle. Ainsi, dans le cadre de cette thèse nous nous proposons d'apporter une contribution dans cette direction. Nous montrerons dans une premiere partie qu'il est possible de reproduire les mécanismes de nage de façon satisfaisante à l'échelle du micro-organisme avec des modèles de différentes complexités. Nous présenterons ensuite nos développements pour étendre ces modèles a l'échelle de la suspension. Nous montrerons comment inclure simultanément les effets Browniens qui agissent sur les plus petite particules (10^-6m). Enfin, nous exploiterons l'outil mis en place pour simuler des suspensions actives. Sa capacité à reproduire certains résultats de la littérature à précision égale, à moindre coût et à plus grande échelle, permet de combler le fossé entre modèles individuels, travaux expérimentaux et modèles continus issus de la théorie cinétique. Forts de cet outil, nous tenterons de répondre à deux questions ouvertes dans la littérature expérimentale : l'origine des corrélations d'orientation dans les suspensions de microgouttes auto-propulsées et les mécanismes en jeu dans la diffusion des particules Browniennes dans les suspensions actives. / We have all witnessed the flocking of starlings in the sky and the schools of fish that form in the ocean. This kind of organization of living creatures is not limited to those that we see, but also occurs for those that we don’t : swimming microorganisms. Suspen- sions of micro-swimmers exhibit a rich dynamics. Their behaviors can play an important role in the survival of the group, its development, the balance between species, their trophic strategies and even animal fertility. They can form coherent structures due to collective motion, mix the surrounding fluid or modify its rheological properties. Such diversity results from the complex interplay between swimming strategies, physiological processes, chemical reactions and hydrodynamic interactions. Fluid Mechanics is there- fore essential to understand and master the mechanisms involved in these phenomena. While experimental studies bring out new findings and, sometimes, provide physical ex- planations, modeling remains essential. Yet, including an accurate description of the micro-swimmers in a suspension containing thousands (nay millions) individuals, requires considering a wide range of coupled scales (from one micron 10^−6m to several millimeters 10^−3m). What happens on large scales depends on sophisticated mechanisms occurring two or three orders of magnitude below. Therefore, the multiscale modeling of such phenomena is still a major challenge for the state-of-the-art numerical methods. This thesis aims at providing a contribution in that direction. In a first part, we will show that reproducing swimming mechanisms at the scale of the micro-swimmer can be achieved with various models spanning different levels of complexity. We will then present our developments to incorporate these models in an efficient framework for large scale simulations. We will show how to simultaneously account for the Brownian motion of the smallest particles (10^−6m). Our code reproduces known results from the literature with the same accuracy, but at lower cost and at larger scales, thus bridging a gap between particle-based models, experiments and continuum formulations from kinetic theory. Using the capabilities afforded by our method, we eventually address two open problems in the experimental literature : the origins of orientational correla- tions between interacting self-propelled micro-droplets and the mechanisms at play in the nonlinear enhancement of Brownian particle diffusion in active suspensions.

Stall Flutter of a Cascade of Blades at Low Reynolds Number

Jha, Sourabh Kumar January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Due to the requirements for high blade loading, modern turbo‐machine blades operate very close to the stall regime. This can lead to flow separation with periodic shedding of vortices, which could lead to self induced oscillations or stall flutter of the blades. Previous studies on stall flutter have focused on flows at high Reynolds number (Re ~ 106). The Reynolds numbers for fans/propellers of Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs), high altitude turbofans and small wind turbines are substantially lower (Re < 105). Aerodynamic characteristics of flows at such low Re is significantly different from those at high Re, due in part to the early separation of the flow and possible formation of laminar separation bubbles (LSB). The present study is targeted towards study of stall flutter in a cascade of blades at low Re. We experimentally study stall flutter of a cascade of symmetric NACA 0012 blades at low Reynolds number (Re ~ 30, 000) through forced sinusoidal pitching of the blades about mean angles of incidences close to stall. The experimental arrangement permits variations of the inter‐blade phase (σ) in addition to the oscillation frequency (f) and amplitude; the inter‐blade phase angle (σ) being the phase difference between the motions of adjacent blades in the cascade. The unsteady moments on the central blade in the cascade are directly measured, and used to calculate the energy transfer from the flow to the blade. This energy transfer is used to predict the propensity of the blades to undergo self‐induced oscillations or stall flutter. Experiments are also conducted on an isolated blade in addition to the cascade. A variety of parameters can influence stall flutter in a cascade, namely the oscillation frequency (f), the mean angle of incidence, and the inter‐blade phase angle (σ). The measurements show that there exists a range of reduced frequencies, k (=πfc/U, c being the chord length of the blade and U being the free stream velocity), where the energy transfer from the flow to the blade is positive, which indicates that the flow can excite the blade. Above and below this range, the energy transfer is negative indicating that blade excitations, if any, will get damped. This range of excitation is found to depend upon the mean angle of incidence, with shifts towards higher values of k as the mean angle of incidence increases. An important parameter for cascades, which is absent in the isolated blade case is the inter‐blade phase angle (σ). An excitation regime is observed only for σ values between ‐450 and 900, with the value of excitation being maximum for σ of 900. Time traces of the measured moment were found to be non‐sinusoidal in the excitation regime, whereas they appear to be sinusoidal in the damping regime. Stall flutter in a cascade has differences when compared with an isolated blade. For the cascade, the maximum value of excitation (positive energy transfer) is found to be an order of magnitude lower compared to the isolated blade case. Further, for similar values of mean incidence angle, the range of excitation is at lower reduced frequencies for a cascade when compared with an isolated blade. A comparison with un‐stalled or classical flutter in a cascade at high Re, shows that the inter‐blade phase angle is a major factor governing flutter in both cases. Some differences are observed as well, which appear to be due to stalled flow and low Re.

Transient Dynamics of Compound Drops in Shear and Pressure Driven Flow

Sang Kyu Kim (8099576) 09 December 2019 (has links)
Multiphase flows abound in nature and enterprises. Our daily interactions with fluids - washing, drinking, and cooking, for example - occur at a free surface and within the realm of multiphase flows. The applications of multiphase flows within the context of emulsions, which are caused by mixing two immiscible fluids, have been of interest since the nineteenth century: compartmentalizing one fluid in another is particularly of interest in applications in pharmaceutical, materials, microfluidics, chemical, and biological engineering. Even more control in compartmentalization and delivery can be obtained through the usage of double emulsions, which are emulsions of smaller drops (i.e., inner drop) within larger drops (i.e., outer drop). The goal of this work is to understand the dynamic behavior of compound drops in confined flow at low Reynolds numbers. These behaviors include the migration patterns, limit cycles, and equilibrium locations in confined flows such as channel flows.<br> <br>Firstly, we look at non-concentric compound drops that are subject to simple shear flows. The eccentricity in the inner drop is either within the place of shear, normal to the plane of shear, or mixed. We show unreported motions that persist throughout time regardless of the initial eccentricity, given that the deformations of the inner and outer drops are small. Understanding the temporal dynamics of compound drops within the simple shear flow, one of the simplest background flows that may be imposed, allows us to probe at the dynamics of more complicated background flows.<br> <br>Secondly, we look at the lateral migration of compound drops in a Poiseuille flow. Depending on the initial condition, we show that there are multiple equilibria. We also show that the majority of initial configurations results in the compound drop with symmetry about the short wall direction. We then show the time it takes for the interfaces to merge if a given initial configuration does not reach the aforementioned symmetry.<br> <br>Thirdly, while the different equilibria of compound drops offer some positional differences at different radii ratio, we show that the lift force profiles at non-equilibrium locations offer distinctly different results for compound drops with different radii ratio. We then look at how this effect is greater than changes that arise due to viscosity ratio changes, and offer insights on what may create such a change in the lift force profile.

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