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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Considerações sobre o dimensionamento de pavimentos utilizando solos lateríticos para rodovias de baixo volume de trafego. / Pavement design using lateritic soils for low volume roads.

Liedi Légi Bariani Bernucci 15 December 1995 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta diversas considerações a respeito do dimensionamento de pavimentos de baixo custo que utilizam solos lateríticos em sua estrutura. Esses pavimentos são construídos para rodovias de baixo volume de tráfego que, apesar de serem utilizadas por pequeno número de veículos diariamente, podem ser solicitadas por veículos muito pesados, provenientes das regiões agrícolas, usineiras e industriais. A despeito dos solos lateríticos não atenderem as especificações tradicionais e das estruturas serem incompatíveis com as normas de dimensionamento vigentes, as soluções de baixo custo têm mostrado um bom desempenho em rodovias de baixo volume de tráfego. Foram estudadas diversas variáveis intervenientes no projeto do pavimento: a composição do tráfego nessas rodovias; o clima atuante no Estado de São Paulo, responsável por umidades de equilíbrio inferiores aquelas nas quais os solos foram compactados; e as propriedades geotécnicas dos solos lateríticos. Foram enfocadas as características desses solos que auxiliam na sua identificação em campo e em laboratório, e que podem ser exploradas para o bom desempenho dos pavimentos. A partir de ensaios de módulos de resiliência, mostra-se a importância da coesão dos solos lateríticos, responsável por sua estabilidade e comportamento adequado em bases de pavimentos. Finalmente, são verificadas as estruturas de pavimentos de baixo custo com base nos conceitos do método norte-americano de dimensionamento de pavimentos de AASHTO-1986. Os resultados corroboram o uso de estruturas esbeltas, normalmente adotadas no Estado de São Paulo. / This thesis proposes to study several aspects of the design of low-cost pavements structurally consisting of lateritic soils. These pavement are utilized for low-volume roads; although used on a daily basis by a small number of vehicles, they might also be requested by heavy trucks typical for agricultural and industrial areas. Thin-layered pavements of lateritic soils have been successfully used in low-volume roads in the State of São Paulo, is spite of the fact that these soils do not conform to traditional specifications and that such structures are not in accordance to current design requirements. Several factors relevant to the pavement design have been analyzed: traffic composition on such roads; climatic conditions of the state of São Paulo, responsible for equilibrium moisture contents lower than those at which the soils were originally compacted; and the geotechnical properties of lateritic soils. Emphasis is given to soil characteristic useful to field and laboratory identification and necessary to ensure good performance of the pavement. The importance of the cohesion of lateritic soils, responsible for the stability and good performance of pavement bases, is demonstrated by means of resilient moduli test results. Finally, the structure of low-cost pavements has been verified within the framework of the AASHTO-1986 pavement design method, The results support the use of thin-layered pavement structures, widely adopted in the State of São Paulo.

Development of a Rational Method of Designing Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) for Low Volume Roads

Nanagiri, Yamini Varma 05 January 2005 (has links)
The Superpave mix design system is being adopted by most of the states in the Unites States. Since the Superpave system was developed on the basis of data mostly obtained from medium to high traffic volume roads, there is a need to develop criteria for mix design for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) mixes for low traffic volume roads. In this study funded by the six New England states, research was carried out to develop a proper mix design system for low volume roads from the standpoint of durability properties and then, once a good mix design system was available, check it to determine if it meets required strength properties. For low volume roads the performance is primarily affected by the environment and not by traffic, the approach in this study has been to determine the optimum value of a key volumetric property and an optimum number of design gyrations for producing compacted HMA mixes with adequate resistance against aging/high stiffness related durability problems. Six mixes were obtained in which only one can be characterized as a fine mix, and the remaining five were all relatively close to the maximum density line - three of them were with 9.5 mm Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size (NMAS), and the other two were with 12.5 mm NMAS. Based on the results from performance testing, film thickness of 11 microns in samples compacted to 7 percent voids was found to be desirable from considerations of stability and durability and a design VMA of 16 percent was determined to be optimum for producing durable and stable mixes for low volume roads. Results from testing of in-place mixes from good performing 10 to 12 year old low volume roads indicated a design gyration of 50 for obtaining a void content of 4 percent for mixes with gradations close to the maximum density line.

Análise estrutural de pavimentos de baixo volume de tráfego revestidos com solo modificado com cal considerando ensaios laboratoriais e monitoramento de trechos experimentais / Structural Analyze of low-volume roads covered with soil modified with lime with considering of laboratorial tests and monitoring of experimental sections

Katz, Leonardo Behak January 2013 (has links)
Os solos das regiões arrozeiras apresentam características geotécnicas inadequadas para uso como revestimentos primários de estradas. Isto força o transporte de materiais de jazidas distantes, o que, além de onerar o custo de construção, nem sempre é uma solução durável. Nesta tese relata-se uma pesquisa que apresenta uma solução para esse problema: a pavimentação de estradas de baixo volume de tráfego com solo local modificado com cal. Foram realizados estudos laboratoriais e de campo, e os resultados analisados através de uma abordagem mecanístico-empírica. Dois pavimentos experimentais com revestimentos de solo-cal foram construídos e monitorados próximo a Cebollatí, leste do Uruguai. Foram realizados ensaios de caracterização e comportamento mecânico do solo e de misturas de solo e cal, variando-se o teor de cal, o tempo de cura e a energia de compactação. Realizaram-se ensaios de módulo de resiliência, para o qual foi projetado, montado e operado o primeiro equipamento de ensaios de carga repetida na compressão triaxial do Uruguai. Também foram realizados ensaios de fadiga na compressão diametral para o solo modificado com 3% e 5% de cal, curado por 28 e 150 dias. Para entender o comportamento das camadas de solo modificado com cal submetidas ao tráfego, realizou-se uma análise conjunta dos resultados laboratoriais e do monitoramento dos trechos experimentais, com uso de modelos computacionais. Apesar das limitações construtivas, de terem sido liberados ao tráfego em plena safra e das más condições de drenagem da região, após 5 anos de trafego, os pavimentos não mostram trincas de fadiga ou afundamentos nas trilhas de roda. Assim, a pavimentação de estradas de baixo volume de tráfego em regiões arrozeiras com revestimentos de solo local modificado com cal provou ser uma alternativa economicamente vantajosa, por reduzir custos de construção e manutenção, e sustentável, por preservar materiais não-renováveis, como solos e rochas. / Soils in rice plantation areas generally present geotechnical characteristics unsuitable for use as primary wearing course of roads. Because of that, it is necessary to import materials from distant sites, a solution that, besides increasing construction cost, is rarely long-lasting. In this thesis a research on paving low volume roads with lime modified local soils is reported, in order to present an alternative solution to that problem. Both laboratory and field studies were carried out and the results were analyzed by means of a mechanistic-empirical approach. Two test sections with wearing courses made of lime modified soil were built and monitored close to Cebollatí, a village in the east of Uruguay. Previously, laboratory characterization and mechanical tests on samples of the sedimentary soil were carried out. Lime contents for mixtures were determined and the stress-strain-strength behavior of mixes with different levels of lime content, curing time and compaction energy was studied. In order to analyze the elastic behavior of the lime modified soil under traffic, resilient modulus tests were carried out. This motivated the design, assembly and use of the first equipment for triaxial compression repeated loading tests in Uruguay. Besides, stress controlled fatigue tests were performed on cylindrical specimens of soil modified with 3% and 5% of lime, cured for 28 and 150 days. The results of laboratory tests and field monitoring were analyzed using computational models. In spite of the difficulties faced during pavements construction, including heavy traffic in early days, and the poor drainage, after 5 years of service no cracks or ruts are seen on top of the test pavements. Therefore, paving low volume roads in rice plantation areas with lime modified wearing courses has proved to be a cost-effective alternative, reducing construction and maintenance costs, and a sustainable practice, preserving non-renewable materials such as rocks and soils.

Análise estrutural de pavimentos de baixo volume de tráfego revestidos com solo modificado com cal considerando ensaios laboratoriais e monitoramento de trechos experimentais / Structural Analyze of low-volume roads covered with soil modified with lime with considering of laboratorial tests and monitoring of experimental sections

Katz, Leonardo Behak January 2013 (has links)
Os solos das regiões arrozeiras apresentam características geotécnicas inadequadas para uso como revestimentos primários de estradas. Isto força o transporte de materiais de jazidas distantes, o que, além de onerar o custo de construção, nem sempre é uma solução durável. Nesta tese relata-se uma pesquisa que apresenta uma solução para esse problema: a pavimentação de estradas de baixo volume de tráfego com solo local modificado com cal. Foram realizados estudos laboratoriais e de campo, e os resultados analisados através de uma abordagem mecanístico-empírica. Dois pavimentos experimentais com revestimentos de solo-cal foram construídos e monitorados próximo a Cebollatí, leste do Uruguai. Foram realizados ensaios de caracterização e comportamento mecânico do solo e de misturas de solo e cal, variando-se o teor de cal, o tempo de cura e a energia de compactação. Realizaram-se ensaios de módulo de resiliência, para o qual foi projetado, montado e operado o primeiro equipamento de ensaios de carga repetida na compressão triaxial do Uruguai. Também foram realizados ensaios de fadiga na compressão diametral para o solo modificado com 3% e 5% de cal, curado por 28 e 150 dias. Para entender o comportamento das camadas de solo modificado com cal submetidas ao tráfego, realizou-se uma análise conjunta dos resultados laboratoriais e do monitoramento dos trechos experimentais, com uso de modelos computacionais. Apesar das limitações construtivas, de terem sido liberados ao tráfego em plena safra e das más condições de drenagem da região, após 5 anos de trafego, os pavimentos não mostram trincas de fadiga ou afundamentos nas trilhas de roda. Assim, a pavimentação de estradas de baixo volume de tráfego em regiões arrozeiras com revestimentos de solo local modificado com cal provou ser uma alternativa economicamente vantajosa, por reduzir custos de construção e manutenção, e sustentável, por preservar materiais não-renováveis, como solos e rochas. / Soils in rice plantation areas generally present geotechnical characteristics unsuitable for use as primary wearing course of roads. Because of that, it is necessary to import materials from distant sites, a solution that, besides increasing construction cost, is rarely long-lasting. In this thesis a research on paving low volume roads with lime modified local soils is reported, in order to present an alternative solution to that problem. Both laboratory and field studies were carried out and the results were analyzed by means of a mechanistic-empirical approach. Two test sections with wearing courses made of lime modified soil were built and monitored close to Cebollatí, a village in the east of Uruguay. Previously, laboratory characterization and mechanical tests on samples of the sedimentary soil were carried out. Lime contents for mixtures were determined and the stress-strain-strength behavior of mixes with different levels of lime content, curing time and compaction energy was studied. In order to analyze the elastic behavior of the lime modified soil under traffic, resilient modulus tests were carried out. This motivated the design, assembly and use of the first equipment for triaxial compression repeated loading tests in Uruguay. Besides, stress controlled fatigue tests were performed on cylindrical specimens of soil modified with 3% and 5% of lime, cured for 28 and 150 days. The results of laboratory tests and field monitoring were analyzed using computational models. In spite of the difficulties faced during pavements construction, including heavy traffic in early days, and the poor drainage, after 5 years of service no cracks or ruts are seen on top of the test pavements. Therefore, paving low volume roads in rice plantation areas with lime modified wearing courses has proved to be a cost-effective alternative, reducing construction and maintenance costs, and a sustainable practice, preserving non-renewable materials such as rocks and soils.

Análise estrutural de pavimentos de baixo volume de tráfego revestidos com solo modificado com cal considerando ensaios laboratoriais e monitoramento de trechos experimentais / Structural Analyze of low-volume roads covered with soil modified with lime with considering of laboratorial tests and monitoring of experimental sections

Katz, Leonardo Behak January 2013 (has links)
Os solos das regiões arrozeiras apresentam características geotécnicas inadequadas para uso como revestimentos primários de estradas. Isto força o transporte de materiais de jazidas distantes, o que, além de onerar o custo de construção, nem sempre é uma solução durável. Nesta tese relata-se uma pesquisa que apresenta uma solução para esse problema: a pavimentação de estradas de baixo volume de tráfego com solo local modificado com cal. Foram realizados estudos laboratoriais e de campo, e os resultados analisados através de uma abordagem mecanístico-empírica. Dois pavimentos experimentais com revestimentos de solo-cal foram construídos e monitorados próximo a Cebollatí, leste do Uruguai. Foram realizados ensaios de caracterização e comportamento mecânico do solo e de misturas de solo e cal, variando-se o teor de cal, o tempo de cura e a energia de compactação. Realizaram-se ensaios de módulo de resiliência, para o qual foi projetado, montado e operado o primeiro equipamento de ensaios de carga repetida na compressão triaxial do Uruguai. Também foram realizados ensaios de fadiga na compressão diametral para o solo modificado com 3% e 5% de cal, curado por 28 e 150 dias. Para entender o comportamento das camadas de solo modificado com cal submetidas ao tráfego, realizou-se uma análise conjunta dos resultados laboratoriais e do monitoramento dos trechos experimentais, com uso de modelos computacionais. Apesar das limitações construtivas, de terem sido liberados ao tráfego em plena safra e das más condições de drenagem da região, após 5 anos de trafego, os pavimentos não mostram trincas de fadiga ou afundamentos nas trilhas de roda. Assim, a pavimentação de estradas de baixo volume de tráfego em regiões arrozeiras com revestimentos de solo local modificado com cal provou ser uma alternativa economicamente vantajosa, por reduzir custos de construção e manutenção, e sustentável, por preservar materiais não-renováveis, como solos e rochas. / Soils in rice plantation areas generally present geotechnical characteristics unsuitable for use as primary wearing course of roads. Because of that, it is necessary to import materials from distant sites, a solution that, besides increasing construction cost, is rarely long-lasting. In this thesis a research on paving low volume roads with lime modified local soils is reported, in order to present an alternative solution to that problem. Both laboratory and field studies were carried out and the results were analyzed by means of a mechanistic-empirical approach. Two test sections with wearing courses made of lime modified soil were built and monitored close to Cebollatí, a village in the east of Uruguay. Previously, laboratory characterization and mechanical tests on samples of the sedimentary soil were carried out. Lime contents for mixtures were determined and the stress-strain-strength behavior of mixes with different levels of lime content, curing time and compaction energy was studied. In order to analyze the elastic behavior of the lime modified soil under traffic, resilient modulus tests were carried out. This motivated the design, assembly and use of the first equipment for triaxial compression repeated loading tests in Uruguay. Besides, stress controlled fatigue tests were performed on cylindrical specimens of soil modified with 3% and 5% of lime, cured for 28 and 150 days. The results of laboratory tests and field monitoring were analyzed using computational models. In spite of the difficulties faced during pavements construction, including heavy traffic in early days, and the poor drainage, after 5 years of service no cracks or ruts are seen on top of the test pavements. Therefore, paving low volume roads in rice plantation areas with lime modified wearing courses has proved to be a cost-effective alternative, reducing construction and maintenance costs, and a sustainable practice, preserving non-renewable materials such as rocks and soils.

Assessment of light weight deflectometer for low volume roads experiencing rapidly increased traffic levels

Ordaz, Margarita 08 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
When evaluating low volume roads (LVRs), structural capacity emphasis is minimal since deterioration typically results from environmental factors. However, in cases where LVR’s experience rapidly increased traffic loading, structural condition becomes important. The research objective was to determine whether the Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) can be used as a structural evaluation tool for LVRs in the aforementioned conditions. This study explored the capability of LWD equipment in evaluating major factors that influence flexible pavement structural capacity: load induced deterioration, soil moisture, and asphalt temperature. Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) and LWD tests were performed to measure pavement structural condition. LWD was shown applicable for LVRs experiencing accelerated traffic. The LWD is portable and efficient for LVRs when high rut depths are permitted. The LWD and FWD produced similar trends. The LWD, based on this thesis, can be recommended for use in lieu of FWD to assess structural condition of LVRs for rapidly increased traffic loading.

The impacts of grain subterminals on rural highways

Tolliver, Denver D. January 1989 (has links)
The problems associated with increased heavy grain truck traffic in rural regions were investigated. Both the short-run incremental costs of accelerated pavement replacement and the long-run incremental costs of upgrading low-volume highways were considered. A set of demand and traffic models was formulated which projects the annual flow of grain from each production zone in an impact region to each elevator, allocates the flows among truck-types, computes the annual trips, gross vehicle weights and axle weights, and assigns the truck trips to the highway network. A set of highway models was also formulated which computes the equivalent single axle loads for each highway section in an impact region and estimates the incremental costs associated with subterminal traffic. The impacts of a newly-formed subterminal-satellite elevator system in rural North Dakota were investigated. The results of the case study indicate that rural collector highways are likely to experience substantial localized impacts from subterminal development but the effects on principal arterials may be minimal. Altogether, $1.14 million in short-run costs and $8.41 million in long-run costs were projected for the impact region. However, the case study roads represent less than 2 percent of the rural arterial and collector highway mileage in the state. If the case-study network represents a microcosm of rural North Dakota, then the statewide short-run and long-run incremental costs may be in the vicinity of $57 million and $420 million respectively. However, regional variations within the state may result in either higher or lower costs for a given elevator system than those projected in the case study. / Ph. D.

Commentary driving on low volume rural roads: training and use

Murdock, David K. January 1985 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1985 M87 / Master of Science

Application of low-volume road maintenance management systems in New Zealand to the Philippines

Bangasan, Romelda January 2006 (has links)
Road authorities around the world have been innovating and finding ways to cope with the high cost of road network maintenance, the growing demands of road users and the changing traffic type and volume. A well-maintained road is needed to make the network sustainable for future generations. Improving road maintenance management in the Philippines, based on New Zealand experience, is the goal of this research with the theme of managing the change from method-based specifications to the adoption of performance-based specifications for unsealed low-volume roads. The New Zealand Local Government Act 2002 prescribes the requirements for the provision, operation, and management of the local road network, consistent with the Land Transport Management Act 2002 and the New Zealand Land Transport Strategy. The maintenance management system used by New Zealand road controlling authorities (RCAs) was determined by survey and a profile of RCAs that have adopted performance-based specifications was established. RCAs that adopted performance-based specifications had employed asset managers, used the Road Asset Maintenance Management (RAMM) system as an asset management tool, engaged consultants for specialised skills, employed more engineers, had highly developed performance specifications, conducted customer surveys, and had more resources in terms of rates and revenues than RCAs that had not adopted performance-based specifications. The proposed performance-based specifications for sealed and unsealed roads were also presented in this thesis. The Department of Public Works and Highways of the Philippines has implemented three long-term performance-based maintenance pilot projects, all completed by 2005. The lessons learned from the pilot projects, together with the New Zealand survey results will guide road authorities in the Philippines to improve the implementation of future long-term performance-based maintenance contracts (LTPBMC) on national roads, and possibly apply the same to low-volume roads.

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