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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elektroninis mokymas(is) pradinėje mokykloje: situacijos ir poreikio analizė / E-learning in primary school: analysis of situation and necessity

Naujalytė, Reda 06 August 2012 (has links)
Elektroninis mokymas(is) pradiniame ugdyme turi didžiulį potencialą, todėl būtina įvertinti jo teikiamas galimybes. Tikslinga sukurti ir plėtoti modernią, kokybišką ir patrauklią virtualią erdvę, kurioje el.mokymas(is) atitiktų naujovišką pedagogiką bei derėtų su naujomis skaitmeninėmis technologijomis. / E-learning in primary education has huge potential, thus it is necessary to assess it. It is appropriate to establish and develop a modern, high quality and attractive virtual space of primary education, where e-learning would go side by side with innovative pedagogy and new technologies.

Virtualių mokomųjų aplinkų lokalizavimas / Localization of Virtual Learning Environment

Šiškevičiūtė, Daiva 13 June 2006 (has links)
The work consists of two parts. The first part describes the survey of student opinions on the Virtual Learning Environment. The research helps us see how attractive different possibilities among students are as regards the Virtual Learning Environment and what positive influence the said possibilities bring on the learning process. The research can also be helpful to teachers creating virtual learning courses in singling out the possibilities to focus on. Teaching material of the theory of algorithms presented within the open code of the Virtual Learning Environment “Moodle” was used for the survey. Pedagogical evaluation guidelines have been presented and the said “Moodle” environment has been estimated respectively. The second part of the work deals with the localization of VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) “Moodle” help manual. The localization process began by selecting the themes more important to students based on the previous research results. The work also defines the localization itself and its levels: code tables, dialogue culture important localization-wise, and the open source concept. Certain criteria are applied to localization as any other piece of work. Finally, the localization process of module help manual of the Virtual Learning Environment “Moodle” has been described. The results of the research show that students have insufficient knowledge of the Virtual Learning Environment. Thus the localization of the VLE is very important in order to make students... [to full text]

Analys av en meddelandetjänst vid krissituationer baserat på CBS-tekniken(Cell Broadcast Service)

Nutti, Anders, Ekman, Mats January 2004 (has links)
Uppdragsgivare för detta examensarbete är Länsstyrelsen Dalarna. Målet är att undersöka hur lämplig tekniken med CBS (Cell Broadcast Service) baserade textmeddelande är vid viktigt meddelande till allmänheten (VMA-larm). En tjänst som utnyttjar CBS-tekniken kan rädda liv om allmänheten i ett tidigt skede får reda på vad som hänt och vart de ska bege sig.Rapporten visar på hur man kan använda SMS då en krissituation uppstår. Med hjälp av CBS-tekniken skickas meddelandet till specifikt valda basstationer och alla mobiltelefoner som är uppkopplade mot den. Det positiva är att bara de som behöver få veta vad som hänt får meddelandet.Enligt specifikationerna (ETSI) på GSM och 3G-näten i Sverige finns det stöd för utskick av CBS-meddelanden inbyggt i de befintliga näten. Det finns dock vissa problem vid införandet av CBS-tekniken i operatörsnäten. Operatörerna måste implementera en Cell Broadcast Center (CBC) i näten, denna del av infrastrukturen kommunicerar med basstationerna och sköter utskicken av CBS-meddelanden. Ett ytterligare problem med CBS-tekniken är att användarna måste aktivera mobiltelefonen för att ta emot CBS-meddelanden.Enligt Telia och Vodafone används CBS inte i Sverige idag men vi bedömer att tjänsten för att varna allmänheten kan använda sig av CBS-tekniken om den implementeras i operatörsnäten. Vi har i detta arbete använt oss av en generell kvalitativ metod kompletterat med Siegels metod. Med den kvalitativa metoden har vi intervjuat Telia och Vodafone på ingående fakta om CBS-tekniken. Vid design av teknisk lösning har vi använt oss av Siegels två första faser.

Iron Acquisition and Homeostasis in Histoplasma capsulatum

Hilty, Jeremy S. January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Virtualaus mokymo aplinkos pritaikymas informatikos studijoms / Adaptation of virtual learning environment for informatics studies

Pranckutė, Danutė 15 June 2011 (has links)
Šių laikų studentai nuotolines arba pusiau nuotolines studijas vertina ypač teigiamai. Patiems dėstytojams nebelieka kito pasirinkimo, kaip rengti savo studijų dalykus virtualiose mokymo/si aplinkose. Šio darbo tikslas yra pritaikyti virtualaus mokymo aplinką informatikos studijoms. Pagrindiniai uždaviniai – išanalizuoti dėstytojų poreikius; poreikių padengimą tradicinėmis Moodle priemonėmis ir papildomais moduliais; suformuoti eksperimentinę Moodle sistemą su įdiegtais papildiniais; sukurti tipinių dalykų grupių prototipus pateikimui Moodle sistemoje. Darbe analizuojama problema: virtuali mokymo/si aplinka (VMA) savo turimomis standartinėmis funkcijomis, neišpildo tikrųjų specifinių dėstytojų poreikių. Problemos sprendimui rasti atliktos dvi dėstytojų apklausos, išanalizuoti ir apibendrinti apklausų rezultatai. Remiantis apklausų rezultatais sudarytas reikiamų funkcijų sąrašas bei jų realizavimui atrinkti ir įdiegti Moodle papildiniai. Darbe pateikiamos papildinių įdiegimo ir naudojimo instrukcijos, sudaryti kiekvieno papildinio privalumų ir trūkumų sąrašai. Prie kai kurių funkcijų pateikta daugiau nei viena alternatyva. Darbas baigiamas sukonkretintomis išvadomis. Remiantis šiuo magistriniu darbu, sistemą bus pasiūlyta naudoti jau egzistuojančioje Vytauto Didžiojo Universiteto Informatikos fakulteto virtualioje mokymo aplinkoje (VDU IF Moodle), taip patenkinant dirbančiųjų dėstytojų esamus poreikius. / The nowadays students think of distance or blended learning studies very positively, so the lecturers are forced to prepare their teaching material in virtual learning environments (VLE). The aim of the study is to adapt virtual learning environment for studies of Informatics. The objectives of the study are to analyze the needs of lecturers; to examine the needs’ realization by standard Moodle tools and additional modules; to formulate experimental VLE Moodle with installed additional tools; to create the typical group subject prototypes for VLE Moodle. The study analyses the problem: VLE with standard functions does not fulfil the real, specific needs of lecturers. In order to find the problem solution, 2 surveys of lecturers were performed, survey results were analyzed and summarized. Based on the surveys’ results, the list of necessary functions was created and additional VLE Moodle tools were analyzed, chosen and installed. The instructions of tools installation and usage are described; lists of advantages and disadvantages of each additional tool are created. Some of the functions have more than one alternative suggested. The study is finalized with concrete conclusions. Based on this study, the existing VDU IF Moodle (VLE of the Informatics faculty, Vytautas Magnus University) will be suggested to be updated in order to fulfil the existing needs of Informatics faculty lecturers.

Vybrané metody pro analýzu mnohorozměrných finančních dat / Selected methods for multivariate financial data analysis

Andráš, Adrián January 2011 (has links)
In practice, we often meet data in the form of observations of several variables at various points in time. These data are called time series. We present various approaches in time series analysis; graphical models, vector autoregres- sive models and vector moving-average models. We try to get information about mutual relationship of the variables and then to model their behavior. The used techniques are illustrated on log returns of monthly average exchange rates. The programs are processed in the software Mathematica 7 and can be found on the CD. 1

Development of a Rational Method of Designing Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) for Low Volume Roads

Nanagiri, Yamini Varma 05 January 2005 (has links)
The Superpave mix design system is being adopted by most of the states in the Unites States. Since the Superpave system was developed on the basis of data mostly obtained from medium to high traffic volume roads, there is a need to develop criteria for mix design for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) mixes for low traffic volume roads. In this study funded by the six New England states, research was carried out to develop a proper mix design system for low volume roads from the standpoint of durability properties and then, once a good mix design system was available, check it to determine if it meets required strength properties. For low volume roads the performance is primarily affected by the environment and not by traffic, the approach in this study has been to determine the optimum value of a key volumetric property and an optimum number of design gyrations for producing compacted HMA mixes with adequate resistance against aging/high stiffness related durability problems. Six mixes were obtained in which only one can be characterized as a fine mix, and the remaining five were all relatively close to the maximum density line - three of them were with 9.5 mm Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size (NMAS), and the other two were with 12.5 mm NMAS. Based on the results from performance testing, film thickness of 11 microns in samples compacted to 7 percent voids was found to be desirable from considerations of stability and durability and a design VMA of 16 percent was determined to be optimum for producing durable and stable mixes for low volume roads. Results from testing of in-place mixes from good performing 10 to 12 year old low volume roads indicated a design gyration of 50 for obtaining a void content of 4 percent for mixes with gradations close to the maximum density line.

Besimokančiojo modelio vaizdavimas virtualioje mokymo(si) aplinkoje / Depiction of student model in virtual learning environment (VLE)

Vaira, Žilvinas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Adaptyviose sistemose prisitaikymas prie besimokančiojo yra paremtas duomenų apie besimokantįjį rinkimu, analizavimu ir mokymosi aplinkos pritaikymu besimokančiojo poreikiams. Tam būtina parinkti tokius „sekimo“ duomenis, pagal kuriuos būtų galima daryti išvadas sistemos lygmenyje. Šie duomenys turi būti suprantami sistemai, nuolat atnaujinami, lengvai surenkami. Jie gali būti įvairūs, pradedant nuorodų paspaudimo laiku, baigiant akies žvilgsnio nukreipimo vieta. Pagal tai sistema gali transformuoti duomenis ir – priklausomai nuo savo paskirties – duoti patarimus ar tam tikromis priemonėmis pavaizduoti naudingą informaciją, tuo pačiu atsižvelgdama į rezultatus. Tačiau daugelis šių sistemų yra tik prototipo stadijoje arba naudojamos nesudėtingiems procesams vykdyti. Mums žinomos adaptyvios sistemos yra skirtos vieno dalyko probleminei sričiai. Šiame darbe tirsime besimokančiojo modelio perteikimo galimybę virtualioje mokymo(si) aplinkoje (VMA), kai besimokantysis dalyvauja viename arba keliuose nuotoliniuose kursuose. / In adaptive systems adaptation to learner is defined by collection of data about learner, collected data analysis and learning environment adaptation to learners needs. Looking forward to this goal it is necessary to select such logging data, which can be used to make conclusions in a system level. Such data should be acceptable to system, interactive and easy to collect. Data used can be various, starting from click time of the link ending with eye look direction angle. Such system can provide data transformations and depending on purpose, give suggestions. Using necessary tools depict useful information, reacting to results. Most of currently build systems are only in prototype stage or are used for unsophisticated process. Most of them are one subject systems. In this work we address a possibility of student model’s depiction in a VLE, when student participate in one or more than one distance course.

Tiksliesiems mokslams skirtų testavimo sistemų tyrimas / The research of testing systems for physical science

Jurka, Vidmantas 30 August 2010 (has links)
Informacinės technologijos vis labiau įsilieja į mokymo/si procesą, tampa neatsiejama jo dalimi. Vyrauja nuomonė, kad nuo mokymosi apie informacines technologijas turi pereiti prie mokymo su informacinėmis technologijos. Tuo pačiu tradicinio mokymo metodus praplečiant informacinių technologijų mokymo metodais. Tai turi padėti veiksmingiau derinti bei taikyti naujus mokymo metodus. Atlikus anketinę tiksliųjų mokslų (chemijos, fizikos, informatikos, matematikos) mokytojų apklausą išsiaiškinta kokia mokytojų dalis naudoja informacines technologijas moksleivių testavimui, kokios programos naudojamos, kokios funkcijos šioms programoms reikalingos. Išanalizavus gautus duomenis nustatyta kokia programinė įranga dažniausiai naudojama moksleivių testavimui, kokių funkcijų joje pasigendama. Sukurti ir išbandyti priedai praplečiantys virtualios mokymosi aplinkos Moodle funkcijas, reikalingas tiksliųjų mokslų žinių testavimui: modifikuotas Moodle programos kodas įjungiant HTML redaktorių testavimo sistemos klausimų atsakymams, sukurtas filtras cTeX leidžiantis įvedinėti chemines formules ir trimačius molekulių modelius Moodle aplinkoje, sukurtas naujas klausimo tipas leidžiantis tikrinti programavimo žinias paskalio kalba. / Information technologies are becoming ever more an integral part of the learning process. It has become accepted that learning about information technologies should be transformed to learning with information technologies expanding traditional teaching methods with the methods for teaching information technologies. That should help to coordinate and apply new teaching methods more effectively. Having conducted a questionnaire of teachers of exact sciences (chemistry, physics, informatics and mathematics), it has been determined what percentage of teachers use information technologies for student testing, what software is used, and what functionality for the software is needed. After analyzing the survey data the software most often used for testing students and its missing functionality have been determined. The modules extending the virtual learning environment Moodle for testing students in exact sciences have been written and tested: the Moodle program code has been modified by including an HTML editor for the answers to testing system questions; the filter cTeX for entering chemical formulas and three-dimensional molecule models has been written, and a new type of question for testing the Pascal programming language has been created.

Räddaren i nöden : En fokusgruppsstudie om individers tankar kring samhällets larmtjänster i nutiden och framtiden.

Piirimets, Kristoffer, Hellmin, Petter January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna studie ses som ett försök att bryta ny mark inom kriskommunikationsforskningen;</p><p>vilken kan anses fokuserad på stora samhälleliga katastrofer, potentialen hos avancerade</p><p>tekniska larm- och varningssystem samt massmediernas roll som meningsskapare. Mot</p><p>bakgrund av detta, samt det faktum att vi lever i ett allt mer mobilt kommunikationsklimat,</p><p>undersöker denna uppsats människors inställning till samhälleliga larmfunktioner; idag och</p><p>imorgon. Empirin har genererats genom en rad fokuserade gruppintervjuer. Det teoretiska</p><p>ramverket utgörs av Beck och Baumans tankar om ett senmodernt samhälle karaktäriserat av</p><p>ökad institutionaliserad individualism. Castells och Frändeberg & Thulin får illustrera tidigare</p><p>forskning och teorier kring människors användning av och inställning till nya</p><p>kommunikationstekniker. Resultaten belyser en stor komplexitet i dessa frågor. Generellt sett</p><p>kan dock sägas att medborgarna har ett högt men samtidigt diffust förtroende för larmnummer</p><p>112. I samband med detta kan ny mobil kommunikationsteknik tänkas ge allt fler</p><p>kontaktmöjligheter, men samtidigt göra relationen mellan individ och larmfunktion allt mer</p><p>komplex.</p>

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