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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

North American Monsoon Variability from Paleoclimate Era to Climate Change Projection: A Multiple Dataset Perspective

Carrillo Cruz, Carlos Mauricio January 2014 (has links)
In the southwestern United States, the North American monsoon (NAM) is the main driver of severe weather and accounts for nearly half the annual precipitation. How the monsoon has behaved in the past and how it will change in the future is a question of major importance for natural resource management and infrastructural planning. In this dissertation, I present the results of three studies that have investigated North American monsoon variability and change from the perspective of paleoclimate records, future climate change projections, and simulation of the low-frequency variability with the longest retrospective atmospheric reanalysis. In the first study, a monsoon-sensitive network of tree-ring chronologies is evaluated within its ability to reproduce NAM variability during the past four centuries. Matrix methods are used to detect the low-frequency spatiotemporal variability. The treering chronologies can reasonable characterizes the dominant modes of NAM climate variability. The monsoon tree-ring network is able to reproduce the interannual variability of cool and warm season precipitation, in a manner similar to the period of the instrumental record. Earlywood and latewood adjusted chronologies reveal low frequency climate variability at decadal and longer timescales that is beyond the ability of the instrumental record to temporally well resolve. This low-frequency climate variability seems to be part of a much larger cycle that coincides with the occurrence of multiyear persistent droughts. In the second study, we consider the modes of natural climate variability identified in the previous study to objectively assess the degree of physical uncertainty in climate change projections for NAM from Regional Climate Models (RCMs) used in the North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP). Climate change projection models are evaluated mainly on their ability to represent warm season driven by quasi-stationary Rossby wave trains and El Niño Southern Oscillation – Pacific Decadal Variability (ENSO-PDV). It is concluded that use of the NARCCAP model ensemble mean for NAM climate projections is probably not suitable. NARCCAP RCMs are largely a slave to their driving global models and their error in the specification of large-scale atmospheric circulation. Only one out of eight NARCCAP RCMs has a reasonable representation of the seasonal cycle of monsoon precipitation and ENSOdriven interannual variability in both the 20th and 21st centuries. No decadal variability was observed in any of the NARCCAP RCMs. In the third study, the low-frequency drought signal found with tree-ring chronologies is further explored within the framework of a regional climate modeling. Version 2 of the Twentieth-Century Reanalysis (DD-20CR) is dynamically downscaled over a contiguous U.S.-Mexico domain. Statistic analysis of the DD-20CR suggests that the low-frequency drought signal in the Southwest is driven by atmospheric circulation changes on global to continental scales that affect precipitation in Central American as well. DD-20CR reproduces the spatial patterns of precipitation associated with climate variability at decadal and longer timescales in a manner that compares well with observational records and tree-ring chronologies. Low-frequency climate variability is therefore likely responsible for the multiyear persistent droughts in the last four centuries, as independently evaluated from the tree-ring monsoon-sensitive network.

Interações entre os ciclones extratropicais e a variabilidade extrema do gelo marinho nos mares de Bellingshausen-Amundsen e no mar de Weddell, Antártica / Interactions between the extratropical cyclones and extreme variability of sea ice in the Amundsen-Bellingshausen Seas and in the Weddell Sea, Antarctic

Carpenedo, Camila Bertoletti 14 May 2012 (has links)
O sistema atmosfera-gelo marinho é complexo e fortemente acoplado. Em uma região de transição entre a cobertura de gelo marinho e o mar aberto a interação entre esse sistema é particularmente intensa, sendo significativa o suficiente para influenciar a circulação atmosférica de grande escala e a distribuição de gelo marinho. Assim, o objetivo principal deste trabalho foi analisar as interações entre os ciclones extratropicais e a variabilidade extrema do gelo marinho nos setores dos mares de Bellingshausen-Amundsen (MBA) e do mar de Weddell (MW), no período de verão e inverno austral entre 1989 e 2007. Foram utilizados dados de extensão de gelo marinho do NSIDC/NASA; campos atmosféricos da superfície até os altos níveis da troposfera das reanálises do ERA-Interim (ECMWF); composição de imagens de satélite do canal infravermelho do SSEC; Índice de Niño Oceânico do CPC/NOAA. As anomalias de alta frequência (período de 2-10 dias) e interanual (período maior que 370 dias) foram obtidas aplicando-se a transformada rápida de Fourier nas séries temporais (1989-2007). Os extremos de gelo marinho foram obtidos através do primeiro e terceiro quartil da distribuição dos dados. As características da circulação atmosférica de alta frequência e interanual associadas aos eventos extremos negativos (ENGM) e positivos (EPGM) de gelo marinho, na mesma escala de tempo, foram obtidas através de composições defasadas das anomalias dos campos atmosféricos. Para evidenciar e exemplificar os padrões encontrados nas composições de alta frequência apresenta-se uma análise sinótica de estudo de casos para o setor dos MBA durante o inverno austral, em eventos ENGM e EPGM, separando os casos em fases distintas do fenômeno tropical El Niño. Foi utilizada a estatística de ciclones do Automatic Cyclone Tracking, da Universidade de Melbourne, para analisar a ocorrência de ciclones associados aos períodos de mínima e máxima extensão de gelo marinho na escala interanual. Os resultados mostram que no verão e inverno austral, os eventos ENGM de alta frequência no setor dos MBA e do MW estão associados com as anomalias dos campos atmosféricos, na mesma escala temporal, que se assemelham a um trem de ondas ocorrido a partir de três dias anteriores ao evento extremo. A anomalia ciclônica no oeste e a anomalia anticiclônica no leste do setor resultam em uma anomalia de ventos de norte e, consequentemente, a anomalias positivas de temperatura do ar. Essa configuração anômala contribui para os eventos ENGM através do derretimento do gelo marinho e do seu próprio transporte em direção às latitudes maiores pelos ventos de norte anômalos. As anomalias de alta frequência dos campos atmosféricos em todos os casos (composições defasadas) de eventos EPGM apresentam fases opostas em relação aos eventos ENGM. Portanto, fases distintas do trem de ondas induzem na modulação de extremos de gelo marinho opostos. Em relação às análises sinóticas dos eventos ENGM e EPGM em fases distintas do fenômeno El Niño, verificou-se que em períodos de El Niño há uma intensificação do jato subtropical e um enfraquecimento do jato polar no Pacífico Sul. Há uma menor atuação dos ciclones extratropicais, predominando o sistema de cristas e cavados. Na fase de La Niña há um reforço do jato polar e uma intensa atividade ciclônica sobre os MBA. No evento ENGM (EPGM) há uma associação entre os ventos de norte (de sul) com a vanguarda (retaguarda) dos sistemas ciclônicos em superfície. Na fase Neutra verificou-se uma intensificação do jato polar e uma atuação do sistema de cristas/cavados e de sistemas ciclônicos em superfície. Na análise da influência da circulação atmosférica interanual na variabilidade extrema do gelo marinho, na mesma escala de tempo, observou-se que a fase quente (fria) do ENSO provavelmente está associada com eventos ENGM (EPGM) nos MBA e com eventos EPGM (ENGM) no MW. Sobre a influência da variabilidade interanual da extensão do gelo marinho na atividade ciclônica, nas composições de anomalias interanuais de PNMM em relação aos eventos ENGM nos MBA (lag = 0) no verão, há um predomínio de anomalias positivas de pressão ao nível médio do mar (PNMM) sobre grande parte do Oceano Austral, o que contribuiria para uma menor profundidade e raio dos sistemas em superfície. Já em relação aos eventos ENGM no MW, verifica-se que no lag = 0 há um predomínio de anomalias negativas de PNMM no Oceano Austral, o que contribuiria para um aumento da profundidade e raio dos ciclones. / The sea ice-atmosphere system is complex and tightly coupled. In a transition region between the coverage of sea ice and open ocean the interaction between this system is particularly intense, being significant enough to influence large-scale atmospheric circulation and sea ice distribution. Thus, the main objective of this study was to analyze the interactions between extratropical cyclones and extreme variability of sea ice in the sectors of the Bellingshausen-Amundsen Seas (BAS) and the Weddell Sea (WS), in the period of austral summer and winter between 1989 and 2007. We used sea ice extent data from NSIDC/NASA; atmospheric fields (surface to higher tropospheric levels) from ERA-Interim reanalysis; SSEC IR satellite image composition; and the Oceanic Niño Index CPC/NOAA. Anomalies of high-frequency (2-10 days) and interannual (longer than 370 days) were obtained by applying a fast Fourier transform in the time series (1989-2007). The extremes of sea ice were obtained from the first and third quartile of the data distribution. The characteristics of high-frequency atmospheric circulation and interannual associated with negative (NESI) and positive (PESI) extreme events of sea ice at the same time scale, were obtained from the lagged composites of the anomalies of atmospheric fields. To highlight and illustrate the patterns found in the composites of high frequency presents a synoptic analysis of case studies for the sector of the BAS during the austral winter at NESI and PESI events, separating the cases in different stages of the tropical El Niño phenomenon. Was used a statistical cyclone of Automatic Cyclone Tracking, from University of Melbourne, to analyze the occurrence of cyclones associated with periods of minimum and maximum extent of sea ice in the interannual scale. The results show that in the austral summer and winter, the NESI events of high frequency in the sector of the BAS and the WS are associated with the anomalies of atmospheric fields in the same timescale that resemble a wave train occurring from three days before the extreme event. The cyclonic anomaly in the west and anticyclonic anomaly in the east sector result in an anomaly of north winds and, consequently, the positive anomalies of air temperature. This anomalous configuration contributes for events NESI by sea ice melting and its own transport to higher latitudes by anomalous north winds. Synoptic atmospheric fields anomalies, in all PESI event cases are in opposite phases to NESI events. Therefore, different phases of the circumpolar wave train induce modulation of concurrent sea ice extremes. Regarding the synoptic analysis of events NESI and PESI in different phases of El Niño, it was found that during periods of El Niño it has a strengthening of the subtropical jet and a weakening of the polar jet in the South Pacific. There is less activity of extratropical cyclones, and the predominant system of ridge and troughs. In the La Niña case studies, has a strengthening of the polar jet and an intense cyclonic activity over the BAS. In the NESI (PESI) event there is an association between the north (south) winds at the vanguard (rear) of the cyclone systems at surface. In the Neutral phase case studies, there is an intensification of the polar jet and performance of the system of ridge/troughs and cyclonic systems at surface. In the analysis of the influence of interannual atmospheric circulation on extreme variability of sea ice, at the same time scale, it was observed that the warm (cold) phase of ENSO are probably associated with NESI (PESI) events at BAS and with PESI (NESI) events in the WS. On the influence of interannual variability of sea ice extent in the cyclonic activity, in the composites of interannual anomalies of mean sea level pressure (MSLP) in relation to NESI events in the BAS (lag = 0) in the summer, there is a predominance of positive anomalies of MSLP over much of the Southern Ocean, which would contribute to a lower depth and radius of the surface systems. In relation to NESI events in WS, it appears that in the lag = 0 there is a predominance of negative anomalies of MSLP in the Southern Ocean, which would contribute to an increase in depth and radius cyclones.

Stochastic parameterisation schemes based on rigorous limit theorems

Culina, Joel David 28 August 2009 (has links)
In this study, theorem-based, generally applicable stochastic parameterisation schemes are developed and applied to a quasi-geostrophic model of extratropical atmospheric low-frequency variability (LFV). Hasselmann’s method is developed from limiting theorems for slow-fast systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and applied to this high-dimensional model of intermediate complexity comprised of partial differential equations (PDEs) with complicated boundary conditions. Seamless, efficient algorithms for integrating the parameterised models are developed, which require only minimal changes to the full model algorithm. These algorithms may be readily adapted to a range of climate models of greater complexity in parameterising the effects of fast, sub-grid scale processes on the resolved scales. For comparison, the Majda-Timofeyev-Vanden-Eijnden (MTV) parameterisation method is applied to this model. The seamless algorithms are first adapted to probe the multiple regime behaviour that characterises the full model LFV. In contrast to the conclusions of a previous study, it is found that the multiple regime behaviour is not the result of a nonlinear interaction between the leading two planetary-scale modes, but rather is the result of interactions among these two modes and the leading synoptic-scale mode. The low-dimensional Hasselmann stochastic models perform well in simulating the statistics of the planetary-scale modes. In particular, a model with only one resolved (planetary-scale) mode captures the multiple regime behaviour of the full model. Although a fast-evolving synoptic-scale mode is of primary importance to the multiple regime behaviour, deterministic averaged forcing and not multiplicative noise is responsible for the regime behaviour in this model. The MTV models generate non-Gaussian statistics, but generally do not perform as well in capturing the climate statistics.

Interações entre os ciclones extratropicais e a variabilidade extrema do gelo marinho nos mares de Bellingshausen-Amundsen e no mar de Weddell, Antártica / Interactions between the extratropical cyclones and extreme variability of sea ice in the Amundsen-Bellingshausen Seas and in the Weddell Sea, Antarctic

Camila Bertoletti Carpenedo 14 May 2012 (has links)
O sistema atmosfera-gelo marinho é complexo e fortemente acoplado. Em uma região de transição entre a cobertura de gelo marinho e o mar aberto a interação entre esse sistema é particularmente intensa, sendo significativa o suficiente para influenciar a circulação atmosférica de grande escala e a distribuição de gelo marinho. Assim, o objetivo principal deste trabalho foi analisar as interações entre os ciclones extratropicais e a variabilidade extrema do gelo marinho nos setores dos mares de Bellingshausen-Amundsen (MBA) e do mar de Weddell (MW), no período de verão e inverno austral entre 1989 e 2007. Foram utilizados dados de extensão de gelo marinho do NSIDC/NASA; campos atmosféricos da superfície até os altos níveis da troposfera das reanálises do ERA-Interim (ECMWF); composição de imagens de satélite do canal infravermelho do SSEC; Índice de Niño Oceânico do CPC/NOAA. As anomalias de alta frequência (período de 2-10 dias) e interanual (período maior que 370 dias) foram obtidas aplicando-se a transformada rápida de Fourier nas séries temporais (1989-2007). Os extremos de gelo marinho foram obtidos através do primeiro e terceiro quartil da distribuição dos dados. As características da circulação atmosférica de alta frequência e interanual associadas aos eventos extremos negativos (ENGM) e positivos (EPGM) de gelo marinho, na mesma escala de tempo, foram obtidas através de composições defasadas das anomalias dos campos atmosféricos. Para evidenciar e exemplificar os padrões encontrados nas composições de alta frequência apresenta-se uma análise sinótica de estudo de casos para o setor dos MBA durante o inverno austral, em eventos ENGM e EPGM, separando os casos em fases distintas do fenômeno tropical El Niño. Foi utilizada a estatística de ciclones do Automatic Cyclone Tracking, da Universidade de Melbourne, para analisar a ocorrência de ciclones associados aos períodos de mínima e máxima extensão de gelo marinho na escala interanual. Os resultados mostram que no verão e inverno austral, os eventos ENGM de alta frequência no setor dos MBA e do MW estão associados com as anomalias dos campos atmosféricos, na mesma escala temporal, que se assemelham a um trem de ondas ocorrido a partir de três dias anteriores ao evento extremo. A anomalia ciclônica no oeste e a anomalia anticiclônica no leste do setor resultam em uma anomalia de ventos de norte e, consequentemente, a anomalias positivas de temperatura do ar. Essa configuração anômala contribui para os eventos ENGM através do derretimento do gelo marinho e do seu próprio transporte em direção às latitudes maiores pelos ventos de norte anômalos. As anomalias de alta frequência dos campos atmosféricos em todos os casos (composições defasadas) de eventos EPGM apresentam fases opostas em relação aos eventos ENGM. Portanto, fases distintas do trem de ondas induzem na modulação de extremos de gelo marinho opostos. Em relação às análises sinóticas dos eventos ENGM e EPGM em fases distintas do fenômeno El Niño, verificou-se que em períodos de El Niño há uma intensificação do jato subtropical e um enfraquecimento do jato polar no Pacífico Sul. Há uma menor atuação dos ciclones extratropicais, predominando o sistema de cristas e cavados. Na fase de La Niña há um reforço do jato polar e uma intensa atividade ciclônica sobre os MBA. No evento ENGM (EPGM) há uma associação entre os ventos de norte (de sul) com a vanguarda (retaguarda) dos sistemas ciclônicos em superfície. Na fase Neutra verificou-se uma intensificação do jato polar e uma atuação do sistema de cristas/cavados e de sistemas ciclônicos em superfície. Na análise da influência da circulação atmosférica interanual na variabilidade extrema do gelo marinho, na mesma escala de tempo, observou-se que a fase quente (fria) do ENSO provavelmente está associada com eventos ENGM (EPGM) nos MBA e com eventos EPGM (ENGM) no MW. Sobre a influência da variabilidade interanual da extensão do gelo marinho na atividade ciclônica, nas composições de anomalias interanuais de PNMM em relação aos eventos ENGM nos MBA (lag = 0) no verão, há um predomínio de anomalias positivas de pressão ao nível médio do mar (PNMM) sobre grande parte do Oceano Austral, o que contribuiria para uma menor profundidade e raio dos sistemas em superfície. Já em relação aos eventos ENGM no MW, verifica-se que no lag = 0 há um predomínio de anomalias negativas de PNMM no Oceano Austral, o que contribuiria para um aumento da profundidade e raio dos ciclones. / The sea ice-atmosphere system is complex and tightly coupled. In a transition region between the coverage of sea ice and open ocean the interaction between this system is particularly intense, being significant enough to influence large-scale atmospheric circulation and sea ice distribution. Thus, the main objective of this study was to analyze the interactions between extratropical cyclones and extreme variability of sea ice in the sectors of the Bellingshausen-Amundsen Seas (BAS) and the Weddell Sea (WS), in the period of austral summer and winter between 1989 and 2007. We used sea ice extent data from NSIDC/NASA; atmospheric fields (surface to higher tropospheric levels) from ERA-Interim reanalysis; SSEC IR satellite image composition; and the Oceanic Niño Index CPC/NOAA. Anomalies of high-frequency (2-10 days) and interannual (longer than 370 days) were obtained by applying a fast Fourier transform in the time series (1989-2007). The extremes of sea ice were obtained from the first and third quartile of the data distribution. The characteristics of high-frequency atmospheric circulation and interannual associated with negative (NESI) and positive (PESI) extreme events of sea ice at the same time scale, were obtained from the lagged composites of the anomalies of atmospheric fields. To highlight and illustrate the patterns found in the composites of high frequency presents a synoptic analysis of case studies for the sector of the BAS during the austral winter at NESI and PESI events, separating the cases in different stages of the tropical El Niño phenomenon. Was used a statistical cyclone of Automatic Cyclone Tracking, from University of Melbourne, to analyze the occurrence of cyclones associated with periods of minimum and maximum extent of sea ice in the interannual scale. The results show that in the austral summer and winter, the NESI events of high frequency in the sector of the BAS and the WS are associated with the anomalies of atmospheric fields in the same timescale that resemble a wave train occurring from three days before the extreme event. The cyclonic anomaly in the west and anticyclonic anomaly in the east sector result in an anomaly of north winds and, consequently, the positive anomalies of air temperature. This anomalous configuration contributes for events NESI by sea ice melting and its own transport to higher latitudes by anomalous north winds. Synoptic atmospheric fields anomalies, in all PESI event cases are in opposite phases to NESI events. Therefore, different phases of the circumpolar wave train induce modulation of concurrent sea ice extremes. Regarding the synoptic analysis of events NESI and PESI in different phases of El Niño, it was found that during periods of El Niño it has a strengthening of the subtropical jet and a weakening of the polar jet in the South Pacific. There is less activity of extratropical cyclones, and the predominant system of ridge and troughs. In the La Niña case studies, has a strengthening of the polar jet and an intense cyclonic activity over the BAS. In the NESI (PESI) event there is an association between the north (south) winds at the vanguard (rear) of the cyclone systems at surface. In the Neutral phase case studies, there is an intensification of the polar jet and performance of the system of ridge/troughs and cyclonic systems at surface. In the analysis of the influence of interannual atmospheric circulation on extreme variability of sea ice, at the same time scale, it was observed that the warm (cold) phase of ENSO are probably associated with NESI (PESI) events at BAS and with PESI (NESI) events in the WS. On the influence of interannual variability of sea ice extent in the cyclonic activity, in the composites of interannual anomalies of mean sea level pressure (MSLP) in relation to NESI events in the BAS (lag = 0) in the summer, there is a predominance of positive anomalies of MSLP over much of the Southern Ocean, which would contribute to a lower depth and radius of the surface systems. In relation to NESI events in WS, it appears that in the lag = 0 there is a predominance of negative anomalies of MSLP in the Southern Ocean, which would contribute to an increase in depth and radius cyclones.

Sloping convection : an experimental investigation in a baroclinic annulus with topography

Marshall, Samuel David January 2014 (has links)
This thesis documents a collection of experimental investigations in which a differentially-heated annulus was used to investigate the effects of topography on the atmospheric and oceanic circulation. To this end a number of experiments were devised, each using a different topographic base to study a different aspect of the impact of topography, motivated by the most notable outstanding questions found in a review of the literature, namely exploring the effects of topographic resonance, blocking via partial barriers, and azimuthally differential-heating via thermal topography. First of all, whilst employing sinusoidal wavenumber-3 topography to extend the experimental parameter space of a similar study, namely Read and Risch (2011), a new regime within a region of structural vacillation was encountered. Denoted as the ‘stationary-transition’ regime, it featured periodic oscillations between a dominant stationary wavenumber-3 flow and axisymmetric or chaotic flow. An investigation into topographic resonance followed, keeping the wavenumber-3 base, but with a sloped lid to add a beta effect to the annulus. This acted to increase the occurrence of stationary waves, along with the ‘stationary-transition’ regime, which was discovered to be a near-resonant region where nonlinear topographic resonant instability led to a 23 to 42 ‘day’ oscillatory structure. The base was then replaced with an isolated ridge, forming a partial barrier to study the difference between blocked and unblocked flow. The topography was found to impact the circulation at a level much higher than its own peak, causing a unique flow structure when the drifting flow and the topography interacted in the form of an ‘interference’ regime at low Taylor Numbers, as well as forming an erratic ‘irregular’ regime at higher Taylor Numbers. Lastly, this isolated ridge was replaced by flat heating elements covering the same azimuthal extent, in order to observe whether thermal topography could be comparable to mechanical topography. These azimuthally-varying heating experiments produced much the same results as the partial barriers study, despite the lack of a physical peak or bottom-trapped waves, suggesting that blocking is independent of these activities. Evidence of resonant wave-triads was noted in all experiments, though the component wavenumbers of the wave-triads and their impact on the flow was found to depend on the topography in question.

"Interação não-linear entre ondas atmosféricas: um possível mecanismo para a conexão trópicos-extratrópicos em baixa-frequência" / Nonlinear interaction among atmospheric waves: a possible mechanism for the tropics-extratropics connection on low-frequency time-scales.

Raupp, Carlos Frederico Mendonça 07 April 2006 (has links)
A teoria da perturbação baseada em múltiplas escalas temporais é usada neste trabalho para estudar as interações não lineares entre ondas na atmosfera no contexto das equações primitivas no plano beta-equatorial em coordenadas isobáricas. As ondas equatoriais de Rossby, mista Rossby-gravidade, gravidade-inerciais e Kelvin, com diferentes estruturas verticais, são obtidas como soluções de ordem dominante. A partir da condição de solvabilidade do problema de ordem superior, foi obtido um modelo assintótico reduzido que governa a interação fracamente não linear entre as ondas numa determinada tríade ressonante. A conservação da energia total para a solução de ordem dominante do modelo de equações original implica que a soma dos coeficientes de interação numa tríade ressonante qualquer deve ser nula. Usando um método gráfico, foram encontradas algumas tríades ressonantes envolvendo ondas baroclínicas equatorialmente confinadas e ondas de Rossby barotrópicas possuindo significativa influência em médias e altas latitudes. Duas tríades ressonantes receberam especial atenção devido ao significativo acoplamento entre os modos e à possível relação desses modos com alguns aspectos observados acerca dos fenômenos de baixa freqüência na atmosfera. A primeira tríade é composta por uma onda de Rossby barotrópica possuindo o segundo modo meridional interagindo ressonantemente com uma onda mista de Rossby-gravidade com a estrutura vertical do primeiro modo baroclínico, ambas possuindo o mesmo número de onda zonal, por meio de um modo geostrófico zonalmente simétrico (k = 0) possuindo a mesma estrutura vertical da onda mista e o modo meridional n = 1. A segunda tríade é constituída por uma onda mista de Rossby-gravidade com número de onda-2, uma onda de Kelvin com número de onda-1, ambas associadas ao primeiro modo baroclínico, e uma onda de Rossby barotrópica com número de onda-3 e modo meridional n = 2. A integração das equações reduzidas para essas duas tríades ressonantes mostra que para as amplitudes iniciais dos modos caracterizando magnitudes típicas de anomalias atmosféricas observadas, os modos na primeira tríade, em geral, trocam energia na escala intra-sazonal, enquanto os modos na segunda tríade trocam energia na escala intra-sazonal ou numa escala semi-anual, dependendo da amplitude inicial do modo de Rossby barotrópico. São discutidas as implicações dos resultados para a dinâmica da interação trópicos-extratrópicos na escala de baixa-freqüência do espectro dos movimentos atmosféricos. / The asymptotic perturbation theory based on multiple scales in time is used to investigate the nonlinear interactions among equatorial waves in an equatorial beta-plane adiabatic primitive equation atmospheric model in isobaric coordinates. The equatorial Rossby, mixed Rossby-gravity, Kelvin and inertio-gravity waves, with several vertical structures, are obtained as the leading-order solution. From the solvability condition of the problem, a reduced model governing the weakly nonlinear interaction of the waves in a particular resonant triad was obtained. The total energy conservation of the leading-order solution of the original model equations implies that the sum of the coupling coefficients in any resonant triad must be zero. Using a graphical approach, we determined some resonant triads involving equatorially trapped baroclinic waves and barotropic Rossby waves having large mid-latitude amplitude. Two particular interactions deserve special attention because of their strong coupling and their possible relation to observed features in the atmospheric circulation. One is characterized by a first baroclinic mode structure mixed Rossby-gravity wave interacting with a barotropic Rossby wave with the second gravest meridional mode, both having the same wavenumber, through a zonally symmetric geostrophic mode with the same vertical structure as the Yanai wave and having the n = 1 meridional mode. The other triad is composed of a zonal wavenumber-1 Kelvin wave, a zonal wavenumber-2 mixed Rossby-gravity wave, both with the first baroclinic mode vertical structure, and a barotropic zonal wavenumber-3 Rossby wave having the second gravest meridional mode. The barotropic Rossby waves in these two triad interactions have significant projection onto middle and higher latitudes. The integration of the triad equations for these particular interactions shows that, for the initial mode amplitudes characterizing typical magnitudes of atmospheric flow perturbations, the modes in the first triad usually exchange energy on intraseasonal time-scales, while the modes in the second triad exchange energy on either intraseasonal or semi-annual time-scale, depending on the initial condition. The implications of the results for the dynamics of tropics-extratropics interaction on low-frequency time-scales are discussed.

"Interação não-linear entre ondas atmosféricas: um possível mecanismo para a conexão trópicos-extratrópicos em baixa-frequência" / Nonlinear interaction among atmospheric waves: a possible mechanism for the tropics-extratropics connection on low-frequency time-scales.

Carlos Frederico Mendonça Raupp 07 April 2006 (has links)
A teoria da perturbação baseada em múltiplas escalas temporais é usada neste trabalho para estudar as interações não lineares entre ondas na atmosfera no contexto das equações primitivas no plano beta-equatorial em coordenadas isobáricas. As ondas equatoriais de Rossby, mista Rossby-gravidade, gravidade-inerciais e Kelvin, com diferentes estruturas verticais, são obtidas como soluções de ordem dominante. A partir da condição de solvabilidade do problema de ordem superior, foi obtido um modelo assintótico reduzido que governa a interação fracamente não linear entre as ondas numa determinada tríade ressonante. A conservação da energia total para a solução de ordem dominante do modelo de equações original implica que a soma dos coeficientes de interação numa tríade ressonante qualquer deve ser nula. Usando um método gráfico, foram encontradas algumas tríades ressonantes envolvendo ondas baroclínicas equatorialmente confinadas e ondas de Rossby barotrópicas possuindo significativa influência em médias e altas latitudes. Duas tríades ressonantes receberam especial atenção devido ao significativo acoplamento entre os modos e à possível relação desses modos com alguns aspectos observados acerca dos fenômenos de baixa freqüência na atmosfera. A primeira tríade é composta por uma onda de Rossby barotrópica possuindo o segundo modo meridional interagindo ressonantemente com uma onda mista de Rossby-gravidade com a estrutura vertical do primeiro modo baroclínico, ambas possuindo o mesmo número de onda zonal, por meio de um modo geostrófico zonalmente simétrico (k = 0) possuindo a mesma estrutura vertical da onda mista e o modo meridional n = 1. A segunda tríade é constituída por uma onda mista de Rossby-gravidade com número de onda-2, uma onda de Kelvin com número de onda-1, ambas associadas ao primeiro modo baroclínico, e uma onda de Rossby barotrópica com número de onda-3 e modo meridional n = 2. A integração das equações reduzidas para essas duas tríades ressonantes mostra que para as amplitudes iniciais dos modos caracterizando magnitudes típicas de anomalias atmosféricas observadas, os modos na primeira tríade, em geral, trocam energia na escala intra-sazonal, enquanto os modos na segunda tríade trocam energia na escala intra-sazonal ou numa escala semi-anual, dependendo da amplitude inicial do modo de Rossby barotrópico. São discutidas as implicações dos resultados para a dinâmica da interação trópicos-extratrópicos na escala de baixa-freqüência do espectro dos movimentos atmosféricos. / The asymptotic perturbation theory based on multiple scales in time is used to investigate the nonlinear interactions among equatorial waves in an equatorial beta-plane adiabatic primitive equation atmospheric model in isobaric coordinates. The equatorial Rossby, mixed Rossby-gravity, Kelvin and inertio-gravity waves, with several vertical structures, are obtained as the leading-order solution. From the solvability condition of the problem, a reduced model governing the weakly nonlinear interaction of the waves in a particular resonant triad was obtained. The total energy conservation of the leading-order solution of the original model equations implies that the sum of the coupling coefficients in any resonant triad must be zero. Using a graphical approach, we determined some resonant triads involving equatorially trapped baroclinic waves and barotropic Rossby waves having large mid-latitude amplitude. Two particular interactions deserve special attention because of their strong coupling and their possible relation to observed features in the atmospheric circulation. One is characterized by a first baroclinic mode structure mixed Rossby-gravity wave interacting with a barotropic Rossby wave with the second gravest meridional mode, both having the same wavenumber, through a zonally symmetric geostrophic mode with the same vertical structure as the Yanai wave and having the n = 1 meridional mode. The other triad is composed of a zonal wavenumber-1 Kelvin wave, a zonal wavenumber-2 mixed Rossby-gravity wave, both with the first baroclinic mode vertical structure, and a barotropic zonal wavenumber-3 Rossby wave having the second gravest meridional mode. The barotropic Rossby waves in these two triad interactions have significant projection onto middle and higher latitudes. The integration of the triad equations for these particular interactions shows that, for the initial mode amplitudes characterizing typical magnitudes of atmospheric flow perturbations, the modes in the first triad usually exchange energy on intraseasonal time-scales, while the modes in the second triad exchange energy on either intraseasonal or semi-annual time-scale, depending on the initial condition. The implications of the results for the dynamics of tropics-extratropics interaction on low-frequency time-scales are discussed.

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