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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Legal and Security Issues of Data Processing when Implementing IoT Solutions in Apartments / Rättsliga och säkerhetsrelaterade problem med databehandling för IoT-lösningar i bostädsrätter

Edman, Johan, Ågren, Wilhelm January 2020 (has links)
The concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) and connected devices is a growing trend. New ways to integrate them with Smart Home Technology emerge each day. The use of sensors in IoT solutions enables large scale data collection that can be used in various ways. The European Union recently enforced a General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information. The communication protocol M-Bus is a European standard (EN 13757-x) mainly used for remote reading of electrical, gas and water meters. M-Bus is being integrated with sensors because the protocol offers long battery times. There are however some known flaws with the protocol that might make it unsuitable for a large scale data collection system. A conceptualized data collection scenario with a system utilizing M- Bus is presented. The authors aim to investigate some of the security flaws with the M-Bus protocol, while also investigating the GDPR demands of the system. The thesis supplements a System Requirement Specification (SyRS) which can be used as a template for organizations implementing a similar system. An analysis of the system based on the SyRS is conducted to identify any shortcomings. Modifications to the system are proposed in order to comply with the defined SyRS. The authors concluded that M-Bus is a sufficiently reliable protocol to be used in the system, and has no inherent conflicts with GDPR. The system has a few flaws in terms of GDPR compliance, which require both administrative and technical work to comply with. The suggested modifications of the system are mainly focused on how the data is stored in various parts of it. / Konceptet med Internet of Things (IoT) och uppkopplade enheter är en väx- ande trend, och nya sätt att integrera dem med det smarta hemmet framträder varje dag. Den Europeiska Unionen har nyligen verkställt en ny dataskydds- förordning, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), som sätter krav på insamling och behandling av personlig data. Användandet av IoT lösningar skapar möjligheten för storskalig datainsamling som kan användas på flera sätt. Kommunikationsprotokollet M-Bus är en europeisk standard (EN 13757-x) som huvudsakligen är framtagen för att avlägset läsa av el-, gas- och vattenmätare. På grund av ett litet avtryck och enkel implementation av sitt protokoll så är M-bus ofta ett val till uppkoplade sensorer för att möjliggöra lång drifttid. Det finns däremot ett antal säkerhetsbrister med protokollet som kan göra det olämpligt för ett datainsamlingssystem. Ett konceptualiserat datainsamlingscenario med ett system som utnyttjar M-Bus presenteras. Författarnas mål är att undersöka några av säkerhetsbristerna med M-Bus protokollet, samtidigt som det undersöker vilka krav GDPR ställer på ett sådant system. Uppsatsen sammanställer en kravspecifikation som kan användas som grund och riktlinje för organisationer som ska implementera liknande system. En analys av det konceptualiserade systemet baserat på kravspecifikationen genomförs för att identifiera potentiella brister. Modifikationer till system föreslås för att uppnå kraven definierade i kravspecifikationen. Författarna drog slutsatsen att M-Bus är ett tillräckligt tillförlitligt protokoll som kan användas för system likt detta. Det analyserade systemet har några brister gällande GDPR, som kräver både tekniska och administrativa åtgärder. De föreslagna modifikationerna av systemet är fokuserade primärt på hur den personliga informationen lagras i de olika delarna av systemet.

Generátor M2M dat bezdrátového protokolu Wireless M-BUS v SmartGrid / Implementation of M2M Data Generator Utilizing Communication Protocol Wireless M-BUS in Smart Grid Infrastructure

Hudec, David January 2018 (has links)
V rámci této práce byl vytvořen popis bezdrátového komunikačního protokolu Wireless M-Bus, zaměřující se zejména na datovou část tohoto protokolu, strukturu jeho informačních polí, režimy komunikace a další specifika linkové a aplikační vrstvy. Na základě tohoto výzkumu byl vytvořen softwarový nástroj v jazyce Java, sloužící jako generátor dat zmíněného protokolu. Pomocí grafického i textového uživatelského rozhraní program umožňuje uživateli vytvořit Wireless M-Bus telegramy s velmi vysokou úrovní detailu a ty následně s využitím některého z podporovaných hardwarových zařízení periodicky odesílat do Wireless M-Bus sítě. Dále byla navržena dvě kompletní řešení, využívající buď samotného bezdrátového IQRF modulu nebo jeho spojení s řídicí deskou UniPi Neuron. Oba návrhy byly zrealizovány, otestovány a jsou v práci detailně popsány.

Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT Modification

Gabzdyl, Adam January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is analyzing the information system of company Teplo Těšín a.s. The theoretical part is the introduction to the topic of information systems and into the different methods and procedures for analysis of the information systems. Based on these analyzes are discovered shortcomings and suggested possible solutions. These suggestions may serve to the company management as a basis for improving the current information system or to selection of a new information system.

IoT Framework for Water Monitoring Using the M-Bus Interface

Asratyan, Albert, Joshi, Mandar January 2019 (has links)
Immense amounts of water are wasted daily, and it is as important as ever to optimize our water consumption, especially considering that today around 850 million people lack access to clean water. With the rise of the Internet of Things, creating a monitoring system for this purpose becomes easier, but there arises a problem of interfacing water meters to IoT capable devices.In this thesis a framework for IoT smart water monitoring is presented. Both short range and long range communication techniques are shown, compared and discussed. Similarly, different smart water meters and their characteristics are compared.The main goal of this thesis was to implement an interface between a sensor node and the water meter, ensuring the transmission of data in an easy way. To achieve this goal, a M-Bus library integrated into Contiki-OS is presented, thereby showing that it is possible to interface a water meter with a sensor node. The implemented library is capable of changing some of the configurations of the water meter, receiving data from the water meter, as well as forwarding the data via MQTT or CoAP protocols for further processing on the server side. / Stora mängder vatten slösas dagligen och det är viktigt nu att vi optimerar vattenförbrukningen, särskilt med tanke på att cirka 850 miljoner människor idag saknar tillgång till rent vatten. Med uppkomst av Sakernas Internet blir det lättare att skapa ett övervakningssystem för detta ändamål, men det finns fortfarande problem med att ansluta vattenmätare till IoT-kompatibla enheter.I detta arbete presenteras ett ramverk för smart vattenmätning med IoT. Både kortdistansoch långdistanskommunikationsteknik presenteras, jämförs och diskuteras. På samma sätt jämförs olika smarta vattenmätare och deras egenskaper.Huvudsyftet med denna arbetet var att implementera ett gränssnitt mellan en sensornod och vattenmätare, vilket säkerställer överföring av data på ett enkelt sätt. För att uppnå detta mål presenteras ett M-Bus-bibliotek integrerat i ContikiOS, vilket visar att det är möjligt att koppla en vattenmätare till en sensornod. Det implementerade biblioteket kan ändra delar av vattenmätarens konfigurering, ta emot data från vattenmätaren, samt vidarebefordra data via MQTT eller CoAP för vidare bearbetning hos servern.

Systém sběru dat z bezdrátových snímačů / Wireless data acquisition system

Kováč, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this work is design of system for wireless data collection from energy meters. The work shows issues of smart metering and explains meters communication. There is designed and described concept of the system composed of RF modules connected to data concentrator. Designed RF module uses SoC radio CC430F5137 and it is connected to a data concentrator via RS485 bus. For the purposes of communication as well as firmware update, the communication protocol is designed. In the next part the work focuses on design and creation of RF module frmware, bootloader for RF module and software application for energy meter data processing.

Směrovací protokoly pro ztrátové bezdrátové sítě / Routing Protocols for Lossy Wireless Networks

Kuder, Zenon January 2012 (has links)
Tato práce zkoumá vhodnost a požadavky návrhu simulací pro simulátor NS-3 pro případ bezdrátových sítí používaných v měřící infrastruktuře společnosti Kamstrup. V práci je popsán simulátor NS-3 a je vytvořena základní implementace dvou protokolů. Wireless M-Bus jako příklad jednosměrného protokolu pro zařízení napájené z baterií. Simulace Wireless M-Bus je porovnána s daty naměřenými v reálném systému. NS-3 poskytuje flexibilní prostředí pro vývoj simulací různých síťových protokolů, včetně těch určených pro sítě inteligentních měřidel.

Implementace komunikačního protokolu Wireless M-BUS v simulačním prostředí NS-3 / Implementation of Communication Protocol Wireless M-BUS in Simulation Environment NS-3

Zeman, Kryštof January 2015 (has links)
The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on history and development of M2M com- munication, Wireless M-Bus protocol and NS-3 Network Simulator. It briefly describes characteristics of M2M communication, Wireless M-Bus and NS3 simulator. Physical and link layer of Wireless M-bus protocol are described in great detail to provide basics needed for understanding and orientation in the topic. Practical part of the thesis is focused on structure of used Simple Wireless module and basic simulation scenerio is built. The scenerio demostrates basic functions of the module.

Software pro analýzu dálkového odečtu měřicích zařízení / Software for the analysis of the remote-reading of the meters

Přívětivý, Radek January 2015 (has links)
There are describes the principles of remote meter reading in the home and components of smart grids for reading these meters in the first part of master’s thesis. The next part of the thesis contains description of standard Wireless M-Bus and ZigBee. The next chapter is description of the circuit Realtek RTL2832U, which is part of the selected tuner. Another part is devoted to basic description of modulation focusing on the angle modulation – FM, FSK. In the final part is a detailed description of the received signal. AES encryption and created software.

Komunikační systém standardu Wireless M-Bus / Wireless M-Bus communication system

Baštán, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design of wireless communication system using Wireless M- Bus, which works in the 169 MHz band. This system is designed to collect data from meters that are not equipped with a radio and have pulse outputs. The thesis describes the Wireless M-Bus standard and the current components of the communication system used by ModemTec. It also describes the selection and design of a suitable hardware implementing the receiver and transmitter modules and the firmware design for these modules. The thesis deals with the parameterization of the transmitter module in order to specify the parameters of the transmitted measured quantity.

Smart Metering vodovodu v areálu stavební fakulty VUT v Brně / Smart Metering of Water Supply System at Campus of Faculty of Civil Engineering BUT

Černíková, Eva January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to perform an analysis of possibilities and benefits of installing the Smart Water Metering technology at campus of Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology. The main goal was to provide specific solutions of Smart Metering systems from different companies. One part of this thesis is dedicated to a detailed analysis of a water consumption measurement campaign that took place at the beginning of this academic year using dataloggers. Real-time flow rate and consumed volume was recorded every five minutes. Therefore it was possible to determine water consumption patterns during the day and also tell the minimum, maximum and average flow rate in different parts of the campus. Thanks to these measurements, irregular water consumption during the night was observed. This would not have been easily detected without recording real-time data. This system of recording real-time flow rates with dataloggers is considered to be suitable for the needs of faculty. Thanks to a GSM module, recorded values are sent to an FTP server once a day. From there the data can be downloaded to any kind of analysis software. Installation of Smart Water Metering technology at campus of Faculty of Civil Engineering would be beneficial for both operation of the water supply network and also for purposes of an academic research.

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