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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La lunga storia dell'idrovia Padova - Venezia

Proto, Matteo <1980> 14 May 2009 (has links)
The present dissertation focuses on an unfinished project for the construction of an inland waterway between Padua and Venice, in northern Italy. The history of this channel is analysed in the context of the general debate for the development of a waterway network in the Padanian plain. The project of reconstructing and enlarging the existing ancient channels for the development of a modern river transport system was born at the beginning of the 20th century as an attempt to withstand the railway’s concurrency. The main project aimed at transforming the Po river and other small rivers and channels in a big waterway for the connection of the most important northern industrial cities with Venice’s harbour and the Adriatic sea. Even if the idea of restoring the historical channel between Padua and Venice arose at the end of the First World War, it was only during the years 50s that a new project was conceived and the waterway was included in a global project for the construction of a whole new channel from Venice to Milan. The new project, strongly supported by the local Christian Democratic Party, was managed for more than twenty years causing a huge expenditure of money. After a great investment by both the central State and the local bodies (more than 100 millions euro) the project was finally abandoned. This research reconstructs the historical process and the economical motivations that sustained that project until its failure. Moreover, with the aim of understanding the reasons and the differences of such a failure, the history of inland waterway transport in Italy is compared with contemporary developments in Germany.

Ripensare l'immagine della città. Politiche e pratiche di riqualificazione urbana in Europa.

Mastropietro, Eleonora <1977> 05 May 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Città europee e nuove forme di pianificazione. Il caso di Bologna

Ruocco, Francesca <1979> 08 June 2010 (has links)
Il tema centrale di questo lavoro è costituito dalle nuove forme di pianificazione territoriale in uso nelle principali città europee, con particolare riferimento all'esperienza della pianificazione strategica applicata al governo del territorio, e dall'analisi approfondita delle politiche e degli strumenti di pianificazione urbanistica e territoriale della città di Bologna, dal Piano Regolatore Generale del 1985-'89 al nuovo Piano Strutturale Comunale del 2008. Più precisamente, le caratteristiche, potenzialità e criticità del nuovo strumento urbanistico del capoluogo emiliano-romagnolo, vengono esaminati, non solo, in rapporto alle caratteristiche tipiche dei piani strategici europei, ma anche alle forme tradizionali della pianificazione urbanistica (i piani regolatori generali) di cui il piano strutturale dovrebbe superare i limiti, sia in termini di efficacia operativa, sia per quanto riguarda la capacità di costruire condivisione e consenso tra i diversi attori urbani, sull'idea di città di cui è portatore. The main topics of this research are the new tools for urban planning used by the main European cities - with particular reference to strategic planning applied to the territorial management - and the analysis of Bologna policies and instruments for urban and territorial planning, from the Piano Regolatore Generale '85-'89, to the Piano Strutturale Comunale in 2008. More precisely, the Bologna new planning instrument's characteristics, potentialities and criticalities, are not only investigated in relation to the fundamental characteristics of European strategic plans, but also to the traditional instruments of Italian urbanistic planning (Piani Regolatori Generali), of which the new structural plan should exceed the limits, both in terms of effectiveness; and in terms of ability to build agreement and sharing on its urban project, between different urban actors.

Paesaggi agrari. Nuove prospettive per i sistemi territoriali: agricoltura ecologica, saperi tradizionali, scambio locale

Borghesi, Roberta <1980> 08 June 2010 (has links)
Il paesaggio, e così anche il paesaggio agrario, può essere considerato come segno del rapporto uomo/natura, come costrutto storico che testimonia il succedersi delle diverse civilizzazioni che l'hanno generato, ma anche come spazio per l'immaginazione territoriale, come progetto per il futuro del territorio. In questo lavoro si trattano le relazioni tra questa visione del paesaggio e le forme di produzione e consumo dei prodotti agricoli, nell'ambito delle trasformazioni che l'ambito rurale sta subendo a partire dagli ultimi decenni, tra pressione dell'urbano, da un lato, e abbandono e crisi dell'agricoltura, dall'altro. Particolare attenzione è riservata a quelle esperienze che, attraverso la produzione biologica e lo scambio locale, esprimono un nuovo progetto di territorio, che prende avvio dal contesto rurale ma che pervade anche le città, proponendo anche nuove relazioni tra città e campagna. Nelle reti della filiera corta e dell'economia solidale che si concretizzano soprattutto come esperienze “dal basso”, di autogestione e partecipazione, si diffondono insieme prodotti e valori. In quest'ottica la sostenibilità ambientale non appare più come una fonte di limitazioni e esternalità negative, per dirla con il linguaggio dell'economia, ma diventa un valore aggiunto di appartenenza collettiva (equilibri ecologici, paesaggio) e un'occasione per nuove relazioni sociali e territoriali. / Many researchers consider landscape as a complex object, like an opportunity to link different subjects, in order to produce a representation which results holistic and systemic. In this way the work looks at the relation nature and society through the agricultural landscapes observation. Rural landscape, in fact, can be considered as a language able to communicate the relation man-nature itself and which can facilitate in an ethical reflexion on development model. Therefore, the work aims to study not only territory visible characteristics but the idea of landscape suggested is that a universe of relations (ecological, social, economical, etc.). The description of agricultural ecosystems, agro-ecosystems, in this sense, can be seen as an opportunity to think about the relation between practice (agricultural technologies but also social and economical relations and practices) and cultural representations. The aim is to study cognitive maps and spatial configurations which create territorial asset. Agriculture appears important in this way not only because it produces commodities (food) but also commons (environment, landscape). The awareness of landscape economic value, therefore, should be considered not in the sense of its commercial exploitation, rather in order to promote environment politics aware of its limits, which means sustainable development politics.

Il ruolo delle attività creative nella rigenerazione urbana: il caso Zona Tortona a Milano

Marzorati, Francesca <1974> 20 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Turismo su base comunitaria e sviluppo locale Il caso del Barotseland - Zambia occidentale

Bocci, Luciano <1980> 20 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.

L'Occidente di Elisée Reclus: l'invenzione dell'Europa nella Nouvelle Géographie Universelle (1876-1894)

Ferretti, Federico <1973> 14 February 2011 (has links)
La Nouvelle Géographie Universelle di Élisée Reclus relativizza e problematizza il ruolo dell’Europa e il suo peso nello scacchiere mondiale, restando tuttavia in equilibrio fra, da una parte, la critica delle pratiche coloniali e dall’altra la fiducia nei confronti della tradizione culturale proveniente dall’antica Grecia e dal secolo de Lumi destinata, nella visione evoluzionista dell’autore, a spargere negli altri continenti i germi del pensiero socialista e anarchico. In questo lavoro si cerca di chiarire questa rappresentazione dei concetti di Europa e Occidente in tre passaggi successivi. Dapprima, la ricostruzione della genealogia, della teoria e del contesto storico del concetto di geografia universale all’epoca. Poi, la ricostruzione dalle fonti di archivio delle reti scientifiche di respiro europeo che sono state alla base di quest’opera, indispensabile per poterne comprendere il significato politico nel contesto dell’epoca. Infine, l’indagine sul testo per ricostruire ruolo, caratteri e suddivisione dell’Europa, che si rivela, nonostante la serrata critica del suo ruolo colonizzatore, come il privilegiato laboratorio individuato dai “geografi anarchici” per lo sviluppo delle lotte sociali e per la costruzione, su basi anche geografiche, di una proposta politica federalista e libertaria. / This dissertation deals with the representation of Occident and Europe in the Ã�lisée Reclusâ��s most important work Nouvelle Géographie Universelle. This works relativizes and problematizes the world role of Europe in that era, balancing the critics of colonialism and the assumption of the universal value of an illuminist cultural heritage, which had to spread, in the authorâ��s views, socialist and anarchist ideas all over the world. We clarify this â��inventionâ�� of Occident and Europe in three successive passages. Firstly, we deal with the genealogical, theoretical and historical concept of a universal geography in the authorâ��s thought. Secondly, we analyse the network of heterodox scientists and militants who collaborated in this encyclopaedic work, to clarify the political and historical relevance of this synergy. Thirdly, we deal with the construction of the concepts of Europe and Occident in the text of the work, contextualising it in the early globalisation of those years. Finally, we stress the importance of geography, and mostly the historical geography of Europe, in the construction of the Reclusâ��s proposal of a European federation, which had to be the first step toward a geographically driven universal federation.

Geografie in rete e in biblioteca: la ricerca bibliografica in ambito geografico, turistico e ambientale

Verniti, Vincenzo <1956> 13 May 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this work is to provide a methodological tool for literature searching in geography, tourism and environmental conservation. Knowledge of bibliographic and documentary resources and learning research strategies form an essential part of training for students and researchers. Literature searching is also a critical element of communication and scientific output. This work aims to analyze the characteristics, and critical issues in geography literature searching in order to provide a critical mass of useful information to correctly prepare a search. Having addressed the issue of information literacy for the study of geography and related disciplines, including a comparison of various approaches, this work describes the physical locations of the research: libraries and archives. It outlines the issues related to the cataloging and digitization of cartographic materials. The particular characteristics of scientific communication and its primary means of dissemination, the scientific journal, are then outlined. This is followed by a description of information sources and types of documents used within the realm of geography. Tools, strategies and resources are then illustrated for conducting an effective literature search both on the web and in the library.

The physical city and the urban structure: detecting amenity zones and applying urban morphology to New York

Ravazzoli, Elisa <1981> 13 May 2011 (has links)
The city is a collection of built structures and infrastructure embedded in socio-cultural processes: any investigation into a city’s transformations involves considerations on the degree to which its composite elements respond to socio-economical changes. The main purpose of this research is to investigate how transformations in the functional requirements of New York’s society have spurred, since the 1970s, changes in both the city’s urban structure and physical form. The present work examines the rise of Amenity Zones in New York, and investigates the transformations that have occurred in New York’s built environment since the 1970s. By applying qualitative measures and analyzing the relationship between urban amenities and the creative class, the present work has investigated changes in the urban structure and detected a hierarchical series of amenity zones classes, namely, Super Amenity Zones (SAZs), Nodal Amenity Zones (NAZs) and Peripheral Amenity Zones (PAZs). This series allows for a more comprehensive reading of the urban structure in a complex city like New York, bringing advancements to the amenity zone’s methodology. In order to examine the manner in which the other component of the city, the physical form, has changed or adapted to the new socio-economic condition, the present research has applied Conzenian analysis to a select study area, Atlantic Avenue. The results of this analysis reveal that, contrary to the urban structure, which changes rapidly, the physical form of New York is hard to modify completely, due to the resilience of the town plan and its elements, and to preservation laws; the city rather adapts to socio-economical changes through process of adaptive reuses or conversion. Concluding, this research has examined the dialectic between the ever-changing needs of society and the complexity of the built environment and urban structure, showing the different degrees to which the urban landscape modifies, reacts and sometimes adapts to the population’s functional requirements.

La genesi geostorica dell'Unione Europea attraverso i documenti cartografici in Età contemporanea: la fonte dell'infographics

Frixa, Emanuele <1979> 30 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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