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Responsiveness and its institutionalisation in higher educationVan Schalkwyk, François January 2010 (has links)
<p>This thesis proposes a typology of responsiveness in order to reduce interpretive ambiguity and to provide a framework which makes possible an assessment of the extent to which responsiveness is likely to be institutionalised in higher education. The typology is tested at two universities. The findings indicate that the typology developed can be deployed to reveal insight into how responsiveness is manifesting at universities. The findings around institutionalisation of responsiveness are less conclusive but indicate that while there is evidence of the institutionalisation of a particular type of university responsiveness, the process is at best partial as the academic heartland of higher education systems remain slow to accept the demands made by the state, university leadership and other stakeholders for more responsive universities.</p>
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Traffic-Related Metals in Soil and Sediment in Mauritius / Trafikrelaterade metaller i jord och sediment på MauritiusPetersson, Liselott January 2005 (has links)
Trafik utgör en stor föroreningskälla av tungmetaller i vägnära jordar och särskilt är det koppar (Cu), bly (Pb) och zink (Zn) som associeras med fordonstrafik. I ett historiskt perspektiv härrör blyutsläpp främst från bränsleförbränning, medan kopparemissioner (i första hand från slitage av bromsbelägg) och zinkutsläpp (från däck) från trafik står för så mycket som hälften av det urbana utsläppet av koppar och zink till omgivningen. Koppar-, bly- och zinkkoncentrationer i vägnära jord och sediment undersöktes inom avrinningsområdet för Grand River North West i Mauritius. Eftersom totalmetall utgör en dålig indikator på den mängd metall som finns potentiellt tillgänglig för biota användes extraktion med hjälp av 0.5 M HCl tillsammans med totalkoncentrationer. Den rumsliga variationen längsmed transekt vinkelrätt mot vägar undersöktes liksom variationen med djupet. Observerade kopparkoncentrationer var jämförbara med bakgrundsnivåer. Till skillnad från Cu var koncentrationer av Pb och Zn förhöjda i den omedelbara närheten till vägar med relativt stor trafikintensitet, men halterna minskade snabbt med avståndet. Resultat från platserna för jordreferenser visar på storskalig förorening av Pb på ön. Uppmätta kopparkoncentrationer kunde inte knytas till trafikens påverkan. Vid regn kan metaller som finns i förorenat vägdamm och förorenad jord övergå till löslig form, eller sköljas bort i partikulär form, och transporteras till närliggande vattendrag. I Mauritius är det här av speciell vikt eftersom flodsediment till slut kommer att deponeras i de känsliga kustområdena som omger ön. Dock tyder inte resultaten på förhöjda metallhalter i sediment nära de studerade vägarna. Även om erhållna resultat av Cu inte visar på någon förhöjning och zonen med hög förorening av Pb och Zn är relativt smal, är det angeläget att följa utvecklingen eftersom antalet fordon växer snabbt i Mauritius, vilket kan förändra dagens situation och ge upphov till större miljöpåverkan. För att undvika eventuella ekologiska skador är det därför av stor vikt att i fortsättningen övervaka situationen längs landets vägar. / Traffic has been identified as a significant heavy metal polluter of roadside soils, and copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) in particular are associated with road travel. In a historic perspective, the Pb contribution from anthropogenic sources to nature has predominantly been a result of fuel combustion. There are indications that Cu (mainly through braking system) and Zn (emissions from tires) released from traffic give rise to as much as half of the total urban contribution of copper and zinc to the environment. Concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn in roadside soils and sediment have been determined at selected roads within the Grand River North West watershed in Mauritius. As total metal concentrations are not a suitable indicator of the metal concentrations that are potentially available to biota, metals extractable in 0.5 M HCl have been determined along with total concentrations. The spatial variation in metal concentration along soil transects perpendicular to roads were investigated, as was the variation with depth. Observed Pb and Zn concentrations exhibited elevated levels in topsoil in the immediate vicinity of roads with relatively large traffic densities, but the decrease in concentration with distance was rapid. Results from soil reference sites pointed to a large scale Pb pollution on the island. In comparison, observed Cu concentrations could not be assigned any influence from traffic at the selected study sites. In the event of rain, metals contained in polluted road dust and soil may be released into soluble form, or flushed from roadways as particulate matter, and transported to nearby water courses. In Mauritius, this is of particular importance as sediment in rivers eventually may be deposited in the sensitive coastal areas of the island. However, results do not indicate that there were any elevated levels of heavy metals in sediment close to roads that were investigated in this study. Although Cu concentrations in roadside soils did not show any enrichment and the zone of elevated Pb and Zn concentrations was not wide, there is a concern that the continuing rapid increase in the number of vehicles in Mauritius will change the situation, possibly resulting in greater impact on the surrounding environment. Hence, in order to avoid any ecological damage, it is desirable to continue monitoring the situation along highways in the country.
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Responsiveness and its institutionalisation in higher educationVan Schalkwyk, François January 2010 (has links)
<p>This thesis proposes a typology of responsiveness in order to reduce interpretive ambiguity and to provide a framework which makes possible an assessment of the extent to which responsiveness is likely to be institutionalised in higher education. The typology is tested at two universities. The findings indicate that the typology developed can be deployed to reveal insight into how responsiveness is manifesting at universities. The findings around institutionalisation of responsiveness are less conclusive but indicate that while there is evidence of the institutionalisation of a particular type of university responsiveness, the process is at best partial as the academic heartland of higher education systems remain slow to accept the demands made by the state, university leadership and other stakeholders for more responsive universities.</p>
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Portfolio management issues in Mauritius.Uppiah, Krishnaveni. January 2002 (has links)
This dissertation relates to the study of the financial market of Mauritius, which is categorised as "Emerging". Its performance as an exchange system has been assessed with a view to find whether it is operationally efficient. Consequently, two issues in portfolio management have been analysed. In the first instance, the risk reduction effect of increasing portfolio size, based on the simple diversification strategy has been experienced. Secondly, the hypothesis that investment in low
P/BV shares on average yields higher returns than investment in high P/BV shares has been tested. / Thesis (MBA)-University of Natal, 2002.
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The Mauritian law of procedural fairness within the context of dismissal for misconduct : a comparative study with the South African doctrine of unfair labour practice.Torul, V. P. January 2001 (has links)
The main premise of this treatise is to discuss the Mauritian Law of
Procedural Fairness within the context of Dismissal for Misconduct: A
comparative study with the South African Doctrine of unfair Labour
Practice. It analyses in detail the types of misconduct that eventually
leads to the dismissal of an employee. The dismissal has not only to be
substantively fair but also procedurally fair.
To support the views expressed in the research, reference has been made
to labour law cases decided mainly in Mauritius and South Africa. There
are, however, references to other jurisdictions such as India, England,
Australia, Namibia.
The major constraint that the researcher encountered was the
unavailability of decided cases referred from the Industrial Court of
Mauritius. Most of the cases referred to in the Mauritian context are the
Supreme Court decisions on dismissals due to misconduct. Thus for lack
of relevant cases in Mauritius, there is a heavy reliance on cases decided
in South Africa and other jurisdictions. These references have
constructively enhanced the legal dimension of the topic under
discussion. / Thesis (LL.M.)-University of Durban-Westville, Durban, 2001.
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Business and economic policymaking : a study of four African cases /Handley, Antoinette. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
NJ, Princeton Univ., Dep. of Political Science, Diss.--Princeton, 2003. / Kopie, ersch. im Verl. UMI, Ann Arbor, Mich.
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Analyse de l'intégration des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) dans un système éducatif conditionné par la pédagogie du 'spoon-feeding' : Le cas Mauricien / The effective integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) into the educational system of Mauritius where “everything is done for the learner or told him everything that he needs to know, thus preventing him from having to think or act for himself”Saurty, Krishnah Moortee 20 December 2017 (has links)
A l’aube du 21e siècle, dans un environnement en mouvement constant, que le rapport au savoir à l’ile Maurice soit moins en termes d’enseignement, de «reproduction», d’«héritiers», ou de «transmission» pour faire place à l’apprentissage, aux relations à travers des remises en causes des « habitus ». Un modèle d’éducation qui se perpétue depuis des générations avec pour toile de fond, une pédagogie transmissive/le ’spoon-feeding’, la compétition académique et un recours massif à des leçons particulières pour l’obtention d’une place dans les meilleurs collèges et d’une bourse d’Etat, attestés par des nombreux écrits au cours de cette recherche nous interpellent sur notre mission en tant qu’enseignant et nous font comprendre à travers des études auprès des enseignants de l’Enseignement Supérieur que l’école peut répondre en partie aux faiblesses pédagogiques de notre système éducatif en permettant à nos apprenants de sortir de leur conditionnement mais se doit surtout d’être une organisation apprenante en les encourageant à travailler dans un esprit de complémentarité des savoirs afin de s’enrichir à travers le collectif, confirmé par leurs implications, motivations et façon d’apprendre qui n’ont été que positivement renforcées lors des expérimentations sur différentes plateformes utilisant les Tic au sein de l’UDM.Un pays qui de par sa position géostratégique, ses projets éducatifs mondialistes, aspire à devenir un « Knowledge Hub » ne peut agir efficacement sans envisager une approche systémique dans ses réformes en complémentant le contexte avec les Tic afin de faire évoluer le système éducatif. / Knowledge is no longer limited to a selective group of individuals but should relate to any person eager for learning. In the 21st century, in a constantly changing educational environment, in Mauritius, schooling is still based on the notion of a pyramid-typed organisation. In this research. it has been observed that this flaw is explained through a model of education that perpetuates for generations with a backdrop of scholastic pedagogy encouraging 'spoon-feeding', intense academic competition and heavy reliance on private tuitions for obtaining a place in the best colleges and eventually a state scholarship. Studies conducted through this research challenged us in our mission as educators and researchers and made us understand, through experimentations, that the school should be a learning organisation with teams working in a spirit of complementarity for knowledge sharing because ‘the human brain is programmed for social interaction’(Hinton and Fischer). The researcher considered the use of ICTs to respond to weaknesses in the Mauritian education system ― seen as a hygiene factor (Herzberg) ― allowing learners to escape this ‘lethargic’ condition, this bilateral relationship as one way communication and to think out of the box while enriching themselves through collective learning practice. Mauritius has the advantage of using English and French as a bilingual platform, and is geo-strategically well positioned to become a "Knowledge Hub", the stepping stone between Africa and Asia in Education, must consider a systemic approach of education complemented with ICT. This will enable the country emerge with a practical educationalreform focused on the global dimension.
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Higher education in Mauritius : an analysis of future financial sustainabilityMohadeb, Praveen January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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The teaching of Islamic studies in MauritiusHeera, Abdool Moonib 11 1900 (has links)
As a teacher-researcher, I have endeavoured to evaluate and reflect on the teaching of
Islamic Studies at Form V level. This Action Research investigated the effectiveness of
using Remedial Strategies as instructional methods to increase class participation in
Islamic Studies classes at Form V level, in a Private Secondary School, The Islamic
Cultural College, Port-Louis; in a State Secondary School, Port-Louis State Secondary
School, Colline Monneron, Port-Louis; and in a Profit-Making Institution, The Doha
Academy, Eau-Coulee, Curepipe.
Data was collected mainly from questionnaires sent to the students and analyzed. The
study also covers the findings and analysis from the questionnaires and some
recommendations to improve classroom practices to promote students’ participation in
Islamic Studies classes have been proposed.
Overall, this research aims at contributing to an enhanced learning experience for the
students of Islamic Studies and for me as a teacher-practitioner. The Remedial Strategies
imply a shift of onus from the teacher to the student. This transfer is what is envisaged
most by all contemporary thinkers in education because this is what guarantees concrete
and productive learning in the classroom. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M. A. (Islamic Studies)
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The role of principals in maintaining effective discipline among learners in selected Mauritian state secondary schools : an education management modelBelle, Louis Jinot 06 1900 (has links)
Learner discipline is one of the pillars of the education system of any country. However, research studies have found that it has become the number one public health problem in state secondary schools in Mauritius, in particular, over the past decade. This study aimed at determining the role of principals in maintaining effective discipline among learners in selected Mauritian state secondary schools. The researcher determined the causes of a lack of learner discipline, the possible barriers that prevent state secondary school principals from maintaining effective learner discipline and the disciplinary strategies that the principal may adopt and implement for effective learner discipline. The qualitative research approach was used for the empirical inquiry carried out in the selected research sites. The researcher gathered information about learner discipline and disciplinary strategies from selected participants, namely 24 learners, 24 educators, 24 parents, 4 principals and 2 school superintendents from four state secondary schools through focus group interviews, individual interviews and non-participant observation. The study revealed that all the stakeholders in the education system of Mauritius, inter alia the principals, parents, school superintendents, educators, learners, the Educational Zone Directorates and the Minister of Education have a misconception of learner discipline. They follow a custodial perspective rather than a humanistic perspective of learner discipline at schools: they adopt reactive and punitive or corrective disciplinary approaches instead of proactive, preventive and positive approaches to learner discipline management. The literature study on the causes of learner indiscipline and the reseach-based behavioural strategies and the empirical inquiry in the selected schools allowed the researcher to make a critical assessment of the current disciplinary strategies implemented by the state secondary school principals. In addition, the findings of the investigation provided the researcher with the knowledge to propose a learner discipline management model. The model provides the principals with the research-based strategies and guidelines to effectively manage learner discipline. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)
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