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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barns upplevelser av att vårdas på sjukhus

Hallberg, Agneta, Lindberg, Jessica January 2007 (has links)
Background: When children are admitted to the hospital most of them experience a new and unknown world. The staff’s most important task is to reach out to the child in the best way possible. To give good nursing, knowledge has to be gathered of how the child thinks, feels and what the child wants. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe children’s experience of hospitalization on the basis of the four nursing concepts person, health, environment and nursing. Method: The study is based on a systematic literature review. Eleven articles were included in the study. A content analysis was made with a deductive method were the result was categorised into the four main categories on the basis of Travelbees nursing theory. Findings: The presence of parents, fears and anxiety in the child, the importance of the physical environment and the staff’s way of treating the child were all important factors that emerged in the findings, based on the theory. Conclusion: Children must be invited to dialogue and to the teamwork with the healthcare personnel after their own ability and development. It is important to listen to what the individual child wants. To care for patients after the four nursing concepts covers the emotional and physical needs that the patient has.

Omvårdnad vid diagnos borderline personlighetsstörning

Göransson, Pernilla, Roberts, Ann-Charlotte, Söderstedt, Sara January 2007 (has links)
Background: Borderline personality disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis that one to two percent of the population and at least every fourth patient that have received treatment at a psychiatric clinic has been diagnosed with. BPD is most common in women between teenage and early adulthood. Purpose: The aim of this literature study was to emphasize the nursing care of patients diagnosed with BPD within different perspectives. Method: A literature study was conducted to get a deeper understanding for the nursing care of patients with BPD. The search for pertinent articles, answering to the aim of the study, was done in different databases. The data has been analysed with content analysis and main categories were developed. Results: The two main categories that were formed throughout the data were; care givers perspective of the nursing care and the patient’s perspective of the nursing care. The results show, that the most important supporting variable for the patients were the establishment of a trustworthy nurse-patient relationship, gained on trust, seeing as trust is an important component in the patient’s recovery. Conclusions: Patient’s diagnosed with BPD is a complicated patient group since the patient is in a “black or white” state of mind. Trust and maintaining relationships is components that are of enormous importance for these patients recovery process.

Interaction with long-term mentally ill seen from the caregivers point of view

Hutor, Anette, Wester, Matilda January 2006 (has links)
Background. With the mental health care reform 1995, the long-term mentally ill patients were meant to be integrated in the society. Instead, they became “deported” to mental health care. Aim. To describe the interaction with long-term mentally ill patients, seen from the caregivers’ point of view. Method. Through search of data in one full text database and three other databases, eight articles were included in this literature review. Sample. The articles were not to be older than ten years and to be written in english. Analyse. Were done from inspiration of a manifest text analyse. Results. Following category appeared: “health care professionals encounter the long-term mentally ill”. This category was also divided into the subcategories: “non-supporting interaction” and “encouragement and hope”. Discussion. Through search in databases there might have been bias in, for example, science of behaviour. Most of the findings which have appeared in this literature review can not be generalised. Different interesting findings were discussed like, for example, health care professionals who base their point of view on normality: “Here’s the box make yourself fit in”. This may oppose the patients’ efforts to feel secure in their everyday life. Another perspective, regarding the interaction was the importance of quality of life, when it came to interacting with the patients. To see the patient from an illness point of view, changed to see the human instead and not the illness. Conclusion. Many of the long-term mentally ill patients are battling with feeling safe and secure in the everyday life. When they need support in the primary healthcare, for example, the nurse may be helped with guidance and reflection and to see beyond the illness of the patient where he/she is to be found right in that moment.

Prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infection

Johansson, Rebecka, Nilsson, Kristin January 2007 (has links)
Abstract Background: After a while the usage of urinary catheters leads to UTI which for the patient means inconvenience, suffering and pain. Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate how to prevent UTI from patients with indwelling catheter. Method: This study was a literature review in which the articles have been searched for in PubMed, Cinahl and ELIN@Kristianstad. Results: It is important for the nurse to clean the periutheral area before inserting the catheter, and has the knowledge of different cathetermaterials. Silver alloy-coated catheters reduces the rate of UTI. Discussion: It is important to remove the catheter when it is no longer needed in order to let the patient regain the integrity and self-esteem and also be relieved from discomfort, something that is important to every patient and for the nurse to observe.

Föräldrars livssituation när ett barn drabbats av cancer

Nilsson, Karolina, Sandberg, Maria January 2007 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: När ett barn drabbas av cancer är det ett hårt slag för hela familjen där de ställs inför en helt ny verklighet. En förälder i kris kan bli oförmögen att visa känslor och stänger därför in den skuld och sorg de känner för att just deras barn och familj drabbats. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva föräldrars livssituation när ett barn drabbats av cancer. Metod: Metoden var en allmän litteraturstudie. Resultatet består av elva vetenskapliga artiklar som är systematiskt granskade och analyserade. Resultat: Resultatet visade att många föräldrar upplevde en känsla av otillräcklighet i den nya vardagen. En viktig resurs var de närståendes stöd och stödet från andra föräldrar i samma situation. Föräldrarna upplevde att perspektivet på livet förändrades och de fick en annan syn på framtiden och på vad som var värdefullt i livet. Diskussion: I den nya vardag som familjen befinner sig i är det viktigt med de närståendes stöd. Sjuksköterskans uppgift bör vara att fokusera omvårdnadsarbetet både på det sjuka barnet och dess närstående samtidigt för att främja hela familjens hälsa.

Adolescents' knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about HIV/AIDS at a college in Zambia

Andersson, Louise, Svensson, Karina January 2007 (has links)
Background: The HIV-pandemic is a global concern. Everyday about 6000 adolescents become infected with HIV. The HIV-prevalence in Zambia among adolescents, between 15-24 years, were 3,8% for men and 12,7% for women in year 2005. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore adolescents` knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about HIV/AIDS in Livingstone in Zambia. Method: The sample consisted of 67 adolescents, 33 males and 34 females in age 15-24 years. The study design was mainly quantitative, using a questionnaire-based approach with both closed and opened questions. Data was analyzed by using SPSS and content analysis. Result: The result indicates a general high level of knowledge. The narratives expressed both a deep worry for the severity of the HIV epidemic, but also indicating optimism for change. Conclusion: The participants were hesitant concerning change. The complexity of the issue was clear, information about condoms and change of attitudes and beliefs are important, but in addition poverty has to be acknowledged in order to be able to fight HIV. Bakgrund: HIV- pandemin är en global angelägenhet. Varje dag smittas runt 6000 ungdomar med HIV. 2005 var HIV förekomsten bland Zambiska ungdomar, 15-24 år, 3,8 % för män och 12,7 % för kvinnor. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka ungdomars kunskap, attityder och föreställningar angående HIV/AIDS i Livingstone i Zambia. Metod: Studiedeltagarna bestod av 67 ungdomar, 33 män och 34 kvinnor i åldrarna 15-24 år. Studiens design var kvantitativ, baserad på en enkät med slutna samt öppna frågor. Resultatet analyserades med SPSS respektive innehållsanalys. Resultat: Reultatet visade på en generell hög kunskap. Informanterna uttryckte både en djup oro över HIV-epidemins utbredning, men även en positiv antydan om förändring. Slutsats: Deltagarna visade en ambivalens inför förändring. Det framkom att mer och bättre information om bland annat kondomer är viktigt samt en förändring av attityder och föreställningar. För att uppnå förändring måste helhetsperspektiv inklusive fattigdomsanalys inkluderas.

Alkohol och arbetslivet : En studie av alkoholkulturen i en svensk arbetsorganisation och dess inverkan på de anställdas inställning till alkohol.

Olausson, Jenny January 2007 (has links)
Since drinking habits are created in social environments the workplace has an important role in alcohol prevention. This study has investigated employees (N=216) in a Swedish municipality work organisation with the purpose to describe the alcohol culture in workplace and how it influences on the workers attitudes towards alcohol. The theoretical baseline for the study has been Ames and Janes framework that explains the relation between workplace culture and drinking habits among workers. The study showed significant relations between restrictive attitude towards alcohol and not drinking with co-workers (POR: 2.5) and feeling low pressure in the work situation (POR: 2.2). Therefore it should be of interest for employers to adopt a cultural perspective and a primary prevention strategy in their alcohol policies that focuses on social relations and the workplace conditions.

"Det är inget fel på dig!" - en kvalitativ studie om upplevelser av stöd hos kvinnor med diagnosen vestibulit

Fjällrot, Linda, Jönsson, Lina January 2008 (has links)
Background: Documents and legislation inform us that parts of the public health service of Sweden, at a political level, aim to support people’s sexual health. Statistics show there has been an increase among young woman, seeking help for sexual pain during intercourse. The diagnosis that the media has come to observe lately is vulvar vestibulitis. In general there is a lack of knowledge about the existence of this state of pain and its causes, which impacts woman to get appropriate help and support in time. Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the experience of support among women with the diagnosis vulvar vestibulitis. Material and Method: Qualitative research interviews were used together with information and discussion from Vestibulit.com, an internet web community for woman with vulvar vestibulitis. The reason for using two methods was to collaborate more information for a broader perspective. Result: The result has showed that support is highly influential in reaching good sexual health. When and how the support sets in, together with understanding people in the surroundings, are highlighted as some of the most meaningful factors that the participants have emphasized. Vestibulit.com can be seen as an informative resource for the woman and gives them possibilities to exchange experiences and knowledge with each other. Conclusion: Our study has shown that there is a strong need for more knowledge and resources of the diagnosis vulvar vestibulitis, so that woman can be treated and supported in time. Through accurate health promotion woman with this kind of pain problem can expect more positive sexual health and a state of wellbeing.

Faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans omvårdnad av mrsa bärande patienter

Axelsson, Caroline, Nilsson, Annika, Ohlsson, Anna-Lena January 2008 (has links)
Mulitresistent staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacteria that is resistent against penicillin, this makes it difficulte to treat. MRSA causes woundinfections and other seriouse conditions. If MRSA establishes in an hospital environment it often spreads fast. Common ways of spreading MRSA is through direct or indirect contact. The nurse should work according to guidelines, apply hygienic routines and prevent the spread of infections. Aim: The aim of the literaturestudie was to illustrate factors that affects nurses care of patients carrying MRSA. Method: A literature study was carried out. Results: the study found four categories: knowledge, attitudes, guidelines and risk. They showed that nurses had to little knowledge about MRSA and the preventive routines that ought to be followed. If the nurse had knowledge she also had a positive attitude and was able to give same care to the patient carrying MRSA as to the ones that not carrying it. Conclusion: Knowledge, attitudes and guidelines about MRSA needs to be improved. This gives a better care of MRSA infected patients and decreases the infections risks for both medical personel and patients.

Vårdpersonalens åtgärder för att förebygga suicid hos deprimerade barn och ungdomar

Hallin, Anna, Kuqi, Ujkan January 2008 (has links)
Bakgrund: Självmord är den vanligaste dödsorsaken bland unga, en tonåring tar sitt liv varje vecka. 30-70% av dem som tar livet av sig är deprimerade, 90-95% har haft någon psykisk sjukdom. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa vårdpersonalens åtgärder för att förebygga suicid hos deprimerade barn och ungdomar. Metod: En allmän litteratur studie genom sökning av kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar i elektroniska databaser och genom manuell sökning. Sammanlagt 10 artiklar granskades och analyserades. Resultat: Det framkom att det var viktigt att identifiera riskfaktorer, ge stöd och behandling, att skapa en god dialog med patienten och anhöriga, samt att ha kunskap kring omhändertagandet av deprimerade barn och ungdomar med självmordstankar. En god relation mellan vårdpersonal och patient var centralt i omhändertagandet. Slutsats: År 2020 beräknas omkring 1,53 miljoner människor begå självmord i världen, ett självmordsförsök skulle göras varje sekund. Ökad kunskap om riskfaktorer och omhändertagande är viktigt för att minska antalet självmord. Därför behövs mer resurser till forskning och förebyggande åtgärder kring suicid bland barn och ungdomar. Background: Suicide is the most common cause of death among children and adolescents. For each minute that passes one person commit suicide in the world. 30-70% of those who commit suicide suffer from depression and 90-95% have some kind of psychiatric disease. Aim: The aim was to describe nursing care in children and adolescents with depression to prevent suicide. Method: A literature review based on qualitative and quantitative articles was carried through. Ten scientific articles were examined and analysed. Result: Five categories were identified: Support, treatment, risk factor identification, keeping a dialogue with the patient and their relatives and having knowledge about how to take care appears to be important factors in dealing with depressed and suicidal children and adolescents. A good relationship between the nursing staff and the patient is crucial. Conclusion: It’s estimated that in 2020 about 1, 53 million people will commit suicide in the world, for each second that passes one suicide attempt will be committed. This shows a great need of research and strategies to prevent suicide among children and adolescents.

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