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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mineralização in vitro de matrizes colagênicas derivadas de tendões calcâneos bovinos e de avestruz / In vitro mineralization of anionic collagen scaffolds prepared from bovine and ostrich calcaneous tendons

Kirschbauer, Klaus Giovanelli 26 November 2009 (has links)
Um dos maiores desafios da ortopedia moderna é recuperar o tecido ósseo que tenha sido perdido por motivo de doença ou acidente. Na busca de substitutos para os enxertos, tem-se utilizado comumente biomateriais para recuperação desse tecido. Um dos vários tipos de biomateriais usados são os preparados à base de colágeno. Além de desempenhar papel importante na estrutura dos tecidos, o colágeno é capaz de orientar a formação de tecidos em desenvolvimento fato altamente favorável na sua utilização como biomaterial. Uma nova vertente de pesquisa do processo de mineralização de matrizes colagênicas que vem sendo desenvolvida é a analise de como a organização do tecido interfere no modo como ocorre esse processo de deposição. O uso do tendão vem sido pesquisado devido ao fato de ser um tecido extremamente organizado, com as fibras colagênicas alinhadas por toda a sua extensão. Este trabalho teve como objetivo a preparação e caracterização de matrizes de colágeno tipo I, oriundas de tendão bovino (TB) e avestruz (TA) após a hidrólise alcalina e mineralização. Os tendões foram colocados em solução alcalina contendo sais de K+, Na+ e Ca2+ por 72, 96 e 120 h a 25°C e depois equilibrados em solução de sais, lavados em H3BO3, EDTA e água. As matrizes resultantes foram então mineralizadas em soluções de CaCl2 0,2 mol L-1, pH = 7,4 e de Na2HPO4 0,12 mol L-1 pH = 9,0 durante 6 h, ocorrendo a troca de soluções a cada 30 min. As matrizes antes e após mineralização foram congeladas, liofilizadas e submetidas à análise termogravimétrica (TG), calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), espectroscopia no infra-vermelho (FT-IR) e dispersão de energia por raios-X (EDX). DSC mostrou que não houve desnaturação do colágeno durante o processo de tratamento alcalino e mineralização. A análise termogravimétrica mostrou que houve deposição de fosfato de cálcio, com o valor dependendo do número de ciclos de mineralização. MEV mostrou que essa mineralização não é uniforme, ocorrendo a formação de aglomerados. FT-IR e EDX mostrou que o fosfato de cálcio depositado provavelmente seja hidroxiapatita, mas não em sua estrutura estequiométrica. / One of greatest challenges of modern orthopedics is to restore bone tissue that has been lost due to sickness or accident. Searching for substitutes for grafts, biomaterials have been commonly used for recovery of bone tissue. Between different types of biomaterials, several are based on collagen. In addition to have important role in tissue structure, collagen is able to guide the formation of tissues, a highly favorable fact in its use as biomaterial. A possible research in collagen scaffolds mineralization is the analysis of how tissue organization interferes in deposition process. The tendon has been used because it is a highly organized tissue, with collagen fibers lined on its structure. This research aims the preparation and characterization of type I collagen scaffolds, prepared from bovine tendon (TB) and ostrich tendon (TA) after alkaline hydrolysis and mineralization. Tendons were maintained in alkaline solution containing K+, Na+ and Ca2+ ions for 72, 96 and 120 hours at 25°C and then equilibrated in salt solution, washed with H3BO3, EDTA and water. The resulting matrices were then mineralized in 0.2 mol L-1, pH = 7.4 CaCl2 solution and 0.12 mol L-1 Na2HPO4 pH = 9.0 for 6 h, changing solutions after 30 minutes. The matrices before and after mineralization were frozen, lyophilized and subjected to thermogravimetric analysis (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). DSC showed that the collagen was not denaturated by alkaline treatment process and mineralization. TG analysis showed deposition of calcium phosphate on the scaffolds, with values depending on the number of mineralization cycles. SEM showed that the mineralization is not uniform, forming clusters of phosphate crystals. FT-IR and EDS showed that the deposited calcium phosphate is probably hydroxyapatite, but not in its stoichiometric structure.

Mineralization in the Bear River Range, Utah-Idaho

Chappelle, John C. 01 May 1975 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is t o describe the occurrences, interrelationships, and possible origin of the metallic mineral deposits of the Bear River Range. In this study, 21 mineral deposits containing minerals of lead, iron, copper, manganese, and zinc with quartz and carbonate gangue minerals, are described and classified as low temperature epigenetic hydrothermal deposits. The deposits predominantly occur in Cambrian limestone and dolomite formations located below formations with a high shale content. The deposition occurred as fracture filling and replacement along fractures associated with Teritary Basin and Range normal faults and joints which generally trend northerly in the range. No zoning of the deposits was observed. No obvious source for the mineralizing solutions was observed; however, the presence of iron and magnesium minerals in all of the deposits may suggest the possibility of a metamorphic origin. The deposits are dated as post-Eocene.

Long-term effects of prostaglandin E2 on the mineralization of a clonal osteoblastic cell line (MC3T3-E1) / 骨芽細胞様細胞株(MC3T3-E1)の石灰化に対するプロスタグランジンE2長期投与の効果

Kajii, Takashi 25 March 1999 (has links)
共著者あり。共著者名: Kuniaki Suzuki, Masatake Yoshikawa, Tohru Imai, Akira Matsumotob and Shinji Nakamura. Elsevier Science Ltd., Takashi Kajii, Kuniaki Suzuki, Masatake Yoshikawa, Tohru Imai, Akira Matsumotob and Shinji Nakamura, Long-term effects of prostaglandin E2 on the mineralization of a clonal osteoblastic cell line (MC3T3-E1), Archives of Oral Biology, 44(3), 1999 MAR, pp.233-241. doi:10.1016/S0003-9969(98)00120-4. Journal Website: http://intl.elsevierhealth.com/journals/arob/ / Prostaglandin (PG) E2 is thought to be a mediator of the effect of mechanical stress on bone formation, but its effects on osteoblasts have not yet been fully described. Here, the effects of the continuous application of PGE2 and indomethacin, an inhibitor of prostaglandin G/H synthase (cyclo-oxygenase), on the proliferation, differentiation and mineralization of a clonal osteoblastic cell line, MC3T3-E1, were investigated. The cells were cultured in media with either a high (1 μg/ml) or a low (1 ng/ml) concentration of PGE2, with indomethacin (1 μg/ml) and, as a control, with neither agent. The effects of PGE2 and indomethacin were assessed quantitatively. Indomethacin and a high concentration of PGE2 increased the total protein compared to the control and low-PGE2 cultures. 7 days after confluence, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity within the cells and extracellular matrices increased. This increase was highest with indomethacin and lowest with a high concentration of PGE2. ALP activity also increased in the medium, but only 21 days after confluence; the effects of the agents were similar to those on the cells and matrices. The accumulation of calcium, inorganic phosphate and hydroxyproline was highest with indomethacin. PGE2 production was at its maximum when the cells were at confluence and was inhibited by indomethacin. Specific [3H]PGE2 binding to the microsomal fraction of the cell was also measured to examine the expression of the PGE2 receptor. The amount of [3H]PGE2 binding per mg of protein was highest at confluence, then decreased and again increased in the mineralizing stage. These results suggest that indomethacin increases ALP activity and the accumulation of mineralized tissue in MC3T3-E1 cells, presumably by inhibiting the production of PGE2. PGE2 could signal the suppression of mineralization as early as confluence. / Hokkaido University (北海道大学) / 博士 / 歯学

Carbon and nitrogen mineralization in wetland soils of the Canadian Prairies

Dedzoe, Christian Dela 24 September 2010
Wetland soils form an integral part of the agricultural hummocky landscape in the Canadian Prairies. These soils sequester carbon and can serve as sources of greenhouse gases. Three distinctly different but contiguous soils Humic Luvic Gleysols (HLG), Eluviated Dark Brown Chernozems (EDBC) and Calcareous Dark Brown Chernozems (CDBC) located in the St. Denis National Wildlife Area (SDNWA) in four wetlands were selected for study with the aim of comparing the carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) mineralization parameters and determining soil-related factors that influence C and N mineralization in these soils. A short-term aerobic incubation study (16 d) was conducted to determine C mineralization. Nitrogen mineralization was examined using two soil N availability indices: nutrient supply rate (NSR) in a short-term incubation study (14 d) and aerobic leaching-incubation in a long-term study (16 wk). A first order model using non-linear least squares regression was fitted to cumulative C and N curves to determine C and N mineralization parameters (C mineralization potential, Co and C mineralization rate constant, kC; N mineralization potential, No and N mineralization rate constant, kN) for each soil type. Mean cumulative C mineralization, Co, mean cumulative N mineralization and No were highest in the surface horizons and decreased with depth in all the soils. The mean cumulative CO2 production values for the surface horizons were > 150 mg CO2-C kg1 soil while the lower horizon values were < 80 mg CO2-C kg1 soil. Surface mean cumulative N mineralization values were between 5 mg N kg1 soil and 10 mg N kg1 soil with the lower horizons being < 5 mg N kg1 soil. The pattern was similar for Co and No in the surface horizons with values ranging from 200 mg CO2-C kg1 soil to > 300 mg CO2-C kg1 soil and from 8 mg N kg1 soil to 28 mg N kg1 soil, respectively. Nutrient supply rate also showed a similar pattern. The clay fraction showed a stronger negative correlation with the C mineralization parameters in the CDBC than in the other two soils. Organic C and N showed a highly significant positive correlation with almost all the mineralization parameters in all the soils. Overall, notwithstanding the differences in pedogenetic characteristics of the three soils, few significant differences were observed when their C and N mineralization assays were compared. The similarity in the biochemical characteristics of the soils suggests that the observed pedogenic differences do not reflect significantly in the C and N mineralization. Although the pedogenic differences are large, the effects of these differences on soil management are not agronomically significant and the soils can be managed together.

Organic matter quality in cryosols : effect on soil nitrogen dynamics and greenhouse gas emissions

Paré, Maxime Charles 05 August 2011
Over the past millennia, complex terrestrial ecosystems have evolved in the Arctic. However, the stability of these unique ecosystems is in jeopardy because of climate changes. Due to the fact that Arctic soils store great amounts of carbon (C) in soil organic matter (SOM), any change that may occur in SOM with climate changes may substantially affect many aspects of Arctic ecosystems such as vegetation, animals, and humans. On a more global perspective, any change in Arctic SOM has the potential of modifying the overall world climate by affecting the global greenhouse gas (GHG) budget. A better understanding of the soil factors that affect soil N and C cycling at the landscape scale, such as moisture, temperature, and SOM characteristics, is necessary to produce better models. The overall objective of this study was to characterize the properties of SOM in Arctic soils and their influence on soil N and C cycling dynamics � including GHG emissions � at the landscape scale. This study was conducted in three distinct Arctic ecosystems: Sub-Arctic (Churchill, MB), Low-Arctic (Daring Lake, NWT), and High-Arctic (Truelove, NU). For each site, the sampling locations were evenly divided into five landform units: 1) upper slope (Up), 2) back slope (Back), and 3) lower slope (Low) for catena sites, and 4) hummock (Hum) and 5) wedges of hummock (W) for hummocky sites (i.e., hummock in Churchill and ice-wedge polygons in Truelove). All sites were sampled at the end of their growing season (from 2 to 3 weeks before plant senescence). The characteristics of SOM were assessed using three methods: 1) density fractionation to separate the uncomplexed light fraction (LF) from heavy fraction (HF) of SOM (LF < 1.55 g mL-1 < HF), 2) solid-state CPMAS 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy that determined the relative proportions of carbonyl-C (CbyC), alkyl-C (AC), aromatic-C (AroC), o-alkyl-C (OAC), and carbohydrates-C (CC), and 3) water-extractable organic matter (WEOM) that estimated SOM diluted in soil solution. Soil gross N mineralization was measured in situ using 15N dilution technique. Soil GHG emissions [nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), and carbon dioxide (CO2)] were measured in situ using a multicomponent Fourier transform infrared gas analyzer coupled with an automated dark chamber. The first study showed that organic surface soils, which had more than 17% soil organic C (SOC) by weight, contained relatively more labile SOM than mineral surface soils (< 17% SOC). For example, OAC:AroC ratios of the organic soils ranged from 25 to 75% greater compared to mineral soils. At Churchill, Daring Lake, and Truelove, 53, 73, and 20% of the C and N was included in the LF, respectively. All results show that the organic soils of Sub- and Low-Arctic ecosystems sampled for this study contain more fresh and un-decomposed plant residues than High-Arctic organic soils. The second study showed that both topography and ecosystems had a significant impact on gross N mineralization and CO2 emission rates. For example, at Churchill, gross N mineralization increased about 6-fold from upper slope to lower slope areas. Similarly, at Daring Lake, CO2 emissions increase about 5-fold from upper slope to lower slope areas. Topography and ecosystems had a very limited impact on soil N2O and CH4 emissions most likely because net emissions were extremely low. The third study showed that soil moisture, SOM quantity, and labile SOM parameters such as OAC:AroC and water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) positively influenced gross N mineralization, N2O, and CO2 emissions, whereas the relative proportion of AroC negatively influenced gross N mineralization, N2O, and CO2 emissions. Relationships between SOM characteristics and CH4 emissions were not significant. This study showed that Up and Back areas tended to store relatively more recalcitrant SOM (AroC) than Low, Hum, and W areas, suggesting less fresh plant input on these landform units. Assessing SOM qualities with the ability of the soils to mineralize N (i.e., gross N mineralization) and release GHG at the landscape scale and across the Arctic represents a great advance in the understanding of these complex and unique ecosystems. Lower proportion of fresh and labile SOM found on Up and some Back landform units compared to Low and hummocky sites suggest that plants have more difficulties establishing and growing on these landform units (e.g., Up and Back) that experience harsh climates. Therefore, generalizations of the climate change impacts on soil N and C cycling processes throughout Arctic landscapes and ecosystems are less certain if topography is not considered. These results are particularly important because they can be used to produce better models that evaluate SOM stocks and dynamics under several climate scenarios and across Arctic landscapes and ecosystems.

Carbon and nitrogen mineralization in wetland soils of the Canadian Prairies

Dedzoe, Christian Dela 24 September 2010 (has links)
Wetland soils form an integral part of the agricultural hummocky landscape in the Canadian Prairies. These soils sequester carbon and can serve as sources of greenhouse gases. Three distinctly different but contiguous soils Humic Luvic Gleysols (HLG), Eluviated Dark Brown Chernozems (EDBC) and Calcareous Dark Brown Chernozems (CDBC) located in the St. Denis National Wildlife Area (SDNWA) in four wetlands were selected for study with the aim of comparing the carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) mineralization parameters and determining soil-related factors that influence C and N mineralization in these soils. A short-term aerobic incubation study (16 d) was conducted to determine C mineralization. Nitrogen mineralization was examined using two soil N availability indices: nutrient supply rate (NSR) in a short-term incubation study (14 d) and aerobic leaching-incubation in a long-term study (16 wk). A first order model using non-linear least squares regression was fitted to cumulative C and N curves to determine C and N mineralization parameters (C mineralization potential, Co and C mineralization rate constant, kC; N mineralization potential, No and N mineralization rate constant, kN) for each soil type. Mean cumulative C mineralization, Co, mean cumulative N mineralization and No were highest in the surface horizons and decreased with depth in all the soils. The mean cumulative CO2 production values for the surface horizons were > 150 mg CO2-C kg1 soil while the lower horizon values were < 80 mg CO2-C kg1 soil. Surface mean cumulative N mineralization values were between 5 mg N kg1 soil and 10 mg N kg1 soil with the lower horizons being < 5 mg N kg1 soil. The pattern was similar for Co and No in the surface horizons with values ranging from 200 mg CO2-C kg1 soil to > 300 mg CO2-C kg1 soil and from 8 mg N kg1 soil to 28 mg N kg1 soil, respectively. Nutrient supply rate also showed a similar pattern. The clay fraction showed a stronger negative correlation with the C mineralization parameters in the CDBC than in the other two soils. Organic C and N showed a highly significant positive correlation with almost all the mineralization parameters in all the soils. Overall, notwithstanding the differences in pedogenetic characteristics of the three soils, few significant differences were observed when their C and N mineralization assays were compared. The similarity in the biochemical characteristics of the soils suggests that the observed pedogenic differences do not reflect significantly in the C and N mineralization. Although the pedogenic differences are large, the effects of these differences on soil management are not agronomically significant and the soils can be managed together.

Organic matter quality in cryosols : effect on soil nitrogen dynamics and greenhouse gas emissions

Paré, Maxime Charles 05 August 2011 (has links)
Over the past millennia, complex terrestrial ecosystems have evolved in the Arctic. However, the stability of these unique ecosystems is in jeopardy because of climate changes. Due to the fact that Arctic soils store great amounts of carbon (C) in soil organic matter (SOM), any change that may occur in SOM with climate changes may substantially affect many aspects of Arctic ecosystems such as vegetation, animals, and humans. On a more global perspective, any change in Arctic SOM has the potential of modifying the overall world climate by affecting the global greenhouse gas (GHG) budget. A better understanding of the soil factors that affect soil N and C cycling at the landscape scale, such as moisture, temperature, and SOM characteristics, is necessary to produce better models. The overall objective of this study was to characterize the properties of SOM in Arctic soils and their influence on soil N and C cycling dynamics � including GHG emissions � at the landscape scale. This study was conducted in three distinct Arctic ecosystems: Sub-Arctic (Churchill, MB), Low-Arctic (Daring Lake, NWT), and High-Arctic (Truelove, NU). For each site, the sampling locations were evenly divided into five landform units: 1) upper slope (Up), 2) back slope (Back), and 3) lower slope (Low) for catena sites, and 4) hummock (Hum) and 5) wedges of hummock (W) for hummocky sites (i.e., hummock in Churchill and ice-wedge polygons in Truelove). All sites were sampled at the end of their growing season (from 2 to 3 weeks before plant senescence). The characteristics of SOM were assessed using three methods: 1) density fractionation to separate the uncomplexed light fraction (LF) from heavy fraction (HF) of SOM (LF < 1.55 g mL-1 < HF), 2) solid-state CPMAS 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy that determined the relative proportions of carbonyl-C (CbyC), alkyl-C (AC), aromatic-C (AroC), o-alkyl-C (OAC), and carbohydrates-C (CC), and 3) water-extractable organic matter (WEOM) that estimated SOM diluted in soil solution. Soil gross N mineralization was measured in situ using 15N dilution technique. Soil GHG emissions [nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), and carbon dioxide (CO2)] were measured in situ using a multicomponent Fourier transform infrared gas analyzer coupled with an automated dark chamber. The first study showed that organic surface soils, which had more than 17% soil organic C (SOC) by weight, contained relatively more labile SOM than mineral surface soils (< 17% SOC). For example, OAC:AroC ratios of the organic soils ranged from 25 to 75% greater compared to mineral soils. At Churchill, Daring Lake, and Truelove, 53, 73, and 20% of the C and N was included in the LF, respectively. All results show that the organic soils of Sub- and Low-Arctic ecosystems sampled for this study contain more fresh and un-decomposed plant residues than High-Arctic organic soils. The second study showed that both topography and ecosystems had a significant impact on gross N mineralization and CO2 emission rates. For example, at Churchill, gross N mineralization increased about 6-fold from upper slope to lower slope areas. Similarly, at Daring Lake, CO2 emissions increase about 5-fold from upper slope to lower slope areas. Topography and ecosystems had a very limited impact on soil N2O and CH4 emissions most likely because net emissions were extremely low. The third study showed that soil moisture, SOM quantity, and labile SOM parameters such as OAC:AroC and water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) positively influenced gross N mineralization, N2O, and CO2 emissions, whereas the relative proportion of AroC negatively influenced gross N mineralization, N2O, and CO2 emissions. Relationships between SOM characteristics and CH4 emissions were not significant. This study showed that Up and Back areas tended to store relatively more recalcitrant SOM (AroC) than Low, Hum, and W areas, suggesting less fresh plant input on these landform units. Assessing SOM qualities with the ability of the soils to mineralize N (i.e., gross N mineralization) and release GHG at the landscape scale and across the Arctic represents a great advance in the understanding of these complex and unique ecosystems. Lower proportion of fresh and labile SOM found on Up and some Back landform units compared to Low and hummocky sites suggest that plants have more difficulties establishing and growing on these landform units (e.g., Up and Back) that experience harsh climates. Therefore, generalizations of the climate change impacts on soil N and C cycling processes throughout Arctic landscapes and ecosystems are less certain if topography is not considered. These results are particularly important because they can be used to produce better models that evaluate SOM stocks and dynamics under several climate scenarios and across Arctic landscapes and ecosystems.

Comparison of Mesozoic Magmatic Evolution and Iron Oxide (-Copper-Gold) (`IOCG') Mineralization, Central Andes and Western North America

Girardi, James Daniel January 2014 (has links)
Mesozoic Cordilleran arc magmatism along the western margins of North and South America shows similar patterns of episodic activity, but differences in tectonic setting, in composition, and in peak magnitudes of magma fluxes. The development of iron oxide(-copper-gold) (‘IOCG’) mineralization accompanies the pulse of arc magmatism in North and South America, but is most prolific during the early to middle Mesozoic pre-orogenic phases of the Cordillera. The focus of this work is to better understand the episodic nature of Cordilleran magmatism, controls to magma sources and compositions, and controls to Cordilleran IOCG mineralization. The objectives of this study are accomplished by focusing on two regions of the Cordillera that experienced similar early-middle Mesozoic tectonic settings, but display very different magmatic fluxes, compositions, and development of IOCG systems. The Coastal Batholith of northern Chile was investigated for the timing, composition, and fluxes of magmatism at three scales of observation including 1:1M scale between ~18°S to 34°S, 1:100K scale between 26°S to 28°S, and 1:20K scale along a transect at ~27.5°S where new major elemental, trace elemental, and Nd, Sr, and O isotope data were acquired. From the western United States magmatic fluxes and compositions were compiled from the literature, as were characteristics of Jurassic IOCG occurrences in the central Mojave Desert, California. Geologic framework analysis at 1:250K scale and new 1:5K scale mapping of the hydrothermal features associated with Jurassic IOCG occurrences were conducted in the central Mojave Desert, California. Results from northern Chile reveal that the Coastal Batholith formed in a dominantly extensional setting, had episodic magma fluxes that were dominantly mafic (dioritic-quartz dioritic) during peak output, and has uniformly depleted mantle-like Nd and Sr isotopes regardless of magma composition. Published compilations from coeval arcs of North America indicate that they display the opposite relationships to Chile between tectonic setting, magmatic fluxes, and magmatic compositions. Results from mapping in the southern Palen Mountains, California, and synthesis of composite exposures across the central Mojave Desert, California demonstrates that IOCG systems in this region are vertically zoned and genetically related Jurassic intrusions ranging from diorite/gabbro to granite in composition. The mineralized occurrences have intermediate depth (1–4 km), cores of magnetite±hematite mineralization with sparse Fe(-Cu) sulfides, and zone upward to acid-altered tops and downward to Fe-depleted, metal-poor, Na±Ca-altered roots. These patterns resemble those observed in IOCG systems throughout the Cordillera of the Americas.

Biomimetic Materials Processing: Implementation of Molecular Imprinting and Study of Biomineralization Through the Development of an Agarose Gel Assay

Boggavarapu, Sajiv January 2006 (has links)
Biomimetics is defined as an approach in which naturally occurring materials processes are mimicked in laboratory situations. The ultimate goal is to develop synthetic analogues of naturally occurring materials such as bone and teeth, classified as biocomposites, which possess similar chemical and mechanical properties. The work presented here provides the initial work in furthering the progress of biomimetic materials processing.The first element of the work utilizes molecular imprinting as a selective recognition, or sensing tool, for detection of low molecular weight organic molecules. Molecular imprinting is a phenomenon in which crosslinked synthetic polymers exhibit selective binding towards small organic molecules. Initial work in the field was done in which numerous processing steps were involved with bulk polymer samples while the achievement here lies in the development of molecular imprinted polymer films which greatly facilitate the processing and characterization. Molecularly imprinted polymers are sometimes referred to as artificial antibodies due to the selective binding aspects that are highly analogous to natural antibodies.Additional work involves transforming the recognition aspects of molecular imprinting into a biomineralization analogue. Biomineralization is the process in which organisms convert freely soluble minerals (namely calcium carbonates and calcium phosphates) into solid parts, such as bones and teeth, at ambient conditions via the influence of organic molecules such as proteins and carbohydrates. The molecular imprinting approach with biomineralization led to limited success but formed the foundation for a more detailed study into the effects of small organic functional groups (COOH-, OH-) on the growth of calcium carbonates and calcium phosphates, the core components of important biocomposites such as bone.In order to study the effects of organic molecules on the calcium based crystals, a mineralization assay was developed in an agarose gel matrix for studying inhibition and growth as influenced by various organic molecule functionalities. The gel mineralization assay is a novel approach in which quantitative and qualitative data could be generated in a high throughput fashion to determine organic molecule mediation of calcium based crystal growth. Such methods provide an approach for eventually providing control in development of synthetic biocomposites with customized materials properties.

Monitoring Organic Contaminant Concentrations and Carbon Mineralization in Field Soils Receiving Alkaline-Stabilized Biosolids

Gillis, Joseph Daniel 25 May 2011 (has links)
The application of municipal sewage biosolids to agricultural land is a common practice worldwide. Increasing attention is being directed at the presence of organic contaminants bound to the organic phase during wastewater treatment, which end up in the biosolids. The goal of this study was to investigate the decomposition of an alkaline-stabilized biosolid being used as an agricultural soil amendment containing unknown organic contaminants. A two year field trial and a 120 day laboratory soil incubation using increasing rates (0, 7, 14, 28, and 42 Mg ha-1) of an alkaline-stabilized biosolid (ASB) were set up to monitor biosolid decomposition and concentrations of selected contaminants over time. The seven contaminants selected for monitoring (p-cresol, indole, 4-t-octylphenol, phenanthrene, triclosan, carbamazepine, and benzo[a]pyrene) represent a wide range of physico-chemical properties and fall under several different chemical classes. The decomposition of ASB in soil was examined in the incubation study. Almost half of the CO2-C evolved from ASB amended soils occurred within the first 6 days, indicating that a relatively labile pool of carbon remains in ASB following the sewage treatment process. By day 121, between 71 to 78% of the total carbon added to soil had been evolved as CO2-C. A new model developed during this study to describe carbon mineralization, a first order plus logistic function (FLOG), performed better than other commonly used models. The method chosen to analyze organic contaminants in soil was only able to determine four out of seven compounds reliably, with recoveries greater than 50% for 4-t-octylphenol, phenanthrene, triclosan, and benzo[a]pyrene. In treated soils, only triclosan was able to be detected and quantified. Average triclosan concentration in the incubation study ranged from a high of 143 ng g-1 on day 3 to a low of 26 ng g-1 by day 121, representing an 81% decrease over a roughly 4 month period under idealized conditions. In the field, triclosan concentrations following a Fall biosolids application in Oct. 2008 increased to detectable levels (29 to 47 ng g-1) in all three plots measured in Nov. 2008, which remained elevated (29 to 66 ng g-1) over the winter period in two out of three plots when sampled in May 2009. Following the Spring application in June 2009, measured triclosan concentrations in July 2009 samples from these same two plots were lower than predicted (33 to 48 ng g-1) and eventually decreased to levels below the detection limit by the Oct. 2009 sampling.

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